~.~ 100 Confessions/Random Facts About Me!~.~
Okay. It's time for 100 confessions/random facts! Brought to you by yours truly! Enjoy learning a bit more about me ;)
1. I have never roleplayed. (Though I do have an interest in trying it out but when I first do it, I will probably suck lol)
2. I don't know how to play an instrument. (Though I do want to learn how to play the violin and maybe the piano before I die)
3. I'm a gamer girl. (I've been playing video games since I was 3 years old)
4. I can't stop watching YouTubers. (Seriously, don't even think about asking who my favorite Youtuber is unless you want an exploded head everywhere)
5. I have played the game Animal Crossing: New Leaf for over 500 hours and counting. (But as a certain person that I'm following would say, who needs a life?)
6. I love shipping things! (Seriously, I have way too many OTP's....)
7. Even though I say that I love anime, I've only ever watched two animes. (My first anime that I ever watched was "Elfen Lied", which I ended up finishing twice. The only other anime that I have watched is "Sailor Moon" and I've only watched season 1, episode 1. But I'll hopefully get back to watching it one day because I really enjoyed the first episode.)
8. The first Pokemon game that I ever played was Pokemon Y and my starter was Fennekin. (I actually nicknamed it but for some stupid reason, I thought that the nickname had to be similiar to the name of the Pokemon so I nicknamed it Fennykins and it stayed that nickname for the whole game until I changed it to Dylan. Another fun fact: I overleveled Fennekin so much that it evolved into its second form, Braixen, before I even beat the first gym. Now, the fate of Dylan is that he rots away in my PC box as a level 100 Delphox.)
9. The second and only other pokemon game that I have played is Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire and my starter was Torchic and I nicknamed him Timmy before I changed it back to Blaziken after beating the game. (Changing the nickname of my starter seems to be a common theme.)
10. While playing Pokemon Y, I actually found a shiny by accident. (It was in the forest of Snowbelle City and I was playing the story when I accidently went into some grass and in there was a shiny Jigglypuff! Now, since this was my first pokemon game, I didn't really know what a shiny was so I only caught it because I saw that it looked different and it shined when I first encountered it. It wasn't until a little while that I learned that it was actually a shiny!)
11. My first shiny was a shiny Jigglypuff! (I actually gave it a nickname but I changed it back to Jigglypuff so I don't remember what I nicknamed it.)
12. I once got a shiny level 100 Zapdos for a level 1 non-shiny Noibat. (I was trying to breed for a shiny Noibat at the time but I have long since gave up because I saw what shiny Noivern looked like and it was ugly so I quit breeding Noibat.)
13. I have gotten all of my shinies by myself except for two. (My shiny Zapdos and my shiny Gardevoir)
14. Don't ever ask me what my favorite video game is because I love way too many. (Seriously, I do.)
15. I like Mario Kart more than Mario bros. (I'm actually really good at Mario Kart and really bad at Mario Bros. but I still like it.)
16. I wrote my first original story in 8th grade. (I might post it but I might rewrite it because I don't like the way that it turned out.)
17. I started writing when I was in 3rd grade. (Though the stories that I wrote were about my Webkinz because I was a stuffed animal fanatic at the time and I would write stories about them solving mysteries about animals that would go missing and I would use a vocabulary word that we learned in school that day because English was and still is my favorite subject.)
18. Between 4th and 7th grade, I didn't write a single story and I focused on playing video games. (I got bored with them because they would take too much work. Yeah, I was a lazy kid.)
19. The only stories that I wrote during that time were a Pokeshipping (Ash X Misty) fanfiction, a Kingdom Hearts fanfiction, and other short fanfictions that I don't remember. (I actually reread them recently and they sucked.)
20. During study hall in 7th grade, I was writing the Pokeshipping fanfiction and I didn't see my teacher standing right over my shoulder, reading what I was writing and he started talking about things that happened and he asked me if I wanted to read it to the class and I said no because I didn't have the confidence in myself to do that kind of thing. He told me to then put the journal that I was writing in away or else he would make me read it to the whole class. (Let's just say, I never wrote in that class again.)
21. I love the Warriors cats books. (I have read all the way up to the series before the ancient times series. Yeah, I can't remember the names because it's been a while.)
22. I own all the Warriors cats books up to where I have read. (Yeah. I have a problem, don't I?)
23. Probably the most obvious fact/confession, I love cats! (Need I say more?)
24. I have a cat named Rajah. (He's 11 but he's going to be 12 in August.)
25. I've had Rajah since I was three and he was a little kitten then. (He was so cute!)
26. Rajah had a brother named Smokey that we got along with him and he was also cute! (As are all cats except for one kind.)
27. Smokey died at the young age of eight to heart disease. (I was so sad and I cried for weeks on end.)
28. The only kind of cat that I don't like is the Syphix. (Seriously, it's hairless and creepy...)
29. While I love cats to the end of the universe and back, I love dogs too. (I actually have a dog.)
30. My dog's name is Pixie and she is a black lab mix. (She's really cute!)
31. Pixie is two and going to be three this year! (We got her when she was only four months!)
32. Pixie's birthday is the exact day as mine! (May 5th!!)
33. For as long as I can remember, I've had at least two pets. (My family and I are animal lovers!)
34. I once had a tiny little fish that I won from a carnival game that I named Wanda. (She lived for three years and survived the time that we got a fish that I named Annie along with a bunch of other fish and Annie ate all the fish except for Wanda.)
35. I once had a frog that I named Francis. (He only lasted three days and I fed him a cricket that I found spit up in his cage later that day. Two days later, my parents told me that he died. Needless to say, we haven't had a pet frog since.)
36. I once had a girl ferrett that I named Swiper. (I was a little kid when we got her and I loved Dora as a kid.)
37. For the longest time, we thought that Swiper was a boy so that's why I named her that. (we only found that she was a girl when we took her to the vet.)
38. Swiper died of cancer (Don't remember what kind) at the age of eight. (All of us were sad when she died.)
39. Some pets that I would like to have someday are a goat and a pot-bellied pig. (I used to want a horse but then I realized how much work they were to take care of.)
40. For my birthday one year, I got a hamster as a present. (My mom wrapped up a hamster cage as a present and I had asked for a hamster for two months prior to my birthday and I was convinced a week before my brithday that I wasn't going to get a hamster so I was very surprised to see when I actually got one!)
41. That day, we went to the pet store and I picked out a boy white hamster and I named him Lucas. (He was the sweetest hamster ever and he never once bit me or anyone else. In fact, when I first got him, I was actually allowed to pick him up and hold him. I didn't even have to train him or anything like that.)
42. Lucas died a month before my next birthday a year later. (He was an adventerous hamster and got out of his cage quite a bit. He had hurt his leg prior to his death and he tried escaping and the fall was too much for him.)
43. The day that he died, I spent the entire day crying and I refused to see him since seeing his dead body would only cause me to cry even more and I put him in an old shoe box, built a little cross, and dug a hole to put the box in. (I also went over to my friend's house after burying him and watched the movie "Parental Guidance" and cried at the scene where Parker, the red-headed kid, was burying something that I can't remember because I've only seen the movie once.)
44. I was a shy kid growing up so I didn't really have many friends. (Since then, I've gotten a lot better but my shyness still comes back to bite me in the butt every now and again but I'm starting to make more friends then I ever did when I was a kid.)
45. I haven't always wanted to be a writer. In fact, up until last year I wanted to be a singer. (Yeah. I had big dreams for myself and I still kinda do in a way.)
46. I gave up singing because reality hit me on the head and said that it was very unlikely that I would become a singer. (Though the same goes for a writing but can't a girl dream?)
47. In 7th grade, I went to a singing competition and sung a solo (Can't remember the name of the song). I remember being so nervous but, after I was done singing, my choir teacher came up to me and told me that I did a good job and I didn't look nervous at all.)
48. The day before I went to the singing competition, I had to perform my solo in front of the whole choir (which consisted of 70 people, by the way) and the entire time that I was singing, my legs were shaking but my voice sounded just fine. (Afterwards, people told me I did a good job so all's well that ends well.)
49. Along with a solo, I also sung in an ensemble and got the highest rating (a 1, which means an excellent performance.)
50. I got a 1 when I sung my solo.
51. I didn't go to the competition this year because I had a swim meet the day that the competition was on. (Though I really wish that I could've gone but hopefully I can go next year because both years that I went I had a fun time even though they were on a Saturday and they lasted pretty much all day.)
52. I played my first sport in eight grade. (Which was, you probably guessed it, swim.)
53. When I joined the swim team, I had no idea how to swim and the coaches refused to teach me how because they were really mean coaches so I had to watch how everyone swam and teach myself the proper way to swim. (my diving also sucked hardcore and one time before I went to swim my event before a meet, they told me that their six-year-old granddaughter dived better than me. Thank God that they weren't the coaches this year because, if they were, I wouldn't have done swim this year.)
54. I was the youngest person on the swim team this year. (It was pretty cool in a way.)
55. I meet so many awesome people on the team and made tons of new friends. (I even made a bond with my new coaches, something that was impossible to do last year.)
56. I get along better with people that are younger or older than me. (Weird, huh?)
57. I have a few friends that are my age but most are older or younger than me. (Like I said, weird huh?)
58. My favorite subject is English. (As you probably could have guessed.)
59. I don't have any social media. (I had an Instagram once and I deleted it two years ago because I got bored with it and I haven't had any social media since.)
60. I don't have a Snapchat. (Like you really wanted to know.)
61. The only real "social media" that I have is a pinterest. (Though I don't go on it very much and when I do, I pin stuff like crazy. But, if you're really interested, my username is the exact same thing that it is on here.)
62. My favorite websites in the entire world are Google, Wattpad, and YouTube. (Seriously, who needs a life?)
63. As a kid, my favorite boy's name was Jackson. (Spelled just like that and no other way)
64. I didn't really have a favorite girl's name. (In fact, I really still don't to this day.)
65. I have acrophobia. (the fear of heights.)
66. My acrophobia is so bad that I refuse to go on many rollercoasters. (Though spinny rides on the other hand....)
67. Spinny rides are something that I can go for hours without getting dizzy. (Not even kidding when I say that.)
68. I have a touch of arachnophobia. (The fear of spiders.)
69. I'm only afraid of big spiders and I don't really freak out when I see a little spider. (I do have this one friend who is terrified of any spider. You know who you are.)
70. I've had a fear of needles since I was a little kid. (Whenever I get a shot, someone has to hold me down otherwise instict takes ovr and I move away.)
71. Because of my fear of needles, I will probably never get a tattoo. (There's a very small chance that I might not so don't get your hopes up.)
72. I'm also afraid of clowns. (Seriously, they're so creepy)
73. My final fears are dolls and mannequins. (Though they're not as extreme as my fear of heights and needles and I fear spiders just a little bit more.)
74. I don't watch very much TV. (In fact, I use the internet way more than I actually watch TV.)
75. I'm a very forgetful person. (Seriously, it's not even funny.)
76. Procrastination is pretty much my middle name. (You name it, I procrastinate.)
77. I'm the type of person where I work better at the last minute. (It' so sweird but hey, that's how it works.)
78. My favorite types of stories are adventure stories with a touch of romance. (Though I'll still read pretty much anything.)
79. I love writing fanfictions. (I'll write a fanfiction about pretty much anything that I love.)
80. I also love writing original stories. (It's a unique thing that writing a fanfiction can never give you.)
81. My favorite food is mac and cheese. (It's been my favorite food since I was a little kid.)
82. My favorite color is red. (it's been that since I was a little kid as well.)
83. I love to travel. (I haven't really been to that many places but I would love to travel more someday.)
84. The place that I want to travel to most is Paris, France. (I'm also willing to face my acrophobia in order to go on top of the Eiffel Tower. If people can do that of course and TV wasn't lying to me...)
85. I want to go to college. (Though I'm not sure what college quite yet but I'm probably going to be going to a college that's out of state because, as I said before, I haven't traveled much and I want to see the world.)
86. I used to be in my school's science club. (Though I quit because swim started and I didn't have time for it anymore.)
87. I'm one of those people where I have to be listening to music when I'm doing something because the silence bothers me so much. (I'm even listening to music right now as I'm writing this. I'm listening to "Golden" by Fall Out Boy, in case you were wondering.)
88. While I do enjoy Fall Out Boy's music, I don't love the band as much as my friend Jay (dat-winchester-tho) does. (Seriously, he's in love with them and it's not even funny.)
89. I usually relieve my boredom by going on Wattpad. (Seriously, I get bored a lot.)
90. I enjoy reading Creepypastas. (I enjoy creepy things too.)
91. I have never seen a horror movie. (Though I plan to at some point.)
92. The only shows that I watch on TV are "Ghost Adventures" (Which is about three guys who go around the world to haunted locations and they lock themselves down in the building for the entire night and they see what ghostly encounters happen.) and "Forensic Files" (Which is about real life murders that happened and different people investigate who committed the murder and it's really awesome.). (Yeah. I'm kinda weird if you haven't figured that out by now.)
93. As a little kid, my favorite show was Dora. (I'm so ashamed to admit it.)
94. I love candy! (Seriously, I'm surprised that I'm not fat because I eat so much candy.)
95. My favorite ice cream flavor in the entire existence of the universe is chocolate chip cookie dough. (I love it more than words could ever explain.)
96. I love chocolate! (If I ever become allergic to any stuff in chocolate, I might die.)
97. I'm not allergic to anything. (Though a part of me thinks that I will develop an allergy later in my life.)
98. As a kid, my dream wedding was on a cruise ship to Hawaii. (Reality hit me on the head pretty hard and told me that the only way that that would ever happen is if I became a gold digger or had really good luck in dating.)
99. Winter is my least favorite time of the year. (Seriously, it can go die.)
100. Summer is my favorite time of the year. (It's where it's warm and I can go to the beach and swim!)
Whew! That took pretty much all day for me to write all of these because I hung out with my friend today and it took an equal amount of time that it took me to come up with one-hundred freaking confessions/random facts about me. It's currently 12:20 AM exactly when i'm posting this so yeah
The song this time is "I bet my life" by Imagine Dragons so I hope that you enjoy it!
Peace out!
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