A Matter of Time
A) Synchronized takedown 10%
B) Mass Murder 0%
C) Distraction 10%
D) Challenge them in a Pokémon battle 80%
Take Desti with you?
A) Yes, we could use some backup! 99%
B) No, it's too risky, go with the other inklings. 1%
D) Challenge them in a Pokémon battle.
A) Desti is coming with to save Y/N from Deathwave.
Then Skully searches his pocket and finds a Pokeball.
Skully: Ah! Perfect!
Tari: What's that for?..
Skully: You'll see Tari, you'll see..
He confronts the two guards and takes a stand.
Skully: Hey! You two!
Axol: W-Wha?!?
Peter: How did you escape?!
Skully: Irrelevant..now, prepare to have your rears handed to you!
He tosses the ball down and spawns in a MewTwo.
Skully: Alright MewTwo..Show em what you got!
Peter and Axol step back in shock and fear as MewTwo opened its eyes and levitated before using his telekinesis to tell Axol something very strange and cursed, causing him to grunt and yell.
MewTwo then uses his mind control to conquer Peter's mind to suckerpunched Axol unconscious and make him fly toward the lever on the wall, pulling it and opening the security door.
Meggy: That was awesome!!!
Desti: Yeah! Thanks Mr Lizard Guy!
MewTwo bows and gets rid of his mind control, Peter is sent crashing to the ground, groaning.
Peter: Ughhh....my head...what was that?..
Saiko: This..
She raises her hammer up over her head.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Saiko slammed down and knocked the pterodactyl out unconscious.
Beta: Damn! Not bad..
Skully: Alright, enough monkey business, let's go get Y/N!- oh and Tari's already gone..
Tari ran through the hallways and eventually running into a mammal.
Simon: Ow! C'mon man!..
Tari gets up and shakes her head.
Tari: Sorry! But have you seen Y/N?!
Simon: Who?..
Tari: Y/N! He's got (Hair Color), (Eye Color) and his last name is L/N..
Simon instantly becomes aware and nodded.
Simon: Oh yeah! Y/N..he uh..well he cut his arm off..
Tari's manor changes and her heart instantly skipped over two beats once she hears this.
Tari: WHAT?!?
Simon: I know, I think I might've thrown up in the entry way..it was gruesome-
Simon: H-He's down the hall!! Just take the corridor!
Tari runs passed him.
Simon: Uh..c-can I come with- And she's gone...
Tari looks around and gasped once she saw your body, running over and kneeling down, using her bionic arm to heat it to a certain degree to close up the wound.
Tari: Y-Y/N?..Please...don't die on me..you..mean too much to me! I can't lose you!
Eventually the others follow in and saw you and her.
Meggy:..Oh my god..
Desti: Shit..
Beta: Fucking hell..is he-
Tari: No! He's..not dead!
?: Really?..Well that's a pity...
The voice caught them off guard, turning toward the doorway, they see the mech enter in.
Deathwave: Well, it's pleasant to know he has friends...more targets to eliminate..
His arms open up, loaded with ballistic missiles and machine guns, they all back up except for Tari who's still on the floor with you in her arms.
Tari:...No..you won't kill us..
Deathwave: And why is that Human..?
Tari:...Because I'm..I'm his..
Deathwave: Are you having a hernia or something?..what is this stuttering?..
Tari mustered up what she wanted to say and shouts it out.
Tari: Because I'm His Girlfriend!
She blushed red and looked at him in his red evil eye..her friends behind her seemed shocked and flabbergasted.
Bob: YoU gAy As HeLl-
Beta backhands him.
Beta: Shut the fuck up..
Deathwave then chuckled before laughing.
Deathwave: Seriously? THATS your reason?! That just gives me the all more reason to kill you and him!
Beta: NO!
He chucks his scythe into his eye, causing him to grunt and opens fire by accident, they all take cover.
Desti: God damn it..
She held her stomach as it bled, she was hit..
Skully: Shit, Desti?..
SMG4: Are you alright?..
Desti: I was shot through the gut..what do you think?..
She then grunts and lays against the wall.
Desti: I think the bullet went through though..I don't know..fuck..
Tari: Here.. lemme get you healed..it might burn a little, but it'll stop the bleeding..
Tari goes to her, heating up her arm.
Deathwave: Oh no...
He shoots her arm away from her, making them both yelp.
Deathwave: DON'T try to prolong the inevitable...she's dead either way.
SMG4: The only thing inevitable here is my mom fucking your butt!
He says before running out and smacks him across the face with a mallet, then Luigi threw spaghetti on his eye.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Mario then gets a hormone injection.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Mario attacks the mech and tries humping his face.
He grabbed ahold of Mario and threw him into a wall, Meggy finds the rest of their gear in a locker.
Meggy: Here! Catch!
Skully gets his duffel bag back and searches inside.
-Black Ice
-Teleported Bread
-Bar of Gold
-Soccer Ball
Skully: Nothing useful...
Desti grunts and gets up, holding her stomach and grabbing the bar of gold, watching the mech wipe the ink off his eye.
Deathwave: Your arts and crafts prove to be mediocre..
Desti: Heads up fuckface!
She shouts out before hurling the bar of gold into his face, making him stumble into the wall and the roof collapsed over him, giving them all a good chance to run..
SMG4: Cmon gang! Let's go!
Tari grabbed you and picked you up in her arms, she struggled and slowly walked you through the doorway..
Saiko: Here, let me..
She carried you in her arms without a problem and made her way to the boat with you.
Desti carefully followed behind, holding her stomach.
Desti: Hey..does anyone have a bandage or something?..I'm bleeding like hell..
Tari: Oh..I'm..sorry my software was damaged from the shot..
Skully: Oh, here!
He digs and finds a cloth.
Desti:..That'll do..
Skully: Nothing useful..well..semi-useful..
Then a group of inklings show up on the boat and have three individuals tied up.
Agent 3: We got them rounded up..
Peter: Hey! Let me go! I have rights!
Axol:...But I didn't want that to happen..
Simon:...Is it too late to change sides?..
Skully: It's alright Agent 3, they're just broken souls..
The three then sigh with relief.
Simon: Thank you..
Axol: I promise we won't bother you anymore!
Peter: Right, we won't! Not even a single hair..
SMG4: It's ok! You didn't know what you were getting yourselves into..just calm down and we won't harm you..
Beta:...Unless you try anything..
Simon: I promise we won't..
Tari was in a spare room in the boat with you, watching you carefully..
Tari:..Don't worry..you're gonna be safe and sound...I promise..he won't ever hurt you again..
She held your hand and carefully planted a kiss on your cheek..
Back on the island...
Deathwave lays in the rubble and ruins.
Before he woke up again..
Deathwave: Acquired new targets..
(Deathwave ain't going down that easily..)
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