Wake Up

You slowly come to your senses. You look around to see you were in some room with a bed and a desk sitting against the wall.

Y/N: Where am I?..

You try to get up.

Bad idea, you heard your spine crack, so you decided to lay back down.

Y/N: Agh..Deathwave..that's all I remember..about to get killed by Deathwave..is this heaven?

You had a lot of questions, but no one to answer them. You look at yourself and see you were patched up.

Y/N: Who did this?..

Then you heard the door opening and see some boney anthropomorphic porpoise, this startled you as you back up.

?: Whoa, hey, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just glad you're actually alive, you took quite a fall.

Y/N: Who are you?!

?: I'm Skully, who are you?

Y/N: I-I'm Y/N..

(?) Skully will remember that.

Skully: Well Y/N, nice to meet you.

He held his hand out.

Y/N: Nice to meet you too.

You take his hand and shook it.

Skully: Well, you look like you need help, you want a walking stick or anything?

Y/N: I should rest..but thanks for the offer.

Skully: Best choice you could make, I can get you some food if you're hungry.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm starved.

Skully: Not a problem, I can go get you something to eat.

He left.

Y/N: So I'm in a castle?..

You say while looking at a photo of a castle.

He then came back with a baked potato soup with Cheetos on the side.

Skully: I didn't know if you liked potatoes or not, but it's all we have for now.

Y/N: Thanks, I love potatoes.

Skully smiled.

Skully: Well I'm sure you and this bowl will get along just fine.

He pulled up a small table to place it on and puts it in front of you.

Y/N: Thanks.

Skully: Mhm.

You took a bite, the flavor was amazing, that warm crispy skin just made your eyes water.

Y/N: Holy shit! This is good!

Skully: Really? That good?

Y/N: Yeah! Props to whoever made this!

Skully: Aw. Well thanks buddy.

After you get done eating. You place the bowl off to the side.

Skully: So...

Y/N: Yeah?

Skully: I wanted to ask you a couple of questions.

Y/N: I see, fire away.

Skully: Where did you come from?

Y/N: Pfft, if I told you, you would think I'm crazy.

Skully: Go ahead.

Y/N: Well...*Sigh* I was about to be killed by a robot..it came at me and my family..they're gone..

You look down, depressed now that you're thinking about it..

Skully: I'm sorry, I couldn't imagine what you've been through..you don't need to worry about that machine anymore.

Y/N: What if he does come back?..

Skully: Oh trust me, in this castle, everyone knows how to kick ass.

Y/N: Is that so?

Skully nodded.

Skully: I could name you countless things they've done.

Y/N: Well..when do I get to meet them?

Skully: Whenever you're ready.

Y/N: Cool..they don't think I'm a bad guy..right?

Skully: Some might have trust issues, if you decide to stay, they can deal with it. If you don't, that's also fine, whatever makes you comfortable.

Y/N: Well this place seems to be nice, and you say the people know how to kick ass?

Skully: Oh yeah..yeah they do.

Y/N: Then I wouldn't mind staying here.

Skully: Great! Here.

He leaned you over and puts a hand on your back and one on your shoulder.

Y/N: Wait, what are you doing?

Skully: This'll only sting for a moment.

Y/N: What's that supposed to mea-


You felt as he popped your back into place.

Y/N: OW!

Skully: Sorry! Are you good?

You get up and felt no pain.

Y/N: Yeah..thank you.

Skully: Anytime. Come and follow me.


He lead you outside the room, you look around and see a grey dolphin sitting in a chair, polishing its blade.

Skully: Don't mind him..he's a bit of a dick at first, but he won't stay like that for long.

Y/N: Good to know. What's his name?

Skully: Beta.

Y/N: Beta?

Skully: Yep, he's my older brother, sadly.

Y/N: Ouch.

Skully: Yeah..anyways, moving on..

He lead you upstairs. Beta glared at the back of him.

Beta: Hmm..

He ignores this and goes back to shining his scythe.


Skully: Those are-

He was interrupted by ringing.

Y/N: What was that?

Skully: Oh, hold on..I gotta take this.

Y/N: What can I do?

Skully: You can go ahead and bond with them, I'm sure they're welcoming.

Y/N: Okay, thanks.

Skully nods and leaves. You sigh to yourself.

Y/N: Okay Y/N..don't screw this up..

You step in and watch as a red plumber and a red head are racing eachother in Mario Kart 8.

?: Hah! I'm in first place!

?2: Mamaf*cker!

You spectate until the red head won, and the red plumber got in last place.

?: Hell yeah! Suck it loser!

?2: Hey stinky!

He then threw a plate of spaghetti at her face.


The red head proceeds to choke the living hell out of the plumber.

Y/N: Uh..are they usually like this?..

?3: Unfortunately yes.

You turn around to see an orange inkling.

Y/N: Oh! Hi there.

?3: Hey, you're the guy that Beta and Skully won't quit talking about?

Y/N: Yeah, did Skully tell you?

?3: Yep. But Beta told us you're a threat.

Y/N: Oh..

?3: But don't worry, I personally don't think I should be judging someone by their assumed background, I'm Meggy, you?

Y/N: I'm Y/N, Great to meet you Meggy.

(?) Meggy will remember that.

You were about to shake hands but she held out her hand for a high five.

Y/N: Oh?

Meggy: Cmon, don't leave me hanging.

You high five her. She smiles.

(👥) Your relationship with Meggy has changed.

Meggy: Yeah, Beta was wrong about you.

Y/N: Is he ever nice?

Meggy: Occasionally. Are you still getting used to the castle?

Y/N: Skully was gonna show me more, but he took some call and didn't come back yet.

Meggy: Ah, not to worry, I can show you around.

Y/N: Thanks Meggy.

She smiled again.

Meggy: Of course.

Before you two left. She showed you those two red ones again, fighting.

Meggy: Alright, so that girl with fire like hair, that's Belle.

Y/N: Got it.

Meggy: And that moron in the red cap is Mario, or what I like to call him, Red.

Y/N: Gotcha, so Mario and Belle?

Meggy: Uh huh.

Y/N: I see, I think I'll get to know them once they quit fighting.

Meggy: Wise choice. Come.

She lead you to the endless staircase where a spike and a hooded weirdo was seen playing cards.

Y/N: Who are they?

Meggy: *Whispered to you* Those two are anime dorks, no purpose in bothering them. But if you must know, Boopkins is the little green one, and Bob is the one that looks like a trash bag.

Y/N: Pfft..okay.

Meggy rolled her eyes and smiled.

Meggy: Moving on..

Next up was the rooftop.

Meggy: Now this part of the castle, I love.

Y/N: Why's that?

Meggy: You get to view the sunset, everyday.

Y/N: Well that's nice, I must say, this place is great.

Meggy: You think so?

Y/N: Yep.

Meggy: Maybe I'll show you around Inkopolis sometime.

Y/N: What's that?

Meggy: You'll see it once I come back here again, I promise.


After getting to know some of the residents of the castle, you decided to see what the grey one is up to, he was still sharpening his blade, you go to approach him, only to have him look up and give you the death stare.

Beta: Can I help you?

Y/N: N-nothing..Nevermind.

Beta: Mhm...

He looked back down at his scythe and continued to clean it.

Y/N: Okay..I'll talk to him some other time..

You walk away with a chill down your spine.


You go to the kitchen, but you were knocked over by a red plumber.

Mario: OOF!

Belle: GOTCHA!

Mario: Noooo!!!

Y/N: Wait! What's going on?!

Belle: I need to teach this ass a lesson- wait a minute..who are you?

Y/N: I'm Y/N..you must be Belle.

(?) Belle will remember that.

Belle dropped Mario and picked you up.

Belle: How do you know my name?!

Y/N: Meggy told me!!

Belle's personality changed and she plopped you down.

Belle: Oh..so, you're not a bad guy?

Y/N: No, why would I be?

Belle: Eh, rumors spread around here like a disease.

Y/N: I see.

Belle: Well, sorry for giving you trouble. I'll leave you be..

She scratched the back of her head.

Y/N: It's okay Belle, you were just looking out for your safety, I understand.

Belle smiled.

(👥) Your relationship with Belle has changed.

Belle: I should get going, Mario! Get your ass over here!!

Mario: No! Take-a dat! Gay bowser!

He threw a spike ball at Belle, to which she ducked under it, you jump out of the way as well.

Y/N: That red dude is crazy..

?: Tell me about it..

You saw a blue plumber.

Y/N: Hey, I don't think we've met before, I'm Y/N.

(?) SMG4 will remember that.

SMG4: I'm SMG4 or you can call me Glitchy, either one.

Y/N: Good to know.

You both shake hands.

SMG4: Say. Do you like memes?

Your mind snapped.

Y/N: Of course!

SMG4: Oh hoh! We'll get along just fine then!

(To be continued..)

(What's 9 plus 10?)

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