debut stage part 2
my eyes widen when i noticed one spicific girl on the stage " J-J-JUSTICE" i stuttered causing my hyungs to look at me " you know her myungsoo?"sunggyu hyung asked" neh hyung shes the girl i told you all about " i said not looking at them " WHAT YOUR FIRST LOVE ...THE NORMAL GIRL THE COMPANY FORCED YOU TO BREAK UP WITH ... THE ONE YOU HAD TO SLAP SO SHE THOUGHT YOU WERE SERIOUS THAT GIRL"hoya hyung asked " neh hyung thats her" " whoah hyung shes pretty how can she just be a normal girl"sungjong said staring at justice " she has never been just a normal girl " this caused all of the members to give me a confused look " shes actually well known its just no-body knew what she looked like or her name they only knew her by what everyone called her " i said looking at them with a matter-of-fact tone " and what name is that "sungyeol hyung said " the richest teenager in the world" i said like its not important " W-WHAT T-THATS HER" they all said and looked at me " yup" was all i said before going back to watching their performance .don't get me wrong i still love her with all my heart its just i never loved her for her money i loved her for her... i wonder if she misses me even just a little i thought while watching her sing
end of POV
justice POV
OMG now is time for the solo " i'm so nervous " i said while pacing around the room" YAH PUSSYING OUT ALREADY" i familiar voice shouted causing me to look in that direction "JIWON OPPA YOU CAME" i shouted as i ran to him " I TOLD YOU ILL COME DIDNT I AND OF COURSE I WOULDNT MISS SEEING YOU FALL ON YOUR FACE ON STAGE" jiwon oppa said causing me to pout " Nawwww im just joking my cute little fluff ball" jiwon oppa said pinching my cheeks " yah hajima" i whined
" zoey your up" the staff said
" good luck unnie knock em dead" i said giving her a tight hug while taking my seat with the rest of my unnies and jiwon oppa
zoey's solo
(watch upto 4:59)
WHAAAAAAAAAA UNNIE/ NOONA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH the fans shouted while everyone was clapping
koko's solo
KOKO UNNIE ITS OKAY DONT CRY THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL the fans shouted after she finished some i saw amber unnie and she was tears with the rest of fx and snsd "why was she crying justice" jiwon asked concerned " this is her Eomma's song but her Eomma passed away around the time my Eomma and Appa died in that car accident" i said while crying " UNNIE GWAENCHANHA" i yelled loud enough for koko unnie to hear
mimi solo
MIMI ,MIMI,MIMI,MIMI,MIMI i fans chant as mimi burst into tears on stage after her song
yui's solo
unnie i dont know what you were saying but it was beautiful the fans said as yui walked off stage
saph's solo
noona please date me fans yelled as the lights went out
justice's solo
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the fans and everyone screamed clapped and stood up " JUSTICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" jiwon oppa yelled and ran up to me giving me a big hug with the rest of my unnies " that was daebak i knew you could sing but not like that " jiwon said while releasing me from his hug " well there are just somethings you dont know " i said sticking my tongue out at him
" girls get ready for your duet"
10 minutes later
"okay zoey and koko you guys are up"
" good luck unnies HWAITING" I yelled the last bit throwing my fist up
zoey and koko duet
mimi and yui
justice and saph
" annyeong" i say to the fans " AHHHHHHHHHH" they scream back " okay so actually there are two more performances not 1 the next performance was kept a secret so its a special performance with me and 2 more people those 2 people are not apart of unique but dont worry i'm sure you know them can Eun ji-won and Lee Jong-suk please come back stage" i said smirking while the 2 boys make their way backstage " OMG OPPA I LOVE YOU" and blah blah blah
" rim-ah whats up"
"yo yo sukkie" jiwon said putting an arm on suk oppa's shoulder
" jiwon long time no see man" suk oppa said fist bumping him
" well you know that dance we made up a few years back ?" i asked hopefully
" oh yeah what about it?" they both said in unison
" well i was wondering if you would dance to it with me " i begged while doing agyeo
" yeah sure" they both said
"YAYYYYY OMG OKAY GO GET READY" i said giving them both a kiss on a cheek and a hug
3 minutes later
" okay are you three ready" the staff said
" neh" we said in unison
" okay guys we got this HWAITING" i said and we ran on stage and got into position
( white tops are you three and the black tops are back up dancers )
jiwon shorts and cap<---- justice cap and 1 knee ripped jeans----> jong suk long sleeve no hat
(this is your positions justice is the one who stays in the whole dance watch upto 2:22)
kai POV
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" everyone was screaming after that dance " whoah kai your sister is really good at dancing " chanyeol hyung said " well of course shes my sister after all" i replied in a matter-of-fact tone" yeah yeah we get it " " kai your sister has some killa vocal cords aswell " luhan and xiumin hyung said " yeah i dont know who she gets that off" i said looking at them.
okay everyone thats almost the end of the show the last performance is another group performance and they are dancing to BTS NOT TODAY please welcome again UNIQUE " their doing bts there doing bts " tao hyung shouted "tsk what a kid" i said laughing as i was laughing the song started playing and the girls started dancing " oi shorty justice is dancing as jungkook " kris said " yah just because your a tower doesnt mean im short it just means your freakishly tall hyung" i said in a annoyed tone
end of POV
minhyuk's POV
" i feel like i've seen that girl before" " which girl koko? zoey ?saph?" my hyungs said " wait i said that out loud?" " yeah you did now spill " thats justice girl i feel like i met her somewhere" i said pointing to her
------flash back--------
jeez my mom pisses me off so much sometimes but i still love her that wont change but why did she have to marry that bastard hyun-bin fuck my life i bet hes just using my mom i thought as i was walking away from the place my mother, that bastard and i were having lunch.
i was walking still pissed about what i found out when i bumped into a girl "joesonghabnida"she said as she looked up at me " watch where your going you klutz" i said not realizing it came out like that i took a small glance at her but she didn't notice i could tell she was hurt by the look in her eyes it went from a sorry look to a cold look filled with hate i felt guilty so i walked off so i wouldn't hurt her feelings anymore.
i turned the corner and watched her as she just stood there she looked about 2 years younger than me and she was really pretty she eventually walked into the building i lookd up and saw it was SM Entertainment " so shes a idol??? or a trainee " i thought while walking back to my company.
~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~
"so i did meet her before"really hyung where" kihyun asked me full of curiosity " i may have been a tiny bit rude to her when we first met" i said looking everywhere but at them " YOU WHAT "shownu said looking at me in disbelief " it was the day i went out to eat with my mum and met the bastard she married " i said still not looking at them " i was to deep in thought that i didnt see her turn around and she bumped into me she said sorry and i said something slightly rude and walked away but there was something about her i dont know if it was because of me but after i spoke her aura completely changed " i said still thinking about it " what do you mean hyung" i.M said as they all looked at me confused " when i spoke i watched her reaction from the corner of my eye the sorry look she had disappeared her eyes were cold and filled with hate" i finished still having the image of her eyes in my head " hyung i dont think that was your fault i think its something more than that "Hyungwon said 'well if it wasn't me then what caused such a beautiful person to have eyes as cold as ice' i thought as we all just went back to watching their performance.
end of POV
justice POV
its our last performance now we are dancing to BTS Not Today
jungkook= you
v= saph
jin= nana your manager (just because its the last performance and you needed a 7th person for this dance)
( just pretend this is unique and its live lol)
well what a surprise they even had their manager dancing with them well everyone i hope you enjoyed yourselves today that concludes the debut concert " ANI ONE MORE SONG, ONE MORE SONG, ONE MORE SONG, ONE MORE SONG, ONE MORE SONG" the fans chanted " well i guess one more song wouldn't hurt"i said through the mic " YAYYY" the fans shouted " umm well i've known this song since i was little but i don't know how i knew it. would you like to hear it ?" i say to everyone " NEHHHHHH" they shouted back "alright can you please play this" they started playing the song and i started singing for some reason this song always makes me cry
( just pretend this is you singing and also pretend it live)
"GWAENCHANHA,GWAENCHANHA, GWAENCHANHA " the fans chant as i cry while singing
after singing i made a small speech " i'd like to thank all the people who have been their with me throughout my life even tho i was an orphan you treated me with all the love you could offer me these special people mean the world to me and i would also thank my older brother for never giving up on me thank you all for coming to night we love you and hope to see you soon " oh thats right what is the name of your fan club?"the MC asked causing me and my unnies to become dumbfound "uhhhh we don't have one yet " mimi unnie said" i have an idea how about we let the 3 fans choose a name each and then the one name that gets the most screams becomes the our fan club name?" i said hoping they will agree "thats a great idea justice" zoey shouted causing everyone to laugh at her childish acts " okay we have here all the numbers of your seats justice will choose 3 numbers and those 3 people will come up on stage and tell us the name they have thought of "the MC announced " okay justice what are the numbers you have chose " the MC asked while i pulled my hand out of the glass bowl thing " the seat numbers are row A seat number 231 row H seat number 2 and row B seat number 134 "i read out to everyone you could hear the fans going nawwww with disappointment that they didnt get chosen.
then the three chosen people came up on stage and stood next to me looking like they were about to faint " wait i know you " i said to one boy who had blue hair" you do " he said sounding suprised " yes you were the boy who said i was your bias on the new right?"i said and half smiled" OMG you were watching that you remembered me OMG this is a dream come true" he started to fan boy " OFC i remember you said you were going to be my FUTURE HUSBAND how could i forget ?" i said winking at him " causing all the boys to fan boy " anyway what are your names and the names you have come up with" i asked waiting for them to respond " my name is kim soo mi and the name i have chosen is spiky" a girl with black hair said " ohhh nice and fierce i like it " i say making her smile " my name is kwon ji sung the name i have chosen is starlight i mean it just sounds right starlight" the boy with blond hair said " really catchy i like it alot "and now you my future husband" i said causing him to blush " my names park tae-min and the name i have chosen is rubies" nice i like the colour red " so guys its now upto you to chose what do we say about the name spiky " AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" how about rubies" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" how about starlight"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I THINK WE HAVE A WINNER THEN FROM NOW ON UNIQUE'S FANDOM NAME WILL BE STARLIGHT " thank you 3 for your names i loved them all please accept this gift as a thank you gift who is your bias? " yui unnie said " mines you yui noona " ji sung said " mines saph unnie" soo mi said " mines justice" tae-min said with a big smile " well here are your gifts singed hats that use to belong to us " saph unnie said and gave them our hats mine was ha was white saphs was light blue and yui's was light pink . they accepted the gifts and went back to their seats.
" OH NO ITS THE END I'M GONNA MISS ALL OUR STARLIGHTS " zoey unnie shouted while tears fall from her face
" I LOVE YOU STARLIGHTS" yui unnie said making everyone scream i love you back
with that said the concert ended and we thanked each idol for coming next was exo " RIM-AH THAT WAS THE BEST " baekhyun oppa said and hugged me yup i have kinda opened my heart to them and the seventeen members " thank you baekie oppa" i said hugging him back hey what about us " xiumin said while poutng " nawww my baozi oppa of course you get a hug i gave all the members a hug but kris " what about me wheres my hug " kris oppa asked " ohh i thought hugs aint your style " i giggled as everyone burst out laughing " ofc oppa come here you tower " i said hugging his waist jeez this boy is tall "JUSSYYYYYYY" i looked who was calling me and it was mingyu running towards me with the rest of seventeen " OPPAS SAVE ME " i yelled jumping on kris's back as luhan ,kai ,suho and baekhyun tried to protect me from mingyu " hey thats no fair i wanna hug her" minguy said pouting " maybe if you didnt run at me like a phyco i would let you hug me " i said while sticking my tongue out at him" what about me do i get a hug?" ofc you get a hug s.coups" i said and got down from kris and hugged him me and my unnies ended up becoming really close with exo and all the seventeen members " oh yeah i have a question" i said making them all look at me " what is is darling " suho Eomma asked " who is the other group thats lives in the dorm i asked " ohh thats as-----" hoshi oppa was cut off by someone" that would be us astro" the tall baby boy said "wanna be your star astro ibnida.
after introducing ourselves we became close with astro too i was about to speak when " j-j-justice" that voice no i couldnt be m-m-myungsoo i turned around and came face to face with the one person i hate the most " kim myungsoo" i said in a really cold tone causing astro seventeen and exo to be taken aback " it is you" he said and was about to hug me untill kai pulled me into his arms while giving myungsoo a cold stare "what do you want L" kai said his tone sounding pissed "why are you hugging my girlfriend" myungsoo shot back " GIRLFRIEND AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO HER YOU STILL THINK SHES YOUR GIRLFRIEND"wonwoo shouted at him making us all shocked " you didn't answer my question kai why are you hugging hae-rim" myungsoo said in a harsh was grabbing my arm and yanking me away from kai
" STOP IT LET ME GO HES ALOUD TO HUG ME HES MY BROTHER WHAT ABOUT YOU HUH WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO ME WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TOUCHING ME I THOUGHT YOU SAID I WAS DISGUSTING AND THAT I HAD TO STAY AWAY FROM YOU HUH THEN YOU SLAPPED ME WHEN I ASKED WHY" i finally snapped at him causing him to drop my arm and take a few steps back. he looked up to see tears rolling down my face he was about to speak untill i ran away ignoring all the calls from everyone.
Kris's POV
as justice ran out we all called for her astro and some of the seventeen members and kai go after her with the rest of her members we stayed back. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM MYUNGSOO WHAT DID YOU TRY TO ACHIEVE FROM TALKING TO HER WE ONLY JUST GOT HER TO OPEN UP TO US AND YOU COME AND RUIN IT"lay said causing us all to become frozen " YOU BASTARED " kai came back and was about to punch myunsoo in the face but was stopped by Tao and D.O " DON'T YOU EVER LAY A FINGER ON MY SISTER AGAIN DON'T YOU EVER GO NEAR HER EVER IF YOU DO I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU" kai yelled and stormed off with the rest of us following behind 'what a buzz kill this aint my style' i thought as we got in the van and drove back to the dorm 'don't worry princess ill protect you i promise' i thought again
to be continued
they are officially kpop idols
how about lay and wonwoo they seem kinda pissed maybe they are inlove with her dunno
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