"-and then I said 'You bring that knot anywhere near my ass and I'll rip it off with my fucking teeth' and the Alpha, Frank or whatever I can't remember his name but he was short as fuck okay, a real punk wannabe, looked so fucking furious, Y'know? And I mean, who wouldn't be, an omega had just rejected him in a room filled with his raging hormonal pals and threatened to rip off his knot."
Brendon pauses, taking a swig of the ice cold beer that's been cradled in his hands as he tells the Betas that sit before him the latest tale in Brendon Uries book of encounters with Alphas. He's perched on a booth table, legs spread between a young flustered beta who had no idea how to react to the handsome omega that's opening themselves up to them in the most casual way that's possible.
Despite Brendons position, the beta is wise enough not to make an approach. He's been listening to Brendons tales of Alpha encounters all night and he's not naive enough to make a move towards an omega who has turned down every Alpha that has ever approached him.
The club is at its usual booming peek for a Saturday night, a mixture of Alpha and Omega pheromones tainting the air with a musky stiffening scent, almost suffocating to the young adults that populate the club if they weren't use to it. Brendon is use to it, the sweat, the pheromones, the stench, it's in his blood, attacking his nostrils just the way that he likes it.
Brendon lets his eyes scan the busy crowd, eyes lingering on the sweating bodies of sex hungry young adults, intoxicated with alcohol and mind bliss with the fake fog of happy hormones that would make an omega or Alpha believe that they enjoy whatever act they have gotten themselves caught up in.
"And did you?"An intrigued beta asks, almost learning forward in her seat to know more about Brendons latest encounter with a raging hormonal Alpha. They've gathered around the handsome Omega in a weekly social gathering to hear of the tales that Brendon is willing to share for the price of a couple of beers.
"Did I what?"Brendon raises his eyebrow, snapping his attention back to the gathering crowd that has seemed to form since the beginning of the night. It makes him feel superior, to have these betas almost begging for details, information, like a junkie would beg for his last hit before a promised quit that never happens.
"Rip his knot off with your teeth. Did you do it?"
"Nah, he had been a right baby face, newly presented by the smell of him and with the idea that the world was his oyster drilled into his head."Brendon makes a motion with two or his fingers towards his head, in an indication."Never seen a pack of Alphas move so fast in my life, the smell of embarrassment had been so tangy that it'd been almost enjoyable."
"Almost."Brendon confirms what the betas have heard, taking a swig from his beer and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand in a manner that should be deemed unattractive, unomega-like. He sighs, repositioning his legs so that a converse cladded foot rests upon the flustered betas thigh."It wasn't as satisfying."
"How is making a pack of alphas flee not satisfying?"A beta leans back where they sits in the booth, shaking their head at the omega. Making an Alpha flee is one thing, a group of them takes magnificent skill, with the right words.
Brendon rolls his head to look at the young beta, obviously new to the elite group gathering. They're cute, just about hitting the legal mark with soft young features.
"Because,"Brendon smiles not unkindly at the beta, repositioning himself so that his body is turned to look at the them."The Alphas were practically babies in an ageing world, they were naive, just like anyone is after their presentation. What fun is there scaring babies? None. It's like shouting boo at a kitten. Older Alphas, that's a different matter."
"Imagine the most burlily alpha that you know, a proper text book Alpha with the stone cold look in their eyes, reeking of pheromones. You have no idea the satisfaction you'd feel to make an alpha like that flee, to reek of nothing more but embarrassment and violation, especially while being in the position of being an omega. It's such a superior feeling to have that power to make an alpha stench of shame."
"But why would you want to do that?"
"Why would I not? What have Alphas done for me? Done for Omegas? Fuck all but use us, beat us, breed us, rape us, while they sit up on some type of golden pedestal."Brendon rolls his shoulders, sitting up straighter."They don't feel ashamed, they're encouraged, it's been drilled into their heads that this is the way that you treat Omegas, that they're nothing more but bitches to be bred."
The omega pauses, eyes casting towards the betas that listen on in interest, eager to hear the rest of what Brendon has to say. It made Brendon feel useful, to provide a type of entertainment that didn't consist of him taking off his clothes or grinding on his alpha band members as he places around a stage.
"So having this power, this advantage to make Alphas, who are lead to believe in the society that we live in that they're in charge, flee, to make them stink of shame and embarrassment is pleasing. You're taking away their status slowly and then all at once, throwing it back in their face that they're not as inferrer as they think they are."Brendon raises his bottle of beer at the betas, offering them a smile, his eyes landing on the beta who has asked the question in the first place."That's why."
The conversation dies down to a murmur after that, breaking off into separate conversations amongst themselves as Brendon finishes his beer. It's still early, the club remaining at its booming peek and the toxic pheromones still tainting the air.
Brendon had learned long ago of his secondary sexuality, it hadn't been a hard thing to discover and soon after a couple of messy, blurry nights spent under the sheets, Brendon knew that he was only attracted to Omega Males. It was odd, and so it should be because Brendon himself is pretty odd, especially for Omega standards, so being only attracted to omega males was just something else to add to that oddness.
As much as Brendon wishes that it was, the world isn't as liberal as it should be for this time and age. Omegas still fighting on the street for their civil rights, Alphas are still seen as the Dominant, overbearing race and the Betas are still pushed aside as the outsiders of the world. It was beyond backwards, because they should be moving forward, accepting that Omegas love Omegas, that not all Alphas are as text book as they use to be, but the world hasn't changed and Brendon fears that it never will.
"Another round?"He offers, shaking his empty beer bottle in the air to gain the attention of the other betas. There's a round of cheers because yes, of course everyone is going to want another round Curtesy of Brendons spilling bank account.
Hoping off of the table, Brendon wiggles himself through the crowd until he reaches the bar, nudging a couple of alphas that are engaged into a conversation out of the way so he can lean over the bar and call for the bartender. They're on a first name basis, Brendon is a regular and often leaves a generous tip that also goes a long way.
"Another round,"Brendon flashes the tanned blonde a smile, body leaning over the bar in a seductive manner that has all eyes landing on his ass. Reaching into his back pocket, Brendon holds his credit card between two fingers, handing it to the beta bartender."Put it on my card."
The bartender takes it with a nod, knowing the groups round off the top of his head and will have someone send them down to the table. As he waits, Brendon dances his fingers against the wood of the bar, glancing up and down the bar in boredom.
"I told you no. Now please leave me alone."A quivering voice is asking from somewhere down the bar, causing Brendon to turn his head in the direction of the voice in curiosity. It's not rare to have alphas cornering omegas up in bars and clubs, chatting them up, feeling them up.
His eyes are landing on the omega that's clearly in distress, the scent lost in the mixture of hormonal stenches that taint the air of the club, but it's evident on his face and posture. They look so out of place, dressed in tight white jeans and a pastel purple jumper that seems to drown the small, delicate looking omega.
"A little omega like you shouldn't be on your own in a place like this,"The Alpha tuts, emerging closer to the small omega and nearly pressing him up against the wooden bar. They're a mans man, large in stature and an ego to match with attractive features. The omega whimpers and Brendon is pushing himself away from the bar, catching onto the Alphas movements."If you come home with me, you won't be on your own, I'll keep you safe sweetheart."
"Thanks for waiting on me, babe. You know how Dallon can get, talking on forever. I hope you didn't get bored on your own."Brendon swoops in beside the distressed omega, snaking a friendly arm around the small omegas waist and pulling him into his side.
The alphas eyes widen in confusion, backing a way from the pair as he looks between the two, caught in his act. The omega looks at Brendon, a mixture of surprise and thankfulness in his eyes but not making any movement to pull away.
"Are you okay babe?"Brendon raises his eyebrow at the omega, almost indicating for him to play along with the act. The unnamed omega is swallowing thickly, nodding his head and scooting a little closer to Brendon, looking for the protection that the omega is radiating.
"I'm good,"They nod their head, taking a heavy sigh and a shaky smile."It's okay, I know you haven't seen him in ages so you're forgiven for abandoning me."
"Hmm,"Brendon hums with a smile, keeping his arm around the omega as he looks up at the alpha who remains standing in front of the pair of engaging omegas, unsure of what to do. Brendon looks him up and down, eyebrow raised and lips pursed in a straight line."Can I help you? Or do you just seem to have an interest on feeling up taken omegas?"
"He doesn't smell taken."
"An omega is taken when they say they are taken."Brendon snaps, his hand tightening around the omegas waist in protection whenever the alpha starts to square up."You're a taken Alpha, by the wedding ring on your finger and the smell of omega on your clothes, 3 pups on the way it seems. Save yourself and go home, you're unwanted here."
The Alpha looks like he's about to say something more on the matter, start a riot in the middle of the club and cause a scene but he decides to take the smart option, giving the pair of omegas one last dissatisfied glance before he turns and storms through the crowd of dancing, sweating bodies.
"Fucking Alphas, they think they can do whatever the fuck they want, who they want."Brendon swears, removing his arm from where it had been snaked around the unnamed omegas waist, taking a respecting step away from him.
"W-why did you do that?"They ask quietly, voice timid and full of confusion.
"Did what?"
"Cover for me, pretend that you know me."
"Because why wouldn't I? You were in distress and that Alpha was being a fucking dick and no omega should be caught up in a situation like you were."Brendon looks sympathetically at the omega who's looking down at the drink in his hands."And us omegas have to stick together, yeah?"
"T-thank you."They breathe out, chest shuddering."I-I'm not very good at these types of situations, it's my first time, being in a club."
"Everyone has their firsts, don't worry. At one time, I was the one in your situation."Brendon reassures, offering the unnamed omega his hand to shake."I'm Brendon."
"Louis,"Louis introduces himself, allowing his hand to slip into Brendons in a handshake that makes the blood run to Brendons cheeks. The omega finally looks up, oceanic blue eyes locking with the soft Brown of Brendons and fuck, he forgets how to breathe because this omega that stands before him is so beautiful, so pure in every way possible, with his oceanic blue eyes and sharp cheek bones and the way that his freckles dust across his skin so perfectly.
And Louis is perfect, everything that Brendon isn't.
Please tell me your first thoughts on this chapter!
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