Chapter 10: Reno, Baby Part 1

On the road, Knuckles is driving on the motorcycle, wearing the hat. Behind him are Eve, Jad, and Wade. They soon look around to see the city of Reno, bright lights, and many different buildings.

"Whoa..." Wade says, amazed.

"Wow," Eve says.


Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta

A real gangster-type player plays his cards right

Wade laughs and says, "We made it!"


A real gangster-type player never runs his mouth

'Cause real gangsterized players don't start fights

Soon, Knuckles asks, "What is this wondrous metropolis?


Showing all his boys...

"Reno, baby," Wade answers. Reno.

The group continues driving the motorcycle across the road, and stops at their destination.


Gangster-type players don't flex that

'Cause real gangster-like players know they go

"This is where it's all gonna go down," Wade says.


'Cause gangsterized play as...

The group is now staring at a large hotel with a giant ball on it.

"The Taj Mahal of Ten-pins. The Belle of the Balls," Wade says.


'Cause real gangsta-type players don't...

The National Bowling Stadium," Wade adds.

"Your battleground," Knuckles says.

"You're damn right," Wade says.

Soon enough, Wade and the others walk into the lobby of the stadium. There are people playing on casino slots, and talking and chatting, and more.

"Wow. This is some fancy place," Wade says, "Did you see the sign? Kevin James is headlining here!"

"The mall cop?" Knuckles asks.

"That means you know it's top-notch," Wade says.

"This place is really crowded, is Reno always like this?" Eve asks.

"Sure is," WAde says.

Soon, Wanda and Wendy arrived.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is," Wanda says, sarcastically.

And Wade says, "We literally planned to meet here at this exact time. It's not at all surprising."

Wendy looks around, ""Wow. This place is nice. And apparently, the spa is to die for. So what do you say, Knuchles? Wanna get a massage later?"

"Yes! My body is literally one giant muscle!" Knuckles says.

"You know what, I'm gonna hit up a bar, dude. Get myself a Wandarita." Wanda says.

Eve chuckles, "A what?"

"It's what I call a margarita, Eve," Wanda says.

"That sounds fun. I want a Wandarita!" Knuckles says, excited.

"Chao Chao!" Jazz says.

But Eve says, "Knuckles, no, that's alcohol!"

Wade also says, "No. No. There will be no Wandaritas. There will be no massages. We're on the run. We need to keep a low profile."

Then Wanda says, "Hey, Wade. That's fine if you and Knuckles wanna just slip into this sea of dorks. We're gonna go have some fun."

"We're not dorks," Wade says.

" Let's go," Wendy says and walks away.

"We're cool!" Wade says.

"Yeah, we're mad cool!" Knuckles agrees.

"Come on, let's go drink," Wendy says.

"Bye Eve! Bye Jazz! Later, dorks!" Wanda says and takes her leave with Wendy.

"Unbelievable. Isn't it crazy that we're related?" Wade says.

Suddenly, Wade spots something that catches his attention in shock.

"It's him," Wade says.

The two turn to see a man with peach skin, grayish hair and a mustache. He is wearing an outfit of red, white, and blue with british flags on it, and wears a top hat, and wears white gloves.


I'm a burning effigy of everything I used to be

Wade turns to the others, "Be cool."


You're my rock of empathy, my dear

So, come on, let me entertain you

The crowd cheers and claps to see the man coming out.


Let me

The group watches as the man pulls the slot machine, gets a win and collects the coins from the machine.

"The confidence..." Wade says.


Entertain you

He then places the coins on a waitress tray.


Life's too short for you to die

So grab yourself an alibi

Heaven knows your mother lied

"The swagger... " Knuckles says.


Separate your right from wrongs

Come and sing a different song

The kettle's on, so don't be long, mon Cher!

So, come on, let me

Entertain you

The man continues on and plays some casino games.

Soon, the croupier calls out, "Well played! Big winner!"

The man chuckles.


Let me entertain you, let me entertain you!

So, come on, let me

The man takes the chips and says, "Let my fans have them."


Entertain you

And tosses the chips to his fans.


Let me entertain you

"Wow. That guy looks a lot like you, Wade," Eve says.

Then turns to Wade, "Is that guy..."

"Yeah. He's my dad. It's like... It's like we could be twins," Wade says, amazed.

And begins to approach him, "I mean, he's so..." But soon walks away, "No, no," He laughs, "Can't talk to him."

"What is wrong?"" Knuckles asks.

"Are you okay, Wade?" Eve asks.

"Look at him. My dad is so cool. I wouldn't even know what to say to him," Wade says.

"Well, I do. Come, Wade Whipple. I have an idea," Knuckles says.

"You sure this is gonna work?" Wade asks, and begins to approach his dad.

Over the phone, Knuckles says, "I will not let you down, my friend. It was known far and wide by all Echidna that Knuckles has a way with the words."

Turns out, Knuckles, Eve, and Jazz are hiding nearby so they can watch Wade to keep an eye on him, and to make sure they can't be seen.

"Now, confidently approach the one they call Pistol Pete and say..." Knuckles explains.

Soon, Wade speaks up to Pete, "Father Whipple."

Pete turns to see Wade and says, "Hello there. So, what are we signing today? Balls, pins, body parts? If you want a signed photo, I'm afraid it'll run extra."

Eve says to Wade over the phone, "Tell him your name."

And Wade does just that, " It is I, Wade Whipple, your long-abandoned... progeny," and sighs.

Soon, Pete recognizes him, "Wade?"And sighs, "My God. It is you. I know what you must be... Thinking.

"That I'm here to slay you and take my rightful place on the throne. But... no. I come here today to make peace," Wade says.

As Knuckles says to Wade, he says, "To repair the paternal bond that you so callously tore apart many decades ago. I see."

Eve and Jazz cover their mouths and try their nest not to giggle.

Pete chuckles, "Are you feeling alright, dear boy? You... You seem a little different."

"Yes!" Wade says, "I have grown into a powerful adult man with many great skills and accomplishments to my name."

"Have you now?" Pete questions.

Wade continues, "Many human women have taken notice of my feats of strength. Yes."

"Yes, I get that. But, tell me, wh... why are you talking like this?" Pete asks, kind of confused.

Wade then says, "This is extraordinary. It's like looking at a mirror image of myself. Of course, I am more muscular and mighty, and you are frail and sickly. But..."

As it turns out, Knuckles gets himself distracted by a mascot that looks like him. And because Knuckles still has the phone on, he is complimenting the mascot

"The resemblance is uncanny!" Knuckles says, "You truly are a stunning creature!"

The mascot turns to Knuckles, "Oh, sick costume, bro! Are you here for the mascot convention, too? What team are you with?"

"My tribe? The Echidnas!" Knuckles says.

"Oh, right. They play in... Albuquerque, right? Go, 'Chidnas!" The mascot cheers.

Eve sighs and takes the phone. She says to Wade, "Wade, Knuckles got distracted so uh, just winging it I guess."

Wade then talks normally, "You know what? I'm just gonna speak for myself. I came here 'cause I missed you, Dad. I was hoping you'd missed me, too."

"Well, of course I missed you, son," Pete says.

He then asks, "So, what are you doing here? Did you come to watch your dear old dad knock over some pins?"

"Oh, no. I'm here to roll. In the tournament?" Wade says.

"You?" Pete questions and soon laughs.

Wade nervously laughs.

"Like father, like son, eh?" Pete says.

Then the two begin laughing.

"Well, may the best man win," Pete says.

Then the two become silent.

But Pete says, "I'm just kidding."

And the two laugh again.

"It's good to see you, son," Pete says, "I'll tell you what. After we bowl, let's catch up on lost time, shall we?"

"Yeah! Of course," Wade says.

"Yes! Yes?" Pete replies at the same time.

Then the two begin laughing.

Then the two laugh harder and Wade says, "W-We laugh the same!"

"Well done, Knuckles. You have not lost your touch," Knuckles says.

Eve rolls her eyes and giggles, "Yeah. You certainly got it."


At another location, there is a van that stops at a specific place. Then a group of people leave the van. Then they open the van to reveal two people tied up and have sacks over their heads. Then the men drag the two inside a large workshop. When they reach the workshop, the men removes the sacks to reveal Agent Wolloughby and Agent Mason

"Where are we?" Willoughby asks.

"I don't know. But it definitely looks like the type of place you take people you're about to murder," Mason answers.

Soon, they hear the door creak and slam. They turn to see the buyer approaching them and he doesn't look friendly.

"Clearly, there's been a bit of a misunderstanding here," Mason says and nervously laughs, "Um, you seem mad at us, but it's all good. We're on the same team."

But the buyer ignores him, grabs and turns on the torch.

"You know what? Forget I said anything," Mason says nervously.

The buyer then places the torch towards the robot, "You failed to bring me the Echidna and the hedgehog," and the robot wiggles, "And I don't deal well with failure." And uses the torch to cut the head area of the robot.

Causing the two agents to become scared.

The buyer then says to the agents, "You know, we've got a lot in common. You wouldn't be able to tell by the look of this place, but not so long ago, I used to work for GUN as well. Though it wasn't called GUN back then. It was a military shadow ops program, run by a difficult... and very brilliant roboticist."

"Wait, so... you worked for Robotnik." Willoughby says, realizing who he's referring to.

"I did," The buyer says, "Until the day he met a little blue alien, and a black and red alien, and lost his big bald mind. After that, GUN tried to erase all connections with Robotnik, including me," And showed them a wound under his shirt. That has the two shocked, "Sent a team to take me out. That didn't work out so well for them. So I went underground, starting selling my creations in the black market. And before you know it, I built an empire."

Come on, man, just give us a little more time!" Mason says.

Causing the buyer to look at them.

"We can catch Knuckles and Eve. We will catch them," Willoughby says.

"Why should I believe you?" The buyer questions.

"Because you're right. We do have a lot in common. You want to know why I betrayed GUN? Because they betrayed me first," Willoughby says, "I dedicated my entire life to studying extraterrestrials. Then San Francisco happened, and I saw a threat unlike anything this world had ever seen. So I joined up for one reason. To protect this planet. But soon, I discovered instead of neutralizing the aliens, we let them play house in Montana! Trusting them as they shed quills with the destructive power of a thermonuclear weapon every time they go out for a jog! I tried to warn the fools in charge, but instead of listening, I was the one who was neutralized. Taken out of the field, shoved behind a desk, wasting my career. Ordering gift cards and planning fake weddings! So, believe me, I want GUN to suffer as much as you do. And if you give us one more chance they will," And clearly upset by this.

The buyer isn't saying a word. Instead, he approaches them with the

"Oh, man. Oh, my God," Mason responds worriedly.

The buyer stands there doing nothing, then walks behind them as the two agents close their eyes waiting for their fate. Instead, the buyer uses the torch to cut the cuffs.

"I still require the echidna and the hedgehog to power my newest creation," The buyer says and walks away. He exhales and says, "But the price has changed," And turns to the two agents, "Now, your only reward will be your lives."

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