
Not going to lie to y'all but I wrote a good chunk of this while I was well lit on Christmas Day so the quality of the writing might've looked good to me when I was lit but idk about it now. Anyway, Merry *late* Christmas and I hope you enjoy!

"-The Dawson's at twelve, their son is immaculate, Louis, he will adore you. I expect you to be dressed accordingly, I'll have Ms Horan help you pick suitable clothing, none of these jeans that you keep badgering on about. Trousers, if you must, I really do think you look prettier in more feminine things, Darling. Louis, are you listening to me?"

Louis' head immediately turns to look at his Mother who is sitting opposite him at the dining room table, a leg crossed over the other and a stern, disapproving look on her face. Her hair is pinned back into a neat bun, a charming expensive pearl necklace laced around her neck, her engagement ring, big with a diamond and jewel, presented on her ring finger and it's those details that Louis always finds himself looking at when he's in his mother's company.

It's not as if Louis can't stand the sight of his mother, she's a remarkably incredible looking woman and she knows it in a way that she isn't vain about it, but with years of being lectured like an ill-tempered toddler that doesn't know right from wrong you've gotten to know the tricks of how to pay attention without actually looking at his mother in the eyes.

Alone time was a rarity to come across when you're an omega with a price tag around his neck and a virgin hole that's awaiting his arranged Alpha, and it's moments like these, where his Mother tries to get him interested in the latest young alpha with the best kind of knot and a lot of royal money, that makes Louis disbelieve the fact that he is supposedly arranged to be married. Sometimes, he thinks, that maybe his parents want him to choose a suitor instead of it being chosen for him, a fact that Louis knows is no where near the truth.

His mother just likes to see him mingle, to get flustered and embarrassed and in most cases, make a scene that ends with an alpha with a vulnerable sore pride and an omega that has to be taken out of the grand hall by escorts. If it isn't morning lectures and daily plans at 8 a.m, it's luncheon with a Royal-Blood Alpha family, and if it's not that, it's being dolled up and dragged along to Gallas and Balls while simultaneously being engaged by raging pheromone Alphas and ignored by the rest.

Louis blinks, realising that he's failed to answer his mother despite the snappy question she asked moments ago. She's staring, cold blue eyes and pursed lips.

"Why am I not free to choose what I want to wear? Surely Lottie and yourself can wear anything you desire, and here I am having my own clothes picked out for me as if I'm unable to gather enough brain cells to choose myself."There's no venom behind Louis' voice, just sadness.

Since the day and hour he was presented, simple tasks like choosing his own clothing and going out into the garden was deemed unsuitable and unable to be accomplished by his parents. There had been maids, cooks, companions, all specially chosen and specially for Louis, to clean his room, cook his food, choose his clothes, accompany him on walks in the garden.

His sisters have more or less gotten the same treatment, although less guarded than Louis and protected behind the privately owned, high tech-security walls of The Elite Academy For Darling Omegas that both Louis and Lottie have previously attended already. It's where they are now, actually, with Lottie in private study somewhere in the large mansion type home and his three younger siblings at boarding.

"Louis,"And god, sometimes Louis hates the way that she says his name, with so much disappointment that he knows that she tries to hide but she's never been a discreet person when it comes to her children. His name always sounds so blunt, dull, as if it was only chosen just to suit the purpose of snappiness.

"I know, I know; Louis, you're a scarce, delicate and vulnerable race and we only want the best for you and your future."The young omega is reciting, straightening his back, lifting his chin and pulling his best impression of his Mother's voice as possible.

"If you 'get the message' then why do you constantly need to ask, Louis? Honestly, sometimes I think that your brains do not reflect the grades you received from your education."

"Brains don't matter when all you're bred for is to breed, isn't that the old saying, Mother?"Louis has the poster-child look of innocence on his beautiful features, blue eyes wide as he leans into his open palm, looking across the dining room table at his mother and almost radiating with glee when he watches the look of disgust on his mother's face.

"Why can't you be quiet and polite, instead of being so vulgar."


"Whatever smart answer that you have came up with, I don't want to hear it. Change this attitude, Louis, your step-father won't be happy and you do remember the last time he wasn't happy with you, don't you?"Louis' hand seems to freeze from where he was annoyingly tapping his finger nails against the polish of the fine wooden dining table, a chill in his bones at the faint reminder of the last time that he had made Mark extremely mad.

"Yes, Mother."His voice comes out smooth, unhitched, without emotion because young omegas don't show emotion in front of their superior, whether that be Mother, Step-Father, Mate or Teacher. He keeps his eyes down.

"Good."The word is sharp, snappy, an alternative to the word Louis that may or may not mean what people think that it means. Good."Get washed, Ms Horan will pick out your clothes and be down the stairs for no later than ten thirty."

She doesn't say anything more after that, turning her attention back to the book that she had been reading during breakfast, some cheesy off the shelf type of stereotypical romance novel between a hopeless, naive omegas and a brave burly Alpha. Louis makes his excuse not long after, finishing his morning cup of tea before making his way through the halls and stairways, the house it's usual eerily quiet other than the bustle of maids and chefs.

A wash is in order and Louis has mastered the act of washing quietly but throughout over the years of constantly being pulled from one grand mansion to the next, visiting possible suitor-to-be families and making small talk with a too-big-for-his-boots Alpha who is barely of age than Louis is. He's emerging from the bathroom squeaky clean, his scent so much brighter, it seems, after his wash.

"Don't touch that!"Louis is frantic as he races over to where Maura stands, fingers gracing over a note book, encrusted with jewels and the spine newly broken open, left open on the chest of drawers where Louis had last scribbled down the number and name of Brendon Urie before he frantically scrubbed off the ink from his hand that morning.

He hadn't forgotten about his venture outside last night, his hand still tingling from the kiss, head still swimming and chest still fluttering with nerves. Louis could still hear his voice in his ears, feel his touch around his arm where he lopped arms with the omega, see the dazzling grin on his lips, the smell of rusting iron and cigarettes that linger in the air. It was intoxicating, and Louis was still on a mission to contact Brendon and go to the concert.

"You never use your note book, you say it's tacky. What's changed?"She's looking at Louis with a raised eyebrow, a mother type of look that all mothers, whether omega, beta or alpha can behold and it takes the young omega squirm at the look.

"It is tacky, it's horrendous, but I needed paper."He snaps the book shut and shoves it into the top drawer of the chest of drawers, flickering his eyes over to look at Maura."And I at least have to sometimes look like that I like the gifts that my parents give to me, even if they are tacky and useless."

"Useless."She echoes, looking at the collection of dust gathering gifts that remaining sitting on top of Louis' chest of drawers, remaining in the very spots that they were placed in the first place. Most were gifts given from suitors-to-be, others from his parents for a birthday or Christmas and all were as useless and overly jewel encrusted as the other.

"You should take one, pawn it off. Then you'll have enough money never to work for my god-awful family ever again."

"I don't mind working for you, Louis. And I can't say anything ill about the remainder of your family, either."Her voice gets quieter as she gets further away, venturing into the walk in wardrobe that's built into his bedroom. Louis sits down onto the edge of his bed, freshly made by the maids the moment he had gotten up for breakfast and still wrapped in a towel.

"Are you accompanying us this afternoon?"The young omega asks instead, blue eyes flickering up as Maura re-enters the bedroom with the clothes that had been picked out, draping then neatly over the back of a chair and setting the shoes onto the ground. His clothes are expensive, custom made so that the material doesn't irritate an omegas delicate skin and hugging the curves in all the right places.

"No, but I'm going to send Niall along. Your mother approves of him enough to accompany you to luncheons. I think it's because she doesn't think he's a threat or a worry as he's a beta."Maura sighs just a little bit at her own words, looking over at Louis."As if being a Beta means that Niall isn't capable of anything an Alpha is. It makes me sick that people think that betas are so inferior because we aren't an omega or an alpha."

"I don't think that,"Louis makes sure to speak up, hand clutching around his towel to keep it not his body as he looks at Maura, wide eyes of innocence."I love Niall to pieces, and you too. You both teach me so much that I don't know, you have so much knowledge and experience in the world, unlike I do and I thrive to be just like you. You both inspire me to be a better person."

Maura and Niall have been in his life for as long as Louis presented all those years back, with Maura being hired as almost a second mother type of figure, in charge of his day-to-day business around the home and outings, and Niall has her son who Louis took a quick attraction to. They're both lovely people, with hearts of golds and sharp tongues and Louis wouldn't change them.

"You're too sweet to be a Tomlinson."

"I know,"

Louis changes and is ready in a short amount of time, dressed crisply in his outfit and a folded piece of paper slipped into the pocket of his trousers. The Dawson family a sure to have a phone that Louis can use as soon as he has sneaked away from the handsy Alpha and even weirder, Mother of the Alpha. It's the same routine with luncheons like this and Louis has prepared himself for the worse.

The young omega can hear Niall before he sees him, loud, boisterous and Irish as he's talking enthusiastically with one of the chefs about the latest hilarious scenario that's broken out in his culinary school that week, his mouth full of food because Niall has never learnt his table manners, even after years of sitting at luncheon tables.

"What are you waffling about now?"Louis has an amused expression on his face, ready to hear about everything that Niall has been blabbering on about, food falling out of his mouth and onto the plate below. The beta is clothed in a shirt and tie, a usual look that he goes for on luncheons like these and really, nobody really expects a beta to dress any more than this.

"About waffles actually. There was this one guy in class who thought he'd make a sweet and sour waffle by using sweet and sour sauce-"

"Niall, honey, I already know that I'm going to vomit today at luncheon, I really don't want to vomit twice."Louis says in all sincereness, pinning Niall with the same look that Maura had just pinned him with just moments before.

"Why do you think I'm eating now? Like fuck am I eating miniature cucumber sandwiches and mini quiche."Nialls entire face scrunches up in disgust, unfazed by Louis' look as he finishes off the rest of his messy sandwich, holding up part of it for Louis to try which the omega politely declines.

"Are you discriminating against mini quiche? Mind you, just because they are not a regular size quiche, does not mean that they lack flavour."Louis has endured all sorts of weird fancy foods, and as much as he hates it all, he has learned to hide his disgust until after the food has been served.

"They lack size, Louis. Who wants to eat mini foods and you can eat big foods. You posh twats and your minuscule fancy foods."He snorts, walking along side the omega through to the front hallway.

"Posh what?!"

"Nothing. I didn't say a thing, Madam."Nialls face has flushed an embarrassed pink at being caught out on his cruising, forbidden in the Tomlinson Mansion but a habit that Niall can never get out of him. Louis has to hold back a snort of laughter at the flushed on Nialls face.

"I would hope not. Keep your language in check, Mr.Horan."Nialls entire body seems to straighten at the mention of Mr.Horan, a title that he only gets called by in this household, so foreign to his ears but respectful too."Are you ready, Louis?"

And no, Louis isn't ready because he'd rather not be ready to begin with. He'd rather not be dragged across England to meet royal-blooded Alphas with a rod up their backside and an massive ego to make up for what they lack in the knot department. Louis would rather not be controlled, told what to do, what to wear, where to go, who to talk to. But this is his life, dictated by a controlling mother and a step-father that can't bare the sight of him, arranged to be married to an unknown Alpha that Louis isn't even sure exists.

"Yes, Mother."

This is just a build up chapter, I will have it a lot longer in the neck chapter. I'm trying t make the chapters longer, so that day is maybe 3-4 chapters instead of jumping time-lines which can get really boring to write and read.

Please tell me your opinions of this book?

What is your opinion on Louis' relationship with his Mother?

On Maura and Niall?

Do you think Louis and Mark have had bad experiences? What do you think that is about?


Peace ✌🏼

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