7. And the Spell is Broken

*Bella's P.O.V*

I sat with my chin in the palm of my hand, a ditzy smile on my face while I payed absolutely no attention to what Mr Deley, the chemistry teacher, was blathering on about. All I could think about was Carlos. The adorable freckled boy took up the majority of my mind these days, but who could blame me? Who wouldn't want to think about him 24/7?

Eventually, the bell signalling the end of class and the beginning of lunch rang, snapping me out of my thoughts long enough to pack up my things and exit the classroom, my books held close to my chest.

"Hi, Evie." I chirped when I ended up walking alongside the blue haired beauty.

"Hey, Bella." Evie greeted me with a bright smile.

"Are you going to see Carlos?"

"Probably, yeah."

"Oh, can I come with you, please?" I begged.

"I don't know, Bella..." She bit her lip apologetically.

"Oh, please, Evie! I've barely seen him these last few days and my heart can't take it anymore! You don't think he's avoiding me on purpose, do you? I mean, of course he's not, why would he? Maybe he thinks we're moving too fast... He did act strangely the other day when I tried to kiss him, maybe he's just not ready to take our relationship to that level? Which I completely understand, I only want to make him happy but I don't want him to think he has to avoid me because I just love him so much and I can't bare to be away from him and-"

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to him!" She interrupted my rambling, putting her hands on my shoulders as I fell silent for a moment, "Just please, stop talking!" She added with a small, amused chuckle.

"Oh, thank you, Evie!" I squealed, throwing my arms around her neck. Evie giggled, taken aback by my actions but hugging me back anyway before we both started walking to meet Mal, Jay and of course, my beloved Carlos.

"Listen, Bella, I know you're not going to have any idea what I'm talking about right now, but when Mal finally does figure out how to break the love spell, please don't be too mad at Carlos." Evie pleaded and I frowned in confusion.

"Spell? What spell? I'm not under any spell."

"I know, I'm just saying." Evie gave me a reassuring smile and wrapped an arm around me as we continued walking. We soon found the rest of the VKs sat around a lunch table outside.

"Carlos!" I took off running as soon as I spotted the head of white curls that I loved so much. After almost tripping over my own feet several times and clumsily climbing over the bench so I could sit down, I took a seat beside the adorable De Vil.

"I've missed you so much!" I sighed happily, wrapping my arms around Carlos' torso and giving him a tight squeeze.

"I've...missed you too..." Carlos nervously trailed off with a halfhearted chuckle.

"Evie, what the heck is she doing here?!" Mal hissed at her best friend.

"I'm sorry, okay? She begged me to take her to see Carlos and I couldn't say no!" Evie tried to justify her actions, sitting down next to the aggravated purple haired girl.

"I'm sorry about the other day, baby." I told Carlos, taking his hand and intertwining our fingers.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me with a confused frown.

"When I tried to kiss you; I'm sorry if I was coming on too strong, it's just I've never kissed anyone before and I wanted to do it with the person I love most in the world; you." I booped his nose as I said 'you', giggling at the way it scrunched up and made him look even cuter, which I didn't even think was possible. If it weren't for my lovesick state, I never would've admitted to something as embarrassing as not having my first kiss yet and I would surely regret it later but for now, I didn't seem to have a care in the world.

"But I'm sorry for throwing myself at you like that, I didn't mean to make my precious Carlos feel uncomfortable." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Uh, i-it's okay, don't worry about it." He let out an awkward laugh.

Later that day, I was at my locker between classes when my brother approached me.

"Hi, Bennyboo!" I greeted him with a bright smile and a large hug, probably confusing him when I used his nickname casually, as oppose sarcastically and teasingly like I usually do.

"Hey, Bells," Ben laughed, surprised by my incredibly cheerful mood and me launching myself at him, "You seem very happy today; would I be right in assuming that it has something to do with a certain white haired, freckle faced, Isle boy?" He gave me a knowing grin.

"Of course, what else?" I giggled.

"Yeah, I saw you two looking pretty cosy at lunch today." He chuckled with a cheeky wink, "Just make sure you remind him that you have a me as a big brother and I will not hesitate to hurt with him if he hurts you." He playfully told me but there was a hint of seriousness in his voice, just a hint.

I rolled my eyes at my protective brother but the joyous smile never left my face, "That won't be necessary, Benjamin. We love each other so much and Carlos is so sweet and lovely and amazing and he would never do anything to hurt me. He's super generous, as well. Like, that one time, after the tourney game, he gave me a delicious cookie and I-"

"Wait, what cookie?" Ben's face fell and he looked afraid all of a sudden.

"Yeah, he gave me this super yummy cookie, I think Mal made it." I explained, unaware of Ben's sudden change of mood as I was so busy reminiscing about the moment with Carlos.

"That idiot!" Ben growled under his breath, the shock quickly turning into anger. I looked up to see his eyes a slightly darker shade of green.

"What's wrong, Bennyboo?" I frowned when I realised my brother was now in a bad mood and had no idea why.

"Nothing. Come on, let's go for a walk, okay?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from my locker.

"What? Why? Where are we going?"

"The enchanted lake, to fix you." Ben claimed.

"Fixing? I don't need fixing, what are you talking about? And don't we still have classes to go to? Can't Carlos come with us?" I kept blurting out the questions running through my head, now extremely confused.

"We'll just say we were doing some last minute planning for the coronation and no, Carlos can most definitely not come with us. Now, will you stop asking so many questions and just come on?"

I sighed and eventually shut up, letting my mind go wherever it wanted. A smile spread across my face when I started thinking about Carlos.

Ben kept hold of my hand all the way there and every so often he would mutter things under his breath like, "I can't believe that idiot, putting my baby sister under a love spell, how dare he?!" Spell? Why does everyone keep talking about a spell? I'm not under a spell!

Before long, we arrived at one of my favourite sports in Auradon; the enchanted lake.

"What are we doing here?" I wandered, not that I was complaining.

"Well, this is going to sound nuts, but I need you to jump in the lake." Ben told me.

"What? No way!"

"Please, Bella, it's the only way I can think of to break the spell!"

"For the love of Aladdin, I'm not under a damn spell! Why does everyone keep saying I am? And there is no way I'm jumping in that lake! I mean for starters, it's probably freezing cold and I'm not really in the mood to get hypothermia so..."

"This is for your own good, sis." Ben mumbled before shoving me into the water.

"BEN!" I shrieked as I resurfaced. I was about to get out of the water and start yelling at him for doing that, but all of a sudden I felt this tingling sensation all over my body as the enchanted lake water washed off the love spell that I'd been so in denial about. And then it all hit me. Why Evie had begged me not to be too mad at Carlos and why she and Ben were trying to tell me I was spelled. And the worst part, me throwing myself at Carlos all week even though I had no idea what I was doing and probably just made a huge fool of myself all because of Carlos himself. How could he?

"Bella?" Ben cautiously asked as he helped me out of the water. Naturally, I was fuming with rage and Ben was probably a little scared I was about to explode. I was basically a ticking time bomb in that moment.

"Just take me back to school." I muttered, my voice small and weak. Ben didn't say another word as he took his Auradon varsity jacket off and draped in over my shoulders, wrapping an arm around me as we started walking back to school. Ben kept his arm around me all the way back and when we got there, I planned to go straight to my dorm and cry for the rest of the night but when I saw Carlos in the courtyard, I couldn't hold back. I yanked myself out of Ben's grip and stormed over to the brown eyed boy.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" I screamed, shoving him as hard as I could as soon as I reached him. It wasn't very hard as I was just about ready to burst into tears and I wasn't feeling very strong, but it was enough to make him stumble back. Mal, Evie and Jay were there as he'd been talking to them before I walked over and a few other students had wandered over to see the drama upon hearing my shout. I probably looked crazy, with my hair hanging off my head in sopping wet strings, makeup running down my face and wearing my brother's jacket that was way too big for me, but I didn't care about that.

"Looks like the spell's worn off, then." I heard Mal mutter to Evie and Jay and I glared at the three of them, suddenly realising that they all knew what Carlos had done as well. I then averted my glare back to Carlos and remembered what I was here for.

"I thought we were friends! How could you do this to me?! How could you put me under a spell in which I had absolutely no control over what I did?! I'm not Dude, Carlos! I'm not some pet that you can trick into following you around like a lovesick puppy!"

"I know that, I'm sorry! I just-"

"Sorry doesn't fix this, Carlos! Just leave me alone, you lying, manipulative villain!" I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth, especially when I saw the hurt and the shock appear on Carlos' face.

"Come on, Bells, let's get you dried off, yeah?" Ben stepped in just in time, protectively glaring at Carlos as he wrapped his arm around me once again and guided me back to his room. By the time we go there, I was fighting to hold the tears back and Ben noticed immediately.

"Hey, come on, don't cry," He walked over and pulled me into his arms, not caring that I was soaking wet. I wrapped my arms around my brother's torso and cried silently into his chest while he rubbed my back.

"I can't believe I called Carlos a villain." I wailed.

"He totally deserved it." Ben tried to make me feel better.

"No he didn't!" I pulled away from him, "Yes, what he did was terrible but I didn't have to say that! He's not a villain, I'm such a horrible person."

"Bella, you know that's not true. You're the nicest, sweetest, least horrible person I know. You were just angry, we all say things we don't mean when we're mad."

"I suppose." I shrugged, "Can I use your shower?"

"Of course you can." He smiled and I managed to return it weakly.

"Thanks, Ben and thanks for taking care of me after what Carlos did."

"Well, what sort of big brother would I be if I didn't, huh?" He grinned, gently wiping away the tears left on my cheeks before pulling me in for another hug and kissing my forehead as he did so.

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