Meeting Torque, the Spectrum Chaser
We see the Access Ark spacecraft that was flying through space where Susie is piloting. As the Access Ark spacecraft was flying though space, we cut to the inside seeing Kirby and Bandana Dee playing Go Fish Cards.
Bandana Dee (Wrote): Do you have any Waddle Dee's?
Kirby: Poyo.
Said Kirby who is trying to say is Go Fish as he pick up another card. As they were both playing Go Fish, we see Meta Knight watching Susie piloting the Access Ark Spacecraft as if he was making sure that she she doesn't betray them.
Susie: It sure feels nice to take over this business. It's kinda like my long dream of making my own company. But now, it's already coming true.
Meta Knight: Hmm...
Next, they heard a sound from the Radar as if it detected something as Meta Knight said.
Meta Knight: Susie, what's going on here?
Susie: It appears that we detected an unknown spacecraft that were heading towards it.
Then, Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Meta Knight looked up on screen as she zooms it on screen revealing a red Spacecraft that's flying through space.
Kirby: Poyo?
Meta Knight: Well this is certainly unexpected we came across.
Susie: Let's see if I can contact this Anonymous person on that Spacecraft.
Next, Susie starts contacting the Anonymous person that's on the red Spacecraft. After waiting for a few seconds, the Anonymous person finally answer as it came up on screen. Once the screen popped up, this Anonymous person appears to be an alien with dark blue eyes, a light-green body and hair of the same color. He wears a black space suit orange/gray armor, orange boots, gray gloves and orange pilot goggles.
???: What the...! Who are you people!
Susie: Woah there, stranger. We just wanna know who you are.
???: Oh really. I bet you are hired by Brevon to take me out for good. But I won't let that happened!
Meta Knight: Brevon? Who is this Brevon your speaking of?
???: Don't play tricks with me. I know he hired you freaks to eliminate me out of the cosmos. Well guess what, you'll never take me out alive.
Susie: Listen here you. I don't know who Brevon is, but me and my friends were taking our trip all over the galaxy.
Kirby: Poyo, poyo.
Then, Bandana Dee started to write something and showed it to the alien which reads.
Bandana Dee (Wrote): She's right, it's the truth.
Next, the alien was thinking about to what they just said as he responses to them saying.
???: So let me get this straight, you four know nothing about Brevon and was just taking a trip around the galaxy?
Kirby, Bandana Dee, Meta Knight, and Susie nodded their head saying yes.
???: I see. Sorry for yelling at you then.
Meta Knight: It's fine.
Susie: If you don't mind mister... uhh...
???: The names Torque.
Susie: Okay, Torque. Would it be possible if you could come here to my Access Ark Spacecraft?
Susie: We just want to ask you some questions is all.
Torque: Hmm... okay, I come to your Spacecraft.
Susie: Excellent! We'll be waiting for you inside.
Susie: Ta-ta.
Next, she ended the call which made the screen turn off.
Susie: Now let's open the hatch for him to enter.
Susie pull the lever which made the Access Ark Spacecraft open the hatch from underneath. Once the Access Ark Spacecraft was open, the alien named Torque drive towards the Access Ark Spacecraft and enters inside from underneath.
(Mini Timeskip)
We then cut back to the inside of the Access Ark Spacecraft where we can see Torque was sitting across the table along with Kirby, Bandana Dee, Meta Knight, and Susie as they were asking him some questions.
(BGM: Have a Nice talk DX - Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey)
Torque: I gotta say, this is nice spacecraft you have.
Susie: Why thank you. I build this Spacecraft myself.
Susie: So now that you're here, we're going ask you some questions.
Meta Knight: First off, who are you.
Torque: My name is Torque, a member of the Spectrum Chaser.
MK/S: Spectrum Chaser?
Kirby: Poyo?
Torque: That's right. You see, I'm from another world. Actually, I'm part of an alliance between many different worlds.
Meta Knight: I see.
Susie: So what's a member of the Spectrum Chaser like you doing here in the middle of the galaxy?
Torque: It's a long story. But to make it short, I was heading towards planet called Avalice to warn everyone.
Susie: Avalice, huh? Never heard of that planet before.
Bandana Dee started to write something and showed it to Torque which Meta Knight reads.
Meta Knight: So why do you want to warn everyone about anyway?
Torque: Because the Kingdom Stone is in grave danger.
Susie: Kingdom Stone? Never heard of that either.
Torque: The Kingdom Stone is a mysterious relic that served as the main source of energy.
Susie: Interesting.
Torque: It is. But the man is heading there as well to retrieve the Kingdom Stone. He calls himself Lord Brevon.
(BGM Ended)
Meta Knight: Lord Brevon?
Torque: Mmhm... He's dangerous with a capital D.
Torque: Brevon is the most powerful enemy we've ever faced. Hundreds of Worlds destroyed, thousands of heroes killed or corrupted, enormous amounts of weapon energy stolen... and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Torque: According to our scans, the Kingdom Stone has enough energy to double the size of his army. If he gets it... he'll be unstoppable.
Susie: So that's why your driving the Spacecraft in the middle of the galaxy. And to think you would be lost and nowhere to go.
Torque: Well I ain't that lost. I know where Planet Avalice is.
Susie: You do?
Torque: Yep.
Susie: In that case, can you please show this Planet Avalice to us.
Torque: I don't know. After all, you said that the four of you guys are taking a trip around the galaxy. And I do not want you guys to get involved in this mission that I have.
Susie: Well yeah, but were about to finish our trip by going to the last planet. Besides, we never heard of Planet Avalice, so I think we should go there to wrap things up.
Torque: Are you sure about this?
Susie: I'm sure if it. What do you guys think?
Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Meta Knight are thinking about if they want to go to Planet Avalice. After thinking for about one minute, both Kirby and Bandana Dee nodded their head and said.
Kirby: Poyo!
Meta Knight: I guess we can go there. After all, I'm intrigue about that planet.
Torque: Okay. I show you where Planet Avalice is.
(BGM: Strategy - Sonic Adventure 2 Battle)
Torque then shows them the map showing planets all over the galaxy.
Torque: This is the planet that I'm going to.
Torque points at the planet which appears to look like planet Earth.
Susie: So that's Planet Avalice?
Torque: Yep, that's the planet I'm heading to. So we gotta go there and warn everyone before Lord Brevon gets there first.
Susie: Got it!
They got up from the chair and started walking towards the control panel for the Access Ark Spacecraft. But before Susie can touch the control panel, Torque said.
Torque: Hold it!
Torque: I haven't gotten your names yet.
Susie: Oh right, the names Susie. President of the Haltman Works Company.
Meta Knight: My name is Meta Knight. The pink one is Kirby and the blue Bandanna on his head is Bandana Dee.
Kirby: Hi!
Said Kirby while Bandana Dee wave his right stubby arm saying hi to him.
Torque: Well it's a pleasure to meet you four.
Susie: A pleasure to meet to you as well, Torque.
Next, Susie starts pressing on the keyboard as the screen popped up showing the coordinates to Planet Avalice.
Susie: Alright, everyone. This will be our last stop for our trip. Next stop, to Planet Avalice!
Kirby: Poyo!
And with that, the Access Ark Spacecraft is now making their way to Planet Avalice, where their final destination awaits.
(BGM Ended)
After a few minutes have passed, we still see the Access Ark Spacecraft that's still roaming through the galaxy. We then cut to the inside of the Spacecraft as we get to see them having a Snack break.
Susie: Mmmm. This sandwich tastes great!
Torque: Yeah, this is not half bad.
Kirby: Poyo.
Meta Knight: Good thing Kirby and Bandana Dee brought some food for the road.
As they were eating, they finish their sandwiches and got up from their seats.
Susie: Now that was delicious. Now I should probably get back to piloting.
Susie then went towards the control panel so she can turn off the auto-pilot. But before she can turn it off, they heard a boom coming from the outside of space which cause the Access Ark Spacecraft to rumble inside.
Meta Knight: What was that!
Susie: I don't know. But I'm going to check to see what's happening from outside.
Susie started to press on the Keyboard as the screen pops up showing the Access Ark Spacecraft was hit by something.
Susie: Looks like we've been hit by something.
Suddenly, the screen showed a couple of rocket missiles and ended up hitting the Access Ark Spacecraft once again.
Meta Knight: Those are rocket missiles!
Susie: I wonder where are those coming from.
Next, they soon heard a noise as they looked to the left seeing a Spacecraft that resembles a frog-like creature, as its landing gear doubles as legs. It is equipped with insect-like wings for flight and a single cannon under the bow for combat. From the back view, the Absolution has 6 engines, 2 large ones and 4 small ones.
Torque: Oh no. It can't be...
Susie: What is it, Torque?
Torque: It's the Absolution! A Starship that's created by Lord Brevon.
Torque: And it's here to attack this Spacecraft of yours.
Susie: I see.
Then, the Access Ark Spacecraft started to rumble once again from the Rocket Missiles.
Susie: Alright, everyone. It's time we get to our stations. Now go!
Kirby: Hai!
Meta Knight: But what about you, Susie?
Susie: I know what I'm going to do. Now get into your stations and hurry! We don't have much time left!
They nodded and ran off to get into their stations. As they left, Susie open up the Alarm button from the control panel and presses the button.
After hearing the emergency alarm, we see the creatures stop walking around the hallway that appears to be a army of small, bipedal creatures with white hands and blue feet. It has a black face with yellow eyes. The enemy wears a white and brown costume with an elongated head, and carries a H.W.C. Blaster.
We then see a small tv screen that's above them suddenly turns on revealing Susie on screen as she was making an announcement saying.
Susie: Attention my Haltworkers. We are being attacked by this Absolution Starship that's firing rocket missiles at us.
Susie: So get to your Robobot Suit and start preparing for battle! Now get moving!
Next, the small tv screen was turn off as the Haltworkers are running through the hallway in order to prepare for battle.
Then, we cut to the next scene seeing Kirby, Bandana Dee, Meta Knight, and Torque are in the large room filled with Robobot Armors on both sides of the walls, where Torque parked his red Spacecraft.
As they were in the large room, they heard something coming from behind which turns out to be the army of Haltworkers who are running to their Robobot Armors.
Torque: Huh? Who are those creatures.
Before Meta Knight could answer, the speakers were suddenly turn on along with the camera as Susie started to speak saying.
Susie (Speakers): Kirby, can you hear me?
Kirby: Poyo.
Susie (Speakers): Good. Because I wanted to give you your own Robobot Armor since you'll be joining with the Haltworkers.
Torque: Haltworkers?
Susie (Speakers): That's right. There an army of mine.
Torque: I see.
Susie (Speakers): Now Kirby, I'm sending you the Robobot Armor right now.
Once Susie said that, a Robobot Armor came down in front of them as Kirby was excited to see it.
Susie (Speakers): Now hurry and join with the Haltwrokers!
Next, Kirby nodded with determination as he got on into the Robobot Armor as it transforms into Kirby's own Robobot Armor.
Torque: Woah! How did he do that!
Meta Knight: Kirby can take over the Robobot Armor into his own Robobot Armor.
Torque: Robobot Armor?
Meta Knight: Yep, It used to be called Invader Armor. But Susie decided to change the name since she find it a great name for it.
Torque: Wow! Who knew Susie has full of surprises.
Meta Knight: Mhm...
Then, Kirby started walking with his Robobot Armor towards the Haltworkers to join them for the battle.
Susie (Speakers): As for you three, I want you guys to stay here just incase if that Starship has an army inside of it and bust it's way in the Access Ark.
Meta Knight: Will do.
Susie (Speakers): All right. Is everyone ready?
Everyone: Yeah!!
Kirby: Poyo!
Susie (Speakers): Okay. Now go shoot that Absolution Starship down for good!
Next, the Access Ark Spacecraft started to open underneath it as Kirby and the army of Haltworkers started to jump down. As they jump down, the Robobot Armor soon hover and started heading towards the Absolution Starship.
We then cut to Susie who is watching them go towards the Absolution Starship and said.
Susie: Now that that's taking care of, I gotta go get my Business Suit and join in with the others for backup.
Next, Susie ran out of the room so she can find her Business Suit. As she left, we cut back to the army of Haltworkers who are starting to shoot a rocket missile at the Absolution Starship. While Kirby on the other hand was flying behind them.
(BGM: Vs. The Wicked Company [Boss Battle] - Kirby Planet Robobot)
Then, the Absolution started to shoot out rocket missiles back at Kirby and the army of Haltworkers. The rocket missiles soon collided to each other creating a smoke as we see Kirby flew past through the smoke.
Next, Kirby performs a combo move of Robobot Punch and Robobot Slam on the Absolution Starship dealing decent damage per hit. Follow by the army of Haltworkers shoot out a rocket missile at the Absolution Starship dealing damage per rocket missile.
Then, the Absolution Starship was now charging up to perform a Laser attack on the army of Haltworkers. But luckily, most of them dodge the laser while the other few were disintegrated.
Next, the Absolution Starship started to flew off towards the Access Ark as Kirby along with the army of Haltworkers started to go after it. We then cut to Meta Knight, Bandana Dee, and Torque who were still in their guard incase the enemy shows up.
Torque: I wonder if Kirby and the army of Haltworkers are doing alright?
Meta Knight: I bet there doing fine. Besides, Kirby and the army of Haltworkers won't let that Starship get inside the Access Ark that easily.
Just when Meta Knight said that, the Absolution Starship showed up and was now inside of the Access Ark.
Meta Knight: Perhaps I spoke to soon.
Torque: Better keep you're guard up you two. Who knows if that Absolution is going to attack.
Then, the Absolution Starship started to deployed an army of alien soldiers with their own Energy Rifle.
Torque: Shade Troopers!
Meta Knight: You know who those things are?
Before Torque could answer, the army of aliens soldiers named Shade Troopers started to fire their Energy Rifle at them as Meta Knight started to block their shots. Meta Knight continued to block their shots until a Business Suit came down between Meta Knight and an army of Shade Troopers.
Torque: What in the world?
???: Hey you guys, sorry for the wait.
Torque: Susie?
Next, she turn her visor-helmet off revealing to be Susie who was now riding in her Business Suit.
Susie: Yep, that's me. Now it's time for some action!
Then, she turn her visor-helmet back on and started to dash towards the Shade Troopers to perform a Spin Cycle Dash on the army of Shade Troopers dealing damage multiple times. Follow by meta Knight who dash towards a Shade Trooper to perform a Piercing Slash on the Shade Trooper dealing damage.
Next, Torque started shooting with his blaster gun while hiding behind the box crate for cover. Follow by Bandana Dee charging up to perform a Waddle Triple Throw on three Shade Troopers dealing damage per spear.
A few Shade Troopers were moving forward and were shooting their Energy Rifle at the box crate where Torque was hiding. Before the Shade Troopers could destroy the box crate, Kirby and an army of Haltworkers showed up just in time as they start attacking the army of Shade Troopers.
Susie: Pinky! Thank goodness you showed up.
Kirby: Poyo!
Meta Knight: Focus you two! There's more coming.
Susie: Right!
Then, a few more Shade Troopers were deployed from the Absolution Starship and started to shoot their Energy Rifles at them.
After fighting the army of Shade Troopers for a while, Susie started to yelled at a Haltworker who was clearly next to her saying.
Susie: Hey you! Do you still have that H.W.C Blaster!
The Haltworker nodded and took out his H.W.C Blaster.
Susie: Great!
We then cut to Kirby who performs a Three-Punch Combo on a Shade Trooper dealing decent damage as the Shade Trooper has been defeated.
Susie: Hey Kirby!
Kirby heard Susie's voice as he turns his Robobot Armor around seeing Susie and a Haltworker.
Susie: Haltworker is going to throw his H.W.C Blaster for your Robobot Armor!
Susie: Now throw it Haltworker!
Just as Susie told Haltworker what to do, he throws the H.W.C Blaster at Kirby. And when he did, Kirby's Robobot Armor started to scan the H.W.C Blaster as it was absorb inside the Robobot Armor's mouth.
Next, it transform into Spark Mode giving the Robobot Armor coil-like arms that can fire plasma shots.
Torque: What the...!
Kirby started to charged up his plasma shot to perform a large plasma beam at the army of Shade Troopers dealing a lot of damage and they were instantly defeated.
A few Shade Troopers were surprise by that attack and they started to shoot at Kirby to take him out. But Luckily, Meta Knight started to block their shots by swinging his Galaxia around.
Then, Susie double jumps in the air to to perform a Driver Slam on a few Shade Troopers dealing decent damage and they were instantly defeated. Follow by an army of Haltworkers started to shoot out rocket missiles as the rest of the Shade Troopers dealing decent damage and they were instantly defeated.
Susie: Phew. Guess that's the last of 'em.
Meta Knight: All we have now left is the Absolution Starship. Kirby, finished it off.
Kirby: Hai!
Next, Kirby started to charged up his plasma shot to perform a large plasma beam on the Absolution Starship dealing huge damage.
(BGM Ended)
Then, the Absolution Starship started to exploded all over the Starship. As it was exploding, the Absolution Starship started to retreat by exiting out the Access Ark Spacecraft.
Susie: Aw yeah! We won!
Kirby: Poyo!
Everyone was now cheering for their victory while Torque was just shocked by this sudden event.
Torque: What did Kirby just do?
Meta Knight: Kirby's Robobot Armor can absorb an enemy or an object to gain a new mode.
Torque: A new mode?
Meta Knight: Yes, the first mode you just witness is called the Spark Mode. Kirby's Robobot Armor can shoot out plasma shots, but also can charge up to shoot out even a bigger plasma.
Torque: I see. Well that's really cool.
Suddenly, they soon heard a noise from the outside of space.
Torque: What was that noise?
Susie: I don't know. Let's head back to the control room and see what's making that noise.
Next, they nodded as Kirby hopped off the Robobot Armor and were heading back to the control room while the army of Haltworkers were staying in front of the bottom entrance. Then, we cut to the control room as we see Kirby, Bandana Dee, Meta Knight, Susie, and Torque enter the control room. Once they enter the control room, Susie sees a red dot on the radar.
Susie: Huh?
Meta Knight: What is it, Susie?
Susie: It looks like there's something right behind us.
Susie then started to press on the Keyboard as the screen pops up showing what appears to be a massive ship that's right behind their tail.
Susie: Woah! That ship looks huge.
Torque: The Dreadnought! It's here!
Meta Knight: Dreadnought?
Torque: Yep. It's a galactic warship that Lord Brevon is in, and he's heading here to destroy your ship, along with us.
Susie: Hmph. If that what's he gonna do, he has another thing coming.
Susie: So Torque, what's the plan.
Torque: Oh, well... uhh...
Susie: Come on Torque, you know about that Dreadnought warship than me and my friends do. So tell us how to get rid of it.
Torque: Okay. But it's going to be kinda tricky to destroy the Dreadnought without Brevon and his army notice it.
Torque: So here's the plan.
After Torque tell them about the plan, they were getting ready for the second battle. We then Bandana Dee and Meta Knight walk towards Kirby by giving him three parts for the ultimate weapon.
They both set down the three parts and Bandana Dee started to wrote something and showed it to Kirby which reads.
Bandana Dee (Wrote): Here you go, Kirby. Hopefully these three parts of the Dragoon will surely destroyed the Dreadnought with one shot.
Kirby: Poyo.
Kirby took the three parts of the Dragoon and puts it away into his inventory.
Meta Knight: Remember about the plan, Kirby. Torque and the Haltworkers will distract the Dreadnought so you can use the Dragoon parts to finish it off.
Meta Knight: Do you understand?
Kirby: Poyo!
Meta Knight: Good.
Susie (Speakers): Okay everyone, get into your places. Because we're about to open the entrance at any minute now.
Meta Knight: Come Bandana Dee. Were heading back to the control room.
Next, Bandana Dee nodded as they both walked out of the room. As they both left, Kirby hop onto his Robobot Armor and joins with Torque and an army of Haltworkers.
We then cut to Susie who was about to pull the lever and starts talking on the speakers saying.
Susie: Is everyone ready to go, Torque?
Torque: Yep, it seems like it.
Susie: Good. Hopefully this plan works. Now go!
Susie pull the lever making the Access Ark Spacecraft open the hatch from underneath. Once the Access Ark Spacecraft was open, Torque said.
Torque: Alright, everyone. It's time we put our plan into action!
Torque: Now let's show Brevon not to mess with us!
And with that, Torque closed the windshield and start piloting the red spacecraft to exit the Access Ark Spacecraft, while the army of Haltworkers started to follow him in pursuit.
We then cut to the next scene showing the inside of the Dreadnought, where we can see the large alien sits in his throne.
(BGM: Brev In Yo Hizzle - Freedom Planet)
???: I kinda underestimate that big spacecraft for damaging my starship. So it looks like that spacecraft is gonna be a problem to my plans.
Then, we see a robotic drone that was heading towards the large alien and started speaking to him saying.
Brevon: What is it?
Brevon: Good. Just as I anticipated.
Brevon: Hmm... It seems that Spectrum Chaser must has made an ally with that mysterious person in that spacecraft to assist him.
Brevon: But no matter, the commander and his new allies will soon meet their demise. Prepare my army to depart at once.
Next, the robotic drone left the room as Brevon sees planet Avalice, where his destination awaits him.
Brevon: Once these fools are out of my way, I will soon get that Kingdom Stone. And then, I will be unstoppable.
(BGM Ended)
We then cut to the next scene showing Torque and an army of Haltworkers were heading towards Dreadnought. As they were heading there, Torque looked at his radar and sees red dots that are approaching towards him.
Torque: Looks like there coming. Get ready to fire!
The army of Haltworkers sees a pop up screen showing Susie and she said.
Susie: You heard him, show our enemies who's boss.
Then, we see an army of Shade Troopers that are in spacecrafts that were coming towards Torque and an army of Haltworkers. The Shade Troopers were starting to shoot them down with energy bullets.
Torque: FIRE!
Next, they were now shooting back at the army of Shade Troopers as they were now battling through space.
We then cut to Kirby in his Robobot Armor who was inside of the Access Ark waiting for the signal. Once he was waiting, we hear Susie in the speakers saying.
Susie (Speakers): Kirby! Torque and Haltworkers are distracting the army of Shade Troopers, so now's your chance to take that Dreadnought down. Now go!
Kirby: Hai!
Then, Kirby started to move forward and jumps out of the Access Ark Spacecraft. Once he exit out of the Access Ark Spacecraft, Kirby's Robobot Armor started to hover and boosted forward to the left side of the Dreadnought so the army of Shade Troopers won't notice him.
The camera zoom in seeing Torque and an army of Haltworkers were successfully shooting down some of the Shade Troopers.
Torque: Excellent work, Haltworkers! Let's keep this up.
Next, Torque gets a call from Susie and answers it. Once he answered it, a screen pops up showing Susie and she said.
Susie: Torque. Kirby is ready to make his move.
Torque: Really?
Susie: Yep. He's heading to the left side of the Dreadnought so the Shade Troopers and this Brevon person won't see him.
Torque: Okay. But are you sure this plan you added to my plan really works?
Susie: Absolutely. But anyway, you think you can hold them off for a little longer?
Torque: Sure. After all, we're pretty much winning at this point.
Susie: Great! I'll tell you and my army of Haltworkers when it's time to retreat, got it?
Torque: Got it!
Then, he continues to fire his energy bullets at a few Spade Troopers. We then cut to the inside of the Dreadnought, where we see Brevon looking at the Shade Troopers getting destroyed and he was not to happy about it.
Brevon: Rrrgh, how are my minions losing this badly. They better destroyed them or I've have to do myself.
We then cut to Kirby who was now far left and took out three parts of the Dragoon. And when he did, the three parts were floating above Kirby and it started to put it together.
Once it was put together, Kirby press the auto button on the Robobot Armor and jumps out of it. Kirby then got on the Dragoon and started to pilot it by heading straight towards the Dreadnought.
We then cut to Torque and an army of Haltworkers who are still continuing to shoot down the Shade Troopers. Torque soon gets a contact from Susie once again and answers it.
Susie: Hey Torque. Kirby just put the three parts of the Dragoon and he's heading towards Dreadnought.
Torque: Sweet!
Susie: Now it would be best for you and my Haltworkers to retreat.
Torque: Understood.
Next, Torque ended the called and tells the army of Haltworkers saying.
Torque: Haltworkers! Let us retreat. We already done our part.
Then, they started to retreat while the Shade Troopers were continuing to shoot at them.
We then cut to Brevon who was seeing them retreat from the Shade Troopers.
Brevon: Well, well, well. It appears that there no match against my army after all.
Brevon: Good to know. Now I should tell my army to destroyed that spacecraft once and for all.
Brevon: What is it now?
Brevon: What?!
We then zoom out of the Dreadnought and we see an object that's coming towards the Dreadnought. The camera zooms in seeing Kirby riding on a Dragoon and was heading towards the Dreadnought with great speed.
(A/N Pretend that machine is the Dreadnought Warship)
Just when Kirby pierce through the Dreadnought like a bullet, it started to explode around the Dreadnought causing it to lose it's control.
Brevon: What just happened?!
Brevon: Curses! It seems that whole battle out there was part of the distraction!
We then cut to the inside of the Access Ark seeing Susie, Meta Knight, and Bandana Dee that were watching the Dreadnought getting destroyed.
Susie: Yes! Nice going pinky!
Meta Knight: Now we won't have to worry about that Warship anymore.
Next, we cut to Torque who was seeing the Dreadnought floating down towards a planet that he soon recognized.
Torque: Planet Avalice! I better called Susie about this.
Toque started to contact Susie so he can tell her about the planet he's seeing. And when he did, Susie answers it and said.
Susie: Did you see that, Torque? Kirby destroyed the Dreadnought with one shot. Wasn't that awesome?!
Torque: *chuckles* Yeah, I saw it. But I gotta tell you and the others about something.
Torque: Remember planet Avalice that I told you and your friends about it.
Susie: Yeah, why?
Torque: I found the planet we're looking for. And unfortunately, Brevon and his destroyed Dreadnought are heading over there.
Susie: Oh. Well that's not good.
Torque: *nods* Which is why we need to head to that planet and fast.
Susie: You got it. We'll meet you there as soon as we get Kirby and my army on board to my Access Ark Spacecraft.
Torque: Gotcha! I'll see you there.
Then, Torque ended the call and was heading towards planet Avalice.
We then cut to the army of Haltworkers who were heading back to the Access Ark Spacecraft. We also see Kirby and his Robobot Armor that are heading to the Access Ark Spacecraft as well.
And with that, they all enter inside of the Access Ark Spacecraft and they are now moving towards planet Avalice, where they will soon meet up with Torque.
After one hour have passed, we cut to the next scene showing a snowy area and it was already nighttime in Avalice.
We then see an object that's falling form the sky and the camera started to zoom in. Once the camera zoom in on the object, it turns out it's the Dreadnought Warship that was started to fall towards the ground.
Next, the Dreadnought crash landed on the ground and was now destroyed. We then see a figure in the distance that was standing on the destroyed Dreadnought and started to fly in the foreground.
Then, the figure landed which turns out to be Lord Brevon and he was very mad that his Dreadnought Warship was destroyed saying.
Brevon: No!
(Big Timeskip)
We then cut to the next scene showing a forest as we see a Red Spacecraft that was starting to landed towards the ground. As the Red Spacecraft landed on the ground, the windshield open up and Torque jump out of the Red Spacecraft.
Torque: Finally, I'm here at last. Now all I need to do now is to wait for Susie and her friends to showed up.
After waiting for a while, he soon heard a noise as he turn around and looks up seeing the Access Ark Spacecraft that was coming towards him. The Access Ark Spacecraft then stop and open up the hatch from underneath as we see Kirby, Bandana Dee, Meta Knight, and Susie that were floating down to the ground.
Susie: Hey, Torque. Sorry to keep you waiting.
Torque: It's fine. At least I'm finally here in planet Avalice thanks to you guys.
Susie: No problem! I'm just glad we can help.
Bandana Dee started to write something and showed it to Torque which reads.
Bandana Dee (Wrote): So now that we're here, what are you gonna do now, Torque?
Torque: Well... as much as I wanted to warn the people about the Kingdom Stone is in danger. But it's starting to get late as it is.
Meta Knight: Indeed. Perhaps we should call it a day and get some sleep.
Susie: Agreed. *yawns* Boy am I tired.
Kirby started to yawn too as if he's also tired.
Torque: Well then, let's get some sleep. I'm sure we'll warn the people of Avalice about the Kingdom Stone eventually.
Next, Kirby and co. are walking back to the light and started floating up towards the Access Ark Spacecraft. As Susie was the last on to go into the light, she turns around seeing Torque not moving and said.
Susie: Hey Torque, are you coming?
Torque: I'm fine. I'll just stay here and work on something.
Susie: Are you sure? Because you need some sleep too.
Torque: Well yeah. But I need to work on something so I can disguise myself.
Susie: Okay? But why would you need a disguise?
Torque: Because I do not want people to freak out who I really am. It has to be a secret.
Torque: And since you and your friends already found out who I really am. You better promise not to tell anyone.
Susie: Don't worry, we promise.
Torque: Really?
Susie: Really.
Torque: Thank you.
Then, Susie nodded as she went to the light and starting floating up to her Access Ark Spacecraft so they can have a nice long rest. As she left, Torque said.
Torque: I had a feeling that they're going to be a great help to my mission. Let's just hope that I won't lose them just like how I lost my crew.
And so, Torque went back to his Red Spacecraft so he can grab the stuff he needs to build his disguise as the camera move up towards the night sky.
To Be Continued...
Kirby and his friends finally meet Torque who appears to be a Spectrum Chaser, but will they be able to help Torque to fufill his mission?
And why does Brevon want the Kingdom Stone in the first place?
Stay tuned and find out.
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