The Adventure Continues

Erik: Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sequel of this story called Kirby and Neptune: Dimension Force 2! 

Neptune: Hooray!

Kirby: Poyo!

Neptune: Finally, some me time.

Erik: Yeah, yeah, we get it Neptune. Not to mention Kirby as well.

Neptune: Oh yeah, I forgot.

Erik: Ahem. In last times book, we see Kirby and Neptune met for the first time ever as Kirby, Neptune, Bandana Dee, Nepgear, and Uzume decided to become friends with each other.

Erik: As they became friends, they decided to help Uzume out on her mission in order to save the Zero Dimension from a giant who cause mayhem. Along the way, they met new friends from traveling through Dream Land and Gamindustri (Which happen to Kirby, Neptune, Bandana Dee, and Marx mostly).

Erik: And finally, they manage to defeat Arfoire who was responsible for the destruction of Gamindustri with the help of Adult Neptune, Magolor, Gooey, and King Dedede that also want to help Uzume.

Erik: And with that, they say their farewell to Uzume as Kirby, Neptune, and the others went back to the Hyper Dimension.

Neptune: And that's where we left off, right?

Erik: Yep. But anyway, that's the end of the recap from the last times book so without further a do...

E/N: Let's continue on with the story!

Kirby: Poyo!

And with that, the screen fades black.

Hyper Dimension, Planeptune

We start off the story in Planeptune, one of the four nations in Gamindustri as the Narrator said.

It's been a few days since Neptune and I returned from the Zero Dimension.

When we got back, we threw a small tea party to apologize to everyone for worrying them, but also to thank them for helping us.

Especially Kirby and his buddies name Bandana Dee, Marx, Magolor, Gooey, and King Dedede who also help us out which we really appreciated. 

So, Neptune and I thought that Kirby and his buddies should come with us so we can help them find their way back home to their dimension known as Dream Land.

And so, they gladly accepted it which Neptune and I are really thankful since we wanted to return a favor.

However, Gamindustri was still in the middle of the CPU Shift Period, so helping them find their way back home will have to wait. Also, we were worried everyone would be too busy to accept our invitation...

But, day by day, the baseless slander and terrible rumors against Neptune and the others have piled up...

It seems they all had way more stress piled up than I thought...

We then cut into the next scene showing the inside of Planeptune's Basilicom as we see Noire feeling stressed out saying.

Noire: Ugh! Who's the jerk that posted on the image board saying I'm a lonely protector without any friends?! It's spreading everywhere!

Next, we turn left to see is a adult woman, with a slender figure, sizable bust, and dark blue eyes. Vert's hair is blonde, and goes down to her waist in length. It is kept free, and is rather wavy. Her fringe is kept just above her eyes, and she has three sets of bangs; first going down to her upper-jaw, second, upper-neck, third, chest-length. Vert's attire is a green and peach-colored dress, with the top being a dark green that has gold lining on it, and being sleeveless, as well as revealing a considerable portion of her cleavage, covered through a veil of sorts. She has a ribbon on her neck, which is red in color, and has detached upper-arm portions of her dress's sleeves and has frilled gloves on her hands. And her name is Vert, the goddess of Leanbox.

Vert: I'm having similar issues. There are claims that I've been excessively purchasing expensive teas from multiple shops, but I've been home all day!

Then, we look right to see is a young girl, with a rather petite figure, dark blue eyes and light brown hair. Her hair is short, going down to her chin and her fringe is kept parted to the left. She is noted to commonly wear a large and puffy white hat on her head, with ornate blue lining and brown patterns on it. Her attire consists of a white top-dress which presumably goes down to her knees. This dress is sleeveless at the top, and has much chocolate-brown lining around that area. She seems to wear a brown belt over this dress, as to keep it form-fitting. Her final part of her outfit is excessively long and thick white and brown gloves, which nearly go up to her shoulder and have large frills protruding out of the back of them. And her name is Blanc, the goddess of Lowee.

Blanc: Same. There are tons of Amazoo product reviews written in my name for some reason. They're all pretty negative, weird ones, too.

Blanc: Some products have gotten 100 low ratings in just two weeks, and these people are misspelling words in the reviews just to piss me off.

Blanc: For some reason, people are being led to believe it's from my supposed secret account.

Neptune: Well, get this: they're all posting that I push all my work on Nep Jr. and Histy and all I do is goof off! How rude!!

V/N/B (Thoughts): Is she joking...?

Everyone wanted to voice their complaints, so they made time to come to our party.

Neptune: So, it's the same for everyone, huh? What terrible times we're livin' in! This is an awful mess!

Vert: Thanks to this, I can't go on without eating my feelings via delicious sweets. I'll end up putting on more mass at this rate...

Uni: You mean her chest... is going to get larger...?

Next, we see is the two twins. One of 'em wears a blue overcoat with white puffballs, a pink handbag and a ribbon, and a white and blue hat to match with a pink rectangle in the center. Her leg-wear consists of white tights and shoes that match her dress in design. She has shoulder-length brown hair and steel blue eyes. And her name is Rom, the CPU Candidate of Lowee and Blanc's younger twin sister.

And the other one wears a pink overcoat with white puffballs, a blue handbag and a ribbon, and a white and pink hat to match with a pink rectangle in the center. Her leg-wear consists of white tights and shoes that match her dress in design. She has long brown hair and steel blue eyes. And her name is Ram, who is also the CPU Candidate of Lowee and Blanc's younger twin sister.

Ram: There are some real meanies out there! How can they write all these lies with a straight face on?

Rom: I feel so bad for Blanc...

Vert: I can think of two reasons. One is that of pranksters. The other is that this is an elaborate scheme set for our ruin.

Vert: If it is the latter, it could be assumed that is the work of hostile nations... but that almost seems inconceivable.

Rom: All of our sisters are great friends...!

Vert: Indeed. That is why I hope the four of us can endure these troubling times...

Noire: Hey, Neptune? Didn't you say you had something important to tell us at this tea party?

Blanc: Yeah, now I remember, you did mention that, I was too busy complaining so I forgot...

Neptune: Yup, that I do! It completely slipped my mind, too.

Neptune: Y'see, I was thinking, since times are tough, we should get through this as one big team instead of dealing with it individually.

Blanc: A surprisingly good idea coming from you, Neptune. I was starting to feel like I was at my limits working alone.

Neptune: Oh, I know! They say three heads are better than one, so we should be helping each other!

Noire: Helping each other out, huh...? I do think it's a good idea, but it'll probably be spun in a way that'll just fan the flames...

Vert: I can see the criticisms in tomorrow's headlines: "THE NEW WORLD ORDER HAS BEGUN!" or "Meet the CPUs Who Can't Do Anything On Their Own."

Nepgear (Sweatdrop): I-I think you might be thinking a little too pessimistically...

Blanc: You'd understand if you'd been hounded by criticisms for this long...

Blanc: Imagine if every one of your good intentions were skewed by the public so fault was found in them. You'd get pretty pessimistic, too.

Uni: But, I think it's worth trying! Since this is Neptune we're talking about, I'm sure she has an amazing idea!

Noire: I think your expectations are too high, but... What do you think, Neptune?

Neptune: Well, I think it'd be awesome if all our nations got together and threw a giant festival!

Noire: A festival? Our nations already have those every year.

Neptune: You're thinkin' too small, Noire. I wanna set up a multi-nation festival, a festival to celebrate all of Gamindustri!

Neptune: And we can use up everyone's national budgets to throw the biggest party ever!

Nepgear: I think that's going a little too far... 

Noire: ......... (thinking)

Noire: ...No, that's a good idea.

Uni: What?!

Noire: Hear me out. I'm ignoring the part about blowing the budget, of course.

Uni (Sweatdrop): O-Oh, good...

Vert: I'm in agreement with Neptune's proposal. We've been working separately until now, but we can turn the tide with a move like this.

Blanc: You're right. We might just get the chance to weed out whoever's been disturbing strange information, too.

Neptune: Distributing strange information?

Blanc: I'm not certain, but I think someone has been spreading rumors and lies about us to cast the people into a state of mistrust and unease.

Vert: This is merely conjecture, but the scope of the work suggests the effort of a group. Otherwise, this amount of information control is impossible.

Neptune: I guess while I was in the other world, you all have been investigating this quite a bit.

Noire: Well, aside from the fact that Neptune is as dense as usual when it comes to something important...

Noire: Let's try throwing this Gamindustri Appreciation Festival.

Neptune: Then, let's all make the festival a huge success!

Everyone: Yeah!

Nepgear then realize something and said.

Nepgear: Umm... Neptune. Aren't we forgetting about someone.

Neptune: You're right, Nepgear. Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait.

Blanc: Wait for what, exactly?

Neptune: My new friends.

Blanc: Your new friends?

Neptune: You see, I made some new friends from a different dimension that also went to the other world that me and Nepgear were in.

Vert: I see. Would you please tell us about these new friends of yours.

Neptune: Sure.

And with that, Neptune tells them about her new friends as she waits for them for their arrival.

(Mini Timeskip)

We then cut into the next scene showing a door as the door soon open up to reveled Kirby and his buddies who were exiting out of the door. As they exit out of the door, Histoire came last out of the door and said.

Histoire: I appreciated for all your help for looking after Neptune and Nepgear. 

Marx: No problem, Histoire. Besides, we're friends with them now and friends will always help each other till the very end. Isn't that right, Kirby?

Kirby: Poyo!

Magolor: Well, we appreciate the information you giving us on how share energy's work and a whole bunch of others stuffs that you told us.

Histoire: Your welcome. As for getting you guys back home to Dream Land, I'll see what I can do.

Next, Kirby and his buddies nodded as Marx said.

Marx: Anyways, I heard Neptune is having a tea party with her friends, right?

Histoire: Yes. Apparently, their making a discussion about the CPU Shift Period for what I told you about.

Magolor: I see. Well, where are they.

Histoire: There at Neptune's room.

Marx: I know where that room is. C'mon guys, lets go greet them. 

Kirby: Poyo.

Magolor: We'll see you later, Histoire.

Histoire: Take care.

As Kirby and his buddies left, Histoire went back to her office and said.

Histoire: Why does those names sound familiar from a franchise I heard back in Lowee.

(Another Mini Timeskip)

We then see Kirby and his buddies found Neptune's room and they said.

King Dedede: Is this the right room?

Marx: Yep, I'm sure of it.

Then, the door open automatically so Kirby and his buddies enter the room. As they enter Neptune's room, Neptune spotted them and said.

Neptune: And it looks like my new friends had arrived.

Next, the CPUs and Candidates turn to where Neptune was looking and they were shocked seeing Kirby and his buddies which Neptune got up and walk towards them. As Neptune walk towards them, she stop and turn around to where the CPUs and Candidates were at saying.

Neptune: Everyone, these are my new friends.

Kirby: Hiiiii!

R/R: Eeeek! The pink and orange one are soooo cute!

Rom and Ram dash towards Kirby and Bandana Dee. As Rom and Ram were close to them, Rom pick up Kirby and Ram pick up Bandana Dee which they started to hug them saying.

Ram: Mmmm, this fella sure is soft and comfy.

Rom: Yeah, So soft and comfy.

Kirby and Bandana Dee were now enjoying being hugged with their eyes closed as Magolor said.

(BGM: Have a Nice Talk DX - Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey)

Magolor: So Neptune, are these some friends of yours.

Neptune: Yep.

Vert: So, who are you?

Magolor: Well then, allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Magolor. 

Marx: My name is Marx, and I'm a jester.

King Dedede: My name is King Dedede, the ruler of Dream Land.

Noire: Ruler of Dream Land?

King Dedede: That's right.

Magolor: This little blue blob's name is Gooey.

Gooey then wave his tongue saying hi.

Magolor: The orange one with the blue Bandanna on his head is Bandana Dee. And the one that's pink is Kirby.

Kirby: Hi!

Said Kirby who was still getting hugged by Rom as Vert said.

Vert: Well it's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Vert.

Noire: My name is Noire, it nice to meet you.

Uni: My name is Uni, and I'm Noire's sister.

Blanc: My name is Blanc.

Rom: My name is Rom, and I'm Blanc younger twin sister.

Ram: My name is Ram, and I'm also Blanc younger twin sister.

Magolor: Well it's a pleasure to meet you all too.

As Rom put Kirby down and Ram put Bandana Dee down, they all shook hands with each other. Except Gooey who use his tongue to shake hands with the CPUs and Candidates and Marx said.

Marx: Now that we know each others name. So...

Neptune: So now we can start building a Gamindustri Appreciation Festival!

King Dedede: Gamindustri Appreciation Festival? What's that?

Nepgear: Well, to put it simple. We are going to build a Gamindustri Appreciation Festival so the people can ignore the false information about the CPUs that are spreading all over Gamindustri.

Magolor: Interesting. But, is it okay if we help you and your friends to build this Gamindustri Appreciation Festival.

Neptune: Of course. After all, we could use a helping hand.

Kirby: Poyo!

Blanc (Thoughts): I can't believe Kirby and his buddies are actually real. And to think that they were just video game characters. 

Neptune: Alright everyone, let's all make the festival a huge success!

Everyone: Yeah!

(BGM Ended)

And with that, the CPUs, Candidates, Kirby, and his buddies were now getting ready to build a Gamindustri Appreciation Festival so people from all over Gamindustri can ignore those false rumor's about the CPUs in no time.

A Few Months Later

After a few months has passed, the Gamindustri Appreciation Festival was complete. As the festival already started, the Narrator said.

The months that followed that tea party passed by quickly, and the Gamindustri Appreciation Festival was successfully executed.

Before the festival, the rumors and accusations about the CPUs had both increased and worsened.

But ever since the festival began, those lies quickly disappeared. Perhaps everyone was enjoying the festival too much to care anymore.

In fact, it looked like all of the shares lost by the CPUs were being restored.

We then see is Nepgear, Uni, Marx, and Magolor were walking through the festival as they said.

Uni: I'm relieved the festival opened without a hitch.

Nepgear: Me too. I thought there would be a lot of backlash, but people from all the nations happily worked together, which helped a lot.

Uni: That definitely surprised me. It'd be sweet if everyone's faith in our sisters was restored after this, even just a little bit.

Nepgear: Everyone seems to be enjoying the festival, so I'm sure that'll happen.

Uni: I hope so...

Next, Rom, Ram, Kirby, Bandana Dee, Gooey, and King Dedede showed up and Magolor said.

Magolor: There they are.

Ram: Nepgear! Uni! Marx! Magolor! We found you!

Rom: Found you!

Ram: Look at this! I got some crepes from that old man at the stall!

Kirby: Poyo, poyo!

King Dedede: Got to admit, these crepes are really good.

Uni: Wow, those look delicious. Would you let me have a bite?

Ram: Ta-daaa! We brought some for both of you!

Rom: He gave it to us as thanks for a fun festival.

Nepgear: See, Uni? It's just like I said.

Uni: You're right. Maybe I was just being cynical.

Kirby then took out two crepes from the bag and gives it to Marx and Magolor.

Magolor: For us.

Kirby nodded saying yes.

Marx: Thanks, Kirby.

Marx and Magolor too a bite of that crepe. Next, Marx and Magolor had stars in their eyes saying.

Marx: Wow. This crepe is so good.

Magolor: You could say that again.

As Marx and Magolor finish their crepe, Ram realize something and said.

Ram: Hey, isn't it almost time?

Nepgear: Time...?

Ram: You know, for the Grand Prix finals! Our sisters are fighting, so we gotta go cheer 'em on!

Then, Ram left as Rom said.

Rom: Ram, wait for me...!

Next, Rom also left so she can catch up with Ram.

Uni: Hey, don't leave us behind! Wait up!

And with that, Nepgear, Uni, Kirby, and his buddies were now following Rom and Ram so they can cheer them on in the Grand Prix finals.

After a few minutes has passed, the CPU Candidates, Kirby, and his buddies finally made to the Grand Prix finals. As they took their seats while Kirby sat on Ram's lap and Bandanna Dee sat on Rom's lap, King Dedede said.

King Dedede: Oh man, I can't wait to see who wins this Grand Prix.

Ram: I'm betting that our sister is going to win.

Rom: Yeah, what Ram just said.

Uni: I'm betting that my sister is going to win the finals.

Soon, the CPUs who were arriving at the stadium as the Candidates said. 

Nepgear: Do your best, Neptune.

Uni: Show 'em who's boss Noire.

Ram: Go get 'em, Blanc.

Rom: You can do it, Blanc.

Kirby: Poyo!

Next, the CPUs enter the arena. The first one who enter is Neptune who was in her HDD Form known as Purple Heart. 

The second one who enter is Noire who was in her HDD Form known as Black Heart. She now has her eyes are cyan and her hair is pure white, and goes down below her shoulders somewhat, with her fringe standing above her eyes and bangs caressing her face. Her suit is black and white in color and the mechanical appearance is much more visible. It also exposes a mild amount of her cleavage. Her sleeves are pure black, with silver patches in the bicep and tricep area, her gauntlets are black with silver protrusions on the knuckle.

The third one who enter is Blanc who was in her HDD Form known as White Heart. She has the appearance of a young girl with a petite and slim figure. Her eyes are a crimson red, and her skin is very fair. Her hair is a sky-blue color, it is kept mostly free, and is of short length, barring her bangs, which reach down to her stomach. Her attire consists of a tight battle-suit, which is white and has minor touches of blue lining. The top itself appears as a swimsuit-like armor. The sleeves of this are detached, and reach all the way to her shoulder, with a pair of gauntlets being equipped on both of them, and mechanical like devices connecting the joint (elbow-forearm) of the sleeve.

And the fourth one who enter is Vert who was in her HDD Form known as Green Heart. She now has purple eyes and her hair remains long and is of different shades of green. It is kept in a ponytail, her fringe is normally seen above her eyes and her bangs are thick and caress her face. Her attire is a white bodysuit that is open in the middle, exposing her stomach and underside of her breasts. Her sleeves are detached and are white and black in the entirety. Her gauntlets are longer than the other CPUs with it covering the majority of her forearms with ease.

As they enter the arena, Black Heart said.

(BGM: Decision - Mega Dimension Neptunia VII)

Black Heart: So, it's come down to us four after all.

White Heart: This is perfect. Let's use this as a chance to see which one of us is the strongest goddess!

Green Heart: Splendid. This is the perfect opportunity for me to show off my strength before all the nations.

Purple Heart: Goodness, you all get so overly confident when when you're in your HDD forms.

Black Heart: Well, what do you say, Neptune?

Purple Heart: I don't mind. If I'm victorious here, it will mean that Planeptune's future will be bright and my place secured.

White Heart: It's decided then. We won't waste time with boring one-on-one matches.

White Heart: Let's end this with a four-woman melee!

(BGM Ended)

Suddenly, a mysterious voice spoke up saying.

???: Hey! Hold off on that match for a second!

Black Heart: What the? Who said that?! Show yourself immediately!

Next, they showed up as they enter the arena saying.

???: You say you don't know who we are, huh? Well... let me enlighten you.

???: We are those who regin from the four Golden Summits.

???: We will call ourselves... the Gold Third.

(BGM: Providence [Gold Third Boss Battle Theme] - Mega Dimension Neptunia VII)

Black Heart: Gold Third?! I don't really get how that makes sense if there are four of you, but step aside! Get out of the way of our final match!

???: So rude! Can't you see we're livening up this boring party? Normally, for this kinda service, I'd charge you guys more than you could afford!

Green Heart: Is money your objective? Even if you were to extort us, we are not about to hand over control of Gamindustri.

???: Control of Gamindustri? ...Not interested.

White Heart: Then what the hell is it? Are you little doggies gonna bark all day or are you gonna freakin' bite?

???: Heh. That's right. I've always wanted to try my hand against a CPU.

Purple Heart: How interesting... do you all believe you can win against us?

???: It isn't a question. It will simply be done.

Purple Heart: You have a strong resolve. Very well. We will be your opponents!

(BGM Ended)

And with that, the CPUs battling with the Gold Third begins.

We now see the CPUs who were bruised up, knowing that they lost to the Gold Third as Black Heart said.

Black Heart: This can't be... We're going to... lose?!

Purple Heart: This isn't possible...

???: I didn't think we would win.

???: But of course we would! We're strong, after all!

Green Heart: Just when we had gotten everyone excited...

White Heart: If it ends like this at the last moment... This'll be a freakin' mess to clean up...!

We then cut into the next scene showing the CPU Candidates, Kirby, and his buddies were shocked by this and said.

Uni: I don't believe this... they lost.

Rom: Poor Blanc...

Marx: I can't believe that those people called the Gold Third beat them so quickly.

King Dedede: Yeah, I find that cheating.

Then, Kirby was now worried that Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert are in trouble. So Kirby jump out of Ram's lap and ran to where the CPUs are at.

Ram: Kirby, where are you going?

Soon, they turn to where Ram was looking at and they saw Kirby dashing away.

Nepgear: Where's Kirby going.

Magolor: I don't know, but let's go follow him.

Next, they nodded and decided to follow him. As Kirby jump onto the arena, a new mysterious voice spoke up which caught Kirby's attention saying.

???: The time has come. I've been waiting for this moment.

Kirby: Poyo?

The CPU Candidates and Kirby's buddies showed up to where Kirby is at as they also heard a new mysterious voice.

Nepgear: Huh...?

Magolor: Wait, who said that.

???: This world and its CPUs can no longer fight against these negative emotions.

M/M (Thoughts): Wait a minute... that voice sound familiar.

Adult Neptune: Wait!

Purple Heart: That's...?!

Adult Neptune: You can't! Anything but that...!

Suddenly, a mysterious light started to brighten up as King Dedede said.

King Dedede: Aaaah, the bright light!

And with that, the CPUs, Candidates, Kirby, and his buddies cover their eyes as the light soon brighten up the stadium. As the light brighten up, a mysterious voice from before spoke up again saying.

???: Now, let us begin the reorganization of this world... this... Gamindustri.


We then cut into the next scene showing an office as the mysterious voice spoke up saying.

???: The world has been rewritten. Now, General Affimojas, what do you desire of this newly reorganized world?

We then see is a robot who is a large, elaborate and intimidating robot. And his name is Affimojas, the leader of Secret Organization AffimaX.

Affimojas: Wealth. I will require as much as I can possess.

???: ...Money, is it? It seems the greedy exist in any era. Are you planning on starting a war?

Affimojas: War...? Conflict that relies solely on arms is conflict of the days of old!

Affimojas: In this century, information wars reign supreme! Not only this, but information exists as both weapons and wealth simultaneously!

Affimojas: This is the very reason my secret association AffimaX exists!

???: I see... You're more of an intellectual than your appearance suggests.

???: But, it wouldn't be good of you to forget our promise, now would it?

Affimojas: Do not fear, I have not forgotten. I have already prepared the acquisition at your request. My subordinate is on the move.

???: Ah, yes, your subordinate... Steamax, was it? When will you introduce me?

Affimojas: He obeys me, and follows only my commands. I have no intention of him making your acquaintance.

???: How cold. And here I've lent you the few friends I have. But, it's fine, just obtain the item. I've waited so many years... do not make me wait any longer.

Affimojas: As you wish.

And so, Affimojas left the room in order to obtain the item that the mysterious person needs.

To Be Continued...

Who were those four people known as the Gold Third?

And what will happen to Kirby, Neptune, and their friends knowing that the light brighten the stadium out of nowhere?

Stay tuned and find out.

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