Chapter 12: What Happens in Reno, Stays in Reno Part 1

Not long ago, Wade's mother and sister were being held hostage by Mason, Willoughby, and Pete, his father. Wade soon has Knuckles and Eve go up on the elevator to the suite, where Agent Willoughby and Mason are waiting for them.

Wade says on the phone, " It's done. Knuckles and Eve headed your way."

In the hotel penthouse, Willoughby says, "We're in position."

The two agents are standing with their weapons in front of the elevator as it takes Knuckles and Eve to the penthouse floor.

Wade and Jazz walk over to see the numbers going up, meaning the two are close to the right floor.

On the phone, Wade says, "They're almost at the penthouse. As soon as you have them, you send my mom and my sister down to me, and please... just don't hurt them."

In the penthouse, Mason says, "No promises," and evilly laughs.

Soon, the elevator reaches the floor, and as soon as it opens, Willoughby fires her blaster at them as she maniacally laughs. After a few blasting moments, Willoughby stopped firing. Then they both approach the elevator.

As the smoke clears, Willoughby notices something, "What the..."

"What is that?" Mason asks.

When they look inside, they see that it's not Knuckles, or Eve, but a mascot costume. They both soon walk toward the entrance of the elevator as they wonder what's going on.

Suddenly, Knuckles'"voice calls out, Peekaboo."

They both look up to see Knuckles and Eve are on the elevator's ceiling. Then Knuckles punches them both, sending them flying across the penthouse. Knuckles and Eve both land on the ground and are ready to fight.

Soon, Wade says, over the phone, "Oh, shoot and darn it. I forgot to tell you guys one thing."

Soon, Eve reaches into her ear and takes out an airpod earpiece.

"Knuckles and Eve have been listening the whole time. You messed with the wrong warrior," Wade adds.

Knuckles and Eve walk in as they charge their powers.

Knuckles slams his fist together, " Big mistake."

"A Huge Mistake," Eve says.


Oh, don't give us none of your aggravation

We had it with your discipline

Knuckles charges as the two agents blast, Eve jumps over and Knuckles glides past them. Then Knuckles slams both his fists at them.


Saturday night's alright for fighting

Get a little action in

Soon, Knuckles and Mason begin fighting against each other, and Knuckles is able to punch him in the stomach.


Get about as oiled as a diesel train

Gonna set this dance alight

Willoughby tries to fire at then, but Eve kicks her hand. And then punches her in the stomach, sending her flying and crashes into the shelf with bowling pins. And some of the bowling pins fall on her.


'Cause Saturday night's the night I like

Saturday night's alright, alright, alright

Oh man...


While the fighting is going on, Wade and Jazz begin sneaking past the fight while laying low to get to where Wendy and Wanda are held hostage.

Knuckles and Mason's fight continues on until Knuckles grabs Mason's glove and starts hitting him with it.

Knuckles says, "Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!"

Wade is able to crawl under a passage as Jazz flies through to where the girls are.

Wendy is relieved, "Wade! How did you get here?"

"Jazz and I snuck in the back stairs, then, using my cat-like reflexes and natural ability to be overlooked, I was able to get in the room," Wade says.

"Chao chao," Jazz says with a nod.

"Besides, they were more focused on Knuckles and Eve anyway," Wade says, "We're here to rescue you guys!"

"Oh, thank God. We really need your help," Wendy says.

"No, Mom! We don't. I'm gonna get us outta here on my own," Wanda says, struggling to get free.

Wendy sternly says, "Wanda, please don't start that again."

"Yeah, don't be a hero, Wanda," Wade says.

"I am a hero!" Wanda points out.

And Wade says, "I've accidentally locked myself in those cuffs so many times, Tom gave me a master key!" and presents the key.

Wade then uses the key to uncuff Wendy.

"Wade, you saved us!" Wendy says.

Wade turns to his sister, "What are you doing?"

"No. Wade, stop. Stop touching me! Stop!" Wanda says.

But Wade says, "No- Stop moving your hands! If you stop moving your hands, then I-"

"I'm doing a thing right now!" Wanda says.

"What are you doing?!" Wade asks.

"I'm doing an FBI thing where I slip my own hands out of these handcuffs by dislocating my thumb," Wanda says, and begins to do just that, "Here I go," But ends up hurting herself, "Ow!"

"Oh! Just let me do it! It'll be way less painful and quicker!" Wade says.

But Wanda insists, "I'm almost there. Ow!"

"You're screaming in pain," Wade says.

Wanda continues yelling in pain, "Ow! Ah! I'm almost there!"

"Let your brother rescue you!" Wendy sternly says.

But then Agen Mason ends up crashing through the wall and into the room.

And Mason is not pleaded, "This isn't over yet..."

He then stands up, growls in anger, and charges into the room.

And still, Wanda refuses, "No! I'm not letting Wade rescue me! No freaking way!"

Then Mason charges out as he shouts, "Ah, Knuckles!" and slams his fist on the ground.

"Let's do this," Knuckles says.

And with that, both of them charge up and charge their fist at one another. Willoughby brings her blasters towards Knuckles, but Eve spin kicks them off her hands. Then Knuckles jumps up and makes Mason crash into Willoughby, cause them both to crash to the ground.

"It's all over," Eve says.

"Okay. Fine. Fine, you win," Willoughby says.

Wade soon peeks out, "Knuckles, Eve, you both okay?"

Knuckles then says to them, "Wade! Stay back."

Willoughby then uses a blaster to launch two rings.

"Not this time," Knuckles says.

With that, Knuckles punches both Warp Rings, and they open in opposite directions, sending powerful winds at each other, and suck anything and anyone in range. Willoughby and Mason get stuck within the range. Mason grabs the furniture and Willoughby grabs his leg. Then Knuckles uses his knuckles to slam his fist on the ceiling and Eve stabs the floor with the sword for support.

"Ah! Get off me!" Mason screams.

And Willoughby screams, "Ah! No! No, I can't get sucked into that thing! Help me!"

Unable to hold on anymore, Willoughby ends up getting sucked in. Mason laughs, but for a moment to see Willoughby flying towards him from the other Warp ring.

"This ain't good," Mason says.

Willoughby ends up crashing into Mason, and both of them get sucked into the Warp ring, and into the other world. Knuckles and Eve hold on as both Rings pull each other in, and struggle to hang on. Soon, both rings collide and destroy one another. Soon enough, the room has been destroyed, but everyone is safe.

Wade walks in and gasps in amazement, "Dude! That was awesome! I can't believe the plan worked. We did it!"

Then Knuckles says, "Wade Whipple, you must hurry. Your Tournament of Champions is about to conclude!"

"The tournament?" Wade questions, "You mean-"

"Yes. Your greatest victory still awaits," Knuckles says.

He then says, "This is your last chance to face your ultimate foe! The schmuck known as your father, in a ritual trial by combat on your own personal battleground!"

"I'd like five minutes alone with him in a trial by combat," Wendy says.

"The time has come for you to prove your worth as a champion, and a warrior," Knuckles says.

"You know what? You're right," Wade says. He then puts on his jacket, "This is it. This is finally my chance to-"

Suddenly, Wanda comes out, "Got it!" And laughs, "I got it!" and continues laughing, "Told you I would do it!"

Everyone is shocked to see Wanda's effort of getting the cuff off resort of getting her numb badly injured and twisted. Some are actually disturbed by it.

"W-Wanda, put that thing away," Wendy says.

Wanda delirious laugh.

"Are you okay, Wanda? What really doesn't look good," Eve asks, worried.

"Chao Chao," Jazz replies, just as worried.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Wanda says

"Impressive battle wound, Wanda Whipple," Knuckles says, giving her a thumbs up.

"Thanks, Knucks," Wanda says, and gives him a thumbs up.

Meanwhile, the finals of the Bowling Tournament of Champions is about to begin. The two anchormen are making their announcement.

Gary says, "We are here at the final round of the Bowling Tournament of Champions in beautiful Reno, Nevada, or as I like to call it, 'Las Vegas for losers.' Once again, the heavy favorite's from overseas, where they bowl on the wrong side of the lane. I'm talking about the team led by 27-time winner and legend of the lanes, Pistol... Pete... Whipple!"

With that, the crowd cheers in excitement to see Pistol Pete come out to meet with the audience.

"Look at that swagger. Wow, look at the attitude. I mean, this guy is all confidence," Dylan says.

"This crowd is goin' nuts for Pistol Pete," Gary say says.

Then Gary calls out, "Are you ready for a show?"

The audience cheers in excitement.

"Jordan. Gretzky," Dylan says.

And Gary says, "Yes. Brady. These are the names you think of when you think of athletes that have defined their sport. And with a win today, I would argue that Pistol Pete's face should be chiseled up there on the Mount Rushmore of bowling as well."

Pete chuckles in response.

Among the audience are Susie's parents.

The mother leans to her husband, "Next time she needs an after-school activity, we're doing piano lessons."

Then Gary says, "And in the challenger's corner, we have a young upstart team looking to have their first taste of championship glory. It's fronted by a small-town Montana sheriff's deputy, who also happens to be... Pistol Pete's long-lost son!" and laughs,"What?"

Dylan then says, "Allegedly. Now, here's a good father-son story. Rumor has it that Pistol Pete abandoned his son at a local TJ Maxx, choosing a bowling career over his parenting duties. I wanna say, regardless of how you feel about childhood abandonment, and I'm against it... Hm. Me, too. ...the deals at TJ Maxx cannot be beat," And laughs.

And Gary says, "No, I wish my dad left me at a TJ Maxx. But, you know what? Let's settle this score once and for all and bring out our challenger, Mr. Wade Whipple..."

Meanwhile, Wanda and Wendy arrive to take their seats.

"Yes!" Wanda says.

The two two clap.

And Wanda says, "Yes, Wade! Here he comes, everybody! Go, Wade! Get ready!"

However, Wade hasn't arrived.

"Sorry, where is he?" Gary wonders, "Uh... I'm not, uh... Is he not... I gave him the- Mr. Wade Whipple!" He then restarts the music and says, "Just like that scene in The Sound of Music... L-Let me do it again," and replays it, "Maybe he didn't hear it. Let me hear it. Uh... Let's settle the score once and for all and bring out Wade Whipple! Wade? Wade Whipple."

However, Wade hasn't shown up.

"Oh, man," Dylan says.

And Gary says, "Wade Whipple? Dylan: I-I don't have him. I don't have eyes on him. Okay, well, I- What do you mean stretch it out? I can't stretch it out... We're supposed to fill time. You know what?" He then whispers, "L-L-Let's do some of the fun facts. Oh."

Just then, Pete says, "Oh, what a pity. It appears my opponent... is officially a no-show. Which means, once again, I... am the winner!" and picks up the trophy.

The crowd begins to cheer.

However, a familiar voice says, "Put... that trophy... down."

Pete lowers the trophy to see Wade walking over.

"Dad," Wade says, and drops his bag on the ground.

"Wow... Okay," Gary replies.

"Wow... Lotta drama," Dylan says.

"Oh! There he is," A person called Wayne replies.

Wade then confronts his dad, "Surprised to see me?"

"Can't say that I am," Pete says, "You never were the sharpest thorn in the briar patch. I don't have any idea what that means, but I'm sure it's insulting. If I wanted to insult you, dear boy, I'd tell you you are in over your head, out of your league, and 10 pins away from the most humiliating defeat of your life."

The anchors are surprised to hear that, "Oh, snap! I heard that! Ooh! That's gotta hurt!"

Then Wade says, "I heard that one! In front of everybody! And if I was to insult you, I'd say your game's gotten weak, your costume smells funky, and, quite frankly, your accent sounds fake."

"Sick burn, baby!" Wendy calls out.

"Really? Even the last one?" Wade replies.

"Oh! Should we be allowed to hear this?" Dylan says, and Gary starts laughing.

And Gary says, "I think not. Should we be- I mean, this is private!"

"I'm going to give you one last chance, Wade, to do what I did all those years ago and just... walk... away. Because there's no way you can win, dear boy. You see all these lovely people? Every single one of them is here because they love me," Pete says with confidence.

As the crowd cheers, "And they have absolutely no bloody idea who the hell you are!" Pete says, and haughty laugh.

"Oh yeah, old man?" Wade says and flicks hat, "They will."

He then brushes his dad to the side. He then rips off his pants to reveal his green shorts, and throws them at Pete. The crowd gasps in response.

"Wow!" Gary says.

And Dylan says, "Whoa! Those are some athletic-looking thighs!"

"I mean, but get them in the sun. I don't think I'm supposed to be looking at that," Gary says.

Wade takes a deep breath, "Let's roll.

Everyone begins to cheer.

"Yes, Wade!" Susie cheers.

And some of the audience, including Susie's parents, begin laughing.

Soon, Wanda calls out, "Wade, put your pants back on, dude,"And nervously laughs, "It'll be cooler."

Soon, the crowd cheers as they chant his name.

Soon, Wanda and Wendy begin cheering for Wade's name. Even Susie cheers for Wade.

Soon, Gary says, "It's Whipple versus Whipple as the Tournament of Champions finals are officially underway."

"Can't wait," Dylan replies.

And with that, the match begins, and Pete scores a Strike.

"Oh! Right out of the gate!" Gary says.

"Wow," Dylan says, "Here we go. This is some great bowling action. "

"Yeah," Pete replies with a sigh, "That's how it's done. "

Soon, the crowd cheers for Pistol Pete as Pete fake fires the gun, and then points it at Wade.

Susie turns to Wade, "Man, your dad's a real turd bucket, huh?"

"Yeah, I've recently come to realize that," Wade says.

"Ahhhhh... Better keep up, dear boy. That is, unless, you're ready to wave the white flag and surrender," Pete says.

However, Wade is not giving up, and says, "I'm Wade Whipple," He then says, "Lieutenant Deputy of the smallest town in Montana. I don't know the meaning of the word 'surrender,'" and presents his hand, "Water bottle."

Susie passes him the water bottle.

"I have not yet begun to ball," Wade says and takes a loud slurp.

And with that, it's Wade's turn to bowl. He concentrates, throws the bowl, and gets a strike. Everyone cheers.

Wanda cheers, "Yes! Yes!"

"Dylan says, "Wade is not backing down at all!"

Gary laughs, "Look at the balls on this guy. Oh. tіt for tat."

Meanwhile, Knuckles, Eve, and Jazz are watching the match the bowling tournament

The announcement continues, "Look, I'm not a doctor, but technically, they share the same blood..."

Soon, a mascot comes over and asks, "Can I get a beer, please?"

"Yeah, sure," The bartender says and pours a beer.

"Hm... This truly is a strange little planet," Knuckles says.

"Well, kind of, but it has its good points," Eve says.

Then the bartender gives the mascot a drink, and asks, " Can I get you anything, honey?"

"Yes. Bring me your largest challah bread," Knuckles says.

In the bowling alley, Wade throws the ball and scores a striker. The tournament continues on as Pete and Wade continue to score strike after Strike along. Susie and Pete's teammate score strikes as well.

Gary notices, "Pistol Pete looking a little worried over there."

And Dylan says, "Oh, yeah, he looks intimidated. You know, I think he's, uh, got a little bit tougher competitor than he thought.

Wade turns to Pete, "Gettin' nervous yet, old timer? Nervous?"

Pete scoffs, "Don't be ridiculous."

Soon, Wanda cheers, "Woo-hoo! You go, Wade!"

And Wendy calls out, "And whatever happens, I'm proud of you!

"Wade! Please! Please don't choke today! Just please don't do it! Do great! Okay?" Wanda says.

"Okay!" Wade shouts.

Meanwhile, Knuckles, Eve, and Jazz are having a snack, when they begin to hear screaming. They turn to see people screaming and running.

"Hm... That sounds troubling," Knuckles says.

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this," Eve says.

Eve turns to Jazz, "Jazz, go with the others, Knuckles and I are going to see what's going on."

"Chao!" Jazz says, and flies onto the others.

Knuckles and Eve then rush out the building to investigate. They soon witnessed a car explosion and it toppled over. Just then, a large metal chain coils Knuckles and pulls him away.

"Knuckles!" Eve cries out.

Eve and Knuckles soon see something approaching them. A large mechanical robot approaching them, controlling it from within is the Buyer.

Seeing them, the buyer says, "Eve the Hedgehog and Knuckles the Echidna. It's an honor to meet you at last."

He then pulls Knuckles and throws him to the ground. Eve gasps in shock. He then whips Knuckles and slams it right at the large video screen on the building, causing him to fall over. Eve rushes over to see Knuckles has fallen to the ground.

This makes Eve furious and glares at the buyer in anger as she charges up her powers.

Seeing them, The buyer says, "I thought you'd give me more of a fight, but let's see if your little friend is any better."

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