It's Time
(No One's POV)
Dante had woken up the next morning with a delicious breakfast of bacon, pancakes and scrambled eggs with honey liquor his sisters brought back for him while his mind was reeling from the past two days of the nineteenth anniversary of his arrival to his new home world from gaining a pair of guns as a Devil Arm to getting some prizes such as transforming his swords into alternate weapons as well as gaining a gift his parents meant to give him and meeting the other members of K/DA where he made out with the cotton candy angel Seraphine while learning that besides his kunoichi wife and Kitsune wife that K/DA's other three members were a Zaunite with angelic abilities, a A Ranked succubus that was no where near the power of any other succubus he had fought and a Voidling which was a species he hadn't seen since he was six but given HeartSteel's species and his own it wasn't anything really new but nevertheless quite a ride when his mind went to Remnant and his past life. He remembered the assholes of TEAM CRDL of weak and sloppy fighters who bullied Faunus or "weaker" students just because they felt like it while also being the ones that exposed his fake transcripts alongside the biggest bitch he ever met Weiss "No Sex Appeal" Schnee who besides being far too arrogant due to her pathetic status and racism also was too pompous, annoying, self-centered and demanding for anyone to even like let alone for anyone to for some reason want her which made him grimace when he was still a Arc and actually wanted her. Another was that blonde bimbo bitch Yang Xiao Long who was the moronic overprotective sister of TEAM RWBY's leader Ruby Rose who was as big as a moron because of her belief that everybody can change and that the world or more in this case worlds were black and white so you were either a "good guy" or a "bad guy" while also being a cookie munching childish moron who was overconfident that she could do things by herself with the final nail in the coffin being that she appeared to be sexual attracted to weapons since he knew that the idea of a katana transforming into a scythe would make her drool since he remembered before leaving how he found a weapon that he now knew was from Heaven that made a portal to Earth and how Ruby had swirling motions in her eyes while screaming that she would break his arms to see the weapon. Though it turned out the weapon was really a just a artifact his father used because he found there was supernatural presence on Remnant and decided to investigate where he was finished when Dante or as he was known as Jaune found the portal with the artifact on the ground and to get away from the others walked into it.
Dante:" Best fucking decision you've ever made Jaune since now you are at rest and I'm here to be Earth's legendary knight like my father."
Back to the others Yang was someone that he learned from Ozpin that he was hesitant of allowing to enter Beacon because of her short temper, habit of putting others in hospitals due to her refusal to abide to rules and wanting to run wild and how she cared more for her looks and reputation than the wellbeing of others but the Vale Council knew that her semblance would make her a valuable asset. Dante felt annoyed at remembering those assholes and those three worthless whores when his mind went to his former team. The redheaded vixen Pyrrha Nikos and her kind soul and heart was something Dante adored as while she was famous for her skill and looks, she didn't let any of that make her arrogant or selfish and actually tried to train Jaune to make up for how his worthless excuse of a family he had refused to. Next was the pancake powerhouse Nora Valkyrie who actually broke TEAM CRDL's legs when they tried to attack him and acted as his personal bodyguard. Finally was the mint haired beauty Emerald Sustrai who was their resident spy and somewhat assassin who despite her sarcastic behavior said he was one of the few best friends she ever had since she was a loner and grew up in bad circumstances. Next was Blake Belladonna the kunoichi based Faunus and a former White Fang operative of TEAM RWBY who was the only member to stand by him because she knew what it was like to be looked down upon or even hated and grew enraged at her team mates for accepting a former terrorist but not someone who faked a few dead trees like that was worse somehow. Finally the Beacon staff were people who were like his surrogate family in a way. Port and Oobleck were like surrogate uncles that helped him understand how Grimm usually think as well as the best way to immobilize them, Goodwitch being the genius surrogate mother she was asked Jaune after a class (and after pummeling Yang for trying to sneak attack him) why he faked his way into Beacon and after hearing his answer and taking several deep breaths to calm herself from the answer that sounded like deadbeat parents who gave up too soon, she took it upon her self to train Jaune along with Pyrrha to find what weapon was right for him and finally was Ozpin the headmaster the surrogate father who was aware of the fakeness of the transcripts but knew that Jaune had potential and allowed him to join so he could tap into that potential and prove himself to others. Dante was unaware of how they were when he left when he learned that one week on Remnant was a year on Earth so nineteen weeks have passed on Remnant or in days 133 of them and he did really miss those that he left behind to gain his new powers and be Earth's protector when he made the decision that he needed to head back for a visit but going alone was something that he knew wasn't a good idea so came up with idea for a team to stick it to the other three members of TEAM RWBY. He ate the last of his pancakes and got into his new car to head into the city to find his soon to be team with the three members already in his mind when he got a call on his phone from Katarina asking for his help on something and adding that three others will be with them. He texted back that he was on his way and asked for the coordinates to get there where he noticed he was at a bar.
Dante:" What else did I expect? Alright then Kat let's see what this is."
Dante walked into the bar where he saw a familiar bright red head of hair along with a familiar blue hair that he knew belonged to a sweetheart with murderous tendencies with the third having a hood on and finally Katarina drinking a bottle of Corona beer before her eyes landed on Dante who she offered one to.
Dante:" Thank you Kat and what's this job about?"
Katarina:" Well Dante the job information is actually from our dear enforcer friend here."
Dante:" Caitlyn, how are ya?"
The hooded figure turned to Dante and despite seeing him quite a lot she never could get over how he looked from his half white half black hair, amazingly chiseled physique, and his drip that made him look so ethereal and so handsome but she fought down that feeling before trying to get her voice back to speak to the demon hunter.
Caitlyn:" Well Dante we need your help as Piltover had a demonic situation that needs to be dealt with and you are the only one that can help us."
Dante:" My pay?"
Caitlyn:" The client will handle that and before you ask if they try anything I'll hunt them down... well if Jinx doesn't do that first."
Dante:" The blue haired beauty queen of Call of Duty how the hell are you?!"
Jinx:" So much fucking better now that the most bad ass guy in existence is here!!!"
Jinx jumped from her chair and gave Dante a strong hug while the redhead looked at the scene with a smirk before standing up and doing the same thing while whispering something into Dante's ear.'
Vi*Whispering*:" Hey handsome if you help us with this job, ~I'll give you something special tonight and don't worry. I'll make it worth your while~"
Dante responded by gently patting her back and asking Caitlyn if she knew who the person was since Katarina was the one who called him.
Caitlyn:" Some female with red hair and black robes offered us millions if we take down this demon because in her words it's a S+ Ranked demon that needs to be rid of."
Dante:" Well alright then, lead the way then ma'am."
Caitlyn nodded her head with a small smile on her face before leading the three other girls to her car that was a 2019 Ford Mustang.
Dante:" Damn C this a nice car ya got here!"
Caitlyn:" Yeah figured I'd take your advice and buy a new car and I have to say, it's growing on me but anyway Dante the client says that if you came along not only would you be paid twice but also awarded with two something else with one being something I've never heard before."
Dante:" And what would that be C?"
Caitlyn:" A Devil Arm?"
Hearing that Dante came to the realization that the client was a possible demon or even a demon lord that wanted this one gone so he kept his guard up with that.
Dante:" Alright let's get going."
Vi:" Hol up can I ride with ya Dante? That car ya got looks hella new and hella sexy."
Dante:" That's cool with me how about ya?"
Jinx:" Cool."
Caitlyn:" So long as we get to the client."
Katarina:" That's fine so long as we get paid what we are owed."
Vi got into Dante's passenger seat while the other three got into Caitlyn's ride and got ready to go with Dante starting his own and driving to the place of the client while Vi sat looking at Dante before reaching over and placing her hand on the side of his jacket.
Dante:" See something ya like my lady?"
Vi:" Many things really but noticed you have a new pair of pistols here. New weapons huh?"
Dante:" These here are what's called Devil Arms, weapons forged from the souls of bested powerful demons though the only real issue is that only those of demonic blood can hold'em so a human trying will just sap the life force right out of them like a straw connected to a construction worker's mouth drinking up water on a hot day."
Vi:" Really now well if that's the case you maybe getting a new one."
Dante:" If the demon is powerful enough yeah but I have a feeling that my new car isn't the only reason you wanted to ride wit me Vi."
Vi*Chuckles*:" You are correct but I did say something was hella sexy and even more so than your carro guapo."
Dante chuckled before raising a hand and laying it gently onto Vi's thigh who started stroking Dante's strong arm but before anything else could happen they arrived to the destination that appeared to be a nightclub with all five having different reactions to that. Caitlyn was annoyed of having another job at a club, Jinx was hoping for bright colors and good music, Katarina was chuckling at being at another nightclub since that was how her and Dante met for the first time, Vi found it funny how either demons or clients always wanted to appear at places with sketchy backgrounds and Dante wasn't surprised if the demon was a succubus since they have found ways to be rich when they choose to reside on Earth. They entered where there were the typical patrons drinking, those playing some of the arcade or casino games, others at tables eating some food or talking to each other and finally some looking at a woman wearing a micro bikini walking along a catwalk towards a pole that Dante knew too well what it was about but after walking to the counter of the bar he waited for someone to appear and someone did that sent Dante's Devil Bringer a bright color telling him that the demon was indeed a succubus but one that was known as a ascended succubus meaning that it had angelic abilities because it wasn't evil and this was the first time he ever met one like that.
Dante:" Sup you wanted to see me?"
???:" Indeed Son of Sparda and I must say you are so incredibly handsome just like your father yet I can tell from your silver pearly eyes that you have your mother's Eva the Angelic Assassin's calming presence and silver tongue."
Dante:" Thank you for the compliments ma'am but you have a job for us."
???:" Correct now please follow me to my office."
The five followed the six foot one demon who was wearing more of a black toga that had it's upper piece removed with a long slit in the lower while her upper body was completely out in the open with her Double D Cup size breasts nearly able to be seen if it wasn't for her long beautiful red hair that covered only her nipples while her stomach was toned and her biceps that showed she was definitely tough while the dress she had showing her tantalizing thighs and the imprint of her gorgeous ass that she was swaying back and forth that caught Dante's eyes. She sat down on her desk while the others stood ready when she pulled something out that appeared to be a large envelope behind her and handed it to Dante who read the files inside to find out the S+ Ranked demon was a King Cerberus and the files saying what it was capable of controlling three elements with the right head being able to manipulate purple lightning, the middle being able to control the kind of ice that Hell has to trap demon kings/fallen angels and the left having control over Hell-Fire capable of incinerating demonic spirits so Dante knew this demon was nothing to sleep or sneeze at while the girls besides Jinx looked intimidated by the monstrous creature since Jinx thought it looked awesome when Dante looked forward.
Dante:" May I have your name ma'am?"
???:" I am Nevan, the owner of this club as well as other casinos among the city and a few others Dante my Lord Wolf. I guess you know what I am."
Dante:" You have ascended though and you don't harm humans. You don't see many demons like that anymore because Hell-Born demons are almost always fucking evil and Underworld ones are way more complex due to a wide variety of different reasons. Nevan*Smiles* You don't need to worry of me killing you because I can tell you aren't a piece of shit so you have no fear of death by my hands or my father's, mother's or sisters'."
Nevan*Bows Her Head*:" Thank you my knight, you will never have a reason to slay me and with that, you have my eternal and immortal word."
Caitlyn:" Wait you are a demon?"
Jinx:" Is that why you are dressed up like that?"
Nevan:" Indeed for both questions because I am a ascended succubus so I do dress in little clothing and yes I am a demon with angelic properties."
Vi:" Wait, angelic properties?"
Nevan:" When a demon becomes ascended as a sign of trust from the Heavens we are granted a select and varied assortment of angelic abilities."
Katarina:" My so like Dante you are essentially both species."
Nevan:" Oh no child, a Nephalem like the Legendary Wolf Knight has half his DNA belonging to the angelic Heavens and the other half with twenty five percent of the flaming Hell Rings and the other twenty five from the darkened Underworld. Just because demons like me become ascended doesn't mean we change our DNA so while we do become stronger, we aren't truly a different species than we were."
The girls all nodded while Dante asked where the Cerberus was and wrote the coordinates on a sticky note before they left but Dante was grabbed by his shoulders courtesy of Nevan who whispered this in his ears.
Nevan:" ~Return mister Werewolf with that demon dealt with and I'll be sure you are paid handsomely in more ways than you can think of~"
Dante just nodded while getting into his car with Vi again who actually managed to overhear what Nevan with a idea forming in her head to make that experience even better while they were driving to the scene and when Dante's Devil Bringer signaled that they've arrived, they pulled over to the sight of a massive crater putting any on the moon to shame.
Dante:" Holy shit, it did this?"
Caitlyn:" Wait how big do these demons get exactly Dante?"
Dante:" Depends on the kind of demon but a S+ Ranked Cerberus can destroy planets if it wanted to and this one can manipulate Underworld lightning that makes Earth Lightning look like a broken wire, Hell-Fire that can burn souls and Hell-Ice that can freeze electricity and imprison demon kings so I'll have to deal with him alone girls, this is a bit big for y'all."
Katarina:" Dante are you sure? You are gonna be fighting something that strong on your own without back up."
Jinx:" Yeah and besides that demon won't like ya like how no demon just likes ya daddy."
Dante:" Funny given that Nevan seems to like me and my old man but I fought Mundus and not only survived but bested his ass while in space while also fighting off a demonic legion of trained soldiers, his demonic Barbie bitch and his nasty fucking spawn so I can take care of some deformed Fido on a short leash."
Jinx hugged Dante strongly while worried despite her own crazy antics makes her seem carefree which she was but not when it came to him and his occupation while Caitlyn was looking at him wondering how he was so nonchalant about fighting something capable of slaughtering demon kings despite how strong he was himself.
Vi*Chuckles*:" Alright then cupcake, go get em."
Katarina:" Bring back a prize Lord Wolf because you need something to prove you bested the demon if it's that powerful."
Dante:" I will and Jinx please let go, I'll be fine and I can't let it run around alive if it already left a crater this fucking huge on the planet."
Jinx:" Please come back, I need someone to help me diss Ez and I need more of Werewolf."
Dante gave Jinx a few head pats before leaping into the crater head first to speed up the fall and Dante had to wager that this hold was far deeper than he expected as he had been falling for over ten minutes already when he saw a ice floor so he did a backflip and landed gracefully and without injury before looking up at a sight that terrify anyone normal.
Standing before Dante was a thirty five to forty foot tall demon known as King Cerberus with large chains connecting it to the walls but once it's six eyes landed upon Dante, it started thrashing around angrily while snarling at him.
King Cerberus:" Son of Sparda dares to step into my domain!?!?"
Dante:" I dare do Fido now how about you cool off and head home because we don't got room for overgrown furballs with three heads."
King Cerberus:" You dare make a mockery of the King of the Cerberus Tribe you foul scented bastard!?!? I'll feast on your corpse!!!"
The Cerberus broke the chains before flames engulfed the area with Dante unfazed.
Dante:" The strongest in the litter huh? Sorry pup but today is the day of being put down."
Dante armed himself with Yamato and Rebellion before morphing them into their respective alternate weapons and laying on the attack. Focusing his attacked on the demon's main head wasn't easy as the force of the flames drew him back when it suddenly opened it's mouth and a large plume of flame erupted from it so using Arbiter and his artifact of Underworld flames, he slammed it hard on the ice ground before while using the fire to melt the ice and make a watery shield to douse the flames while also making mist to hide his presence. Dante started firing his revolvers into the demon's eyes or more the head in charge's eyes while making random attacks that it wasn't able to deflect or dodge.
King Cerberus:" I'll FREEZE your soul half-breed!!!"
Powerful ice exploded throughout the area with Dante dodging several stalagmites while looking at the change of the battlefield.
Dante:" Ice so cold that even purple flames capable of destroying demonic armor can barely melt it huh? I am gonna need a new strategy since getting close won't help a bit...but slowing em down though can make a difference."
Once again the area like when Dante fought the shadow demon the area slowed down and Dante's body changed with the demon able to see those changes.
Dante*Deep Voice*:" Let's rumble."
Dante supercharged his pistols and fired upon the monster with the shots causing it pain and do to the slowness of it's body because of his semblance, Dante used his Quick Silver Style that made it nearly halt and with the electricity not moving, he started slicing and cutting the demon's gargantuan body with the divine confetti spread out onto Arbiter and Osiris and he knew that despite the demon being so still that it was feeling it, especially since it was in it's ice form any one knew that had to hurt even more when suddenly the demon roared so loud Dante had to cover his ears to prevent his ear drums from being destroyed.
King Cerberus:" Feel the strongest THUNDER in all of the Underworld!!!"
Dante did a back flip to dodge a attempted claw slash while now having to dodge lightning not only stronger than Earth's but also faster much faster and he knew that it was time to take this battle seriously since this demon was stronger than the rest of it's breed. Dante kneeled down on one knee before a powerful pressure formed from him that was causing the stone of the cave to shatter and pushed the demon back partially so with a smirk he was ready to slay a king.
Dante:" Call me Seth "Freaking" Rollins because I'm a King Slayer!!!"
Dante suddenly exploded into a silver and black light that shocked the demon with the brightness before blue spectral swords rained down onto the top of it's head and it's back, making it go down while Dante came out of a smoke cloud with seven of these same swords over his head and shoulders and some circling his waist but Dante didn't look the same.
Dante*Devil Trigger Voice*:" Time to kill you three headed mutt!"
Dante fired the swords over his shoulders and head while slicing the demon with his weapons transformed back into their original forms while giving the occasional stab that cut the demon open in some places when he landed two strong stabs into it's chin area, causing it too much to opens it's mouth enough to do or say anything when Dante jumped up to the ceiling while charging the spinning swords with angelic energy before with speed surpassing light and his dual swords ready and the spectral weapons blowing up, proved his superiority over the demon by slicing right through all three heads and making it now the former King of the Cerberus Tribe. The demon's headless body fell down mere inches from Dante's body where it started to dissipate into silver demonic energy before a ball of it came to him.
Dante*Devil Trigger Voice*:" Holy shit! Never saw one like this before but besides Mundus I haven't battled another S Ranked opponent. Well let's see what this is but should head back first off, can't have the girls worrying too much about me."
Dante still in his legendary Devil Trigger form flew up back into the city where unsurprisingly the girls still were and even more so didn't recognize him when he grabbed all four and flew back to Nevan's club where she saw the hybrid knight.
Nevan:" Dear oh dear so this is the legendary Devil Trigger form of HeartSteel's knight in shining armor. So ethereal and powerful."
Jinx/Caitlyn/Vi/Katarina:" Wait Dante?!"
Dante reformed into his "human" form and gave a playful smirk especially when a TV turned on to show that the crater was being filled back up into the concrete material it was made of and disappearing like it never even happened.
Dante:" Mission accomplished."
Nevan:" Indeed so for you girls your pay."
Nevan snapped her fingers and four large chests appeared so the girls just picked them up and placed them in Caitlyn's car while Dante stuck behind.
Nevan:" Well my Lord Wolf, yours is significantly bigger for obvious reasons."
Nevan snapped her fingers again where they were teleported to his own basement his parents had built for him where 3 large piles of chests three times the size of the girls appeared.
Nevan:" Open them three one at a time and you'll see what they are."
Dante used his telekinesis to open the first to see it filled to the brim with gold ingots.
Dante:" Holy fuck gold bars!!! These are worth millions here Nevan!! I take it the pile is the same?"
Nevan:" That one yes the other two no."
Dante went to the next one and did the same where this time the chest was filled with beautiful green emeralds.
Dante:" I'll reunite with you guys again I promise."
Finally the last one Dante felt were the most valuable and turns out he was right when he opened the chest and saw priceless cut diamonds.
Dante:" All this for a Cerberus but again that thing was a tough son of a bitch. Well you certainly paid me well Nevan."
Nevan:" Oh I'm not finished my lord."
Nevan walked over to the devil hunter, wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss with her tongue entering his mouth. Dante was even surprised knowing Nevan's demonic heritage so he wrapped one arm around her beautiful waist and placed one hand onto her cheek to deepen the kiss before using his arm to lift her up and walked to her office where she laid down on the couch and removed her black dress where he could see her in all of her glorious nude glory
Dante removed his shirt and jacket first where Nevan could see his flawless steel eight pack abs that he worked hard for when he was still fully human and while licking her lips at him, he proceeded to start kissing her neck and rubbing her back with his strong hands while she decided to use her hands to undo Dante's belt and zipper with his pants falling to the floor when Dante backed up and gave a playful smirk.
Dante:" ~Think you can handle me darling?~"
Nevan*Chuckles Seductively*:" I wouldn't be ready if I wasn't my prince."
Dante started undoing his pants and threw them off then in a slow manner that really tempted Nevan took off his boxers before finally removing them where Nevan grinned a grin that certainly fitted a powerful succubus. Dante's friend was still soft but was a good thirteen inches long but Nevan knew not only did she want more but she needed more so she took off her only article of clothing to show off her goddess like body that seemed to be forged by Aprhodite herself with her Double D Cup size breasts and breathtaking hips that made Dante's friend straighten up and show it's full length of twenty four inches of bitch breaking man meat.
Nevan:" ~Shall we my prince?~"
Dante:" ~We shall my beautiful succubus~"
Dante wasn't a virgin but only had sex once in a three way with Ahri who was in heat and a VERY jealous Akali who were as unexperienced as he was since they were only seventeen when they done and ever since because of their fame, Akali had focused on her training as a kunoichi and her rapping skills while Ahri had to take anti heat suppressants in order for her not to end up forcing herself upon a fan. So Dante was partially aware of what to do but nevertheless decided to let Nevan to take over so she got on her knees and started to gently stroke him while Dante moved a hand down her luscious thighs to her womanhood and put three fingers in and gently moved them to the beat of her stroking. This went on for a while though the two knew they both wanted more than just this so Dante flipped Nevan upside down and shoved his intimidating hardened twenty four inch beast into Nevan's gullet while he downed himself into her dripping pussy and went while like a dog with a chew toy with Nevan taking all of the nearly two feet of meat into her mouth, her tongue licking all nick and crannies of the beast like a pro.
Dante:" You better get ready baby because a big load is cumming!!"
Nevan just smacked Dante's ass as a response so he just thrusted harder with his massive balls smacked her forehead but Nevan just wanted this boy's no this man not even that this god to finish in her mouth and give her his godly cream and he did just that with a powerful blast going into Nevan's readied mouth while a equally powerful one of her own sprayed Dante's face. The two panted but were nowhere near finished so Dante bent Nevan over her desk and started pounding her soaked pussy with her screaming to the heavens in her blissful state.
Nevan*With Pleasure*:" Yes my prince!! Pound your succubus queen and show off what the blood of legends can do!!!"
Dante sped up his thrusts continuously and started to spank her ass hard enough that it started to become a bright crimson but the pain was the pleasure for Nevan who started to thrust back into Dante's powerful hips and demanding stronger spanks so Dante with a smirk added some of his Aura to his palms and really laid it onto Nevan's glorious ass cheeks with his palm turning her ass into such a bright crimson that it looked neon but this just fueled their lust. Dante kept going before suddenly exploding inside of her with such force that you could actually hear it coming out of him and into the womb of Nevan.
🍋LEMON OVER 🍋 (They go at it for another 3 hours)
Dante and Nevan took a shower together where she put her phone number into his and after drying off Dante looked himself into the mirror and frowned a little.
Dante:" Hey Nevan, do you know anyone who knows how to cut hair?"
Nevan:" I do actually my prince because I can. Living for two hundred years gets boring if you sit around and do nothing with it."
Dante:" Very true and I'm asking because I need a haircut."
Nevan:" Well my prince you are in luck because I do have my kit here with me."
Dante sat down with the towel around his waist while Nevan was in the nude grabbing her kit and came back with it.
Nevan:" What will it be my prince?"
*Five Minutes Later*
Nevan:" What do you think My prince?"
(The middle is black and the sides are white)
Dante:"~ Much better~ Also you can just call me Dante Nevan."
Nevan:" Very well Dante."
Dante got up and gave Nevan a kiss before getting into his car and heading back home where he was greeted to the smell of delicious food courtesy of his sister/lover Lilith who smiled upon seeing Dante's return.
Lilith:" New haircut love? Must say it fits you much more than that other one because that hair was a bit boring."
Dante:" You said it, i prefer this one but anyway baby girl, what ya making?"
Lilith*Giggles*:" A surprise my love now take a seat and wait. It'll be a minute but I promise it will be worth it."
Dante:" Anything you make is worth the wait Lilith. Becoming a Nephaelem and then the protector of Earth was worth the wait and having a real family was definitely worth the wait."
Lilith*Sighs Lovingly*:" You are too sweet Dante and I'm just so glad I have you in my life. I know Angelisa, mom and dad feel the same way."
Dante and Lilith shared a gentle kiss before he sat down to see how his music is doing and seeing the usually millions of views and comments praising him and his legendary skill making him smile and chuckle before someone started massaging his scalp then lay a kiss on his neck.
Angelisa:" Hello love, a new haircut and I can sense new power within you. Battled a powerful demon out there?"
Dante:" C needed some help with a Cerberus so I took it and now the world don't got to worry about rabies from a trio of deformed assholes."
Angelisa:" Good to know that since Cerberus are a pain to deal with and I honestly prefer not having one so strong I can still sense him off of you after hours of you defeating it."
Dante:" It was king of the Cerberus Tribe so that's most likely why."
Lilith:" Food's ready! Behold the dish of beef Wellington and side of seasoned mashed potato and fried rice!"
Dante:" Jackpot!"
Angelisa:" God I'm starved!"
The trio dug into their meals while Lilith explained that her and Sparda were heading to the Underworld for a Dust that while similar to Remnant's was far more powerful by allowing people who have it to do much more than Remnant could ever while Angelisa was gonna be with Eva to talk about her studying in business in college so Dante was free but after finishing his meal and his second helpings he remembered his plan for Remnant and figured he was now truly ready to go to "Jaune's" homeworld and reunite with his allies of that world. He got up and told his sisters/lovers of his idea and while they were nervous of not seeing him for a time they nodded their heads and accepted his choice, Dante knew his parents were aware of this and were told if he wasn't home in two days that he was back in Remnant though first he needed allies of his homeworld to aid him so he sent three texts to three of his choosing and told them to meet him at his home to be told of his idea.
(Timeskip 30 Minutes Later)
Dante was in his new car waiting for his allies and they appeared ready to see what he wanted.
Dante*Smiles*:" Glad to see you three arrived."
Sett:" Hey bud you said you needed us for something big so we had to man."
Ahri:" That's right my handsome knight. It has to be big if you needed help rather than doing something by yourself."
Katarina:" Yeah the son of the Legendary Dark Knight and the Angelic Assassin needing help is something I would never have expected."
Dante:" That's because I'm going back to Remnant."
Sett/Ahri/Katarina:" WHAT!?!?!?!"
Dante:" I need to see those that cared for me back there again and Ozpin needs help because I know what he's fighting is far more than just Grimm. I got to be sure."
The three nodded and Katarina understood right away why they were called.
Katarina:" You need a team and your old team may have a replacement already."
Dante:" Correct."
Ahri:" Why us though love?"
Dante:" Team RWBY."
Immediately hatred leaked from the bodies of his allies with Sett clenching his fists so tight that the bars of the gate he was holding was now noodles, Ahri had her flames forming around her better stronger due to her rage and Katarina's eyes became a deep crimson that glowed. Dante had told them of that team and besides Blake, they wanted to kill the rest so badly for what they've done and Team CRDL especially though Dante snapped his fingers to get their attention back to him.
Dante:" Like Yang Sett can absorb damage done to him but he is not only far more durable than that whore but also stronger so a way for her to get a taste of her own medicine. Ahri because she has a animal feature like Blake and also the power over a element or more elements like that white haired bragging shit eating slut Weiss but far better and isn't arrogant and like the "leader" Ruby Katarina is a redhead people don't take seriously but unlike Ruby, Katarina can back it up, fight and defend herself as well as work with others. That clear it up good enough?"
Sett/Ahri/Katarina:" Yep/Crystal clear/Perfectly handsome."
Dante:" Alright then, let's get going because it's time for Remnant to see true power and true heroes."
The three got into Dante's blue ride and drove down the street where after finding a clearing in the woods where no one was watching, they got out and Dante place the car into his dimensional storage. Looking at his future team mates who gave a nod that they were ready, he made a portal and they all walked into the portal to "Jaune's" homeworld.
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