The Jump
It's been at least seven weeks now since you've arrived. Tari's been a bit weird lately, as she would avoid people and looking for any metal?..
Tari: I-I Umm..need to go somewhere..I'll be back.
Meggy: Where are you going?
Tari: Just to get something..I Uh..left archibald in the arena weeks ago..mind if I get him?..
Meggy: Hmm...ok, just be careful.
You were sketchy about this behavior, as she left you get up.
Meggy: What about you?
Y/N: Bathroom. Those enchiladas aren't sitting well..
Skully: You too? Man, that's the last time I'm ever making those things..
Y/N: Don't worry, I'll be back.
You go outside and follow Tari, but you hid behind some foliage, as to not to be spotted. Eventually you see her with some octoling and inkling in hoods.
?: So. Where's the payment?
Tari: I-I'm sorry..I don't have them..
?2: You're kidding me..right?..
They go and get their gun, but the octoling stops him.
?: No Rogue. We settle things fair..and it seems like this lady needs to learn some respect..
You now know that the squid guy is named Rogue.
Rogue: So? What can we do with her? Marco ain't gonna like this.
?: Marco doesn't need to know this.
Rogue: Jason..where are you getting at?..
Jason: I say we beat her..
Tari: W-what?! No! I didn't mean to miss it! I promise I'll bring you more metal!
Jason: No, you missed your deadline. So now you're dead..
Jason then swiftly backhanded Tari, making her fall and cry.
Jason: Care to do the honors Rogue?..
Rogue: Gladly..
He aimed his AK-47 at her, Tari shuts her eyes and shakes in fear, waiting for the impact.
Tari's POV
I was scared for my life, I waited for Rogue to fire, but I hear them being attacked, I open my eyes and see a familiar that Y/N?..
Tari: Y-Y/N?..
Y/N: Tari! Are you ok?!
Tari: B-behind you!!
Rogue then kicked him into the gut and punched him down.
Rogue: should've never followed us out here..
Jason: Shoot em!
He swiftly kicked down Rogue to the ground, firing his weapon by accident. Jason then tried to strangle Y/N, only to have him kick Jason off and away.
Jason: Damn it! I've had enough! This isn't worth dying over, come on Rogue!
Rogue gets up and gets his weapon, he ran off with Jason.
I watch them run away in fear, I kept watching until I didn't see them anymore, then I hear Tari's shaky breath. So I turn around and see her, traumatized. I kneel down and hug her, she immediately hugged back, crying into my shoulder.
Y/N:'s're safe...
I pat her on the back gently. Her heart heated faster.
(👥) Your relationship with Tari has changed.
Tari: Th-thank much..
Y/N: Of course..did you really lose Archibald by the way?..
Tari: Y-yeah..I looked everywhere..But I can't find him..
She pouted a bit.
Y/N: Not to worry, me and Skully can look for him for you, if that's ok.
Tari smiled again, I wipe her tears away.
Tari: Really?! You would do that for me?..
Y/N: Of course, I'll always help a friend out.
Tari's heart beats even more as she blushed.
Tari: Thank you..thank you so much..
Y/N: You're very welcome..we should get going now, our friends are probably concerned.
Beta's POV
Why the fuck is Skully and Meggy getting their weapons?..I place my scythe down and approach them.
Beta: What are you two yammering about?
Skully: We're just concerned.
Beta: About?..
Meggy: Y/N and Tari, we're gonna go search for them.
I immediately grew concerned.
Beta: Where are they?..
Meggy: I think in the mushroom kingdom town square.
Beta: I'll tag along, just in case..
I grab my scythe again. If he lays a finger on her, he's gonna lose his entire hand.
Skully: You still don't trust him..
Beta: Why should I?
Meggy: God Beta, it's been seven weeks now! You've gotta let go of this grudge against Y/N! He didn't do anything to you! So why should you be an ass to him!?
Beta: Because I don't fully trust this guy, isn't that normal?
Skully: Yeah, but you can't keep this wall between you and him forever up. Eventually you'll have to take down that wall and at least talk to him.
Beta: Fine, if he didn't do anything to Tari, then I won't cut off his limbs and leave him for the hawks.
Meggy: You are so barbaric..
Beta: That's my specialty.
Before we could even go out the damn door, I see Y/N and Tari there, Tari was hugging him close, so I assumed he didn't do anything to her, so I sighed and put my blade away.
Beta: Is she alright? What happened?
Y/N: She ran into loan sharks..
Beta: Loan sharks? The fuck you on about?..
Skully: Let him speak.
Beta: That's what I'm saying, talk. Now.
Y/N: She became a victim of loan sharks, and it just so happens to be the worst kind of loan sharks..
Tari: I-it's true..if you mess up once, you're gone..
Y/N: Tari told me this along the way..
Meggy: Dear long has this been going on?!
Tari: A-about a few months now..
Skully: WHAT?!
Beta: The fuck?..
Meggy: Why didn't you tell us?!?
Tari: I wanted to..but I don't want you all to get hurt..
Skully: That would hurt us even more if you didn't tell us, but since you did..we forgive you, and don't worry, you won't need to worry about those assholes anymore.
Tari: T-thank you..all of you..
Meggy: Of course.
Y/N: Anytime.
Beta: Yep..
As I watch Tari leave to go use the shower, I also glance at Skully, Y/N and Meggy, seeing them leave too.
Beta: Guess it's just me then..
I go ahead and clean my scythe again, keeping it polished, then something else came to mind...
Maybe I was wrong about him..
Beta: The fuck have I done?..
I sigh.
Beta: This is gonna hurt me as much as it's gonna hurt my sanity..but I have to do it..maybe I'll talk to him starting tomorrow..
(Is he finally gonna turn a new leaf?)
Jason and Rogue came back to Inkopolis to see their old headquarters.
?: So, Jason, Rogue, how'd it go? She got the metal?
Rogue: No.
?: The fuck?..
Jason: Sorry Jackson, but she wasn't alone, we were jumped.
Jackson: Really? The boss ain't gonna like this.
Jason: Marco doesn't need to know-
Marco: Know what?..
Jason froze and slowly turns around, seeing a sarcosuchus in a black hood.
Marco: I hear you didn't get my required metal? Is this true?
Jason: I-I Ummmm..Y-yes?..
Marco immediately grabbed Jason by the tentacles.
Jason: OW! OW! OW!
Marco: You get me that metal, or it's your ass that's on the if you'll excuse me..I've got shit to do-
The four then see another inkling covered in blue glitter, coughing it up.
?: Fucking hell..she's awful! *Cough*
Marco: What's going on Clare?
Clare: The *Cough* bitch soaked me in glitter ink! *Cough*
She continued to cough up more glitter as Marco growled more.
Marco: Get someone to deal with her, or I'll do it myself. Jason, take a scout and find more metal! We need it for a very special occasion.
Jason: Yes boss, right away.
He sprints off.
Rogue: What can I do sir?
Marco: Get me something to eat outside Inkopolis. I'm starved..
Rogue: Okay sir!
He ran off. Then he turns to Clare.
Marco: Get yourself cleaned up, I'll have a task for you when you get done.
Clare: Got it boss..
She walked away as Jackson continued to patrol. Marco went to go sit in his office, taking a nap.
(Well then..That's Marco.)
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