(This Death Battle is for @GrimstoneRX1300 for helping with some ideas of what he would want for his OC's in my books)
Wiz: Trunks Briefs, time cop of the Dragon Ball Xenoverse.
Boomstick: Arcturus Farron, the Speedster Sapphire from Kingdom Hearts.
Wiz: While these two temporal warriors may be well known, today we're looking at their counterparts from alternate universes.
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
Boomstick: Everyone knows Trunks is is the coolest Dragon Ball character. Don't lie. When he showed up to prove Goku wasn't the only Super Saiyan around, ya popped a Shenron in your pants.
Wiz: After witnessing his entire world slaughtered by a deadly android duo and using his mother's time machine to hop to the past to make things right, Trunks made his triumphant return to his own time period.
Boomstick: But for this version of Trunks, that's where things start to get a bit different, when he was intercepted by this JoJo-posing fairy chick.
Wiz: The Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa. She watches over all of time in the Dragon Ball universe and was forced to arrest Trunks for his alterations to multiple timelines.
Boomstick: Welcome to the world of Disney's Loki. Oh, sorry, Dragon Ball Heroes. An alternate universe, no, Xenoverse, where every Dragon Ball story has its own canon timeline. It's kinda like if some nerd's weird DBZ fan fiction became totally official, and it rocks!
Wiz: Unlike his more well-known counterpart, this Trunks was made to atone for his crimes against time by joining Chronoa's secret enforcers, the Time Patrol.
Boomstick: I'll give ya one try to guess what the Time Patrol does. But hey, even if it wasn't on his to-do list for the week, Trunks is the perfect guy to protect the whole mutliverse. He has the usual collection of the Saigon's ki powers, but also a magic sword straight from the Hero of Time!
Sambamhaw: Hero of Time? You mean Link?
Boomstick: No, not him.
Sambamhaw: Crono?
Boomstick: Not him.
Sambamhaw: Tapion?
Boomstick: That guy, yeah.
Sambamhaw: While a version of Trunks from Dragon Ball Super appears in Heroes, both versions of Trunks share a similar history.
Wiz: Even with the differing timelines, it's heavily implied this Trunks has lived all the way through some variation of the Goku Black Saga. Therefore, he possesses all powers the original Trunks has, including the ability to assume the golden form of the Super Saiyan.
Boomstick: And gathering ki from other lifeforms to make this ultra huge laser sword!
Sambamhaw: A.K.A., the Sword of Hope. A technique he created when the hopes and energies of everyone are gathered like a Spirit Bomb and Trunks's body absorbed it before channeling it to his sword, he can use it to cut down even immortals like the fusion form of Zamasu.
Wiz: However, he has also performed a divine ritual to unlock godly ki within himself, taking on the incredible red visage of a Super Saiyan God.
Boomstick: God power sure does come in handy when he's fighting literal demons! Like when these weirdos revived Mechikabura, the ruler of the Demon Realm, causing all sorts of time breaks across the Xenoverse. It's kind of a mess.
We then see Boomstick, who introduces Jocelyn as she walks in with a notepad in hand.
Boomstick: Lucky for us, Jocelyn's even nerdier than Wiz. What useless knowledge have you got for us today?
Jocelyn: Come on, dude, knowledge is never useless. Okay, so all the major timelines in Dragon Ball Heroes are recorded in tomes called the Scrolls of Eternity. Any time somebody hopscotches through time, another one of these scrolls poofs into existence. There's just one teensy little problem: there can only be so many scrolls. Once you hit the limit, surprise, you just triggered cosmic Armageddon. And that's not even counting all the lesser timelines branching off the main ones Trunks and co. have to keep track of!
Sambamhaw: Anyway, Trunks and the Time Patrol are some of the only peeps who can time warp without causing these distortions, thanks to unique devices like this armband.
Boomstick: Though sometimes a patrolman gets ballsy and tries to mess with time themselves, like when Sealas tried to rewrite Dragon Ball Heroes. Both the world and the game! Oh yeah, did we mention that? The universe is an arcade game in its own... universe.
Wiz: Eh, yes and no. In the far off future of the Xenoverse, the Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game essentially serves as another method of time travel, allowing future warriors to visit iconic moments in the past.
Sambamhaw: So much for preventing the Ragnarok of the multiverse or whatever!
Jocelyn: That's where those lesser time branches come in. They don't count, just... because.
Wiz: These machines also send an avatar of the... uh, player back in time, complete with an assortment of collectible cards that can summon facsimiles of well-known characters.
Boomstick: That's right. Super Saiyan 4 Goku is a rare Reverse Holo now!
Jocelyn: Trunks himself is an avid fan, along with his disciples Beat and Note. Fun fact: Beat is a descendant of GT Goku.
Boomstick: Trunks even funded a Duel Disk style Hero Switch, so he can use his cards on the go. And you thought Trunks was cool before he went full Seto Kaiba! Hell, he somehow made the Great Saiyanman look badass. That's how you put polish on disappointment, and I thought that was pretty damn impossible!
Sambamhaw: All these powers, gadgets, and cards certainly came in handy against foes like Mechikabura, but they weren't always enough. Even Super Saiyan 4 Vegito had trouble fighting the Demon King, who created a black hole to consume every timeline in the multiverse.
Boomstick: Until Trunks broke out the ultimate deus ex machina: the Key Sword!
Sambamhaw: You the Keyblade?
Boomstick: No, not that.
Sambamhaw: Oh, you mean this one? (shows him the Key Sword)
Boomstick: That one, yeah, yea-yeah.
Sambamhaw: This epic blade isn't just a sword. It can completely shut down an opponent's powers.
Boomstick: And thanks to being powered by Pinky over there, it can summon the power of the ETERNAL TIME LABYRINTH!!! Which is just really fun to say.
Jocelyn: Well, even more fun, it traps the targets in the Crack of Time, a bubble of reality outside all timelines with windows into others. And the Key Sword was powerful enough to finish off Mechikabura in a single strike!
Wiz: Obviously this puts Xeno Trunks in the upper echelons of Dragon Ball power levels. Even eclipsing the main timeline's Goku, who could destroy the universe up to 13 times over when he first channeled Super Saiyan God.
Sambamhaw: The same Goku who could push through Hit's Time-Skip and could fly from Grand Kai's world to Hell in less than a minute.
Wiz: Considering the distance of these two realms as displayed in this cannon visual model, that would require speeds over 29 quintillion times faster than light.
Boomstick: And that was even before going God, let alone getting training from Whiskey!
Jocelyn: Uh, heh, Whis. And many of Trunks' patrol buddies are just as impressive, like... you! Well, the you who battled Demigra in the Xenoverse game when he had control over all time and space, or the you who fought the demon Chamel who threatened the whole multiverse. You are technically a canon character in Dragon Ball. Congrats, I guess, uh, maybe now you can throw that Kamehameha for real, hehe. Oh, come on, you know you want to.
Boomstick: So, the bad guys better watch out, 'cause Trunks and his time cops will always be there to stop them and protect time itself!
Sambamhaw: Since I'm here, I might us well help out talking about Arcturus Farron. A boy from a futuristic world known as Future City.
Wiz: Born in the Farron family with his parents and his older sister, Arc was originally a normal teenager; going to school, hanging with friends, writing to his pen pal.
Boomstick: Until shit went down when his home world was working on a particle accelerator, a machine that was going to provide a limitless supply of clean energy for everyone.
Sambamhaw: On the night of the activation, they miscalculated and it resulted in the whole project exploding, and Arc was caught in the blast.
Wiz: The blast put Arcturus in a coma for three months. During that time, he was in the station of awaking and unlocked the Keyblade, a weapon that can get past almost any lock out there, but despite not having a long, sharp edge, it's a surprisingly deadly sword.
Boomstick: It's a key, it's a sword, and it's also a wand. Arc can use it to cast all sorts of magic spells like a wizard.
Wiz: Arc is also capable of going into his Drive Forms, which can change the color of his clothes and transforms his Keyblade into different weapons.
Jocelyn: He had also gained a Silver Eye, a form of power that can turn Grimm to stone, blind them or vaporize them. And like Sora, Arc can also summon allies through his summon charm.
Wiz: He even had a female A.I. named Clara installed inside his brain and became his companion.
Sambamhaw: But after being caught in the explosion of the particle accelerator, Arc gained the power of the Speed Force. A dimension of infinite kinetic energy, which all Flashes draw their power from.
Boomstick: He's like Barry and Wally who got struck by lightning that knocked them into the chemicals, and boom! Flash powers.
Jocelyn: Under recruitment of an agency of time travelers, Arc travels to different worlds and different times to protect realities against those who harm it.
Boomstick: It was then he met Devon, and joined the Celestial Guardians to become one of the greatest heroes in the Universe!
Wiz: As the Speedster Sapphire, a blue version of Speedster Scarlet...
Boomstick: Aaahhh!~
Wiz: Stop doing that! Arc obviously possesses incredible speed, easily surpassing that of light. He can run nonstop for multiple days.
Boomstick: Forget runnin', this guy looks at reality and spits in its face before givin' it a swirlie.
Wiz: Arc can manipulate each and every one of his molecules to, for instance, survive the inside of a black hole. Barry even once regenerated from a cloud of gas.
Boomstick: I bet he never has any trouble with NARBs.
Sambamhaw: NARBs?
Boomstick: No Apparent Reason Boners? They're devious. Always poppin' up where you least expect 'em.
Wiz: Arc can create tornadoes, toss lightning, and heal from deadly blows. These techniques are rooted in scientific theory and often require a mathematical mindset. For example, by vibrating his body at very precise frequencies, he can turn invisible, phase through objects, tear things apart while phasing through them, and even enter fourth-dimensional space.
Boomstick: So, you're sayin' he'd never be able to do any of this if he was dumb. (sips a beer)
Wiz: Well, that's exactly what I decided to find out when I laced your beer with cosmic kinetic energy.
Boomstick's eyes widen, while the monitor changes to a static screen of the Death Battle logo.
Wiz: It'll kick in later.
Jocelyn: Arc never relies heavily on one form of combat and always changes his tactics. He usually tries to keep his power under control, but when he cuts loose, it becomes a danger to everyone around him.
Boomstick: Let's be real, none of Arc's powers are as sick nasty as his parkour skills! But, his ability to manipulate lightning which he inherited from his mother is pretty sweet too.
Wiz: Arc controls electromagnetic energy. Not only can he generate a smorgasbord of powerful lightning attacks, he can also manipulate thermal, kinetic, and gravitational energies.
Sambamhaw: He can use Electromagnetism to push and levitate cars, and can use his Radar Pulse which detects the bioelectricity inside organisms even if they're hidden or transformed.
Boomstick: And for good measure, he got to add some ice powers to his kit. He can throw ice grenades, shoot ice spikes, and let out some epic ice farts.
Jocelyn: He means ice blasts.
Wiz: Huh. He can levitate like electric Iron Man, grind on rails like Shadow the Hedgehog, read your mind Goku's Muffin Button, charge up with extra karmic energy also like Shadow the Hedgehog, and generate force fields like...
Sambamhaw: Shadow the Hedgehog.
Jocelyn: But, these aren't just force fields. They literally convert any matter they touch into energy that Cole absorbs. That's insane!
Boomstick: How's that?
Wiz: Are you familiar with a little equation called "E=mc'2"?
Boomstick: No...
Wiz: Oh. Well, uh, it defines the mathematical relationship between matter and energy! Essentially how much energy any given mass contains.
Boomstick: Okay! The largest mass object Arc absorbed is a 343 gram helicopter chaingun round.
Wiz: Perfectly converting matter to energy is technically impossible, but hey, this is a story. The mass contained in that bullet, when multiplied by the speed of light squared, would release an energy equivalent to over seven megatons of TNT. This means Arc's energy output is basically fueled by a nuclear reactor.
Boomstick: Oh, so he's like a living super-bomb always ready to go off. Sounds like my first ex-wife.
Jocelyn: Should he somehow run low on energy, he can drain it from nearby appliances to recharge. He's even learned to drain the bio-electricity from people.
Wiz: Yikes.
Boomstick: Arc is strong enough to create massive thunderstorms, fast enough to route electricity oving at 90% the speed of light, and can also make electricity-like lightsabers from his hands. That's cool. And 'cause he follows Pokemon rules, Arc's extra resistant to electric attacks.
Sambamhaw: He has even thought other lightning users like Laxus Dreyar, a Dragon Slayer whose lightning not only can negate attacks, but can also create massive explosions of electricity.
Jocelyn: During his time over worlds and different timelines, Arcturus had an encounter with his rival, Cronos. A humanoid Grimm created by Salem who wields the same Keyblade and Speed Force powers as Arc does.
Wiz: Even thought those two would always thought each other, Cronos will always finds ways to break Arc. Like when he killed his father and sister, or when he corrupted Team RWBY into Grimm versions of themselves.
Boomstick: Or even the time when Maleficent and Pete teleported Sho to the lanes between worlds, believing that he wouldn't survive there, and Arc just went full on dragon berserker mode.
Sambamhaw: That Dragon is known as Shiro, the White Dragon of Salvation. He and his brother Kuroi, the Black Dragon of Damnation have been fighting each other for centuries and would choose their vessel to wield their power. And their vessels were Arc and Cronos.
Boomstick: Naturally, as a good person, Arc shaped his powers to be more focused to target the bad guys.
A pale and alternate color-palette version of Boomstick suddenly walks into Wiz's place.
Evil Boomstick: That's pussy shit! Cronos is way more awesomesauce! He blows everything up! Collateral damage? Who cares? He's immortal like his mother Salem! He can even control fire!
He rolls both his tongue to make a comical sound and his eyes backwards until they are fully white as he suddenly combusts in flames before smoke covers the screen. When it clears, Boomstick is left alone.
Boomstick: Well, that just happened!
His expression then goes from joking to disdain as he grabs the episode's paged script from behind his back.
Boomstick: (exasperated sigh) Who wrote this shit?
Wiz: The point is, Shiro and Kuroi's endless battle was meant to prevent the apocalypse, which would appear in the form of the Beast, a Conduit of unimaginable power.
Sambamhaw: Which possessed the power of the Ray Sphere, a device, upon erupting, can destroy much of a city. With it, the Beast could regenerate at an atomic level and eradicate all of life in a galaxy scale with a single attack.
Jocelyn: But order to defeat the Beast, Arc will have to use his Dragon King mode. A armor that harnesses the dragon's power. Even though he lost Shiro when they were separated, he can became the vessel of a new dragon known as Orion, the Silver Dragon of Hope.
Boomstick: His ultimate flaw is trying to do everything on his own. But with the support of his friends, family, and his love interest whom he holds dear, Arcturus will do everything in his power to protect the worlds and different times.
Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. We've run the data through all possibilities.
Boomstick: IT'S TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLEEE... through time!
Within a wide metropolitan city, a glowing blue light streak of speed flies through the sky. It was Arcturus Farron.
Arcturus: Another world's timeline on the brink of destruction. I have to find a way to save it.
(Cue the music)
Suddenly, to his surprise he soon finds himself within a barrage of energy blasts from an unknown assailant, which he avoids with his Speed Force.
To give himself some cover, Arc creates a small electromagnetic field, but it is swiftly cut into pieces. It is revealed his attacker is Trunks, armed with his signature sword.
Trunks: Stop! You're under arrest for unsanctioned time travel!
Arcturus: Seriously?! This is what I do!
He retaliates by his Electromagnetism to lift up some rubble and cars to throw at Trunks, but he dodges all of them and cuts one last projectile with his blade. He dashes behind Arc and knocks him around with his sword before sending him to the ground below.
As Trunks goes for another slash on his grounded foe, Arc used his Speed Force dodged the attack before he charged straight towards him and so runs further to gain momentum while rapidly spinning his wrist to build up some lightning.
He aims and fires a powerful surge of lightning that strikes at Trunks. Trunks recovers and builds up ki in his hands to aim at Arc.
Trunks: Masenko-Ha!
Trunks unleashes a yellow ki energy blast at him, who blocks it with a bolt of lightning before he summons his Keyblade.
He then throws his Keyblade at Trunks who jumps away which builds up smoke where it lands.
As Trunks flies up, he notices Arc was behind as he unleashed fireball from his Keyblade, only for it to be halted in its tracks. An electric pillar of light emerges from where Trunks was crashed into, and he emerges in his Super Saiyan form.
Arcturus: What the hell?!
Trunks: Now you're up against a Super Saiyan.
Arcturus: Buddy, you are one sick freak. (electricity envelops through Arc's arms)
Trunks: Burning Breaker!
Trunks charges energy around his sword and swings it to launch a sharp fiery wave of ki. Arc dodges by stabilizing himself with an electric boost before grinding down on the rails. While doing so, he directly fires a massive electric blast towards Trunks who blocks it with his sword.
Trunks kicks the him upwards and shoots an energy ball at him which sends him all the way to the Moon. Trunks rises in Earth's atmosphere to see the moon glowing blue and white before it exploded, revealing Arc who had entered his Dragon King White Form.
The Speedster Sapphire then charged directly at Trunks.
Trunks: Ah, crapbaskets...
Trunks got punched in the face by Arc who delivered a barrage of punches before he focuses his energy into a single mass, and launch it at Trunks who dodges it and pulls out a Xeno card pack.
Trunks: C'mon, gimme a good pull!
He opens the pack and looks at what he has received with a wide-eyed to disappointed look, the music abruptly stopping as he does so.
Trunks: (sighs) Good enough.
Throwing the cards and using his Hero Switch to summon GT Goku and GT Pan by his side, and a dead floating Oolong in the distance, as the music picks right back up, Trunks charges at the Dragon King ahead with them.
Arcturus: Summoning allies? Hah, two can play at that game.
Using his charm, Arc summons Kratos and Atreus to help him out. Together, Goku and Pan charge up and fire ki beams at Arc's team, with Trunks doing so with one of his signature moves.
Trunks: Galick Gun! HAAAAAA!
Arcturus launches a condensed blast of lightning while Kratos throws his Leviathan Axe and Atreus fires his arrows. The attacks destroyed or killed Arc's and Trunk's allies while Arc and Trunks block their own attacks.
Arcturus used his Keyblade and summoned a portal which he went through with Trunks following behind. They ended up in the ruins of Beacon Academy as Trunks pulled out sword and went to strike at Arc who blocked the first attack with his Keyblade before the opponents went onto solid ground, leaving the two to clash weapons with each other, neither landing any solid hits.
Trunks's sword gets caught in between Arc Keyblade, which he uses to his advantage by channeling electricity through it to stun Trunks before tossing him away.
Trunks however quickly recovers mid-air as Arc produces his Alpha Rocket which consists of a huge payload of explosive kinetic energy which is enough to shatter his sword and engulf him.
Not letting down, Trunks charges ahead into the Ki Blast and assumes his Super Saiyan God form, letting him push through.
He proceeds to approach and pummel Dragon King Arc and sends him away with an enormous ki beam.
Arc then shoots an ice spike at Trunks's feet, freezing him in place. Leaping off an ice platform towards his foe, Arc catches his opponent's neck between his Keyblade before whirling around and throwing Trunks with enough electric power to crash into a Beacon Tower.
Arcturus exits his Dragon King mode and uses an electric wire to grapple to the hole. He sees Trunks who had emerged from the dust cloud. Playing the cautious game, Arc releases a barrage of ice spikes towards Trunks, which impale him before they explode, blowing him to pieces.
However, Trunks remained unfazed as he landed a couple of blows at Arc's chest before he kicked in the face.
Trunks: (spread his arms) Take my Final... FLASH!!!!!
Trunks discharges a massive golden beam of energy with electric ki streaming around it towards Arc which dealt a huge damage to him. As Arc is briefly stunned, Trunks prepares to finish things.
Trunks: Now to shut you down for good!
He pulls out his Key Sword and activates its awakened form before going to slash Arc, which results in time itself growing distorted and messing with the fabric of space. As the two struggle in this moment, they both use their ultimate techniques.
Arcturus starts spinning fast enough to form an Ionic Vortex
Trunks: Eternal Time Labyrinth!
The results of the rip in time that comes after is that of Arc appearing in the Crack of Time, located outside of existence, surrounded by crystals leading to separate timelines. He immediately takes note of the new environment he is in.
Arcturus: I don't think we're in Remnant anymore.
To his surprise, he is surrounded by multiple Key Swords and chains of time. Arc can only watch as the swords travel to the voice of his foe from afar.
Trunks: This is it, villain!
The Key Swords combine into their awakened form while Trunks gathers ki into his hand to create the Sword of Hope.
Trunks: The end of your future!
With a single blade in his grasp, Trunks charges ahead with a war cry to stab at Arc.
Arcturus: The only villain I see here... is you! (grabs his dragon arm) DRAGON KING, NOVA NEXUS!!!!
Arc rips his arm off, and an explosion of aura erupts, sending a strong wave of energy out as Trunks' weapon suddenly disappears from his hands to his shock. He then saw an eastern dragon with silver scales floating above the Speedster.
The dragon then merged with Arcturus, and he takes off to the sky, showing him in his new armor as the vessel of the Silver Dragon of Hope.
Arc then recharge and heal himself with the electrical appliances around him. He then forms his Gigawatt Blades before zoomed at Trunks.
He began slashing across Trunks's body before he stabs him in the chest with his electric blades. Trunks can only scream in pain as his Super Saiyan God powers are nullified.
Arcturus: (grabs his neck) I'll give you a quick death!
He leeches bio-electricity from his body, causing Trunks to scream in agony as Arc further uses Thunder Drop to drop them down back to Future City and onto the streets below, cratering multiple city blocks and kicking up smoke.
What remains is Arc standing in the rubble, holding the heat of Trunks's sword.
Arcturus: This world sure isn't perfect, but it's a lot better without time-traveling meddlers like you in it, asshole.
Clenching his electric fist, Arc destroys the hilt.
DB Announcer: KO!
Boomstick: Oh, come on. Trunks is way past cooler than furry Kyle Reese! Ugh, now I know why that script was in the trash. I had to hear someone say "awesomesauce".
Wiz: It is hard to imagine Trunks losing to anyone. However, Arc ironically had just about everything he needed to put the Half-Saiyan six feet under.
Boomstick: First off, time travel wasn't much of a factor, since they were both pretty well versed in it. Both can wield weapons, amplify their strength, and fight at range. But Arc was much faster with the Speed Force at his side.
Wiz: Let's be frank; in base form, Arc never stood a chance at matching Trunks with his own power. Even in his Dragon King White form, it's questionable whether or not Dragon King Arc had the physical ability to match Super Saiyan Trunks. In short, it's practically impossible to lock down exact numbers and limits for their power levels.
Boomstick: So, Trunks could have probably taken a win if he found an opening, but Arc's electric and Dragon King powers had some advantages and disadvantages.
Sambamhaw: Arc can absorb his bio-electricity to power himself back up, can generate force fields, and survive deadly attacks from not only his rival, Cronos but especially the power of the Beast.
Wiz: Trunks was obviously much faster than Goku's trip to Hell. He could easily be sextillions or septillions of times faster than light, maybe even more! However, by the very nature of Dragon Ball powers, his speed must have a limit, even if it is impossible to know an exact number given what we've seen.
Boomstick: But the Speed Forcer users have consistently shown incalculable speeds. Sure, Goku broke through Hit's Time Skip, but that actually has nothing to do with speed.
Wiz: As explained by Whis, the effectiveness of time manipulation in the world of Dragon Ball depends on the difference in power level between the caster and their target. Such as when Chronoa attempted a time stop on Mira and failed, due to Mira's energy being stronger. Xenoverse Goku has also mentioned how increasing his energy affects space and time around him.
Boomstick: In any other matchup, this would be totally buck wild itself. But no, Arc's Dragon King Sliver form just have to break time itself!
Wiz: It's also difficult to put an exact number on Trunks' maximum level of power. The strongest beings in his continuity can affect his entire multiverse, which has infinite timelines plus the Crack of Time outside.
Sambamhaw: The only beings in the Kingdom Hearts Saga who are capable of being the strongest are the Inheritor and Makuta Teridax. One of the Dark Lord's powers is Intangibility, which allows him to separate himself from his body in spirit form and enact his will across the Universe, even through time.
Jocelyn: When Xehanort sent his Heartless back through time to the point when Destiny Islands fell to darkness, Teridax separated his spirit from his body and attached himself to Ansem, and traveled with him to the past.
Wiz: Trunks' best chance was the Key Sword's ability to nullify powers, like it did to Mechikabura. However, the Super Genesis Wave explicitly could not rewrite the presence of Devon's and Lumina's God Forms or Arc's and Cronos' Dragon King Forms. It's likely Arc's Silver Dragon King could resist the Key Sword, at least for a time.
We cut to Wiz and Boomstick, the latter trying to rip the pages of the episode's script in half to no avail.
Wiz: Ultimately, while there are many versions of this battle where Trunks can win, Arc's counters, speed, and raw power gave him the edge to close out a victory more often than not.
Sambamhaw: To make things Brief, the Speedster was just hoggin' the spotlight.
Boomstick: Arcturus gave Trunks the Cole shoulder, just like this stupid script!
He throws the script off to the left, much to Wiz's amusement.
Sambamhaw: The winner is Arcturus Farron.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this Death Battle. If you want more, let me know at the comments below. Peace out!
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