
Being kissed on the hand isn't an uncommon action to come across when you're Louis, being swooped away to formal gatherings and balls that his Mother and Step-Father have set up in the name of making Louis accustomed to socialising with his class. What class he was exactly, wasn't really known to Louis, but he's as high a class as any when it comes to Omegas which he still doesn't know is a good or a bad thing.

Being shoved into situations like that, dolled up in clothes that his mother deems appropriate enough and with a posture that one could only learn after years of attending The Elite Academy For Darling Omegas, Louis is use to the common greeting. But it's never felt more intimate than when Brendon had kissed his hand, because with Brendon, his kiss was so butterfly soft, with dancing mischief eyes and blush coated cheeks.

Louis watches as Brendon disappear down the eerily quiet street, an almost spring to his step and shoulders squared in a way that Louis has only seen Alphas from his distant family do just before an emerging brawl in the middle of his mother's parlour. The air of protectiveness, strength and rusted iron lingers behind, ghosting away into the wind with the pick up of breeze that runs through Louis' hair.

Being kissed on the hand by Brendon has never felt so intimate before, it's never felt more delicate or passionate as Brendon did as he took Louis' hand as if he was afraid to break it, kissed it as if afraid to bruise him, the feeling left behind a tingle in his hand and Louis doesn't wants that feeling to go away.

Because it's not just his hand that remains tingly from Brendon's butterfly soft kiss, but his stomach has yet to unravel from the gigantic mess of knots and ropes that it formed from the start of the night. His mind is a sort of foggy happiness that hadn't even disappeared after Louis had flared up in annoyance at Brendon's accusations, and for some reason, it just got stronger as Brendon loped his arm with his and told him he'd be taking him home.

And Louis isn't even sure where to start on the list of weird quirks and antics that Louis has seen in Brendon this night alone, but oddly enough, the more that Louis thinks about how Brendon talked to that Alpha in the club, the way he took control of his arm to take him home, how he walks with his shoulders squared and an aura of Don't touch me, it makes Louis' stomach do these weird flips and flops.

The smile that had been dancing upon Louis' pretty pink lips seems to slowly slip away as he comes to face the house that he's forced to call a home, isolated from the road, the neighbour and civilisation by unnecessary green land and a towering wall. A wall, as it seems, that was built to keep young omegas like himself inside where he belonged, too delicate and fragile for the outside world.

Rounding the house, Louis is entering the same way that he got out, a loose part of the fence leaving Louis access to slip in and out. It was only something that Louis had only notice himself a month back when he was taking his weekly sulk walk in the garden, the nailed rusted away and wood dead from age.

Louis knows all the crooks and crannies of the mostly abandoned garden that was once tended to by his mother or played in by his siblings, from where the sprinklers are placed to the sinking mud piles that Louis has lost many a shoe in. With that type of knowledge, Louis gets from the back of the large garden to his bedroom with ease, climbing onto the conservatory roof and scooting his butt across window ledges before falling through his open bedroom window and into the bedroom.

"And where have you been?"Louis yelps in surprise at the unexpected voice, jumping up from the ground he landed on just in time for a light to be switched on. The dim light from Louis' table lamp lights up the bedroom enough for Louis to make out his sister that sits at his desk, a leg crossed over the other and her emotion stone cold.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack,"He gasps, a hand dramatically pressed to his chest because yes, he can feel his heart practically threatening to escape his rib cage as it beats frantically.

"Good because you nearly gave me one,"Lottie hisses, standing up from the desk chair, her voice low and equally similar eyes cold with anger."How stupid are you to go out in the middle of the night on your own! You're an omega, you could've been killed!"

"The key word is could've."Louis says slowly, his voice low and quiet in order not to cause any ruckus because the least that he wants to happen is for his Mother or Step-Father to find out that the two of them are awake at this time of the night.

"This isn't funny, Louis. What if Mum had been the one to walk in and find that you were gone? The whole city would've been alerted on your disappearance, it would've caused a frenzy!"She's now standing in front of Louis, her blonde hair tied up into a messy pony tail and face free of make up, both at the same height as one another.

"Anything an omega does causes chaos. An omega stubs her toe is Leeds and it causes a frenzy in Cardiff, what's the big deal? I went out, on my own, for the first time in my life and other than the fact I nearly got groped, I had a good time."

"Who touched you?"

"I don't know and it's not a big deal,"Louis shrugs his shoulders, pulling off his hoodie and dumping it into a pile on his bedroom floor, knowing he'll have to hide it before his mother comes into the bedroom. The only way he had gotten the hoodie in the first place was through one of his beta friends and his mother doesn't even know it exists.

"It's not a big deal; of course it's a big deal! You could've got hurt, or worse!"

"Lottie, look at me. I am fine."

"Other than the fact that an alpha touched you up."

"For a second!"

"He could've-"

"Oh my God, You're worse than mum."Louis flops onto he bed, hands covering his face with the urge to scream at the brim of his throat at the constant questioning that his younger sister is giving him. He's had worse interactions with his mother, of course, but having to deal with it a second time with a sibling who he's close with his very annoying."Nothing bad happened, I didn't get hurt, or raped, or kidnapped, or drugged, I didn't even get to taste beer before the guy took me out of the club-"

"A guy? What guy? Was he an alpha? Of course he wasn't, I can't smell an alpha on you, so he was a beta?"

"Whoa, wait, back up."Louis is suddenly sitting up, hands out stretched in a universal signal for stop as he glowers at Lottie who has perched on the side of his bed, nose turned up with a cautious sniff of his wrist. She only visibly relaxes when the soft scent of summer breeze and freshly washed clothes, of Louis' pure scent, finds its way to her nose.

"Back up to which part?"She frowns, grabbing hold of Louis' other wrist to check his scent.

"All of it."He deadpans, oceanic blue eyes narrowed and shaking off his worried looking sister, scooting to the headboard of his queen sized bed. The sheets are fresh and new, soft from detergent and smelling clean, a familiar scent that Louis is grateful for, especially with how his head is swimming still with Brendon's linger scent of rusted iron and cigarettes.

"You started it,"She points out innocently, crossing a leg over the other as she tightens her ponytail. She hasn't taken her eyes off of Louis, almost as if afraid that her brother is going to make another run for it and get himself hurt, you never know when it comes to omegas and how easily it is for them to become targets.

Sometimes, Louis has to remind himself that he isn't the only omega in the family, because as much as Lottie isn't as guarded ( be where god knows there's enough female omegas floating about ) as Louis is, she's as much a threat to society like he is. She's still a scarce race, built in a more delicate frame with more heightened emotions and it pains him to watch the look of fear in her eyes or the change of scent around her at the thought he might venture outside on his own again.

"Only because you pushed me into telling you."He points out, bringing his knees up to his chest and hugging them, eyes trained on Lottie who rolls her eyes at how coy that her brother is acting.

"Oh please, you're bursting to tell me. You're practically vibrating, whether that's from lust or nerves who knows, but tell me!"She gives a little bounce on the edge of the bed, making Louis throw his arms up dramatically into the air.

"Okay, okay, it's an omega, alright?"He's blushing all the way to the tips of his ears, face a roaring red from embarrassment, an image of Brendon's cunning smirk and mischief looking eyes bright in his head and making his skin tingle and heart beat a bit faster in his chest.

"An omega?!"

"Shhhh! Jesus Christ, do you want to wake up Mum?"Louis is quick at pouncing, his hand clasping over Lotties mouth with incredible quickness, eyes wide and face tinged red, all the way to the tips of his ears."Yes, he's a bloody omega, a strange one mind you, but I don't know Lottie, I like him y'know?"

"Get off of me-"She huffs, batting away her brothers hands and pushing him away until he's falling back into the bed with a bounce."What do you mean you like him? You've only know him an hour!"

"People haven fallen in line way quicker than that-"

"You're in love with him?!"Her voice is even louder this time and Louis wears that he hears the floor boards creek in the hallway at the loudness of her voice, something that makes him flap his hands in panic, eyes wide and round.

"Jesus Christ, no! Will you let me speak?"He seethes,"I like him, he's different, he's weird and strange in that good sort of way, y'know? He's everything text-book alpha but in an omega body and with an omega nature about everything. He's...sweet."

Lottie scrunches up her nose, shaking her head."He sounds weird."

"Exactly, but in a good way."Louis beams.

"No, in a weird way."She goes to stand up, allowing her eyes to cast up and down at her brothers form, watching the way that a frown seems to replace the beaming smile that had been on his face, hands tucked under his knees."I don't want you to leave like that again, especially not to go meet this guy, whatever his name is."

"Well actually,"Louis huffs, brushing a hand through his hair as he peers at his sister."I'm going out with him tomorrow night."

"The hell you're not!"

"Lottie, I'm 19 Years old."Louis deadpans.

"And you're an omega, you could've been-"

"Oh don't start with the could've shit, again."The omega rolls his news back into the bed headboard with a groan, fighting the urge to bang the back of his head off of the headboard behind him.

"-Not to mention,"She continues as if her older brother hasn't just cut her off,"Two omegas are more likely to be attacked than one."

"That's the point, we weren't! Alphas and betas practically ran away from him, nobody dared to come near us when he walked home, he was the one to take me home, walk me home, better than any alpha spider done."Louis finds himself defending Brendon, an omega he barely knows, to his sister who continues to look at him with little to no amusement.

"I like him, he's different. I got a taste of what it's like to be outside of these god forsaken walls on my own and as much as it's scary, it was exhilarating. I'm going out with him tomorrow night whether you think it's a good idea or not."Louis' face is set.

"Don't expect me to cover for you."Lottie says after a moment of drawn out silence, her voice containing an undertone of playfulness, something that makes Louis relax at the reassurance at his sisters support. He knows that whether Lottie likes the fact he's leaving the house on his own or not, she'll not sell his soul to their parents."Don't forget to call Brendon."

"How do you know his name?"The omega on the bed has a slight heart in mouth type of moment, eyes wide.

"It's written on your hand, dumbass."Is the last thing that Lottie says, rolling her eyes before she leaves Louis' bedroom, closing the door as she leaves. Louis is bringing his hand up to look at the name that's sprawled in messy hand writing on the back of his hand, Brendon Urie, followed by what Louis presumes is his phone number.

The smile is back on his face, twitching at his lips and hurting his cheeks as he looks at the sprawl of numbers that's inked onto his skin, wanting so desperately to pick up a phone and call. The only phones in the house are situated downstairs, 1 in the hallway, another in the parlour and lastly in Marks study. He'll figure out a way to contact Brendon in the morning, he's already been lucky he hasn't been caught this night.

Please tell me what you thought of this chapter!

I'm slowly but surely building up on the length of the chapters.

On Louis' lasting feelings for Brendon?

On Louis and lotties relationship?

How are you liking this so far?



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