Knock Me Down (AU Niam Horayne)

I always tended to be hungry at the most inconvenient times. Like right now, for instance. It was the middle of the afternoon, and I was in school. I groaned as I realized I had just over an hour before I would be able to find food, feeling my stomach growl.

After a particularly noisy growl, I heard laughter from the desk beside me. “You hungry, Niall?” my best friend asked.

“You know it, Harry. Do you happen to have any...?” I glanced at him hopefully and he sighed.

“Of course I do. I know you, and you’re always hungry at the most random times. Honestly, I don’t think I would be safe if I didn’t carry food,” he snorted. It was true; I became quite the obnoxious idiot when I went unfed for more than a couple hours. It was just my personal bad habit, I guess.

“Thank god.” I gobbled up the sandwich he handed me, rubbing my stomach as it finally stopped rumbling. “You’re the best, Hazza,” I smiled to my right, and he returned the gesture.

The bell rang and I jumped from my seat, stuffing my things in my bag and darting to my locker. Once I was unloaded with only tonight’s homework on me, I sprinted out front to catch the first bus to downtown Wolverhampton. As I plopped myself down in the first available spot, I heard huffing and someone sat beside me. I was about to ask who it was when I caught a glimpse of black hair and a tattoo.

“Hey there, mate!” I greeted another friend of mine, Zayn.

“Where are you off to so fast today? I’ve been trying to get your attention since you left your locker, but you’re really moving it,” he pointed out.

“I’ve got work tonight, and it’s karaoke night!” I exclaimed excitedly. I loved to sing and my friends told me I was good, but I preferred listening to others and learning things that way. I’d thought about asking Harry, Zayn, and my boss (who was more like a good friend) Louis to form a band so we could sing together, but we felt we were lacking a voice.

“Oh, that makes sense. You always love karaoke night,” he chuckled and relaxed as the bus began to move.

It was true; I had a passion for karaoke night. I would pick out the ones I wanted to listen to and talk to most of them after they were finished to get tips. It was actually fun to talk to other people who shared the same love for music as I did, and I’d met a few people I kept in touch with that way who were actually on their way to becoming popular in the industry.

I felt the bus come to a stop, and a quick glance out the window told me I was near Nandos, my favorite restaurant and where I was working. With a wave goodbye to Zayn, I hopped off the bus and made my way in.

There weren’t many people there at the moment, because it wasn’t exactly a time people normally eat meals. I threw my stuff in the staff room in the back and turned to find my boss in the doorway.

“Look who happens to be working, yet again, on karaoke night,” he smirked. “Trying to catch someone’s attention?”

I blushed, how did he know? “N-no, I just like hearing everyone sing…” I tried to cover for myself.

“Yeah, but I’ve noticed you’ve always got your eye on that same lad. What’s his name? Liam?” He chuckled at my expression. “It’s not hard to notice you come to watch him when he’s the only one you ever pay full attention too.”

“Hey, that’s not true! I listened to Cher, and Olly, and Justin, and that girl band that came in a few weeks ago, Little Mix,” I defended.

“That’s different, Niall. You look at Liam in a way I’ve never seen you look at anyone else. It’s like his music has you under a spell and you don’t want the spell to be broken. Seriously, mate, just go talk to him before he leaves tonight,” Louis encouraged me.

And that was how I ended up taking orders and working tables in the section right in front of the mini-stage we’d set up for the night. Every time someone finished their performance, I would peek to see if Liam was next, but I never caught so much as a glimpse of him. I was in the kitchen grabbing an order when I finally heard his smooth voice.

“Hello everybody! Some of you may recognize me; I’m here every karaoke night. My name is Liam Payne, and I’ll be singing a song called I’m Yours.” I rushed to deliver the food I’d been carrying before sneaking around the back of the stage and sitting quietly by the edge.

He began strumming his guitar, and then his voice joined in. It was a nice song and he sang it well. He always seemed to hit just the right notes and held so much emotion in his tone. It was beautiful to listen to, which was why I enjoyed his performances so much.

Well, and the fact that Louis was right. I was gay, but only my friends and family knew about it, and I was falling for the boy with the glowing chocolate eyes and perfectly styled hair. But I was never brave enough to even introduce myself, so I knew I would never have a chance with him. I sighed as he finished the song, knowing I would have to wait another week to hear his voice again. I stood to return to the kitchen, but was immediately knocked over and a body landed on top of me.

I gasped at the sight. I was lying on my back, and Liam was flat on top of me, his face only inches from mine, his eyes seeming to see right into my heart. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there, mate! I’m so sorry, that was all my fault, I should’ve been watching where I was going, oh my god are you hurt, did I hurt you? Oh no, I’ve hurt you, haven’t I?” He rambled on as I gazed at him in shock.

“Liam, you didn’t hurt me,” I assured him, but he didn’t seem to hear me. By then he had moved off me and was helping me stand, assessing me for injuries, though I kept telling him I was fine.

“LIAM!” I finally shouted, glad we were far enough away from everyone that I wasn’t drawing too much attention. “I’m fine, you okay there buddy? No need to get all stressed.”

“Oh wow, sorry, now you probably think I’m a freak. God, I’m such an idiot,” he muttered hiding his face in his hands.

I placed a finger under his chin and lifted until I saw his eyes again. “Don’t say that, you’re not an idiot and I don’t think you’re a freak. You just had me concerned you were about to have a panic attack for a minute there. Are you always like that?” I asked, chuckling.

He smiled faintly, as if remembering something. “Yeah, my friends always told me I was extremely protective. They actually liked to call me their second dad sometimes,” he shrugged, embarrassed. “I just realized… how do you know my name?”

“I work here, Liam. I see your performances every karaoke night. You’re amazing, by the way. I wouldn’t mind switching places with you and having that incredible voice.”

His grin widened. “Thanks, it’s so nice of you to say that. I’ve been trying to be signed by a label for some time now, but nobody wants a gay boy to represent their company,” he looked at the ground sadly.

Liam was gay? That meant I had a chance! I could feel a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, and I was dancing with joy inside. “Don’t let them get to you. They’re just homophobic cunts. I sing as well, and I’ve been trying to start a band with three guys I know but we need another person to balance us out.”

Suddenly I had a brilliant idea that would mean I got to see him more often. “Hey, why don’t you join us? You could at least come meet the others. You don’t have to, I was just thinking since we’re both looking for the same thing and all-“

He cut me off. “Of course I’d love to, mate! I never caught your name, by the way.”

I chuckled, thinking of how nervous I was earlier to talk to him. “It’s Niall. Niall Horan.”

“Well, Niall, give me your number and I’ll text you. We should hang out sometime.” I handed him my phone, and he added his number before texting himself. “See you around,” he smiled.

“See you,” I waved as he turned and left. As soon as he was gone, Louis was bouncing around in my face.

“You talked to him, Niall! Finally, I thought you were doomed to pine over him forever!” He pulled me into a hug.

“Louis, you have to remember that while I’m working, you’re my boss. I don’t think bosses are supposed to jump around and hug their staff,” I chuckled and he shrugged.

“Since I’m the boss, I can do whatever I want, and you can’t tell me not to!” He stuck his tongue out at me. I swear, he’s the most immature adult I’ve ever known, but I still love him.

I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face, thinking of how I had gotten Liam Payne’s number. The next morning I texted him my address and told him he could come over if he wanted, to which he quickly confirmed he would come. I threw on a casual but not worn-out outfit and heard a knock at the door.

“Come in, it’s open!” I yelled, and the door opened to reveal Liam. He looked just as handsome as always, and it took effort to drag my eyes from him. I realized he’d been staring at me as well and laughed.

“What?” he asked, confused.

“If you wanted to check me out, all you had to do was ask,” I winked. I had no idea where the sudden confidence was coming from, but it felt nice.

“So Niall, you told me you sing too. Can you sing for me?” He questioned.

“You see, the only people I’ve ever sang in front of are my best friends and my family… I don’t think I’m that great, and I don’t like to humiliate myself,” I explained, hoping he would drop it.

“How do you expect to be in a band if you won’t sing? Come on, Niall, for me?” he pleaded, and I had to give in. I couldn’t resist his glowing eyes.

“Fine,” I sighed, before getting up to find my guitar. I made sure it was tuned before beginning the opening chords to Kiss Me. As I sang, I noticed Liam’s eyes close. He was nodding his head along with the beat, a gentle smile across his face. It made me happy to see him in such a relaxed state.

As the song came to a finish, we sat in silence. Liam eventually opened his eyes and sat up, moving closer to me. I raised an eyebrow. What was he doing?

“Kiss me like you wanna be loved,” he sung softly, and I smiled. “This feels like falling in love.” And then he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

I was shocked. Liam Payne was in my house, singing to me, and he was kissing me! I was frozen as the joy filled me, and just before I was going to move my lips he pulled back.

“No, no, no, I ruined it! Please forgive me, Niall, I still want to be your friend, I understand if you don’t feel the same way but please don’t let things get awkward. I just couldn’t help myself, you look so adorable right now!” He sobbed into his hands.

I rolled my eyes. “I do feel the same way, Liam, so things will only be awkward if you make them awkward. I’ve liked you for a while now, and my boss told me every week to just talk to you, but I never had the courage because I didn’t want to be rejected. I didn’t kiss you because I was shocked that someone as perfect as you could ever want me,” I rubbed his shoulder, and he looked up at me.

“Really?” he asked, a smirk growing.

“Really,” I replied, and a glint appeared in his eyes. He smashed his lips to mine once more, and I wasted no time responding. Our lips moved in perfect harmony, as if we were meant to be doing this. He moaned as I deepened the kiss, running his slender fingers through my hair. I felt him beginning to pull away and let him, holding his body close to mine.

“For the record, Niall, your voice is beautiful. I can’t wait to sing with you. And nice song choice, by the way,” he winked, causing me to laugh as I lay my head against his chest.

“I’m so glad you knocked me over last night, Liam,” I sighed. I felt his hands rubbing circles on my back.

“I totally forgot I even did that! God, I’m such a klutz,” Liam groaned, and we laughed at how fate had brought us together.

“But you’re my klutz,” I pointed out, and he grinned.

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