Death Battle: Devon vs Sora
Hey guys, Sambamhaw here with my first Death Battle scene. Now this will be my first time doing these, so please bear with me and hope you enjoy this. In the meantime, I'll leave the rest to Wiz and Boomstick, the experts of Death Battle!
Wiz: Devon, the Legendary Keyblade Master and savior of the Universe.
Boomstick: And Sora, the Keyblade Wielder and Devon's best friend.
Wiz: Both are legendary heroes, having triumphed over evil and fought not just for their friends and loved ones, but for all worlds.
Boomstick: Their tales are unlike any other, but today, one of them gets the book closed on them. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!
Wiz: Once upon a time, there was a small child, full of promise, named Devon, a kind, caring, and affectionate person.
Boomstick: He was a boy who was born in the Celestial Realm in a family Keyblade Wielders. Until one day, his home was destroyed and invaded by Lord Thanatos and the Dark Lord of the Shadows who were responsible for killing his beloved parents.
Wiz: He was the last survivor as an orphan and was sent to Destiny Islands. He is great friends with Sora, Riku, and Kairi.
Boomstick: But unlike them, who had parents, Devon never really knew his parents nor what happened to them after he was brought here. Throughout his life, he has been under the care of his Uncle Richard and his Aunt Katherine. Poor kid's got pretty bad memory loss.
Wiz: Not exactly, it was more likely that his memories of his past life at the Celestial Realm or the Keyblade were being suppressed by his own self-consciousness.
Boomstick: God damnit! Why does it always happen?! Stupid writers...
Wiz: Then everything changed when he got separated from his friends and ended traveling to different worlds as a Keyblade Wielder. A warrior wielding key-shaped swords and mystical powers.
Boomstick: Through years of training and completing his Mark of Mastery. He became a noble, heroic, handsome young man with a heart full of pure light, a strong sense of justice, and unrelenting courage. Man, talk about a quick growth spurt.
Wiz: Devon was taught by The Inheritor, a wise, ancient, legendary, pure mystical entity of Light said to be the wisest and most powerful being and Keyblade Master in existence throughout the Universe.
Boomstick: Devon's Keyblade weapon of choice is the Soul Calibur, the most powerful of all Keyblades. Wait, did this guy copy the Spirit Sword: Soul Calibur from the Soul Calibur series?
Wiz: Anyway, Devon's Keyblade is a very special one that grants him skills, and magic abilities that exceed beyond those of all others. Formchange is one special ability that allows Soul Calibur to transform into different forms of weapons.
Boomstick: It can change into a Crystal Wand, a Crystal Staff, a Crystal Bow, a pair of Crystal Claws and Feet, a Crystal Great-sword, a Crystal Double-blade spear, and a pair of Crystal Wings?
Wiz: Devon is an immensely powerful Keyblade Master, whose skills and abilities are exceptionally considerable and commendable. He possesses immense strength, incredible agility, acrobatic skill, enhanced reflexes, and mystical magic powers which make him a force to be reckoned with.
Boomstick: He basically attacks in close combat with his Keyblade, but he's also great with magic, whether it be healing his friends, attacking his enemies, or even other tasks.
Wiz: Devon is known to be an exceedingly great user of Light-based magic powers. He can create crescent slashes, conjure blasts which acted like guided missiles, even fire orbs and beams throughout his hands. Though there is the exception he has unwillingly used Dark-based magic.
Boomstick: He also has extensive use of other mystic powers which includes Telekinesis, Manipulation, and Teleportation. He's a well-rounded person, always willing to work together with his friends.
Wiz: Devon is also well-known for his considerable luck having to survive the most dangerous, bloodiest, and deadliest battles against the Forces of Darkness. More than often, he risks his life and puts it before his own to save his friends and those he cares about.
Boomstick: And by those he cares about, he means Devon's own harem of women from different worlds who want to fuck him and have his children. I guess his cousin Derrick was right, he really is a lady's magnetic.
Wiz: Devon has inherited his light powers from his Mother Shara, a Keyblade Master who was the daughter of a Furien Dragon King, Drago, while inherited his darkness from his Father, Durcar, who is still alive but he now serves The Dark Lord of the Shadows as Lord Drazor, The Dark Knight.
Boomstick: Overwhelmed by immense sorrow and loss, Devon is cared for by his Night Fury Dragon, Luna. Overtime, Devon and Luna fell in love with each other, and they both now share a romantic relationship despite their species differences. Jeez, makes me wonder what kind of fetishes or tastes does he have for women.
Wiz: In terms of magic, Devon can cast simple spells like Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Water, Aero, Gravity, Cure, Magnet, Stop, but is also capable of using incredibly powerful ones like Firaza, Blizzaza, Thundaza, Waterza, Aeroza, Graviza, Curaza, Magneza, Stopza, and Ultima.
Boomstick: Other spells include Faith, Meteor, Tornado, Quake, Transcendence, Mini, Slow, and Sleep. For defensive spells, Devon uses Reflect to block most attacks, generating a spherical barrier of blue light with white transparent hexagonal panels around himself, but he can also use the more advanced version: Reflega to shield himself and his friends.
Wiz: Devon also has the ability to switch in and out of his Keyblade Armor simply by tapping a button on his left-gauntlet. In his armor, Devon can travel throughout the Lanes-Between and protect himself from the corruption of darkness.
Boomstick: But why stick with just his Keyblade and his armor, when he can wield other powers from some worlds he's been to. He can use Ice-Make Magic to create objects, weapons, and animals out of ice, wields Dragon Slayer Magic, a Lost Magic meant for slaying dragons with different elements, and Chronokinesis, which allows him to slow down, fast forward, and rewind time.
Wiz: Let's not forget about his unrivaled connection to the Force. He can apply it in three aspects: Control, Sense, and Alter; controlling all aspects of the body, sensing and utilizing his surroundings, and altering the environment.
Boomstick: Like the mind trick thingy! Oh-ho man, the terrible things I would do with that.
Wiz: When injured or exhausted, he can push his physical limits with the Force Body ability, and use Flash Burn to negate pain until he can mend his wounds with Force Heal.
Boomstick: Also, Devon uses the Force to move things with his mind, with almost no limits!
Wiz: Finally, Devon can use Shatterpoint to identify any possible weakness or fracture in a subject. Add just a little pressure with the Force...
Boomstick: ...and BOOM! They explode faster than a Firestone tire!
Wiz: Still, even the Force has limits. It may amplify Luke's speed, strength, senses, reactions, and agility, too much strain can even kill a Jedi!
Boomstick: Yeah, that's exactly what happened when Luke Force-projected halfway across the galaxy to fight his nephew and pulled an Obi-Wan! Man, you think that would happen when you move a singularity or pull down a Star Destroyer!
Wiz: Besides the Formchange of his Keyblade: Soul Calibur, Devon also has different transformations that he can use to power himself up. One of them is his Super Form.
Boomstick: Oh my God! Devon can become a Super Saiyan with any Saiyan blood in his veins! I guess Goku and Vegeta can find a worthy challenges other than Freiza and Broly.
Wiz: In this form, Devon is imbued with incredible abilities that greatly surpass his normal ones. His strength increases to superhuman levels that he can smash into large monsters with enough force to destroy a mountain, and his already strong magic becomes even more powerful.
Boomstick: His speed and agility are also enhanced dramatically with him moving faster than the speed of light. Even his reflexes are improved to match his movements. Devon also gains the ability of flight, able to fly to great heights and reach unbelievable speeds within seconds.
Wiz: Devon also has a berserker form of darkness known as Dark Form. A form of rage with a desire of destruction, chaos, and death from his Heartless counterpart, Darkus.
Boomstick: In this form, Devon's attacks become extremely brutal, vicious, highly aggressive, and deadly as he attacks with lightning-fast speed and devastating strength. This form is one of Devon's most powerful and deadliest forms.
Wiz: And last but not least is his Double Form, an extremely powerful form that allows Devon to wield both Light and Darkness.
Boomstick: He wields his Nobody counterpart, Draxon's Keyblades: Virtuous Soul in his right-hand, and Darkest Pain in his left, utilizing both Light and Dark-based attacks with incredible strength and lightning speed.
Wiz: Devon now has a great destiny before him, which is to become a true Legendary Keyblade Master, one that shall bring balance between Light and Darkness, unite the heroes of the worlds, restore peace and prosperity throughout the Universe, and defeat the Greatest Evil throughout existence, The Dark Lord of the Shadows in a Final Battle for the fate of the Universe.
Boomstick: It turns out that Devon alone is the only one strong enough to stand up against the Dark Lord's God-like powers. Devon also begins to discover that he himself has God-like powers of his own.
Devon: As the Legendary Keyblade Master, it is my duty to rid the Universe of the Dark Lord of the Shadows!
Wiz: On the Kingdom Hearts topic, Devon has a connection with a boy named Sora.
Boomstick: And he lived on the one and only Destiny Island. Sora and his friends, Riku and Kairi, grew up honing their athletic skills by playing sports with Final Fantasy characters who don't judge Sora's fashion choices. Wait a minute, what the hell are Final Fantasy characters doing there?
Wiz: A hint of things to come. For the longest time, the residents of Destiny Island lived a peaceful life, but it wasn't long until a soulless embodiment of evil would invade the island, this was the Heartless.
Boomstick: But the arrival of these creepy crawlers wasn't the only surprise. Alongside the darkness came light, in the form of a Keyblade, which is the key to fixing everything. Super subtle.
Wiz: This Keyblade in particular was known as the Kingdom Key, and was drawn to Sora thanks to his pure heart. With the Kingdom Key, Sora had the means to combat the Heartless.
Boomstick: By unlocking doors?
Wiz: Well... yes. The Keyblade can get past almost any lock out there, but despite not having a long, sharp edge, it's a surprisingly deadly sword.
Popup: The Kingdom Key was originally intended for Riku, but he was lost to darkness. Sora, having touched the light in Riku's heart, received the Keyblade instead.
Boomstick: It's a key, it's a sword, and it's also a wand. Sora can use it to cast all sorts of magic spells like a wizard. He can even shoot a laser beam all the way to the moon.
Popup: Sora can use some magic without the Keyblade, but it helps by enhancing his magical prowess and acts as a conduit for spells.
Wiz: Unfortunately, despite his newfound weapon, the Heartless were overwhelming. The darkness washed over Destiny Island and, just like that, it was (echoes) gone.
Boomstick: But thanks to cosmic reasons, Sora wound up face to face with Goofy and Donald Duck. Yep, he ended up in the most magical place on Earth: Disney.
Wiz: If you're confused: Don't worry, you're not hallucinating. Somehow, in some way, this impossibility exists. Turns out, while Goofy and Donald have been lovable cartoons for decades, they're also world-hopping warriors.
Boomstick: Oh my God. This is the best thing ever!
Wiz: From then on, Sora teamed up with his new friends to lock the doors to the hearts of worlds, saving them from the Heartless grip.
Boomstick: And he wasn't even old enough to get a driver's license.
Wiz: While Sora may not have been strong enough to save Destiny Island, he quickly learned an enormous amount of talents perfect for beating back the darkness.
Boomstick: Including some genuine ass-kicking magic, like shooting fireballs, freezing baddies with blizzards, fighting with lightning, going into a dark Rage Mode, and more.
Wiz: He can reflect projectiles, manipulate time, magnetize objects, and even alter gravity.
Boomstick: He's got a bunch of other magic attacks, but my favorite is Ragnarok, which fires a bunch of homing energy beams, and I guess he's got some magic abilities that don't involve beating monsters up, which I think is pretty lame, but Wiz insists we talk about it.
Wiz: Thanks to the Kingdom Key sword, he can use spells which remove negative effects, including curing his own wounds. He can also glide like Peter Pan and teleport like Figment.
Popup: If it is lost, Sora can return his Keyblade to his hand at will.
Boomstick: Eh, I still don't know we should call it a sword, but Sora can make it even better with Keychains, they can even transform the whole Keyblade into more powerful versions with way more badass names, like Oathkeeper.
Wiz: With all these abilities, Sora battled the Heartless and took the fight to the man who discovered them... Xehanort. He even defeated Xenhnort's Heartless and his Nobody.
Boomstick: Uh, that's kinda harsh, Wiz. Why are you calling him a nobody? He's definitely somebody.
Wiz: No see a Nobody is a somebody without a heart, but a Heartless isn't a somebody or a nobody, though they may have been a somebody filled with anger, like Scar from The Lion King.
Boomstick: Well, I'm somebody that's really really confused.
Wiz: But to save all worlds, Sora found he had to be insanely strong, fast, and tough.
Boomstick: He's speedy enough to run up a building, and quick enough to dodge magic lightning.
Wiz: Not just magic lightning, real legitimate lightning from the sky. A feat which could only take mere milliseconds.
Popup: Sora has defeated Thunderaffes, which in-game data files describe as moving so fast, they leave lightning "in the dust".
Boomstick; Sora put all that speed to good use once, by perfectly blocking hundreds of lasers from damn nearly every angle in just a few seconds. So, it's safe to say he's no slouch.
Wiz: As for his strength, not only has he cut through giant building-like structures with ease, he's launched them as projectiles. Though gravity is in flux here, a building this size normally weighs around one hundred thousand pounds.
Boomstick: He's held back two of Cerberus' heads, and went toe-to-toe with Hercules, you know, the demigod who threw a giant rock monster into space?
Wiz: Although this Titan's shape is too inconsistent to scale, by treating him as a series of cones made of granite, we can estimate his weight as over sixteen hundred tons.
Boomstick: That's like throwing two hundred T-Rexes into the sky, so, yeah, Herc is really really strong, and Sora can take a hit from him, no problem.
Wiz: Honestly, Sora's ability to take a hit might be one of his strongest characteristics. He survived the jaws of Cerberus, ancient Chinese dragons, being shot by a musket and, hell, the fires of Hades.
Popup: Sora has frequently lost abilities and even memories, but he has regained them throughout his adventures.
Boomstick: But he isn't without his downfalls. While he's strong in his own right, he relies a lot on his friends, like, all the goddamn time. He even believes he's weak without them, and I say that's bullshit! I mean, YOU SLICED BUILDINGS APART! ON YOUR OWN! HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU WEAK?!
Wiz: He can't even enter his fancy Drive forms, which boost his power, and give him an extra Keyblade, without help from Goofy and Donald. So, in a broad scope, he's fairly limited on his own.
Popup: Sora has accessed the Limit drive form on his own, but this only served as a method of re-learning forgotten basic abilities.
Boomstick: No big deal, though. Luckily for Sora, most locks only need one key.
Wiz: Uh-huh. I'm not sure if that was profound, or just stupid.
Boomstick: (mocks him) You're stupid!
Sora: The heart may be weak. And sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!
Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set! And we've run the data through all possibilities! Let's end this debate once and for all!
Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLLLLEEEEEEE!
(Forces Of Light - Brandon Yates)
The screen is at first in darkness. And then, a light shines bright enough to engulf the screen. Finally, Sora's eyes shoot open and he wakes up with a gasp. He gets up and finds himself in the Celestial Realm.
Sora: Huh? Where am I?
He begins walking around. After a while, he calls out.
Sora: HEY! Is anyone out there?!
There's no reply.
Sora: Donald? Goofy? K-King Mickey? Riku? Anyone...?
???: You're here.
Sora: Huh?
Sora turned around and saw Devon walking towards him with a smile before he stops a few feet away from him.
Sora: Devon? What's going on? Where are we?
Devon: This is my home, the Celestial Realm.
Sora: (surprised) Seriously?
Devon: Yes, I brought you here for a lesson. Would you care to spar with me?
Sora: Huh? I-I don't wanna hurt you or anything! Usually my friends would be here, but-!
Devon: You think you're weak without them?
Sora: N-No! I-I just...
Devon: Well then. Do you seek to prove yourself wrong?
Devon opens his right-hand and summons his Keyblade Soul Calibur from a blue light.
Devon then charges at Sora.
Sora: Hey! Wait!
He ends up dodging several strikes before summoning his Keyblade to block another strike.
Devon: Impressive.
Sora pushes Devon away with magic and flies up. Seeing this, Devon reaches out with the Force as Sora stops dead in the air.
Sora: W-Woah! What are you-?!
Devon throws his hand down, and Sora falls.
Devon: You won't defeat me by running away. Show me what you have learned.
Sora: But I don't want to fight you.
Devon: As I said, this is a spring match, not a real battle.
Suddenly, Devon attacks once more, and Sora is forced on the defensive. Whenever each fighter is disarmed, they either retrieve their Keyblades with summon it back in their hand.
Devon raised his Keyblade and unleashed a blinding light that forced Sora to cover his eyes.
Sora: GAH! My eyes!
This leaves him open for a Force Push, and he's sent flying into a rocky wall. He only growls.
He fires homing beams at the Keyblade Master who switches his Keyblade into his Crystal Staff as he twirl his staff and blocking the the homing beams, making it bounced back at Sora, who is forced to dodge them. Sora enters Light Form and then Double Form, wielding two Keyblades.
Sora enters Light Form and then Double Form, wielding two Keyblades. Devon then switched his Crystal Staff into his Crystal Claws and Feet.
The two charge and continue their duel, evenly matched. However, when Double Form runs out, Sora manages to make Devon leap backwards to dodge a Thunder Strike.
But Sora couldn't react to when Devon landed in front of him and delivered a punch to Sora's chest, and another as a right slug to the face, sending Sora flying through several trees. Sora struggled to get up from a broken tree and rubbed his face, rubbing some blood from his mouth.
Sora: (thoughts) Man, he's strong! Stronger than Ansem and Xemnas!
Devon tossed his Keyblade like a boomerang at Sora.
Sora: Back at 'cha!
He deflects Soul Calibur which Devon catches before de-summons it. He then used his Earth Dragon Slayer Magic to lift a bounder from the ground.
Sora: W-WHAT?!
He then remembers something: Wisdom from King Mickey.
King Mickey: Use the Light, Sora!
With a smirk, Sora readies his Keyblade.
He blasts at the boulder as Devon throws it at him, destroying it. Sora then tries to freeze Devon with Blizzard.
Devon: Ice-Make Lance!
A volley of ice lances blasted from his hands and shatter the Blizzard spell and went towards Sora, who manages to dodge some, yet is struck. Quickly, he uses Curaga.
Sora: Heal!
His wounds get patched up, and he stops time and alters gravity to make Devon float in the air. However, his time spell has been broken by Devon's Chronokinesis.
Sora: It's over! Take this!
He begins attacking in a flurry, with Devon easily blocking and parrying the strikes. He then gets the upper hand, but stops a strike before the Soul Calibur can touch Sora.
Devon: Don't force me to kill you.
Sora only flips away to get some distance.
Sora: Your's stronger than any other I've felt before!
Devon: Of course I'm strong. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine. I am a Keyblade Master. Like my mother and father before me.
The two continue their duel, striking even faster. However, after Devon uses Shatterpoint Force technique to strike his heart, Sora staggers back, gasping and coughing.
Suddenly, he begins to get clouded with fear. He hallucinates his friends, all on separate worlds, facing serious danger. To die here and fail them, lose them, would be something his heart can't take.
Sora readies his Keyblade and roars out in sheer rage as he charges, only for that scream to turn to pain when Devon strikes. Sora screams again, dropping his Keyblade and holding where his right hand had been.
Devon: You forced my hand. It seems you can't control your anger.
Sora groans weakly as he is suddenly consumed by the darkness of the Heartless. And roars out when he enters Rage Mode.
Devon: Then there's only one way to end this. If you are still within there...I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
Sora rushes forward, but Devon uses the Force to read his movements and dodge each strike, countering with many strikes. But after surviving getting impaled by Soul Calibur, Sora manages to power through. Thus, Devon tries to Force Choke Sora, who suddenly has another flashback: This time, the truth.
His friends had never left for any worlds at all. They were still waiting, back at Disney Castle. Tears begin to flow down his eyes.
Sora: K...Kairi...
His love for his friends suddenly refills his heart with light, and with a yell, he expels his Rage Form and turns back to normal, breaking free of the choke. With the Light, he transforms his Keyblade into Ultima Weapon. Still, Devon shows no fear.
Devon: Finally showing me everything you've got. In that case...
Devon crosses his arms across his body for a moment, then flexes back with his chest pushed upward and his arms bent as a bright, blinding light engulfs him, Sora then saw him changed into his Super Form.
Sora: This is it Devon, I'm giving you my all!
Devon: Well said! Now bring it on!
Sora transforms his weapon even further into Ultimate Form, with himself in Final Form, then rushes at Devon with hundreds of Keyblades.
Devon uses the full power of the Force as his weapon, yet Sora manages to power through it and sends a last circle of swords out around him in a great radius. Finally, Sora manages to deal a powerful strike in a flash of light, ending up behind Devon having dealt a powerful blow.
Devon: You're strong! (flies back up) But not good enough!
Devon pulls his hands back, summoning two large blue fireballs at his sides, then thrusts them forward, launching a powerful, two-streamed blast, which spirals toward Sora and strikes his chest with explosive impact.
Engulfing his crystal Keyblade in red-orange flames, Devon hurls Soul Calibur twice like chakrams at Sora, then throws six flaming Keyblades around him like a barrier.
Next, he imbues Soul Calibur with water and strikes with a thrusting strike that shoots forth a strong jet of water, two wide-sweeping slashes left and right that create waves of water, and a backflip slash, which sends forth four columns of water.
Then, Devon imbues his crystal Keyblade with yellow electricity and strikes with a wide right slash, a left spiraling slash that hits three times, and three thrusting strikes.
Finally, Devon imbues Soul Calibur with light and attacks with a left-downward slash, a right and left kick, three backflip slashes, another left-downward slash, a right slash, two left and right uppercut slashes, a lunging kick enveloped with light, two backflip slashes, and a strong overhead slash that leaves a trail of light, dishing out tremendous damage to Sora.
Soon, Sora fell down on the ground unconscious while Devon floats down as he de-transformed his Super Form.
Devon: (smiles) You were good, Sora. Hopefully you get stronger the next time. (walks off) Remember, Sora. The Light will be with you. Always.
DB Announcer: KO!
Boomstick: (sniffs) Never thought I'd see a battle that was so emotional...
Wiz: Both DID have such impressive feats. But compared to Sora, Devon was far more powerful than him and Riku.
Boomstick: Sure, Sora can cut through buildings and block super fast lasers, he also took blows from Hercules with ease, but Devon brought down giant monsters and gods like the Golem that attacked Warfang at the Dragon Realms or Shinnok the Fallen Elder God of Mortal Kombat. Hell, even Draxon achieved Super Form and fought the Dark Echo on the Kalos Region, and he's stronger than Roxas who is Sora's Nobody!
Wiz: Let's not forget that Devon's other powers like the Force which learned it by just placing his hand on the Great Tree. And his Dragon Slayer Magic which is meant for slaying dragons like Red Death, Malefor, Smaug and Acnologia.
Boomstick: And even though Sora faced Master Xehanort, Ansem, and Xemnas who were his bigger bosses, Devon fought Lord Thanatos, Cronos, Lord Drazor, Darkus, Ataru, and even the Dark Lord of the Shadows, and those guys are way stronger than them.
Wiz: Devon even had to fought some powerful allies as well, like his older sister, Lumina, who has the power of God Slayer Magic, Arcturus Farron, the Speedster Sapphire whose speed is so fast it would make peoples clothes on fire, and Yasuke Liang, the Elemental Shogun who became a Demigod like Hercules.
Boomstick: So many powerful friends and enemies to fight.
Wiz: Sora maybe have the speed, power, and magic on his side, but Devon's wisdom, experience, and adaption managed to outclass him.
Boomstick: He really has the Heart to bring his friend to Battle-Justice.
Wiz: The Winner is Devon.
Well, that was good and long battle. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you have any ideas on who you want to see in a Death Battle, let me know at the comments below. Peace out!
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