42)Good Men

Laying in bed for a little while, I hold Lexi close letting her use my chest as a pillow. There's no better feeling than this right here. It's probably one of the things I missed the most the last two years, just holding her, soaking in her warmth. Kissing the top of her head, I breathe her in, my senses filling with the scent of coconut, shea butter, and Lexi with the smallest hint of me on her skin. It's fucking satisfying as hell and I'm damn near ready to go for a second round when my stomach growls like a bear.

Lex looks up at me and giggles. "Hungry?"

"Maybe a little."

"Come on, big guy, let's head back." She taps my chest and pushes off of me. "You may have gotten some dessert a minute ago but you need some actual food."

I lick my lips. "Mm, why can't I just have some more dessert?"

Lex gives me a pointed look as she climbs out of the bed and begins gathering her clothes. "'Cause, you can't survive off of that."

"Says who?" I mumble, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and rolling the kinks out of my neck.

Alexis answers by throwing my boxers in my face and laughing.

Reluctantly, we get dressed and head back to the barn. The guys are still sitting on the same couches and chairs they were in when I walked out and Lex breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Ava talking with Wild and Josie.

When we reach them, Lexi cringes and quietly mouths the words, "I'm sorry," to Ava, who waves it off. She doesn't seem bothered at all about getting ditched in a new place while I kept Lex occupied. I appreciate it really. I don't want Lexi feeling guilty for what we did.

"Aye, y'all hungry?" Wild asks, nodding down to the plate of food in his lap. "They got everything set up by the bar."

"Thanks." I tip my head to him and take Lexi's hand to get some food.

We make our way towards the bar under the loft and grab some plates. The whole time we're moving down the row of tables piled with food and picking out what we want, I notice Lexi receiving smiles from some of the other women. All the wives and girlfriends of other Guardians are referred to as Guarded Ladies and having Uncle Rob let it be known to the crowd that Lexi falls under that category when Sophie stepped out of line is like receiving a badge of honor. But it's more than that. The other women saw that Lexi wasn't afraid to call Sophie on her bullshit and that earned their respect. My girl doesn't know it yet, but she's just been accepted by the other ladies.

With our plates in hand, we head back to the guys and find a couple new additions. Two Latino dudes that share the same build and eyes sit on the other side of Kade. They definitely look related, even sporting the same flower tattoo on the back of their right hands but one has a slimmer face with a buzzed head and the other is more square-jawed with buzzed sides and thick black hair combed back on top.

Keeping my eyes on the newcomers, I take a seat in a wide armchair at the side of the couch and pull Lexi down on my lap. Kade is the first one to notice me watching and he reaches over to tap both the dudes on the back.

"Eddie, Roman, you haven't met my cousin yet." Kade tips his head in my direction and both the guys turn to look at me.

The one with the buzzed head is the first to stand up and offer his hand. "Eddie Ramirez and this is my little brother, Roman."

I shake Eddie's hand and then Roman's, who stands up a second later with a cocky grin. It doesn't bother me though. Most of the guys around here have that same smug smile, me included. So as far as I'm concerned, that just means he's gonna fit in fine. Eddie on the other hand seems overall friendly but I don't miss the way he watches his little brother like he's making sure he stays in line.

"Jace," I say as they sit back down and I nod to Lex. "and this is my girl, Lexi."

Alexis smiles and waves at them and they respectfully wave back, not letting their eyes linger longer than necessary. But when Lex gets up from my lap and slides in next to Ava to have girl talk, I don't miss the way Roman's gaze travels over and lights up when he sees Ava.

Oh, shit.

I clear my throat. "I take it you two are new prospects then."

Eddie nods at me. "Yeah, we just moved from the city a few months back and had a run-in with those Vipers at some club in the Warehouse district."

"The Hideaway," Roman adds, still stealing glances at Ava while she eats.

"That's it," Eddie points to his brother before looking back at me. "The Hideaway. They came in there stirring shit and one thing led to another and we wound up beating a couple of their asses in the alley. They didn't like that too much."

"Yeah, those pendejos put a target on our back," Roman grumbles.

Eddie stares at his brother like he's expecting him to say or do more but when he doesn't, Eddie turns back to me. "But Ro overheard your cousin and Travis talking at school and we figured it'd be better to align ourselves with people who'll have our backs."

"Good choice," I agree before nodding towards Kade. "So you and T mentoring?"

Kade nods. "Yeah. I got Eddie, T's got Roman."

Roman smirks and tosses a balled-up napkin at Travis. "T's gonna teach me everything he knows. Ain't that right, compañero?"

The napkin hits Travis dead center in his forehead but he barely blinks, his eyes locked on something in the distance.

"What the hell are you looking at?" Wilder cranes his neck around while the rest of us trace Travis's line of sight. "Oh...damn."

Sitting on the edge of the makeshift stage in the front corner is Dolly with Travis's little sister Raegan by her side. The two of them are eating, talking, and laughing but there's only one reason Rae would be here. That's why Travis is sitting like a grump ass little kid who had his naptime interrupted.

"What the fuck is Rae doing here?" Kade asks, just now catching on.

Travis shifts in his seat. "Dolly agreed to be her mentor."

Fuck. Now it makes sense.

Raegan was so damn adamant about joining up this morning, but I never thought she'd go over Travis's head to someone else. I figured she just wanted Doll to talk to him about it. But then again, Dolly likes to take in those she thinks she can help. That's why she gave me a job way back when.

Kade shakes his head and leans back in his seat. "Fuck, man. Sorry."

"It's fucking bullshit," Travis mutters as he gets up and walks off.

Everyone sits back in silence for a minute eating their food but when I glance over at Dolly and Raegan again, I find Doll looking back. Not fucking surprising. She's got a weird sense of when someones talking about her. I'm sure she already knows Travis isn't thrilled about the situation so there's no point in telling her.

I hold up my drink to her in greeting and she does the same back before taking a sip and returning to her conversation.

"Hey," Lexi whispers leaning towards me. "Why's Travis so worked up about that girl with Dolly?"

I keep my voice low even though Travis isn't around. "That's T's little sister, Raegan. She just signed up as a prospect."

Lex looks back over at Rae with pinched brows like she's trying to figure out a puzzle.

"She's the same age as Cass. So, think of it this way, how pissed do you think Kade and I would be if Cassie showed up asking to join?" I add for clarification.

Lexi's eyes widen as she sits back and whistles. "Damn. Okay, I see what you mean now."

I nod and take another bite of my food, but Lex doesn't get the chance as Ava taps her on the shoulder and asks Lexi to go get a drink with her. The two of them get up and walk away while I keep my eyes on Lexi's ass, imagining those sinful fucking panties under her skirt with my name on them.

I'm not gonna last long before I need more of her tonight.

"Yo, Jace," Roman calls, leaning his knees on his elbows and tipping his head in the girls' direction. "What's the story with your girl's friend?"

"Ava?" I ask with a grin knowing damn well who he's asking about.

Roman nods, his eyes straying back to where the girls are. "Yeah, Ava. She seeing anyone?"

It's not my place to tell him about her situation with Caleb, especially since I don't know if there's even a situation to fucking talk about anymore. So, I go with the most simple and honest answer I can.

"No, not that I know of."

His smile grows wide as hell. "Alright. Thanks."

I get the feeling Caleb's about to lose out on his chance with the chick who's actually interested in him, and I ain't sad about it. But thinking about him now, I'm reminded of that shit I saw at the store.

Lex always said Caleb and Derek couldn't stand each other, but now they're hanging out and have shady fucking conversations? Something doesn't add up. I'm dying to talk to Alexis about it but I don't want to ruin our night either. Hopefully, I'm just being paranoid but even thinking that makes my stomach sink like it doesn't agree.

Shaking my head, I try to clear my mind but when I look up again I spot a familiar face walking through the door. His dark leery eyes watch everyone and everything as he takes slow but sure steps.

"Shit, I'll be back in a sec," I say to the guys, placing my plate on the coffee table in front of me.

Wild scoffs as I turn away. "Sure you will. Don't trip and get lost in Lexi again."

His laughter sounds from behind as I head towards our new guest who notices my approach pretty damn quick. I'll give him credit, at least this dude is vigilant.

"Jace." He nods to me, shoving his hands in his jacket.

"Marcel," I greet casually. "Wasn't sure you were gonna make it."

Not technically true. I honestly didn't think he was fucking coming at all, not after the way his Mom snapped at him the other day.

He shrugs, keeping his head high. "I was serious about needing to keep my family safe. Even if my mom doesn't understand that." His eyes gaze around for a second. "So, is your uncle here?"

Turning around, I give the room a quick once over. I know I haven't seen him since earlier but he's got to come out of his office to eat at some point. Though the more I look, the more I realize he's not hanging out with the rest of us.

"Must be in his office." I nod towards the stairs. "Come on, I'll take you to him."

He follows behind me as we push through the crowd. Halfway to the stairs, Lexi and Ava spot us. Lex doesn't seem surprised, maybe a little worried but she was there when we talked last weekend. Ava, on the other hand, watches us pass with wide eyes.

Marcel waves at them but we keep going while I hold up a finger letting Lex know I'll be back in a second. She nods and takes Ava's hand, leading her back to the couches with the rest of the guys.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I stop and knock on the door to my uncle's office. A gruff, "come in," sounds from the other side and I turn the knob.

"Aye, Uncle Rob."

"Jace." My uncle looks up from the papers on his desk, adjusting the reading glasses that make him look his age for once. "What's up?"

I hold the door open, letting Marcel walk in after me before shutting it for some privacy. "This my friend I was telling you about, Marcel."

Marcel steps forward and holds out his hand. "Good to meet you, Mr. Williams."

Uncle Rob stands up, shakes his hand, and sits back down, pointing to the two chairs in front of his desk. "Go ahead, have a seat. It's a pleasure to finally meet De'Mari's son."

Marcel's eyes bug out before he composes himself, his eyebrows pulling tightly together. "You knew my dad?"

I shouldn't be surprised. Uncle Rob knows just about everyone in this town, yet even I'm a little shocked.

"I did." Uncle Rob nods. "He was a good man."

Marcel's lip curls back. "How can you say that? He was a Viper."

"Not when he died."


I'm starting to see where this is going but from the look on Marcel's face, he hasn't. His forehead creases as his features strain more, confusion etched into his skin.

Without being asked, as is my uncle's style, he continues explaining. "De'Mari was in the process of switching sides. One of your uncles, a high-ranking link in the Viper chain, asked him to do something he couldn't and they threatened your mom. He came to me after that looking for help and I agreed to make him a Guardian. But we had to get you all out of the East Side before he could officially cut ties with the Vipers and a good portion of his family." Uncle Rob's mouth forms a straight line as his eyes fill with guilt. "They found out before we could go through with the plan...I'm very sorry, Marcel."

Marcel stares at his folded hands in his lap, digesting the information he's just received. I can't imagine what he's thinking or feeling right now. I've never heard of someone trying to switch sides before but it sounds like his dad had a damn good reason, his family. It's honorable really. It's the same reason Marcel is here after all.

"My dad..." Marcel grits his teeth. "h-he didn't die a monster?"

My uncle sits upright, straightening his back as he takes on that leadership role he's so used to. "We're all monsters in our own way, Marcel. But your dad was trying to make up for his mistakes and do right by you, your mom, and your sister. You should be proud of him."

Blowing out a deep breath, Marcel runs his hands over his face, trying to get his shit together.

I wish I had the words to help him. We aren't necessarily close but there's that connection of growing up without a father. His died when he was a kid and mine left. The difference is, he's getting to see another side of his father. That's redemption. I'll never know what that's like. My father is a monster in my eyes, and there's no one out there that can tell me different.

Maybe it's messed up, but Marcel's lucky.

I shift in my seat and grit my teeth. My Uncle shoots me a look and I just know he's picking up on something. He's one of the few who knows me better than I know myself. I have no doubts he's already figured out where my train of thought has lingered.

Fucking hate holidays sometimes. It always brings shit like this to the forefront of my mind. But now isn't the right time or place to be stressing about a man who never cared about me.

Uncle Rob clears his throat. "But I'm assuming, Marcel, that you didn't come here looking for answers about your father. Jace mentioned you're getting some heat from your cousins and the other Vipers."

Marcel nods a few times, still trying to get his bearings before he can finally look my uncle in the eyes again. "Yeah, that's right."

"You're worried about your family?"

"Yes, sir. More than anything," Marcel answers confidently.

Scratching at the months worth of growth on his face, Uncle Rob's eyes trail off, lost in thought. After a minute or two, his gaze lands on Marcel once again. "Running protection for people outside the club is difficult. It takes extra manpower that, at this time, we don't have. It's hard enough keeping our own area safe, and we already had one breach as it is." With a sigh he shakes his head, the desk lamp darkening the shadows under his eyes, accentuating the fact he's barely slept in days. "I would never wanna drag you into this world, Marcel, but it seems your cousins have already done that. So, the best I can do with the current circumstances we find ourselves in is give you the same offer I gave your father...join us. Become a Guardian and you'll have the backing of every person here. You and your family will be our family, and we protect our own."


Dropping my head, I glance at Marcel from the side. It's not like I didn't think this was a possibility, but I was really hoping it wouldn't come down to this. From Marcel's hardened gaze, locked on the floor as he chews on the inside of his cheek, I'm sure the idea crossed his mind before now. But that doesn't make the decision any easier.

"I can give you time to decide. Becoming a Guardian is a big commitment that should be carefully thought about," Uncle Rob adds, softening the impact of his previous words.

"How do I do it?" Marcel asks, still looking at the floor. "What's the process, I mean?"

"You need a Guardian to mentor you, either someone you're assigned to or who brought you in," I answer solemnly.

Marcel turns to me. "Like you?"

There's an edge to his voice but it's not accusing. More like he's building up the strength it takes to do something like this.

I get it. Even though I was eager to join years ago, there was still a somber side to the decision. No matter who you are or what your reason is for joining, you're still trading your old life for a new one. In a way, you're also handing over your future to these guys. Putting your life in their hands knowing that you'll be a Guardian till the day you die. Everyone mourns the life they had or could've had at some point during the process. It's normal.

"If you want me to be." I nod seriously, hoping the look he sees in my eyes is reassuring in some way. "I got no problem doing that."

He switches his attention to my uncle. "What about a bike? I don't have one and I've never road."

"I can teach you," I answer.

Uncle Rob nods. "And as a Guardian, you'll receive financial support, a monthly payment of sorts that will increase once you're patched. You can also earn the extra cash doing odd jobs around here and we have a few people who run their own businesses that I'm sure could use some help from time to time."

Lost in thought and nodding to himself, Marcel's face pinches together in concentration. The time feels like it goes on forever but that's due to the thick tension coming off of the kid next to me that's on the verge of making a man's decision. In reality, it's maybe no more than a few minutes before he's racing his head high and looking my uncle in the eyes.

Letting out a heavy breath like the weight of the world is on his shoulders, Marcel nods. "I'll do it. I'll become a Guardian."

"Good man, just like your father." Uncle Rob stands up and reaches out a hand. When Marcel takes it, my uncle clasps his other one on top and stares the new prospect in the eyes. "I know this was a hard decision, but I promise you it's not a bad one. We're not like the Vipers. We're a family, and we're happy to have you join us."

"Thanks," Marcel replies but there's still this faraway look in his gaze like he's going into shock.

Even when I lead Marcel out of the office his eyes grow wider as reality starts to set in. He follows me down the stairs like a zombie until Lexi and Ava show up out of nowhere.

Lex takes one look at him and her forehead creases with worry. "Marcel, what's wrong?"

We all look at him expectantly but he continues to stare off into space, mouth hanging open.

"Jace..." Lexi tugs on my arm. "What's going on? What's wrong with Marcel?"

"Um...I don't know if it's really for me to say."

Lex cuts me a look that could kill.

"Alright, alright." I hold my hands out in surrender. "Marcel just agreed to become a Guardian prospect."

"What?" Ava screeches, making Marcel finally snap out of it.

"I think I need a drink," he says.

"Ava, get him a drink," Lexi snaps before grabbing Marcel's arm and leading him to the chair I was in earlier. She crouches down in front of him, hovering like a worried mother, and grabs his hand. "Marcel, are...are you sure this is what you want?"

His eyes finally meet hers. "It's what I have to do. My cousins left me no other choice."

"Ok, but is it something you're sure you can do? What about Mama Booker?"

Marcel shrugs. "I'm gonna do it no matter what. Hopefully, I don't have to tell her about it anytime soon."

Ava comes back in record time with a beer and hands it over to their worried friend.

Normally, this would be a good time to start running things by a new prospect. Set up times to meet, when to report in, and other important shit. But I think Marcel is gonna need a minute. Might even be better to give him till the weekend to accept everything.

Lexi stands back up and wraps her arms around me, burying her head in my chest while Ava and Marcel chat.

"Are you gonna be his mentor?" Lex says low enough for only me to hear.


"You better keep him safe, Jace. I can't lose my brother."

Pulling her close, I kiss the top of her head. "I won't let anything happen to him."

People hang around the barn for a long while, eating every scrap of food until there's nothing left. Around midnight, Marcel heads out with Ava with the excuse of having to bring his mom's car back at a certain time. Lexi seems sad to see them go but truthfully, I just want some more alone time with my girl.

We say goodnight to the rest of the guys and head back to my apartment. Mom's already in bed, having left the barn much earlier in the night, so Lex and I walk quietly to my room.

"You staying the night?" I ask once the door is securely shut behind us.

Lex shrugs and tries to hide the grin on her face. "I didn't bring anything to sleep in."

Turning around I deadpan. "Fucking seriously? Like you can't just borrow something of mine?"

"Alright, alright." Lex giggles. "I wear something of yours."

"That's what I thought."

After shucking off my clothes, I pull a shirt out of my dresser and toss it to Alexis. My body twitches with the need to turn around and watch her strip, revealing those sexy as sin panties underneath. But I resist the urge. I don't want Lex thinking this is all about sex for me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm already sporting a semi just being this close to her, but she needs to know she means more than that. I can't put into words how I feel, at least not yet. If I push too fast I risk scaring the shit out of her. So for now, I'm hoping my actions can prove how I feel.

Taking a deep breath, I keep my head down as I turn around and climb into bed. Wearing my t-shirt to her knees, Lex turns off the light on the nightstand and climbs in next to me. Before she's fully under the covers I'm already reaching out to pull her against my chest.

Laying peacefully in the dark, Lex lazily traces shapes over my pecs with her fingernails. Her heartbeat thumps solidly in her chest and into me. I'm almost positive my pulse is matching her rhythm but maybe that's wishful thinking.

"Did you have a good Thanksgiving?" she asks softly, her breath skating over my skin like a fucking electric current.

"Yeah. Best one I've had in years."

Lex laughs. "You're just saying that."

"No...no I'm not."

Lexi's hand stills for a second before she starts tracing again. "It was pretty great for me too."

It's almost too easy. "Yeah, the sex was great.."

"That's not what I meant!" She pops up to glare at me, her soft touch turning into a slap against my chest. "You're an ass."

I cock a challenging brow at her. "Is that where you want me to slap you? Cause you hit me again and I'm gonna slap you back, sweetheart. Leave my handprint right on that thick ass."

Lexi's eyes bug out of her head but there's a smile hidden in the shocked line of her lips. I'm positive if I delivered on that threat she'd love it. Even if she doesn't wanna admit it right now.


I need to stop. That's not where I want this to go tonight.

Carefully brushing the back of my hand down the side of her face, I lean in and give her a quick kiss. Just enough to snap her out of it and calm the heat brewing between us.

With a smile and a roll of her tranquil eyes, Alexis lays her head back on my chest.

In the couple minutes of comfortable silence, my eyes grow heavy. I'm halfway to giving up and falling asleep when Alexis sighs heavily.

"What's wrong, baby?" I ask, tiredness slurring my words a little.

Lex waits a beat before sighing again. "I didn't wanna bring it up...but...after you and Marcel talked with your uncle, you seemed a little out of it for a bit."

Did I?

"Did something happen in there that upset you? Do you not want Marcel to join you guys?"

I'm not exactly thrilled to be dragging Lexi's best friend into this life, but I don't think that's what it was. Mostly, I kept thinking about my dad. Fucking holidays.

I'm sure Alexis already knows a little about my bastard sperm donor but I never really talked about it with her. When I was younger, just thinking about him threw me into a rage, and that wasn't something I ever wanted her to see. But now, I'm more controlled. Better than I used to be that's for damn sure.

"Uh..." I wet my lips while I try to find the words. "Uncle Rob was able to give Marcel some information about his dad, and...I guess it just brought up bad memories."

Lex props her head on her hand to look up at me, her gaze filling with guilt. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize, baby. You...you don't have to talk about it if you don't wanna."

Shrugging, I try to play it off. "It's no big deal. Holidays and shit like this always seem to create a place for him in my head. The talk with Marcel just made those thoughts more fucking prominent."

She chews her bottom lip and nods, but I can tell she's dying to ask more about it.

I don't want to hold anything back from her. Even this. That's how you prove to someone they're important, right? By telling them all your deep fucked up feelings.

"Did I ever tell you about him?" I ask, feeling something inside me crack.

I haven't talked about the man in years. Not even with Mom.

Alexis shakes her head, a few strands of chocolate brown hair falling in her face.

Tucking those loose strands behind her ear, I take a deep breath. "Jacob Hall was the love of my mom's life. High school sweethearts and all that shit. But I don't think he ever thought of her like that. He couldn't have."

You don't treat people you love like that. There's no way in hell.

"From what Uncle Rob and some of the older guys that knew him have told me, he was one of those guys that always wanted more. Always wanted better. That whole grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side bullshit. Which is probably why he cheated."

Lexi's eyes soften and I can't just imagine how her heart is breaking for Mom. She's always loved her like her own, and I know hearing this hurts. But I have to look away, I can't take it if she looks at me like that. I don't want anyone's pity.

Staring off at the streetlights outside the window, memories of the last time I saw my old man come rushing at me. "He was fucking his boss's secretary. Not even his own secretary, but his boss's. Like who the fuck does that?" I shake my head. "One night he comes home late from work. I was maybe...seven, already laying in bed for the night. But the yelling woke me up. Mom was crying and screaming, and he was throwing his shit into bags. Said he was done with us. Not her...us."

"Oh, Jace," Lexi whispers.

Looking over at her, I see the liquid emotion brimming her beautiful eyes. They look so much like the tattoo I have on my arm, the last image I saw when I broke up with her years ago. But this time her tears aren't for herself, they're for me.

"Don't...don't do that." I turn away. "I don't need you feeling sorry for me, Lex. Anything but that, please."

Alexis's hand frames the side of my face, soft but firmly making me face her again. The tears are still there in her eyes but there's also a fire behind that. "I do not feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for that seven-year-old little boy. You aren't him anymore. You've grownup to be this amazing man, a good man, and you did that without a father. If anything, I'm amazed by your strength, Jace. But I can shed a tear or two for that poor boy who had to experience that."


Why does she gotta say shit like that? I'm already head over heels for her but when she says something like that, it makes me want to rip out my own fucking heart and just hand it over.

Lost in her eyes, I open my mouth to tell her just how I feel...

"Is that why you got the tattoo on your arm? Of the guy in the door?" Lex asks, snapping me out of my love-drunk haze.

"Yeah." I clear my throat and nod, hoping she didn't notice where I was going there. "Yeah, that's him. Jacob isn't a man, he's a shadow of what a man should be. Last thing I saw before he took off with his girlfriend was him hesitating in the door, looking at me. For years I thought that look was guilt like he might come back one day. If not for Mom then at least for me. But that was stupid. If he felt bad about what he did he would've done something about it a long fucking time ago."

"Have you heard from him since?"

I shake my head. "No, and I don't want to. Dude can jump off a bridge for all I fucking care."

Folding her lips in, Lex doesn't say anything to that, even if she wants to. Instead, she nods and places a kiss on my chest before laying her head back down.

"You have plenty of people already who love you," she whispers and I sense a double meaning in her words.

Like you, Alexis?

Now's not the time. Soon, but not now. Not when I've just gotten her back.

"Thanks, baby." I kiss the top of her head and lay back.

With the scent of Alexis filling my senses and the weight of her laying against me like the warmest fucking blanket, I let myself drift off. No memories of the man who should've raised me, or the pain he caused. No thoughts of dangerous Vipers or new recruits. Not even a single fuck given to the shady highschool assholes scheming in grocery stores.

Just me and my girl. Like it should be. 


Hey everyone, happy to get this chapter out so fast. Think it's only been like two days since the last update. With Nano running me into the ground, I'm writing more and more each day so the next chapter should be out soon too. 41,467 / 50,000 WORDS

Anyway, what did you all think of this chapter? Think Ava might have found a replacement for Caleb? What do you think of the new recruits, Eddie and Roman? How about Travis's sister Raegan joining? What about Marcel becoming a Guardian? Think he's making the right choice? And what did you think about Jace's story and his father?

Let me know what you think in the comments and if you like what you read, please hit that star button!

As usual, the teaser for chapter 43 will be posted on my Instagram and Twitter in a day or two. Keep an eye out for it! (Probably sooner since I'm in Nano speed writing mode!)

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