1. Moriyama Yoshitaka: Not 'The One' PART ONE

1. Moriyama Yoshitaka: Not 'The One' PART ONE

{For more feels, listen to the song, SCREAM, by Do Kyungsoo that's linked at the side. The song isn't apart of the story but it's beautiful and sad.}

The first time Moriyama made your heart flutter was when he stood up for you against the teacher because other girls in the class got you in trouble. The day you acknowledged that you liked him was when he didn't go to the middle school dance because you were sick and the two of you played games all night. The moment you realized your were head over heels in love with him was when he kissed you on your cheek when thanking you for the present you gave him.

Now here you were drowning in your own feelings for the basketball player. Why, might you ask? You were about to confess to Moriyama on the school's rooftop while eating lunch when he dropped a bomb on you.

"Kida Hori is super cute, don't you think?" He hummed out of the blue.

Your heart dropped and you hid your surprise by covering your mouth while chewing. "That was random, Yoshi-kun."

The two of you were leaning against the back of the school rooftop's room that held the stairs that led back down to the ground floor. He turned his head towards you and grinned, his handsome face lighting up as he started talking about her.

"I think I'm going to confess my feelings to her. I've liked her ever since she transferred into our math class." Moriyama chirped.

Your throat tightened and you looked away, blinking rapidly so you wouldn't start tearing up. "You've liked dozens of girls before, baka. Don't ask her out if you're just going to start chasing someone else two weeks later." Your harsh retort stung Moriyama and he flinched away from you. He looked away and you felt bad and softened your tone. "You know that I'm not trying to be mean, and I'm sorry that it came out so nasty. I just don't want you or her to be hurt in this, this, this relationship."

The word pierced your heart and you patted his shoulder.

"I understand, (Y/N)-chan. It's just that Kida-chan is different. I haven't ever felt like this about someone before." He explained passionately. His eyes twinkled with a feeling you've never seen him express before and the vigor in his voice was astonishing. "She's amazing. From the first time I saw her I knew she was The One. Her eyes are like stars in the summer sky and her laugh is the sound of singing bells. Not only that, but she's also the gentlest person in our school that's always looking after others and is the top of all of her classes. She's perfect."

Your self-confidence took multiple blows as he complimented her and you lost your appetite. You began picking at your sandwich as he cooed about her on and on and pretended to nod along. Finally, you couldn't take it anymore and abruptly stood up and handed him the piece of chocolate cake you made the night before to share with him.

"I just remembered that I have to speak with Fujioka-sensei about my last test." You lied, faking a sheepish laugh. You tugged on your hair and tilted your head, smiling with your eyes closed. "I'll see you on the way home, Yoshi-kun."

Moriyama frowned. "I'm planning on confessing to Kida-chan afterschool then walking her home. I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan."

You could feel tears trying to force their way into your eyes and you shook your head. "It's fine, it's fine. Good luck!"

Not giving him another chance to break your heart even more, you darted down the stairs and into the girls' bathroom. You took a shaky breath and held onto the sink to where your knuckles turned white for support, letting some of your tears roll down your cheeks. Your heart hurt as much as it would if someone took a dagger and plunged it into you.

"I have to support Yoshi-kun." You whispered to yourself, staring at your puffy red eyes. "He's... he's my best friend."

A sob escaped you with your last word and you completely broke down onto the cold floor, covering your mouth with your hands to muffle your cries.


Just like Moriyama said, Kida Hori was perfect and they were the school's cutest couple. That day they became boyfriend and girlfriend then the rest of the student body adored them. Girls would always coo how great they were together and how they wished they had such a wonderful relationship.

Kida was nothing but kind to you and always talked about how she wanted to be close with you since you were such an important person to Moriyama. You liked her and understood why Moriyama fell for her so hard. He spent most of his free time with her, but he still hung out with you so it wasn't like you could complain.

Oh, how selfish you were. A hideous green creature made its home in your broken heart and rarely slept, consistently reminding you of your pain. Four months dragged by before you decided that you should try to move on.

Key word: try.

"(L/N)-chan, can I see your notes from Sato-sensei?" Your pale-haired sweetheart of a classmate asked with a big smile. You've had the same classes together ever since you could remember.

"Oh, here you go, Sugawara-kun." You grinned, handing him your English notes. You glanced at his volleyball jersey and raised your eyebrows. "How's the volleyball team going?"

"It's going good so far. The first years are super talented this year." Sugawara said, beaming like a proud mother.

You listened as he told you how Kageyama, the setter you thought, had a special offensive attack with the second shortest of the team, Hinata. Whispers from those passing by you two drifted to your ears and you found it hard to keep your smile.

"Are Sugawara-kun and (L/N)-chan dating now?"

"Aw, they're perfect for each other!"

"I ship it."

You desperately wished for Sugawara to be the one to fill Moriyama's hole in your heart, but the basketball player wasn't budging a bit. Later on the roof top proved that to you.

"So you and Sugawara-kun," Moriyama smirked as he plopped down beside you. "I always knew he liked you. I'm surprised that my little (Y/N)-chan is finally becoming a big girl and starting to date."

He grabbed your cheek and pinched and you yelped and hit him with your bag. "Yah! Don't do that, it hurts!" You rubbed your sore cheek and lowered your gaze to your lap. "Besides, we're not even dating."

"I can easily make that happen for you." Moriyama winked. He nudged your shoulder with his and chuckled. "I can invite him for you on a double date with me and Hori-chan."

"Please don't, Yoshi-kun." You muttered. Your bangs covered the tears swelling in the corner of your eyes and Moriyama took it as a sign of you being embarrassed and shy.

"Oh, you want to be alone to confess? I can help you if you want." He stood up and brought you to the center of the rooftop, holding you so you were less than a foot apart. "Pretend I'm Sugawara-kun and practice."

Taking a deep breath, you cleared your throat and stared into your best friend's, your unrequited lover's, compassionate gaze. "I-I like you. You've been with me for so long and helped me when nobody else would even look at me. My feelings for you have been hiding inside of me since I was young because I didn't want you to know how much I cared for you. I was sure it was going to scare you away and it's terrifying to tell you this now. Please understand where I'm coming from." Not hesitating as you saw the kindness in his eyes, you softly declared, "I love you."

A breeze passed, ruffling yours and his hair and clothes, causing a cascade of cherry blossoms to dance around you in a cinematic way.

Moriyama grinned, tilting his head to the side and closing his eyes. "Just say that, (Y/N)-chan. It was perfect." He laughed as he ruffled your hair. "If I didn't know better, I would've thought you were confessing to me. Sugawara-kun is definitely a lucky guy."

"Yeah," you weakly agreed. "How weird would it have been if I was telling that to you?"

"I could never love my sister like that." His words shattered any feeling left in your body and you weakly gasped as you felt your last drops of hope leave you.

His phone beeped and he hummed as he read it. "Ah, Hori-chan just got done with her meeting. I'm going to walk her home, good luck, (Y/N)-chan!"

He kissed your forehead and left you still standing there on the rooftop. You caught a fragile ballerina pink petal falling from the sky and stared sadly at it. No more tears needed to be shed for you, and you were sure you were out of them.

Just like the cherry blossom petal, you were alone.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I REALLY tried writing a good angst; I hope this is good enough for you guys ToT

OMG SEASON THREE THOUGH! If you guys don't know (which is unlikely), Kuroko no Basuke season three episode one just came out.

I AM SO EXCITED LIKE YOU DO NOT EVEN UNDERSTAND. Kise is my favorite character EVER and he gets a lot of spotlight during these times. I'm SUPER pumped to see my adorably stupid dork go against Haizaki.

That's the least I can say without spoiling anything >.<

Lots of love, Cora-chan <3

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