Chapter 5: The Shabbat Dinner Part 1

After a long drive, Wade, Knuckles, Eve, and Jazz arrive at a pale blue house that has a yard, bushes with a blue mailbox, and it has a gray van.

Wade turns to the others, "Stay hidden until I give you the signal."

"Why?" Knuckles asks.

"'Cause I think you're gonna freak people out," Wade says.

"Yeah. It's best we take it slow on who you have in mind," Eve says.

Moments later, after the three aliens hid. The woman opens the door to see Wade. The woman has slightly curly dark brown hair, peach skin, and brown eyes. She is wearing a purple, green and pink shirt. She gasps to see Wade.

Wade says, "Hi, Mom. I'm home."

The woman happily laughs and says, "Wade, my little hamentashen!" and gives Wade a kiss on the cheek, "How long has it been? Well, I can tell you exactly how long it's been. Two years, three months, and 13 days. Not that I'm marking my calendar.

The two laugh.

"Clearly," Wade says, and begins to explain, "Uh, listen, Mom, it's good to be home. I-I do have something to..."

But someone approaches from behind. It's a woman who has long black hair done up in a ponytail, peach skin, and brown eyes. She appears to be wearing blue shirts with 'FBI' on them in yellow.

She removes the black sunglasses and says "'Sup, Wade?"

"'Sup, Wanda?" Wade says.

The woman, Wanda says, "I gotta tell you. If you're back here because you lost your squad car again, you wanna borrow Mom's Volvo, mm, don't bother. Volvo is too much car for you anyways.

Wade's mother then says, ""Wanda..."

But Wanda says, "Maybe you should just stick to embarrassing yourself on the little baby scooter you've been taking on duty instead."

"Wanda! Know what's embarrassing?" Wade argues.

"What?" Wanda questions.

"You wearing a windbreaker inside," Wade answers.

"Oh, Wade," The mother replies.

"There's no wind in here. That's insane!" Wade says.

But Wanda counters, "I bet my whole life is insane to a local cop like you 'cause I'm out there breaking cases, dude. I'm going undercover. I'm working for the FBI...!"

"What is that? Why do you say it like that?" Wade questions, sounding a bit sarcastic.

"That's how everybody in the FBI says it," Wanda says.

Then Wade says, "Then they should reprint the jackets."

"That would be so dumb, Wade," Wanda says.

"Why are you here?" Wade questions Wanda, before turning to his mom, "Why is she here?"

"Yo! I'm here protecting the SODOTOTUS," Wanda says.

Wade laughs, "Okay..."

"That's the Secretary of the Department of Transportation for the United States," Wanda clarifies, "He's rolling in, and I'm working his 'cade. That means motorcade. That's what we call it in the FBI because it saves valuable seconds so we can save more lives."

"Mm-hmm," Wade replies.

"Are we done?" The mother asks.

"Mm-hmm," Wanda answers.

Then Wade says, "Mom, I need to tell you something. I, uh, brought someone here."

"Oh. Oh! A friend?" The mother questions.

"Yes..." Wade says.

"Oh, well-" Wade tries to explain.

But his mother guesses, "A girlfriend?"

"Mm..." Wade replies.

Then the mother asks, "Is she Jewish?"

Wade awkwardly laughs and turns to the side. That's when Eve, Knuckles, and Jazz come forward.

And Knuckles says, "Great Matriarch of the Whipple clan. I bow my head to you in respect, and I thank you for giving us safe harbor in our time of need."

And then, Wade's mom falls over, "Oh..." and faints.

Eve sighs, "Not again."

"Probably shoulda opened with your introduction in retrospect," Wade points out.

"I think your mother learning that you've been hanging out with walking talking hedgehogs and echidna is what really got her," Eve points out.

Sometime later, everyone is inside, trying to get acquainted with one another. And with the introductions, meeting Wade's mother, Wendy, and his sister, Wanda.

The mother, Wendy, takes a sip of her tea and sighs, "It's okay. I'm good. I'm fine," but still in shock.

Then she asks, "So... he's from space."

Wendy scoffs, "Allegedly."

"Yes," Wade says.

Wendy puts the tea down and says, "I do apologize for fainting. It was very rude of me. You're my guest. Welcome to our home.

"It's okay, you're not the first with that reaction towards us," Eve says.

"Chao," Jazz replies.

"We will not be here long," Knuckles says.

"Yeah, maybe just the night, and then we'll be outta your hair," Wade says.

"Yo, I don't care who these guys are, I'm still gonna have to check him for weapons," Wanda says.

She brings out a metal detector wand and begins scanning Knuckles with it.

Knuckles is not amused, "You dare draw a weapon on me? What is this sorcery?" and the scanning is starting to make him uncomfortable, "Wade... Wade!"

"You have a metal detector on you even when you're not on duty?" Wade questions.

" I'm never not on duty, bro," Wanda says, and begins scanning Eve.

"Damn, that's a good line," Wade says.

"Wanda, they're guests," Wendy sternly says.

"Yes, Mom," Wanda says.

Soon, the detector beeps when it scans the sword, and the rings around her wrists and ankles.

"Uh, is that a sword?" Wanda asks.

"Yes, and before you ask, I don't use it on civilians," Eve points out.

Then Wade says, "Don't worry, she doesn't really use it much," Then turns to Eve, "But maybe you should uh, put it in the closet. So it won't worry everyone."

"Okay," Eve says.

She removes the scabbard and places it in the closet in the living room.

"So... Knuchles-" Wendy says.

But Wade clarifies, "Knuckles."

"Knuckles," Knuckles cinforms.

"Knuchles! That's what I said. Knuckles. Knuchles," Wendy says, "Wade...

But Wade says, "You're not saying that. You're making, like, a 'c-h' sound. You're saying, 'ch.'"

"Yeah, it's weird," Wanda says.

And Wade continues, "It's like- It's not like a dessert," as Wendy says, "Knuchles! Enough.

Eve and Jazz giggle in response.

Wanda turns to Eve, "And you say your name is Eve, and this little uh, flying thing is Jazz."

"That's right," Eve says.

Then Wendy says, "I would so love it if you would join us for dinner."

"A ceremonial meal? With the Chief of the Whipple clan? It would be my great honor," Knuckles says.

"What Knuckles means to say is that we'll be happy to join," Eve says.

"I'll just put out four extra places," Wendy says.

But Wade says, "Wait a minute. It's not... Is it?"

But Wendy says, "Please. Join us for Shabbat dinner."

Wade ends up recapping from his childhood, and it's not good. When they're kids, Wanda shoves food in his face, and is very aggressive towards him. Wendy ends up burning one of the foods that it's in fire. There is also a goat on the table and You Wade is screaming in fear while Wanda runs around.

And back to reality, Eve, Knuckles, and Jazz notice the terror in his eyes as Wendy and Wanda take their leave.

"Wade, what is happening?" Knuckles asks.

"Are you okay, you're looking very pale," Eve adds.

Wade whispers to them, "We gotta get outta here. For the last few decades, every single Whipple family Shabbat dinner has been nothing but deceit, betrayal, and violence."

Wendy then asks Wade, "So, are they Jewish?"

"Uh, y-yeah, on they're, uh... Half, I think," Wade says.

"Uh, mother's side?" Wendy asks.

"I was about to say, I think so," Wade says.

She laughs and gives Wade a kiss, "Oh good, oh good." and takes her leave.

Wanda then looks at the group and gives them the 'I've got my eyes on your look.' Knuckles is confused by it, but Eve gives Wanda the raspberry in response. Wanda ends up chucking and walks away.

Confused, Wade asks, "I don't know why it's important that it's the mom's side, but just say that it is. I don't ask you about the millions of grapes you eat."

"You leave my grapes out of this," Knuckles says.

"So uh, why did your mom ask if we're Jewish?" Eve asks.

Wade sighs in response.

Soon enough, everyone is at the table having dinner.

Wade is amazed, "Wade: Mom! You made all of my favorite foods, even the ones from the most obscure Jewish holidays! Everything looks so... brown.

"What a feast! I am famished, but where are the grapes?" Knuckles says.

"They're in the wine, buddy," Knuckles says.

"I have to admit, the food looks different," Eve says.

"I think you'll like them," Eve says.

Soon, Wendy walks over to the table with the candle, "Ah! Welcome, everyone," And place them on the table, "Mm. Family members and guests."

She then sits down, "Now... Knuchles, Eve, Jazz I'm not sure how much you know..."

Wade clears his throat

As Wendy continues, "...about the traditions of the Jewish people."

"I know very little, but I admire your tiny hats," Knuckles says.

Eve and Wade laugh after hearing it.

And Knuckles says, "And I assume with a feast like this, the epics must tell of your great victories on the battlefield. At first glance, I thought you to be a malnourished weakling."

"Oh," Wendy replies.

But then Knuckles says, "But when you were cutting that meat, I noticed your arms are quite muscular. Oh. Like a warrior!"

Eve rolls her eyes in response.

"Oh! Well. Thank you, Knuchles," Wendy says "I do Pilates three times a week.

Then turns to Wade, "Wade, I like your friend."

Wade nervously laughs, "Okay. Weird."

"So um, Wendy, what exactly is Shabbat?" Eve asks.

Wendy then explains, "Shabbat is the day of rest. It's about home. Every Friday, for three hours, the Whipple family, whoever's here, sits and eats together until the Shabbat candles burn out. And traditionally, the women of the home..." But Wanda continues texting her phone.

Wendy says, "The women of the home light the candles. Wanda? Meh. Wanda, if you could help me."

But Wanda says, "No way, Mom! I'm on a work call. SODOTOTUS might go to Macaroni Grill."

"Wanda," Wendy sternly says.

"What?" Wanda questions.

"No phones at the table," Wendy says.

"It's work, Mom!" Wendy says.

Eve says, "I'm. I can help if you want."

"No, it's okay. I'll do it myself, but thanks for the offer," Wendy says.

Wendy then brings out the lighter and uses it to light up the candle.

Wendy sighs and prays, "Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha'olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav..."

As Wendy continues, Wanda swipes Wade's spoon.

"That's my spoon," Wade says.

"Mm-mmm," Wanda responds, "That's my spoon. It's not your spoon. Your spoon's over there."

Soon Wendy finishes the prayer.

"No, that's Knuckles' spoon," Wade says, "That spoon in your hand is my spoon."

"Oh," Wanda replies before throwing the spoon away, "Oh, you know what? Sorry. That is your spoon."

Wade then comes out of his seat and begins to look for the spoon, "Where'd it go? Hey, Nolan Ryan, where'd you throw it?"

"It went under the little table," Wanda says.

Wade sarcastically laughs, " Hahaha! So fun!"

"It is. It's awesome," Wanda says.

"So funny!" Wade says annoyed, and picks up the spoon, "Ugh. It's gross".

He then stirred his spoon into his glass. He then clatter the spoon on the table, and grabs a napkin to clean it up.

"Alright. Everyone, dig in," Wendy then says.

Soon, everyone begins eating their dinner.

Wendy then asks, "So, Knuchles... tell me about your family."

"My people were killed by a race of giant owls," Knuckles says.

"Owls?" Wendy questions.

"I am now the last of my tribe," Knuckles says.

"Oh," Wendy replies, "Our tribe has been through some tough times, too. Minus the giant owls. He's basically Jewish."

Wade laughs, though it sounds forced.

"How's the food?" Wendy asks.

"Mm!" Knuckles says, and eats the food. And bleches, "Delectable! This soup!"

"Aw," Wendy says.

"Gross," Eve mutters

Then Knuckles says, "I've never seen balls so plump and swollen with flavor," And continues eating and laughing.

Eve giggles as she and Jazz eat.

" Yo, your friend is wild," Wanda says.

Eve says, "You don't know the half of it."

Knuckles continues eating, "And you say this is fish, yet it has the consistency of a wet sponge. I cannot stop eating it."

"Gefilte fish. One of our planet's greatest mysteries," Wendy says, "Oh, let me get you some more, sweetie," and serves him some more.

Then Wendy says, "Now, tell me about these owls."

Wanda then asks Wade, "Hey. How'd you get involved with these weird aliens?"

"Look, it's not a big deal, but I've been working with a secret global law enforcement agency called GUN. Actually, you know what? It's a huge friggin' deal," Wade says.

But Wanda laughs and says, "There's no government agency called GUN. That's the fakest name I've ever heard, Wade. Hm. Plus, if they were lookin' for people, why would they recruit a small-time cop like you?"

But then, Wade says, "Look, I can't really talk about it, but I happen to know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. And I'm doing all this work pro bono, which means for free. I know. It's mostly international stuff, but it does tend to point sometimes intergalactic. Way above the FBI pay grade, so you probably wouldn't understand."

And yet, Wanda says, "No, I knew what it is. I've heard of GUN. I know what it is, and I actually... I actually know a guy there, too."

Wade blows a raspberry and says, "You know someone from GUN?"

"Yeah, I do," Wanda says.

"Mm-hmm," Wade nods and asks, "What guy do you know at GUN?"

"Jim... Jim Gunagent," Wanda answers.

"The GUN agent you know is named Jim Gunagent?" Wade questions.

"Yeah. That's right," Wanda says, and questions, "Who do you know there? Who's your guy? Oh, who's your guy at GUN?" and scoffs.

And Wade answers, "The guy I know is actually..." and clears his throat, "Also named Jim, uh, Gunagent, so I guess we probably know the same guy."

"Oh. Cool, cool, cool. So, I guess we both know Jim," Wade says.

And Wanda says, "I guess we both know Jim. Cool, cool, cool."

Then Wendy says, "Wade! Did you know that Knuchles almost destroyed the entire planet, and then ended up helping save it?"

"Yeah, Mom, I was there," Wade says.

"Yeah. Wade was there when it happened. It was crazy," Eve says.

"Oh," Wade says.

"And I'd gladly do it again, should I need to protect the Master Emerald and Sword," Knuckles says. He then says, "Oh! Wade also contributed."

"Thank you," Wade says.

"That's my son," Wendy says.

Wanda sarcastically says, "Ooh! Sounds so important. I'm just wondering, like, what'd you do?" And scoffs, "Like, were you picking up coffees, or were you dropping off their dry cleaning?"

Then Wade says, "If you must know what I did, right at the time that the head bad guy was gonna attack, I said 'Hey,' and distracted him for a split second. And then, Sonic and Eve really took care of it."

"Sounds highly unlikely!" Wanda says.

"Well it's true. And Wade also ended up finding out where Eggman's Agent was hiding out in Green Hills. It might have been luck, but it did help us," Eve says.

"Thanks Eve, though, we weren't able to catch them after you took down the robot," Wade says.

"Now that is likely," Wanda points out.

"Wanda, back off," Wendy sternly says.

And Wanda says, "Mom! I'm just asking what he did on that day, okay? And he's saying crazy things! I don't know why you always have to side with him!"

Wade becomes annoyed by this.

But then Wendy says, "Oh, Wade. No, you, too."

"I didn't even say anything!" Wade says.

"Doesn't matter. I saw it on your face. The two of you," Wendy sternly says, "Ugh. I mean, I swear. If I could just have a moment of peace."

Everyone soon hears slurping sounds and turns to see Knuckles slurping his soup.

Then Wanda kicks him in the shins, making him scream, "Ow! You suck. Sor- "

"Wade! Language!" Wendy sternly says.

Wade apologizes, "I'm sorry, Mom, but she sucks so bad."

Wanda snickers.

And Wade whispers to Wanda, "You suck."

And Wanda punches him on the shoulder.

"Ow! Mom!" Wade screams.

Then glares at Wanda, "You wanna fight? Let's do this."

"Okay, let's go," Wanda says.

Wendy soon bangs the table angrily, "So help me God, do not make me use Krav Maga in my own home!"

That causes the two to stop fighting and sit back down.

"She's right," Wade says.

"What is this Krav Maga?" Knuckles asks.

"She used to be an instructor. Krav Maga, Israeli self-defense. Pretty hardcore stuff," Wade says.

"Really now?" Eve replies, taking an interest.

"I see. You train warriors as well," Knuckles says.

"Sounds interesting, I would like to learn that," Eve says.

Wade turns to Eve and chuckles with a smile, "Eve, you'll probably send someone flying if you learn that. Literally."

"I can't help that I'm strong," Eve says.

Wanda soon becomes annoyed, "You know what? Wh-Whatever, Mother. Okay, you can't threaten us with your Jewish karate chops because I am a federal agent!" And scoffs, "Okay? I refuse to be spoken to like this from a local police officer!"

Wade laughs, "Federal agent this, federal agent that. You know what, sounds like to me someone doesn't really know Jim Gunagent."

"Uh, do you?" Wanda questions, angrily.

And Wade says, "Uh, no because he doesn't exist!"

"I knew it! You liar!" Wanda angrily says.

"Yeah, you knew it so much, you walked right into it," Wade says.

Soon, Wendy says, "What did I do to deserve this? How many years of Shabbat spent alone? Now, both my children are finally home, and this is what I get?"

Wade soon apologizes, "I'm sorry, Mom. It's-"

Wanda becomes so angry that she pierces her fork on Wade's shoulder.

Wade screams, " Oh! Oh! Ow!" He screams, "Oh, God! Oh!" and angrily says, "Oh, I would punch you in the face right now if you weren't an adult woman and I wasn't an adult man and that is just not accepted. Oh, I hate you!" He then pulls the fork out of his shoulder and it falls to the floor. And then says, "I'm going to my room!" and leaves the table.

Wade then leaves.

This also upset Wendy, "Of course! Just go. Leave me here. Alone. Just like everyone. Just like that... good-for-nothing schmuck!"

"He's not a schmuck," Wade says and turns to the family, "He's my dad."

Wade sighs and soon heads to his room.

"Well, I'm glad I came. Another classic Whipple family Shabbat," Wanda says and takes her leave.

Now Wendy is alone with Knuckles, and the girls.

"At least I'm not all alone this time," Wendy says to herself.

Knuckles, Eve, and Jazz grow concern about the situation.

Meanwhile in some dark room, there is a man looking at some papers as he listens to the radio. He flips some papers as he listens to a song called, 'I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry' by Hank Williams.


The midnight train

Is whining low

I'm so lonesome I could cry

I've never seen a night so long

When time goes crawling by

He soon stops at a specific paper. He dials on his phone and talks to someone, "Hey. It's me. Round up the guys. Got us an easy catch... Mm-hmm. This one's definitely gonna run home to mama."

And it's revealed that he's holding a wanted poster that has Wade Whipple's picture, and a price of a hundred thousand dollars.


To hide his face and cry

Which also spells trouble for Wade and the others.

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