Back at Destiny Islands, the Destiny Trio were facing off against the Three Brothers of Devil Hand.
Cragnar lunged directly at Sora with his mouth wide open, fangs coated in saliva. However, Sora was able to jump back right before the chomp.
Sora vertical slashes with Kingdom Key followed by a leaping slash to the reptilian demon's chest to send him skidding back.
It was then Sora noticed a mark on the demon's right shoulder; it was the symbol of a black pentagram with a black circle around it.
Sora's mind: Is that his guild mark? So this guy really is in a dark guild.
Sora casted Blizzard at Cragnar who actually jumped high in the air to avoid them and latched onto Sora with just his right claw before throwing him at the ground.
Sora rolled in the ground as it made a bit of a crater; but before he could even get up Cragnar was already in front of him and swept his massive left claw at Sora to send him right into a tree, causing it to break on impact as he blew right through it.
Sora: Damn, he's faster than I thought.
Riku: Sora!
Riku saw feather-like projectiles heading towards him but Riku summons a dark barrier to protect himself.
???: Barrier magic hmm? Not bad.
Riku looked up to see the hovering demon Raviary looking quite smugly at him.
Raviary: But then again, being defensive is about as good as most of you humans are capable of.
Riku: Try testing me, and I'll give you some real pain.
Raviary: Thanks, but I think I'll pass.
He was only keeping Riku distracted from Fanglor as he rushed Riku from behind and knocked him away with a swipe of his massive arm. Riku hit a nearby tree, the back of his head taking some impact.
Fanglor: Too easy.
Kairi's mind: These demons are more powerful than the Heartless. They're not only intelligent, but they're fast and strong. Are there others like them in Devil Hand?
Sora groaned as he spat some blood from his mouth and gazed upward to see the demon once again leapt in the air.
Cragnar: Dinner Time!
He opened his mouth and came down toward Sora in an attempt to eat him alive. He didn't even get the chance as something whacked him down from behind, causing him to miss his target and slide on the ground. Sora looked up to see it was Kairi with Destiny's Embrace.
Kairi: Sora, are you okay?
Sora: Yeah, thanks Kairi.
They both turned to the sound of a growl as Cragnar had gotten up. Riku went next to them while Raviary and Fanglor went to Cragnar's side.
Cragnar: (chuckles) I do like eating poultry.
Cragnar licked his mouth with a large tongue, much to Kairi's disgust and fright, before groaning in slight disappointment.
Cragnar: Unfortunately our master wants you in one piece.
Sora: What the hell do you want with Kairi?! And who's this master of yours anyway?!
Fanglor: None of your concern, human.
Kairi: Why are demons like you part of a dark guild?
Raviary: (scoff) This coming from you three who made friends with Fairy Tail, the same guild that allowed the youngest Son of Sparda to join.
Sora's, Riku's and Kairi's eyes widened at that.
Raviary: What? You didn't think we'd notice by now? They've allowed a demon in their ranks, it only seems fit the rest of us would follow suit. I don't know why I'm even saying this to you anyway.
Cragnar: We're going to take this girl. But before we do... (smiles at Sora sadistically) I will devour the flesh from your bones, Keyblade wielder; and drop your skeleton at the footsteps of the Fairy Tail guild hall as a sign to all the allies of that accursed Drake: anyone who sides against us shall die!
Sora: I won't let that happened!
Sora does a vertical slash with Kingdom Key, but Cragnar blocked before he thrust a fist which connected with Sora's face as he was sent flying. Sora landed on his feet and skidding.
Riku casted Dark Fire from Braveheart at Fanglor, but the shark demon went onto the water to avoid the attack. Raviary flew down at Riku and kicked him on his back.
Kairi casted Fire at the humanoid-raven, but he quickly flew away. Fanglor jumped out of the water and grabbed her wrist with his left hand before he pinned her down.
Fanglor: Gotcha!
Riku: Kairi!
Riku did triple slashes with Braveheart followed by a somersault slash at Fanglor, making him released Kairi.
Riku: You okay?
Kairi: I think so... He's got a strong grip.
Sora: Don't worry, we'll protect you.
Cragnar's mind: Damn it all. We're not going to get anywhere with those two, they're strong. We need to grab the girl and go. But how?
He looked at how Sora was standing in front of Kairi and then noticed it. He was protecting her; her safety mattered more to him than his own. This gave Cragnar an idea that caused him to smirk menacingly.
Cragnar: Come on, boy! Is that all you got?! I thought you were stronger than that!
Sora: Get real! Look which one of us is winning!
Riku remembers those words Cragnar said when he was taunting Roxas.
Cragnar: Really? Cause in my eyes, you're nothing but a weakling. You've failed your Mark of Mastery, went coma for a year, and you even betrayed by your friends when you've lost your Keyblade.
Sora: That's it! (charges at Cragnar)
Riku: Wait, Sora!
Sora did aerial slashes with Kingdom Key followed by casting Thunder but Cragnar kept on dodging and blocking.
Cragnar: You don't deserve to wield a Keyblade. You're no hero, you're nothing but a spoil, cry baby weakling!
Sora: Shut up!
Sora jump and did a downward slash at Cragnar but the monster jumped in the air just as Sora could strike.
Kairi could only look in shock just as Sora's Keyblade stopped less than an inch from her face. His eyes widened and he was able to stop himself just in time; but both could only look in deathly silence at what just happened. This is just what Cragnar was hoping for.
The reptilian-like demon lunged from the side with an open jaw and bit onto Sora's side; his teeth sinking into Sora's flesh with some blood squirting out and Sora was screaming in agony with Kairi's pupils shrinking as she can only look in horror. Riku also widen his eyes in shock and horror.
Riku: Sora!
Riku was about to run toward him but Fanglor was already in front of him and delivered a punch to his gut to knock him out.
Cragnar shook Sora's body in his jaw like an alligator would for its victim; however, it wouldn't last too long before Cragnar spat him out. The force of this action was enough to send Sora crashing into the sand near the water.
Blood could be seen pouring out of the large bite-mark on his side, it was a lot of blood, and Sora's face was withered in agony with his own vision becoming blurry from the amount of blood he already loss.
Kairi: (fear) SORA!!!
Lucy was in her own apartment when she suddenly had this odd feeling. She walked up to the curtains and pulled them back to look outside toward the star-filled sky. She couldn't explain why, but she suddenly had this bad feeling.
???: Lucy? You okay?
Lucy: Yeah I'm fine, just a bit-
Her eyes widened before she turned around and saw four individuals in her apartment.
Lucy: What the?! HAPPY?! NATSU?! DRAKE?!... YOU TOO LADY!?
Her eyes were white and were almost bulging out at the sight of them chilling at her table with Dante drinking a beer bottle, Lady with a can of soda, and Happy with a half-eaten fish.
Drake: Yo!
Lady: Sup Blondie?
Lucy: How'd you even get in here?! Why are you always breaking into my room?!
Drake: Cause it's fun to mess with you. Right Happy?
Happy: Aye sir.
Lucy groaned before she rubbed her face.
Lucy: Knock it off guys, I'm not in the mood.
Lady: What's gotten you all so wound up? From what I hear, you always have a fit when the blue fur ball here and his buddies always break-and-enter.
Happy: Yeah, you would have been all (Lucy-mask on his head) 'GET OUT OF HERE'! Is something wrong?
Lucy looked out her window and up toward the moon.
Lucy: Well I'm not really sure to be honest it's just...
Drake: It's about Xemnas, isn't it?
Lucy: Yeah...
Natsu: Ansem did pissed me off, thinking I had a strong darkness in my heart.
Lady: Are you serious?
Natsu: Yeah. He even hold Happy hostage to keep me in check.
Drake: Classic villains.
Lady had a bit of a grin as she sighed and stood up before walking toward Lucy.
Lady: Hey. (Lucy looks at her) Don't worry about it. It's just like Drake said, we'll get your key after we defeated Xemnas. (offers a hand) Plus, if he and Ansem do try jump on you and Natsu, I bet both of you beat them down so hard they won't know what hit them.
This seemed to ease Lucy a great deal as she gave an honest smile an accepted Lady's hand and stood up.
Lucy: You're right, thanks Lady.
Lady: No problem. Now why don't you have a beer with us? It could help calm your nerves.
Lucy: (chuckles) I'm not Cana, I think I'll just make myself some tea.
She began to walk toward her kitchen-area.
Lady: (shrugged) Suit yourself. (was about to close the curtains) Personally I-
She happened to glance out the window when she spotted something out of the corner of her eye, or rather someone. A certain bald man with a blue and red eye and black suit.
That caused her pupils to shrink before she quickly pulled out one of her pistols, slammed the window opened, much to everyone's surprise, and point her gun down toward the cobblestone sidewalk, only to find that no one was there.
Natsu, Drake and Lucy ran toward the window; while Happy flew with his wings, and they all looked down to see no one was there as well.
Lucy: What? What is it?
Lucy tried to look and see what Lady saw. Happy flew out slightly to get a better look and didn't see anyone either.
Happy: I don't see anything.
They looked in surprise to see not only was Lady still pointing her gun there, but her arm was shaking, as was her face. Her face seemed to mix something of a scowl to one of almost fear. This was something neither Lucy nor Happy had seen.
Lucy: Lady, are you okay?
Lucy put a hand on the woman's shoulder. The black-haired woman seemed to be in a bit of a trance almost, that is until Dante put his hand on hers to stop her from shaking. She looked toward him as he had a serious, yet concerned, look on his own face.
Natsu: You good?
Lady took a few deep breaths to calm her.
Lady: Yeah, I'm fine.
Happy: Are you sure? You looked a little... scared.
Lady: I just thought I saw someone.
Lucy: Who?
Lady ran a hand down her face as she holstered her gun.
Lady: Never mind. Hey Lucy, you still got some extra tea? I could probably use some.
Lucy was still a bit concerned, but decided not to pry and simply nodded.
Lucy: Sure, come on. She led Lady away from the window.
Happy: (to Drake) Hey Drake. I don't think I've ever seen Lady like that. She looked very scared, have you seen her scared before?
Dante didn't answer at first, concerning Happy. But he soon turned toward the blue Exceed.
Drake: Like she said, probably nothing. You know how it gets, hunting demons. Soon you find yourself always looking over your shoulder, maybe you should help them with that tea.
Happy didn't seem all that convinced, but much like Lucy, he didn't dwell too much on the subject.
Happy: Okay.
He flew after the two females as Drake glanced out the window, still not seeing anyone, with a serious expression on his face.
There was only one person who could cause Lady to shake like that. There was no mistaking the look on her face; she thought she saw him. Drake had only met him once, it was when he and Lady first met, right before he started his Devil May Cry shop; he wanted to steal Drake's power for himself.
He may have been physically human, but that man gave up his humanity long ago when he sacrificed his wife to gain the power he currently had.
If Lady did see him that would mean that he's here in Magnolia, which could cause him and the rest of Fairy Tail a whole lot of trouble.
Could he possibly be connected to Devil Hand? Well, nothing but to do now except wait. One thing was certain; things are going to get dark, even by Drake's standards.
Before Natsu could ask, they heard Drake's Gummiphone ringing as he put it out of his pocket and turned it on to see Chip and Dale.
Dale: Drake! You've picked it up just in time!
Drake: What is it?
Chip: It's Sora, Riku, and Kairi! We've lost contact with them!
Drake and Natsu: What?!
*Destiny Islands*
Raviary was hovering while holding Kairi on his arms.
Cragnar: (spat some of Sora's flesh) His flesh reeks of light! Yuck!
Raviary: Still, using his Kairi to lower his guard is a smart move.
Cragnar: He let his emotions get the better of him, that was his downfall.
Kairi: (struggles) Let me go! Let me go!
Raviary: You realize that if I do, you'll fall and gravely injure yourself, correct? Besides, you're much more useful to Devil Hand alive.
???: Oh, you don't say?
Raviary's eyes shot up as he looked in surprise to see Drake leaped high in mid-air and fall to bring an axe-kick down on Raviary's back, forcing him to drop Kairi as he tried to stabilize himself.
Kairi didn't fall very far as Drake managed to catch her bridal-style in the air and land on both his feet in the water, where he was thigh-deep in water.
Kairi: Drake!
Raviary stabilized himself as he hovered in the air with his flapping wings where he looked down at Drake with a glare.
Cragnar: It's him, brother!
Raviary: The famous Devil Hunter, Drake. The son of the Dark Knight Sparda himself.
Drake: Bingo, birdy.
Kairi: You came here?
Drake: Yeah, Chip and Dale told they've lost contact with you so I came as fast as I could.
Kairi: (smiles) Thank you.
Drake: (turns to Raviary) So little bird, you mind telling me about your little guild? Like who's in charge and why do you want Kairi?
Raviary: (smirks) My apologies, but that is something we shall take to your grave.
Drake noticed a few bubbles in the water on his right when suddenly Fanglor emerged from the water like a great shark with an open mouth. Thinking quickly, Drake flung Kairi over his left shoulder as Fanglor bit down on Drake's right shoulder. Though blood gushed out from the wound, Drake didn't flinch.
Drake: Nice ambush, fishy.
Drake delivered a knee to Fanglor's jaw, causing him to let go. Dante jumped backwards in one bound and made it over the water onto dry land. He set Kairi down next to Sora and Riku.
Drake: Stay here and watch over them, I got this.
Kairi: Okay.
Drake turned back to face the three demons; Cragnar was on the sand with Raviary hovering in the air and Fanglor half-way underwater.
Fanglor: (licked the blood from his serrated teeth) I love the taste of his blood. I want more!
Raviary: Have at it, brother. It will be a glorious night for us as we slay the mighty Drake
Drake smirked as he drew Rebellion and pointed it at them.
Drake: Bring it on boys, meat's on the menu tonight.
Cragnar leapt up and tried to strike at him with his fist, Drake jumped into the air. Drake parried Rebellion against the talon strikes from Raviary before he fell toward the sandy water where Fanglor leapt from the water with an open mouth to bite onto Drake again, but the red-clad Devil Hunter was ready as he slammed his feet in an airborne round house to Fanglor's face to knock him back into the water as Drake landed.
He didn't' have time to rest as Raviary shot down toward him and stuck his talons into Drake's back. The raven-demon slammed Drake underwater and into the ground beneath before flying at high speeds, dragging Drake along the ground underneath the water and slamming him into a large boulder at the waterfall before flying upward.
Fanglor swam like a torpedo, his back-fin sticking out of the water like a shark, as he shot at Drake and leaped at him with his open fangs. He pounced on him and appeared to be eating him alive.
Cragnar: Yes! Feast upon him all you wish, brother!
Raviary: We shall deliver his bones to the master and be praised as heroes in the Underworld!
Cragnar's and Raviary's victory taunt was cut off by the sound of metal piercing flesh and could only look in shock to see Rebellion's blade shoot out from Fanglor's back, blood all over it. Fanglor's shocked body was shoved back slowly as Drake began to stand up out of the water, his face containing a smirk.
Drake: You think a few nibbles are gonna kill me? I've had dog bites that hurt worse than this.
He tore Rebellion out of Fanglor, causing the shark-demon to yell in pain before Drake rushed forward with an elbow-thrust.
Drake's strength sent Fanglor skidding across the river slightly. He then looked up to see Raviary flying down towards him with a bird-like caw with his talons opened and ready to slice. Drake did not lose his smirk as he leaped up at him in response.
Drake: Agni! Rudra!
Drake had pulled out his twin elemental blades as fire lit on Agni and a whirl-wind circled Rudra. While mid-air he spun around, using the fire and wind to give him a boost, at a rate fast enough that he created a cyclone of fire and wind. Raviary didn't have time to stop as the attack hit him dead on.
There was a small explosion in the sky with Drake flying right out of the smoke on the other side.
Drake: Fried chicken anyone?
Cragnar: Raviary!
The charred and burnt remains of Raviary fell into the river as Fanglor was recovering from his stab-wound.
Drake: Hey shark-bait!
He looked to see Drake land on a rock just outside the waterfall.
Drake: Guess what doesn't mix well with water? Nevan!
He switched Agni and Rudra for the electric scythe which he extended and sliced at the river, charging the entire body of water with purple demonic electricity. The result was rather shocking for Fanglor as he was electrocuted from the inside-out before he exploded all across the river.
Cragnar: Fanglor!
Kairi watched in amazement.
Kairi's mind: Incredible. He took out two of those three demons without breaking a sweat. So this is the power of a Son of Sparda.
Drake: (looks at Cragnar) Looks like you're left scaly.
Cragnar growled in anger as he turned around with his as eyes glowed red with rage.
Cragnar: You bastard! I'll make you'll pay for killing my brothers!
???: Fire Dragon Roar!
A large stream of fire hit Cragnar in the back; causing him to yelled in agony as he fell on his hands and felt the flames burn away at the scales on his back. Drake, Kairi, and Cragnar looked and saw Natsu.
Cragnar: Salamander!
Drake: (smirk) Took you long enough to show up.
Natsu: Let me handle this guy.
Drake: If you insist.
Natsu: (glares at Cragnar and points at Sora) You did this?
Cragnar: Yeah, what about it?
In blinding speed; Natsu had soared and scored a hit directly at Cragnar's jaw; knocking out several of his fangs. But he wasn't done there, he let loose several more fire-fists all across Cragnar's body.
Natsu: Flame Lotus: Fire Dragon Fist!
Natsu's fists came all over Cragnar at a rate similar to a gattling gun, with what appeared to be small sonic booms with each impact. Cragnar could feel many of his bones breaking, and the fire from each of his punches seared off more of his scales.
After about 100 punches, Cragnar was sent flying back so hard, it tore up at least a dozen trees, leaving a long line of destruction in the forest.
Cragnar was burnt, bruised, and bloodied all over; multiple teeth were missing; and even his tail was completely broken off.
Natsu: Sora's friend, and you hurt him! I'M GONNA MAKE YOU PAY!!!
Natsu had delivered a powerful Iron Fist attack straight into the demon's abs, to the point it breached his hide and blood poured out from it. The punch was also powerful enough to send Cragnar high and into the air.
Natsu's entire body was coated in fire, especially around his arms, as he was about to unleash one of his most powerful attacks.
He unleashed a massive torrent of flames in the air directly at Cragnar whom was quickly enveloped by them. The flames were more hot than anything he felt before; he could feel it burning away at his insides. Cragnar screamed in complete and total pain and agony as he felt himself burning alive.
In a massive explosion of fire in the sky; Cragnar had been reduced to nothing but ashes that blew away in the wind from the explosion. Natsu breathed in and out several times before his anger vanished.
Drake and Natsu went to Kairi who was protecting Sora and Riku.
Natsu: How are they?
Kairi: Riku's fine, but he got some injuries. As for Sora...
Drake: Damn, poor kid. We got to take them to Wendy and Porlyusica fast.
Natsu: Right.
Drake carried Sora over his shoulder while Natsu picked up Riku. Kairi was worried for Riku, but she's more worried for Sora.
Kairi's mind: Sora, please be alright.
Chapter 90 ended.
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