Guy Problems

Warnings: Cussing.

If you read that as Gay Problems then I don't blame you. Seriously, tho.

"My name's Lance, I have just graduated from Voltron University." Lance said to himself in the mirror, the nerves of his job interview making him shake. Usually he'd just style it out. He needed this job so he could send some money to his mom and younger siblings in Colorado.

"You got this, Lance. Stop worrying." Lance turned to see his best friend, Hunk, on the sofa. "I'll pay rent when I get money." Lance said, but Hunk just shook his head reluctantly. "No, you won't. You are my best friend, you live with me. I pay the rent, you use the money to ask Keith out or something." Lance looked at Hunk, shocked, but also confused.

"Lance, I see the way you look at Keith. Buddy, I know something you don't know about him." Hunk smirked at Lance and made eyebrows.

"I know he's gay, but he just hates me." Lance frowned.

"No, he just finds you annoying, flirty, loud and dramatic."

"Whatever..." Lance mumbled, pulling on his suit jacket and walking out of the door, and calling a cab. He told the cab driver the location of his interview, and he left.


"Shiro, I'm going to be late for work. See you later." Keith said briefly before leaving the house and getting into his car, driving to work. The drive was long and boring. The highway was, as usual, full of cars and trucks. He turned for the exit and drove down the road and made his way to work.

Keith parked his car and locked it. Walking into the sparkly, glass pane and white painted building he called work. He walked to his office, but stopped for a moment.

Lance was sat on a chair outside his office. He was just there, like he was waiting for something, or someone. Keith pulled all his confidence together and walked to his office, trying not to make eye contact with Lance. Unfortunately, he did.

"Keith, what are you doing here?" Lance asked, it sounded shock-happiness. "I work here, in this office." He pointed to the door and looked at Lance.

"Weird, that's where my job interview is." Lance smirked a little, looking into Keiths eyes. "I'd better be getting in. Stuff to do." Keith smiles.

"Okay." Lance returns the smile.


Lance was called into the office. He was suprised to see Keith in the first place. But he now knows Keith is his interviewer.

"You don't need to ask questions, we went to the same school." Lance says in monotone. Keith rolls his eyes and looks back down to the peice of paper in front of him. "Alright...Why would you like to work here at Altea?" Keith asked Lance. Lance took a deep breath but Keith cut him off.

"Good answer, see you on Monday, you'll need this security pass." Keith handed Lance a blank security pass. "That will be temporary, when you get regestered here, it'll have your details and stuff on it." Lance stayed.quiet and took the security pass, standing up to leave. Keith rubbed his eyes, but was interrupted by Lance.

"Hey, when do you get off?" He asked. Keith stared at him blankly, mentally having a party. "About 6, why?" Lance laughed lightly and put his hand on the door handle. "Come to Hunks place after work, okay?" Keith nodded, letting Lance leave the room. He slumped in his chair and smiled. "Took you long enough, McClain." He mumbled to himself.


Lance left the office, relieved. He saw the receptionist sat bored. Lance approached her. She had short, brown hair and was overtly tall. "You look like nothing exiting has happened for you all day." Lance laughed a little. The girl rolled her eyes and nodded. "You're right. Nothing ever exiting happens here." She smiles at Lance. Lance smirks. "The name's Lance." He held out his hand. She held hers out. "Krista, and nice to meet you. But don't try anything, I have eyes for someone else." She sighed heavily.

Lances curiosity got the better of him. "What's his name? What does he do?" Krista face palmed and she sighed again, this time it was annoyance. "Her name is Pidge, and she is a part time technitian. Part time student." Lance looked shocked, his jaw dropped.

"Pidge? As in Pidge Gunderson? Matts little sister?" He smiled a little. She smiled back. "Yeah, you know her?" Lance nodded, then he squinted at Krista. "She's 14, how old are you?" Krista began laughing at Lance. "Silly, I'm 15. I study at Voltron Uni. Part time receptionist."

Lance left the building, waving to Krista and calling a cab. It took him along the highway and outside his apartment block. "Thanks, Jerry!" Lance patted the drivers shoulder. "My name's Malcom." He drove off down the road.

Lance arrived back at Hunks, smiling and confused. "So, did you get the job?" Hunk asked, full of energy and grinning. "Like hell I did, and you'll never guess who the interview dude was!" He grinned back. Hunk laughed lightly and rolled his eyes. "Was it Keith by any chance?" Lance nodded. "He called to say he's coming over later. Any idea why?" Lance shook his head, blushing.

Hunk hugged him. "It's okay to invite your boyfriend over to fuck, just don't be to loud." Lance glared at Hunk and scoffed. "He isn't my boyfriend!" He whisper-yelled.

"Not yet innocent boy, not yet." Hunk went into the kitchen to make lunch. Lance stood in the same spot, confused and mortified. "I don't know what you mean, but me and Keith shall never kiss, or get anywhere close to kissing!"

"You did when we played truth or dare at Pidges."

"That was forced, Hunk! Even if I did enjoy it, that didn't count!"

"Whatever you say, Loverboy Lance."

"Ha! It fits because it's true!" Pidge walked into the apartment. "What's up, guys?" She smiled at Lance. Lance felt a pang of guilt, because he knew something Pidge didn't.

{Time skip|POV change thingy}

It was six, Keith was already in the parking lot unlocking his car. He got in and called Shiro. "Hey, I'm going to Lance's, I'll be back about tennish."

"Any reason?"

"He invited me over." Keith said, hanging up the phone and driving out of the parking lot and to the highway. His phone was connected to his car, on the screen, a message popped up.

Incomming call: Hunk :-)

He tapped answer. "I'm on my way down now, just on the highway."

"Dude, Lance has so much planned."

"Like what?"

"That's for us to know and you to find out"

"Fine..." Keitb hung up and took the exit. He arrived outside Lances apartment block and parked his car on the curb. He got out, locked the car, made his way into the block, climbed a flight of stairs and knocked on Hunks door.

The door was answered by Pidge. She dragged him into the living room by his arm and pushed him onto the couch.

"Wait. There." She ran into the kitchen and Lance casually walked into the living room, with 2 champagne glasses and a bottle of prosseco. The cork was popped and he filled the glasses with the fizzy alchohol. "So...I don't know how to say I won't. I'll show you." Keith took a sip of his drink and put it on the coffee table. And then, unexpectedly, he was kissed softly and passionately by Lance on the lips.

At first, Keith was tense. But soon after, he melted into Lance's lips like butter on hot pancakes. "Well, the bottle isn't even empty and you're already allover eachother like rashes." The kissing boys stopped. Pidge was stood in the doorway, arms folded. "We have another 2 bottles to get through." Keith smiled a little, having an idea. He pulled out his phone and sent a group message.

To: Shiro, Allura, Krista (mobile):
Party at Hunks, alchohol and food. Wanna join the fun? Pidge and Lance are here, too!
-Message sent at 6:47PM

Krista (mobile): On my way! Is Pidge drunk yet??
-Message recieved at 6:48PM

Shiro: Be there soon.
-Message recieved at 6:48PM.

Allura: Okay, be there in a few ticks.
-Message recieved at 6:49PM


eith smirked and waited. Lance kissed his nose, occationally. There was a knocl at the door. "I'll get it!" Pidge shouted. The door opened and the three guests walked in. Shiro had an arm around Allura's waist. Krista had a large bottle of red wine.

"Let's play Never have I ever. I bought tequila from Matts secret stash." Pidge smiled at her idea. Allura.volunteered to go first. "Okay, uh...never have I ever...liked the opposite gender." Krista filled a shot glass and swallowed the alcholhol. Pidge widened her eyes, and then took the glass, filled it up and downed it. She smiled at Krista, who blushed.

Lance took the shot glass and did the same. His face was all screwed up and he coughed a little. Finally, Keith took the last mouthful of the round. He tried to keep a straight face (Ha, no pun intended. Because he can't keep straight.) but failed.

{time skip, brought to you by Voltron}

The game dragged on for many rounds. Hunk had already passed out, Allura was a chatty mess, Shiro was dizzy. On her shoulder, Krista had Pidge's head. Out of confidence she kissed her scalp, and the kiss was returned on the lips.

What about Keith and Lance?! Well, they already left for the bedroom...I'm not telling you due to privacy issues, but let's just say they've seen eachother naked and have cracked open the lube bottle.

Took me hours to write that.

I hope you liked the ending.

This part included my new bestie --------. I hope you liked this part, too!

And thank you for reading this part, vote, comment and tell your friends.

If you have any friends.

-ThreadTheNeedle. xx

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