ㅏThe day Joonmyeon meets a cute little sheepㅓ

Little plot change, Yixing has not been in this story till now. I went back and edited some things but, to be clear, this is the first time Yixing meets any of the characters.

Joonmyeon sighed as he locked his car, shoving his keys into his back pocket as he walked towards his front door.

It's been a long day.

He had some issues turning in a couple projects for university and he still had to apply for some jobs. Joonmyeon was graduating med school soon and he couldn't be more relieved. For all of his life, he had been waiting for this moment.

The moment where he can stop going to school and dealing with frustrating teachers and actually help people.

That was the main reason why Joonmyeon even decided to study Medicine. To help people.

Joonmyeon shivered violently as another harsh gust of wind blew through his clothes, chilling him to the bone. He sped up the sidewalk, not wanting to be out in the frigid January air for longer then he needed to be.

Joonmyeon's footsteps slowed when he noticed a small figure curled up near his front porch. Joonmyeon fumbled for his phone and turned on the flashlight, pointing it at the figure.

He gasped when the person suddenly looked up. Joonmyeon's heart got stuck in his throat as he took in the male. He was thin, frighteningly thin. He had big eyes and pale skin. His fluffy brown hair fell over his forehead in a messy cute way. Coming off of his head were two sheep ears and Joonmyeon almost laughed.

It was just his luck to encounter not one but two hybrids in his lifetime.

Joonmyeon slid off his backpack, rummaging through it to see if he had any leftovers from his lunch. He grinned when he saw a bag of uneaten baby carrots.

He approached the sheep hybrid slowly, "Hey there Love, are you hungry?"

The hybrid seemed scared out of his mind. He tried to run but he fell right back on his butt. Joonmyeon frowned when he saw a large, deep gash on the latter's leg. It was starting to bleed from the sudden movement and the hybrid was clearly in pain.

He was biting his bottom lip, eyes squeezed shut. Tiny tears fell from his eyes and Joonmyeon's heart ached.

He unzipped his jacket, flinching when the sudden cold air hit him. He moved slowly towards the shaking hybrid, making sure his converse clad feet made no noise.

Joonmyeon dropped his jacket around the hybrid's shoulders while wiggling the bag of carrots in front of his face, "Come on love, let me help you." He cooed.

The sheep hybrid looked at him hesitantly and Joonmyeon smiled. The hybrid smiled softly back and Joonmyeon almost cried when he caught sight of a cute dimple.

The hybrid took the carrots gently, munching on one cutely as he watched Joonmyeon closely.

Joonmyeon frowned when something metal glinted in the porch light. He lifted his hand slowly. The hybrid froze but let Joonmyeon touch the collar fastened on his neck.

Joonmyeon felt himself growing angry, "Someone put a fucking collar on you?" He read the nametag.


Joonmyeon looked up, "Yixing?"

The hybrid froze again, a carrot hanging out of his mouth.
Joonmyeon smiled, "Your name? Is it Yixing?"

Yixing nodded slowly.

Joonmyeon stood up, "Come on, lets go inside. It's cold out here, love."

Yixing whimpered and pointed at his leg. Joonmyeon nearly smacked himself on the forehead. How could he forget the huge cut on Yixing's leg?

He bent down, hooking his arm around the latter's thin pale legs. Joonmyeon silently thanked Minseok for all the times he dragged Joonmyeon to the gym as he lifted Yixing.

It was concerning, how light the brown haired male was. Yixing whimpered again at the sudden movement and grabbed Joonmyeon's shirt, hiding his face in his chest.

Joonmyeon's jacket was still hanging off of the smaller's shoulders as Joonmyeon struggled to open the door. He finally kicked it open and carried Yixing inside, who audibly sighed at the warm temperature.

After Joonmyeon placed Yixing on his couch, went back to grab his stuff (which was still on the grass), he flipped on the lights.

He gasped when he realized how bad the damage really was. Yixing was wearing a light tank top and short shorts. Joonmyeon's heart ached again, imaging how cold the latter must have been outside.

He was covered in small scratches and bruises. There was a cut on his cheek which was just scabbing over. Joonmyeon leaned closer, brushing a thumb over the wound. Yixing's breath hitched when the handsome male came close.

Joonmyeon finally pulled away, running upstairs frantically.
Yixing pouted. Why had the nice man left him?

Yixing shrugged to himself as he began munching on his carrots again, at least he had those.

The man came downstairs again, this time with clothes in hand.

He made Yixing take off his tank top, only to replace it with a really warm fuzzy sweater.

He handed the sweatpants to Yixing and Yixing grinned when he noticed how soft the material was. He pulled it over his bare, freezing legs.

"Yixing t-thanks you." Yixing stammered out.

The nice man grinned wider, looking up from the huge cut that he had just bandaged, "You're welcome Yixing. By the way, my name is Joonmyeon."


Joonmyeon laughed, immediately stopping when he noticed Yixing's quivering lip, "Oh no! Love, wait, I wasn't laughing at you! You're just so cute. You can call me Myeon if you can't say my name."

Yixing smiled again, "Myeon!"

Joonmyeon laughed and nodded.

"Myeon! Myeon! Myeon!" Yixing chirped, happy that he could say the nice man's name.

Joonmyeon kept laughing at Yixing's cute antics, "So Yixing, what are you doing out in the cold?"

Yixing immediately fell quiet, his right hand flying up to caress the collar around his neck, "If...if Yixing tells Myeon...will Myeon promise to keep it a secret?" Yixing was clearly frightened, trying to hide himself even more into the couch. His cute little sheep ears even drooped downwards.

Joonmyeon crouched to Yixing's level and held out his pinky, "I pinky promise, Love."

Yixing took Joonmyeon's pinky gratefully and leaned in, "I ran away." He whispered.

Yixing immediately leaned away, looking right and left, just to make sure no one heard him.

Joonmyeon frowned, "Ran away? Ran away from who?"

Yixing pointed at a bruise on his arm, "From the mean man."

Joonmyeon's eyes widened as he took in that new information.

Then it hit him, all at once.

Yixing had a collar, bruises, and a huge cut. He ran away and seemed deathly afraid of Joonmyeon at first.

Joonmyeon growled as he borderline ripped the collar off of Yixing's neck. He stood up, storming to the kitchen.

Yixing climbed the couch to watch what he was doing. He smiled widely when he saw Joonmyeon throw away the collar. The black haired male turned to Yixing, "You're staying here with me, and no one, and I mean no one...is going to hurt you."

Yixing's cute little sheep ears popped up and his sheep tail was wiggling with happiness.

"Jongin?" Joonmyeon whispered into his phone.

Yixing, over the past month, had mad himself home in Joonmyeon's house. The sheep hybrid was bringing happiness where ever he was and Joonmyeon couldn't remember the last time he was this happy.

Yixing had opened up quite a bit to Joonmyeon in this short amount of time. Joonmyeon found out that Yixing loved carrots along with chocolate chip muffins. He likes to curl up in front of the fireplace and nap. His sheep ears pop up when he's happy and droop when he's sad. His little cotton ball tail wiggled happily whenever Joonmyeon paid any attention to him.

"What's up Kim." Jongin's sleepy voice came through the phone. Joonmyeon made a face when he heard Sehun's long purr from the other side.

"Could you bring Sehun over? I...um...I need your help."

"...sure hyung. I'll be there in ten."

Joonmyeon smiled and hung up the phone, "Xing?"

Yixing came running down the stairs, hopping every other step. He had a bag of baby carrots in his hand and chocolate smudges on his cheeks. Joonmyeon chuckled and wiped the latter's cheek. Yixing, not knowing what he was doing, just enjoyed the skinship.

"I'm having people over, so don't worry. They are really nice."

Yixing pouted, "Are you good friends with them Myeon?"

Joonmyeon nodded, making his way to the living room, "My cousin and his boyfriend."

Yixing's eyes widened, "Myeon....can Yixing ask a question?"

Joonmyeon grinned and playfully pinched the sheep hybrid's nose, "Of course Love."

"What is a boyfriend?"

Joonmyeon sighed as he sat down, allowing Yixing to crawl onto his lap, "Well, a boyfriend is what you call someone that you love. You kiss them, hug them, you want to protect them. If you love a girl, then she's your girlfriend. Do you understand?"

Yixing nods and pokes a dainty finger at Joonmyeon's chest, "Myeon takes care of Yixing. Myeon hugs Yixing. Is Yixing Myeon's boyfriend?"

Joonmyeon froze. He hadn't even thought of it that way. He just acted how he wanted to with Yixing, not caring what the latter thought because he knew Yixing wouldn't judge.

But now that Yixing had dropped this bomb on him, Joonmyeon couldn't help but wonder, does he feel something for the little sheep hybrid?

Yixing wriggled impatiently, waiting for Joonmyeon's answer. Just before Joonmyeon couldn't say anything, the doorbell rang.

Yixing shot up in his seat, running towards the door and completely forgetting about the conversation at hand. His little sheep tail wiggled with excitement as he stared at the door. Joonmyeon grinned and leaned against a wall, "Go on, open it."

Yixing nearly squealed with delight. Joonmyeon never let him open the door before!

He threw open the door, mouth dropping when he saw a tall pale male standing in front of him.

He had a soft smile on his face and his black ears wiggled anxiously. Yixing stepped backwards, a smile slipping off his face.

This new kitty was scary. And tall.

Yixing scuttled behind Joonmyeon, hiding behind the latter. Joonmyeon on the other hand waved, "Hi Sehun! Where Jongin?"

Sehun, the very tall kitty, pointed behind him, "He said that he was going to deal with a pest probl-"


An even taller man burst through the front door, his hair bright red and messed up. He had a crazy look in his eyes and Yixing was pretty sure that his right eye was bigger than his left eye. Yixing whimpered even more and hid his face in
Joonmyeon's shirt.

Joonmyeon frowned, "Oh come on Uncle Yeol, you're scaring Yixing."

Chanyeol was quickly joined by his equally annoying husband, who Yixing thought was okay, because he was so small.

Jongin burst through the door panting, "I-I'm sorry, they were at my apartment and heard your call and invited themselves over."

Joonmyeon kept the frown on his face as he hugged Yixing close, gently rubbing one of his sheep ears. That always calmed him down a bit.

"You shouldn't have come. You're scaring Yixing." Joonmyeon pointed to the little sheep hybrid in his arms.

Baekhyun gasped and Chanyeol squealed, "He has sheep ears??!!"

Joonmyeon growled at his aunt and uncle when he started to see tears in his little sheep's eyes, "Can you all just shut up and sit down?! Sehun honey, come with me please."

Sehun looked a Jongin who gave him a reassuring smile. Sehun wiggled his ears happily and placed a chaste kiss on Jongin's cheek before skipping over to Joonmyeon.

Yixing watched carefully as Jongin smiled widely.

"Okay. To get Myeon to smile, give kissy on cheek." Yixing thought to himself as he followed Joonmyeon into the kitchen.

"Yixing, this is Oh Sehun. He's like you. Look! He has cat ears." Joonmyeon said, gently rubbing Sehun's ears, causing the tall cat to let out a purr. Yixing frowned, he was the only one that Joonmyeon was allowed to pet.

Joonmyeon finally stepped petting the cat and turned to Yixing, "You guys get to know each other, I'm going to talk to the others okay?"

Yixing nodded slowly while Sehun just flung open the refrigerator, probably looking for some milk. Joonmyeon just scoffed playfully and stepped out of the kitchen.

Sehun finally looked up after pouring himself a glass of chocolate milk, "I'm Oh Sehun!"

Yixing fiddled with his fingers as he whispered out his name, "Z-Zhang Yixing."

Sehun grinned, "Well Yixing, I hope we can be close friends!"

On the other side of the wall, Joonmyeon sat on the couch, almost shrinking at the stares he got from his cousin and his parents.

"You have....a sheep hybrid."

"He just showed up one day! He was hurt!"

"His name....is Yixing."

"He's cute alright! Leave me alone."

"Joonmyeon." Jongin stopped in the middle of his sentence. Joonmyeon looked up, scared of what his little cousin might say. Instead he was greeted by a smirk, "Joonmyeon you sly dog!"

Joonmyeon gasped and threw a pillow at Jongin, who caught it while laughing. Baekhyun stood up suddenly.

Joonmyeon stopped laughing, "Uh..Uncle Baek?"

Baekhyun grinned, "I want to hug him!"

Joonmyeon froze, "I-I wouldn't do that if I were y-"

Baekhyun waved him off and walked into the kitchen. Seconds later, Joonmyeon heard the noise of the chair scraping against the wooden floor and a loud scream. Yixing came flying out of the kitchen and leaped into Joonmyeon's lap.

Joonmyeon let out a puff of air as Yixing tried to curl himself up in a little ball in his lap. Joonmyeon sighed when Baekhyun came back into the living room with a sheepish grin plastered on his face.

Joonmyeon wrapped his arms around Yixing and held him tight, "Its okay Love, he just wanted a hug."

Yixing pouted, "He...he scared me."

Baekhyun frowned and knelt to Yixing's level. He placed a gentle finger under his chin, lifting Yixing's head up so he can look him in the eye, "I'm sorry sweetheart, you are very cute and Baekkie just wanted to say hi."

Yixing sniffled, "Is Baekkie nice?"

Baekhyun grinned and nodded, "Very!"

Yixing relaxed, his pout shifting into a soft smile.

"Channie is very nice too!!"

"Shut up Chanyeol."


I'm back

With another  +2K chapter full of bullshit

Anyway I finally introduced Yixing to the story

I loved writing his character so much okaybye

I think the next chapter will be called

The adventures of Xing Xing and Hunnie.

Anyway, y'all better be grateful, I have a chem test but I wrote this instead

I hope you enjoyed!

Have a great day/night


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