You're my everything...

After too many shots and not enough food in his stomach, Jungkook laid down in Jimin's bed, unable to do anything but sleep.

Jimin came back from the bathroom and after patting Jungkook's back, he told him to go and wash his teeth cause the bathroom was empty.

"I can't. Can you do it for me?"

"I can't and I won't. Get up and change those clothes Kookah." Jimin was persistent so Jungkook obeyed, knowing Jimin won't back down.

After washing his teeth lamely, Jungkook came into the room and the sight woke him up instantly.

There was Jimin, changing the sheets only in an oversized white shirt and a pair of black boxers, his ass round and full on display.

"There. Everything's nice and clean. I hope you don't mind, but I'll sleep in my boxers and shirt cause it's too hot." the older said while laying down, taking his phone and scrolling down social media, looking unbothered and normal.

"Well I sleep naked these days, so..." Jungkook joked, but Jimin just shrugged.

Was he really the only one affected by all of this?

"Go ahead. Not like I haven't seen a naked man before." Jimin said while still looking at his phone, totally fine with all of this.

"Actually... I've never seen a naked man in my life before." Jungkook figured while changing into a t-shirt and sweatpants, thinking how for his sanity that's the best option.

"Wanna see one now?" Jimin teased while cocking his eyebrows at the younger and if he didn't know that Jimin was joking, Jungkook would say yes in a heartbeat.

"Of course. Then I can finally see that hidden tattoo of yours." Jungkook said while making himself comfortable, cuddling onto Jimin's side.

"Oh I forgot about that... Sorry, can't get naked then..."

Jungkook fake cried. (He would share a few real tears too, but how pathetic would that look like?)

"But I wanted to see you naked..."

Jimin laughed while pinching the younger on the side.

"You're unbelievable."

Suddenly, Jimin put his phone away, and moved a bit down, turning his head to face Jungkook now.

"Kookah... I thought about what you said to me, on the tree house, and... I kind of agree with you... I mean about us being a bit reckless these days and potentially hurting our friendship... So I think we should stop with, you know...what we did...and we should just keep being us cause I like us. I like the way we are with each other. I like the people we're becoming together... I like me when I'm with you cause you always push me to be better and there's no one more important to me than you."

Jungkook nodded. Agreeing silently with Jimin's words, even though his heart was screaming NO.

"So no more kissing?" Jungkook wanted to make sure.

"Is that all you care about? Pffff and to think how once upon a time you came storming into my room saying how you'll never kiss in your entire life again..."

Them and their memories...

"I thought so only cause the person I've kissed wasn't you."

"Well I did kiss you first, remember when you freaked out, hyung, but...friends don't kiss..."

Jungkook nuzzled his head in the crook of Jimin's neck.

"How can I ever forget. "

He hugged Jimin tight, and kissed his forehead affectionately before wishing his hyung good night, and soon both of them drifted into dream land, too tired to talk anymore or do anything.

It's for the best...

Jungkook was too tired to overthink all of this right now...


While looking around the bright room, Jungkook's eyes landed on a pair of round, firm ass cheeks that were proudly presented there, on the bed, next to the younger.

Jimin's shirt got up slightly in the night, and now his thick thighs and bubbly ass was on display for Jungkook to drool over.

The younger stared and stared until a thought appeared on his mind.

Maybe hyung's tattoo is on his ass...

The more he thought about it, the more certain he became cause where else could it be, since Jimin didn't wanna show it to him.

It must be there...

I wonder what is it?

Maybe if I just...

The curiosity won over, so while slowly coming closer to Jimin's ass, Jungkook used his thumb and index finger to lightly lift Jimin's boxers up. Just a tiny bit to see if that Goddamn tattoo was there.

He lifted the boxers on one side, and saw nothing.

Must be on the other side.

Then he lifted the other side and while looking inside, admiring the soft skin and amazing sight, he got startled by Jimin's voice.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?"

While being scared to death, he abruptly let go of Jimin's boxers which made a loud snapping sound on Jimin's skin, unintentionally.

"Sorry hyung... I was just searching for your hidden tattoo..." Jungkook said shyly.

Jimin was still laying on his stomach, not moving an inch.

"And you thought it was on my ass? Do I look that cheap to you?" Jimin said with a morning voice while squirming around, and then he pushed his shirt high up, showing the biggest tattoo on his body, nevermind written high up, on his right rib."

Jungkook's mouth opened again, drooling over a sight of his hyung laying on his stomach, his shirt all the way up, revealing his toned torso and muscly ass.

Jungkook needed to touch.

Jimin's skin was so pretty and pale and looked so soft.

Jungkook needed to touch.

He was craving intimacy.

His hands moved on their own, exploring Jimin's body slowly.

Jimin stiffened under the younger's touch.

Jungkook moved both of his hands down Jimin's back, like he was massaging him, but his touch was feather light.

Then he glanced at the pretty ink on Jimin's side, and he wanted to mark those letters... wanted to touch it at least.

He leaned his head down, and started kissing letter by letter, enjoying the way Jimin's hands were fisting the sheets underneath them.

"Kookah..." Jimin whined, but still he arched his back, his thick ass going up in the air, looking as good as ever.

"It's so pretty hyung. All of your tattoos." he talked between the kisses, his hands going dangerously down, closer to Jimin's ass.

"Kookah... we agreed..." Jimin moaned weakly.

"We agreed to no more kissing on the lips. I'm not doing that." Jungkook teased back while coming even further down with his wet lips, loving Jimin's response to all of this.

"We said no more reckless things Kookah... and this is pretty reckless."

Jimin said one thing, but his body language said another.

His body was so responsive to Jungkook's touch, skin covered with goosebumps every time the younger would caress his sides, ass getting up and closer to Jungkook whenever the younger's lips were anywhere on his body, and Jungkook just couldn't help it... He was craving more. Nothing was ever enough.

He moved his hands down, over his hyungs back, getting to his firm ass, and he needed to feel it up like this... Needed to touch it only once more.

Like his hands had a mind of his own, they moved down, over Jimin's ass, and then he squeezed.

A sigh of arousal came from both of their mouths, but Jimin wasn't stopping him.

How amazing did Jimin's ass feel...

So firm in his grip...

Since he got even greedier after Jimin's not so silent plea, Jungkook went down with his hands, caressing from Jimin's ass, all the way till his calves, and when he moved back up, his fingers slipped slightly under Jimin's boxers, touching the soft skin under it, fingertips pushing into the bubbly muscle that was there.

Just when Jungkook was getting ready to move on top of the older, to show him just how aroused he was from all of this, his phone rang.


He moved abruptly up, trying to get his phone which was somewhere on Jimin's desk, and as soon as he saw a name, he remembered.



"Kook, just checking if our breakfast plan is still on? You never answered my messages."

"It is, it is... Sorry I forgot. Meet you in half an hour."

"Ok Kookah, I'll be there. See you soon."

"See you, bye..."

"Oh God I forgot it's Sunday and I always have breakfast with Jiyho on Sundays... I have to go hyung." Jungkook said while looking for his clothes, and Jimin just stayed in the bed, now facing Jungkook, a white blanket covering his body.

"The girl you went to see a movie the other day?" Jimin asked while a small frown appeared on his face.

"Yeah. We do a lot of things together. She's really fun." Jungkook said while grabbing his jeans, now looking for his shirt.

"So... Is she your girlfriend?" Jimin asked so Jungkook stopped with the search and looked at Jimin instead.

"No. Of course not. As if I would be doing what we're doing if I had a girlfriend. We just hang out a lot. That's all." Jungkook felt like he needed to explain this better cause Jimin kind of looked bothered.

"Hm... Well you do go to see movies regularly."


"And you have your date plans weekly, like breakfast every Sunday."


"And you go to parties together..."


"Walk in the parks, on the beach...." Jimin just continues adding all the couple things they apparently do.

"Oh God hyung when you say it like that... but we don't kiss or anything. We just hang out, talk a lot, and we love to go shopping together too. Today she's actually supposed to buy a bathing suit cause she's going to the seaside next week."

Jimin scoffed.

"What?" Jungkook frowned.

"I mean she's gonna try out a bunch of bathing suits in front of you cause what? She doesn't know what suits her boobs best and you do? The girl's smart." Jimin looked annoyed.

"It's not like that... but yeah... I guess she did ask me to help her out with that..." Jungkook started overthinking again.

"Did she ever try to... you know... do something, give you some hints about liking you or wanting something more than just being your friend?" Jimin asked while nibbling on his lower lip nervously.

"No. I mean... I don't know. How would I even know?" Jungkook really didn't pay attention to this.

"You're so clueless Kookah.... It's cute actually." Jimin smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Jungkook came closer and leaned down, looking at his hyung's perplexed face.

"There's nothing going on between us hyung. Even if she does feel more, I don't. She's just a friend. Ok?" then he kissed Jimin's cheek, loving the sparkle in the older's eyes after saying those words.

"Right. Sure. Have fun on your date." Jimin said before turning around, acting as if he's gonna sleep some more.

So cute.

"See you later hyung."


The entire time Jungkook was hanging out with Jihyo, Jimin's words were poking from somewhere in the back of his head.

When she was excitedly jumping around in tiny little triangle bathing suit and her boobs were happily jumping up and down, when she was pouting cutely cause the bandeau top was not helping her big boobs to pop out enough, or when the crop top bathing suit was too much alike the lingerie rather than the bathing suit, all Jungkook could think about was, if she was doing this in purpose.

"Get the red one and let's grab some coffee." he said after looking at way too many bathing suits and the same pair of boobs for an hour too long.

"You think? Isn't the blue one better?" Jihyo asked while showing the blue bathing suit that she liked.

"Your boobs look smaller in that one." Jungkook said so she grabbed the red one and went to the register.

"Red it is." she said after coming back, looking all happy and excited.

In the middle of their usual coffee chat about the friends they know, Jihyo's ex, their plans for next week, Jungkook couldn't keep this uneasy thing bothering him like this.



"Can I ask you a question, but please let me know if I'm getting this wrong and feel free to slap me if I'm just being crazy and unreasonable with this." Jungkook said while playing with his knuckles so Jihyo looked at him more seriously.


"You don't have feelings for me? Right? I mean feelings that are more than friendly..."

She smiled weakly.

Jungkook knew then and there.

She did.

"Oh God...but how?" he asked without waiting for her answer.

"You not knowing this only makes you that much more endearing. You're so honest and caring and simple that it was only a matter of time when I would feel more for you. But I have to admit, I'm actually in a phase of getting over you already. See the thing is, when we first started going out, I saw you just as a friend. Then I started getting to know you and Kook, there is nothing not to like about you, so I thought maybe you'll like me better if you get to know me more, and just when I had some hope left in me, Jimin came back... " she explained and all Jungkook could do except blink dumbly was to frown at himself for not noticing any of this.

"What's Jimin have to do with this?" Jungkook asked, confused.

"Kook... You obviously like the guy. He means so much to you, literally no one can top that. I really love you and want you to be happy, and I'm sure that your true happiness is being with Jimin." she said while taking Jungkook's hand in his, squeezing it tightly.

"Are we gonna be ok?" Jungkook admired her even more now than before and wanted to make sure they'll be alright.

"Sure we will. I just need to enjoy the seaside the best way I can. Having random sex always does wonders for me."

Jungkook laughed.

"Seriously though... We'll be totally fine and you need to talk to Jimin about your feelings too... You can't hide it any more. Maybe confronting him about all of this is the best option here."

"I just still don't know how I feel exactly or what to expect from all of this... I guess I need to work on myself in order to ask for some answers from Jimin..." he took a pause and took a deep breath.

"But I do know that he means to me more than anyone ever will and that will never change."

Jihyo smiled with just a hint of pain on her face, but it was clear as day that she was still happy for Jungkook.


While trying to calm Namjoon down cause he was having a slight panic attack cause he had asked Seokjin to hang out at his place, and Seokjin asked if there's gonna be more people around, so Namjoon being awkward as he is, said of course, and he even said how Tae, who he barely knew, would be there so that his crush Seokjin wouldn't feel alone and shy among new people.

So now, he is panicking cause he actually thought about how he's gonna have a nice movie night/dinner date alone with Seokjin, but he didn't wanna make his intentions too obvious, so he lied about having other people over, and the hang out is supposed to happen in a few hours.

"I'm so dumb! I should've told him how I planned only for us to hang out. What's wrong with me?"

"You panicked. It's ok. You like him so you're a bit nervous. Don't worry, I'll be there and now I'm gonna call Tae and Jimin to come too."

Jungkook was quick to help, sending both of them messages on their group chat.

"What if they can't come? Oh my God, then he'll know I lied!" Namjoon was panicking again. He really liked the guy.

"Then I'll be there with the two of you, third wheeling at my finest, and later I'll say how I have to go, cause I have my boxing practice early in the morning and you two will finally be alone and have sex like maniacs."

Namjoon choked on something.

"Shut up! Now you're making me nervous again. I'm gonna go and shower again or play with some crabs I found at the beach, or drink a bottle of soju by myself."

Jungkook chuckled while checking his messages.


Namjoon hyung has an emergency tonight, and he needs us at his place in 4 hours. Can you both come? Seokjin hyung will be there too. (that's the emergency)


I had dinner plans with Yoongles, can I bring him too?


I can come, but I'll be a bit late, I have smth to do first.


No u don't.


Shut up. It's not like that.




Thank you both. You're life savers.

"Jungkook, what should I wear?"
"You there?"

Namjoon's voice interrupted his thoughts, so he looked once more at the messages.

"Hyung, wear something comfortable. It's hang out at your place. No need for ties and tux... And the boys just texted. They're all coming, and Tae's friend Yoongi hyung will come too. So it'll be a small dinner gathering after all."

"Thank God! Got to go now and hide all the candles I prepared while trying to be romantic. See you soon Jungkookah."

"Yeah, bye hyung."

The second he finished with the phone call, his mind started racing again.

Where is Jimin hyung going tonight and why did Tae not approve of that? What's happening?

Jungkook didn't wanna think too much about it, cause what good can come from it? He decided to do a reasonable thing instead, so while hiding behind the curtain in his bedroom, he spied outside, looking at Jimin's house, trying to see the older leaving for this 'smth' he had planned.
He knew what kind of clothes Jimin would wear if he was going on a date, or if he had some business dinner, or if he's just going outside to do the shopping. He even knew what Jimin would wear if he's going to see his esthetician and he needed to know. He needed some information.

An hour later, the door of Jimin's house opened, and Jimin walked outside.


That's how Jungkook would describe him.

He was wearing some light blue jeans and a simple gray long sleeved shirt that fitted him perfectly, hanging on his shoulders, falling down over his small waist.

Definitely not a business dinner, nor a waxing appointment... More like a casual date or something like that. He was definitely not dressed to impress, but that was the deal with Jimin. He didn't need the clothing to make him look good. He made clothes look good on him. In conclusion he looked amazing and Jungkook was worried.

After realizing that he would be late if he doesn't hurry up, Jungkook grabbed a quick shower and after glancing at his closet, he chose one of his favorite matching hoodie and sweatpants in dark gray color and went to Namjoon's place.

The older's apartment was located around a 30 minutes walk from Jungkook's home, but being as late as he was, Jungkook took a cab so that he could be there as soon as possible and help Namjoon around the place.


"I don't think I ever saw your place this clean hyung." Jungkook noticed while entering the living room, looking at the puffed up cushions that were neatly styled on the couch.

"Aish, stop teasing me. I'm a step away from having a melt down and I drank almost a bottle of soju by myself."

Jungkook laughed, loving how affected his hyung was which was a good thing.

"You really like him that much?"

"I do. I was attracted to him from the moment I saw him, but then I got drunk and I grew some balls big enough to start a conversation with him, and now he wants to see me again and I'm freaking out cause I'm still not drunk enough and he's probably as hot as last time I had saw him. "

Jungkook hugged him, sending out some positive energy to his hyung, wanting to help him relax and take it easy.

"By the end of the night, if you feel like you need a ring, just let me know and I'll luckily go and buy you one hyungie."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, a grin appearing on his face.

And then the intercom buzzed so Namjoon screamed loudly, obviously startled by the sound.

Jungkook chuckled again.

"If someone had heard that embarrassingly squeaky sound that came from my mouth, let's pretend that it was a cat that I don't have." Namjoon said dead panned and Jungkook almost burst into laughter.

"Could be a dog too..." Jungkook said while trying to sound serious.

"But I don't have a dog..."

"Nor a cat."

They both laughed at their stupidity and soon, Tae and Yoongi had arrived so they gathered in the living room waiting for others while drinking some beers.

Seokjin came next, bringing some bottles of wine he knew Namjoon would like.

Even if Namjoon was nervous as fuck, he didn't show it.

He was talking nicely, being all polite and looking cute, and while looking at him and Seokjin together, all invested in their stories, flirting discreetly, Jungkook felt a bit like a third wheel.

The fact that Tae and Yoongi couldn't stop whispering and stealing cute little pecks all the time didn't help too.

That feeling lasted until Jimin came.

The moment the older entered inside the apartment, Jungkook's heart bloomed inside his chest and he felt at peace.

"I'm so happy you're finally here." Jungkook whispered while hugging his hyung tightly, lifting him off of the ground with the little force.

"Are they being that bad?" Jimin got it immediately.

"The worst." Jungkook pouted cutely, seeking sympathy.

"Well I'm here now so let's third wheel together. It's much more fun." Jimin wrapped his hand around Jungkook's waist, dragging him to the living room.

An hour into their fun night together, they were all splayed somewhere on the couch, on the floor, chairs, watching The Avengers for the nth time, commenting about hot studs and girls and seemed like they just couldn't agree on who was the hottest Avenger at all.

"I mean Robert Downey Jr. is just a classic... Handsome, smart, looking hot..." Namjoon had his opinion.

"Come on, Chris Hemsworth is literally the hottest guy alive, how can you even compete with all that hotness." Tae on the other hand disagreed.

"I'm just gonna act as if I'm not bothered by this at all." Yoongi added after Tae's words so they all smiled.

"See I kind of always thought Tom Hiddleston did an amazing job at playing Loki. Loki's the hottest for me." Jimin said with a smirk so Jungkook who was laying in his lap got up and looked at him with a frown.

"What? Loki? Really?" he was surprised.

Jimin nodded smugly.

"He actually looks like he would stab or choke you or something." Maybe Jungkook got a bit jealous. Maybe.

"There's nothing wrong with a bit of choking here and there..." Jimin said cockily so everyone started teasing him and his naughty mind, but Jungkook didn't find it funny, more like... arousing.

"Shut up hyung." he said and came back down, finding his place in Jimin's lap, enjoying the older's slow scalp scratching.

"Have you ever thought about Hulk and his dick getting hard while being all pumped and green?" Seokjin asked, so all of them looked at him a bit perplexed.

"Just saying... he's not so bad either." he shrugged so they all finally laughed, loving the weird and chill atmosphere that some soju and beers accomplished easily.

"What about you Kookah?" Yoongi asked, so Jungkook said his answer without even blinking.

"Scarlett Johansson."

All of them started punching him around, booing at his choice, but he just kept laughing.

"Then you must be the 'boob' guy, cause she has some serious racks going on." Yoongi added and Jungkook felt a halt in Jimin's movement. He stopped caressing his head for a second too long, and then continued again, not as enthusiastically as before.

After the movie, they all collectively agreed that they needed food.

Sure they could order something and wait forever for the food to arrive, or they could eat something home made out of a cup or bag that's usually made in three minutes.


"Jungkookah, make us some of your ramen pleaseee." Jimin said with pout, as if Jungkook wouldn't do it anyways.

"Only if you'll make me company."

Jimin nodded so they went together inside Namjoon's kitchen, where Jungkook already knew where everything was, so the younger started pouring water in one of the pots, while Jimin was opening up five pieces of chicken ramen that he found in the cabinet.

"So... how did your date with Jihyo go? Did she find a bathing suit?" Jimin started the small talk.

"She did. It was fun and you were right." the words that Jungkook hated to say 'you were right'.

"About what?" Jimin looked confused.

"Her having feelings for me. I asked, couldn't tip toe around it so she confessed.

"Oh... well... I hate to say it, but I told you so."

Jungkook rolled his eyes at him.

" Are you two together now?" Jimin asked while looking at the water boiling, unable to make eye contact with the older.

"No. I told you that I don't feel that way towards her. We're just friends." Jungkook tried to look at Jimin, but the older was still looking at the floor.

"Being friends with someone who has feelings for you is never an easy thing. Feelings can grow, appear again, make you confused and uneasy..." Jimin sounded distant like he was thinking about something specific.

"You seem to know a lot about it hyung. Where were you tonight?" Now Jungkook had some questions.

"It's not like that..." Jimin said weakly.

"Where were you?" he asked again, turning his whole body towards Jimin.

"I was at a dinner where I discussed accepting a dance teacher job at my old dance studio cause I'm considering staying here for the next year and I could use some extra money since I think it'll be good to at some point move out from my parents house."

Jungkook gulped. He tried to process all the information that came out of Jimin's mouth.

He's considering staying...

But moving out...

Dance teaching job...

At his old dance studio...

"So you went out for dinner with Bumso?" That's the most important thing he noticed apparently.

"Yes. Just as possible colleagues, nothing else." Jimin said firmly.

"And what about being close to someone who you had feelings for not being an easy thing?" Jungkook is just gonna use Jimin's own words against him.

"That would imply that I have feelings for Bumso and I don't." Jimin's voice was clear and a bit dark, annoyed if anything.

"And what about him? What if one day Bumso decides that he wants you back? What if he flirts with you again? I bet he will do it sooner than you think." Jungkook really thought so and the thought made him angry, hurt and could be jealous.

"That's not my problem. He can try. I'm positive he will at some point, but I don't care since I'm over him."

Jungkook scoffed.


"You went away for a year cause he was treating you badly! He doesn't fucking deserve to have you in his life anymore. Why can't you see that this is just his new way of trying to get close to you so he can be with you again and make you miserable..." Jungkook was pissed at this point.

"Stop it. You don't know everything and if you want to blame someone for my year away, try with yourself too." Jimin said and tried to walk away, but Jungkook didn't let him. He grabbed his upper arm and turned him around, forcing the older to face him.

"What did you just say?"

"I said you and your stupid kiss were also one of the reasons why I needed to go away. You had no right to do that back then. You made me so confused that I couldn't stand to be around you at that time."

Jungkook's hands were sweating, heart was beating loudly...

"You kissed me too. You said to kiss your tears away. You wanted me to kiss you and now you're saying how it's my fault? Well that's just lame hyung." Jungkook was really hurt.

"You should've known better not to do it. You were my best friend and friends don't kiss, you said it yourself. I was vulnerable and hurt and you took advantage of the situation. You should've thought about it with a clear head. You should never let any of this happen."

"That's not true and you know it. I only did it cause you told me to do it. I was so worried about you that at that moment I was ready to do anything for you... Whatever would make you happy, to stop crying, forget the pain that you were feeling... "

Jimin just kept staring at the floor, head down,looking depressed.

And the food was ready, even a bit saggy at this point.

"Guys... Um... Should we eat?" Namjoon poked his head shyly inside the kitchen so both of them turned to look at him, sorry written all over their faces.

Were they yelling?

Shit, this is so awkward.

They ate in quiet, not sharing another word,luckily the boys filled the awkward silence that had overflowed the room, and soon it was time to leave.

Yoongi drove them back home, and just before entering inside, both of them turned to face each other, a guilty expression consuming their faces.

"I'm so sorry Kookah..."

"Hyung, please forgive me..."

They started talking at the same time, and then stopped to look at each other, shaking their heads in disbelief, cause how stupid were they minutes ago?

Jimin came a step closer and hugged Jungkook tightly.

"I should've never said that... about your kiss being one of the reasons I left... It's not true... I mean it did make me crazy and I couldn't sleep for days thinking about it, and why you did it, and why it felt so good... I was so confused, but that wasn't the reason why I left and I shouldn't have said that. Sorry Kookah... I'm just dumb and scared and confused..." Jimin said it while nuzzling Jungkook's neck, the younger kept his hands wrapped around Jimin's middle tightly.

"Was the kiss that good?"

Jungkook joked, so Jimin moved away from him, and tried to slap him over his chest, but Jungkook was faster so he grabbed both of his hands in his.

"Brat." Jimin teased while going on his tippy toes, trying to reach Jungkook's cheek.

He put a small peck on the little dimple that always appeared when Jungkook had this cutesy smile, right next to his lips.

"Wanna cuddle with you." Jimin said while looking at Jungkook's eyes. His cheeks blushing light pink.

"Are you asking me to sleep with you again?" Jungkook wanted to check.

Jimin nodded.

"Will you kiss me goodnight hyung?"

Jimin leaned his forehead on top of Jungkook's chest, inhaling deeply.

"Only on your cheek. We agreed... No more... you know...We can't do that Kookah..."

Again, Jimin's words did not match the movement of his hands that were caressing Jungkook's shoulders and neck, slipping into the younger's hair to play with it for a while.

"I can't promise you that hyung. I find it hard to resist you..." Jungkook said truthfully so Jimin smirked.

"It's cause I'm so irresistible."

Jimin teased so Jungkook rolled his eyes dramatically, which earned him a slap over his arm.

"We can at least try. Right?" Jimin asked while intertwining their hands, walking slowly towards his house.

"Yes. We will definitely try to be mature and not to think with our dick heads." Jungkook concluded so Jimin chuckled.

Since it was pretty late, around 1a.m they sneaked inside Jimin's room, and the moment they entered, the tension was so thick and vivid that it was almost too hard to breathe.

"Ok... So... Let's change first and we'll take turns in the bathroom... And..."

Jungkook started walking towards Jimin who just stood there, unable to move, stuttering while speaking.

"I wanna kiss you hyung."

Telling the truth is always a good thing.

He stood an inch away from Jimin, not making that final step without Jimin's consent, but the way the older had licked his lips while looking into Jungkook's lips gave him a clue that they were on the same page...

"Well fuck it, we tried."

Jimin closed the distance between them, kissing Jungkook's lips hungrily, like he was waiting for this for so long, craving more than they already have, seeking closeness without restraining himself.

His hands roamed all over Jungkook's back, feeling all the muscles twitch underneath his fingertips, and the younger's hands found its way right where he loved to touch the most.

Jimin's ass.

The older moaned into the kiss, moving them onto the bed, falling right onto it with Jungkook on top of him.

They kissed like that, slowly, sexily, reaching full hardness in no time, and soon Jungkook needed more.

While pushing the collar of Jimin's shirt down, he traced the older's neck line, down to his collar bone with his tongue, and Jimin was a moaning mess.

"Hyung... You sound so pretty..." he kissed all the way down where he could reach, but that shirt was bothering him...

"Can I take your shirt off?" Jungkook asked while playing with the ham of Jimin's shirt, so while nibbling on his lower lip, Jimin nodded shyly.

Jungkook took the shirt off in one fast move, and reached down with both hands, sliding them down from Jimin's chest till his V lines that looked so damn good in the dim light.

"So handsome hyung..."

Jungkook praised his body and leaned down, now kissing his way from Jimin's chest to his belly button.

He didn't miss the flustered sigh the older left when Jungkook brushed his nipple with his warm lips.

Jimin was a dream like this. So responsive and so hot, flushing hot pink to every touch, lick, nibble, and Jungkook wanted to see more of it. He wanted to see him getting wrecked under him...

After kissing every single spot on Jimin's body, leaving some faint bruises along the way, Jungkook came back up and kissed Jimin some more.

There was no better thing than enjoying in his hung like this...

The older spread his legs wide, welcoming Jungkook and his very hard dick on top of his fully hard member, and the friction of their crotches meeting there, was both heaven and hell combined.

It felt good, but too little.

Jungkook moved his hand down and cupped Jimin's clothed dick.

The older bucked his hips up, mewling at the sudden feeling.

"Jungkookah... I need more..." he whined, looking innocent and shy, but Jungkook knew what was hiding behind that cute face.

"What do you want?" the younger asked, his hand still stroking Jimin's dick slowly.

"Can with myself while you touch me?" Jimin said shyly and then covered his face with his hands.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook really had no idea what Jimin was talking about.

"Well I like to bottom... So... Um... I like to play with my hole... And I have my toys... Oh God this is so embarrassing." he covered his whole face with a blanket.

Jungkook didn't find it embarrassing at all.

Well, the only embarrassing thing was the amount of precum that leaked after hearing those words.

He took the blanket off of Jimin's face and looked at him seriously.

"There's nothing to be shy about hyung, talk to me."

Jimin propped himself on elbows and took a deep breath.

"It's not that I'm shy. I'm very comfortable about my sexuality... It's just that I'm always scared that I'll push you away with some thing that we'll do, cause well... You're not into men and then we would have to stop with all of this and... I don't want that." Jimin explained with adorable puppy eyes so Jungkook finally got it.

"Hyung, I thought we're passed that stage where we assumed that I'm only into girls. I mean, look at my dick hyung. It's literally leaking like crazy just cause of the thought of you playing with your toys. I just don't want to label myself. That's stupid and overrated so I'll just keep being sexually aroused by you, my hot, (Jungkook leaned down and kissed Jimin's nipple) stunning (he kissed the other) sexy hyung and I'll enjoy in you as much as you'll let me."

Jimin's reaction was priceless.

He smiled devilishly, and jumped off the bed, fumbling with something in his nightstand and then he put a black box next to Jungkook and told him to open it.

Jungkook's heart was beating loud in his chest.

Then he opened it and wow.

He didn't know where to look.

"Well... Wow... Do you really need all of this hyung? Aren't you a little greedy?" Jungkook teased while looking at the box filled with all kinds of colorful toys.

"Aish... I have a healthy sex drive, that's nothing to be ashamed of. And... I needed to try them first to know which one I like the most." Jimin tried to justify himself.

"So... Which one is your favorite. I can't believe that you have so many." Jungkook said while taking one in a rainbow color out, looking at its funny shape.

"That's a good one. It's a prostate massager. It stimulates your prostate and your hole. So you get the double sensation."

Jungkook nodded.

"How about this one." he picked one that's made out of stainless steel, with anal beads on one end and a dildo at the other.

"That's good for teasing with those beads, and fucking with the dildo on different side." Jimin explained so Jungkook gulped.

Fucking Jimin's ass... Fuck...

"And cause it's made from stainless steel, it's suited for temperature play too."

Jimin added and Jungkook looked at him with raised eyebrows, and 'what the hell are you talking about' look.

"You can put it in the freezer and then play with it while it's cold, and then you can put it in hot water to switch to heating pleasure... It... Can be fun."

Jungkook's underwear was getting too tight.

"God hyung, I had no idea you are kinky like this. I like it."

Jimin crossed his arms on top of his chest.

"Am not. I just like to feel full and satisfied and that's all." he blushed again.

"Nice to know. So... which one do you want?" Jungkook asked cause there was no point in him guessing since there were too many of those toys in that box.

"Hmmm how about my Lovers Kit, these two anal bead toys. This one's Romeo and he's obviously slimmer, and Don Juan is a little girthier. I like to combine those two." Jimin said while taking two dark red toys, one in each hand, but Jungkook frowned.

"Excuse me? Romeo and Don Juan? No. You're not gonna call some toy that'll fuck you a random guys name. From now on, this one (he pointed at the slimmer one) is Kookah, and the other (the girthier one) is Googie."

Jimin chuckled.

"Deal. So which one's gonna fuck me first? Kookah or Googie?" Jimin said while cocking his eyebrows at the younger who already felt his cheeks burning up.

"It kind of sounds good when I say it." Jimin said while moving on top of Jungkook's lap, putting both of his hands around the younger's neck, asking for a kiss.

Jungkook kissed him passionately, moving his hands down on top of Jimin's ass, squeezing it tightly.

The older moved his hips sexually, like he was riding Jungkook's lap, rolling his ass up and down, and Jungkook is seriously gonna get a nose bleed.

"Hyung... shit... that's so good..." Jungkook whispered while feeling Jimin's lips sliding down his neck, loving the wet trail of the older's tongue on the said spot.

"Hm? This?" Jimin asked and moved again, grinding down harder, rolling those hips so erotically, too suggestively for Jungkook not to think about how amazing would Jimin feel like this, naked, on top of him, riding him good.

"Yes... You're driving me crazy... " Jungkook said and turned them over, manhandling Jimin onto the bed, loving the confused and horny look on his face.

Then he unzipped Jimin's jeans, and looked at his face, asking for approval to get him naked.

Jimin nodded so Jungkook tugged his underwear and jeans down in one go.

And there he was...

Fully naked, beautiful, handsome, sexy and confident.

Jimin was obviously confident with his body cause the way he was laying down, while going with his hands all over his body, pinching those already pointed nipples while looking at Jungkook with half lidded eyes, did things to Jungkook's brain.

"I think you should undress too." Jimin said and only then Jungkook realized that he was actually fully dressed.

Without another word, he tugged his shirt over his head and pushed down the sweatpants and underwear that was pretty wet from all the precum that had leaked.

Jimin took a deep breath while looking at him.

"When did you get this hot Kookah?" Jimin said with a dark voice, palming his already hard member while looking at him.

The said act gave Jungkook an instant confidence boost.

Not that he didn't know what boxing, running and gym had done to his body, but it felt good to see Jimin being this attracted to him.

"Do I even need to touch you to come hyung? You seem like you're having fun on your own." Jungkook smirked, pointing at Jimin's hand, smearing the precum all over his own dick, then going down with his fingers, caressing his tight, pink hole.

Jimin lolled his head and chuckled, exposing that long, pretty neck, stopping with touching himself.

"I want you to touch me. Please..." Jimin asked nicely so Jungkook sat down on the bed, next to him, and kissed his lips hungrily.

"How do you want it hyung?" Jungkook asked, obviously not knowing how this whole thing will work, not caring too much about it too, since he was sure that they're gonna have fun whatever they do.

"How about we kiss until I fuck myself with Romeo, I mean Kookah first." Jimin suggested so Jungkook frowned.

"What do you mean you'll fuck yourself? What about me? What will I do?" Jungkook was confused.

"Well you'll kiss me, and maybe you could caress me... I don't know..." Jimin said while opening up the bottle of lube, squirting some onto the toy directly.

"No. I want to do it." Jungkook said firmly so Jimin looked at him confused.

"Do what?"

"Fuck you." Jimin's eyes doubled in size.

"I mean with the toy, not... you know... I just thought that I'll do it cause... why not? I mean... if you want that..." Jungkook was so silly while being all shy and embarrassed.

"That sounds good actually. I just didn't know if you wanted to do that... cause... you know..." Jimin shrugged.

"Cause I haven't done it before because I wasn't ever this attracted to a man?" Jungkook filled his sentence.

"Exactly." Jimin nodded.

"But it's you hyung, and I'd do anything with you. You're the hottest person ever and I'm so fucking attracted to you it's insane actually." Jungkook leaned down and kissed Jimin's thigh, looking at the older's body shivering under his lips, face consumed in pleasure and arousal.

"Then do whatever you want to me. I'm all yours Kookah..."

The words that Jungkook needed to hear... was craving for it.

He leaned down and kissed Jimin once again, loving the instant flood of affection and passion the older showed.

They kissed like that slowly, then with more pressure, and then Jimin moved slightly away, looking at Jungkook's dark gaze.

"I'm just gonna prepare myself a little since I haven't done this in a while and then you can use the toy. Ok?" Jimin said while trying to pour some lube onto his fingers, but Jungkook just took the bottle away, and put it on his fingers instead.

"I'm gonna do it. You just lay down and relax." he said, but Jimin had some question marks in his eyes.

"I've done this before hyung. It was with girls, but it can't be that much different." Jungkook explained so Jimin nodded.

"Oh... Ok... I just thought you're only gonna watch so I'm kind of excited." he bit on his lower lip, looking cute and hot at the same time.

"That's the last thing that I want to do." Jungkook said while spreading Jimin's legs wider, going down with his nicely lubed index finger, looking at Jimin's face.

"Tell me if it hurts or if you feel uncomfortable. Ok?"

Jimin nodded, looking nervous and aroused at the same time, like he can't wait any longer.

Jungkook circled his index finger around Jimin's hole, loving how hot it felt down there, how smooth and tight Jimin was.

Then he pushed his index finger inside, until the first knuckle and Jimin gasped.

Jungkook looked at him and instinctively took the older's dick with his left hand, stroking it lightly, making the whole preparation thing more comfortable for him.

"Yes... yes... Kookah... more..."

Jimin was impatient.

"Slowly hyung. Don't rush it." Jungkook moved his finger against the tight walls, loving the moaning sounds coming from Jimin's mouth.

Then he pushed the whole finger inside, earning him a louder moan from Jimin's opened mouth.

"Ah...fuck...yes... your fingers are so long... feels so good..."

Jungkook wanted to explode. His dick was leaking uncontrollably.

"Can I add more?"

Jimin nodded frantically.

"Yes, yes, yes... Please..."

Jungkook pushed his middle finger alongside the index finger and started thrusting deeper inside, in and out, then doing the scissoring motion, working on getting Jimin to loosen up a bit.

His hole was still so tight, engulfing Jungkook's fingers so nicely, so wet and soft inside, the older didn't want to imagine his dick in there, but couldn't help it...

That's all he could think about.

While stroking Jimin's dick firmer now, collecting the precum from the tip then smearing it all over the older's cock, making the slide better, Jungkook started doing the 'come over' motion with the two fingers inside Jimin's hole and the response was instant.

"Ah, ah, ah..., fuck... Yes... More... Kookah... There... Right there... God..."

Seemed like Jungkook had found the spot that made Jimin into squirming mess, begging for more while bucking his hips up into Jungkook's hand, then pushing down, fucking himself harder onto Jungkook's fingers.

"Do you want me to use the toy now?" Jungkook asked while looking at Jimin's face, already looking so close to orgasm.

"No... Fuck toys... I don't want that... More fingers..." Jimin moaned so Jungkook put a bit more lube onto his ring finger and pushed it right in, thrusting deep and fast, enjoying the way Jimin's legs started shaking uncontrollably.

Jungkook paid attention to every single detail on Jimin's body and face.

He paid attention to his abs flexing when Jungkook would squeeze at his dick head harder, he noticed the arching of Jimin's back whenever he would push his fingers rougher into the soft squishy spot inside Jungkook's hole, he noticed the older's pants becoming incoherent and fast, like he was almost there...

"Jimin, you look so good like this... I think I might come just by looking at you..."

Jungkook praised the older so Jimin snapped his gaze at him, shaking his head.

"No... No... Wanna... Ah... Wanna suck you off Kookah..."


"What?" Jungkook's inner voice was screaming, but he said it as calmly as he could?

"Wanna suck your cock... Wanna make you feel good... Can I? Please.... I'm so close... You're doing this so good.."

Jungkook's hand started pumping even faster, feeling impatient after Jimin's words, and then a thought occurred to him.

"Should I do it too?"

Jimin's eyes open wide.

"Do what?"

"Well suck your dick?" Jungkook asked as if he's asking how the weather was today.

"No. You don't have to do it. It's too much... I'm good with this... This is perfect. I just suggested doing it cause I want you to enjoy yourself more..."

"What makes you think I won't enjoy it hyung?" Jungkook said and moved his head down, kissing the head of Jimin's dick, while pushing his fingers in and out of Jimin faster, and the way the older fisted the sheets underneath him, and panted high little 'Ah' and 'fuck' was a clear indicator that this is the thing that'll drive Jimin over the edge.

Jungkook loved to see him like this.

Driven by the excitement from the first contact with the older's dick, Jungkook leaned down again and this time he wrapped his lips tightly over Jimin's cock, swirling his tongue over the head.

Sure he wasn't an expert, but he knew what he liked while he was getting a head. Lots of tongue and mouth, no teeth. So he just figured, why not try the same. After all, it's Jimin's dick that's inside his mouth, so it was totally fine.

Few more licks, Jimin was gone...

"Kookah... Gonna come...shit..." the older pushed Jungkook's head away, and positioned himself so that every single drop of his cum lands on his bare stomach.

Jungkook milked his orgasm good, using the long strokes, while positioning Jimin's dick upwards.

The moment Jimin came down from his high, he grabbed the shirt that was laying on the bed and with one fast move, he swiped the cum that was all over his stomach, and then he got up and moved the younger to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Spread your legs."

He instructed, and Jungkook did so immediately, looking at the older, making himself comfortable while kneeling between Jungkook's legs.

Jimin wasted no time so the moment he was between Jungkook's legs, he leaned down, and without using his hands, he took Jungkook's hard dick deep into his mouth.

"Ah hyung... Fuck... Mmmm... I'm not gonna last."

Jimin only bobbed his head faster.

While licking Jungkook's shaft eagerly, flicking the tip of his dick head, Jimin scratched Jungkook's thighs, knowing how the younger likes some roughness in the bedroom.

Jungkook put both of his hands in Jimin's blond hair. Moving the strands away so that he could see him better, loving the view of his pretty hyung doing such an obscene thing.

And then Jimin deepthroated him.

"Oh shit... Hyung... It's all the way in... Oh fuck..."

Jimin took it down his throat so good, his nose literally brushing over Jungkook's stomach.

Then he pulled off of the younger's dick slowly, putting a show just for Jungkook's eyes, the saliva hanging from Jungkook's dick to Jimin's lips making the sight even sexier.

Jimin's eyes were glassy, lips swollen and red, a perfect sight to come undone...

"Hyung... Where should I come?" Jungkook wanted to double check cause he didn't wanna make Jimin uncomfortable and on the other hand, Jimin had something different on his mind.

"Is it too much to ask you to do it on my face, maybe my mouth too, wanna taste you badly." Jimin said from down between Jungkook's legs, looking like an angel while doing not so angelic things.

Jungkook lolled his head back moaning.

"You'll drive me insane hyung..."

"Is that a yes?"

Jimin asked and then started bobbing his head up and down eagerly over Jungkook's shaft.

"Yes...yes...yes..." Jungkook chanted until he couldn't take it any more.

"Gonna come hyung."

He warned the older, so Jimin took the base of Jungkook's dick and while opening his mouth and getting his tongue out, he jerked him off, cum shooting over his face, mostly lips and tongue.

The moment Jungkook became oversensitive, without any single drop left in him, Jimin let go of his now softening dick, and started cleaning his face with his tongue.

He licked all the cum from his lips and around those few drops that landed on his cheek, he swooped with his index finger and licked it while humming 'mmmmmm' eagerly.

Jungkook was looking at him, dazed, not believing what he was witnessing, almost pinching himself to make sure he's not dreaming.

"I even like the way you taste." Jimin broke the silence and Jungkook let his upper body fall down on the bed.

He can die now peacefully.

"Come on... How can you be like this?" Jungkook whines while splaying himself down on the bed like a starfish.

Jimin came up and layed down on the bed too, curling himself into Jungkook's side, the younger welcomed him by wrapping his hands all around him, turning his body to face Jimin.

"Like what?"


Jimin blushed.

"I'm not perfect."

"To me you are. I can't believe I'm enjoying myself with you so much... I never imagined that I'll love all of these things and now I just can't get enough of you. It's like, I can't be around you anymore without thinking about kissing you, and now doing all those things... You're just so shameless and fun and I love that about you. "

"Wow, you're a sap after getting a blowjob. "

Jimin teased him, so Jungkook pinched his nipples, making Jimin to wince at the sudden touch, grabbing Jungkook's hands in his, trying to stop him from doing more.

"I should shower. You're clean as usual."

Jimin got up, and after finding some clean underwear and a shirt, he went to take that well deserved shower.

Jungkook got up too, trying to find something clean to wear, loving the after orgasmic glow he was in, unable to keep the grin off of his face.

Jimin came back after 15 minutes, smelling like coconuts and vanilla, looking soft with his hair half-dump, falling over his forehead, wearing only a shirt with some gray boxers.

"I took your shirt and this shorts." Jungkook pointed at a white, sports shorts and a plain white t-shirt so Jimin nodded.

"Ok. You can go to the bathroom now, I left your toothbrush and tooth paste on the sink." Jimin said while laying down on the bed, making himself comfortable.

"I'm lazy. I'll wash them in the morning."

Jungkook layed next to the older so Jimin gave him a disgusted look.

"You had my dick in your mouth. Shouldn't you at least wash your teeth."

Jungkook grinned.

"I liked the taste so I won't."

Jimin fake gagged.

"I should be offended actually. You went so quickly to wash yourself after having my dick in your mouth. Was it really that bad?" Jungkook wanted to tease.

"No. I told you that I liked it. I just don't want to have a mouth full of swimming sperm while going to bed." Jimin explained so Jungkook frowned.

"Is my mouth full of swimming sperm right now?"

Jimin chuckled.

"No silly. I didn't come in your mouth."

"But I did taste some precum. You were leaking a lot."

Jimin growled and then hid his face with the blanket.

"You're so cute hyung." Jungkook teased while getting up, deciding to wash those swimmers from his mouth after all.

When he came back to the room, Jimin was laying on his side, eyes closed like he had fallen asleep already.

Jungkook layed next to him and looked at his calm and soft features. He looked so good like this, peaceful, happy, beautiful... The hyung that he loved to see...

"I love you." he whispered while observing Jimin's face, the small smile appeared on the older's lips.

"I love you too." Jimin said fondly, his eyes opening slowly, looking at the stars in Jungkook's eyes.

"Now cuddle me to sleep."

Jimin moved even closer to Jungkook, wrapping his legs around the younger's, wanting for Jungkook to caress him.

"Hey hyung..."


"We haven't used any of your toys." Jungkook looked at the box with Jimin's toys on the floor.

"That's ok. I don't mind. Maybe next time." Jimin said sleepy so Jungkook's mouth formed into the widest grin.

"So there'll be next time?" Jungkook was way too giddy.

Jimin nuzzled his neck and kissed it softly.

"Only if you want to..."

"Can't wait actually... And I don't think we'll need those toys..." Jungkook caressed Jimin's back, the older arched it instinctively.

"Hm? Yeah?"


"Got something on your mind? Something you wanna try? " Jimin was curious.

"Mhm..." Jungkook nodded.


"Can't tell. It's a secret."

Jimin growled.

"I hate secrets."

"I know. That's why it's a secret."

"Why do I even love you?" Jimin bit his neck, acting to be annoyed.

"Because I'm your everything."

Jimin kissed the bitten mark.

"Yes you are."

"Good night hyung." Jungkook kissed the top of his head.

"Good night Kookah." Jimin kissed his neck.


"Sorry for calling you this early but I have boxing class in half an hour but I couldn't wait to talk to you cause I have something to tell you."

Jungkook blabbered while picking his outfit, trying to talk and pack his backpack with the equipment he needed and the only thing he heard was a muffled sleeping sound.

"Jihyo? Are you still sleeping?"

"I am... wait a sec."

He looked at the watch on his phone, 8:30. Sure it was early, but Jihyo was usually an early bird so it was weird that she was still sleeping.

"Hey... I'm here. Is everything ok?"

"From 1 to 10, how over me are you?" Jungkok asked cause the last thing he wanted was to hurt his friend's feelings.

"I'm currently at some girls apartment where I had a threesome with her and another guy, so I'd say an 8 at least. Maybe even 9. Speak."

Jungkook was happy and surprised by her answer. Could be even a bit proud?

"Wow... you go girl... You'll tell me all the details later."

"Deal. Now speak."

"I wanna fuck Jimin."

"Oh... Wow... When did you come to that revelation."

"Last night when I had his dick in my mouth. Maybe even before, I don't know."

"Wait a minute! You sucked his dick? Wow Kookah, that's big."

"It is big."

"Jerk. I didn't mean... never mind. So how was it?"

"Well it wasn't like a full blowjob or something, cause I was also fucking him with my fingers so it was more like licking and jerking him off, but the thing is, I want more. I wanted more last night. When I was doing that, all I could think about is how hot he looked and how badly I want my dick to fill him up, fuck him hard... God I'm such a mess. And then he sucked me off and he was so good, like unbelievably good so now I want to fuck him, and that's all I can think about. And my dick is always semi hard so I'm screwed."

"That's amazing Kookah. I'm so happy you finally realized your own feelings, even though I always knew there is more to your relationship than just friendly love. You love him so much and you're attracted to him and I really hope you two will be the happiest together."

Jungkook listened to her words and got worried.

"What if Jimin hyung doesn't want more? What if he doesn't want to ruin our friendship? He had told me that many times. How he loves us the way we are and would never compromise our bond over some kisses and jerk offs. What if he doesn't love me the same?"

"Hey, stop it. He is definitely head over heels for you. I mean I can't tell for sure but you two are so special and your bond can't ever be broken,even if you try to be more than friends and end up not working out, I think you could go back to being friends again."

Jungkook wasn't so sure about that.

"I don't think I could handle that to be honest. To have him all by myself only to lose him after. I think my heart would break. I - I never thought about that but... I don't know if I could go back to being his friend after being more... Maybe that's what he is scared off too."

"But Kookah, you've already crossed the line. You're more than friends for a while now, not just cause of the kisses and jerk offs and whatever, but cause of the feelings that have grown inside you."

"God what do I do? I can't lose him... He is my everything..."

"Just talk to him. He'll understand. He's your best friend for a reason. Talk to him as your best friend, open up to him like you used to do."

"I'll have to. There's no other way..."

"Kookah, the girl woke up. I have to go. The morning after is always so awkward. Unless they want a round 2."

"Good luck. Talk to you soon and thank you."

"Bye Kookah. Tell me how the conversation went."

"I will. Bye."


It was the last week before Uni, and of course both Jihyun and Jungkook got accepted at KAFA University and everyone around them couldn't be more proud of them.

Namjoon organised a cute little sleep over for him and Jungkook, like old times, and gave him all of his old notebooks and some materials that could be useful for his first year of Uni since he was attending the same.

Jungkook's parents made a nice dinner to celebrate his success which he enjoyed dearly, but at Jimin's house, these kinds of things got celebrated differently.

Whenever any of the boys, Jimin or Jihuyn had achieved something worthy of celebration, their parents would throw a dinner party, while inviting all of their family members, so now, Jungkook was in Jimin's living room, sitting next to Jihyun, listening to the encouraging words from pretty much all the Park family members and he was feeling shy as fuck.

"God I hate this." Jihuyn whispered after another 'we're so proud of you' speech and Jungkook couldn't agree more.

"I know, right..."

"I mean, those kind of things are usually thrown for Jimin cause he always does something remarkable and I just enjoy the food and drinks, but having everyone talking about you while you're literally right there is just annoying and not to mention how every single friend of ours is at the Revel cause it's the last fucking Saturday before Uni and we're stuck here." Jihyun continued while whisper yelling, so Jungkook nodded.

"And their advice, study hard, work as much as you can. I mean we already know that." Jungkook added that to the list of annoying advice that they were aware of.

"So, how about we ditch this?" Juhyun had an idea.

"But how? What about all of your family?" Jungkook tried to follow.

"It's Saturday. Let's go out and celebrate it properly. It's the last week before Uni Kookah. We don't want to sit here and look at my aunts and cousins chit chat, do we?"

"I really don't." Jungkook agreed.

"Ok,so let's find Jimin. He's usually talking to every single family member, being the good boy that he is and let's just kidnap him away."

Jungkook laughed. He wasn't drunk enough for this.

After a minute of searching, they saw Jimin, talking to the probably the oldest member of their family, looking cute and adorable.

"Sorry my dearest grandpa, we need to steal Jiminie just for a second from you." Jihyun said with a forced smile so the old man frowned, but seeing Jimin's wide smile, he nodded.

"I'll come back grandpa." Jimin assured him before going away.

"What's going on? Is Auntie Minsu telling another fun story?" Jimin asked while the boys tugged him down the hall and straight to the exiting door.

"No she's not. We're leaving. Let's go." Jihyun explained so Jimin panicked.

"What? Why? But our family? Auntie Minsu didn't even see me, and cousin Jungho never told me about his appendix surgery..." Jimin was blabbering while being tugged away, so both of the boys looked at him.

"Jimin, it's literally the last week of freedom. Everyone is at the Revel. We're getting out of here." Jihyun said with determination so Jimin turned to Jungkook.

"Do you have anything to do with this? My parents really love to celebrate our success and now they'll be so disappointed."

Jungkook batted his lashes cutely.


"Oh no, don't you hyungie me. This is so rude and you know it."

Jungkook pouted.

"It's the last Saturday and they'll all have fun even without us."

Jimin took a deep breath.

"Fine. I hate both of you so much."

Jihyun called the cab, so they entered, Jimin and Jungkook in the back, Jihyun in front since he was the only one who brought a wallet with him.

"I look ridiculous." Jimin complained while looking at his nicely fitted black buttons up that was tucked into some black slacks.

"Maybe if I just..." he said while undoing some buttons, making his chest more visible, and Jungkook stared.

Gulp. Gulp.

"That's one too many if you ask me hyung." the younger whispered so Jimin gave him one of his confident looks while cocking his eyebrows at him.

"Like what you see?" he mouthed, so Jungkook frowned, not liking the instant tightening feeling inside his pants.

"Shut up." he mouthed back, his head going down to his crotch, trying to calm the beast that was already awake.

Jimin followed his hand movement and bit his lip right after, making Jungkook's life a living hell.

"We're here." Jihyun announced happily.

Thank fuck for small mercies.

Jungkook was already rethinking this decision.

While entering a pretty packed night club, the first thing that came to the boys mind were, drinks and later on to find their friends.

They literally decided to drown in some shots and beers, and soon, all three of them felt a bit light headed.

"I missed this." Jihyun spoke when they sat down on the table that was far away from the dance floor, probably the only empty seat in the place.

"Yeah. Me too." Jungkook added while sitting in the middle between Jimin and Jihyun, hugging them both.

"We haven't had this kind of night out in ages." Jimin said while raising his beer bottle, wanting to make a toast one last time for the boy's success.

"For the two of you. My smart, adorable, two babies. I hope you'll have fun at Uni and will drag me to every party with you." he said with grin, the adorable smile that almost closes his eyes completely, making him look soft and cute and Jungkook knew he had to talk to him about everything cause he was losing his Goddamn mind every time Jimin would as much as smile, wink, talk, breath... He was in this too deep and needed to know how Jimin felt.

He knew it all along probably, but couldn't face the facts before, cause he was scared, he didn't know that being with Jimin intimately was even an option, and cause he wasn't drunk enough.

"Thank you big bro, we most certainly will. Now if you'll excuse me I saw Sana and Yuna dancing and I'm getting in the middle. Cross your fingers for me cause I'm drunk enough to try something tonight."

Jungkook laughed at Jihyun's fake courage and gave him a thumbs up before leaving.

The moment he was gone, the younger scooped closer to Jimin, their thighs brushing together, looking at Jimin's confused face.

"I missed you." he said while putting his hand on top of Jimin's thigh, squeezing the spot lightly.

Jimin gulped, looking around, appearing uncomfortable, but Jungkook knew he was only shy and confused cause the place was crowded and they never do these things in public.

"I missed you too... What, what are you doing?" Jimin asked when Jungkook leaned closer, kissing the older's neck, nuzzling his face there.

"Showing you how much I've missed you." Jungkook was so gone. He needed Jimin's closeness. Being close to him without touching, kissing, holding Jimin tight was not an option anymore. He couldn't stand being away from him and it showed.

"Kookah... Baby... We... Shit."

Jimin stopped talking the moment he felt Jungkook's mouth sucking down his neck, licking the bruised spot right after.

The older moaned softly, but Jungkook had heard it clearly.

"Jiminah..." Jungkook whispered into the older's ear, loving the way Jimin had turned his head to face him, unable to open his eyes yet.

The music was so loud, but Jungkook could hear his heart beating faster.

Jimin opened his eyes, looking straight at Jungkook's, and once again Jungkook felt lost and found all at once, looking at his best friend, his love, his everything...

He wanted to tell him all, everything that was bottled up inside his chest, every fear, every decision he had made, but Jimin was so damn close that no words could get out of his mouth.

Jimin licked his lips and leaned closer, looking at Jungkook's face with uncertainty, but Jungkook had no fear when it came to this, no regrets, so while leaning even closer, he kissed Jimin's lips softly, loving the way the older instinctively put his hands on his cheeks, cupping the younger's face delicately.

Jungkook was the one to deepen the kiss.

He tilted his head so that he could explore Jimin's lips more, enjoying the sweet moans and licks the older was giving him.

Soon they were making out shamelessly, Jungkook's hands grabbing Jimin's waist, pulling him closer to his body, Jimin's hands found their way in Jungkook's hair, tugging at it softly, dictating the pace while holding Jungkook's hair tighter if the younger would bit him harder or suck on his lip harsher.

"They're here..."

Both of them jumped at the familiar voice, wiping their mouths as if that would make them appear less fucked out and horny.

When they turned around, there were Taehyung, Yoongi, Namjoon, Seokjin and Jihyun standing next to their table, their face expressions pretty unbothered by the sight they had witnessed.

"Hey you two love birds. We have a booth upstairs, we had no idea you're coming. Wanna go up with us or should we leave you to have some privacy? " Taehyung cocked his eyebrows teasingly, providing blushing cheeks on both of their faces.

"Can't believe this is the first time I'm seeing them making out. Weird." Jihyun then added so Jungkook and Jimin glanced at each other, confused expressions consuming their faces.

"That's cause you couldn't see us do it before since we didn't do this until recently..." Jimin said nervously, scratching his neck awkwardly.

"Oh come on. You two are literally a lifetime together." Jihyun had his opinion.

"We're not. We were always just friends before... Right?" Jimin looked at Jungkook, so the younger put his hand around Jimin's waist and moved him closer to his body.

"We were never just friends, Jiminah." the younger said with a fond smile, loving how Jimin's face was also literally glowing.

"Aish... Shut up..." Jimin whined cutely, leaning his back onto Jungkook's side.

"Wanna go upstairs with the boys?" Jungkook asked, so Jimin nodded.

"Sure. Let's have some fun."

The moment they were all up there, enjoying the music and endless drinks coming their way, Jungkook felt some kind of unknown happiness and he knew exactly what's the reason behind it.

Jimin and him were close. Extremely close, and he was loving his hyung's attention.

It's not like they weren't always clingy and attached to the hip, but this time, while hugging Jungkook from behind, Jimin would nuzzle his head into Jungkook's neck, and kiss him there without bothering who was around. Or when they were dancing, the older would caress Jungkook's hands and shoulders, coming to his chest, feeling the firm muscle under his fingertips, and he would lean into the younger's space, whispering how hot he was looking and how badly he wanted to kiss him.

So Jungkook just did it.

He kissed him there, in front of everyone else, and he loved the giddy expression the older was showing.

"Kookah..." he said between kisses.


"Will you sleep with me tonight?"

That same question that Jungkook loved so much...

Is there even any other answer than yes?

"Will we sleep at all?" Jungkook teased so Jimin hid his face in the younger's chest.

"I like sleeping with you." Jimin said before kissing the younger's jaw.

"I like doing things with you." With a lot of alcohol in his system, Jungkook became bolder.

"Wanna do things with you..." Jimin and his sultry voice...

"Let's go home." Jungkook was more than ready.

"We need to wait for Jihyun." Jimin whined.

"We don't. He's a grown up. Wouldn't be the first time that we leave earlier."

Jimin nodded. He didn't need too much pursuing.

After saying bye to the boys and their sorry's for not being able to stay longer, they went home.

On their way back, Jungkook kept thinking about the way he'll start the conversation that he wanted to do so badly with Jimin, but the moment they entered Jimin's room, the older was all over him.


Jungkook tried to talk between kisses, but Jimin was persistent.

He kissed his way through Jungkook's words, and kept giving his full attention to the younger's body.

Jimin moved them to the bed, and after pushing Jungkook down, he climbed on top of him.

The fitted clothes were obviously an issue, so Jimin got up and while stumbling a little, giggling all the way, he took off his shirt and pants, leaving him only in his black underwear.



"Where's my inflatable bed?" Jungkook always wanted to ask him truthfully and tonight was the right moment to do so.

"Under my bed." Jimin answered and positioned himself on top of Jungkook, straddling his lap clumsily. He was really drunk.

"Is it broken?"


Jungkook chuckled.

Jimin laughed, almost falling off of the younger.

"You can throw it away. I'm never leaving your bed."

"Is that so?" Jimin leaned closer and kissed Jungkook's neck.

"Mhm. I'm gonna stay here for hours. Days even..."

"What are we going to do here for so long?" Jimin nibbled his ear.

"We can do whatever you want us to do. I'm up for anything with you. Have any wishes?" Jungkook gripped Jimin's waist, moving him down, showing him how hard he already was.

"Actually I do... I just... Since last time... I couldn't stop thinking about it..." Jimin was mumbling, leaving sloppy kisses all over Jungkook's neck.

"About what?"

"About how would it feel for you to fill me up. Fuck me good... I want it. Want you so badly."

Jimin said so Jungkook's heart started beating even louder.

"Actually that's something I thought about for so long Jiminah. To have you like that. To make you scream from pleasure. To make you mine... You have no idea how much you mean to me, and all of this. I really wanted to talk to you about this, us, and the way I feel, and I wanna know how you feel Jiminah..."

Jungkook talked, finally opening up, but suddenly he realized how Jimin, who was still on top of him had stopped his movement, and instead there was a snoring little sound audible in the room.

Jimin fell asleep just like that. In the middle of their conversation and their make out session.

Jungkook moved a couple of strands off the older's face and kissed the top of his head delicately. Trying not to wake him up.

He laughed on the inside, finding all of this amusing, loving Jimin's peaceful expression on top of him, wanting it to last.

Since Jimin was wearing only his underwear Jungkook feared that he might get cold later, so he took the blanket, and threw it over the older's body softly, enjoying the little puffs of air landing on his chest.

"I love you." he whispered, even though Jimin was most certainly knocked down, but it felt right. It felt true.


Too much light falling over his closed eyes, making everything orange from behind his eyelids, woke Jungkook up.

He reached out with his hands over the bed, trying to find Jimin next to him, but there was no one there.

Abruptly, he got up, into a sitting position, wondering where his hyung could possibly be, and finally had decided to get up and look for him.

While entering the living room, the delicious smell of food lured him into the kitchen, and when he entered, the sight almost gave him a stroke.

There was Jimin, only wearing a white oversized shirt making pancakes for breakfast, looking cute and hot at the same time.

"Hey you. Good morning." Jimin turned around and gave Jungkook a small smile, the younger one just kept staring at him dazed.

"When did you get up?" Jungkook gave him a back hug, kissing Jimin's shoulder delicately.

"About half an hour ago. My head was killing me. Do you need Aspirin or something?"

"No. I'm good. Is Jihyun awake?" Jungkook snatched a little piece of pancake and ate it hungrily.

"Jihyun's at Yuna's actually. He scored last night."

Jungkook laughed.


"And my parents are at my grandmas. You know their Sunday routine. Speaking about the Sunday routine, are you having another breakfast date with Jihyo or are you staying to eat with me?" Jimin bit on his lip nervously, looking so endearing and cute.

"Oh you're right. I totally forgot. I'll call her to cancel that. I mean you made so much food it's a waste not to eat it together."

Jimin's smile was adorable.

Jungkook went to the bathroom first, then he called Jihyo, to cancel their plans, and then he joined Jimin in the dining room where the older had prepared all kinds of stuff with which they could eat their breakfast.


Jimin said shyly.

"Hm?" Jungkook hummed, having his mouth full with food.

"Um... I don't remember too much about last night... I guess I drank too much... Um... Did we do something?"

The cute fluffy hair, blush soft pink, big puppy eyes... Jimin was adorable. Jungkook was falling in love all over again.

"We slept together."

Jungkook tried to keep a calm expression.

Jimin's eyes widen. He gulped hard.

"You cuddled into my side, well it was more on top of me and you fell asleep immediately, so we slept the whole night."

Jimin's face was washed over with relief.

"Did you thought how we did something and then you totally forgot about it?" he teased.

"I don't know. I really drank too much and I would hate to be unable to remember anything that happened..." Jimin got up and started cleaning the table.

"Did I say anything... Cause... You know... We probably talked..." Jimin started wiping the table, looking a bit nervous.

Jungkook found his behavior amusing.

"Not much... We came home, kissed a bit... Well now when I think about it, you did kind of say how you wanted me to fuck you good. I think those were your exact words." Jungkook got up too, cleaning his side of the table, loving Jimin's perplexed expression.

"Sorry Kookah... That's... Yeah... I was drunk... I would never...."

Jungkook came closer to the older, looking straight into his eyes.

"You would never?" he asked while caressing Jimin's waist, going under his shirt, feeling the hot flesh against his fingertips.

"I would never make you uncomfortable... Sorry..." Jimin leaned on the table, hands gripping the wooden surface.

"Again, you and the whole uncomfortable thing. Hyung, there's nothing uncomfortable about us. I want you just as much." Jungkook leaned and kissed Jimin's lips, the older shuddered under the younger's piercing gaze.

"You want what exactly?" Jimin obviously needed things to be said as clearly.

"Wanna fuck you." Jungkook said it out loud, kissing Jimin's neck slowly.

"Oh... How? I mean with what? Toys, fingers like last time..."

Seriously, someone give Jungkook a pen and paper to prove his point.

"God huyng, I want my dick up your ass as far as you can take it. How's that sound?" Jungkook lost it.

Jimin chuckled.

"Like a caveman. You have no game whatsoever."

Jungkook grabbed the back of Jimin's thighs and pushed him up, the older wrapped his calves around Jungkook's waist, and he walked like that to Jimin's bedroom.

When they entered inside, everything happened fast.

Clothes flew all around the room, they laid down on the bed and then they kissed.

They kissed lustfully, hands moving all around their bodies, gripping, scratching, leaving marks afterwards.

"You're so beautiful hyung..." Jungkook couldn't stop praising the older, showering him with compliments, loving his eager response to the praises.

After Jungkook had kissed every single spot on Jimin's front, coming down from his lips to his chest, abs, dick, thighs, he wanted to kiss him more.

"Turn around."

And then the biggest trait was served.

Jimin's ass.

Jungkook kissed his shoulders, and went down, down, all the way till Jimin's bubbly ass, and then he kissed his cheeks sexily, biting the firm muscle, earning a sexy moan from Jimin's lips.

Instinctively, Jungkook spread his ass cheeks apart, and looked at the tight, pink hole hiding in there.

"So pretty hyung..."

He leaned down, and kissed there, right in the middle, and Jimin winced, moaning louder.


"Can I?"

He asked, not sure if that's something Jimin would even want, but it looked so pretty, soft, tight, he just wanted to taste.


So he did.

He licked one small stripe over it with the tip of his tongue, feeling the soft skin contracting at the first contact.

Then he came back and licked more. At first he used the small kitten licks, but soon he became greedy and while wanting to feel more, he started sucking at the hole, licking the spot with wet, flat tongue, prodding inside with just the tip.

He got lost in the feeling, licking, sucking, pushing Jimin's hips onto his tongue, fucking him as deep as it goes, and Jimin, he was a mess.

Leaking precum all over the bed, panting fast and hard, moaning Jungkook's name, asking for more.

Then he pushed his index finger inside, giving Jimin more, loving the wet sound coming from the older's saliva covered hole.

"Yes baby... Just like that... More..."

Jungkook's dick was hard as never before.

He enjoyed sex before, sure, but this was something else. Jimin was something else. He was so responsive and so beautiful and sexy that it was hard not to jump on him and fuck him mercilessly.

After adding one more finger, thrusting them in and out, opening Jimin the best way he can, the older almost screamed.

"Fuck me... Please... Now... Fuck me or I'm gonna lose my mind..."

As if Jungkook was feeling any less horny and desperate.

While picking up the lube and one condom from Jimin's nightstand, Jungkook looked at the condom and thought about it...

"Hyung, I'm clean..."

"Me too. No condom then. Wanna feel you raw. "

They were on the same page.

After positioning himself between Jimin's legs, lubing his dick nicely, Jungkook looked down at the sight in front of him.


But then he got scared.

Jimin had had partners before him. What if he can't be as good as his other boyfriends?

"Hyung... You would tell me if I'm doing something wrong? Right?"

He said weakly so Jimin turned around to face him.

"Of course I would, but there's nothing to be afraid of. Kookah, your dick is so good it's literally a trait by itself." Jimin praised him so Jungkook felt a bit cocky.

"Wow hyung, give me a pen and paper, I'm gonna write that down and frame it." he teased, so Jimin slapped his arm.

"Brat. I take it back. Why am I even doing this with you..." the older pinched Jungkook's nipples, which made him a moaning mess, but soon, Jungkook regained his strength and pinned Jimin down on the mattress.

"Wait till you have this trait of a dick inside you and then tell me."

"Give it to me then brat." Jimin provoked, his eyes half lidded, mouth red and open, a sight to die for.

Jungkook leaned down, lining himself with Jimin's entrance and then he pushed it in.

He didn't do it slowly, nor too fast.

It was just the right force to make Jimin to curse, moan dirty while closing his eyes shut.

He stayed like that for a moment, then leaned down, and started kissing Jimin's lips sexily.

They chased each other's tongue, smiled into their kiss, loving how greedy they were for each other.

"You feel so good Jiminah..." Jungkook whispered into the older's ear, while kissing his whole face.

"You can move, so you can feel me better... Fuck me Kookah... I want you. Wanted this for so long..."

With those encouraging words, Jungkook moved his hips up, almost sliding out of Jimin and then he thrust right back in.

"Fucking shit... So good..." Jimin moaned while wrapping his legs over Jungkook's middle, caging him in, locking him even closer then they were before.

"Can I move faster?" Jungkook wanted to make sure the older was fully satisfied.

"Oh yes... Do it faster and harder. I can take it."

Jungkook hovered above Jimin, pushing his legs further apart and started fucking him just the way the older had asked.

Fast and deep.

Jimin moaned into every new thrust that he received so well, a tear rolled down his temple from the pleasure he was feeling.

Jungkook was close...

"Hyung... I'm close... You're too sexy... Too tight... Feels so good... I can't last... Ah..."

"Me too baby... Me too... You're doing it so good... Touch me please... Make me come."

Jimin held onto the bed, fisting the sheets beneath him tightly, taking the hard thrusts drilling his hole perfectly, and the moment Jungkook took the older's dick in his hand, and started stroking it in the rhythm of his deliberating thrusts, Jimin was gone, and second after him, Jungkook felt his orgasm approaching.

"Where should I..."

Jimin didn't let him finish the sentence, he just wrapped his legs around Jungkook's back, pushing him deeper inside, telling him without using any words, where he should come.

Jungkook leaned down, spilling all his cum inside Jimin while biting on his neck, trying to suppress the exploding moans from his mouth.

"I love you." Jungkook said while still feeling high from one of the best orgasms he ever felt.

"I love you too." Jimin answered while caressing Jungkook's hair softly.

"I...don't just love you hyung... I'm in love with you." Jungkook pushed his head up, meeting Jimin's glassy eyes.

"You are?" he asked, surprised by Jungkook's confession.

"Of course I am. I wanted to talk to you last night but you fell asleep."

"Sorry..." Jimin said cutely so Jungkook kissed his nose.

"I need you to know that I'm all in hyung. I love you and I want to be with you. I don't want this to be a random sex from time to time or anything meaningless cause you mean the world to me."

Jimin took a deep breath.

"I'm scared. I love you so much Kookah, but I'm afraid we could mess this up. What if we're only good as friends? I'm ok with not having you as a partner or boyfriend in my life, but as a friend, no. I couldn't survive not having you in my life as a friend. You're the most important person to me. My Kookah, my baby, my everything."

Jungkook's heart clenched at his hyung's words, knowing how they have the same fears.

"I know. I feel the same way, but we're ok. We're always gonna be ok, cause we care about each other's happiness more than our own. I'll always put you first. Your happiness is my priority hyung. It has always been." Jungkook talked and looked at Jimin's watery eyes. The older's tears started pouring down, a smile appearing on his face.

"I love you so much." Jimin said through tears.

"Always have and always will..."

Jungkook's heart was swelling with happiness.

While looking at Jimin's wet, puffy face, the tears covering his cheeks, for the first time, Jungkook didn't want to kiss his hyung's tears away, cause those were happy tears, and they suited him the most.

Jungkook leaned down and kissed Jimin again, softly, peck after peck.

"You are my hyung and my love, you are my best friend and my lover, you are literally, my everything now. I feel complete with you."

Jimin hugged him harder.

"I feel the same way."

They stayed like that for a moment,caressing each other, enjoying the closeness, and then Jimin broke the silence.

"Wanna see something hot?"

Jungkook nodded eagerly so Jimin pushed the younger off of him, finally Jungkook's dick slipped out of Jimin's hole, so the older got up, on his hand and knees, and while looking at Jungkook's fucked out face over his shoulder, he swayed his hips around, making the cum inside him, to leak down his thighs slowly.

"Oh my God."

Jungkook covered his dick, feeling it awakening at the obscene sight, feeling aroused and horny all over again.

He tried to reach for Jimin's ass, but the older slapped his hand away.

"No touching. I'm sore already. You did me good. And no sex before the third date. I'm an old fashioned guy and I won't give in so easily." Jimin got up, covering his body with a blanket, looking for clean clothes to wear after the shower.

"But I just fucked you. Don't do that to me..." Jungkook fake cried so Jimin threw a pillow on him.

"You're no fun hyung. Letting me have the taste of the Holy Grale only to hide it from me."

"Are you referring to my ass as a Holy Grale?" Jimin said amusingly while picking out some clothes from his closet.

"I am."

"I like it. Now I'll even let you shower with me." Jimin cocked his eyebrows at the younger so Jungkook jumped like an overly excited puppy.

"No silly business in the shower Kookah." Jimin made sure to point out the rules.

"Can I wash your ass?" Jungkook's mind was somewhere else.

"Do you even listen to me?"

Half an hour later, they were both clean, happy, all giggly and filled with love eyes one for another.

"So I was thinking..." Jimin tried to talk, but Jungkook interrupted him.

"When did you find time to think hyung?"

"When you were shampooing my ass for the third time, now listen to me you brat."

Jungkook chuckled.

"I really want to do this whole dating thing right." Jimin said seriously.

"Whatever you want hyung."

They were sitting in the living room, enjoying coffee together while figuring things out on the way.

It felt right.

"How about we plan a date for, let's say... Thursday. I don't have my dance classes that day so we could grab dinner... Or lunch, why does a date have to be dinner anyways? Could be lunch too."

"Or brunch. That's the new it thing." Jungkook suggested.

"Wow, how sophisticated... Let's do that. Ok?"

"Ok... But, but hyung... We won't see each other until Thursday? Really? That's too long." Jungkook whined.

"I know, but we want to make things right, and this is how people in relationships behave."

Jimin and his rules.

"So we're in a relationship?" Jungkook felt a storm of butterflies dancing in his stomach.

Jimin blushed.

"I mean... Aren't we?"

Jungkook scooped closer to him and kissed his lips softly.

"Of course we are. I love you."

Jimin smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too."

Jungkook got up, finally ready to leave cause Jimin's family were about to come home, and he was feeling happy and excited for everything that's about to come.

"So, I'll see you on Thursday Minnie?" he said while standing on the door frame, leaning his head, looking at Jimin cutely.

"Yes. Try not to miss me too much."

Jimin came closer, looking at him with loving eyes.

"Come here and kiss your boyfriend goodbye." Jungkook said and loved the flustered reaction that Jimin was having.

"Oh God, boyfriend..."

The older covered his forehead with the palm of his hand, cheeks blushing, looking cute and so in love.

He went on his tippy toes and kissed Jungkook softly before waving him goodbye, and Jungkook knew the moment he turned around to leave to his house, he would miss Jimin way too much not to act on it.


While trying to busy himself with all kinds of things, preparing for Uni, cooking lunch, even painting for an hour, Jungkook finally laid down in his bed, ready to get a good night sleep, but he couldn't stop thinking about Jimin.

What is he doing right now?

Is he thinking about me?

Does he miss me?

Aghhhhh I wanna kiss him so badly...

Maybe if I sneak into his house just to kiss him once...

No... He wants to do this properly....

Why do I miss him so much? We saw each other this morning...

God I'm so whipped...

While fumbling around in bed, trying to find the perfect position to have at least a couple of hours of sleep, he heard the sound of a new message on his phone.

Please let it be Jimin, please let it be Jimin... Please let it be Jimin...

While squinting his eyes, trying to see the message, Jungkook's heart started beating faster in his chest.

My everything

Tree house?

Jimin obviously felt the same.

Thank God!


Around 6 months later

While fumbling around with the bag where all the ingredients that Jungkook needed to make some pancakes were, he finally found the thing he was looking for.

The key.

The key to Jimin's new apartment that he had a copy of since he was literally sleeping there at least five days a week if not more.

Jungkook got inside and frowned at the sight that he saw.

Seriously hyung...

There were clothes all around the apartment, dirty cups and plates from Jimin's morning breakfast, and being the neat freak that he was, that was unacceptable.

After cleaning everything nicely, Jungkook finally started doing the thing that he came to do.


He mixes the ingredients together, and starts making a pile from at least ten pancakes in it.

When he was done with all the batter, he put all the pancakes one on top of another, gluing them together with some sour jam cause he knows Jimin likes sour food, making a sweet tower from them, and then he used some icy glaze to cover everything up nicely.

Then he let the glaze cool down, and when it did, Jungkook sliced the sweet pancake tower in the middle, making two halves that looked almost like two halves of cake.


While glancing on the phone, trying to see how much time he had left before Jimin arrives home, he noticed an unread message.

My everything

Baby do you have to go to that dinner tonight?

I miss you.

Could you cancel that and come to cuddle...

I promise I won't fall asleep like last time.

I'll even suck you off.

What do you say?

Jungkook giggled while reading the whole thing, loving the fact that Jimin had no idea how he was already home, waiting for him to arrive.

5 more minutes...

While lighting a candle on top of the half pancake tower that he had made, Jungkook heard a door opening slowly.

He's here...

Jungkook took the plate with the pancakes and the lighted candle, and stood in the middle of the living room.

He heard footsteps and then finally, Jimin entered.

"Oh my God!" the older put a hand on his heart like he was having a heart attack.

"What... What are you doing here?"

Jimin came closer, trying to figure out what Jungkook had made, examining that almost falling half tower with one candle on it.

"Well since you're my everything, I thought about how much I love you and how we could celebrate you more..."

Jungkook's words finally seemed to click inside Jimin's head, cause his eyes suddenly filled with tears, but his lips had formed the most beautiful smile Jungkook had ever seen in his whole life.

"I love you." Jimin said fondly, leaning down to blow out the candle, swooping a little glaze on top of the half tower cake, licking it while humming happily.

His eyes disappeared from how wide he was smiling, and all Jungkook could do was look at him... Admire the man that means the world to him, the man that needed to know how deeply and madly Jungkook was in love with him.

So he fed Jimin with the cake he made, served him a glass of the finest wine he could find, kissed him for hours, made love to him just the way he knew Jimin likes it, the way the older deserved to be cherished... He gave his all to him, cause after all, it was April 13. and Jungkook definitely wants to celebrate having Jimin by his side more cause he is the love of his life, the friend that was always there for him, a passionate lover that couldn't be tamed, and Jungkook wouldn't want it any other way...

Simply cause... Jimin is his everything and always will be...

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