We're more than just friends...
The morning came and with it so did Jungkook's sanity.
After sleeping for at least three hours, Jungkook felt the need to clear things up with Jimin.
He needed for the older to know how he doesn't want their friendship to get compromised by their reckless behavior, and how they should just forget about the whole kissing thing and move on with their lives.
It's just that he didn't have the chance to do so cause Jimin was expertly avoiding him for the whole next week.
The older didn't drink his morning coffee at the tree house, and didn't want to go to lunch with Jihyun and Jungkook the other day even though they begged him to go with them. He had just always found an excuse to not be there, in the room where Jungkook was.
It was pathetic.
Still, Jungkook knew he'll talk to him sooner or later, besides it was Jihyun's birthday on Saturday and his friends and Jimin had a whole birthday surprise planned out so at least that's where Jungkook will find time to talk to his hyung.
While squatting in the pretty spacious room for five minutes, waiting for Jihyun to arrive at the meeting place, Jungkook kept glancing at Jimin.
The older was not so far away from him, hiding behind Tae's back while crunching down just like everyone else was.
They were in the rented place for parties and all kinds of celebrations that Jimin had found and paid for his brother's surprise and now they were expecting the birthday boy to arrive.
There were at least 50 people hiding in there, the whole Jihyun's class plus some extra girls that Jimin knew Jihyun would appreciate having there for his special day.
As soon as the door flew open, all of them jumped while yelling SURPRISE! and Jihyun, with a grin on his face, faked having a heart attack from being overwhelmed.
"You guys..." he whined as soon as people started hugging him, congratulating his 20th birthday and showering him with all kinds of gifts.
Jungkook just stayed there, at the same spot that he was hiding, looking at his friends with fond expression, and then his eyes caught a glimpse of silver sleeveless shirt, that made Jimin to stand out in the crowd like a sore thumb, his black jeans looking so tight around his thick, dancers thighs, and his hair was styled perfectly, combed off of his forehead making him look kind of fierce and hot.
Yeah... Jungkook had a plan on talking to the older, but the way he looked made him a bit insecure cause it was hard not to drool over the beauty that Jimin was without complimenting him like crazy.
He thought about it for a minute, if being that pretty was even impossible, and if the way he was thinking was normal.
You can appreciate a beauty of men without being gay or bi. Shocking I know... His subconsciousness kept appearing and answering some questions for him.
After everyone had their share and square of hugging Jihyun and congratulating him, Jungkook came too and did the same.
"You're an old man." he said, so Jihyun chuckled.
"I know. Just wait and you'll see in a few months how bad being this old feels."
Jungkook hugged one of his best friends, and whispered yelled 'happy birthday' while the DJ started playing some upbeat tunes and all of a sudden the dance floor was crowded.
Jungkook stayed right there, enjoying the music while moving to the rhythm, coming closer to a group of friends he knew from school that were too, enjoying the moment.
Soon, drinking games had begun and of course Jungkook enjoyed every single one of those.
Beer pong, drinking upside down, stupid truth or dare... He did all of it.
Jimin did none.
Jungkook kept glancing at the older who made sure that everything was functioning well, that everyone was having fun, and in the end, that's what Jimin always did.
Throwing amazing parties for his friends and taking care of everything himself, but rarely he had fun himself.
"Are you having fun?" Just as Jungkook was getting out of the bathroom he heard Jimin's voice.
"Yeah. The place looks amazing. Jihyun is really happy. Are you having fun hyung?" he asked while coming closer to his hying who was leaning against the wall, like he was out there, in the empty hall, trying to catch a breath.
"I'm ok. Trying to keep this all under control. Mingyu broke the glass in the changing room, Sana destroyed two glasses, Yeonjin drank a bottle of vodka by himself, in a minute, so..." he said and took a deep sigh.
"None of those are your fault and you should let everyone deal with their own consequences."
Jimin looked at him fondly.
"I know. It's just that I planned this so I should be in charge and it's hard since it's too many people here." Jungkook leaned against the wall next to Jimin.
"Do you want me to help?" he asked with good intention.
"Please. You're as drunk as it gets. You're not useful like at all." Jimin said with a scoff so Jungkook faked a shocked, dramatic expression.
"Excuse me?"
Jimin giggled.
"Come on, I saw you playing all those stupid drinking games, I'm surprised you're still standing on your own." Jimin said and blushed a bit and could it be that he was looking at what Jungkook was doing? Jungkook was glancing at him too, but never did he notice Jimin looking back at him.
"Want me to prove it to you?" Jungkook said and pushed himself away from the wall.
"Prove what?" Jimin gulped.
"That I'm not drunk. See." Jungkook put left leg in the air, while trying to reach his nose with his right hand and the moment he almost made it, the room felt dizzy so he stumbled, but luckily Jimin was there to catch him.
"You fool." the older said while grabbing Jungkook's biceps tightly, standing chest to chest to Jungkook in the narrow hallway.
He was so damn close, just a breath away, and Jungkook felt even worse than before.
Was he really that drunk?
Well Jimin's delicate smell made him even more dizzy that's for sure.
Then he saw Jimin's gaze dropping down onto his biceps that the older was still holding tightly, and then he felt the older's index finger caressing just slightly under his short sleeves, pushing the cotton material a bit further up.
"Are there more up here?" Jimin asked while examining Jungkook's tattoos, and the younger felt his skin forming goosebumps over the places that Jimin had touched.
"Yes. A lot more. That's why I said you should see me naked."
And wow, why did Jungkook mention that again.
This time, Jimin didn't look uncomfortable by the comment, if anything, he looked cocky while caressing even further up, trying to see as much as he could.
"What good would it be to see it without being able to touch it properly?" Jimin said while caressing the 'truth' tattoo on the underside of Jungkook's right biceps.
Touch it properly? What?
Jungkook panicked on the inside, looking at Jimin being so close, their bodies flush one against another, the older still caressing his arm lightly.
"I have some too, you know..." Jimin said and looked up at Jungkook's shocked expression.
"No... Really? Where? What?" he really needed to know. Jungkook was desperate.
Jimin turned around without moving away from the younger's body, and as he was doing that his ass touched Jungkook's crotch slightly, making the younger to gulp from the pressure he felt down there.
"See. On the back of my upper arm." Jimin pointed out the pretty 'young forever' tattoo that looked so unique on him.
"That's really cute hyung." Jungkook complimented so Jimin turned back around.
"Then there's this one." Jimin put his wrist up, showing a small 13 tattoo proudly.
"Your favorite number. That's really meaningful and sweet." again, Jungkook and his compliments.
"Is that all?" the younger asked , so Jimin smirked while shaking his head.
"There's one more."
It was obvious he wasn't going to show it.
"Where?" Jungkook needed to know.
"I'm not showing you." Jimin put his hands on top of Jungkook's buff chest.
"You don't have to. Just tell me what it is and where it is."
Jimin chuckled.
"That's almost the same as showing you, so no. I'm not telling anything." Jimin said while leaning his forehead on Jungkook's chest.
All the closeness and Jimin being clingy was nothing new to Jungkook, but somehow in his heart, it felt different now.
"Please. I'm so curious." Jungkook whined.
"I'll show you all of mine." then he offered so Jimin glanced up to meet his eyes.
"Where are all of your other tattoos hidden?" the older asked immediately, as if he's trying to see if the younger's offer is good enough for him to bargain.
"I'm not telling you. You have to find out for yourself." Jungkook said before cocking his eyes at the older so Jimin smirked.
This kind of conversation was new for them. They never talk like this. Was this flirting?
Tae's loud scream made them move apart and look at the said man's direction, leaving things unsaid and undone but it is what it is.
"The guys want to play some pool before leaving, are you up?"
Jimin moved forward, grabbing Jungkook's hand in his and tugging him along too.
They played pool together, only on opposite teams, and it was fun, exciting, and hot.
Cause Jimin bending over that table in those too tight pants was a sight and he knew it.
That's the worst part, he knew exactly how to bend down or crouch so that his ass looked spectacular. He knew it all, and Jungkook wasn't in the state to control himself from drooling over the sight.
The thing that didn't help his poor mind was the fact that Jimin would more than often come and hug the younger from behind, leaning his head on Jungkook's back, while wrapping his hands tightly around Jungkook's waist.
One particular hug, Jungkook felt the older nuzzling his face in his nape, smelling Jungkook's scent, and then Jimin squeezed the younger's waist tighter with his hands, making Jungkook hard to breath.
"Your waist is so small..." he whispered and Jungkook shivered.
"I think yours is smaller." the younger answered while turning his head a bit to the side so that Jimin could hear him.
"I mean yes, but you're super thick and this small waist is looking so good on buff bodies. I bet you look amazing naked."
Jimin didn't let Jungkook to panic more nor to answer anything to that statement. He just left to play his turn while hitting the full ball hard, making everyone around to scream in excitement cause how could Jimin be so good at everything, including playing pool?
"I'm just good with long sticks and balls..." he said cockily and looked at Jungkook right after, whose soul had left his body right there on that spot.
What is he doing? What's going on? I can't do this...
He really had a minor internal crisis, but luckily for him, it was time to go home.
Jimin's home that is.
Seven of Jihyun's closest friends had decided to come back with them home, and while ordering some pizzas they made a deal to play some games and grab more drinks.
Jungkook always felt like he was at his own house while being in Jimin's house.
He had spent so many days, nights there not to feel completely comfortable, but again, there was something tonight that he couldn't quit pin point.
Jimin had changed his clothes (luckily), made himself comfy in some gray sweatpants that looked good on him.
After drinking a few more drinks and eating three slices of pizza, Jungkook felt tired.
Soon, everyone felt the same way so they all went back home, and Jungkook just stayed laying there, on the couch of Jimin's living room.
There were only the three of them left.
After greeting both Jungkook and Jimin nicely, a bit drunkenly too, Jihyun went back to sleep in his room, knowing damn well how Jungkook would always choose to sleep in Jimin's room rather than his.
"Let's go you big muscle pig." Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hand and started tugging him to his room. Jungkook followed.
Everything's fine. You're just gonna sleep on your inflatable bed next to Jimin like you always do and then you're gonna go home in the morning .
Jungkook got all the scenarios wrapped up in his head, trying to keep himself calm, but he was feeling the complete opposite.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom first, you find something comfortable to sleep in." Jimin said the moment they entered his room, Jungkook nodded, feeling lucky that they didn't have to change in front of the other.
He picked one large white shirt that looked like a dress on Jimin, and a pair of shorts that reached down to his knees. It felt comfy enough so after that he opened the lower drawer of Jimin's closet, where his inflatable bed was always nicely stored.
There was nothing inside.
Jimin came soon inside, wearing a white, cotton pajama, so after glancing at Jungkook looking now frantically inside that drawer, he giggled.
"Where's my bed hyung?" Jungkook asked worriedly.
"Sorry. I broke it." Jimin said while shrugging his shoulders.
"W-What? How?" Jungkook looked shocked and uneasy cause what the fuck is he supposed to do now!?
"I was just clumsy one day. I ripped it on the sides while cleaning my room so I threw it away."
Jungkook pouted.
"Not my bed..." he whined.
"I'll buy you a new one, now come here and cuddle me to sleep." Jimin said while looking calm, unbothered,all smiley and cute, and Jungkook was for the nth time tonight, dying on the inside.
Are they really gonna sleep together, on one bed? It wasn't the first time, but still, something felt different, Jungkook felt different, unable to stop thinking about Jimin's words 'I'd like to prove you wrong... I can get you hard again...'
With those heavy thoughts on his mind, Jungkook layed down beside Jimin, their sides touching on the pretty small bed made for one person.
"Cuddle me..." Jimin whispered kind of sexily, maybe it wasn't even sexy, but everything felt overwhelming and hot and unbearable at this point.
Jungkook turned to the side to face Jimin, and got startled by the older being already turned to face him, looking at him with a soft gaze.
This is so bad...
While thinking about what to do, how to caress his best friend without crossing the boundaries, Jungkook felt Jimin's hand lightly taking the younger's in his own, and then he positioned Jungkook's bigger hand on top of his waist.
"Caress me..."
Jimin gave the instructions so Jungkook did as he was told.
He dragged his hand up and down Jimin's sides, from his obliques all the way down to his waist and after a minute or so, he decided to change the place, so he moved even closer to Jimin's body and started caressing it lightly all over his back.
Jimin moaned... It was a sinful little obscene moan that went straight to Jungkook's dick.
Jungkook cursed.
"Fuck hyung... don't..." he just couldn't listen to that... It was surreal and way too hot.
"Feels so good Kookah..." again, there was the same sultry tone, and the way Jimin arched his back to provide more space for the younger to caress did things to Jungkook's sanity.
"Just stay quiet." Jungkook whispered and started caressing up, towards Jimin's neck, and after seeing the older tilting his head to welcome Jungkook's soft touches even better, the older moaned again.
"Hyung..." Jungkook moved his hand away, whining more to himself than to Jimin.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it. You're so good with your hands."
"Jimin..." if he doesn't say something, he will lose his mind.
"Mhm..." Jimin nuzzled his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck.
"Stop doing that."
"What?" Jimin whispered against the younger's skin, a new wave of goosebumps appeared on the said spot.
"You know what..."
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Jimin asked while moving slightly away, and Jungkook instinctively turned to face him again.
"No... It's not that... It's just... when you're too close like this... all I can think about is the thing you said last time we were at the tree house..." he needed to speak, needed to end his misery.
"What did I say Kookah?" Jimin played dumb.
"You know." Jungkook blushed.
"What? Say it." Jimin was cocky.
"The thing about proving a point..." and Jungkook's going to die.
"What point?" Jimin can really be a brat sometimes.
"Aghh, about kissing me... and me getting hard again..." Jungkook closed his eyes, feeling too embarrassed to even look at the older.
"Hm... Are you high?" Jimin asked suddenly.
"Then no." Jimin said plainly so Jungkook opened his eyes, looking at him expectedly.
"No? Why not?" Jungkook got confused since that was the thing the older had suggested the other day.
"Cause I don't want you to blame it on the alcohol later."
Jungkook frowned. He knew once Jimin had made up his mind about something, that he's gonna stick to it no matter what.
"Fine." Jungkook sulked childishly while turning around, now facing the wall instead of Jimin.
"Is my baby angry?" Jimin came flush against Jungkook's back, leaving him breathless and horny, unable to say anything back.
Then he wrapped his hands around Jungkook's middle, and started caressing his stomach lightly, his fingers moved up and down, and when Jungkook's shirt rode up, he could feel Jimin's soft fingertips touching over his bare skin.
It felt so distracting and amazing at the same time.
"I'm gonna caress you to make it up to you." Jimin whispered, hot breath roamed all over Jungkook's neck.
"Good night Kookah." he said while stilling the movement of his hands.
"Good night Minnie." Jungkook said and put his hands on top of the older's, moving them slightly under his shirt, wanting to feel the thrill of Jimin's warm fingertips touching him softly again.
Jimin got the message and started exploring Jungkook's abs even further, and just like that, Jungkook fall asleep while being aroused to the point where he was positive he could drill a hole in the wall from how hard he was.
The morning came and Jungkook woke up in an empty bed.
While looking around the room, he felt a light anxiety cause could it be that Jimin was once again avoiding him cause of the stupid kissing thing?
He growled while going with his hands over his tired face and decided to get up.
Then he left to the bathroom for a quick freshen up, knowing where his toothbrush was stored, and he washed his face with cold water.
While thinking about leaving quietly, not to wake up, probably deeply asleep Jihyun, he returned to Jimin's room to change into his clothes and to grab his phone.
Was he really avoiding me again?
Jungkook thought while glancing at his phone, looking if there's some message that Jimin had left for him before leaving the house. There was nothing.
He laid down to read a mail he got from his boxing trainer, and after almost coming to an end, he heard a door opening up.
"Hey you're awake."
Jimin entered the room while carrying a well known McDonalds bag probably filled with their favorite food.
Everything's fine.
"I woke up in an empty bed. I was so hurt and lonely. " Jungkook fake cried so Jimin came closer, and after putting the bag with food on his desk, came straight into the bed, straddling Jungkook's lap easily.
"Is that how you say thank you for bringing you breakfast? Aren't you a little bratty Kookah?" he teased while positioning his small hands on Jungkook's chest and there it was again...
That weird feeling, that unexplainable desire to be even closer, the thrill to have the older one so close to him...
Could it be that he had missed him so much that now, all Jungkook wanted to do was be as close as he could to Jimin?
"I just missed you. That's all." Jungkook said while positioning his hands on Jimin's hips, controlling the older's movements.
"But we spent the whole night together. Aren't you a little greedy?" Jimin said and moved his upper body down, coming closer to Jungkook's face, caressing his cheek with his nose.
"I am... I want more." Jungkook turned his head to face Jimin, hoping the older one would do something, respond to his pleading...
"More of what babe?" Jimin said while caressing Jungkook's nose with his and the younger will seriously lose his mind.
"Kiss me please."
He wanted it, needed it and was ready to beg for it.
So Jimin kissed him.
It was just like the last time.
All the fireworks and sparks exploded in Jungkook's whole body.
The softness and hotness wrapped in one with a sexy bow on it.
Jimin moved his lips against Jungkok's slowly at first and the time had stopped.
It was just the two of them, and the silence that was soon replaced with kissing sounds and small breathy moans that came from both of them equally.
Jungkook's heart was pounding hard, the desire kept growing from his heart, to his chest, and down toward his inner thighs.
Jimin's lips felt too good to be true, a perfect mix of sweet and teasing, and when the younger, desperate to feel more, added a tongue into their kiss, Jimin gasped, but then kissed him even harder.
Their lips moved on their own, followed by desire and the will to be even closer, and soon, Jungkook's steady hands lost their control so while gripping on Jimin's waist, he pushed the older's hips down, trying to feel some friction that his body was craving for.
That one push was enough for Jimin to move up abruptly, in the middle of their kissing, and while panting faster he rolled his hips once more, grinding down onto Jungkook's cock again, and then there was a cocky smirk on his face.
Jungkook was sure he was leaking precum by now.
Jimin got up, and started taking small boxes out of the McDonalds bag, leaving Jungkook laying on the bed still processing what happened, looking all hot and bothered.
Jimin noticed that Jungkook was confused and a bit out of place so he glanced at the younger's crotch and then cocked his eyebrows at the younger.
Jungkook glanced down too and saw a tent clear as a day...
"You're hard." Jimin stated the obvious with some amusement in his voice, so Jungkook got up immediately, trying to hide his ongoing erection, but failed badly.
This was so embarrassing and Jimin's 'I told you so' face was annoying and stupid.
"It's called a morning boner Jimin. You had nothing to do with it." Jungkook decided to play dumb, to deny everything.
Jimin turned to face him with a frown.
"Pfff yeah right. Keep telling yourself that when you jerk off while thinking about the kiss." Jimin and his cocky attitude.
He'll seriously drive Jungkook insane.
"I mean the kiss was nice. Not gonna lie... Still, there's space for improvement." Jungkook teased further so Jimin frowned deeper.
"Let me guess. Practice makes everything perfect and you would gladly help me with it." Jimin said before putting one fries in his mouth, and Jungkook didn't miss the way the older had licked the fries up and down sexily while looking at him innocently.
Jungkook knew it better.
There's nothing innocent about this Park Jimin.
"You wish." Jungkook said teasingly before coming to the desk and picking one burger and some fries to eat.
Before leaving, he kissed Jimin's cheek with a loud pop and then decided to leave.
He couldn't stand to be in the same room while being so painfully hard with the older.
"Thank you for breakfast hyung." he said happily while going out of the room, loving the mad state that the older was in, cause there was nothing cuter than his hyung pouting.
Maybe he'll try to prove his point once more...
He thought while coming back to his house, all eager and excited to finally jerk off while thinking exactly about what the older had told him, their perfect and hot kiss...
"Ok so... How bad would it be if I told you that Jimin hyung and I kissed the other day after Jihyun's birthday party?" Jungkook asked the moment Jihyo and him had sat down in their favorite coffee shop.
"Shut up! No way... How? Why? Was it good?"
Jihyo was nosy.
"It just happened I guess... I actually asked for it..." Jungkook said nervously.
"You did? But why? You had always talked about Jimin being like your older brother, best friend, someone who you trust unconditionally and respect truthfully..."
Jihyo was right. Jimin was all that, except that somehow, in time, he became more.
"I think I'm attracted to him." Jungkook said and hid his face with his hands.
"Oh... Really? I mean, that's amazing... but what about your friendship? Wouldn't that be compromised by you two hooking up from now on."
Jungkook took a deep breath.
"I know that... I just... can't stop thinking about the way he kisses. It's like... indescribably good and I kind of want it again... Is that weird?" he was so fucked up in the head.
"It's not weird if it was that good. But let me ask you, who kisses that good? I mean you've kissed plenty before, and never once have you been so dazed by the whole kissing thing. I think that's just cause it's Jimin, your hyung, maybe someone even forbidden to kiss... Maybe it's the thrill to kiss someone who you're not supposed to."
" I don't know... Could be... "Jungkook got confused.
"Do you want to do more?" then Jihyo asked and Jungkook thought about it. He never really considered doing more with Jimin... Does he want that?
"More like what?"
"Sex Jungkook. I'm talking about sex. Do you want to have sex with him? Is that something that you think you would enjoy or you would like to keep things the way they are. Couple of kisses and nothing more."
Jungkook sighed.
"I don't know. I just never thought about it... I do know that I would like to kiss him more, but sex? That's a bit too much I think... We're best friends, it's not such a big deal if we kiss few times, but sex? No.. No.. No.. No...... No.... No... No... I don't think so... No... " Jungkook said as indecisive as it gets.
" Wow, that's too many no's to be true... Ok... So here's the thing..." Jihyo took Jungkook's hands in hers, the younger listened carefully.
"How about next time when you two kiss..."
"What if there's no next time?" Jungkook interrupted her.
"Come on, you literally can't wait to see him again just so you could kiss him more."
Jungkook blushed.
"That's....true... But what if he doesn't want that? What if he had made a point and is no longer interested in kissing me?"
Jihyo took a small sigh.
"Trust me, no one with even a little sanity would be uninterested in kissing you..."
Jungkook smiled happily.
"So... Next time if the two of you kiss, try to....maybe feel his dick or grab his ass to see if you feel anything..."
And Jungkook choked on air.
"What?! No. I can't do that. That's my hyung..."
"That's the hyung that gives you the biggest boners just by kissing you. You need to explore this further to know if there's more to it, or you just wanted to kiss him cause he's your dearest hyungie and someone out of reach..."
Jungkook went through his hair with his hands nervously.
" Aish... I think you made things even weirder now... How am I even gonna look at him again without feeling awkward?"
" Alcohol Jungkook. Drink lots of it and you'll be just fine."
Next time Jungkook saw Jimin, was at Jimin's house where Jihyun had invited the two of them and Taehyung to play some games and watch a movie together, and to Jungkook's surprise, Jimin gladly said yes to the offer.
So there they were, all four of them drinking some beers while enjoying a nice action movie and a small talk about Uni's and new school year.
"So the two of you are both going to KAFA?" Tae asked Jihyun and Jungkook so they nodded.
"Yes, but different departments." Jihuyn added so Jungkook shoved him on the side.
"Yah! Why did you say that with excitement? You should be sad that you won't see this face every day in your boring classes."
Jihyun smiled at him, then pinched his cheek playfully.
"I'm surprised you didn't follow Jimin to Art University to be honest. You know how they are clingy together..." Jihyun said to Tae, so Jungkook gulped.
"We're not clingy, and I enjoy studying cinematography a bit more than Fine art. I can always join some private Art classes later..." Jungkook said while glancing at Jimin who was smirking at him.
"And Jimin is studying in Seoul now..." he added weakly, hoping the older will say something about his plans for next year.
"Hopefully he'll decide to stay here this year, I can't even imagine a year without my Minnie again." Tae said while wrapping his whole body like a koala over Jimin's side, and the older just rolled his eyes at his soulmate, a smile never leaving his face.
"I told you already, I need to see my options first. I loved studying in Seoul. It was so much fun and the classes were just pure perfection. I've learned a lot there, but I do miss Busan. There wasn't a day that I haven't thought about all of you and how much I've missed you... So... I just need a bit more time to think and to just enjoy my summer vacation properly. "
So he might stay.. .
The movie ended, and the boys got hungry.
" Jungkookaaah...." Jimin whined and the younger knew there was something the older wanted.
" Yes Jiminah... "
Jimin stood up from his place on the end of a couch and came down on the floor where Jungkook was currently playing some fighting game with Jihyun.
"You do love your hyung, right?"
Jungkook got deconcentrated and lost a fight cause of Jimin's sudden question.
Jimin was sitting close to him, batting his eyelashes cutely.
"You love me? Right?"
Jimin repeated.
They always say 'I love you' to each other, this is nothing new, but why is Jungkook stuttering and feeling nervous all of a sudden?
"He obviously wants something." Jihuyn said, so Jungkook snapped out of the trance the older's question had sent him too.
"Do you need something?" Jungkook asked without answering the question.
"Hyung's hungry." Jimin pouted and used some kind of baby voice so Jungkook's heart melted instantly.
"Want me to make you some ramen?" he asked while getting up, already knowing the answer.
"Yes. Please." Jimin said with the cutest smile, so he hopped right into the kitchen, which was right next to the living room, and started pouring some water in the pan.
While reaching for Jimin's favorite instant ramen, which was stored in one of the upper cabinets, Jungkook felt two hands hugging his waist softly.
"It is instant ramen, but still can't be done in a minute." Jungkook joked while grabbing two boxes, and Jimin just came closer while resting his chin on Jungkook's shoulder.
"The boys want some too." Jimin said, so Jungkook reached up again, to grab two more boxes, and as he did so, his shirt got pushed up a little, exposing his small, but defined waist, and next thing he felt were Jimin's fingertips grazing softly over his naked back.
"Hyung you're distracting me..." Jungkook felt his knees getting weaker, his palms sweaty, and even if it was almost impossible to mess things up while cooking instant ramen, he's positive he'll burn the whole thing up.
"Sorry." Jimin said while moving back, preparing some chopsticks for them to use.
"You never answered my question..." Jimin said while crossing his arms on top of his chest, coming closer to Jungkook who was now stirring the almost cooked ramen.
"What question?"
Jungkook played dumb.
"Answer my question."
Jimin knew that he knew.
"Of course I do." Jungkook said while moving the pot with cooked ramen off from the stove, and looked at Jimin who finally smiled fondly at him.
The older came a step closer and put his hands around Jungkook's neck.
Jungkook's breath got stuck in his throat.
"Of course you do what?" looks like Jimin was still not satisfied with his answer.
"I-I do love you..." Jungkook felt hard to breathe. It was the truth. He loved his hyung with all of his heart. He had loved him since he was seven and his love had only grown bigger in time... It's just that he never felt this way... This, them being close and flirty, was something new and confusing.
"Much better." Jimin said and moved closer, and closer to Jungkook's face, and the younger just closed his eyes, unable to do anything else...
Then he felt a firm and wet press of Jimin's lips on his cheek, and damn it, he wished the older had missed and kissed his lips instead.
He fluttered open his eyes, still feeling a bit weak in his knees, but loved the happy expression on Jimin's face.
"Let's eat." Jimin moved away, helping Jungkook to bring everyone's plate to the living room.
From that moment on, Jungkook had only one thing on his mind.
How to kiss hyung again?
While they were eating, all he could concentrate on was the way Jimin had slurped on those hot noodles, and the way his mouth would look red and slick from all the licking he had been doing, cause it was well known that Jimin loved his food spicy.
Then there's the way Jimin would smile at some joke and cover his face with his small hand that couldn't cover much, so Jimin's eyes would disappear, and he would always complain how he can't see anything while he is smiling.
His hyung was cute and sweet and Jungkook just couldn't keep his eyes off of him.
Soon, Tae felt too tired and sleepy so he went home, and Jihyun almost fell asleep on the couch, but luckily Jungkook helped him to move to his room, by carrying him over his shoulder. Then he left for the bathroom to wash his teeth and face, just a simple night routine before going to bed.
When he got back to Jimin's room, where he was always sleeping, he saw the older, already in bed, only his face poking out of the soft white blanket. He looked so damn endearing.
"So I guess you didn't fix my bed?" Jungkook asked while taking his hoodie off, leaving him only in white short sleeve shirt and sweats. He didn't miss the way Jimin's eyes kept roaming over his body.
"Nope. I'm not even trying to fix it. This way we can cuddle." Jimin admitted shamelessly and Jungkook's palms started sweating.
He came into the bed, and positioned himself close to Jimin, without touching him, but still being turned to face him, looking at him in awe.
"Is that all you want to do?" Jungkook asked boldly, feeling his cheeks burning up while he was waiting for an answer.
Jimin was so close, literally a few inches away, and he was so pretty, so soft like this, with his blond hair splayed out, over his forehead, his cheeks pink and lips red...
"Well we can watch videos together too..." Jimin said and moved an inch closer to the younger.
"Mhm... What else?" Jungkook put his hand around Jimin's waist.
"We can fall asleep in each other's arms..." Jimin moved his hands, and put them on Junkook's shoulders, like he was pushing him even closer to his body.
"That's actually really nice... What else?" Jungkook said while kissing Jimin's nose, then caressing Jimin's chin with his thumb, making his lips open up slightly.
The older was looking at Jungkook's eyes, then at his lips, up and down, up and down... and it was obvious that he wanted it too.
"Kiss..." Jimin whispered before pressing his lips softly onto Jungkook's.
The younger kissed back immediately, hands going all over the older's back, caressing him slowly.
Just when Jungkook was ready to deepen the kiss, Jimin moved away an inch while looking into Jungkook's eyes.
"Only if you're comfortable with this of course..." he wanted to make sure, but Jungkook didn't even give him an answer, he just tugged Jimin on top of him, loving the feeling of the older's weight flush on him.
They kissed like that for hours. Maybe it wasn't for hours, but they couldn't stop. Every kiss was followed by another hotter and more intimate kiss and Jungkook's brain started recalling Jihyo's words.
"Try to do more... See if he's attracted to you and if you want more ..."
With Jimin's tongue licking over his lower lip, and the older's hands moving slowly over his hair, Jungkook finally did what felt good and natural.
He grabbed Jimin's ass cheeks firmly, and wow how amazing and full did that feel...
"Kookah!" Jimin moved up, sounding shocked, so Jungkook slid his hands up again, feeling shy and insecure about his move.
"What?" again, he'll act cool.
"What are you doing?" Jimin asked while looking at him seriously.
"I squeezed your ass..."
"I know what you did fool, I need to know the reason behind your actions."
"Sorry..." Jungkook said, hoping that his apology would be enough for Jimin to stop making a big deal out of it.
"Still not a reason."
"It felt right..." he weakly said so Jimin shook his head.
"Don't do that again. I mean, enjoying some kisses is one thing, but going further is totally different. We shouldn't go there, right?" Jimin said as if he was asking for validation.
"Right. Ok. Sorry again..." Jungkook pouted so Jimin leaned down again and kissed his lips softly.
"Why are we kissing hyung?" Jungkook asked cause, why? What's going on?
"I don't know. I like the way you kiss..." Jimin said while nuzzling Jungkook's neck, pressing his lips there delicately.
Jungkook closed his eyes, wanting to feel more.
"I love the way you kiss me. No one's ever kissed me like you hyung. Even back then, on the tree house... You kissed me so good, I could never forget that kiss..."
Jimin propped himself up, on his elbow and watched Jungkook opening his eyes slowly.
"Then that's our reason. Cause we enjoy kissing each other. Ok?" Jimin said while booping Jungkook's nose cutely, a silly grin spread over Jungkook's face.
"Can we enjoy it more?" Jungkook asked a bit shyly, but got an instant answer whispered against his lips.
So they kissed more, and more, until Jungkook couldn't control his erection, until it became almost painful.
They kissed while laying on their side, then Jungkook would hover over Jimin, then the older would pin Jungkook down against the mattress, kissing him with fever, enjoying the soft moans escaping from Jungkook's mouth.
At one particularly hard suck on Jungkook's lower lip, the younger gripped Jimin's waist, trying to control his movements, cause Jimin too became a bit impatient, and kept moving up and down over Jungkook's hardening dick, like he was trying to adjust his ass, to find the place to sit comfortably, but Jungkook couldn't stand such a movement.
Then in the middle of yet another heated kiss, Jimin's hand went down, between their bodies, and the next thing Jungkook felt was the older's hand cupping his dick.
"Hyung!" He half moaned, half screamed, unsure about what to do at this point. The older's hand felt so good on him, but Jimin had said minutes ago how they shouldn't go there...
"I just need to move it away from me cause you're literally poking my ass." Jimin said while pushing Jungkook's hard cock upwards, trying to make himself more comfortable in the younger's lap.
"Well your dick is going to stab me in my stomach but you don't see me complaining." Jungkook propped himself up on his elbows, pointing at Jimin's visible erection.
"It's all cause of your stupid dick that won't stay soft!" Jimin said angrily and slapped Jungkook's dick playfully, without using too much force.
Jungkook moaned.
Why did this turn him on even more?
"What? I didn't stroke you or tease you, I literally slapped you."
"Just don't touch it!" Jungkook growled.
"Oh shit is that turning you on? Someone being rough with you? Really?" Jimin became nosy, examining Jungkook's face, while caressing his stomach.
"No. I don't know... I never thought about it, but it's obviously doing things to you since hyung, you're leaking." Jungkook pointed at Jimin's gray sweats that had a visible wet spot right where Jimin's dick was outlined.
"No... M not.. It's just a shadow.." Jimin tried to cover his crotch with blanket, but Jungkook just tugged it away and without thinking about it, went with his hand straight to the wet spot, and while touching it with his fingers, he went over the head of Jimin's obviously hard dick, so the older moved away from Jungkook's lap abruptly, panting hard, his back now leaning on the wall.
"Kookah!" Jimin whined, his cheeks flushed pink, hands covering his crotch area, obviously feeling embarrassed and could it be turned on?
"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to... Besides, you've touched me first." Jungkook sat up, looking at Jimin nervously.
"I didn't touch it! I just moved it so that it'll stop poking me." Jimin defended himself.
"Well I only touched yours so that I could prove my point. You're leaking for me." Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows at the older, but Jimin didn't find it funny so he hit him with his pillow.
"I'm never gonna kiss you again." Jimin said with pout, and layed down in bed again, turning his back to Jungkook.
The younger nuzzled his face into Jimin's neck and kissed his neck slowly.
"Don't get angry at your baby. I promise it won't happen again. I did it instinctively. Besides, you can leak as much as you want, I think it's hot." Jungkook tried to cheer the older up, but seemed like Jimin only got angrier.
"You're just saying that cause you're scared I won't let you kiss me ever again brat."
Jungkook turned the older to face him forcefully, which earned him a surprised look on Jimin's face, his eyes wide open, Adam's apple bobbing up and down, indicating the older's hard swallowing.
"So you won't let me kiss you again? " Jungkook asked while glancing at Jimin's plump, soft lips.
Jimin licked them nicely, covering the whole surface with saliva.
He didn't answer, instead he kept biting his lips while looking at Jungkook's lips and the younger couldn't control himself...
Jungkook leaned down and kissed Jimin hard. The older tilted his head, trying to deepen the kiss, moaning into Jungkook's mouth.
It was hot and obscene the way they fitted like this perfectly, licking, nibbling, sucking, just enjoying in each other's embrace.
When Jungkook moved on top of Jimin, the first press of their hard crotches together made both of them wince, cause they could easily feel how hard they were for each other.
Jungkook grinds his hips down, instinctively, and hates the way it felt so good. Too good.
Jimin moaned desperately and pinched Jungkook's side, which made the younger to roll over and lay on the other side of the bed.
"Ouch!" Jungkook whined, scratching the painful spot where Jimin had pinched him.
"Good night Jungkook and don't kiss me again." Jimin said while turning his back to the younger, so Jungkook did the same.
He laid with his back turned to Jimin too, still holding onto the spot where he was sure it'll bruise tomorrow.
"Wasn't planning to. Good night hyung."
They fall asleep like that, thinking how any of this won't happen again.
Only that it did.
Two days after that fun night, Jungkook was getting ready to attend Tae's first ever theater play. Since Jimin had left for Seoul, both Jungkook and Tae, needed some other distractions other than school, so for Jungkook that was boxing and getting tattoos, and Tae got himself into creative acting course at Dream theater which was held by an amazing young K-dramas actor Kim Seokjin.
Tae was a natural (Sekjin's words not his) so after a year of acting classes Tae had given a plus one invitation to both, Jimin and Jungkook and both of them accepted to come gladly.
Usually Jungkook and Jimin would go together to support Tae, but they were kind of acting a bit weird lately, probably cause of their last night together so Jungkook figured to ask Namjoon to be his plus one since he didn't have the time to see his friend in weeks.
Namjoon was ecstatic to come, so sharp at 8 p.m the cab was outside Jungkook's house, ready to drive them to the theater.
"Wow, you look nice." Namjoon complimented Jungkook the moment he entered the cab, so the younger blushed.
He wore the only black pants he had with a white button's up. Nothing too fancy, cause too fancy wasn't his style, but he really did look good in black and white, and thank God for those strong buttons cause his chest got bigger in time so the old shirt barely fitted him anymore.
"Aish, thank you hyung. You look as good as always."
It was true though.
Namjoon did have a nice fashion sense that made him look good at any occasion so this wasn't an exception, and going to gym with Jungkook only made him buffer and bigger which was a plus itself.
" So... Is Jimin gonna be there?" Namjoon asked before arriving, so Jungkook shrugged.
"Probably. I mean Tae is his second best friend."
"I guess you haven't talked to him about that night..." Jungkook needed someone to talk to about 'the night' at Jimin's and he figured as much as Jihyo would be great support, he needed someone who could give him well needed advice on how to act after the kissing session and Namjoon was the one for that.
"Nope. He didn't try to talk to me either. He didn't even drink his morning coffee in the tree house like he always does, that's how I know he's been avoiding me. So I might as well avoid him too."
"How mature of you." Namjoon said sarcastically which didn't come unnoticed to the younger.
"What am I supposed to say, hey hyung sorry we kissed and got hard and I accidentally touched your dick?" Jungkook whispered, not wanting for the driver to listen to his crazy talk.
"Well that could be a starter..."
"But I'm not sorry hyung. It happened and I'm ok with it. We just shouldn't do it again cause obviously neither one of us is interested in doing more so we should just stop and go back to being best friends."
Namjoon took a deep sigh.
"I hope that works out for you cause Jungkookie, I think there's more to this than you want to admit, but it's not my place to go there..."
"What do you mean?"
"We're here."
The cab driver announced that they had arrived at the location so their small talk got interrupted just before Jungkook could get some more answers...
They walked straight into the spacious hallway that had four doors on the sides, bathrooms and coat cabins, and some actors' dressing rooms, and straight ahead was a spacious venue where the play would soon begin, and in the crowd of nameless faces and unknown people, Jungkook saw Jimin right ahead.
He looked gorgeous.
His hyung was always cute in Jungkook's opinion, but when he was dressed up nicely and had his hair styled to the sides, making his forehead visible, and when he used a bit of a make up, that's when Jimin looked sexy, desirable, hot.
And being in a leopard printed button up shirt that had few buttons left undone, and that slick and forehead free hairstyle paired with black fitted slacks made Jimin look hot on another level.
"Jimin's looking good..." Jungkook said while staring at the older, so Namjoon patted his shoulders.
"He looks like sex on legs so you my friend are doomed. Good luck on staying away from him tonight."
Fucking hell...
Being a mature grown up, Jungkook had decided to come closer and say hi to Jimin and Jihyun who was sitting next to Jimin, but somehow Jungkook didn't notice him until he came a feet away from them.
"Jungkookah..." Jihyun called out the moment he saw his friend and then Jimin turned to face him too and fuck it, he looked even better up close.
"You made it." Jimin said with a smile, looking totally normal and unbothered. He even came closer and gave both Jungkook and Namjoon a quick hug before pointing out for them the chairs that were reserved for them.
He's acting totally normal... Maybe I should too...
Jungkook thought to himself so while sitting on his seat, he enjoyed the play which was both emotional yet fun, and he was surprised by Tae's acting skills. The only trouble he had while watching was the constant whining coming from Namjoon's direction about the hot actor that was also acting along side Tae.
"God Jungkook, have you ever seen someone as handsome as that guy?"
"Jungkook look at his shoulders? He's so broad..."
"Did I imagine it or did he winked at me?"
Namjoon was obviously smitten.
The moment that the play was over, and the cast had introduced themselves, Namjoon went on his phone, trying to stalk a certain Kim Seokjin aka the hottie from the play, and Jungkook tried to see Jimin again.
Unfortunately, Jimin was gone the minute that the play was over, and while trying to grab a few drinks that were served at the end of a venue, Jungkook noticed Jimin, having some shots with an unknown man that unfortunately looked very cute in an unusual way, kind of like a mix of furry kitten with an fierce attitude.
Yes, Jungkook noticed all of that from the way the guy was standing in the corner. He was an overthinker, sue him.
So he stayed and watched, observed the way they were talking, the way they downed the shots one after another and so did he... He watched with his eyes wide open to see if there would be something... A secret touch indicating that they were more than just friends... A kiss or a whisper that will be a sign to Jungkook to back off, to leave his hyung alone...
Nothing happened.
Soon, Jimin waved at the guy, and moved forward towards the hallway.
Jungkook followed.
Outside, there was no one except for the loud noises coming from the venue, so he thought about where Jimin could go...
I could use a bathroom too...
So Jungkook walked straight through the first door on his right, and entered a small bathroom with five urinals and a double sink in it.
"Oh, hey hyung..." he said while faking to be surprised.
"Hey..."Jimin looked genuinely surprised.
He was fixing a few strands that were detached from his impeccable hairstyle so instinctively, Jungkook came closer and tucked those few strands on his own.
Jimin winced a bit at his movement, his eyes glued to the floor.
"What are you doing here?" Jimin suddenly asked, so Jungkook panicked.
"I need to take a piss..."
He didn't.
Jungkook nodded so now was the time for them to pee which meant to take out their dicks in front of one another and while aiming at a urinal they should empty their prostate.
Normal thing to do.
Except that it wasn't, and Jungkook felt both amused and embarrassed for whatsoever reason.
This is ridiculous .
He thought right before walking straight to the first urinal, and immediately after him, Jimin came too, standing two urinals away from the younger, and then they both did what they came to do.
Well Jimin did, Jungkook prayed to God to have at least a few drops to release cause this whole thing was awkward enough.
The moment that Jimin pushed his black slacks down, just under his ass, Jungkook looked. He wasn't even subtle about it.
He looked at the curve that Jimin's ass had made, even if it was covered by the fabric of the older's leopard printed shirt.
Next thing Jungkook did was to glance at Jimin's dick.
It was soft, but still thick and Jungkook noticed how there wasn't any hair around the older's private area.
Why was he even looking at it like some maniac?
"Will you stop staring at my dick?"
Suddenly his thoughts and actions had been interrupted by Jimin's words and of course he would notice Jungkook's stare with his side eye.
"Nothing I haven't touched before." Jungkook tried to play it cool.
Jimin zipped his pants up and moved to the sink. Jungkook followed.
"You haven't touched it. That lame tap you did over my sweatpants, doesn't count." Jimin said while washing his hands.
"Well you didn't just tap mine. Does that count as touching a dick? You sure did cupped it well and moved it up easily..." Jungkook said while recalling Jimin's bold moves from the other night.
"Of course it doesn't count. I just moved it so that it didn't stab me to death."
After a second of silence, they both chuckled.
"And let's not forget about the slap..." Jungkook said with a grin, enjoying the annoyance mixed with arousal on Jimin's face. The dick twitch that assured Jungkook that his cock was alive and well, made him think about if the infamous slap really was a turn on for him.
"How can we forget about the thing that made you all flustered and blushed..." Jimin said with some sultry voice, and fucking shit, Jungkook's getting hard.
This isn't working...
Being around Jimin isn't good for him...
Talking about dicks and slapping and kissing and anything is not a good idea...
"Maybe I wasn't flustered cause of that..." Jungkook said while leaning his body onto the tile wall.
"Really? Then what's the reason Kookah?" Jimin came closer and started playing with Jungkook's belt.
Another dick twitch.
This isn't normal.
"Maybe I was flustered cause of the way you kissed me that night..."
Jimin looked at him with disbelief. He wasn't buying this shit.
"No... That's not it... I'm sure it was the dick slap that made you all hot and bothered..." and now Jimin's fingertips were grazing just slowly under the belt, like he was trying to tuck in Jungkook's shirt neatly, but Jungkook knew it better... Jimin was teasing him, breaking him apart, playing dirty...
"There's a way you can prove your point..." Jungkook tried to say how they could kiss again so that Jimin could see how uneasy he gets over his kisses, but suddenly, there was a hand over his dick, and a sharp and fast slap that knocked all the air out of Jungkook's lungs.
He gasped and grabbed both Jimin's wrists in his, trying to stop him from repeating the said action again, but the smug smirk on Jimin's face gave it away. The older knew exactly how hard and bothered Jungkook was.
"Hyung!" he growled with a husky voice while pushing Jimin onto the wall beside them.
"See... I was right. All hot and bothered and we haven't even kissed."
Jimin's cocky face was always driving Jungkook insane, but now, it kind of turned him on... So next thing he knows, he caught both Jimin's wrists with his left hand and after pinning them up above Jimin's hand, he used his right hand to grab Jimin's dick that seemed to be everything but soft.
The older shuddered, moaned desperately, and tried to squirm around, to release his wrists from Jungkook's hold, but the younger was stronger.
"Jungkook... Let go of me..." Jimin moaned angrily while his face expression changed into frown, cheeks flushing hot pink...
Jungkook only grabbed it firmer, and moved his hand up and down Jimin's shaft, feeling the older's member hardening in his hold.
"What's this for hyung? Hm? What's getting you this hard since we haven't even kissed? Do you like to slap and boss around in bed? Is that one of your kinks? Or are you just into me?"
He would never ask those things, he would never be this bold and straight forward, but there was something in the way Jimin was looking like this, all wrecked and horny... It destroyed Jungkook's sanity completely.
"Neither!" Jimin bit back, but the hardening bulge in his pants said the opposite.
Then the door knob moved so Jungkook let go of Jimin's wrists abruptly, and suddenly a group of smiley and giggly guys entered so Jimin moved as fast as he could pushing his body next to the people entering, trying to go away as fast as he could.
Jungkook followed closely behind and then they both stopped in the hallway, looking at each other's bulges which were way too visible for them to walk around like that.
"Fucking hell!" Jimin cursed while going with both of his hands through his hair, messing up the perfection that he had made minutes before.
He looked even hotter.
"Yeah... Fucking shit!" Jungkook cursed back, and now they were both just standing there, looking at each other, unable to move, unable to hold it in any further.
"We need to do something about it..." Jimin said while grabbing Jungkook's hand in his, tugging him to the door where the 'coat cabins' sign was in front and Jungkook thought how they will probably style their shirts over their pants to hide both of their hard dicks, or they will borrow some blazers from the coat room and cover each other up, but the moment they entered the dark room with nothing but long hangers all around, Jimin pushed him onto the door and started kissing him fiercely.
Even as shocked as he felt, Jungkook kissed back just as hard.
The kissing was amazing as always, two lips moving in sync, trying to feel, lick, moan into each other's mouth, but this time, the problem was their hands...
Seemed like their interaction from the bathroom had unlocked a new stage of their make out sessions and Jungkook just couldn't stop grabbing at Jimin's ass and the older let him.
He moaned at every rough squeeze and started exploring Jungkook's body himself.
Jimin's hands moved from his shoulder's down onto his chest, following further down onto his abs, which he had felt under the cotton material, and then his hands moved further down, cupping Jungkook's dick once again.
Jungkook moaned desperately, thrusting into Jimin's hand, meeting his strokes, seeking some friction badly.
Soon nothing was enough and both of them started panting angrily fast, breathing deeply and unsteady, obviously needing more.
"Jimin... I can't..." Jungkook said while lolling his head on the door with a dull thud, the older moved away.
"I know... What should we do?" Jimin went with his hand over his clothed, hard dick, his face showing visible arousal mixed with pain.
"We can't go out like this..." Jungkook said so Jimin nodded.
"I know..."
"We should jerk off." the younger said , so Jimin took a deep sigh.
"That sounds reasonable." he added while looking around the room, probably trying to figure out where to do it.
"I'll lock the door." Jungkook said while twisting the door knob, locking them inside, not wanting any intruders since that would be just embarrassing.
"So, how about you go over there (Jimin pointed at the back of the room) and I'll do it here." (he pointed at the opposite wall, further away from Jungkook's place).
Jungkook frowned, looking confused.
"You mean we won't do it together?" just to clear things out, he needed to ask.
Jimin's facial expression was priceless.
"Together? How?" Jimin looked so perplexed.
"Well... you know... You jerk me off and I jerk you off..." Jungkook said it,like it was the most natural thing in the world. Two friends jerking off, no biggie.
"B-but... Why?" again, Jimin's confused face - priceless.
"Cause it's better... I bet we would finish in a minute, two tops." Jungkook smirked and something changed in Jimin's expression, he wasn't confused anymore, more like challenged.
"Well, I had my fair share of hand jobs, so... I am good, and you, if I recall, never had touched another man's dick in your life." Jimin said proudly so Jungkook pushed his tongue inside his cheek, an old habit he had developed when he got annoyed.
"I have a dick hyung, and I have touched it plenty of times." Jungkook tried to defend himself, but only ended up looking like a twat.
"I'm so happy for you. Just you and your hands, fun!" Jimin said while exaggerating the word fun, chuckling right after.
"Ha ha, funny yeah... Want me to show you?" the younger just cut to the chase.
"I'm in." Jimin said and moved closer to Jungkook, examining his face like he was looking for a glimpse of doubt or something in the older's eyes, but there was nothing like that to be seen, only lust and determination to do this right.
"Let's do it like this." Jimin sat down and leaned his body onto the wall, his legs splayed out, and he patted the spot next to him, so Jungkook sat right there, flush next to him.
"This way we can be comfortable, leaned on the wall, and we can kiss... if you want to..." Jimin explained further so Jungkook nodded.
"We should definitely kiss, I'm getting soft without your kisses already." Jungkook teased so Jimin put his hand on the younger's dick immediately, trying to see if he was telling the truth.
He wasn't.
"Liar." Jimin whispered and continued stroking Jungkook's dick over his pants.
The younger lolled his head and started breathing faster.
Jimin used long strokes from base to tip of Jungkook's dick, and it felt so good, the younger almost forgot to do the same to his hyung.
Then he turned around, and looked at his hyung's flustered face.
Heaven and hell combined in one.
He looked so fucking good.
Jungkook reached down with his hand and started doing the same thing to Jimin.
The older let out a small whimper, so Jungkook felt even better.
While leaning half way, Jimin moved in further and another kissing session began.
It felt different this time.
It felt like the kissing wasn't the only thing they were supposed to do so they moved their hands in sync with their lips, stroking faster, firmer, seeking for release.
"More..." Jungkook whined after a rough pull on his bottom lip cause he really needed to come. This was fun and everything, but if they keep going like this, he might actually die from too much arousal. If that's a possibility.
Jimin used both of his hands to undo the one button and a zipper on Jungkook's pants and then he slid his hand inside.
"Ahhh fuck... hyung... yes...." he couldn't not to moan.
Jimin's hand wrapped around his shaft firmly and started pulling and palming his dick head with full hand grip.
A fucking pro...
Again, Jungkook enjoyed his little private show, but soon he realized that he needed to do the same.
Jimin never said anything. He never pushed him to do more, nor did he say what the younger should do. He let Jungkook do things the way he wanted, without pushing him into anything that might feel uncomfortable for him.
Jungkook unzipped Jimin's pants skilfully and without thinking too much about it, took the older's cock in his hand.
It's not like Jungkook had never touched a dick before. He sure had one, but stroking another man's hard dick did feel a bit different. Velvety and smooth. That's how he would describe the softness of the skin and hardness of the muscle.
He thought that he knew what he should be doing, cause of the amount of times he had touched himself, but what if Jimin doesn't like to be touched the way Jungkook liked to be touched?
What if he does everything wrong and was unable to satisfy his hyung?
The thought about it scared him, but he didn't want to show it.
Instead he looked at his hyung's face, and started doing things that he usually enjoys, making mental notes to what technique his hyung is the most responsive to.
At first he did the classic three-finger grip, while stroking Jimin's dick with persistent pace, rubbing over his slit for the better effect, knowing how that's where he was the most sensitive.
Jimin responded well, bucking his hips, seeking more, moaning sexily...
Jungkook's dick leaked at the obscene sight.
Then he wrapped his whole hand over Jimin's dick and started pumping faster and firmer.
Jimin kissed him sloppier, using more tongue than lips, indicating his high arousal.
And while being in the middle of jerking each other off and kissing messily, Jungkook put his whole intention to satisfy his hyung, he felt a slap over his erected dick.
His dick leaked a ridiculous amount of precum.
"Hyung!" he whined, panting fast.
"You're literally leaking all over my hand, so point proven." Jimin teased, licking one big stripe over Jungkook's neck.
"I don't know why it feels so good..." instinctively, Jungkook used a firmer hold on Jimin's dick so the older winced.
"Hey, don't be rough with me. You like it like that, I'm more of a gentle hold with faster pumping pace type." Jimin explained so Jungkook did as told.
"Mmmmm perfect." Jimin praised him so he blushed.
"And I like-"
"I know what you like." Jimin interrupted him, saying only facts, speeding up his thrusts while holding his dick upwards.
They kissed again, stroking each other just the way they liked it , and soon Jungkook felt it. The inevitable feeling of his orgasm approaching, the tingling desire in the pit of his stomach, so while glancing at Jimin's face, trying to see if the older was also close, he fastened his strokes on Jimin's dick, and enjoyed the louder moans that came from Jimin's mouth.
How can he sound so hot...
"Kookah... gonna come..." Jimin moaned out, so Jungkook pushed his shirt a bit up, pointing his leaking dick upwards, towards the older's abs. Jimin did the same to Jungkook.
They both came a lot, hot spurts of cum covering their clenching abs, flowing freely over their closed fists...
Their heads were close, foreheads leaned one against another, eyes closed, mouth trying to even the fast breathing.
"You did good." Jimin broke the silence so Jungkook chuckled.
"Of course I did. You know how I'm good at everything." he bragged shamelessly so Jimin shoved him on the side.
The older got up and while looking around, found some long hideous, washed out sweater and used it to clean his stomach, then he gave it to Jungkook so he could do the same.
"This is so wrong. We're destroying someone's clothes." Jungkook felt guilty, but still used the sweater.
"It's so ugly, we're literally doing it's owner a favor." Jimin smiled so Jungkook agreed.
Before exiting the coat cabin room, Jimin tucked in his shirt nicely, and tried to style his hair the best way he could without a mirror, and Jungkook just looked at him in awe, not bothering to do much about his appearance. He looked hot while being freshly fucked out.
"Do I look ok?" Jimin asked with big puppy eyes, so Jungkook smiled fondly, coming closer to move one stubborn strand that just wouldn't stay behind Jimin's ear.
"You look gorgeous." he praised the older so he pursed his lips, trying to contain the grin that was threatening to come out.
Just before they walked out, Jungkook caressed Jimin's back, and praised him again.
"Just so you know, one of the best things about tonight was the way you sounded hyung. Those moans are plain sinful. You have such a pretty voice..."
Jungkook needed him to know. He just felt this urge to praise the older and couldn't help it.
Jimin turned briefly around, and gave Jungkook a small teasing smile.
"If you think that's sinful, you should hear me moaning while taking dick up my ass."
The older said nonchalantly and Jungkook's brain froze.
Jimin - taking dick - up his fine ass - moans...
Don't go there, don't think about it... don't you dare...
His silent pleading didn't help. In his mind, he was balls deep inside Jimin's ass, being the cause of those obscene moans. The fact that the older was walking in front of him, swaying those hips while doing so, exposing that perfect round ass he has, didn't help.
I'm so screwed.
Did Jungkook have his doubts and fears about how the rest of their night would go on?
He did.
But as soon as they stepped inside the after party venue, the music and alcohol in their veins took over and they started dancing around while getting to the bar to grab some shots together.
It was like nothing happened, like they were on a regular night out and didn't have each other dicks in their hands minutes ago.
Jimin was clingy as always with Jungkook and the younger accepted his attention gladly.
"Two tequilas." Jimin bought the first shots which Jungkook gladly accepted.
"Tae was amazing tonight." Jimin continued the small talk so Jungkook agreed.
"He's so fucking talented, I hope we'll see his face in some K-dramas or movies cause he really belongs there."
Jimin nodded.
"Hey, look at Namjoon flirting with one of Tae's teachers." Jimin pointed with his index finger at the two men dancing together in the middle of the dance floor so Jungkook clapped his hands proudly.
"I'm surprised he actually did it. He was drooling over the guy through all the play. I mean he is handsome and has a really nice face but Namjoon was acting as if the guy's God's gift on Earth. Present to a human kind." Jungkook said dramatically so Jimin smiled with his whole body, throwing himself at Jungkook, one of the things the younger loved about him.
"Well he kind of looks like that to be honest. I mean do you see his shoulders? He's so buff..." Jimin said while glancing at them again, and some acidic feeling spread around Jungkook's stomach.
Why was Jimin complimenting another man bothering Jungkook?
"Wow hyung. Do you want me to stop their flirting? Is Namjoon hyung messing up your plans?"
He sounded ridiculous.
Jimin squinted his eyes at the younger like he's trying to read through Jungkook's words. Looking for some secret message.
"Is my baby Kookie being jealous? Can't I agree that someone's looking handsome without having some secret agenda towards the guy?" he asked while coming closer to Jungkook, putting his hands over the younger's neck.
"I was just checking. Maybe you need a wingman or something, I'm still your best friend, so..." Jungkook said shyly, trying to avert his gaze from Jimin's teasing look.
"You're so much more to me..." Jimin said so Jungkook's eyes found the older's, and there was nothing but love and affection there.
"You're my everything. Remember?" Jungkook added, so Jimin smiled cutely, his eyes disappearing behind those blushed cheeks.
That's something they had always said to each other since childhood, and it had so much power and meaning behind it.
"Of course I remember." Jimin said while nuzzling his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck, and unlike before, this time Jungkook felt small, soft kisses spreading down his neck, making him dizzy and confused, could be aroused too...
"Although, among all of the things that I am to you, back when we were just kids, I would never ever imagined being your jerk off guy." Jungkook joked so Jimin laughed out loud, slapping Jungkook's chest while doing so, shaking his head in disbelief.
"You're an ass." Jimin giggled and then continued: "and about that... I think it's for the best if we stop with all of that for the sake of our friendship."
The weird knot formed itself in Jungkook's throat.
"We had fun, sure, but it's obvious we can't control our dicks when we kiss. We like it too much, and for us not to mess up what we have built for... well... forever, we just shouldn't do that. Right? Cause what's the point? You say you're not into men,which is totally fine, I get it, but then you shouldn't do things with me too, since we've established that I am a man, and I love you too Goddamn much to mess up what we have. What we did was crazy and fun and impulsive, but we're grown ups who can keep it in their pants. Right?"
And there was again that look, that question 'Right?' like Jimin needed validation that what he was saying was fine with Jungkook, like if he doesn't want to make decisions by himself, like he needs Jungkook to take part in this too.
Jungkook didn't know what to say or do...
He should probably respect his hyung wishes.
"Ok hyung. I get your point. Just don't look this good around me and don't come too close, and don't put that make up on that makes you look hot and attractive, and don't smell the way you usually smell, and don't touch my neck like you always do, and please don't kiss me there ever again cause that gives me an instant boner and for the love of God don't lick those lips in front of me all the time cause all I want to do is chase that tongue until it's swirling around mine, deep inside my mouth. "
Well Jungkook tried to agree on his own way.
Jimin gulped.
"I-I'll try, but..."
"There they are!"
Both of them turned around and welcomed Tae and the mysterious man that Jimin had drunk some shots before at the bar.
"Hey you two..." Jimin moved away from Jungkook and hugged Tae tightly.
"Jungkook, this is Min Yoongi, a friend that works here at the Dream theater." Tae introduced the black haired man, so Jungkook shook his hand, lucky to know the identity of the man who was spending time with his hyung.
"I tried to find you two right after the play, but you were nowhere to be seen. Did you like the play?" Tae said so both of them blushed.
"I did... It was amazing..."
"You did so good. A natural actor on stage..."
Instead of looking like two flustered idiots, they decided to praise their friend, knowing damn well how much Tae loved the compliments.
Yoongi joined them, complimenting now happily blushing Tae, and soon Namjoon and Seokjin joined them too, so they drank more beers before calling the night.
Jimin went to his house with Jihyun, and Jungkook went to Namjoon's, hating the way he would give anything to sleep in Jimin's embrace, but that shouldn't happen and he needs to get used to it.
While looking outside from the window in his room, Jungkook tried to see how many people had already arrived at Jimin's house.
It was Saturday, Jimin's parents were as usually gone, so Jimin and Jihyun had thrown a barbecue for their friends and of course Jungkook was invited.
The only thing is, Jungkook had a little problem since while he was spying from the inside of his house, he saw a glimpse of his hyung, Jimin, wearing tiny little light blue shorts and a darker blue button up on, and those thighs, and ass, and... Jungkook was having trouble breathing.
While glancing at his own reflection in the semi clean mirror, Jungkook frowned cause once again, he had a white shirt with some oversized jeans on. Not fun at all...
So he had decided to change.
Black t-shirts, gray t-shirts, white t-shirts... jeans, cargo pants, a couple of shorts...
And finally his eyes caught a glimpse of something interesting. Sure it was a plain black shirt, but the shirt's neck line was interesting. It was deep. It showed a lot of Jungkook's buff chest, and if he bends his body down, he's sure people would get an interesting view of his whole abs. Then he went through his jeans, and decided to go with the ones that were ripped in so many parts he was fearing that they'll fall apart on him if he bent down a few times. Still, he looked hot so those jeans are the one. After styling his hair a bit with his fingertips, he looked at himself in the mirror, and if he didn't know any better, he would say how he looks desperate to get laid.
The moment he entered Jimin's back yard, his friends yelled his name, so Jimin looked up and his eyes roamed around Jungkook's body at the speed of the light, but the younger noticed it perfectly.
Bingo .
Jungkook greeted all of their friends politely, and after grabbing some beers, he asked Jihyun if he needed any help since he was the one in charge of grilling the meat. When Jihyun said that he was ok, and he'll gladly ask for a replacement later, Jungkook grabbed a seat next to Tae and Yoongi, and started a casual conversation with them.
While they were talking about God knows what, Jimin was in charge of replacing beer cans, bringing more soju and other beverages. Jungkook watched him walking around, squatting in those tiny blue shorts, and he felt his dick getting more and more alive at every bend or unintentional crouch with that back arching perfectly, so perfectly that maybe it wasn't so unintentional after all.
When Jimin was bringing out another pack of beers, Jungkook thought how nice of him it would be to ask the older if he also needed some help. So he offered.
"Hyung, you seem to never catch a break, and are always bringing something new out, can I help with anything?" Jungkook asked, so Jimin put his hands on his waist and let out a big sigh.
"Where were you an hour ago? I almost finished with everything." Jimin teased while wiping the sweat off his forehead, so Jungkook pouted.
"Sorry, I asked Jihyun to help out too, and I thought you didn't need any help cause you were always smiling and looking good." Jungkook blurted so Jimin smirked.
"Looking good you say?" of course Jimin would tease.
"Mhm... In fact, I'm adding one more thing to that list of things you can't do cause they're driving me insane." Jungkook stated while crossing his arms on top of his chest, looking all serious and invested in this.
"Oh, what is it?" Jimin acted serious too.
"You can't wear shorts." The younger tried hard to stay calm and not to laugh.
"What? Like ever?" Jimin looked surprised.
"Yes." Jungkook nodded.
"That's crazy." Jimin huffed.
"I know. It is what it is." Jungkook shrugged, still looking serious.
"Well then you can't wear shirts like this." Jimin pointed at Jungkook's neckline.
"Why?" he acted dumb.
"Well cause of this." Jimin said while pulling Jungkook's neckline down, and even if he didn't tug at it too harshly, still, Jungkook's buff chest flashed in front of Jimin's eyes, and he could easily catch a glimpse of those perfect abs.
"Oh shit, now I saw too much." Jimin put his hands on top of his crotch. Jungkook smirked, smiling cockily.
"Is that all hyung?" he came closer, caressing Jimin's arm all the way from his biceps, down to his palm which was on top of Jimin's crotch.
"Tattoos... I don't want to see those either." Jimin said weakly, shuddering under the slightest touch.
"But... hyung... They're all over my body..." Jungkook said while looking at his right hand filled with tattoos.
"Exactly! Cover up or we'll have some trouble." Jimin took a deep sigh and all Jungkook could think about were Jimin's moans, the deep breath he had been taking while they were together, his sweet voice... He wanted that again, and the older looked already so flustered...
"Your room in five minutes?"
Jungkook needed to be bold. Even if Jimin says no, he needs to try, needs to at least have one more chance to see his hyung falling apart like last time they were together alone...
The moment Jungkook entered Jimin's room, right before telling Jihyun that he needed to use the bathroom, Jimin pushed him onto the door and started kissing him passionately.
It was so obvious that they were both craving this, dreaming about it, wanting it more than anything.
"We have to be quick..." Jimin said while unzipping Jungkook's jeans, cutting to the chase.
The moment he grabbed the younger's dick in his hand he stopped with his movements and looked at the younger with question marks in his eyes.
"You're hard already?" Jimin said while going up and down Jungkook's shaft double checking his statement.
"It's cause you squatted all the time..." Jungkook said and kissed Jimin again.
"Oh so you've noticed..." Jimin talked through the kiss.
"Of course I did, and of course you did it on purpose." Jungkook squeezed Jimin's hips rougher, pulling him flush next to his body.
Then he moved his hands and palmed Jimin's clothed cock, noticing how the older wasn't soft either.
"Besides, don't act as if you're not just as hard." he said while slipping his hand inside Jimin's shorts, loving the muffled moan that escaped the older's lips.
"It's the fucking shirt, I'm telling you... You look so damn good."
And then Jimin did something he hadn't done before, which left Jungkook speechless, unable to breathe properly.
The older licked one big stripe from Jungkook's earlobe, all the way down to his collar bones, and while pushing the younger's shirt down, exposing his toned chest, Jimin sucked on Jungkook's nipples and swirled his tongue over one and then another.
Jungkook mewled at the sensation of wet and teasing licks over his sensitive nipples, not understanding how something like this feels so amazing.
"How do you want it? The same as last time?" Jimin asked while moving up from Jungkook's nipples and the younger almost cried at the loss of Jimin's tongue there.
"I don't care. Do whatever you want with me..."
Jungkook was so gone.
After glancing at the spacious room, Jimin had made up his mind.
He had decided that this time they should do it a bit differently, so while taking down his shorts and boxers, leaving him only in his blue button up shirt, Jimin got up on bed, and called Jungkook to sit with him.
The younger took off his jeans and underwear before sitting down, facing Jimin, splaying his legs on each side of the bed, and then Jimin scooped even closer, and put his legs on each side of Jungkook's legs, pushing his hips forward to touch Jungkook's hardening dick with his own.
"Can I do us both, together. Like this." Jimin said while grabbing both of their hard dicks with both of his hands, loving the awakening twitch on Jungkook's member.
"Yes... It's good..." the younger lolled his head back enjoying the firm grip on both of their cocks and a velvety touch of Jimin's dick flush against his own.
Not even once had he thought about the fact that he indeed was getting aroused by another dick touching his, and that he actually had no problem with rubbing his dick up and down another man's dick, cause, well, it was his hyung, and that makes it all alright.
Jimin on the other hand sure knew what he was doing.
He would pump his hand up and down, squeezing at the tip of both of their dicks, then he would rotate his hand from the wrist all over their leaking heads, smearing the precum, making the slide better.
Jungkook didn't know what to look at, their leaking cocks, or Jimin's lustful face that looked so good with deep frown on his face, lips raw bitten, tongue poking in and out all the time wetting those soft beautiful pillows.
Jungkook could come just cause of that sight.
But something was missing...
He knew he could come like this, but Jungkook wanted to kiss Jimin more.
He always wants to kiss Jimin more. He wants to kiss him more the moment their lips separate from each other, he wants to kiss him while they're in the room together, anywhere and anytime...
So while looking at Jimin's hand movement, that had gotten a lot sloppier by now Jungkook thought of a way to make things even better.
"Hyung, can I try?" he asked so Jimin slowed down, looking at the younger's eyes curiously.
"Yes you can..." Jimin moved his hand away, leaned his body down on the bed, while propping his upper body on his elbows.
Jungkook's hand was a lot bigger than Jimin's so he wrapped one hand easily over both shafts.
Jimin moaned at the first touch.
Jungkook wanted to hear him more.
"Wanna kiss you while I do this." then Jungkook moved his legs from under Jimin's that were still splayed over, and after hovering on top of the older, Jungkook leaned down and started kissing Jimin's lips while pumping their both dicks with his right hand.
Jimin spread his legs as wide as he could, welcoming the younger in between, moaning in Jungkook's mouth.
It didn't take too long for Jungkook to feel his orgasm coming.
When he got aware of the intimate position they were in, him on top of his hyung, jerking both of their dicks between their bodies simultaneously, kissing Jimin hard, he couldn't not think about how it would feel if they were doing something else...
Something he shouldn't be thinking about...
Something that got stuck in his head just cause of one simple comment the older had made...
'You should hear the way I sound while taking dick up my ass... "
Without thinking too much about it, the movement came instinctively... Jungkook's hips started moving, up and down, like he was mimicking in and out movement, only that he was thrusting in his own hand, making amazing friction over Jimin's leaking cock.
While glancing down at his hyung's face, underneath him, he could see him falling apart, could see how much the older was enjoying this, it was written all over his face, and when Jimin opened up his eyes, meeting Jungkook's which were nothing but hungry and glassy, he moaned 'more' so desperately while going with his hands all the way from Jungkook's broad back to his ass, pushing it down onto his crotch shamelessly.
Jungkook gave him more.
He moved his hips up, and then snapped forward hard.
Jimin's moans got muffled by silent 'fuck's' that were slipping from his mouth.
Jungkook did more... He humped harder and faster while licking Jimin's neck, listening to his panting and slapping sounds echoing in the room, and he couldn't take it any more.
"Kookah... Gonna come..." Jimin whispered moaned and Jungkook was gone.
While thrusting his hips up and down Jimin's length that was leaking cum all over the older's stomach and shirt, Jungkook realized how he didn't use his hand to finish them off, instead he was just rubbing their dicks one against another, smearing cum all over them.
Jungkook came seconds after Jimin, spilling his warm juices all over Jimin's shirt and stomach.
They needed a minute to come down from their high.
While still laying on top of Jimin, nuzzling his neck calmly, the older tapped Jungkook's shoulder three times.
"If you stay like this for a moment longer, I might die from your full weight on top of me."
Jungkook chuckled while moving up, looking at Jimin's face from above, enjoying the older's still blushed cheeks and red lips.
"Did you just call me fat?" Jungkook acted offended.
"I sure did. Muscle pig." Jimin teased while moving from under the younger, the dirty blue shirt falling over his waist, but making it only till the middle of his ass.
God, he was a sight.
He fumbled with some shirts in his closet, and then used one to clean his stomach, and after finishing with himself, he came closer and cleaned Jungkook's stomach as well.
Then he took some wet wipes so that Jungkook could clean his abs and dick the best way possible, and finally he threw a new shirt for Jungkook to wear.
"I can stay in my shirt hyung, it's not dirty, I pushed it up before we came. We only got yours dirty." Jungkook said apologetically, but Jimin shook his head.
"No. Wear this shirt. I'm serious." he looked serious too.
"No... Why?" Jungkook whined.
"Cause I can't look at you in that shirt anymore. That's torture." Jimin said while grabbing some stuff in his hands, coming closer to the younger.
"Ok. I will... Only for you." Jungkook was a wuss when it came to Jimin.
"Good boy." the older praised with a teasing smile, and the praise went straight to Jungkook's softening dick.
The older then gave Junkook a small peck on the cheek, and went outside with a smile on his face.
Jungkook changed the shirt and came back down in the backyard, looking at all of their friends having fun, but he knew that no one had as much fun as they did.
Around ten minutes later, Jimin also came downstairs, looking cute in a new, simple black shirt and some jeans.
Every fear and bad thought Jungkook had about their friendship and dynamic changing after doing those reckless things, had slowly disappeared cause instead of going anywhere he could, sitting on whatever spot he wanted, Jimin came straight to Jungkook's embrace.
He came slowly, and while putting his hands in Jungkook's hair, he styled it briefly.
"You can't go around with 'sex hair' Kookah." he smiled cutely, his tongue poking on the side of his mouth, a habit when he was concentrating to do something good.
Jungkook was a step away from chasing that tongue.
"Did you take a shower hyung?" Jungkook leaned down, nuzzling Jimin's neck, smelling him just where minutes ago his tongue was, and the older shuddered.
"I... did..."
"Well that's just unfair. Leaving me dirty with our cum and here you are, smelling like a fucking coconuts and vanilla." Jungkook moved slightly back, resting his hands on Jimin's waist not caring about the people around them, knowing how probably they were all already used to their clingy dynamics.
"Oh please... Every single drop of our both cum landed on me. You were practically clean. Little swipe here and there with wet wipes and you were good to go, on the other hand, I... literally drowning in cum." Jimin frowned, acting offended.
"Fine. Next time I'll let you come all over me."
What? Next time?
Did Jungkook suggest they do this again?
Jimin looked at him while nibbling on his lower lip, trying to contain a grin that was almost there...
"Oh will you?" he came closer.
Jungkook gulped.
He was so close. His hands wrapped around Jungkook's neck, fingers drawing some patterns on the younger's nape.
Jungkook nodded.
"Where will you let me come?"
And oh shit... Jungkook's dick was awake and seeking attention again.
"Is there a part of me you'd prefer to come all over?" Jungkook asked while gripping Jimin's waist harder, showing the older how all this talk is making him horny and out of his Goddamn mind.
"There is... But I'm not gonna tell you now, since I can see you're seconds away from impaling me on that dick of yours and we have some audience and a party to enjoy without having a major boner...again. " Jimin said while moving his hands slowly down Jungkook's shoulders, then chest, resting them on his small waist.
"Hopefully I'll be able to concentrate on anything except the thing you just told me." Jungkook crossed his fingers and prayed for a miracle so Jimin smiled.
"Horny baby." The older booped Jungkook's nose cutely before leaving to grab them something to eat, and the moment Jungkook sat down, ready to do some meditation, breath in and out work out while overthinking everything Jimin had said, Tae sat right beside him.
"So, Jimin's fully changed and you've changed your shirt only, after both of you had disappeared for at least half an hour..." Tae said, sounding like Sherlock Holmes investigating a murder.
Jungkook gulped.
"You did it again, didn't you?"
Tae asked, so Jungkook froze.
What? He knows?
"Oh come on, don't act surprised. Of course I know. Jimin's my best friend..."
"He's not your best friend..." Jungkook was quick to interrupt.
"He is my best friend, maybe I'm not his, but he is mine, and I know what you did, I just don't know why you did it again... But it is kind of expected I guess..." Tae kept talking like he's trying to figure everything out, and Jungkook got curious too.
"What do you mean?" the younger asked shyly.
"Well the two of you have always been attached to the hip, it's only natural when all the crazy hormones and desires kicks in, that you'll try something more. Mostly that's where people make mistakes. Trying more and destroying the good thing that they had cause they thought that they'll match sexually too, and let's get serious, we can't have it all. Usually people get disappointed, unable to understand why they're not working out at that department too... And only a few recover from this." Tae said it all, sounding like an expert and Jungkook got scared.
What if Jimin had told this to Tae, and what if he feels this way? What if he feels like we are destroying our years of long friendship cause of what? Couple of boners? But why did it feel so damn good??? This isn't happening...
"Hey... hey... I lost you there for a minute... Jungkook, I'm just trying to keep you both safe and well. I know how much you love each other and I'm just checking if everything's ok. I don't want to see you get hurt. Jimin has reached out to me for some advice, and I want you to know that you can do that too. I'm your friend as much as his.... Well maybe not as much, but you get the point..."
Jungkook looked at Tae fondly, and gave him a quick hug.
"Thank you hyung. I'll keep that in mind."
Right after their small talk, Jungkook felt it again.
The anxiety...
The fear of letting something meaningless destroy the most important thing in his life.
He needed to clear his head, to be alone, to think without anyone interrupting him, so he went to the tree house.
It was just around the corner, and luckily for him, empty.
He climbed up and sat down, looking at the small drawings him and Jimin had made when they were just kids.
So many memories...
He looked at the picture Jimin had drawn, the caricatures, more like doodle man of the two of them, but the sign above them was the thing that caught his attention.
'My everything.'
He took a deep sigh, remembering all the times they had said it to each other, whether it was to cheer one up or to soothe someone's pain, or just to show some gratitude... They were always there for each other.
Then he felt the stairs moving, and seconds after, Jimin's head popped up.
"You're here." the older said with a soft smile and got up, scooting next to Jungkook, a burger in his hand.
"What are you doing here? The party's over there." Jimin pointed at the crowded backyard, and Jungkook shrugged.
"I know. I just missed my favorite place, that's all..." the younger played with the rips on his jeans, trying to distract his busy mind.
"I brought you some food. I swear I fought for it. The others are like wild animals waiting next to the BBQ..."
Jimin extended a hand with the nice looking burger, so Jungkook looked at his own hands.
"My hands are dirty." he pouted.
Jimin got the message and pushed the burger in front of Jungkook's mouth.
After taking a big bite and humming while eating it, Jungkook looked at the floor, unsure whether to say anything about his concerns.
"Tae knows."
He decided to tell.
Jimin gulped, the burger that he had lifted stayed in mid air, not reaching all the way to Jungkook's mouth.
"I'm sorry... I just needed to talk to someone...and since Tae is my best friend..." If Jungkook's look could kill, this one would most certainly do the job.
"... I mean he's my best friend only cause you're so much more to me... You know... You're my everything... " Jimin justified himself while batting his lashes at Jungkook ridiculously fast, acting cute.
"Nice save... But hyung... You do know you can talk to me, always." he still wanted Jimin to know.
"I know dummy... It's just... I can't talk to you about you. You know?" Jimin blushed so Jungkook smiled at his cute words.
"Of course you can. You can say it like, hey Kookah, I was with this awesome guy, see what I did there, no names, you know, and his dick was so good..."
Jimin slapped him playfully.
"Shut up brat."
They both laughed out loud.
"Seriously Kookah... I'm sorry for telling someone if it made you uncomfortable. No one else knows. I just needed to talk to someone..." Jimin tried to say his apologies, but Jungkook interrupted him.
"Namjoon knows too."
"Oh... That's... Fine..." Jimin said and took a big bite on that nicely smelling burger.
"Hey!" Jungkook whined.
"I thought that was mine." he slapped Jimin's hand weakly, opening mouth wide, asking for a bite.
"I got nervous. You know I'm a panicked eater." Jimin said with his mouth full.
Jungkook took a deep breath.
"Are we ok hyung? Do you feel like what we did could ruin our friendship? Aren't we a bit reckless with all of this?"
Jimin came closer, feeding Jungkook with what's left of the delicious burger, licking his fingers clean right after.
He then leaned his head on Jungkook's shoulder and took Jungkook's hand in his.
"We are a bit crazy, but we're always gonna be ok. You know why?" he lifted his head up, meeting Jungkook's curious gaze.
"Cause we are more than just friends and we care about each other deeply, and even if we fight about something we'll always find a way to get back right where we were before the fight, cause our bond is special and we care about each other's happiness. Ok?"
Jungkook felt relief washing over him.
Jimin always knew how to calm him down. He always knew how to say the right thing...
The only problem was that Jimin was only a few inches away, and he looked so beautiful, his eyes shining brightly, lips plum and pink,and again... Jungkook wanted to kiss him.
"We should go... The others are probably wondering where we are..." Jungkook averted his gaze from Jimin's lips so they climbed down together.
"Kookah..." Jimin called his name, and the sweetness in his voice made Jungkook's gut to make somersault.
"Will you sleep with me tonight?" Jimin asked, so Jungkook stopped walking and looked at him with his mouth slightly open. Before he could panic some more, Jimin corrected himself.
"Sleep with me in my room... I meant to sleep together like we used to... To cuddle to sleep... Not... You know."
And he looked so cute while being so shy and flustered that Jungkook burst out laughing so hard he almost fell on the ground.
"I'm happy you find this amusing." Jimin said while slapping Jungkook's shoulder so the younger grabbed Jimin's wrists and pulled him in for a hug, loving how little fight the older had put up.
"You're always amusing to me hyung. Sure I'll sleep with you... And if you kiss me for goodnight I might even caress you till you fall asleep."
Jungkook teased so Jimin tried to free himself from the younger's hold, but there was no use. Jungkook was always stronger.
"Fuck kissing, I'll give you a handjob of a lifetime, you'll sleep like a baby after it." Jimin knew how to tease too.
"Shut up hyung. Don't even go there..." Jungkook said while grabbing Jimin's hips tightly, looking at him with a dark gaze.
"And my lips are not just good at kissing..." Jimin whispered directly inside Jungkook's ear, so the younger's grip loosened up from Jimin's hips, unable to function cause the thought about Jimin's perfect lips being wrapped around his... NO... I'm not gonna go there ..no... no... no... no ...no...no...no...
"Jungkookah! Want some shots!" Jihuyn yelled from the back of the backyard, snapping Jungkook out of his daydreaming so he figured how that's exactly what he needed. More alcohol.
Jimin was already sitting with Tae and Yoongi, unaware of the mild panic attack he had given to Jungkook with just a few teasing words, or maybe he knew exactly what he had done.
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