"Welcome to the vaults of Valhalla." As Lilith said those words, she opened the door wider, allowing all 7 students to see what was inside the room. Faint gasps were heard between the students, as Lilith looked at the room. Shelves of contraband filled the room, with Lilith focusing her attention upon the motorbike in the middle of the room, with an dirt bike placed next to it.
"Oh my god!" Lilith exclaimed as she heard someone close the door behind her. "What?" Marcus asked the girl as her focus was still upon the newer bike. "This is where Lin placed my bike." Lilith answered as she made her way over to the bike, looking in awe.
"You have a bike?" Marcus asked Lilith again, earning a nod of her head in return. "Yeah, until stupid Lin took it away." Lilith looked up at from the bike to see Marcus walking over. "Apparently riding it through the corridors at 5am is wrong. Did you know that?" Marcus laughed at Lilith as he shrugged his shoulders. "No i never knew that." Lilith smiled as Marcus spoke to her as she looked back at the bike.
"There's explosive shit in here," Lilith turned around to see Viktor holding a bomb, "let's blow some shit up." Lilith walked over to Viktor, patting his shoulder. "Nicely said Viktor. Don't blow anyone up without me." Lilith pointed as she winked at the Russian as he nodded at her.
"No hard feelings if i blow you up though?" Lilith asked Viktor as he rolled his eyes at the girl. Lilith smiled as she began to look around the shelves, browsing the huge amount of contraband places along them.
"It's not here." Lilith turned around as Saya spoke up, a heavy sigh leaving her mouth. Lilith smiled sadly at the girl as she knew how important Saya's katana was to her. "Where else could it be?" Marcus questioned as he began to scan the room briefly.
"Maybe Lin has it?" Lilith spoke up as Saya shrugged her shoulders, sighing once again before making her way over to the furthest corner in the room to browse the shelves.
"Look Lilith." Lilith turned to where Marcus was pointing, to see two wrestling foam bars, two matching helmets on top. Lilith laughed as she saw Marcus begin to walk over to them.
"Arguello." Marcus turned around to see Chico behind him. "Think you could take me on?" The boy challenged Marcus, as the boy nodded both of them putting on their helmets, grabbing their foam weapon. Lilith laughed at the two boys as she made her way over, standing in between them.
"Ready?" She asked the two boys, looking at both of them, Chico nodded at the girl as he moved himself into a more ideal fighting stance. "Go!" Lilith shouted at the two boys as she stepped back, as they began to attempt to each other whilst almost blocking the attacks every time.
That was until a clatter could be heard as Lilith looked up to see Chico's helmet fly off his head. "You're waking the wolf Arguello." Lilith sniggered as she Chico began to hit Marcus, the boy successfully blocking all of the hits. "I'm gonna jack you up." Chico continued to say as he continued to throw himself at the boy before punching the foam bar into Marcus's chest, causing the boy to cough as he fell back into Viktor.
"Hy!" The Russian said as he looked up from the book he was so intensely reading. Lilith grew confused as to what made Viktor so engrossed in the multiple pages of paper. Lilith continued to watch Viktor as she saw the boy exhale, as he grabbed a some sort of doll off the shelf.
"What you got there Viktor?" Lilith asked the Russian as he opened the head off the doll, a grenade being made visible as he pulled it out. "Never mind" Lilith laughed as Viktor smiled at her before looking back at the grenade.
"Viktor has been looking for you." Lilith laughed as she turned around to see Petra experimenting with pop rocks and mountain drew alongside some other sugary items. "Oh this is good Tyler." Lilith said to the boy as she walked over to him and Petra, sitting herself down next to the girl.
"I get the pop rocks and i get the mountain drew." Tyler began to say as he looked down at the concoction Petra had made before looking back up at the two girls. "But what's the cheese for?" He questioned, Lilith shook her head as she sat herself forward watching Petra scooping up a part of her concoction, lifting it up towards his mouth.
"Blowing your mind." The two girls said at the same time as Tyler wrapped his mouth around the spoon, taking in everything that was on the spoon. Lilith began to smile as Tyler moaned as he took in the great taste of Petra's experimental food. "Oh it's like riding a cheese dragon through a forest of delicious treats." Lilith and Petra laughed at Tyler's comment as he continued to take in the tastes. Lilith lifted up the plate that was sat on Petra's lap up to Tyler as he gladly took the plate, shoving more of the concoction into his mouth.
Marcus watched as Lilith grew into conversation with Petra and Tyler before Viktor came over joining in on their conversation. When Marcus turned around he noticed Saya looking his way as he gave him the side eye before focusing her attention back onto the knife held in her hand. The boy walked closed to the girl, earning her attention as she looked back up to him from the knife.
"What?" Saya spoke up as she watched Marcus continue to look at her. He shrugged his shoulders as he stood near Saya. "Just doesn't seem like you're having much fun." He answered her question, resulting in Saya to roll her eyes at the boy. Lilith looked over to the two students having a conversation before turning her attention back to Petra.
"Those two look close." Petra spoke up as she nodded her head over at Marcus and Saya. Lilith just shrugged her shoulders as her response as she continued to look at Petra. "I trust Saya, it's fine Petra." It was Petra's turn to shrug her shoulders as she looked at Lilith. "You okay?" Lilith nodded her head at the girl as she smiled. "Come on, let's go over." Lilith's eyes grew wide as Petra dragged her off the table, making their way over to Marcus and Saya.
"If i lose my katana my life is over." Lilith heard Saya say as she was being dragged over, causing Marcus to look her way. "What do you think's gonna happen?" Marcus asked the girl as Petra and Lilith smiled at the two mentally introducing themselves into the conversation as they sat down on the table. "Lin's pawning it?" Marcus continued to ask the girl, earning a roll of the eyes once again from Saya. "It'll turn up." Marcus said, as Saya looked into his eyes, Lilith also doing so.
"How do you know?" Saya questioned the boy as shrugged his shoulders. "Things always work out." Saya looked at the boy, the look of unamusement sprawled across her face as Lilith looked over to her. "Vietnam, cancer kids, Sonny and Cher and weren't you homeless?" Lilith's moith grew agape at the end of Saya's comment as Lilith immediately looked over at Marcus to see a sense of hurt written all over her face. Lilith smiled a sense of sadness in it as she made eye contact with Marcus.
"Yeah, it's just something my dad used to say." Lilith looked at Saya to see her show a tiny bit of emotion to the words Marcus had just said as he scratched the back of his neck. "It's not 100% i guess." He added, "It's probably closer to ten."
Lilith watched Marcus watching Saya move away from them, before looking at Chico. Turning around to look at Chico, Lilith began to laugh to herself seeing him lightly sway with a skeleton. Lilith's mouth was zipped shut when a hissing of ball was heard, causing Chico to jump. The sound of Chico slightly gasping as he jumped back dropping the skeleton, Lilith looked at the knife of which had burst the ball, everyone laughing at Chico. "Jesus!" He exclaimed as he looked over to Saya before flipping her off, walking away.
"Misery loves company." Marcus spoke up to Saya as he once again made his way over to the girl. Petra noticed the rolling of Lilith's eyes, causing her to nudge the girl. "You sure you're not bothered? The eye roll says different." Petra teased the girl as Lilith elbowed the girl, shaking her head. "But the second lesser-known part is, company doesn't care much for misery." Marcus pointed to the dirt bike behind Saya, as he climbed onto it. Lilith watched as Marcus got onto the bike, admiring how good he would look on a bike.
"It's a little smaller than yours." He looked up to Saya, "but this is guaranteed to cheer you up." The boy cocked his head to the side as he smiled at the girl, earning a nod from Saya as she smiled back.
"Okay we ready?" Lilith shouted to Saya who was heard revving the bike a few metres away from the man made ramp the 7 detention students had just made. Lilith grew a little worried as right behind the ramp was a metre long length of nails sprawled in a line.
"Hundred bucks says she doesn't make it." Chico spoke up earning himself a nudge from Lilith, who immediately received one in return from the Soto Vatos leader. Marcus looked at Chico before placing his hand out, Chico quickly colliding their hands together. Lilith's attention was drawn back to Saya as she continued to rev the dirt bike as the wheels began to spin.
Lilith's eyes grew wide as she saw Saya's bike closing the distance between the starting line and the ramp as she continued to grow her speed. It was almost like time had been placed in slow motion as the bike rode up the ramp, flying in the air. Lilith began to hitch her breath as the bike's wheels began to grow closer to the nails on the floor. A groan was heard from Chico's mouth as Saya successfully past the nails, landing the dirt bike only inches away from him.
The six students cheered as Saya's bike hit the group, as Tyler and Lilith threw their hands up in the air in celebration. As Saya stopped the bike, the wheels squealing, Chico began to clap slowly, as Marcus and Lilith smiled at one another before smiling back at Saya.
"Okay that was pretty fucking cool." Saya said she took off her helmet, leaning it against her lap. "Can we make it bigger?" Lilith nodded her head at Saya, the two girls looking at each other smiling. Lilith began to look around some of the boxes the students had brought out into the hallway of where the ramp was placed.
Lilith was too engrossed in the bow and arrow in the boxes to the topic of the conversation the boys were having. Lifting up the bow and arrow, she felt it grabbed out of her hand, as she looked up, it revealed Chico grabbing a hold of her bow and arrow.
"So what? Mass extinction?" Lilith turned around to listen to Marcus as her eyebrows drew together as she grew confused of what was currently being discussed. "World can't support 5 billion people." Chico spoke back to Marcus as he grabbed an arrow, placing it against the bow as he drew the string back. "That's some science shit."
"Dio!" Tyler exclaimed causing the six students to over at him as he held up a cassette. "All hail satan" Lilith smiled at Saya's comment as she nodded her head. Lilith watched as Chico continued to play around with the bow and arrow. "Watch it Chico." Lilith snapped at Chico as he aimed the bow at her face, causing Lilith to grab a hold of it as a reflex.
Chico smiled sarcastically at Lilith as he snatched the bow back out of her hand, "Amount of fossil fuel we're guzzling," he laughed to himself as he once again pulled back the string of the bow, bringing it up to his face as he pretended to aim. "Humans got 50 years, till it's mad max time." Lilith watched as Chico let go off the arrow as it flew across the room, as it penetrated into the room beside her.
"Hey Petra already has costume for ending of world." Viktor spoke up causing Lilith to scoff at his comment, causing the boys to laugh. Lilith quickly looked at Petra to see that she did not look impressed and it showed as she grabbed ahold of the knife that was in the box, holding it out infront of her as she got up.
Lilith quickly ran across to the right of Petra her arm spread out across infront of the girl, Saya doing the same thing on the left side of Petra. "oh." Lilith shook her head at Viktor as he smirked at the reaction he had gotten out of Petra.
"Stabbing him will not make him any less of an asshole." Saya said to Petra as she looked at the girl, both girls either side of Petra dropping their arms back down to their sides. "What did i say?" Viktor shrugged his shoulders and Lilith walked up to the Russian boy. "Don't test our patience Viktor, wouldn't want me to beat your ass for a second time now would we?" Lilith's comment caused her to grow a smirk across her face whilst Viktor's wiped off his face as he nodded his head.
Lilith put her thumbs up to the boy as she backed away from him when In between days by the cure began to feel her ears. "It appears you have one redeeming quality." Lilith heard Marcus say to Chico as she walked over to him, leaning her arm on top of his shoulder, leaning her head against his arm. "The rank and vile discovers the head on the door." Petra spoke up as she leaned her head down to continue looking in the box she once was looking through before Viktor distracted her. "and suddenly they deserve our praise?"
"He could have put on Julio Iglesias." Marcus hit back as Chico looked very intrigued in the cassette that he held in his hand. "Name one cure B-side." Petra asked Chico as she leaned up from looking at the box. "You got your B-side right here." Chico clicked his tongue as he grabbed the top of his trousers, shaking them. Petra shrugged her shoulders as she nodded her head in Marcus's direction.
"Think I made my point." Lilith nodded her head as she saw Petra focus her attention back onto the boxes and Chico focused his attention back onto the cassette he was still holding. "This is my little bro's favourite album." Lilith tilted her head towards Chico, as she noticed a sense of vulnerability in his voice when he spoke about his little brother. "He's got good taste." Marcus said as Lilith looked over at Chico as she still noticed the vulnerability. "Had taste." Lilith heard Marcus take a deep breathe as he looked up to Chico.
"Oh I didn't know." Lilith moved her hand off Marcus's shoulder moving it down so that she could wrap it around his arm. "Why would you?" Lilith looked up to see Chico turning his head to look at Marcus, "we," Chico dropped the cassette as he stopped speaking. "We don't even live on the same planet." Lilith made eye contact with Chico, as she shook her head at the boy not wanting the two boys to fight once again. "We've all lost people." Marcus spoke up to Chico as Lilith felt a warm grip around her hand, looking down Lilith noticed that Marcus had moved her hand out from around his arm, instead her hand was wrapped around his.
"Yeah," Chico replied to Marcus's comment, inching his face closer, earning a warning look from Lilith.
The attention was driven off the two boys by the sound of revving coming from down the corridor. Looking down there, Lilith saw Tyler sat on the dirt bike as he continued to rev the engine. Lilith felt Marcus's hand leave hers as he moved his make him visible in Tyler's eye line. "Dude, you're gonna break your neck." Tyler shook his head as he placed 3 fingers up.
"Three," Tyler continued to rev the engine, "Two" now only two fingers were held up, as Lilith continued to shake her head at the boy. "Tyler no stop, you won't make it." Lilith shouted, once again Tyler shook his head as he dropped one more finger, leaving just the one finger up. "One." It all happened too fast.
Lilith heard the screaming from Tyler's mouth as she saw his now decapitated fist drop to the floor. Looking up, Lilith grew alarm at the men standing behind Tyler as he dropped down to the floor, falling over the bike as he held onto his non-existent wrist. Lilith focused onto the two man of whom faces were covered in masks as they swung their swords in front of them.
"Fuck" Was all Lilith could say as she and the rest of the students, beside Tyler, leaned down to grab a weapon. Lilith immediately grabbed the bow and quiver full of arrows, quickly wrapping the quiver around her arm. Lilith saw Saya had the metal pole of whom she was carrying around earlier in her hand, alongside Viktor who had the wooden version of Saya's pole.
As Chico, Saya and Viktor threw themselves at the two masked men, Lilith held up the bow, grabbing one of the arrows out of the quiver as she aligned the arrow with the string of the bow. Pulling back the string, the sound of grunts could be heard from both the two men and the 3 students of whom were attacking and blocking their hits.
Taking a deep breathe, Lilith aimed the bow at the man with the red mask, aligning it with his chest. As she released the arrow, the man moved to the right, resulting in the arrow to penetrate his shoulder. Lilith nodded her head as she grabbed a hold of another arrow, keeping it in hand to help her when in close proximity with the masked enemies. Lilith pushed Marcus to the side once she released that he was still standing behind her.
The sound of a sword cutting someone alerted Lilith to look towards Viktor making her notice the new cut across his stomach as she watched his drop to the floor. Lilith ran over to Viktor, grabbing a hold of his hand as she watched Viktor back himself against the wall.
Hearing more grunts, Lilith looked up to see Petra fighting the man with the black mask on. Lilith made her way over to help Petra, dropping Viktor's hand, as she gripped onto the arrow in her hand, holding it up to her shoulder. Lilith made her way up behind the man as Petra dropped to the floor as she began to crawl. Lilith strongly pushed the arrow into the back of the man's right shoulder as the sound of Petra screaming a cry rang through Lilith's ears. The man of whom Lilith stabbed with the arrow let out a loud grunt as Lilith ran over to Petra to see a huge axe cut in her back.
"Fuck Petra," Lilith muttered as she grabbed the girl's hand helping her get up from the floor. "Run!" Saya screamed to the group as the sound of footsteps running were heard as the students ran down the corridor. As Lilith managed to get Petra up, she turned around to see Viktor getting himself up. To hurry him up, Lilith grabbed a hold of his hand too as she helped the two injured students run out of the room as Saya's grunts were the only thing to be heard as the students began to run down the corridors.
Lilith once again grew alerted as she no longer heard the grunts of Saya fighting, turning around she saw Saya running towards her. Petra and Viktor let go off Lilith's hands as they grabbed each others as they continued to run.
"Come on! Come on!" Marcus repeated as the group skidded around one of the corridors corners. "Where the hell are the monks?" Chico exclaimed as the students continued to run for their lives. "Fuck!" Lilith turned around to see Petra leaning herself against the wall. "Come on! Keep moving!" Lilith and Marcus shouted as they Lilith watched the boy grab a hold of Petra helping her to run down the corridor.
Lilith continued to follow behind Petra and Marcus to make sure that they don't fall behind, "Hey, Hey! Where the hell-" Chico shouted as he dipped his head into the room where the monks were in previously to entering the vaults of Valhalla. "Shit." Viktor and Chico mumbled as Lilith looked behind her to see the two masked man walk around the corner. "They're dead!" Petra screamed as Marcus continued to help them move at a faster pace down the corridor.
"Go Go!" Lilith shouted as she turned her head back forward to face the group as the speed of the 7 students sped up as they made their way through the corridors. Lilith caught up to Chico of whom was slowly moving as he stared at the masked man. "Chico move your arse!" Lilith's British accent sounding more noticeable as she shoved Chico as the two tried to catch up with the other 5 students.
"Down the stairs go!" Lilith shouted to Chico as he pushed her forward so that she was now in front of them as they joined the rest of the group running down the stairs. "GO! continue to go!" Chico shouted to make sure that the group had to keep moving to be able to properly get away from the murderers. "In the detention room go!" Marcus shouted to the Lilith, Chico and Tyler who were behind the rest of the group.
Lilith began to grow tired as she has never ran this fast in a while. She shook her head as she ran around the corner once having reached the bottom of the stairs, skidding across the wooden floor. Loosing her balance, Lilith banged her head against the wall across from the stairs. The girl groaned as she stabilised herself, straightening herself up by pushing off from the wall. "Lilith move!" She looked up to see Chico and Tyler standing metres away from her when she felt a burning sensation against her arm. Lilith took a deep breathe as she began to run towards the boys as she looked down at her arm.
"You're gonna pay for ruining his top arseholes!" Lilith shouted as she ran past the boys as she held onto her arm attempting to stop the blood from dropping down her arm and ruining her white shirt more. Lilith ran to the familiar double doors of the detention room as she ran past Marcus, dropping down to the floor once running into one of the tables.
Lilith looked up to see Saya closing the door, placing a metal bar through the handles in the door. "Marcus you okay?" Lilith said to her boyfriend as she noticed that his hands were wrapped around his neck with a surprised look upon his face. Lilith's eyes grew wide as she continued to hold the pressure on her arm as she watched Marcus focus his attention upon Chico, darkness in his eyes.
"You" He began to speak, "You killed Tyler." Lilith's eyes continued to grow even more wide as she scanned the room to see that Tyler was in fact not in the room. "What?" Lilith spoke up as placed more pressure upon her cut on her arm. "Fuck Tyler!" Chico shouted, causing Lilith to jump at the shout, catching her off guard. "Another second, they would have been in here hacking us to pieces." Lilith looked at the two boys as her eyes grew heavy.
"No, no" Lilith mumbled to herself as she looked over to Petra and Viktor who were losing a lot more blood than she was. Lilith crawled her way over to the two injured students who were leaning themselves against the tables.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" As Lilith continued to crawl she could hear the shouting of Marcus and Chico grow louder. "We got no first aid Marcus!" Chico screamed into the boys face as he pointed over to Petra, Viktor and Lilith. "Tyler was a dead man!" Chico continued as he looked over to Lilith. "You don't want to like it, but i saved us." Lilith crawled quicker when she noticed that Petra was beginning to lose her balance.
"Marcus," Petra cried as she went to fall but Lilith made in time to reduce the impact of her fall as she fell into Lilith's lap. Marcus grew alerted as he saw Petra fall running over to the girl. "Lilith!" Marcus exclaimed as he noticed that Lilith was also blood from being hit with the masked mans sword. "I'm fine, Petra on the other hand needs help, and so does Viktor." Lilith said as Marcus began to focus on Lilith's cut as she swatted his hand away. "Saya!" Lilith shouted as the girl made her way over with the folded American flag that Saya was wearing when she rode the dirt bike.
"Here." The sound of the flag ripping could be heard as Saya and Lilith leaned the girl forward allowing Saya to be able to wrap around the slash that Petra had gotten from the axe in the back of her shoulder. Lilith winced as the sound of Petra screaming filled the detention room. Lilith struggled to keep her hand on her wound as she began to feel weak. Marcus noticed the girl shaking her head as he looked down to examine her cut.
"Lilith?" The girl looked up to meet Marcus's eyes as she smiled tiredly. "Marcus like i said I'm fine." The students attention was brought to the sound of banging being heard against the wooden double doors. Lilith grew confused as a foreign language was heard being spoke through the doors. Quickly after, banging was heard on the door once again.
"We're gonna die in here." Chico spoke up after the banging was heard, a sense of fear being heard in his voice. "No one is dying." Marcus hit back at Chico as he turned his head away from Chico focusing his attention back on to Petra and Lilith.
"Are you blind?" Chico shouted back at Marcus as he once again pointed to the three injured students, "they're fucking dying!" Chico exclaimed as Lilith shook her head not wanting to think of death occurring to any of the students in the room. But wait it did, Tyler had been murdered and was now dead outside of the detention room. Lilith looked over to Viktor was under a metre away from where she was sitting as she saw fear in his eyes.
"The monks are slaughtered." Marcus turned around to listen to Chico as he closed his hand as he continued to slam his fist down by his side. "We're trapped! No weapons, no nothing!" He continued to shout as panic was starting to arise in his voice. Lilith watched as Marcus quickly got up from behind her as he pointed towards the door. "We grab some chairs, we can make a barricade. Okay?" Marcus made eye contact with the panicked boy as he nodded his head, "Okay we can just wait them out."
The sound of a couch was heard making Lilith and Saya watch Marcus move the sofa over to the door as he started to make a barricade. Chico let out a slight laugh as he shook his head. "You think a couch is gonna slow down those terminators?" Lilith nodded as Chico did infact have a point. Nothing was going to stop those terminators/ killers of getting what they want.
It was now only Lilith sat with Viktor and Petra as Saya had now gotten herself up, as she walked herself over to the two boys. "Chico's right." Saya spoke up, earning a nod of the head from Chico as he pointed to her. "See." Chico said to Marcus, earning a eye roll in return. "They're not going to stop until they get what they came for." Saya continued speaking as Marcus didn't want to believe what was being said to him.
"How do you know?" He questioned the girl as she looked at him straight in the eye. "Because they're Kuroki." Lilith grew shocked as it was Saya's family, more specifically her cousins that Saya had told Lilith about before. "Kuroki?" Chico repeated Saya, as she looked at him blankly. "What kind of crazy shit you pulled us into Saya?" Lilith was intrigued into why the Kuroki were at King's Dominion and what their business consisted off as she sat herself up, allowing her to listen more carefully.
Pounding was continuing to be heard on the door as Marcus looked back to Saya, "What do they want?" Saya turned her head to look at Marcus as she looked between his eyes and the door. "Me." She bluntly answered. Chico scoffed as he lifted his hand waving it in Saya's direction.
"Well sayonara princess." Marcus nor Saya looked impressed with Chico's comment as banging was once again heard. "I vote we hand her ass over." Chico added, once again earning a shake of the head from Marcus. "We're not doing that." Marcus interrupted Chico.
"You want to die over some pussy?" Lilith cocked her head as Chico questioned Marcus further, "go ahead, leave me out of it." Chico added as he shook his head, not impressed of the situation he was currently in. As the three continued to argue, Lilith began to felt dizzy, her eyes becoming heavy, the sound of banging of the doors blending into the background as Lilith leaned her head back, hitting it slightly against the table.
Before she knew it, Lilith had collapsed, with her hand no longer holding pressure to her wound.
Lilith felt her body being shook as he began to stir. "Lilith, Lilith!" Marcus shouted as he continued to shake the girl gently. "I'm alive okay," Lilith began to slowly open her eyes as she saw Marcus's face only inches away from hers. "I'm not cruel enough to allow you to live in a Lilith-free world." Lilith laughed lightly as Marcus scoffed.
"Not funny, you collapsed on me grey. I was scared." Lilith brought her non-injured arm up to his face, stroking his cheek. "Aw, Marcus cares so much." Lilith smirked as her vision began to become more clear, allowing for Marcus's face to become more visible. "I hate to leave you, but Chico's escaped through the vent down there." Marcus pointed over to the opened vent behind the bookcase, Lilith nodded once she noticed it. "We're going to go find help."
"We?" Lilith questioned as Marcus looked over to Saya who was walking over to the vent. "Oh." Lilith smiled sadly as she looked back into Marcus's eyes. "Be safe then. Don't die on me."
"Could say the same for you." Lilith smiled as Marcus leaned in giving her a quick kiss on the lips before leaning her head forward to also plant a kiss on her head. "I will be back before you know it." Marcus stood up from where he was kneeling down as he made his way over to Saya and the vent.
Lilith began to wave constantly at Marcus, him doing the same as Lilith grabbed Petra's hand giving a light squeeze to feel a sense of reassurance that them and Viktor will make it out of here alive.
Lilith waved once last time to her boyfriend as he disappeared into the vent, leaving her alone in the detention room surrounded by Petra and Viktor, the three all laying together, as they continued to lose blood between them.
Here's another update for you guys! It's not as good as the others cause it's currently nearly 2am in the morning and I'm living off 5 hours sleep so sorry if it's not as a good.
However I have half term now for school which means no work for a week thank goodness.
More updates of Knockout will he coming soon :)
I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this book and it's crazy how we are nearly at 1k views. Like this is crazy!!
Thank you all that the bottom of my heart for loving and continuing to read this story!
Hope you are all staying safe :)
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