A month later
It's been a month since the Convention, ever since then, it's been decent for our humble Y/N. He's been bonding and became very close friends with SMG4 and the others, sharing their interests.
Yes...we go through a lot of months...
So far you've learned that Tari really loves video games, and rubber ducks. She's also pretty competitive in her games, yet shy when you try to talk to her. She also seems to be the most clingy whenever you get hurt, like when you were dragged into the T-Posing horde...yea...
Anywho..the others have been great.
And you're probably asking, what's happening today? Well you're about to find out.
Today, You were sitting on the couch, playing a phone game called:
Chewy's adventure.
You began to play the game and go though the dialogue, seeing how bizarre and cursed some of the characters are.
While playing, you felt a presence looking over your shoulder, mesmerized.
Y/N: Hey.
Tari gasps and blushed, looking away.
Y/N: Sorry..I didn't mean to startle you.
Tari: I-I'm..ok..that wasn't creepy, was it?..
Y/N: No, why would you think that?
(?) Tari will remember that.
Tari: No reason...j-just because I don't wanna be a bother..I was just curious on what you were playing..
She twiddled her fingers around. You couldn't help but smile at her cuteness.
Y/N: Well hey, if you wanted to watch, or even play the game, all you had to do was ask.
Tari looks up, tilting her head slightly.
Tari: Really?
Y/N: Of course Tari! Come sit!
You pat the couch cushion, she happily lets out a little cheer and walks up, sits down and watches.
Tari: So..how does this game work?
Y/N: It's an RPG Style game, similar to Pokémon.
Tari: Ooh! I love the Pokémon series!
She said with a bright smile.
Y/N: Then this game should be fun!
You offer her the phone, to which she looks at it and back at you.
Tari: You want me to play?..
Y/N: Sure! I mean, I already have beaten the game before..figured I'd show you how to play and what to do, I think you'll have a blast.
You smile. She smiled back and gently takes the phone and pressed "Begin the Joint"
Last you left off was the party.
Tari giggles.
Tari: What funny characters!
Y/N: Heh..yep..well..Chewy's design still looks uncanny, but the others look cool and pretty goofy.
Tari: Yea..
She looks at Chewy a little more before moving on.
Tari: So, how do you play?
Y/N: Double tap the screen to go back to the game, then go to Toad, he's over by the river under the toucan.
Tari does so and goes to Toad.
Chewy: Oi, midget, give me money.
Toad: Chewy! For the last time! I already gave you $250! You still owe me!
Chewy: You call that money? I call that pennies. Gimme more.
Toad: Not until you pay me back!
He reaches for his holster on his hip, and draws out a six-shooter. He then aims at Toad.
Toad: What?!
Chewy: Now give me your money, NOW!
Chewy responded with a warning shot near Toad's foot.
Chewy: Gimme, mah, fuckin, money, NOW!
Toad: OKAY! Fine!
Congratulations! You've earned $472!
Toad: Just don't shoot me you psycho! Keep the change!
Chewy holsters his gun and takes the money.
Chewy: Oh, you are a smart guy. I like you now. Now gimme the keys to your car.
Toad: What?! No way! I gave you money! Now get outta here!
He once again reaches for the six-shooter.
Chewy: Gimme the keys.
His face goes stern.
Chewy: Now.
Toad: FINE!
He tossed his car keys at him. He catches the keys.
Chewy: Now leave before I change my mind.
He points the gun at Toad to emphasize the threat. Toad ran off.
Chewy: He's lucky that I like him.
He gets into the car and puts in the keys into the ignition, and turns the car start. He turns on the radio and it starts playing a hardcore rap album.
Chewy: Hell yeah! Now where do I go to find this next Mountain Dew?
Tari: My god..Chewy is so mean! Why would he do that to Toad?!
Y/N: To be honest..I don't know, I guess he's just trying to complete his quest to find all the Mountain Dew flavors..
(?) Tari will remember that.
Tari: How many of the flavors did you collect so far?
Y/N: So far, I've collected Regular, Code Red, Voltage, Major Melon, Spark and LiveWire.
Tari: Only six? Hmmm..we've got a long way to go then.
Y/N: Yep..
Many hours later..
Chewy: Finally! I have them all!
He said, holding all of the Mountain Dew flavors that currently exist.
Chewy: Now time to engage this motherfucking bitch.
He kicks down the door to a castle, seeing someone else.
Princess BitchFace: Ah...if it isn't Chewy..
Chewy: Ready to get fucked? Cause I got a couple of friends who'll toss you around like a ragdoll!
Super Macho Man: My fans are waiting!
Mr Rex: I like Cheetos.
Princess BitchFace: Ight assholes! Let's dance!
Tari gets ready and goes into battle.
Tari: Let's do this!!
Y/N: Alright! Let's see! I'd recommend boosting your team first, so that way you can deal more damage from the get-go.
Tari: Alright!
She presses a button and watches the team get bootsted.
Chewy gave everyone and himself a shot of Spiced Cinnamon Whiskey, boosting them!
Super Macho Man spun punched Princess BitchFace! It's super effective!
Mr Rex burps Cheeto powder! The enemy is temporary blinded!
Chewy sucker-punches the enemy! The princess is now concussed.
DONKEH Squirts sticky syrup all over the princess! It was super...strange..
Tari: My god! We got her in the bag!
Y/N: Now it's her turn! But you got this!
The princess grew restless and attacks! She bitch slapped Chewy! It wasn't that affective..
The princess bashes Mr Rex's head with a frying pan! Mr Rex is temporarily concussed!
The princess flashes Super Macho Man! Super Macho Man is temporarily blinded!
The princess sets DONKEH on fire with a Molotov! DONKEH is on fire!
Tari: Oh no!
Y/N: Don't worry! It's your turn now! Go ahead and heal everyone and finish her off with the Dew!
Tari: Okay!
Chewy pours water on DONKEH, saving his teammate.
Super Macho Man recovered from being flashed.
Mr Rex came to his senses and roared at the princess!
Chewy:..Ight, time for ya to die bitch!
Princess BitchFace: Bring it!
Chewy: You asked for it!
He absorbed all of the mountain dews...eventually becoming something...crazy..
He turns into gold!
Chewy: Make it shine Motherfucker!
Princess BitchFace: WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!
Chewy: Nothing's impossible bitch.
He finished her off with his entire magazine of his golden minigun, scattering her remains everywhere.
Once she was dead, Chewy puts his gun away.
Chewy: We fucking did it. Eat my shit.
DONKEH: I fucked a dragon-
Chewy: Shut up. I have a kingdom to rule bitches. Come and gaze at my glorious throne.
Tari: Yay!! I beat the princess!!
Y/N: Great job! That princess was always hard to beat, I'm surprised you did it!
Tari: Same! It was difficult!
Y/N: Yeah it was..I'm getting kinda hungry now..what about you?
Tari: Well-
Right when you said that, her stomach began to complain..making her blush.
Tari: P-Perhaps I could eat..
Y/N: You could?! Girl! That sounds like Chewbacca! You're starving!
Tari couldn't help but crack up, she blushed and calms down after laughing.
Tari: A-Ahem...Okay..I'm starving..I haven't eaten anything today..
You smiled and pat her head.
Tari: Oh?..
Y/N: Not a problem..I can cook us some bacon and eggs.
Tari: Yay!! W-when's it gonna be ready?..
Y/N: In five minutes, don't worry, there'll be enough for your complaint department.
Tari blushed harder and laughed.
(👥) Your relationship with Tari has changed.
Tari: Y/N..Stooooop...you're making me blush..
You chuckle.
Y/N: Sorry..I'll get going to the kitchen..sit tight.
Tari nods and calms down.
Tari: Ok..
You go to the kitchen and began to cook breakfast for you, Tari and the others.
Five Minutes Later...
You got done cooking the eggs and bacon. The smell attracted a few people in the castle..
Mario: Ooooh! Mario smells good shit!
SMG4: I do too, what's that smell?.
Beta:..Uhh, Eggs and Bacon?..
SMG4: Okay, who's cooking it?
Beta: I don't fucking know, find out yourself. I got something to do..
SMG4: Uhh..ok?..
Beta heads outside and drew his scythe, cutting off an ankle monitor and chucking it into the moat.
Then a Cheep Cheep swam up and ate it.
Cheep Cheep: Nom.
Beta: Good luck finding that one assholes.
You put plates on the table and put an equal portion for all of the residents.
SMG4: Hey- Oh..Y/N?
Y/N: Yep.
SMG4 looked at you with surprise all over his face.
SMG4: You cooked this?
Y/N: I did, the smell was getting to you, wasn't it?
SMG4: It actually was..
He sat down and took a bite, instantly dropping the fork.
SMG4: Holy....
You peer over, concerned.
Y/N: Something wrong?
SMG4: H-How did you get this so good?!
He said finishing the rest as if it were to disappear in the next 15 seconds.
Y/N: Ah..it was a..family recipe..
You run your arm sheepishly.
SMG4: Ah..well keep it, cause those right there are some of the best eggs and bacon I've ever tasted!
You smiled at the compliment.
Y/N: Will do, glad you enjoyed it.
SMG4: I sure did, hey...and before I go..can we chat in private for a moment?
Y/N: Uh..sure.
You put down the spatula and follow him into the computer room, he pulled up a two seats, sitting down in one, he offers you to sit in the other.
SMG4: Please, sit.
Y/N: Okay?..
You sat down and faced him.
Y/N: What was it you wanted to talk about?
SMG4: Sooo...the gang have been talking about you..and don't worry! It's nothing bad, not at all.
Y/N: Oh?
SMG4: Yeah, we had our own chats and contemplated in having you here or not. So far you've gained a lot of our trust in being helpful, caring, kind and even cooking breakfast for us!
He smiled and patted your shoulder.
Y/N: Aw..well it was no problem.
SMG4: I'm sure it wasn't.
He smiles at you and nods.
SMG4: We want you to stay, is what all of us wanted to say..
You looked a little surprised.
Y/N: Really?
SMG4: Yep, we all took a vote, and the majority chose to let you stay. But of course, if you have somewhere else to be, then we won't keep you here as our prisoner.
He said chuckling.
Y/N: Hah! Don't worry, I don't have anywhere else to be..and besides, I don't think it's safe out there anymore..
SMG4 grew concerned.
SMG4: What do you mean it's no safe out there anymore? Did something happen?..if you don't mind me asking?
Y/N: Y-Yeah..you see..I was on the claws of death about three months ago..
He grew even more concerned.
SMG4: Jesus Christ! Are you in danger?!
Y/N: I have a feeling I might be..
SMG4: Tell me why? I want to hear the full story.
He sat back down, giving his full attention to you. You inhale and exhale, wanting to get through this.
Y/N: Okay..so..three months ago, before I met you and the others, I was in another world..everything was demolished and..this giant mech with one red eye and a giant claw..killed my family and now..he was about to kill me..then..that all changed, I was sucked into a portal and transported to this world..now I have a feeling this mech could be here and still hunting for me..
He took in all of that and it hit him..
(?) SMG4 won't forget that.
SMG4: Oh my god....this mech guy...sounds like one evil...and dangerous bastard..
Y/N: He is..
SMG4: Did "He" have a name?
Y/N: Yeah..His name is Deathwave..the most advanced killing machine the world has ever seen..
SMG4 shook his head and rubbed his temples.
SMG4: Man..this is bad..but hey..don't worry, he doesn't know that you're here, right?
Y/N: No, he doesn't.
SMG4: So that means that he's gonna have trouble finding you, and when that day comes, we will protect you at all costs. You're going to be ok as long as you stick with us!
You smile.
Y/N: Really?
SMG4: One hundred percent.
You couldn't help but feel grateful, you hug him.
SMG4: Whoa..
Y/N: Thank you..
SMG4: No problem..
He hugs you back.
SMG4: Does anyone else know about this?
Y/N: Beta does, and now you.
SMG4: I see..well don't worry..we gotta tell them at some point.
Y/N: Yeah..I just don't know when..
SMG4: When the time is right, we'll know.
You smiled.
Y/N: Thanks..again..
SMG4: No problem, that's what friends do..
Y/N: Then I'm glad to have friends like you.
SMG4: Same here.
He and you smile.
Mario: Dats Gay.
Y/N: What is it Mario?..
Mario: Uhhh..someone must've eaten all the eggs..and bacon..
SMG4: Why am I not surprised anymore?
Y/N: I specifically cooked breakfast for all of your friends! How could you have eaten all of that in one swoop?!
Mario:..Mario has ways.
Y/N: Ugh.....
SMG4: It's fine..we can just make more. Perhaps you could teach me how to make it that good!
You smile.
Y/N: Perhaps I will! I should head back, there's one more helping and I'm not letting that go to waste.
SMG4: Alright, see ya around!
Mario: Bye bye!
Y/N: See ya.
You then head back to the kitchen and find the last eggs and bacon, enough for one. You sigh and take it to Tari, she looked at it with awe.
Tari: Whooaa.....that..looks so good!!
Y/N: Yep, SMG4 and Mario approved!
Tari rolled her eyes a little with a small chuckle.
Tari: Of course Mario approves, he's an eating machine!
You laughed.
Y/N: Oh..yes, he is.
Tari takes a bite and that's when it happened..her eyes shot open.
Tari: I-It's so good!! How'd you get it this delicious?! I must know your secrets!!
She said with passion.
Y/N: Whoa..guess the food makes cute shy girl's aggressive..
You said with a chuckle. Tari's face lit up as you said that.
Tari: Y-You..called me cute?..
You then realized what you said.
Y/N: Oh..sorry..
(?) Tari will remember that.
Tari: No! I liked it...it was sweet..
She giggles and looks at you.
Tari: Thank you..
Y/N: N-No problem!..So..wanna hang out after you eat?
Tari: Yeah! I would love to!
She said with happiness.
Y/N: Well then, this is gonna be a fun day.
Tari: I couldn't agree more..
Beta: Alright, who the fuck ate all the eggs?
SMG4: Who do you think?
He then shot a look at Mario.
Mario: What?
Beta: Hey SMG4? Wanna play a game?
SMG4: Uh..what game?
Beta: Oh! It's a fun game called Can Mario Bend That Way? It's one of Saiko's favorite!
Mario: Wha?!
SMG4: Hmmmm..sure! That does sound fun..
Beta: Goodie..
Mario ran away as Beta and SMG4 chase after him.
(So, who else would like to play "Can Mario Bend That Way?")
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