t h i r t y - t w o

Your two eyes,

their glow is lost


Pacifica Pines

I watched as Dipper left the room.

I was left to my own devices again.

It was lonely in this hospital room. Sure, it was nice and all, but the smell of disinfectant was seriously getting to me and there was no one to talk to: Mrs Johnson was pretty friendly and I could tell she was super kind but I just couldn't hold up a full conversation with her.

'Hello, sweetie, I'm going to change your IV drip now, alright?' She bustled in with a silver tray and a bag of IV inside.

'Yes, thank you, Mrs Johnson.'

'Of course, dear. Please let me know if you need anything else. I'll go see if any of the other patients need help now.'

'Thank you again, Mrs Johnson.'

'Just let me know, dear.' She clasped her hands together. I never noticed the bright blue nail polish she wore.

'Can I ask if you like any mythical stories?'

'Sorry, sweetheart?'

Yeah, I can't imagine that she would like any childish thing like that...

Mrs Johnson spoke again: 'It's alright, dear. Go ahead and say what you were saying. I'm just hard of hearing. Old age is getting to me.' She chuckled softly.

'-oh. I was just asking if you liked mythical stories, or if you found any interest in them.' I smiled.

She probably doesn't.

'Oh darling, I used to hear stories of all kinds around here, about the most fantastical kinds of animals and people. Do you?' Mrs Johnson glanced away and looked at the wall, losing herself in her memories.

'I do enjoy a good story. Do you remember any you heard from before?' I fiddled with the IV tubing between my fingers

'Hmm... let me think.' Mrs Johnson comfortably took a seat on the chair next to my bed. 'I think I remember one.'

I perked up from my bed. 'Maybe you could tell me a story if I told you one in return?'

'That sounds wonderful, dear.'

'You can go first Mrs Johnson.' I gestured towards her with my hand.

'Of course, dear. I don't remember much of this story, but according to what I do remember, this story is true. I've never been much of a believer, but I do reckon lots of the youngsters back in my day believed this story to be true.'

'A true mythical story?'

'Yes, my dear. Or so the townspeople think. I'm no believer, so don't take my word for it.'

'This sounds really exciting.' I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

'I'll go ahead then, dear.'

I nodded in my seat.

'This story dates back to years and years ago. Some of my friends even say decades, or even centuries. When some powerful, almost god-like being, ruled the world. It was cruel, and evil and some even called it a demon. I don't recall too well if it was or wasn't a demon, but its wrath glowed a fiery blue.'

'... like your nails?' I pointed at her fingers.

'Sure, dear. Like my nails.'

I hummed.

'The creature's existence was bestowed upon us people for thousands and thousands of years, since it had been so before we were even created. The creature ruled with might and power, and stroke fear in the hearts of any other sentient being. Oh dear, I'm starting to think this story may be a bit too much for some sort of bedside story.'

Mrs Johnson clasped her hands together in some sort of praying motion, gripping her hands so tightly she pulled back her flesh, you could even say her hands looked young.

'It's alright, Mrs Johnson. You can keep going. I'm sure I'll be alright.' I looked up at the clock. 'And it's not even that late anyway.'

'Oh no, dear. I'll keep telling you the story tomorrow during my lunch shift. I'll even ask some of my friends in the morning about the story. I'll look into the story and let you know if I find anything interesting.'

'... if you say so Mrs Johnson.' I said quite hesitantly.

This was too good of a story to let go.

I made sure to remember to tell Dipper this weird story the next time I saw him.

But he didn't show up the next day.

The day went by peacefully, some other nurses tended to my injuries and where I had cuts, they replaced the bandages. I ate breakfast, the icky hospital kind: a sort of concoction of potatoes, celery and mushroom in liquid and a nice piece of toast which I honestly appreciated a bit more than the 'concoction'. Then lunch, which was a bit better - bread and butter, some sour-tasting vegetable soup and some jelly that was way way way too hard to be anything even I would make.

Lunch ended and I walked back to my room to wait for Mrs Johnson. I had just gone outside into the hospital's garden to get a breath of fresh air. And maybe to see if Dipper would be around... or anywhere.

Mrs Johnson showed up. At least someone showed up to find me at last.

'Mrs Johnson, I've been waiting for you this whole afternoon so you could finish your story.' I told her as she took a seat on the chair next to my bed.

'Of course, dear! I was waiting all day to tell you what I found out.' She tilted her head and laid her hands on her knees.

'Did you find out anything about the story? Anything to add?' I widened my eyes.

'Yes! I visited one of the usual diners in town to look for the locals. And you'll never guess what I found out!'

'What is it?' I managed to mumble out.

I saw myself pale against Mrs Johnson, she seemed even livelier than me.

'I spoke to them this morning to grab a morning coffee, and they basically managed to tell me the rest of the story. And more so, it's not a story, it's a famous myth and legend! I'd say it's real!'

'I'm not sure to say if that's a good thing or a bad thing.' I chuckled. I got myself comfortable under my blanket and hugged it closer to me. I swear I hadn't left the windows open this morning and nor did the nurses, how did the breeze manage to get in? As I looked out the window, I saw nothing but the sun smiling down on us.

'You can decide once I tell you the rest of the myth. You'll be so surprised with the rest of it that it'll knock you off your feet!' Mrs Johnson jokingly punched me in the arm, exactly where one of my bruises was. But her hand felt different, it was hard, firm and cold.

I looked at her hand and saw a set of silver rings adorned on her hand. I swear she hadn't had them yesterday.

I winced at the pain but decided to let it go. Mrs Johnson was in a really good mood and I didn't want to pull her out of her cheery headspace.

'Well, I'm excited to know the rest of it. So please tell me the rest of it.'

'Where did we leave off yesterday?' Mrs Johnson tapped a finger on her chin. Her polished nail reflected in the sun. 'Ooh yes!'

'So I was telling you all about the demon and how it ruled.'

'Yes... I think so.'

'Okay! Let's keep going from there! So this demon, it ruled for millennia and centuries on end. It seemed to every being that there would be no end to its rule. All until one family of humans stepped up to the challenge. The head of the family banished the demon into a realm far far away. And locked it within a set of precious stones that can only be worn by the most capable and powerful of the family, which- which- wh- oh dear, I've seem to have forgotten how it ends...' Mrs Johnson laughed and ran a hand through her hair.

'Oh, darling.' She snickered.

Dipper Gleeful

There was no need to bring Pacifica into familial business. This only concerned me, my goddamn fucking sister and that short little twerp who seemed to interest her so damn much.

After a much needed night's rest in some dirty little hole I found behind a tree, I set off early in the morning to look for my sister.

'Mabel?' I called out into the dark corridor. 'Mabel!'

To make sure I didn't open the same door twice, I wanted to set a mark for myself: To leave each door open once I had checked the interior. But these rooms had other plans, every single door I had opened would stay open right until I opened the door to another room.

'Mabel! You fucking freak, where are you?' I pulled my shirt collar and loosened it. This was getting frustrating and the slamming of the doors was getting to me.

I signed once again as a door led me to nothing but an empty room.

Where the hell would Mabel be if not in the manor. What would push her so far to leave the only place where she had total control?


Or who?

'Oh god, fuck me.'

FIRST THINGS FIRST: before publishing this chapter i added details to some of the previous chapters esp the chapter before this so please go read it again (it's rlly not that long!) to make sure you get all the new details + the stuff going on fresh in ur head!! it's rlly annoying i'm sorry guys but i just wanted to make this plot a bit better for you guys to read and also it makes me feel a bit better abt myself 😭😭

ALSO ..... you guys ever get a surge of ideas and you go OH DAMN OK BRAIN but ur lazy to actually write it out until you get scared you'll forget literally a minute after? yeah. that's what happened to me when i suddenly wrote 1000 more words onto this draft ;)

well, on a better note, i'm really trying to nit pick at my writing and kind of get a better writing style so if you guys think anything anywhere can be improved or i made a really stupid typo then let me know. i srsly don't wanna go around writing some word wrong and then coming back to it 6 months later and see 100 people read 'fuck' as 'duck' just because i typed it up wrong TT

anyway. enough for the rant. OF FER RING of the chapter :))))

and that's basically all for now, now you must suffer until i update next which is basically never. rip.

but anyway, cya!!

byee 💗💙💜

- squisiipeeps

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