The Search for Umio (Part 1/2)

Unknown Dimension, Uzume's Base

The Next Day

Back at Uzume's base, Nepgear was working on her N-Gear to gather information about this unknown dimension. Next, Neptune soon came in from her nap and said.

Neptune: Mornin', Nep Jr. What are you up to?

Nepgear: Oh, Neptune. I wanted to learn more about this place, so I was gathering information on the internet. 

Neptune: That is your specialty, after all. So, ya find anything good?

Nepgear: Nothing, yet. Wireless isn't functioning in this area, so I just connected the N-Gear to the net by cable.

Neptune: Oooh, that's why the N-Gear has a cable dangling from it. I'll have to be careful not to step on it.

Nepgear: Ha, thanks. Anyway, even if the information is kind of broken, I did find some things of note, like this map.

Nepgear: I'm currently repairing it with a software tool, so once it's done I'm sure we'll find something.

Neptune: Oooooh! I knew we could count on ya. You're super dependable in times like these. 

Nepgear: Hee hee... Really?

Then, Kirby and Bandana Dee walk towards the Nep sisters from their nap. Neptune then noticed them and said.

Neptune: Hey Kirby and Bandana Dee. Did you two sleep well.

Kirby: Poyo.

Said Kirby, while Bandana Dee nodded saying yes. Uzume then came out from her nap and said.

Uzume: Hey, Nepsy. Finally awake, Huh? Did you sleep well? 

Neptune: You betcha! I slept so well, I had a dream about diving into an ocean of pudding.

Neptune: The blankets were so warm, too! It's kinda nice living in the stone age, everything's is slow and simple.

Uzume: Well, that's good to hear. So, is Gearsy still working on... that... thing?

Nepgear: Yes. I've connected my N-Gear to the internet to collect information.

Uzume: Huh. That N-Gear thing is pretty amazing if it can connect to the World Wide Web... It's so thin...

Neptune: World Wide Web... This might be the first time I've heard someone use that phrase unironically.

Uzume: But is there any usable information on the Web? Most of it's disconnected, and a lot of servers are broken, so I doubt it's functioning properly.

Nepgear: It's... like you said, in a pretty terrible state, but it looks like public organization and the Basilicom servers are still online. 

Nepgear: That's where I found the map data. Most of the rest of it was broken though.

Nepgear: Oh, also, I found this through hacki—I mean investigating— but is this your BBS, Uzume? 

Neptune: I thought I heard "hacking" just now...

Nepgear: R-Really? I-I'm sure it's just your imagination, ah ha ha ha...

Kirby: Poyo?

Uzume:  what's this BBS you're talkin' about?

Nepgear: It's this bulletin board called "Dream BBS." Most of the threads are about safety confirmation, survival reports, or general discussion, it seems.

Nepgear: From what I can tell, is it possibly just using a freely distributed style sheet? It feels kind of nostalgic.

Neptune: Lemme see... "Show of hands, who's living" "/" "/" "/" "I'm le ded" "← ur alive dummy" 

Neptune: Man, this BBS really gives off the feeling of when the internet had first started spreading. Maybe I'll post something too, since I can.

Uzume: Oh, that thing! I started that board a long time ago.

Uzume: ...I forgot my password, though. I was never be able to manage it decently.

Suddenly, Uzume's wrist communicator is ringing and Neptune said. 

Neptune: Sounds like a call, Nep Jr.

Nepgear: Huh? That doesn't sound like mine...

Uzume: Oops, that's mine.

Nepgear: That device on Uzume's wrist, is that...?

Then, a voice was heard from Uzume's wrist communicator and said.

???: Uzume, goods to hear from you. I'm relieved you're still with us.

Uzume: Well, hey, that giant's still out there; I'm not gonna bite the dust just yet. What's up?? You don't usually check in this early...

???: I'll get right to it. You do remember how we've evacuated to the next town over?

Uzume: Of course.

???: Apparently, the Baby Bugs who live here have found a share crystal. I was very surprised.

Uzume was surprised about the Baby Bugs finding a share crystal and said.

Uzume: Really?!

???: Let's not get too excited yet. I still need to verify that it wasn't a fabricated report.

Uzume: O-Oh, okay. Got it. Thanks. Sorry for jumping the gun there.

???: No need to apologize. I'll be in touch.

Uzume then ended the communication call and Neptune said.

Neptune: Hey, Uzume, that was the same guy you were talking to yesterday, right?

Uzume: Oh, right, I haven't introduced him to you yet, huh? He'll be back soon, I'll introduce him soon enough.

Uzume: ...Well, I'm gonna start making my rounds and patrol the city for a bit.

Neptune: Patrolling? What for?

Uzume: Even if the giant's not here, there are still some dangerous monsters running around. 

Uzume: I defeat the more prominent ones, just as a means to ensure everyone's safety.

Neptune: Hm! Sounds kinda fun! I think I'll tag along and patrol with you. Not like I'm doing anything here.

Uzume: Gearsy? what about you?

Nepgear: Mmm, yeah, I'll come along as well. I might make some sort of discovery, too.

Bandana Dee started to write something to Nepgear and showed it to her which she reads.

Nepgear: Me and Kirby are also coming along too, since we could learn something about this place.

Uzume: Alright then. Let's move out.

Neptune: Heck yeah!

Kirby then tells Bandana Dee what to do as he put his spear down so Kirby can inhale it. Next, Kirby inhales the spear and swallowed it, which Kirby soon transforms into Spear Kirby. Then, Neptune gives a complement to the pink puffball saying.

Neptune: Oooh, nice headband you have there.

Spear Kirby: Poyo!

Nepgear: Wow! I guess Kirby can also inhale objects too other than his enemies, right?

Spear Kirby and Bandana Dee nodded her question saying yes.

Uzume: Well that's cool.

Uzume: But anyway, it's time to start patrolling.

And with that, Neptune, Spear Kirby, Nepgear, Bandana Dee, and Uzume were now heading back to the city to start patrolling there.

After one hour has passed, while dealing with some monsters along the way. They were now halfway there to the city to start patrolling. As they were continuing walking towards the city, Nepgear was chatting with Uzume and said.

Nepgear: Hey, Uzume, so... on your wrist, that's a Visual Radio, right?

Uzume: Woah, I'm really surprised you knew that. Check it out, isn't its skeleton body awesome?

Nepgear: Yeah! It's such a great piece. Really stylish, I think it goes with your look super well.

Uzume: ...Hm? Hold up. Gearsy, how do you know about these?

Nepgear:  Oh, Visual Radios were very popular in our nation about a decade ago.

Nepgear: Although, they stopped manufacturing them a while ago, I've only ever seen pictures— this is my first time seeing one up close!

Uzume: Huh, I never would've guessed you had these in your nation, too.

Uzume: Is it safe to say that you're kind of a gearhead? Like yuo're into machines and tech and stuff?

Nepgear: Goodness yes, machines and tech are my life!

Uzume: Ah ha ha ha ha, your life. Jeez, Gearsy. You must be really into it.

Uzume then gives the Visual Radio to Nepgear and said.

Uzume: Here, I'll let you borrow this for a while.

Nepgear: Really?! You don't have to... are you sure??

Uzume: Well, just don't break it, okay?

Uzume: This is a small treasure of mine, so I usually never let anyone else touch it, but you seem to understand its true value.

Uzume: Here ya go.

Nepgear then takes the Visual Radio from Uzume and said.

Nepgear: Oh wow! Thank you so much!

Nepgear: You can back up your save data on this, and play mini-games, too, right?

Uzume: Oh, that's not all. True to it's name, you can use its radio function to listen via shortwave or even use it as a walkie-talkie!

Uzume: Also, if you are connect to a terminal using a cable, you can even go on the internet! It's a pretty sweet piece of gear. 

Nepgear: That's so amazing, Uzume! Ohh, how nice it must be to own one...

Nepgear: Do you think we might find any around, maybe some left behind by people.

Uzume: Hmmm... Well, I haven't found any before, but if I do, I'll let you know right away.

Uzume: These kinds of things should be carried by people who understand its value!

Neptune: Hey you two, what's the hold up. Are we gonna patrol or what.

Nepgear and Uzume turned to where Neptune is waiting impatiently, along with Spear Kirby and Bandana Dee.

Nepgear: Yeah, were coming. 

Soon, they continue onward towards the city as they were ready to start patrolling. 

Another One Hour Later

After another one hour had passed, they finally made it to the city as they were fighting monsters while exploring around the place. Once they finish the last monster, Uzume said.

Uzume: Whew. I think that's all of them. You're a better fighter than you let on, Nepsy. 

Neptune: Heh. A skilled hawk hides its talons and what not.

Uzume: And same goes for you too, Kirby and Bandana Dee.

Spear Kirby: Poyo.

Uzume: Well, it's getting late. So let's go pick up Gearsy.

We then cut in to the next scene showing Nepgear in a different area of the city.

Nepgear: ... *Sigh*

Nepgear: It's pretty inconvenient to have to connect to the internet using a wire through a pubic phone. 

Nepgear: Maybe I can build a few wireless devices and set them up around the city...

Nepgear: only I had the time. It's gonna take me a while to sift through all this data I found.

Nepgear: Hmmm, let's see...

Nepgear then looks at the data she collected and it said.

(BGM: Insecure feeling - Mega Dimension Neptunia VII)

Journal 11 Month 27 Day 

The ⬜th ⬜⬜⬜ has been born at ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜'s Basilicom.

⬜⬜ Month ⬜⬜ Day 

We gave the name ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ to the newly born ⬜⬜⬜.

⬜⬜ Month ⬜⬜ Day 

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ had learn a new ability. we decided to call this power ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜...

01 Month 31 Day

It's over, ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜'s ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ is too powerful... Neither I nor ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ can manage it!

Nepgear: ...Huh. I guess that's all that was in this record. I wonder if this is directly related to the state of ruin this nation is in...

Nepgear: I need to go deeper.

(BGM Ended)

Then, Nepgear hears Neptune voice as she was trying to call her saying.

Neptune: Heeeeey, Nep Jr.! Where are youuuu? We're going home soon!

Nepgear: Oh, Neptune's calling.

Nepgear: Maybe it's best that I'm telling them later about this when I'm more certain about it. 

And with that, Nepgear went back to the group as they were now heading back to Uzume's base.

After five minutes have passed, they were now halfway there to Uzume's base. As they were continuing walking, Uzume's Visual Radio was ringing and said.

Uzume: Oh, it's Umio!

Next, she answers the call and said

Uzume: Hey! were you able to find out about that crystal?

Umio: Uzume, yes. The legitimacy of the share crystal has been verified.

Umio: It's quite remarkable. I would have never imagined a share crystal would been here.

Umio: Now that it's in my posession, I'll heading back to you within the day— W-Who are you!? Aaaaaagh!?

Uzume: ?!

Uzume: Umio! Hey, Umio!!

Then, her Visual Radio ended the call and Neptune said.

Neptune: ...That was bad, wasn't it?

Uzume: Nepsy, Gearsy, Kirby, and Bandana Dee. I need to head over to the nearby town to save Umio. Will you guys come with me?

Neptune: Do you seriously have to ask? Let's go!

Spear Kirby: Poyo!

They now turn left to get to the nearby town, hoping to find Umio over there as they speak. Then, they finally made there as they were now searching for Umio and Uzume said.

Uzume: Umio should be around here somewhere.

Nepgear: Somewhere...? He didn't tell you where he was...?

Neptune: Heeeeeeeey, Umioooooo! Give us a shout if you're heeeeeere!

Uzume: I wish our communication didn't get cut short... It'd be cool if we found someone who could point us in the right direction...

Nepgear: I'm not sure rescue missions are ever that convenient...

Uzume: You never know. A mysterious bystander might have been accompanying Umio when he was attacked. Maybe they both escaped!

(BGM: Comedic Time - Mega Dimension Neptunia VII)

Uzume: Then, while they're wandering around looking for us, we'll just happen to run into them.

Uzume then turned into Daydream mode while continuing to talk saying.

Uzume (Daydream): We'll be totally surprised at the coincidence, and, like, both Uzume and her new pal totally won't be able to believe it, ya know?

Uzume (Daydream): Then just like that they'll lead us to where Umio is, and we'll, like, beat up the meany monsters that were bullying Umio!

Uzume (Daydream): Umio's saved, and we'll find the share crystal, and we'll be totally super lucky like that! 🎶

N/N: 0_0 Uhhhhhh...

Bandana Dee had the same reaction as the Nep sisters have, except Spear Kirby who was confused by this and said.

Spear Kirby: Poyo?

Uzume: ...?!

Uzume soon realize that she was on daydream mode again and said.

Uzume: *C-Cough!*

Uzume: So, yeah, there's a small chance someone will appear to show us the way, right?

Neptune: Uh, Uzume, sorry, but what in the world was that thing you just turned into? 

Uzume: O-Oh, I think you're just imagining things...

Neptune: No, no, no, I most definitely was not! You just transformed into some kind of valley girl from the 90's or something!

Nepgear: You were referring to yourself as "Uzume" in the third person, too!

Uzume: Y-You're hearin' things. Or maybe there are monsters that can create illusions around here... Ha ha ha... Those crazy beasts...

Then, a bug came in and has an orange upper body and a beige lower body. It also has 3 fins on her head and a flipper as her tail. I was indeed a Baby Bug that came running towards the group and said. 

???: Miss Uzume, Miss Uzume!

(BGM Ended)

Neptune: S-Someone actually came?!

Uzume: Sweet! Nice timing, Baby Bug!

Baby Bug: Huh? Nice... timing?

Uzume: Oh, uh. Just somethin' concerning us. More importantly, you seem a litte riled up— ...Is it about Umio?

Baby Bug: Yes, you're correct. Umio got attacked by a monster, and it's awful. I'll show you the way, so let's hurry over.

Uzume: See. Just like I said, right?

Uzume then follow the Baby Bug, along with Spear Kirby and Bandana Dee. While Neptune and Nepgear were just standing there and said.

Nepgear: I-I can't believe things turned out the way she imagined...

Neptune: Me too, but I'm having a harder time getting over that valley girl transformation.

Neptune: She seems like she's trying to hide it, but...

Uzume: Heeeey. What're you two doin', I'm gonna leave you behind!

Baby Bug: I'll show you the way! Please hurry!

Neptune: Whoah, wait up!

And so, they follow the Baby Bug that will lead them to where Umio is. Hoping that they'll find Umio before the monster gets to him first.

To Be Continued...

What will happened to this Umio person?

And will they find Umio in time before the monster does?

Stay tuned and find out.

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