Aftermath Celebration


"What are you doing here?..."

Back at the home of Kobeni Higashiyama, Denji could be seen opening the front door and instantly looking very upset and annoyed to see that it was none other than Makima standing on the other side of the door he had opened.

"I was invited by Kobeni, something about a party taking place here?"

Makima spoke with a simple and calm expression, though seeing the Chainsaw Man immediately act and look at her with annoyance made her clench her fist, which she tried to hide behind her back.

"Why would she invite you? You didn't do anything helpful or useful during our mission."

Frustration became even harder to hide for the Control Devil as Denji spoke to her with such obvious dislike. Her calm smile tightened and strained to stay on, while an angry vein popped on her head. She clenched her fist so hard that she dislocated her thumb. However, before any more of this "Negative Atmosphere" could spread further, a single saving grace was able to come in and fix all that was wrong.

"Makima, is that you?"

Kobeni walked up to where both her Hybrid partner and her Boss was at, oblivious to the tension as looks at them both with a very happy and calm smile on her face.


Denji let out a small huff as he glanced back at the Devil of Domination, who looked back with a small yet smug smile, which made him grumble more annoyed, but he didn't say anything as he left and allowed Higashiyama to deal with her.

"I know I was to invite you, but I'm still surprised you showed up."

Kobeni wore a slight surprise but overall happy smile as she walked up and met up with Miss Conquest.

"Well, I don't always work constantly, I like to have fun and hang out with my friends."

Makima tries to ignore her experience she just had with the blonde and gives her so-called "Friend" a very "Friendly Smile".

"Y-You consider me your friends?"

Which definitely surprised Kobeni to hear. While she obviously never saw her boss as an enemy, she still didn't expect to be called a friend, never imagining herself being that close with her.

"I know we haven't spent much time together to justify the claim, but hopefully you could see me the same way I do for you?"

Makima continued to speak with the Deviltrix host with the same "Friendly" tone, for most it might seem that she was probably not being genuine with what she was saying.

"O-Of Course!"

But Kobeni unfortunately wasn't that type of person.

"A-And as my friend, allow me to let you in, don't be afraid to treat my place like your home as well."

In fact, Kobeni 100% just accepted the offer for "Friendship" and decided to do everything she can to honor, which includes letting in the Control Devil into her home.

"I appreciate it, Kobeni."

Which Makima thanks and walks inside the penthouse of the shape-shifter.

"Greeting everyone, I hope I'm not interrupting your fun."

Once inside, Makima could now see everything that was inside. Despite being called a party, it was all simply put together: a single banner that says "Mission Accomplished," a table full of average foods and fruit punch, and alcohol. Of course, all the people who were part of the mission were there. The Devil of Domination greeted them with a friendly face, though many didn't seem to return the feelings.

"Oh great, the Witch is here..."

Power did not hide the facts that she absolutely hates the Devil of Conquest.


A feeling shared by Denji, though not as obvious as the Blood Devil.


Kishibe was completely indifferent, more interested in the flask he was drinking from.

"Oh, yeah, hi Makima."

Aki Hayakawa, while he didn't have any negative feelings or thoughts about his Boss, seemed to be distracted in deep thinking to really give her any real attention and acknowledgement.

"Yay! More Party Members!~"

And then there was Himeno, who seemed to have had a few beers already and was starting to get drunk, but seemed to be the only person who would actually give the Control Devil any kind of greetings and kindness. The red head couldn't help but struggle not to frown or twitch her eye, even though she wasn't expecting to be greeted like a Queen or anything like that. She wasn't particularly happy that everyone was either looking at her with hateful eyes or just not looking at her at all.

"U-Um, I, would you like to eat our food? I didn't have time to cook, so I just visited a few restaurants and stores and just started buying everything I can..."

Again, Kobeni didn't notice anything, as she was focused on treating her guest like a proper host of this party, which did catch the Devil of Domination's attention, and she noticed the food being offered to her.

"Burger King?..."

Makima did see something that catches her swirling eyes, as she picked up a brown paper bag with a logo that came from "Burger King", looking at it with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a new fast food restaurant that opened up, apparently it's quite popular in America."

As Kobeni explains where she got it, as well as being a popular place, the Devil of Conquest just simply opened the bag and pulled out a Whopper Jr burger.

'It just seems like another burger place, how could something unoriginal be popular?'

Makima looked at the burger with an unimpressed look before bringing it closer to her face and taking a bite of the food. Her once emotionless swirly eyes suddenly perked up once she ate the burger.

'Oh, I see...'

As the Control Devil experienced Burger King for the first time, Hayakawa continued to be lost in thought, wearing a very complicated expression, as if very uncertain about what he should do next.

"Hey Aki, you ok?"

But such complicated expressions and thoughts were quickly interrupted when Himeno snapped Topknot out of them.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, why do you ask?"

Aki shakes his head, trying to clear his head and focuses his attention towards the Ghost Lady.

"You just seem, distracted and broody? Come on, this is a party, so let's have fun!~"

Himeno, despite being somewhat drunk, was still sober enough to see that something was wrong with the Devil Hunter and couldn't but he worried about it.

"Sorry, just tired I guess from our mission."

Aki quickly tries to brush it off and reassure the Ectonurite Hybrid that he was fine.

"Well, I guess that makes sense, you did mention how you had to fight both the Snake and Ghost Devil after I got swallowed."

Which seemed to work for the moment, though that didn't stop Himeno from worrying.

"Yeah, that was the reason..."

Aki sighs and rubs his face, feeling beyond exhausted with all this craziness he's been experiencing so far

'Luckily, most of her memories were forgotten after suffering from extreme shock and possession...'

'Yeah, we'll see how long that will last~'

Aki tries his best to just, well, not worry about his problems right now, to which the Future Devil didn't make it possible, but he simply ignores him and looks back at his undead partner, who continues to speak with him.

"Also, thank you again for convincing the Ghost Devil to come back to me, I don't know why, but I just feel more, "Complete", with my contract you know?~"

Though as Himeno continues to have a conversation with Hayakawa, he couldn't help but just look at her, now wearing a different face, specifically an expression that shows he was trying to debate about something, like wanting to say something, but whether or not if he should actually say it.

"... Will you marry me?"

But after having a moment of such internal conflicts, Aki decided that he literally had nothing to lose and just simply asked a certain question to the Ghost Lady.


Which Himeno responded with extreme shock and went eye wide, obviously not expecting it, even assuming she was just hearing things.

"I said would you marry me?"

But Aki made sure to be clear on what he said, and confirmed that the Ectonurite Hybrid had heard what he said correctly.

"D-D-D-Don't you think you're asking this question too carelessly? Also we haven't even had a proper date, we aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend-"

"I have two years left to live, Himeno..."

Himeno stutters and stumbles over her words, all while blushing very brightly in extreme embarrassment, but just as she is trying to find the right words to say at this moment, Aki says something that once again catches her attention.

"And that's not considering the types of jobs we do."

Aki looked down and clenched his fist tightly, not only because of the limited time he had due to the Curse Devil, but also because of his way of life in general, and how anything or anyone could end it suddenly.

"Also I just got you back, and I don't want to waste my 2nd chance."

Aki wipes away some tears, as he remembers how he felt when he saw his undead partner die before him, which made him realize that now he shouldn't waste any time he has with her.

"Of course, I'm not forcing you to do anything, you're not obligated to listen to my selfish request."

Aki, after taking a deep breath and calming himself down, looks back at the Ghost Lady straight in the eye.

"But I don't want to miss my opportunity again, nor die with regrets."

Aki then reached over and grabbed the hand of the Ectonurite Hybrid, pulling and holding it close to himself.

"So please, even if you say no, I would still be satisfied with knowing that I didn't waste my chance with you."

Aki didn't care what outcome he would get. All that mattered to him at this moment was making sure he could die knowing he hadn't wasted any opportunities he had with his undead partner and could die without anything more to regret.

"... Heh, you're a crazy man, that's for sure."

The answer wasn't instant, as Himeno had a lot to process, both from what Topknot said to her, as well as the proposal she was given. Yet, after having a chance to finally consider everything, she let out a small smile and used one of her tendrils to wrap around her partner's waist, pulling him closer to herself.

"And luckily for you, I'm just as crazy~"

As Himeno accepts such a crazy man with her own crazy answer, she hugs and holds him close, now refusing to let him go, as if not risking or wanting to lose what she has left in her life.

"Thank you, I promise to treat you right with what time I have left."

Aki couldn't help but smile at this, beyond glad to have it, happy with what he was given, and now, promises to do everything he can to never let this moment go to waste and cherish his new life, despite its being limited.

"You promise me 2 years, so you better not break that deal or I will seriously kick your ass~"

Himeno giggles as she lets him go, yet still stays close to him, the Devil Hunter just chuckles in response and continues to smile at her.

'I don't care how bad my future is, today is a good day, and that's all I will ever need to be happy.'

As Aki can finally enjoy the party with his new undead "wife", not far from them, a certain fiend and experienced hunter could be seen in the background, witnessing the new couple forming before them.

"Looks like the two have finally become mates huh? Must be nice."

Power huffs at what she sees, all while she pets hybrid cat Meowy, who lays and naps in her lap.


Kishibe asked, though not particularly caring if he would get an answer from her as he drank from his flask again.

"HAH! No! Why would I ever be jealous!?~"

Power laughs in response to the older man's question, as she denies what she actually felt.

"Especially since it won't be long before me and my Queen will become brides soon~"

In fact, Power started to ramble on about how she and Kobeni would be perfect together, how it was only a matter of time, and that it was basically fate and destiny that it would happen, all that delusional talking.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that."

Something that Kishibe completely ignored and does not care about, taking another swing from his flask.

'Good, Kobeni is making allies.'

Yet despite this, Kishibe couldn't help but be secretly glad that someone like the horn blonde exist.

'Allies who are specifically loyal to her, and not Makima.'

Kishibe glanced back towards Makima, who was now in her 10th bag of Burger King.

'It probably won't be enough, but every advantage we get just only increases our odds.'

Kishibe clenched his flask tightly as he then glanced at Kobeni, who could only watch Makima with wide eyes when she ate another whopper, all while eating a whole tub of ice cream to herself.

'I'm counting on you, Kobeni, so please don't fail us.'

Meanwhile, back with the Chainsaw Man, he was currently in his room and sitting on his bed, arms crossed and pouting.

"Such bullshit... Why does she have to be here... Still haven't forgiven her for making you cry..."

And the reason Denji was upset was because Makima was here, and he had no desire to be anywhere near her. However, before he could retreat to his room and continue being upset about it, a certain someone opened his door.

"H-Hey Denji?"

That certain someone was none other than Kobeni herself, who let herself in and closed the door behind her, as she then walked up to the Hybrid, who instantly noticed her very embarrassed and blushing expression.

"Hm, yes Kobe-?"

But before Denji could even greet her and ask what was wrong, she immediately cut him off by grabbing his face and giving him a quick kiss on the lips, which made him gasp in shock as he then fell back once she let go.

"B-But didn't you win the bet?..."

Denji's mind was racing, as he struggled to process and understand what had just happened. His heart was beating quickly, and a light blush was forming on his cheeks.

"I-I did yes, a-and thank y-you again for buying m-me ice c-cream..."

Kobeni was also beyond embarrassed, her face was all red like a tomato, but she tried to keep a calm and cool expression despite the situation she had put herself in, and failed at it.

"T-Then why did you kiss me?"

Denji looked at her with wide eyes, while he was beyond happy to have a dream be accomplished today, he still didn't know why Higashiyama did it in the first place.

"A-s the Captain, i-it's my job to r-reward my teammates, e-especially when it c-comes to s-someone who saved m-me from d-danger."

Kobeni looks down and fiddles with her fingers as she tries to give her reasoning for what she did, which didn't sound all that convincing.

"A-Ah, well, I was just doing my job, hehe~..."

But whatever the reason was, Denji would just accept what he can get, as he would definitely treasure this moment forever.

"A-Also, y-you said y-you wanted a kiss f-from me, I-I don't why y-you would, b-but if it makes y-you happy, then I will d-do it!"

Though the moment was slightly ruined when Kobeni mentioned that she didn't understand why anyone would want a kiss from herself, or how it seems she only did it to make others happy but not herself, the blonde didn't really know how to react to that.

"N-Now come on, let's enjoy t-the party with the rest of o-our friends!"

"Ok Kobeni?..."

But Denji wasn't really given a chance to reply, as Kobeni then grabbed his hand and wanted him to come back to the party, as she wanted everyone to be there to have fun and get along, not wishing anyone to miss out. However, while she was doing this, the Chainsaw Man couldn't help but be upset and deep in thought again, though for a different reason this time.

'I think I'm starting to understand why consent and equal love matters...'

For the time being, Denji would need to worry about that for another time, as there was a party to be had, which everyone started to finally have and celebrate, all having fun in their own special way. Himeno and Kishibe were having a drinking contest, both ended up passed out drunk. Denji and Power played a lot of children's party games, like bingo or pin the tail on the donkey. They were very competitive and used it as an opportunity to see who was worthy of a certain someone's love. Aki spent most of his time more focused on planning a wedding instead of participating in the party, though he did have to stop Denji and Power, or sometimes Himeno, whenever they got "into trouble". As for Makima, she ate all of the Burger King, and then ordered more Burger King to eat some more. All in all, everyone seemed to be having such a wonderful time today, and it made Higashiyama very happy that the party was such a success.

'That party was surely fun.'

Of course, all fun times had to come to an end. Some left and went home, like Makima, who took the remaining Burger King with her, as well as Aki and Himeno, though one had to carry the other home. Others stayed, like Power and Denji, who live here, and Kishibe, who was still passed out drunk. They were all currently asleep in the living room together.

'I should do it more often.'

And as for Kobeni herself, once she cleaned up the mess from the party, as well as cleaning herself up and changing into more comfortable house clothes, she just got ready for bed. But as she laid down and turned off the lamp, she couldn't help but keep smiling to herself. She didn't care what happened yesterday, or what was going to happen tomorrow. Today, she would most definitely call it the best day she had so far. And now she was able to go to sleep knowing this, it was enough to give her hope. She didn't know what she was hoping for, but she had it, and so far, there was nothing that would take that away from her.

"DNA Of Designated Mate Acquired: Commencing "Seed Planting" Protocol."
Very excited for the next couple of chapters I have planned, and I hope you're excited for it to~

(Also hope I didn't rush the whole "Aki X Himeno" thing, but considering that Aki only have 2 years to live, not to mention having a 2nd chance with Himeno, I like to think this makes sense, but what do you guys think?)

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