Sora: And that's how me, Drake, and Happy farewell against the Gigases and the Spidermind.
Natsu: Me and Lily were fighting a giant mechanical worm! It wasn't so tough!
Gray: (sarcastic) Really? Well I had to fight against an eight arm man with swords in each hand! How do you beat that?
Natsu: (headbutts with Gray) How big was he, huh?!
Gray: Not bigger than yours, pal!
Erza: Focus!
Natsu and Gray: Aye!
Woody: We're here.
The group were at the entrance of Babies and Toddlers.
Woody: (looks at the window) That must be the window Sarge mentioned.
They all ran up to the window and passed through it. On the other side of the window, they were some kind of play area with a bunch of plush animals.
Wendy: All these toys are really cute!
Lucy: Yeah!
Drake sees the entrance to the Korral, which is blocked by large green blocks.
Drake: Looks like the entrance is blocked by blocks.
Woody: (sees a Gigas) Can you use the Gigas to move 'em?
Sora: Yeah, maybe. I'll try.
Sora got into the robot and used one of its hands to make the blocks float and pushed them away.
Juvia: Now we can go back to the entrance.
Laxus: Yeah, but first we need to find that corridor.
Inside the Korral was like a giant playground, with forts, slides, and green blocks all around. There was another room that was filled with colorful balls.
Natsu: This place looks like a lot of fun. Right, Happy?
Happy: Aye, sir!
Carla: They're always children.
Woody: I can see that.
The group walked around the Korral.
Donald: Up there!
Donald pointed at an airducked that was near the ceiling of the Korral. It was flowing with a dark aura.
Wendy: How do we get up there?
Woody: Well, there are some more blocks here...
Lucy: We could use them to reach the vent!
Happy: (points at some Gigases) And there's a bunch of Gigases we could use to collect them!
Erza: Drake, Gray, Lucy, and Juvia. We will board the Gigases and assist Sora on finding more blocks. Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus, Lady, Trish, Kat, Modeus, Donald, Goofy, and Woody will stay to keep an eye out for any suspicious activities.
Everyone: Roger!
Laxus, Gajeel, Lily, Donald, Lady, Trish, and Goofy guarded the Entrance while Natsu, Wendy, Happy, Carla, Kat, Modeus, and Woody stayed inside.
Drake, Sora, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, and Erza explored the Korral and found piles of green blocks in different areas of the Korral. They then brought the blocks back as everyone gathered to meet up with them.
Gray: Man, riding this is pretty awesome!
Erza: Yes. But right now, we need to build a path to that vent.
Juvia: Ready?
Drake: Yeah.
The five of them use their Gigases anti gravity ability and lifted the green blocks to pile them on top of each other. Eventually, those blocks formed a giant green cactus that looks like it's running.
Donald: Hey, is that...
Sora and Natsu: A cactus?
Goofy: Yep, and it's our way up to the dark corridor
Lucy: Alright, let's go!
They all ran up the cactus and reached the air vent. When they entered the vent, they all saw a dark portal at the end of the vent.
Carla: There it is!
Sora: It looked like this?
Goofy: Yup. (Woody and Donald nodded)
Sora: Here goes.
Drake: Hope it works.
Upon entering, they found the area covered in darkness and could see silhouettes of blocks floating. And, at the center, was their friend in the air with a stream of darkness going through him.
Everyone: BUZZ!!!
Young Xehanort then appears in front of them to block their path.
Sora: Xehanort!
Drake: You forgot to mention 'young'. (angering Young Xehanort)
Woody: (anger) What do you want with my friend?
Young Xehanort: Look... Such tremendous darkness. All because he was ripped away from the boy who cares about him most.
Natsu: Because you're the one who did it!
The dark clouds on the floor began to rise, surrounding everyone and creating a dark vortex.
Woody: (worried) Does that mean...we'll all be like Buzz...if we don't...find Andy?
Kat: Wrong!
Sora: Distance doesn't matter, Andy's part of their hearts, just like my brother and friends are apart of mine.
Drake: (smirk) You mean like you and Kairi?
Sora starts to blush bit as everyone except from Woody chuckled behind him.
Sora: Drake! This isn't the best time for this!
Drake: (chuckles) Sorry Sora. But he's right. It's doesn't matter what world we're on, or what time period we're in. We're always connected! Our bonds are greater and stronger then you'll ever know!
Lucy: That's right! As long as we remember each other everyday, we will always be together!
Woody then realizes he's right and looks at Andy's name underneath his boot. He also sees the one Buzz has under his foot, and that always served as proof of their connection. However, Young Xehanort looked unimpressed.
Young Xehanort: What? "Your friends are your power"? Ah... How very true. But if the light of friendship is a form of power...the darkness of being alone is a power even greater. Darkness is the heart's true nature.
Gray: What a load of crap. It's true that there are some people in life that have darkness in their hearts. But there are also people that have hearts with love and compassion!
Erza: It is our nature to stand up for what is right even if we are alone, that's the true nature of the heart!
Woody: (walks forward and looks determined) Whatever you're talking about, I don't care. Put Buzz back the way he was, then get lost!
Young Xehanort: Or else what, toy?
Woody: Yeah, I am a toy. And a friend.
He steps forward, and the darkness underneath his foot began to disperse.
Woody: My guess is no one's ever loved you before. (takes more steps) Because you know nothing about hearts and love.
Sora walked up next to Woody and he too began to stomp making more dark clouds disappeared. Eventually, Natsu, Lucy, and Gray followed their lead.
Sora: There are hearts all around us, trying to connect. Your "loneliness" only made Woody and Buzz's connection stronger. That's the heart's true nature—to never, ever let go.
Lucy: That's right. Wherever they are, Andy and the other toys haven't let go either.
Woody: Yeah! You can't keep us from Andy.
Natsu: If you do, we'll beat the crap outta you!
Woody: We're going home no matter what. And taking Buzz!
Sora: Xehanort, you're so caught up in finding the shadows, you forgot about the light that cast them.
Suddenly, all of the dark clouds began to disappeared. Young Xehanort put his arms up to block the wave while the dark clouds that kept Buzz dispearce into a bright light.
Young Xehanort: No!
Sora, Donald, and Goofy summon their weapons and charged towards Young Xehanort to attack. Seeing this, Young Xehanort summon his Keyblade and block their attack, making them both trying to push each other away.
Sora: Woody, now!
Woody then jumped into the air right behind Sora while pulling out the string on his back. He then threw it at a piece of block that was in the air, swung towards Buzz, grabbed him, and landed on the floor.
The gang looked happy while Young Xehanort looked angry and annoyed. The Fairy Tail members were laughing.
Woody: Giddy-up partner! We gotta get this wagon train a-movin'!
Buzz immediately woke up and saw Woody on top of him. Woody got off of him and smiled.
Buzz: Woody... Wait, how did we get here?
Woody: Oh, I don't know. Maybe somebody switched you into "dark and stormy" mode.
Buzz: But I don't have a— (realizes what he meant)
He then looked ashamed and Woody held out his hand. Buzz smiled, grabbed Woody's hand, and Woody pulled Buzz up.
Buzz: Thank you, Woody.
Woody: Good to have you back, Buzz.
Donald: Hey, hurry up!
Goofy: We can't hold him much longer!
Sora: Don't give up, guys!
Natsu: Oh, man! We totally forgot about you guys!
Sora, Donald, and Goofy: Are you kidding me?!
Drake: Hey! 'Youngling'!
Young Xehanort looked to the left to see Drake coming towards him as he drop kicks his side causing him to tumble sideways.
Young Xehanort: (stands up) So, even empty puppets can be given strong hearts, I am going have to remember that.
Buzz: (points his laser) Remember this—our hearts will always be connected to Andy's. No matter what you do!
Woody: And that's something you'll never understand, because you're hollowed than any toy.
Lady: Oh, now that's a burn!
Gray: Yeah! (ran up towards Young Xehanort holding an ice sword) And you better not mess with us!
Young Xehanort grabbed his sword and shattered it with his hands, pushing Gray away from him and crashing onto Sora. Suddenly, Young Xehanort is now covered in a dark aura
Young Xehanort: I will not fall for the same trick twice. And now I know a heart can be placed in the vessel of our choosing. For that, let me give you a parting gift to play with.
Sora: (rushes at him) wait!
He goes to strike, but Young Xehanort begins to fade right as he hit. But before he completely faded, he says one more thing that leaves Sora confused.
Young Xehanort: Find the hearts joined to yours. (exits)
Sora: Huh?
Modeus: What the-? He passed through the attack and disappeared?
Wendy: Look! The rooms forming into something!
The dark clouds in the area started to move towards the center, making the area light up and show a bright blue sky with tall toy like buildings and toy like roads.
Erza: (requipped into her Giant armor) Be on your guard!
The dark clouds that gather at the center began to form into a large Heartless, that took on the form of a giant purple flying saucer.
Sora: Here goes!
Drake: Play time's over!
The Heartless known as King of Toys dove straight towards them, but they all dodged before it could hit them.
Natsu: Fire Dragon Wing Attack!
Gray: Ice-Make: Saucer!
Natsu lunged his arms forward and sent several waves of fire at the King of Toys while Gray creates a large, spinning ice disk, capable of cutting through like a buzz-saw, which he launches at it as well.
Natsu and Gray's attacks hit directly at the Heartless, making it crashed into a few buildings but it got up.
Natsu: Oh, come on!
The Heartless ship then faced downwards and started shooting rockets at everyone while going in circles, crashing into objects while everyone dodged the rockets.
Lady fires her rocket launcher at the King of Toys, damaging the spaceship. Trish then sent an electric jolt from both her hands, through the sword, and swung at the Heartless.
Modeus: Demon Sword: Residual Moon!
Modeus slid under the King of Toys as a white crescent-moon-shaped energy formed on the Heartless before it exploded.
Woody: (sees a rocket nearby) Buzz! Sora! Natsu!
The three of them came to him.
Woody: Why don't we use this rocket? Natsu will light it up while the three of us ride and use it to destroy the saucer.
Natsu: As long as I'm not riding it, then I'm in!
Sora, Woody, and Buzz hopped on the rocket as Natsu fired it. When the fire reached the end of the rocket, it blasted off.
Sora got a good control of the rocket and aimed it at the Heartless. Seeing the rocket, Wendy ran up towards the Heartless as well as Erza as she readied her spear.
Erza: De-Malevo-Lance! (throws the spear at the King of Toys)
Wendy: Sky Dragon Roar!
Wendy let loose a massive roar of Sky Dragon magic, gave the lance a harder push. The lance pierce through the Heartless, making it crash again.
Erza: Now!
Woody, Buzz, and Sora jumped off the rocket and threw it at the King of Toys. When it hit, there was a huge explosion and it destroyed the Heartless.
Natsu: That was awesome!
Gajeel: So that's what that thing does.
Woody: Alright. Let's get outta here.
Erza: Before we leave the store. There is one thing we must do.
Ur: Oh yeah, what's that?
They then left and returned back to the entrance with the other toys (Except Erza, Lucy, Juvia, Wendy, and Carla).
Goofy: So, Xehanort got away again.
Donald: Yeah, he's a big chicken.
Natsu: Probably that he was too scared to face me.
Trish: Pretty much every member in the organisation is a coward, if you count the times they keep running away.
Modeus: They do say cowards often survive.
Drake: (to the other toys) We're sorry.
Toys: Huh?
Sora: We wanted to get you back to the real world.
Drake: But... look how that turned out.
Wood and Buzz then look at each other and smile before looking back at the gang.
Buzz: It does seem that we're trapped here.
Rex: We'll never get home.
Hamm: Yeah, stuck like pigs.
Sarge: Our position appears fixed.
Aliens: Oh nooo.
Buzz: (walks over with Woody) A shame we'll have to stay a little longer...with our new best friends.
Everyone: Huh?
Woody: After all the adventures we've had, we're not quite ready to say, "So long."
Sora: (smile) You guys...
Drake( sarcastic while smiling) Ha ha, very funny.
Buzz: (offers a hand) I'm sorry that I was being so stubborn. Please forgive me.
Sora: (accepts hand shake) Hey, you were just looking out for your friends. No biggie.
Modeus: It's okay to be cautious around new people every now and then.
Lady: Yeah, any of us would've done the same.
Natsu: Hey, at least your not as stubborn as Erza.
Erza's voice came up in a dark, angry tone.
Erza: What did you say?
Natsu: (nervous) Nothing, ma'am!
Everyone faced Erza and were stun. All the girls were holding a bunch of doll clothing.
Sora: (shocked) You grabbed all of those clothes?!
Lucy: We all wanted new clothes!
Juvia: These clothes will be exquisite on me!
Everyone laughed.
Hamm: Anyway, somebody's gotta be the sensible one, especially since Woody's always gettin' in trouble.
Goofy: Gawrsh, that sounds a little like Sora, don't it?
Sora and Woody looked at each other with confusion.
Donald: Yeah, and I'm the dependable one!
Rex: Like Buzz! (pauses a bit) kinda.
Everyone laughed while Donald angrily put his hands on his hips.
Gray: (sarcastic) You mean the 'temper' one.
Donald: Why you!
Everyone laughed even harder.
Woody: Besides, if we do go back to the real world, we'll never see you again, right?
Sora: But...what about Andy? You care about him so much.
Buzz: (places hand on his heart) And he's still right here with us.
Lucy: (put her hands on Sora's shoulder) Don't worry, I'm sure they will be together again soon. Just like me and Michelle.
Woody: You understand us pretty well, Lucy. (wraps arm around Sora) If we follow our hearts, we'll find him again.
Sora: (smiles) Yeah.
The gang resumes walking and Woody brings up an important question.
Woody: So, Sora, are you goin' after the guy in the black coat?
Buzz: Something tells me we can't join you on that mission.
Drake: We have to stop him and the rest of his goons before more people get hurt.
Woody: That's okay...because you've become part of our hearts, along with Lucy and your friends. (point to Sora's heart) so let us become a part of yours.
They all ran up to the toys and gave them a hug (Excluding Laxus, Gajeel, and Lily).
Sora: Thank you!
Buzz: (looks up) Now, you go. To infinity and beyond!
Chapter 51 ended.
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