gaining memories
Justice's POV
So all these random people just burst into my hospital room just staring at me when two particular faces caught my attention was the faces of the boys I've been seeing in my dream what are there names again
Satansoo ..NO that's not it
Squishysoo Now I'm just being ridiculous
Ahhh I got it "KYUNGSOO" I yelled out covering my mouth with my hand having the rest of them stare at me that the squshiy boy in the middle of the group
I now look at the other boy what was his name again
Jimin nope not it
Jiiiihhhh 😂😂 ofc not
OHHH now I remember "JIHOON" Damn Daniel I need to stop shouting out names
I was cut out of my thoughts when I get 4 arms wrap around my body
Feeling freaked out I looked up to see kyungsoo and jihoon hugging me making me feel a little comfortable
" so you remember the two biggest Devils in the world but you don't remember your own brother hahaha that is the funniest thing I have ever heard" the cheekbone looking troll said laughing earning a glare from my " Brother"
"WHAAAAAAAA WHAT HAPPENED TO MY POOR LITTLE JUSSY BALL" some tall handsome guy said clinging on to a boy who has narrow eyes and cold features for some reason he looks familiar to me......
"So hae rim how come you remember those two and not the rest of us ?" WHAAAAAAAA LOOK AT THE CUTE BAOZI ...jeez my thoughts ...
"Well to answer your Question human baozi I saw these two in my dream .....this squshiy penguin too my left was chasing That handsome Yoda eared boy around yelling at him about something I can't remember"
"And this fluffy pink cotton ball too my right was chasing that handsome cry baby who's clinging to sexy emo boy around with a guitar"
" excuse me visitor hours are over please leave 3 can stay but the rest have to leave " the nurse said
"We will stay " kyungsoo, emo boy and broad shoulders ohhh wait I know him ..I remember him
"JINNIE EOMMA I REMEMBER YOU" I yelled as I jumped out of the bed and wrapped myself around him like a koala
"What how do you know him you have only met him once " my "brother" said with a scoff
" actually no we use to be friends before when we were kids I looked after her when her foster parents were away on business trips I was her baby sitter and her substitute Eomma" Jin says proudly sticking his chin up in the air as he brags
"I want Jin eomma to stay with me I pleaded giving him the biggest puppy eyes I can produce"
"Nawww my little baby is so cute of course I will stay "he said pinching my cheeks showing his beautiful smile
I look at the boys to see the short boy I think is the leader of my "brothers" group damn he looks like a nerd 😂😂 well he looks like he's ready to kill Jin
I look next to him to see the boy with long hair and a beautiful face looking the same ..there both sending death glares at Jin. ....
Jin sensing the glares burning holes in him looks at the boys with a confused face
"What" he says looking clueless
"SHE IS MY BABY AND I AM HER EOMMA" the two boys say in a low voice
"Damn and you all call jihoon and kyungsoo the Devils " I say hiding behind Jin
"EXCUSE ME I'VE BEEN HER EOMMA LONGER THAN YOU BOTH 😑😑"jin yelled back trying to do a low voice but failed 😂😂
" bruh you just sounded like a cute gremlin eomma " I said cracking up laughing
"Can we continue this tomorrow please the nurse looks pissed" I said pointing to the door at the mad looking nurse
" jin eomma ,Squishysoo and emo boy you all can stay now the rest of you get out bye" I said waving at them" 😂✋✋ pushing them out the door and slamming the door in their face watching as they disappear
Then I turn around and start cracking up
" those idiots actually thought I forgot about them 😂😂😂" I laughed so hard leaving the 3 confused
"What do you mean" wonwoo said
" ohhh come on wonwoo that was all your punishment for not looking for me you all relied on other people to do it for you" I said my voice getting low
" what" all three of them said
" ohhh the chick who kidnapped me ..she's the girl I mentioned was friends with sehun and she had a crush on sehun when we were younger but sehun didn't like her so she got over it ..then she started liking myungsoo but me and myungsoo were together ..after she dated Joo Hyuk but I don't what happened to them but yeah ....well after her ranting story she showed me a video of you all sitting on your ass glaring at the door then she got her stupid hooligans to beat the shit out of me for 3 hours like damn son at least they didn't try to rape me ..I thought you all would have found me but not still sitting on yo lazy ass glaring at the door " my voice got lower and more demonic
"Of all people wonwoo I thought you and kai would have looked for me physically not mentally " I say letting a tear slide sown my face
" but lucky minhyuk saved me or I would be dead ..he also said she and her idiots were arrested the man who helped him called the cops and told them where I was kept for 9 hours so imma do something nice for them both " I say again
He was about to speak when a knock was heard on the door " Mark tuan are you in there " a voice said as a cute girl opened the door and popped her head inside " ohhh sorry I though my boyfriend was in here "
" umm where is room 233" she asked
"Down the hall second door on the left" I say looking at her
" I'm byeol ha-rin it was nice meeting you " she said smiling
"I'm kim hae-rim but everyone calls me justice it's nice to meet you too " I say smiling back at her
With that she nods and walks out the door .....
I finally updated 😂😂😂😂
Hope y'all enjoy
A shout out to my dongsaeng for EXO amino who is byeol ha-rin
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