Meeting Tari


I woke up the next day, feeling a little better now that most of my wounds have healed up. Throughout the one day I've been here, I got to be close friends with Skully, SMG4 and Meggy and Belle, they're great, but Mario can be stupid sometimes- No, actually, All the time. He's cool, but he can be reckless. As for Beta..he looks like he just wants me dead for some reason..but like Skully said, he'll get used to me, I just hope he doesn't try anything..

Today though, I went outside my room and got some cereal, Beta was there too but didn't acknowledge me, so I ignored him and went to get my breakfast and go before he tries something.


After I ate, I put the bowl in the sink, luckily he was gone when I went back. After I put my bowl into the sink, I went to the living room. I then see the orange inkling approach me, she looked stressed.

Meggy: *Sigh* Morning Y/N.

Y/N: Oh hey Meggy, what's wrong?

Meggy: Oh. Nothing, Red's being fussy and won't help me in the splatfest.

Y/N: Splatfest?

Meggy: Oh! Right, it's basically a huge competition they have every year, it's like a paintball tournament, and I could really use the the help..if you aren't busy that is.

I thought about it and gave her an answer.

Y/N: Sure! I'll join.

Meggy: Great! Come along!

She dragged me along into this place called Inkopolis, I must say, this place is amazing!

Y/N: Whoa...this place is amazing!

(?) Meggy will remember that.

Meggy: I know right? It's breathtaking.. anyway, We'll meet Skully and Tari at the arena.

Y/N: Tari?

Meggy: You've never met Tari yet?

I shook my head.

Y/N: Nope.

Meggy: Don't worry, I'll fill you in on who she is.


During the walk there, Meggy told me who this Tari girl was, she was a gamer girl, with blue hair, a cybernetic arm and she's shy, so I should be calm around her.

Meggy: And that's Tari.

Y/N: Gotcha, thanks for that.

Meggy: Anytime.

I see my dolphin friend and the shy gamer girl, and I have to say...

She's kinda cute.

She looked at me and had a faint blush on her face.

Meggy: Tari, this is Y/N. He'll be joining us today.

(?) Tari will remember that.

Tari: O-oh, okay.

Skully: Sup Y/N!

He waved at me, I waved back.

Y/N: Heya! And Hey Tari!

Tari: H-hi..Y/N..

She squeaked out with a little wave before covering part of her face up.

Meggy: Okay! Time to start training!


Normal POV

Now they began to start training, Y/N and Skully were on one side, as Tari and Meggy were on the other.

Meggy: Ready to get pounded?

Skully: Sounds kinky.

This caught Meggy, You and Tari off guard, then you listen to it again.

Meggy: Wha- I hear it..

Y/N: I hear it too.

Tari nodded and blushed again.

Skully: Anywho, in your dreams Spletzer!

Y/N: Today ain't your day Squid Girl!

Tari: We're gonna b-beat you..

She said with a little confidence.

You four then charge right into battle, Meggy was by far the most skilled player, as she was darting left and right, avoiding both your shots and Skully's. Tari hid the whole time.

Skully: Go get Tari, I'll hold off Meggy!

Y/N: You sure?

Skully: Yep! I got her!

Y/N: Okay! Good luck!

Skully: You too!

Meggy throws a splatbomb at You both, only to have Skully tail whip it in mid air, sending it back towards her. She leaped away before it exploded.


You run towards the direction where you last saw Tari, you then hear shaking sounds coming from the outpost, you look up there to find the skittish girl there, hiding.

Y/N: Are you ok?

Tari immediately freaked out and started spraying her splattershot everywhere.


She closes her eyes as she continued, you were splashed with it and was sent off the outpost.

Y/N: Oh no..

You crash onto the concrete, hearing a cracking sound.

Skully: Ooof...

Meggy: Are you ok?..

Y/N: Y-yep..

You slowly put a thumbs up.

Meggy: Here.

Both of them help you up.

Y/N: Thanks..

You then pop your back into place again.

Skully: That's gotta hurt, you sure you're gonna be fine?

Y/N: I'll be fine, I fell from the sky for gods sakes.

Skully: That's true, and you survived it..but how?

Meggy: No clue..But with that out of the way, Tari! Games done! You ok up there?

She shouted up on the outpost.

Tari: Y-yeah..

She climbed down the ladder, feeling sorry.

Y/N: You got me, that's a good shot.

Tari: T-thanks..and I'm..sorry I knocked you off like that..

She said, shyly twiddling her fingers.

You smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, making her blush even more.

Y/N: It's okay, it was an accident.

Tari: Is your back ok?...

Y/N: Yeah, it'll be fine. Thanks.

Tari nodded.

(👥) Your relationship with Tari has changed.

She smiled slightly, still hiding behind her hair.

Tari: what?..

Meggy: That was a good warm up, keep this up and we'll be ready for anything-

?: Well well, isn't this lovely?

You all look over to see some octopus girl?..

Meggy: Who are you?..

?: Oh, you don't know me? Why I'm Desti! Leader of the Octoposse!

Meggy: Yeah..doesn't ring any bells.

Y/N: Sounds like a cereal.

Skully: Not gonna lie. It kinda does.

(?) Desti will remember that.

She seemed annoyed and fired at both you and Skully, sending you both backwards into the crates.

Tari: Oh no!

She hid behind Meggy.

Meggy: Hey! You can't be shooting my friends like that! You wanna fight?!

Desti: Says the girl who lost the first round. And besides, who's the newbie? Where's your fat dumb friend?

Meggy: His name is Y/N, and once we're all done training, you're gonna be wishing you never messed with us..

Desti: Oh then I'll make sure to practice my curtsy~

She turns away and walks off, the gang follows her behind. Tari stopped hiding and sighed.

Meggy: I can't believe her..Y/N? Skully? You two alright?

Y/N: Y-yep..ow..

Skully spits out a piece of wood.

Skully: I think I have a splinter in my mouth.

You both get up, cleaning off any wood and debris on you.

Meggy: Don't let her get to you, she's kinda like that all the time..

Y/N: Gotcha.

Skully: Well, we did enough training for today, what do you say we all get some ramen? I'll cook.

Y/N: That does sound good right now actually.

Meggy: I could go for some.

Tari: Y-yeah..I'm hungry..

Her stomach growled right on cue, she blushed again.

Y/N: Seems like your stomach agrees.

Tari looked away.

Skully: Alright then, let's go ahead and get some, teriyaki chicken flavor?

Y/N: Now you're talking.

He chuckled.

Meggy: Come on Tari! Let's head out!

Tari: Coming!..

She catches up with you three. Walking in the back.

(Tari has joined the chat!)

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