Inside, multiple Shadows were swirling around and some Demon Tides were flying around inside the tornado. The Tides flew towards Sora and responded by covering his eyes with his arm. But when he opened his eyes, he saw five Starlight Keyblades, circling around him and they were back outside again.
Sora: What is this?
Happy: So cool!
The Starlight Keyblades took the form of a giant blue star lit brightly.
Sting: What's with the star?
Lector: No idea.
Sora: (puts his hand on his chest) All right. Let's go!
Sora pointed his Keyblade at the star and tons of glowing Keyblades flew out of the star and started slaying the Shadows.
Natsu: Fire Dragon Wing Attack!
Gajeel: Iron Dragon Sword!
Natsu and Gajeel both attacked the tornado along with Sora, causing a big hole to appear on the side.
Sora: Now's our chance!
They all flew into the tornado again. When they emerged from the Shadows they saw the tornado's core right in front of them.
Erik: Poison Dragon Scales!
Laxus: Lightning Dragon Demolition Fist!
Erik fired some poison scales while Laxus created a lightning fist and they both defeated many Shadows in front of them while Sora continued to attack.
Wendy: Sky Dragon Crushing Fang!
Natsu: Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!
Gajeel: Iron Dragon Lance: Demon Logs!
Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy were attacking the monsters that were flying towards Sora. Many more then came after them.
Sting and Rogue: White Shadow Dragon Silk!
Sting and Rogue backed them up while Sora flew straight towards the core and started attacking. The seven Dragon Slayers continued to fight the monsters in the tornado.
As they continued to fight, the monster tornado started to clear up, revealing the battle ground. Everyone on the ground saw them fighting the core.
Natsu: Let's give it our all! Fire Dragon...
Gajeel: Iron Dragon...
Wendy: Sky Dragon...
Laxus: Lightning Dragon...
Erik: Poison Dragon...
Sting: White Dragon...
Rouge: Shadow Dragon...
Dragon Slayers: ...ROAR!!!
All seven Dragon Slayers fired their attacks at the core. The attacks also destroyed almost all of the monsters surrounding the core. The Dragon Slayers then stopped their attack and noticed that the core was smaller than before.
Natsu: Seriously?!
Sora: Don't worry! We're almost finished! (gathered up some energy into the star)!
Sora flew into the core and slashed through it. The core then exploded in the sky. Sora then jumped off of the flying Keyblades to meet up with his allies.
When Sora landed along with the other Dragon Slayers, everyone saw with awe all of the Keyblades lined up in the sky.
They all started to close in on each other and when they got close, a bright light shined and the Keys were scattered throughout the graveyard.
Riku: Sora!
Everyone ran up to Sora and the Dragon Slayers.
Riku: Are you okay?
Sora: Yeah.
Mickey: What was that?"
Sherria: I don't know, but that was awesome!
Jura: I never saw weapons respond that way.
Aqua: Keyblade wielders...from long ago.
Kagura: Did they help us to stop the war?
Jellal: I believe so.
Ventus: It's the light of the past.
Wendy: Thank you for your help!
Kat: Where's Modeus?
Suddenly, they heard of an explosion nearby as everyone saw Modeus badly wounded. Modeus continued to be on the receiving end of Marauder's attacks as he was grabbed by the throat and was tossed hard to the ground, leaving an impact.
Modeus's mind: If I don't think of something... I won't survive...
Marauder kicked him slightly so Modeus faced upward, he then slashed on his back, making him yell in agony.
Marauder: Weak. I don't understand why Sparda took you in.
Fairy Tail members: Modeus!
Marauder: (looks at the large group) So, they've survived after all. But no matter, I'll just kill them all, one by one.
The weakened Modeus tried to grab his foot.
Modeus: I won't... let you...
Marauder: I think I'm done playing with you. Goodbye, apprentice of Sparda, you were a waste of potential.
It almost came in slow motion as Modeus saw the inevitable end.
Modeus's mind:I'm sorry... I couldn't stop him. Sparda... forgive me...
As he prepared for the end, multiple memories came back to him; his training with Sparda, his disagreements with his brother Baul, his joining of Fairy Tail, everything.
Wendy: Modeus!
Modeus eyes shot open as he looked towards Wendy.
Wendy: Don't give up! You're stronger than he is! You'd promise me you'll comeback, remember?!
Modeus gasp as one memory popped into his head.
Wendy: Just promise me you'll come back. Promise me that.
Wendy's words echoed through his head as his eyes shot open.
Modeus's mind: She's right! What am I doing?! I can't give up!
Right as Marauder brought down his axe Modeus quickly summoned his own sword to block it and wrestled with corrupted Night Sentinel.
Marauder: Don't fight it! Accept your end! You cannot stop me. And I have come for your soul!
Modeus's mind: My Soul... My Soul! My Soul!
Those words triggered a memory in Modeus as he suddenly experienced a flashback.
Flashback; Roughly 2,000 years ago
Modeus: Master? I... I don't understand.
Sparda on a grassy plain in Earthland; with clear blue skies and birds flying over them.
Sparda was in his demonic form as he looked to his apprentice with a humorous smile.
Sparda: What's there not to understand, Modeus?
Modeus: Why? Why choose me, Master? You choose to pass your strength and will to me? Why not my brother, he clearly is the better swordsman.
Sparda: That may be true. Baul indeed is a skilled warrior, however I am not looking for skill. I am looking for what lies inside the soul, and in your soul I have found it.
Modeus: My soul?
Sparda: My friend. For many years, I wasn't to different from the average demon during my service to Mundus. However, upon my arrival in the Human Realm, something inside me changed. I saw something in them that I had never once experienced even among my own kind, and that same thing has grown inside me, which lead me to revolt against my former master. And now, after years of training with you and your brother, I can now see that same thing is present in you.
Modeus: (looked towards his mentor) Master...
Sparda: Modeus, I acknowledge your brother's skill. However, I can see that despite that, he is quite violent. If I passed my strength and will to him, there is a possibility the power would go to his head, and he may become corrupted by it. But you... violence is a burden to you. Despite my age, I know that even I may not be around forever; while I do want my teachings to survive, I also want them to live well.
Sparda had placed a hand on his student's shoulder.
Sparda: Modeus, I pass my strength and will onto you knowing that you will use it when nothing else can save you; knowing that you will use it not just for yourself but to protect someone you care for, never to attack; knowing you will pass on these teachings as I do to a worthy student.
Modeus' body and sword began to glow a strong silver light, much to the shock of the Marauder.
Marauder: What?
Modeus gave a powerful yell as his body was engulfed in a powerful blast of silver and white light. The blast was enough to force back Marauder who could only look in total shock.
The power unleashed a wave of energy; which gained the attention of every wizard and Guardian.
Mickey: Whoa!
Natsu: Hey, you guys feel that?
Gajeel: Yeah, what the hell is it?
Trish: I can sense his demonic power rising and it's growing stronger than before!
Drake's mind: No pressure... could it be?
Marauder took a few steps back as the silver light slightly faded and standing where Modeus was, something else now stood firm.
All his wounds were healed and he bore a more demonic appearance; black scales covered his body as his eyes glowed orange. His trenchcoat became a part of his body as claws adorned his hands, wings also detruded from his back. One would say he had taken his true demonic form, but this was different, evident by the silver aura that flowed around him.
Sora: No way! This power... It feels almost... Like Drake's... He's unlocked his own Devil Trigger!
Riku: Devil Trigger?
Aqua: I thought only Drake and his brother could wield that power.
Ventus: You're right, but he was the apprentice of Drake's dad.
Modeus: (thoughts) Sparda, my mentor, my friend... I didn't understand what you told me all those years ago, but now I do. I know why you chose me, and I will not let you down.
Marauder: You fool! Don't be so overconfident just because you got a small influx of power!
Marauder fired his shotgun at Modeus, however he deflected the bullet with his sword. The Marauder lung towards Modeus with his axe, but Modeus had already called one of his swords to block it with minimal effort.
Marauder: (shocked) Impossible... Where are you getting this much power?!
Modeus: That's simple. Sparda passed his strength and will onto me, and I will use it to protect the innocent and those I care for! I am Modeus; I am the apprentice of Sparda! But more importantly, I'm a member of Fairy Tail!
Modeus unleashed a powerful blast to send him flying back; but Modeus already zoomed past him and met him from behind to deliver a powerful kick to his back to send him flying straight up into the sky. Modeus then opened his own wings as he soared after his enemy.
Marauder quickly stabilized himself and saw Modeus quickly flying up toward him. He was able to block the sword strike with his axe, but Modeus already had an attack ready.
Modeus: Demon Sword: Lunar Eclipse!
Modeus sword burst with silver energy as he shot multiple full-moon-shaped projectiles at the Marauder, who was unable to block it as they all impacted him with explosive results and sent him falling back toward a wall; but Modeus quickly caught up, grabbed him by the face, and threw him on the ground.
The Marauder got back and summon wolves at Modeus, who responded by sending several crescent-moon projectiles with the swing of one of his swords; the attacks collides and resulted in a powerful explosion forcing the Marauder to shield his eyes.
Modeus flew straight out of the dust cloud and swung both his blades down on Marauder who tried to block it with his weapon, but the force sent the monster straight downward and onto the ground, leaving a crater as the Marauder was covered in multiple cuts and bruises.
Marauder: I don't... understand... Where... where are you getting this... Power?
Modeus: You wish to know? It's because I use my power to protect the weak; until you can understand that, you will never defeat me.
Marauder: You bastard! (charged at Modeus)
Modeus swords continued to glow white as two beams of energy shot up and below and quickly took the form of a bow-and-arrow-like construct out of white energy which he pointed right at the Marauder's as his whole body began to glow a bright silver light.
Modeus: Lunar Goddess of the Hunt: Artemis!
He launched his massive light-arrow directly at the incoming Marauder. Modeus' arrow had pierced the Marauder in the front, causing him to scream until his body explodes in white energy.
Everyone that was watching was amazed by his new found power. White steam flew out from Modeus' body as he reverted back to his humanoid appearance that held a content smile on his face. Modeus fell to his knees as he was panting.
Wendy: Modeus!
Wendy ran towards Modeus as she starts using her magic to heal him.
Modeus: Wendy...
Wendy: Just hold still, I'll get you healed up.
Sherria: I'll help too. (stars healing Modeus)
Natsu: Yo Modeus, where'd you learn to do that, huh?
Wendy: Yeah, its like you got your own Devil Trigger now.
Modeus: I guess you could say that I do. Sparda had chosen to pass his will and strength onto me, I know what he meant. He had gifted me the same kind of ability that he has, as well as that passed onto his sons. And I swear that I will use it to protect everyone. (puts his hand on Wendy's shoulder) Especially, the ones I care about.
Wendy didn't waste any time in embracing Modeus in a hug, which he was happy to return.
Gajeel: (humorous chuckle) Bunch of softies.
Just then, Kairi noticed something.
Kairi: (points) Look.
Everyone saw a figure, holding a blade on it's shoulder, coming from a cloud of dust.
Lea: Just send out the Big Bad.
Quatro Cerberus: Yeah!
When the dust finally cleared, it was the past version of Riku that appeared, except he wasn't wearing his black coat.
His torso, arms, and legs are covered in black and purple material that resembles muscle tissue. On his chest is a symbol of the Heartless, except that the cross is not there, and he has a white cloth around his waist.
Seeing him surprised and angered Riku. The dark version of Riku stopped with a smile and chuckled.
Riku: (glares) You!
Natsu: Hey, it's that jerk we met in San Fransokyo! (realized) Oh, sorry.
Riku: Don't worry about it.
Macbeth: But why is there another version of Riku here and the real version here too?
Mickey: The Organization's been using hearts. One Xehanort got to in the past and has influence over. So, that must be Riku from when Ansem had control of his heart.
Riku: Yeah. How could I forget?
Riku then noticed that the wizards of Sabertooth, Crime Sorciere, Lyon, and Laxus were all furious upon seeing him.
Laxus: Wipe that shitty look off of your face.
Sting: The look on his face...
Jellal: I know.
Lyon: Sorry if this is offending you. But I can't stand him!
Riku: It's okay. This is an enemy that I want to beat. This version of me is an embarrassment!
Dark Riku: (chuckles) I'd say that was our finest hour.
Riku: Wrong. My hour of weakness.
Dark Riku: You sure? How about we find out?!
Dark Riku was then surrounded by a dark aura. It then started to grow larger until there was a large dark aura figure above him. It took the form of Master Xehanort. The figure spread its arms out in front of the allies and they all became cautious.
Dark Riku: A real test for the Mark of Mastery!
Riku: What did you say?!
Natsu: He already passed it, dumbass!
Dark Riku: Not only that, (points at Laxus) but also to beat the freak that threw me into several buildings!
Laxus: You deserve it. What do you mean by 'real test'?
Xigbar: (appears from a dark corridor) We gotta make sure you're not blundering you're way toward a second failure.
Xigbar then smirked and Aqua gave him a furious look.
Lea: Blundering? I'll have you know we fail with style, chief.
Xigbar: At least you admit it. Well, if you Guardians and wizards think you bought the goods, you'll have to prove it to the old guy one last time.
Xigbar then put his hand on Dark Riku's shoulder.
Xigbar: Kid, take it away.
He then left through a dark corridor. Dark Riku's aura began to increase until he yelled out and the dark figure became bigger. The figure started to change shape and Shadows started to fall out of it.
The Shadows then formed into multiple Demon Towers, surrounding everyone. Dark Riku then vanished from the area.
Sora: This again?!
Drake: This is getting real old real quick!
Cana: How long do we have to keep doing this shit?!
Everyone started to attack the Tides while more Shadows started to rain down from the sky. Everyone then started to back towards each other, hesitant and exhausted.
Trish: Holy crap. There's so many.
Mickey: This isn't good.
Gajeel: Normally I would like to fight all these guys, but we don't have time for this!
Jenny: They just keep coming!
Aqua: Form up! Now!
Everyone came closer and started to fight the Shadows in front of them. Mickey looked unsure of himself as he grabbed his Keyblade with both hands and looked at the Shadows.
He then gave a determined look and pointed his Keyblade at them. He then began to raise it, but Riku grabbed it, surprising Mickey. Riku lowered it and shook his head.
Riku: If you try to use time magic against these numbers, you won't have enough strength for the final battle.
Everyone continued to fight, but they were easily becoming exhausted, mostly the Keyblade wielders.
Kat: We're running out of room here!
Aqua: I'll try and break through. Everyone, get ready!
Ventus: Alone?! That's crazy! I'll help!
Wolfheim: No, we'll do it! Save your energy!
Kairi: Twelve is no better.
Lisanna: There's a wall of monsters like six miles thick!
Bacchus: What?!
Lea: Yeah, splitting up's a bad idea!
Goofy: (puts his shield over his head) There's way too many!
Natsu: Dammit, I'm not gonna be stuck like this! Screw grouping, I'll burn these monsters by myself!
Lucy: They just said there's too many!
Natsu: So? We survived tougher enemies!
Suddenly a giant wave of Shadows towered over them. Donald screamed and covered his head while lying on the ground.
Donald: We're finished!
Sora: Dammit!
Before the Shadows could attack, a light pierced the clouds and landed in front of the allies. The light destroyed many Shadows in front of them. The attack was so strong everyone braced themselves so they wouldn't be blown away.
Evergreen: What is that?
The attack started to weaken a bit and everyone looked up. When the light cleared up, they saw Yen Sid standing in front of them.
Keyblade Wielders: Master Yen Sid!
Yen Sid's hands started to sparkle as he lifted them up. He then pressed his hands together and spread them out immediately. A barrier of light surrounded them and defeated Most of the Heartlesses surrounding them. The barrier in front of Yen Sid pushed the Shadows apart revealing a path further into the Graveyard.
Juvia: A path!
Yen Sid: Go, my young champions. I will hold them all here for as long as I can.
Mickey: We're not gonna leave you behind!
Donald and Goofy looked at each other and nodded. They then ran up to Yen Sid, surprising the others.
Donald: You guys go on!
Goofy: Me and Donald will stay here. The two of us'll back up Master Yen Sid!
Sora: Donald... Goofy...
Donald: You're a whole pint by yourself, Sora.
Goofy: Don't worry. We'll catch up with ya in just a bit!
Sora: (a bit hesitant) Okay!
???: We'll stay too!
The wizards from Quatro Cerberus, Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel, some members from Lamia Scale, the Council, Crime Sorciere, Sabertooth, and some members of the Fairy Tail guild joined Donald and Goofy as well.
Minerva: There's six miles worth of monsters here.
Kagura: Let us join you!
Yen Sid: Thank you.
Mickey: We'll regroup later.
Yen Sid: Make haste!
Erza: Our allies have given us a path! Let's confront the enemy!
Everyone: Yeah!
The Guardians and their allies ran towards the Graveyard.
Chapter 100 ended.
Here it comes, the Keyblade War is about to begin! I hope you guys are ready for this, let me know what you guys think at the comments below. Peace out!
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