We're Just Kids!
WARNING: Non, just as a heads up! :D
Voltron Elementary is a great school. Since I started, I've made a bunch of friends and I can easily show new kids around.
One new kid seems cool. He's very quiet and has only made one friend in our grade.
He's friends with Shiro. We call him that because his real names long and hard to say. I couldn't say it properly for my own life.
I approach the kid and Shiro calmly, they're at the sandbox and I'm hoping not to startle them. "Hi Shiro, Whatcha doing?" He turns to smile at me. I smile back and lean down.
"Playing Power Rangers, wanna join?" I answer with an enthusiastic yes and pick up the blue ranger. The other boy is the red ranger and shiro is the black ranger. "My name's Lance." I say to the boy. He looks up and smiled at me. "I'm Keith."
We continiued playing after a while, Hunk, Pidge and Allura joined in with our game of Power Rangers."Pchoo! Pchoo! We killed the aliens!" I cheered, doing a silly dance!
Keith stood up. "That isn't how you do it, Lance. We need to combine the zords into a megazord and defeat the aliens. It always goes like that." He said.
"Well, maybe it could be a bit different this time."
"No! You can't change it, because that's how they kill the bad guys. They've done it every episode in every series so far. It's like a code."
"Repetition much? Boring stuff needs a little shake up like this."
"This isn't boring! It's Power Rangers!" Keith and I got into eachothers faces. "Well, maybe I don't want to be a Power Ranger!"
"Well, maybe you shouldn't. And if you did, you wouldn't even know that you were a Power Ranger because you'd be dead already."
Shirp split us up and ended the argument. "You do realise that you two are arguing over a game that we were playing?"
I turned away, folding my arms and sticking my bottom lip out. "Yeah, but still Keefs fault." I started it up again.
"How is it my fault? You killed the aliens the wrong way!"
"At least I killed them! You know what? This argument is pointless. You have fun playing in the sandbox with your toys. I'll find someone cooler than all of you!"
And with that, I left.
After Lance took his leave, Shiro, Hunk, Allura, Pidge and I carried on the game of Power Rangers PROPERLY!
And without Lance, of course.
"It isn't the same without Lance. He was really enthusiastic with sound effects." Allura pointed out, tucking a loose lock of her white hair behind her ear.
"Well, Lance isn't playing with us."
I growled a little. Hunk told me to calm my nerves and Pidge agreed with him. "You should say sorry to him, Keith." Shiro said. I looked to him and scowled.
"Shiro's right. You should say sorry, after all, you did start the argument." Allura agreed with Shiro, as did Hunk and Pidge. "Alright! I'll say sorry to him!" I heavily sighed, stood up and began searching for Lance.
"Lance?" I shouted. I was stood in the playground. Lance was no where to be seen. Then I saw Lotor, in all his glory. "Uh...Lotor, have...have you seen Lance?" He turned around, his hair swished around.
"What, that little dork? Yeah, in that tree." He pointed to a tree. I nodded as a thanks and ran to the tree. I couldn't see anyone. But I could hear crying.
"Lance, is that you?"
"Go away!"
"I came to say sorry."
"Y-you did?"
"Yeah, I was such a butt and I shouldn't have hurt your feelings. And playing with you was fun."
"Climb up." So I did what he said and climbed up the tree to Lances branch. "Appology accepted!" He smiled, giving me a nice hug. I hugged him back, ruffling his hair.
Well, sorry it's a short one. Not smutty but enjoyable. Fwesh though!!!!!! :D
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