Attending Such Ghostly Affairs


"Hi everyone, guess who's back from the dead, hehe~..."

In the office, a certain few, specifically Denji, Power, and even Makima herself, couldn't help but express genuine surprise or shock once they saw Kobeni Higashiyama and Aki Hayakawa bring in a now, very much alive, Himeno, who couldn't help but be embarrassed and shyly laugh at her current predicament.

"Huh, this is definitely unexpected."

Makima wasn't really sure how to properly react at this moment, though she could only assume this was the result of her employee Higashiyama again, once again surprising her with what she can do.

"Himeno? Is that really you?..."

As for Denji, he was honestly truly speechless, while his feelings towards her weren't as close to what he has for the Deviltrix host, even so, seeing this now Ghostly Hybrid alive again, he couldn't help but smile and be happy with this fact.

"Well, I'm not sure to be honest, I mean, definitely not what I was before."

Himeno was also glad to be alive, even if she was technically still dead? A Undead Lady maybe? From how she looks and feels.

"Ew, what are these flap things on your person?"

Power was more curious than happy to see her, taking a closer look at this new Phantom Girl, specifically poking and pulling at the splits and openings in her skin, which resulted in her getting smacked in the face by a black and white tendril and knocking her down to the ground.

"T-There's your answers~"

Himeno, among others like Hayakawa and the Hybrid, tried not to laugh at what happened to the Blood Devil, who could only glare in response. The only ones not laughing were the Boss lady, who just let out an amused grin, and the shape-shifter, who was the one to help her fallen teammate get back up to her feet.

"I hope you will forgive me for what I did to you, it was selfish of me to do, "This", to you..."

Kobeni, after helping up the Fiend, couldn't help but feel regret and guilt, even though what she did resulted in the revival of her partner, she still thought it was unfair and selfish to do what she did to her body, especially without her consent.

"Hey, I'm alive because of you, sure, my body is kind of strange now, but better than being dead~"

Himeno quickly hugged and ruffled Higashiyama's hair, letting her know that everything was okay and reassuring her that she had done nothing wrong, which did make her team leader smile gently in response.

"I wish to also express my appreciation of your survival."

But such a touching moment was immediately interrupted by none other than Makima herself.

"Unfortunately, your new form of yours might classify you as either a Fiend or Hybrid, and while I have no obligation to have you executed or locked up."

A ruined moment made upsetting when Makima brought up the fact that the Ghostly Hybrid was, very obviously, not classified as human anymore.

"Yeah, basically losing my human rights, damn, well, could be worse."

Something that Himeno was very aware of was the many downsides to her new body, but at the same time, she wasn't necessarily bad. Especially with people like the Chainsaw Man and the horned blonde, who were still able to live such happy lives despite their restrictions, it couldn't be all that bad.

"If you allow me, Mrs Makima, I will take full responsibility of looking after Himeno, to take care of her, as well as being able to prevent any side effects her new body might have."

As the Undead Lady tried to consider her new role in life, mostly if she would be allowed in bars without an escort, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a hand being held by Aki, not only that, but he also declared to basically take care of his partner, much to her surprise, as a small blush formed on her cheeks, she wasn't expecting this, but she wasn't going to refuse it either.

"I have no objections."

And neither was Makima, accepting the proposal and allowing the Devil Hunter to look after the Phantom Girl.

"With this minor issue fixed, time to get to the main problem at hand."

With all that said and done about a certain someone coming back to life, Makima decided it was time for the next topic of the day.

"Does it have to do with the attackers?"

Which Kobeni was able to already guess what the said topic was about.

"Correct, and I fear this won't be the last time we will see them."

Makima leans forward, hands together and resting under her chin.

"Which is why I must prepare you all for when that happens, as well as calling for some assistance in this matter."

Makima wore a very stern narrowed eyes expression, no doubt a very serious matter to consider.

"Prepare us how?..."

Denji raised an eyebrow, unsure what the redhead meant by "Preparing" them.

"Power, Denji, you two will be given special training from one of my associates, Kishibe."

As soon as Makima mentioned this, she was first met with confusion by the two blondes.

"H-Hey! Wait! Does this mean I'll be away from Kobeni?!"

"I Refuse To Be Away From My Queen!"

Before both Denji and Power come to realize that this possibly means that they would be away from their, "Queen", which the two expressed outrage and displeasure from such an idea.

"Both of you, please listen to Makima."

Though just as the Control Devil was about to ask them to calm down, Kobeni already beat her to it and politely requested her teammates to behave.

"Yes Ma'am/Queen!"

Which both Denji and Power didn't hesitate to listen, once again making the so-called "Boss" of them twitch her eyes again, even her calm smile strained and tightened.

"I'm not making you change teams, if that's your concern, I just realized your lack and poor performance of combat, and I just think that Kishibe will be a big help in fixing that."

But as always, Makima was able to keep a cool head, and just continued to just explain the reasoning of why the two Devils need to be trained.

"He managed to help me become a better fighter, so I know you will be in good hands."

Kobeni nods in support of her Boss idea, as she tries to reassure her teammates that they would be taken care of and be made stronger and better.

"I guess..."

Denji couldn't help but cross his arms and let out a pouting expression, not really able to say no to the Deviltrix host.

"But why can't you train us?"

"Yeah! I would rather be taught how to kill by you instead of a random human nobody!"

But even though they agreed to listen to the shape-shifter, Denji, as well as Power, couldn't understand why she couldn't train them instead of some random "Kishibe" that they had never met before.

"It's because I already promised to help train Himeno and Aki instead."

Which Kobeni simply replied with an equally simple answer.

"Due to Kobeni "Changing" Himeno, it will be her job to help her teammate adapt to her new body and abilities."

Makima explained further and gave extra context for why Higashiyama would be busy training the others instead of them.

"Basically she's taking responsibility for what she did to me~"

Something Himeno couldn't help but not only tease the two blondes, but the Deviltrix host as well, who blush softly in embarrassment and puff her cheeks.

"Himeno I get, but why Aki?"

But even if Denji could understand the Ghostly Hybrid reasoning, he still didn't understand why the only human male of the group was training with his shape-shifter.

"Because I'm the most useless and weakest person here, even more so without my Fox Devil."

Aki lets out a very defeated sigh when he admits his reasoning and problems.

"The Eternity Devil and Katana Man unfortunately made me realize that."

Before Aki could be upset for being so worthless, and the many examples showing that fact, he was quickly hugged and comforted by his partner.

"Come on Aki, don't say that, you're not weak or useless."

Himeno gave words of encouragement to Hayakawa.

"A-And even if you are, I promise that I will help change that, as it is my duty as your Captain!"

While Kobeni gave her words of reassurance that her teammate could become stronger, and she would do everything she can to make that idea come true.

"Thank you."

All this support and comfort was enough to make Aki feel better, even smiling once knowing he had such people who would treat him in such a way.

"He seems to be getting too familiar with our Queen, maybe we should kill him now before we have another rival."

Though as the Devil Hunter was receiving such attention, Power leaned towards her fellow Devil, expressing the desire to get rid of the human male that was getting too close to her "Queen".

"I don't think that will be a problem, I think he has a thing for Himeno."

And while Denji did feel the same, he was able to hold back his fellow blonde Fiend, not to worry about Hayakawa stealing from him, especially since he seemed to have his attention more focused on his Undead Lady friend.

"Of course, there is more to be said about our situation, but that can be saved for later, for now, everyone go home and rest for today, because tomorrow, I expect all of you to get stronger and prepared for the upcoming war we might have."

After everything was said and done, as well as making sure everyone understood the situation they were all in, Makima decided to end the conversation here and just dismissed everyone, so that they could begin preparation for the future conflict that would likely arrive sooner rather than later.

"We promise not to fail your expectations."

With proper thanks and goodbye, Kobeni and her team started to head towards the exit and plan to return home, having a lot to do and get ready for.

"Actually, Kobeni, may I speak with you in private?"

However, just before they could all leave, Makima had one more thing to say, specifically with and about Higashiyama.

"Of course."

Of course, Kobeni accepts, not having a reason to deny a request with her Boss.

"I'll meet you all outside."

Once Kobeni said her goodbyes, reassuring them that she would catch up with them later, she walked back and up to the desk.

"Is there something you need from me?"

As Kobeni stood before Makima, wondering what she wanted to ask from her, the Control Devil couldn't help but let out a small smile, which seemed to have a hint of "deviousness" behind such a small expression.

"Tell me, would you be willing to do the same for others what you did to Himeno?"
Sorry if this chapter is short and such, I'm try to set things up and I've been planning a lot for the future of this story, yup yup yup, can't wait to share them in future chapters~

(BTW! At the moment, I don't see a reason why Kobeni wouldn't use her Deviltrix to fix or even revive fallen Devil Hunters, so yeah, unless you have any objections, you might expect Makima controlling a new "Army" one of these days, hehe~)




/Higashiyama Di Ralla\

/Alien K\

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