Chapter 34: Saving Magnolia
Drake, Mest, Sora, and Wendy have arrived at the Northwest of Magnolia through teleportation.
Sora: Where are we now?
Drake: We're at the Northwest of Magnolia.
Mest: Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Trish, and Panther Lily should be fighting here.
Wendy: Let's go!
They then saw Trish, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, and Panther Lily fighting a group of Dual Blades, Air Pirates, and Wyverns.
Gray: Ice Make: Lance!
A volley of ice lances blasted from his hands.
Juvia: Water Slicer!
Juvia sent a series of water blades as the ice lances and water blades were thrown at the Heartless, but only a few were hit and more came back.
Gray: Damn! Could this get more annoying?!
Juvia: They just keep on spawning!
Gajeel: Iron Dragon Hard Fist!
Gajeel gave a good solid punch at a Wyvern and sent it flying.
Gajeel: Yeah, these bastards are a really pain in the ass!
Panther Lily: There has to be someway!
Trish jumped over the group she was helping to protect as she thrusted both her hands forward to send several bolts of lightning at the Dual Blades surrounding them, turning them into a charred mess as she landed gracefully in front of them.
Trish: Easier said than done!
Mest then teleported Trish, Gajeel, Lily, Gray, and Juvia to him and Wendy.
Trish: What the-?!
Gray: Mest, what the hell are you doing?!
Mest: Look.
He pointed at Sora, who was in the air.
Sora: Take this!
A huge fireball was summoned from his Keyblade and destroyed all the Air Pirates and Wyvern. All of them looked shocked, then Mest cleared his minds.
Mest: Go return to the guild hall! Erza needs back, she'll explain everything. Leave the monsters to him!
Trish: Okay.
Gray: Who is he?
Juvia: I'm not sure.
Drake uses his Trickster Style and dashed at the two Wyverns and quickly slash them with one strike as they disappeared.
Drake: Huh, it was really effective against these guys.
Sora: Mest! Drake! Wendy!
The four then teleported to the North of Magnolia.
Mest: We're at the North of Magnolia. Team Shadow Gear and the Thunder Legion should be here.
They saw Team Shadow Gear and the Thunder Legion fighting dozen of Darkballs.
Levy: How long will they keep this up?
Freed: I honestly don't know. I never seen monsters like these before.
Wendy: Drake, Sora, I'll use my magic to make you faster.
Drake: Good idea.
Sora: Thanks!
Wendy: Vernier!
Sora then started to glow with blue light while Drake glows with red. They both dashed towards the Darkballs and sliced them, defeating them.
Mest: Both teams head to the guild hall!
The four of them continued to Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, and West. With Drake slicing and Sora firing magic at the Heartless until there were no more in each area.
Drake: Alright, I think that's all of them.
Sora: That was incredible!
Mest: Erza, this is Mest. We finished defeated the monsters.
Erza: Good, we need you back here! A giant Heartless tower appeared! We need Sora and Drake!
Mest: Guys!
Drake: Yeah, we know!
The four teleported back to the guild hall. When they arrived, they saw a swarm of heartless shadows together and traveling in a wave.
Drake: What kind of Heartless is that?
Donald: It's called the Demon Tide. Shadow Heartless that are group together and it's even more powerful than the Demon Tower.
Laxus: How do we beat it?
Goofy: We must destroy the surface to reach the core and destroy the core.
Lady: Guys, we got another problem!
Everyone looked and saw what Lady was pointing at, the Hunter was back for more.
Trish: A Hunter!
Sora: It's that some monkey monster!
Modeus: It's a demon, not a monster.
Drake: Don't worry, I'll handle this guy.
Sora: Are you sure?
Drake: Trust me, I'm a Devil Hunter. (unsheathes Rebellion) I kill demons.
Hunter: (grabs a large knife) I will rip you apart and send your souls into hell.
Drake: Nah, I'm good where I am. Besides, I still need to get my shop ready. How about I give the big chimp a nice banana and we call it a day?
Demon: you dare mock me?!
Drake: You're not the smartest ape, so yes.
That ticked him off as he charges right to him. However, Drake uses Trickster to dodge and deliver a powerful attack from Rebellion.
The Hunter strikes with his knife, trying to cut his prey Drake blocks it with Rebellion. The Demon Tide then struck the ground, disappear from the surface, and reappearing underneath everyone's feet.
Everyone was launched in the air, but Sora and Erza dove straight towards the tide.
Erza: Flight Armor! Sonic Claw!
Erza changed into her Flight Armor and sliced the tide in all directions, revealing the orange core. Sora then sliced the core as fast as he could. But before he could finished it, the swarm shadows reappeared and pushed both of them back.
Sora: Damn. This monster will be difficult.
Erza: We cannot lose! Let's keep going with that same method.
The Hunter climbs up to the guild rooftop and fire his grappling hook, which causes a large hand-shaped chunk of ground to form which tries to snatch Drake.
But he swings Rebellion like a baseball bat and knocks the claw back to the Hunter, smacking him in the face and knocking the demon off the Guild rooftop.
He then starts using his other styles like Swordmaster and Gunslinger to deal damage, all the while taunting the beast.
Then all of the guild members charged as well, hitting the tide until the core was revealed again. Sora, Donald, and Goofy then headed towards the core and launch their attacks at it, causing same shadows to disappear.
Eventually, the tide started to attack more aggressively, knocking everyone away from the it. Erza and Laxus charged again, but the tide knock both of them away with bloody scratches on them.
Juvia: Water Nebula!
Gray: Ice-Make: Geyser!
Juvia and Gray hold hands and combine Juvia's Water spell and Gray's Ice-Make spell to attack at the Tide, and it took it head on. The area was covered in smoke, until the Tide came through and directly hitting the two wizards.
Juvia: Are you okay?!
Gray: I'm fine!
Suddenly, a giant fireball came crashing down on the tide, destroying dozens of shadows. Everyone saw a figure coming from the smoke.
???: Wow, Gray. You really let yourself go on this.
Gray: Oh, you're the one to talk! Where were you when I was working my ass off?!
The figure appears to be Natsu.
Natsu: Well you did one good thing, saving this for me!
Natsu jumped into the air as the tide headed straight to him. Natsu's fist was engulfed in flames.
Natsu: Fire Dragon Iron Fist!
Natsu slammed his fired fist at the tide, destroying many Shadows. Sora, Donald, and Goofy looked shocked and awed by Natsu's power.
Sora: So powerful... How does he do that?!
Lucy: It's called Dragon Slayer magic. It's a magic that Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, and Laxus wield. Natsu is a Fire Dragon Slayer, Gajeel is the Iron Dragon Slayer, Wendy is the Sky Dragon Slayer, and Laxus is the Lightning dragon slayer. Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy were taught by dragons to use their powers to defeat other dragons.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy: You're kidding!
The Hunter spew out a black fog, which he hides in. Drake looks around, trying to find him, only to his combat knife being thrown at her from different angles.
As the knife was close, Drake parried back the Hunter which damaged him.
Drake: has the monkey lost his touch? (pretends to be a monkey)
Hunter: Insolent worm! (brings a strong attack)
Drake: Royalguard!
At a perfect timing, he completely blocks the attack, absorbs the energy, and released it right back at the Hunter. At the moment Drake unleashed his Devil Trigger and fly next to Natsu which made the trio widen their eyes.
Donald: Wak! He transformed?!
Goofy: Is he a monster?
Kat: Not quite. He's half human, but he's also half demon.
Sora: (shocked) Half demon?!
Natsu: Let's teach them not to mess with Fairy Tail, Drake!
Drake: Agreed.
They both gripped Rebellion. As they did, they began to pour their energies into the blade. As they did, their powers began to mix together and crimson red flames began to circle around the Devil Trigger Drake, and Natsu.
As the flames circled; Sora's eyes widened as he saw them, and for a brief moment, just above Natsu, Igneel had appeared, and even Sparda appeared behind Drake.
Sora: Wow...
Lady: What the hell is that?!
Trish: Their powers... their combining...
Freed: It couldn't be...
Erza: It's a Unison Raid!
Drake and Natsu both pointed the Crimson Red Flaming Rebellion at the Demon Tide and the Hunter.
A massive, crimson fire was blasted out of the sword; the fire took the form of a dragon and hit the monsters dead on. The Hunter roared in pain as it was flung into the air with the red fire, and was completely engulfed in its flames.
The Demon Tide was completely destroyed by the flames as the Hunter fell down. The combine strength of Drake and Natsu was strong enough to where he was weakened completely.
Sora: Wow! Is everyone in Fairy Tail this powerful?!
Lucy: You bet! This is the strongest guild!
Happy: Aye sir!
Drake: (stands above the Hunter) Game over.
Hunter: You're too late, son of Sparda. You have been found. He knows your here, and he will kill you.
Drake: He?
Hunter: The one who killed the whore E-
He never finished his sentence as Drake shoots his head, causing him to explode. Sora caught a quick look at his face, and saw that Drake was deadly angry. However, that brushes off as he walks over to him, pats him on the shoulder.
Drake: Nice work, buddy.
Sora: (a little scared) T-Thanks.
Juvia: (hugs Drake) Don't worry about him, he's a nice guy to hang out with.
Natsu: (smirk) Looks like we took care of your problem, Gray.
Gray: I've coulda handle it, you just swooped in and took all the glory! (punches Natsu's face)
Natsu: Oh, you want to go, huh?!
Gray: I'll take you on!
Gray and Natsu started fighting with each other as everyone was laughing while Sora, Donald, and Goofy were shocked.
Sora: Why are they fighting?!
Lucy: It's always like this.
Drake: Natsu and Gray are rivals.
Goofy: Hey, do you think they should help us?
Donald: Wak, Goofy! They can't know about the other worlds!
Goofy: I know, but they look so strong. Maybe they could help us against the Organization.
Donald: But the rules-
Sora: The rules are now broken since the Organization and its monsters are running around, disrupting everything. Goofy's right, we should ask for their help.
Suddenly, Gray landed on top of Donald.
Gray: You're gonna pay for that!
Gray then got up and Donald kicked him in the head.
Donald: Wak! Wak! What the big idea, you jerk?!
Donald, Natsu, and Gray started to fight each other.
Sora: Uh, geez.
After seeing enough of this, Erza then walked over to them.
Erza: That's enough!
Erza pinned Donald down with her foot, then grab Gray and Natsu by their hairs, and hit them with their heads.
Erza: I apology for this, Sora.
Sora: It's fine. Besides, we want to ask you guys for help.
Chapter 34 ended.
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