Word count: 3437 (damn son what the fuck)
(In which Keith is poorly and Lance looks after him.)
Keith P.o.v:
My stomach gurgled as I looked at my food, it had been hurting all day and the sight of this green shit before me wasn't making it any better.
"You not gonna' eat anything Keith?" Hunk said, gesturing to the plate of goo that had hardly been touched.
I nodded and put a little on my spoon before hesitantly putting it in my mouth, chewing for a while before swallowing. I couldn't take it.
Suddenly I felt nauseous.
"Are you okay Keith? You look like you've seen a ghost." Shiro said as I stared at the bowl in front of me, trying to concentrate on not throwing up.
Bile made its way up my throat, making me stand abruptly from my seat and sprint, almost tripping over my own feet as I hurried to get to the nearest bathroom.
I just about made in time, as soon as I sank to my knees over the edge of the toilet I vomited straight into it.
Jeez I hate that stuff.
Always have, always will.
Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and I grimaced.
Oh no. Lance.
"Go away." I croacked out, flushing the toilet and leaning my head on my arms.
Oh man he can't see me like this.
I heard the door creak open slowly and I frowned. Awesome.
"Hey buddy, you okay?" Lance asked, his voice unusually soft and caring.
"Mhm. I'm fine." I said as my jaw started to ache and the bile began to rise again.
"What happened?"
As I thought of the goo I had abandoned at the table my stomach turned over, making me vomit into the toilet again.
Lance gasped and there were footsteps before I felt a hand rubbing circles into my back, making me more sick.
"Let it out... preventing it will just make it worse." He cooed from beside me.
It took five more minutes before I stopped, and I grimaced again as I flushed the toilet and put the seat down.
"You're shivering." Lance said and I realised he was right.
Damn it's cold, but I don't want to move.
"Come on, let's get you to bed."
I groaned in disagreement as Lance gently tugged at my arm.
"Keith, you can't sit here all night."
"W-why do you care?" I managed as a dull ache spread through my stomach.
"What? What do mean why do I care? I want to make sure you're okay silly." Lance said, as if stating the obvious.
I smiled at that, though my head was still leant on my arms so he couldn't see it.
"I don't want to m-move... it's cold and my t-tummy hurts." I whispered, before groaning again as my stomach made a point of aching even more.
Lance sighed and then surprisingly I felt a hand playing with my hair gently. It comforted me a little and I smiled again.
Lance had a way of doing that, making me smile when I wanted nothing more than to scream.
"I know... but you still can't sit here all night shivering and feeling shitty, hermosa." (Beautiful.)
I felt my face twist in confusion, I know Lance is spanish but I've never heard him say 'hermosa' before.
Lance sighed again, realising that I wasn't gonna get up.
He stood up and brushed himself off making me internally groan. I don't want him to leave...
I heard some shuffling and then something was draped over me tightly, a strangely comforting smell wrapped itself around me and my shivering subsided a little.
Lance's jacket.
An arm wove it's way under my legs and another one around my back and then suddenly I was lifted off the ground. I let out a betraying squeak and clutched to Lance's shirt, the only thing I could considering he was now holding me bridal style in his arms.
"It's okay, I'm just taking you to your room." He said quietly, his breath tickling my face.
I relaxed a little after the initial shock wore away, making Lance smile and start the journey to my room.
My stomach sent another wave of pain through me and I didn't even care that I had buried my head into Lance's neck with a groan.
"I know, I know... it's fine, you'll only have to put up with it for a little bit longer." He cooed.
I smiled into the skin on Lance's neck as he continued walking, eventually making it to my room.
"Hey, you think you could punch your code in for me? My hands are kinda full." He said with a chuckle, making me groan again but I reached out and put in the password to unlock my door anyway.
When it was open he carried me in and pressed the button to close the door with his elbow before taking me to my bathroom and ever so gently placing me down.
I knew why he took me here first and I smiled at him appreciatively.
He walked out as I grabbed my toothbrush and then walked back in whilst I was midway through brushing my teeth for the third time, setting my pyjamas on the toilet seat.
I spat out the toothpaste and thanked him. He smiled and walked out to give me privacy so I rinsed my mouth and began getting changed, making sure to put Lance's jacket back on afterwards as my teeth had began to chatter.
When I walked out of the bathroom, my stomach aching terribly, I saw that Lance had pulled the covers back on my bed so that I could get in and he'd turned the main light down to its lowest brightness, casting a warm glow around the room.
He was looking at the pictures that I had stuck on the wall, most of them were of us because Lance liked to sneak up behind me and take sudden selfies.
But there was some of the others too, the whole team was on there, though Lance and myself was on there the most.
"Who's this?" He asked, pointing to a picture at the side.
"That's my dad." I said softly, it was the only picture I had of him. Or any of my family for that matter.
"Oh... you don't look much like him..."
"Yeah, apparently I took after my mother. Though I wouldn't know, I never met her."
Lance nodded and turned to face me again, he smiled when he saw I had put his jacket on again.
I climbed into bed and Lance walked over, pulling the covers over me and tucking me in a little.
"There... you warming up now?" He asked, his face showing concern.
I nodded and smiled genuinely at him for the second time since being on this ship.
He brushed my bangs back and felt my forehead before frowning.
"You have a fever... I'll be right back okay?" He said softly before making his way to my bathroom.
He came back two minutes later with a damp wash cloth. He brushed my hair back again and placed it on my forehead, making me sigh contentedly as my burning face began to cool a little.
"Better?" He asked and I nodded, my eyes closing.
"Good, try and get some sleep okay?" I nodded again.
I heard him stand and start to walk away before I realised. He's leaving.
"Lance!" I called out, my eyes shooting open.
He turned to look at me from his place by the door, his finger hovering over the button to let him out.
I hesitated slightly, playing with the bedsheets while I debated what I was going to say.
"Keith? You okay?" He asked, turning towards me more. His hand fell to his side again as he raised an eyebrow.
"Can you... I mean... I-I just..."
"What is it Keith? It's okay, you can tell me..."
I took a deep breath and looked him in the eye.
I nodded gently, and looked away.
There was a silence, lasting a total of eight seconds before I heard him chuckle quietly and shuffle over to me again.
"Sure." He said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
A few minutes passed and my eyes had closed, though I could practically feel that Lance was on edge.
"You don't have to stay if you don't want to." I said softly, opening one eye to look at him.
"Wha- no, no. It's fine, I don't mind it's just... uh..."
"What is it Lance? It's okay, you can tell me..." I said, repeating his words from earlier with a small smile and opening my eyes fully.
"I-I just... you look really adorable right now." He whispered, looking away with a blush on his cheeks.
I froze.
I look what now?
I thought to myself for a few seconds as Lance began to bounce his leg in what could have been nervousness.
I felt myself laugh a little and he looked over again.
"What? What's so funny?"
"You. You're cute when you're flustered." I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
His eyes widened a little and he looked around the room quickly as his cheeks flushed darker before meeting my eyes again.
He didn't say anything, and neither did I. We just looked for a while. It was nice.
I still had Lance's jacket wrapped around me under the covers, his scent was wafting from it, but I wanted more.
So I pulled and arm out and tugged at Lance's shirt.
"Lay down with me?"
Lance looked shocked for a few seconds, but he took a deep breath in and then nodded.
I shuffled over so that he had room and then pulled the covers back. He raised an eyebrow but laid down next to me and pulled them back over us.
I turned on my side to look at him and he did the same.
I moved closer, draping an arm over his waist and I felt his hand rest over it. He rubbed small circles into my skin with his thumb and I smiled, my eyes hadn't left his once.
That is until he licked his lips subconsciously and my gaze dropped to rest on them instead.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw him raise an eyebrow and watched his lips turn up into a smirk.
"Watch'ya lookin' at Keithy?"
"Your lips." I said, not bothering to play it off like I wasn't. My voice came out deep and a little croaky
His eyes turned wide, as if he weren't expecting me to be so blunt about it.
"Uh... w-why?"
"Because, they look lonely without mine." I said with a smirk, quoting a pick up line Lance had used many times on Allura.
He rolled his eyes and smiled softly.
"Why don't you do something about it then?"
I hesitated. A few seconds passed, Lance waiting patiently to see what I would do.
I smiled, leaning forwards to close the little distance between us... and then I kissed him.
He kissed back instantly, one hand traveling down to my hip and the other propping him up so that he was above me as our eyes fluttered closed.
He tilted his head to deepen the kiss and I felt his tongue poke at my bottom lip, asking for entrance.
I obliged by parting my mouth slightly and he slipped his tongue inside, exploring and clashing with my own.
I brought my hand up to the nape of his neck and pulled him closer, running my fingers through the hair there.
The kiss wasn't really sexual, it was loving. Lance was telling me so many things through this kiss that I thought my brain would explode.
He somehow managed to pour so much affection into it that it made my heart flutter and my body go tingly.
He pulled away for air and our eyes met again, he leaned down and gave me another quick kiss before smiling at me.
"Sleepy Keith is my favourite Keith, I've decided." Lance whispered, rubbing our noses together in an eskimo kiss.
I hummed softly and brought the hand from his neck down to his hips, pulling him closer.
He lay down comfortably again and put an arm around my shoulder as I rested my head over his heart. It was beating erratically, almost matching my own and I smiled before tangling out legs together.
I let out a yawn and Lance chuckled, I felt the gentle vibration of it from his chest under my cheek and it lulled me somewhat as my eyes closed.
"Buenas noches cariño." He said softly, leaving a kiss on my head.
(Goodnight sweetie.)
"Mm. Joh-eun bam aleumdaun. Gomabseubnida."
(Mm. Goodnight beautiful. Thank you.)
Bonus: 《Smut warning... I'll tell you when it's about to happen.》
Lance P.o.v:
I woke up to Keith snuggled up to me, his fingers playing with my shirt in his sleep.
I smiled and kissed his head fondly, I can't believe he actually fucking kissed me. Like... holy shit.
Four years I've had a crush on this guy. Three years I've been living in the same castle as this guy. And all it took was me to look after him while he's sick?
Holy shit I'm dense.
Keith rolled over to face the wall, snoring softly and I took that as an opportunity to slip out of bed. Keith whined sleepily at the sudden loss of warmth and I shushed him with a few kisses before standing slowly again.
"I'll be right back." I whispered before walking to the door. He's a light sleeper then.
I looked back once there and almost exploded. Keith was still engulfed in my jacket and he was smiling into it while he slept, curling his toes into the bedsheets like he was truly happy. It was fucking adorable.
I quickly exited the room before I squealed and ran to my own, putting on some clean clothes, brushing my teeth and then I squealed. Loudly, might I add.
"Lance!? What's wrong?" Hunk called in a worried tone, banging on the door to my room with urgency.
I opened it and pulled Hunk inside before slamming it shut again, I could practically feel the happiness radiating off myself.
"Woah, calm down buddy. What's got you so stoaked?"
I tried to speak but the reality had just sunk in and everything just came out as gibberish.
"Uh... Yeah I didn't get any of that..."
I took a deeeeep breath and tried again, looking Hunk in the eye as I opened my mouth to speak.
"Keith Kogane kissed me."
There was silence and Hunk stared at me wide eyes.
"W-we're talking about the same Keith Kogane here right?" Hunk asked and I nodded with a smile.
"Holy quiznack... is that why you didn't come back to dinner last night!?" He shouted, realisation setting in and I shushed him but nodded with a laugh.
"He was quite sick so I was looking after him and I got him to his bed and then he asked me to stay and lay down with him so I did and then he fucking used a pickup line on me Hunk. A pick up line.
"What did he say!?"
"Well we were laying there and he looked at my lips so I got all cocky and I was like 'what're you looking at' and he was all like 'your lips' and holy hell his voice was so hot. And then I was like 'why' and he was like 'because they look lonely without mine.' So I said 'why don't you do something about it' and then he kissed me." I said, beaming as I told every last detail.
"Ohmygod I can't believe this. Ohmygod."
"I know!"
There was a sudden knock on the door and I jumped but went to answer it.
"You said you'd be right back you ass." Keith said as I opened the door, his hair wild and his eyes still sleepy.
"Yeah I know, I was just talking to Hunk, sorry."
Keith peered over my shoulder to where Hunk was standing and waved and I assume Hunk waved back because he smiled and then looked at me again.
"Well hurry up. I'm sleepy and you're warm." He said before turning to leave.
And then as if he forgot something he turned back and leant up on his tip toes to kiss me, seemingly not caring that Hunk was watching and trying not to fanboy.
The kiss was only about four seconds long but it was just as amazing as the first.
He then smiled again and trudged back to his room, rubbing his eyes with sweater paws thanks to my too-big jacket.
Holy shit he's fucking adorable. What the fuck is going on.
I turned around to find Hunk crying silently, a huge smile on his face.
"ThatwasthecutestthingiveeverseenohmygodithinkimgonnaexplodesomeonehelpmebecauseHunk.ekehasstoppedworkingpleasefileacrashreport." Hunk was talking absolute nonsense to himself and I shook my head in amusement.
"Welp. Can't keep a cute boy waiting, sorry Hunk. Save us some breakfast would you?" I said before sprinting to Keith's room.
The boy had only just walked through the door himself so he was clearly surprised when I ran up behind him, wrapped my arms around his waist and swung him around a few times.
He squealed loudly and I grinned before letting him down.
"You scared the shit out of me you asshole!" He said, hitting me with a sweater paw and looking much more awake.
"Sorry, you just looked too cute, I couldn't resist." I said with a smile.
(Smut starts here so yeah, enjoy I guess.)
He tried to look angry but I could tell he wanted to smile so it just came out as a pout, doubling his adorableness.
I chuckled and kissed his pouting lips. He wrapped his arms around my neck so I leant down without breaking the kiss and squeezed the back of his thighs, silently telling him to jump and he did. I lifted him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist as I cupped his ass to support him.
He suddenly broke the kiss for air and I took the opportunity to trail kisses down his jawline to his neck. He gasped but moved to the side to give me more access so I found a piece of skin just below his ear and started to suckle on it gently.
Keith's legs tightened around my waist and I internally smirked as I slowly walked us over to his bed. When we got there I broke away from his neck and grinned at the dark purple bruise I had left there before lowering him down onto his back and climbing on top of him.
He pulled me back down by my neck to reunite our lips except this time the kiss was much more needy.
His hands travelled underneath my shirt and he ran them over my chest before going around to my back and suddenly scratching down it slowly, making me gasp and let out a small moan.
His tongue passed my lips as I gasped and met with my own, and he moved his hands once again to cup my ass before repositioning me over his groin.
I know what he wants, and he knows I'm a tease. So when he whined softly and I denied him I expected a retaliation. However I did not expect the retaliation that he gave me.
In one quick movement Keith had flipped me over and reversed our positions, breaking the kiss to look me dead in the eye as he pinned my arms to the mattress. His eyes were half lidded in a soft and inviting glare. I know that look. That's his "try me bitch" look.
I smirked and raised an eyebrow before rolling my hips upwards, his eyes widened in shock and he moaned softly before narrowing them again and diving towards my lips.
Clothes were stripped carelessly and thrown across the room as our session got more heated. Teeth and tongues clashed and skin rubbed against skin.
He had me panting, moaning, blushing and quite literally begging for the sweet release of death within five seconds and it was then that I had a realisation.
Keith Kogane is a fucking sex god.
And oh man he answered my prayers.
Lmao sorry. I felt like doing some smut, though I know I didn't go into much detail.
I left it to the imagination ;)
I really hope you're enjoying these oneshots so far.
I just wanted to leave a little note to say that I'm now taking requests and prompts so if you want me to write you something then just message me :)
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