Drinks, Tears And Kisses



In some kind of small yet very fancy bar, our familiar Devil Hunting group could be seen sitting together at a table in the V.I.P area, not only do they get privacy in such a place, but were given the best food and drinks that the bar had to offer.

"Bwah!~ Nothing better than having a nice drink with friends after such a difficult mission!~"

Himeno was currently chugging her next mug of alcohol already, no doubt already on her way of getting drunk.

"Thank you for taking us out, Captain."

Aki Hayakawa was probably the only one drinking and eating in moderation, but seemed to be in a more relaxed and good mood in general.


Power of course was being her usual self, thinking she deserved more and would do everything to get more than she actually needed.

"You're the best Kobeni!~"

Denji was just happy to have any chance to get free food, free drinks and be close to the person he liked, definitely seeing this as one of his best days ever.

"You're welcome, please enjoy yourself, you all worked very hard during our mission, you all deserve this."

And lastly, Kobeni Higashiyama, she was the one who set everything up for her team, getting the best food, drinks and V.I.P table for everyone, both as a reward and to show how much she cared about them.

"To be fair, you and your Devilish friend did most of the work, we just sat back and watch you three fuck some shit up~"

Though despite being given such a prize by Higashiyama, Himeno, who was somehow just getting more drunk by the minute, couldn't help but point out how she and Hayakawa didn't really do as much in comparison to the Devils and their leader.

"N-No, you did your part to-"

Which made Kobeni panic and try to explain how useful and helpful they were in the recent mission they were in.

"It's fine, we understand there will be moments where we need to leave things to you, we don't have a problem with that."

But Aki quickly cut off his captain and reassured her that it was fine, clearly not really bothered by how little he and his partner were able to do in the mission against the Eternity Devil.

"Though don't overdo it, we're Devil Hunters too."

Though Aki still reminded the Deviltrix host to rely on her team and trust them to handle things instead of doing everything by herself.

"I-I understand."

Which Kobeni nods and accepts her teammates advice.

"My Queen! Since I did such an amazing job, may my reward be to see your feline transformation again?~"

As everyone was trying to get back to their celebration and enjoy themselves with their food and drinks, Power decided to take this opportunity to ask her Queen for a reward, specifically being able to see her favorite transformation again, "Kurutta".

"Ugh... When we get home..."

Kobeni groans at this, clearly not wanting to do it, but she couldn't ignore or deny her Fiendish teammate begging and just accepts her requests.


This made Power very happy and excited.

"Speaking of transformation, which one is your favorite of Kobeni's monsters? For me, I like her Moth one, it feels similar to my Ghost Devil."

Though the Blood Devil's request to see their Collared Leader tiger transformation brought up a interesting topic idea for Himeno, as after taking another swing of her drink, asked her team what was their favorite monster form was, as well as sharing her own, which was "Mothra", much to Higashiyama surprise.

"I like her Mummy one, her wraps feel like warm blankets and it's how we first met!~"

And the Deviltrix host continues to be surprised when her group starts saying their favorite alien, with Denji picking "Mirra" as the one he liked the most.

"I guess her tiger transformation feels the most useful I suppose."

Even Aki named which transformation he liked, which just made his Collared Leader blush brightly in embarrassment.


Though Hayakawa picking "Kurutta" made Power very upset, as she demanded him to change his answer, though he just promptly ignored her and ate his food without a care in the world, which only made her growl in anger.

"I like her dog form."

Though before anyone can stop the horned blonde from causing more trouble, as well as continuing to make Higashiyama all shy and embarrassed when they talked about her and her transformation, a certain someone not only interrupted the commotion, but also shared their own personal favorite transformation.

"It reminds me of a few of my pets~..."

This made the entire Division group turn to face the voice and see that it was Makima herself, both entering their V.I.P room and sharing the monster she liked from the Deviltrix host, that being "Hakken", the Werewolf.

"M-Miss Makima! W-What a surprise, I d-didn't expect you to come here!"

Kobeni suddenly got all nervous and panicked, clearly wasn't prepared to see her Boss here of all places and didn't know how to handle the situation.

"No need to be so worried Kobeni, all I wanted was to come over and thank you all personally for how you handled your recent job, I hope I'm not interrupting your celebration."

Makima tries to calm down her Collared Employee, as she only wishes to express gratitude and praise the entire team for a job well done.

"N-Not at all, in fact, would you like to join us?"

Though Kobeni not only accepted the praise but also offered her boss to join in the celebration with them, which interested her and let out a thoughtful hum. Her swirly eyes took a glance at the Chainsaw Man, who continued to eat his food without a care in the world.

"Is that alright with all of you?"

Though Makima didn't make it obvious who she was really after, looking at the entire group and continued with her polite personality as she asked permission from them.

"The more the merrier!~"

Himeno seemed more eager to have another drinking buddy with them.

"I don't mind it."

Aki also accepted the Control Devil joining them, even asking their personal waiter to prepare something for her.


Power just barely noticed the Manipulative Devil, her face was currently stuffed with lots of food.

"Sure, whatever."

However Denji didn't seem to acknowledge the Devil of Domination at all, more focused on his food, drinks and Higashiyama, which made the swirly eyes twitch a bit at him dismissing her, though she didn't let that bother her, in fact, she confidently put herself in between him and the Deviltrix host, which annoyed him greatly to have her sit next to him and get in his way, but he knew he couldn't say or do anything about it, so he just grumbled and ate his food with a pout, much to the redhead satisfaction, as she then grab her mug of beer that was ordered for her and just enjoy the celebration with everyone.

"So, Kobeni, I noticed that in one of your reports, the Eternity Devil offered you a contract, something involving giving up Denji life in exchange for your freedom?"

Though once Makima felt like she was part of the group and made them comfortable around her, she decided it was time to bring up a specific topic, specifically bringing up something that made her Collared Employee tense up, as well as catching everyone else's attention.

"Y-Yes, it did, b-but I refused the offer."

Kobeni instantly felt uncomfortable, as she tried to avoid eye contact with everyone and focus on her meal.

"And seeing how Denji is still here, I must assume it all worked out in the end."

Makima tries to hide a smirk as she sees Higashiyama squirming before her, as she continues to speak about the subject while acting as if she didn't understand the atmosphere she was making with the group.


Kobeni started to shake a little from being reminded, forcing her to clench her fist to stop it.

"That makes me happy to hear that, I can't imagine how difficult of a decision that must've been, I mean, I don't know what your relations are with him, but it must've been pretty horrible to even consider sacrificing someone so close to you, I mean, if you're even close in the first place."

Makima then started to selectively choose her words carefully as she spoke, purposely planting doubt and making the Deviltrix host question her past actions and intentions.


And it seemed to be working, as Kobeni started to shake even more so, as her breathing became less calm, even tears started to swell up in her eyes.

"So glad to know you care enough about your teammates to not even think about sacrificing them, even if you are promised freedom and a chance to live."

When Makima finished making her point, it seemed to have finally broken her Collared Employee. Quickly she stood up from her seat, refusing to look anyone in the eyes under the guise of ignorance of not knowing what actually happened.

"Please enjoy your celebration, I, um, I am gonna get some fresh air..."

With a quick bow apology, Kobeni calmly yet quickly left the V.I.P room, not giving anyone a chance to stop her.

"She's so kind and thoughtful to you all, isn't she?"

Makima still kept up with her oblivious act, though in her head, she was smug about what she just accomplished.

"Um, yeah..."

Aki and Himeno didn't really know how to react to what happened, while Power could only angrily glare and growl at her boss. She didn't care much about their thoughts because she knew they couldn't do anything about it, and she hadn't said anything bad technically that would get her in trouble.

"Say Denji, I've been-"

Once Makima felt like everything was in her control, she decided to take this chance to speak with her Chainsaw Man without the interference of Higashiyama. However, when she turned to speak with him, she was surprised to see him not only ignoring her but also getting up from his seat and quickly chasing after the person who had just left. This undoubtedly upset her greatly and made her frown in response.


Meanwhile, outside the restaurant, the Hybrid tried looking around and quickly looked for any clues to where the Deviltrix host would be at, luckily it didn't take too long to figure out where she was, as all he had to do was follow the tears and the sound of crying.


Which leads Denji to the alleyway, and finds the Collared Human sitting next to a dumpster and hugging her knees to her chest, as she continues to sob softly to herself.

"Kobeni, are you ok? Was it something Makima said? I can tell her to fuck off and make her apologize to you."

Denji immediately kneeled in front of Higashiyama and wasted no time trying to comfort and reassure, doing whatever he could to make her stop crying.

"I thought about killing you..."

But before the Devil Human could help Kobeni, he paused himself when he realized what he just heard from her.


Denji didn't really know how to properly respond to what he was just told.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I know it's bad of me to say this, t-to even think about it, i-it was so very wrong of me, I'm so sorry..."

Kobeni could only put her face deeper into her knees, as guilt and shame could be heard in her whimpering and crying voice.

"B-But you didn't kill me-"


Denji was about to reassure Kobeni, but was interrupted when she suddenly snapped, glaring at him with more tears streaming down her eyes and cheeks.

"A-And I don't know i-if I will think like that again..."

But then Kobeni looked back down, as she felt so hopeless and defeated with her actions.

"You already suffered enough Denji, from what you told me, and I just... I just don't want to continue making you suffer..."

Kobeni then placed her face into her knees again and continued with her sobbing.

"Maybe it would be better if you went with Makima and joined another team..."

After Kobeni finished saying what she truly felt to the Hybrid, he could only stare in silence for a couple of moments, before suddenly getting behind her and just gently holding her close to him, and letting her have her moment to cry herself out.

"... I sometimes stare at your butt when you walk up the stairs."

And after waiting long enough, Denji suddenly revealed something that definitely caught the Deviltrix host's attention.


"Also I was able to feel your tits when you hugged me that one time."

"M-My, Wha-?!"

"Also I liked it when you tied me up as that Mummy girl, it was kind of hot."


And the more that Denji revealed to Kobeni, the more confused and shocked she became, so much so that she was no longer crying and was just looking at him with such disbelief, as she didn't know what to do with the information she was given or how to handle it properly.

"Just trying to make you feel less guilty whenever I die, or even when you kill me."

But before the Collared Human could think of a way to react to what she was told, Denji suddenly said something else that distracted her from such thoughts.

"M-Make me feel less guilty?"

Kobeni was still confused, but was more calm, as she was trying to understand what he meant by that.

"I will admit, I do hate the idea of you sacrificing me, even making me like you a bit less because of it to be honest."

Denji frowns to himself, as he still remembers how the person he liked was even considering killing him.

"But I would rather you kill me because you hated me instead of you feeling bad about it."

But what Denji said while explaining how he felt about the whole thing only added to Higashiyama's surprise.

"But why? Why would you make me want to hate you?"

Kobeni obviously didn't know what made the blonde want that, even if she did want to sacrifice him, it was out of desperation of the situation, not because she hated him, she couldn't imagine hating him.

"You saved my life, that fact will never change."

Denji sighs, even while he had the memories of the person he liked was thinking about killing him, he could never deny or forget the many times she had been nice to him and saved him more time than he could count.

"So if you do want me dead, at least let me die knowing you could be better off without me, that you would be happy that I'm gone and can smile again."

And because of those specific memories, not only could Denji not bring himself to hate the Deviltrix host at all, but he would rather have her hate him instead if she did decide to kill him.

"Because it would fucking suck to repay you back by making your life miserable despite making mine better."

And once Denji finished giving his personal reason and feeling on the matter, he was suddenly met with a sight he thought he would ever see, which was laughter, laughter specifically coming from the same Collared Human who usually cries at every chance she could get, it was now his turn to be utterly confused in this moment of time.

"Heh... You're the most unusual person I know to want that..."

But before the blonde could even question what he was just witnessing, he was quickly cut off by a kiss on the cheek, given by none other than Kobeni herself.

"But I promise that I will only kill you if I hate you."

Kobeni still sounded defeated, and tired of trying to understand anything anymore, but it was alright with her now. She just looked at the Devil Human with a gentle smile on her face instead.

"Does that sound fair?"

Kobeni just continues to look at the Hybrid with her more warmer and happy expression, which makes him look away shyly and blushes brightly.


Denji no doubt felt embarrassment from both her beautiful smile, and because of the kiss he managed to receive from her, whatever negative feelings or dislikes he might have had for her were suddenly washed away by that simple action.

"Thank you Denji, you have weird ways of making me feel better, but I'm glad you tried."

Kobeni, now feeling much better about herself, as well glad to have such a friend to go out of his way to cheer her up in a completely weird way, it was enough to make her heart feel lighter and stand back up to her feet with newfound eagerness in her steps.

"Come on, let's continue celebrating with our team~"

Kobeni then reaches out her hand to her blonde friend, ready to go back to her group back in the restaurant to have a good time with everyone, which he said nothing else as he grabbed her hand and let her drag him back to their teammates.

'She kissed me...'

Though as Denji was getting dragged by Kobeni, he couldn't help but touch the cheek that had been kissed, as he was able to finally process what just happened to him, and when he realized such a thing, he couldn't help but smile to himself, as if he was able to achieve something he never thought he would ever do in his entire life.

'At least I can die knowing I got a kiss from a cute girl~...'
Hey my lovely readers, remember the Big Chill giving birth episode? Well, first of all, that will be part of the story, so don't worry about that, BUT! The reason I ask this is because I wanted to know if you would be interested if I did that with other Aliens? Obviously not all of them, but I do have some plans that involves that very idea with a specific alien that isn't Big Chill, OF COURSE, they're just ideas, I don't need to do it, but given that Kobeni is a female, Deviltrix works in mysterious ways, plus it would be funny and I just like cute alien babies in general, I am very interested in doing it, but I would still like to hear your opinion on it, and if you do like the idea, which other Alien should I do it with?~

(BTW, since Makima is gonna be involved with a lot more Ben 10, plus more stuff, in the future, i might as well start giving her some new pet ideas, i have some character in mind, but I'm open to suggestions)

/New Makima Pets\

Classic: Kraken or Werewolf or Every Dr. Animo mutant pet.

Alien Force: Ship.

Ultimate Aliens: The Naljians Box Cude Toy.

Omniverse: Nemetrix.

Generator Rex: NoFace.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Mahoraga.

Random Pet: At the moment I'm thinking of giving Makima Garm from God of War, but if you have better ideas I'm willing to listen.

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