
"You are troubled Scarlet. You are in the stage of denial and that's ok." Dr. Trent cooed as she sat in front of me. She was in her late twenty's early thirties. She had blond hair that looked like it was belched but really wasn't and always wore formal attire sitting as straight as a board.

Why am at a psychiatrist you may ask? The answer is simple; my parents are unaccepting assholes. I don't have an anger problem but I do have a discipline problem. I been kicked out of eleven schools; 3 private schools (one of them for girls only), 5 public schools, and three schools for delinquents (one being for boys only). It's gotten to the point where I'm not even schooled. It's not my fault people are awful and throw fits when they don't get their participation award. Somebody needed to put all those kids (and maybe a few adults) in their place.

My jean covered legs were crossed and my grey Vans lightly bobbed. I sported a black crop that had a silver wolf paw print on it and a silver choker with a golden tree dangling from it to go along with it. My curly hair was free and wild while my green blue eyes glared at the woman in front of me.

Oh, I should tell you why she thinks 'I'm in denial.' Recently I got into street fighting and racing. I saved up enough money to pay for my diving and dance lessons. I've been diving and dancing for years, 5 years to be exact. My parents found out one night because I was caught by the cops. I was kind-hearted enough to save the 14 year old pair of twins and took the fall instead. I knew what I was doing was dangerous but I knew how to fight and race. I was taught and have been doing it for the three years I've been paying for my own lessons. However, Dr. Trent here doesn't believe that I knew what I was doing and has concluded that I am in denial. She's a smart one isn't she?

I had other things to worry about though. I recently did a job with a bunch of the big boy's. Joker, Mr. Penguin, Scarecrow, and Death Stroke to name a few. I was talented in many things, one of them being planning. Never has one single plan of mine failed. They were gonna ambush the Justice League at one of their many museum openings. I need to get to the tavern, have a few drinks, relax, and lay low until all this blows over.

Zoning back in to what the doc was saying proved to just piss me off even more. "...That's why we are going to help you. I have prescribed some-"

"Let me cut you off right there buttercup. I'll be damned if you stuff me with meds to make me loopy and shit. Medication doesn't help, it makes everything so much more worse. Unless you're physically sick, which I'm not. You grown-ups just can't accept the fact that people are different so you stuff them full of pills. In doing so you make us robots. And frankly, I like my individuality." By now I was standing and I'm positive yellow was slowly leaking into my eyes.

Storming out of her office I ignored her calls. My string bag lightly bounced against my back as I started to sprint. It was late, 8:30ish and the sky was barely lit up by what was left of the sun's light. I ducked into a port-a-potty and quickly stripped. I slid the black leggings up and threw my black skirt on, which really was a ruffled piece of cloth that hung off of my hips. I wiggle into a sports bra and slip a soft, grey form fitting T-Shirt over my head. I replaced my choker with a grey bandana and finally put on some black fingerless gloves. I shove all my old clothes into my string bag and step out of the portable bathroom.

The cold street felt good on my bare feet and I sighed in content. I easily climbed up the skyscraper that stood a few feet behind me. Once at the top I tossed my bag under a brown crate hiding it from sight. I bent over and ran my hands through my hair shaking it. As I flipped my hair up brown wolf ears appeared. I was experimented on by the Joker himself resulting in me being able to have wolf aspects and even be able to fully become one. Along with my new found talent came better coordination and all my senses to be enhanced greatly. No, I can't form a wolf tail; I'm relived about that though because it would only get in the way.

I ran from building to building, hopping over the wide spaces with grace. Upon reaching the tavern I saw a few small time criminals walk in. I knew everyone there, it was bad guy central, but it was home. Strutting in I was greeted with multiple loud and drunken comments. "NightHowler! How's my favorite girl doing?!"

"Hey babuy, wash up?! Your later than ushual!"

I smiled warmly as more greeting sounded through the wooden walls. Even though they are all criminals, they made it crystal clear that I was like family. There wasn't anything they wouldn't do for me and vise-versa. "Hey NightHowler, what can I get you?"

I smiled at Jim, the bartender and responded, "A tall glass of Vodka with some soda will do." He nodded and went to make my drink as Sammy walked up to me. "Hia Sam, hows the family?"

Sam chuckled and nodded his head, "They're good, but my daughter is troubled and I'm trying to find out why." I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned.

"Julie? Is she ok?"

He shook his head, "No, NightHowler. She came in looking upset. I came to talk to her to see what was wrong."

A small smile graced my lips, "I'm fine Sammy- Thanks Jim- Just a little worked up." I chugged half of my drink and set it down. I saw Jim give me a nod from the corner of my eye before walking off.

"Obviously." He gave me a look that told me to spill which caused me to sigh. "Just tell ol' Uncle Sammy what's bothering you." He patted his lap jokingly as if saying to sit on his lap.

I opened my mouth to respond but was cut off by the deafening silence of the tavern. The laughing, chatting, and clanking of dinks and pool balls had been silenced. Looking towards the door I saw Batman, Flash, and Orion. As they walked in their eyes zoned in on me. Most of the Tavern caught on to who their target was. Those that didn't ran out after they passed them. Once they were few feet in front of me a group of men that I couldn't identify blocked them. "That's far enough Batsy, you aren't getting any closer to NH." By the slightly nasally voice I could tell it was Randel talking. As they surveyed the bar they saw all the remaining people standing defensively, weapons drawn and making their way to standing front of me.

Batsy's eyes narrowed at me, "You've got quite a lot of minions NightHowler."

I let out a growl and stood, "They aren't my minions. They're my family!" I allowed my wolf's voice to take over as I barred my teeth at him. He looked taken aback by my statement. However, my family stood taller and firmer with pride.

"No, you don't do family. None of these guys do, you're all just a bunch of bad guys playing house." He easily fought of the first group of guys and finished, "I'm not here to play." I let out another growl, this time more pronounced and feral. I knew my eyes were now completely yellow as my line of vision narrowed slightly.

All at once Batman and Orion took out what was left of everyone in the Tavern. "Sammy!" He was groaning in pain as Orion delivered a punch to his stomach before tossing him out. The loud slam of the door echoed off the walls of the now empty Tavern.

Me and Batman began to charge each other when Flash went in between us and pushed us apart. "Woah, woah, woah!! Let's all calm down!" He sighed and wrapped his arm around me zipping me into a seat next to him. "NightHowler is it? Look, we know you gave Joker and his gang plans to ambush us thats why We're asking nicely for you to tell us when and where."

I barred my fangs, "Beating up my family and tossing them out of their home isn't 'asking nicely.' So, how bout no."

He sighed, "Look, I can tell you are a young and beautiful woman. I know for a fact that if you tried you could make an amazing life for yourself and live happily! It isn't my business why you have chosen this path but I honestly don't want to hurt you or use force to get answers. However Bat-guy over there doesn't listen." He jabbed his thumb behind him and offered a small smile. "So can you please help us out?

I processed everything he just said and felt like crying. Nobody has ever said that to me. Ya, the guys here are great and really sweet to me. They've shown their love in different ways, teaching me new things, buying me drinks and food, asking me if I was alright, and even beating up a few guys for me. However they never told me that they believed in me, never said that I should walk away from the path of crime and go towards a bigger and better future so I could live happily.

All I've received in life was beatings from my parents, doctors trying to force pills down my throat, and the make-shift family I was so graciously given. I didn't know how to react, so I denied it. "Y-ou're lying." My voice was soft and sounded like a broken little kid; which I was.

I felt a pressure around me slightly squeezing me. I then realized Flash was hugging me, I've never received a hug; at least not in a while. MY vision blurred and I leaned into Flash with silent sobs wracking my body. "W-hy are you do-ing this? What are you even doing?"

"I'm doing this because I know you're a good kid. And I'm hugging you! Haven't you ever been hugged?" I shook my head I response and weakly returned the gesture.

"It feels nice though. I li-ke it."

After a few minutes Flash pulled away, "You deserve so much more than this. I promise to personally help you if you help us."

I stared into his masked eyes searching for any hint of lies. "W-ill you take me in?" He looked taken aback by this question, "Y-ou don't h-ave to!" I cleared my throat and whipped away my tears.

"You're homeless?" His voice was a soft shocked whisper. He took my hands in his and bore his eyes into mine.

"No, but I'm beaten on a daily basis. Suppose I deserve it though. I'm a freak, a mistake; I'm worthless." Flash's eyes left mine and scanned over my bear arms and neck. Only just noticing the scrapes and bruises that scattered my arms and slightly showed above my shirt. His eyes widened so I quickly snatched my arms away from him and wrapped them around myself.

"You're not a freak, a mistake or worthless! Never say any of those things about yourself again!" He pulled me into another hug, this one being more fierce and firm. This time I responded with full force. "Of course I will take you in! You deserve better."

After a few minutes I pulled away and held my right arm with my left. Looking down at my feet I spoke up. "They're going to ambush you before the opening of the museum. I found out that you guys would get to walk around in it before hand and help with a few last minute things. That's when they're going to strike. I don't know what traps they have set but I can find out for you." I looked up at Flash offering a small smile, "It was my plan after all, I should get to partake in the ambush."

Flash's eyes softened, "Thank you NightHowler." He offered his hand, "Let's go, I bet you're hungry." Nodding I took his hand and faced the door with him. Upon seeing Orion and Batman I remembered their presence. Both Batman and Orion looked at me with sympathy and walked out. Flash let out a sigh and smiled down at me, "Time to go home."

I smiled up at him, "Time to go home."

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