That Light That Can Overcome the Darkest of Days

Narrator: The Clover Kingdom... In this place where the be all end all is magic, there is one boy who can't use it. His name is Asta. His strength, desire, guts and overwhelming determination to best his childhood friends and rivals helped him become a Magic Knight. And though his situation is practically unheard of, there are a few within the Clover Kingdom that share his plight in having tiny amounts of mana but can barely use any spells at all. These people make up a very small minority, forced to live their lives in the shadows.

We see a man walking with a cane before he cruelly falls down, the cause more than likely from exhaustion but he doesn't waver, picking up his walking aid and marching forward.

But like everyone else, they do their best to survive until the next day's approach.

(Months before the Devil Banishers/Believers were formed.....)

Dazu visits Bow, her new friend she had met a few days ago at her house on the outskirts of the commoner town known as Tiulyu.

Dazu: Sorry to drop in on you like this, Bow. Wow, you made all of these? That's truly something!

Bow: It's nothing special really. You flatter me too much.

She sets her grimoire, a separate book and her ingredients down.

Dazu: It is though, you're so talented! How do you not see it?

Bow: Hm. You're too kind, Dazu.

She places the herbs into a small pottery bowl, honing her magic which then reduce them to tiny shreds of leaves and brines.

Bow: That's really about the extent of how far my magic power goes.

Dazu: I think it's wonderful, be proud of it, Bow!

Night falls and Dazu looks at Bow with sad eyes, realizing it's time to head back home to her husband Vide and elderly mother-in-law, Meshu.

Dazu: Thank you so much for hosting me, Bow.

Bow: Of course it's no trouble at all. I enjoyed it.

Dazu: Well.... goodbye then.

Bow: Yes.... goodbye.

They stand, not daring to move, Dazu fidgeting with her hands, and Bow trembling her fingers along her doctor's coat until...

Dazu and Bow: Listen! We could do this again! If you don't-

They share laughs after essentially thinking the same thing and from there on, a beautiful friendship was formed right there in that very moment. Over the next several months, Dazu learned how to make several formulas under Bow's guidance.

Bow: Only one more ingredient remains, would you mind taking over for me while I retrieve it, Dazu?

Dazu: Sure, you can trust me.

Bow: I know I can.

She hands her the ladle and Dazu begins stirring away. The housewife then looks and sees Bow handling several tiny jars before settling on the bottle she needs the most.

Bow: Here we are. Just a dash of this mogro leaf powder and it should be perfect.

Dazu blushes like a cherry or at least Bow swears she sees her doing so. She rapidly intensifies her stirring pattern as Bow calms her down.

Bow: Easy. Stir it more gently. Take your time, Dazu. 'Kay?

Dazu: ....Okay.

Another memory brings us to the winter days in the Clover Kingdom as Bow rubs a butter shea onto Dazu's lips and let's just say the sexual tension and mood was at an all time high.

Bow: There you go. Now your lips shouldn't be chapped.

Dazu: Thank you, Bow.... now it's your turn.

She does the same and they share what appears to be a tender kiss.

Bow: What I would do without you, Dazu Tayak?

(Some time later....)

Bow: WHAT?!

Dazu: It was their fault. They kept on prodding and asking me to show them how I use my Catalyst Magic... they... they wanted me to fail so they could laugh at me relentlessly until they lost their voices.

Bow does her absolute best to subside her anger, looking over a nasty healed scar over Dazu's left arm after she had told her what Vide and Meshu had done to her.

Dazu: Vide looked worried, asked if I was okay... but his expressions, they betrayed his words. The same with Meshu. I knew they found it amusing.

Bow: Yeah that's how they are, every single last one of them. It's a major reason why I moved to the outskirts of the village, to get away from all the ridicule.

Dazu: No, you're different from them, Bow!

Bow: So are you.

She rubs some absolvent and aloe vera onto her wound.

Dazu: OW!

Bow: Try to stay strong.... it should heal up soon.

She leans into her, with Bow accepting the affection as she sadly looks on.

Dazu: I always thought I was alone in life.... But now I see that simply wasn't true at all. Since birth, I lived in a society where people like myself never got to witness the sunlight. All of us were so..... weak, fragile, but now? Even so, WE EXISTED!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Breed Mountain)

Magna Swing and Yami Sukehiro stand in the path of the Devil Believers, having enough the games and the former realizing that Noelle, Tyrus and Asta weren't in the same spot originally when he had left to find their common superior.

Noelle: Great, NOW you're here!

Yami: You and that attitude Little Royal. You know we can always leave your ass and just take Nero, Boy Wonder and your literal boyfriend.

Tyrus: Not to sound ungrateful Captain.... but are you and Magna really all the backup we could spring for?

Yami: Well, yeah... I was able to get here quicker more than anyone else available, so you four are all welcome.


He stomps out his cigarette, replacing it with a brand new one after Magna lit it on fire. He then overlook the sea of humanity, the snake line of people extending over the horizon.

Yami: Not gonna lie. That is a SHIT ton of people. These Devil Believers rounded up more people than I could've expected. Oi, listen up Devil Believers it's about high time you have a chat with a real Magic Knight Captain.

Dazu: A chat?

Bow: We have no pleasure in exchanging idle talk with corrupt individuals like yourselves!

Yami: Aw.... come on don't be like that. I mean I am the muthafucker who has four squad members you're trying to sacrifice right now, if anything I shouldn't be in the mood to talk and get straight to killing all of you. But I'm letting my diplomatic side out.

Villager: Isn't that the guy a Magic Knights Captain....

Villager: Yeah.... look he's wearing the Black Bulls cloak, I bet the big dude is here to arrest us!

Villager: No! We're right on the border, we can make it! Does he have that type of power, for real?

Another villager expresses his discontent.


Woman: SO DO I!


Villager: You'll never catch us!

Villager: Yeah! We're defecting to Spade!

Yami: You guys are a bunch of fucking morons, my squad isn't here to arrest you-

Bow: There's no more time to delay.

Dazu: Right.

The Believers keep marching with Asta, Noelle, Secre and Tyrus in tow.

Tyrus: I sure hope you guys have a plan, because we REALLY can't do shit right now, Captain!


Noelle: Hey!

Asta, Noelle and Tyrus dig their feet into the ground, refusing to go further. They then yank hard, on their bondages, flipping their captor on his ass with Secre falling face first into the snow!

Tyrus: Asta! Grab Nero, I'll free Noelle!

Asta: ON IT!

Noelle: Ouch that hurt!

Tyrus: I'll kiss it better, now let me concentrate and see where the ropes are thickest, Silva!

He bull-rushes and picks her up, having already freed Asta.


Tyrus: No time to take it easy, Noelle! We're getting the hell away from these Devil Believers!


She nods and immediately hops onto Asta.





He throws Nero onto Noelle and jumps onto his foster brother's back who slightly grimaces on the sudden impact!


Devil Believer: GET BACK HERE!

Dazu: No, don't.

The masked man looks at his superior who waggles Asta's grimoire in front of him.

Dazu: We have what we really need. The Five Leaf Grimoire is all we need from here on out, with this, we should be fine.

Tyrus: Hey, Captain Yami... I don't think my back is going to forgive such a traitorous action.

Yami: All right, yeah. Gimme your fours' hands.

They promptly all get off of the Fifth Class Senior Magic Knight and immediately present their cuffed wrists, slashing each of their bondages with rapid and effortless execution, and without hurting any of them.

Magna: So boss, what about those clowns. We stopping them or not?

Tyrus: Shit, that's right! They still have Asta's grimoire!

Yami: Let's chill out for a second, I don't see any reason to hurry up. Oh hey look up there, right on time. A couple of birdies came to our rescue when we needed it most

Far in the approaching nighttime sky, Salamander and an Silver Eagle can be seen far away.

Asta: Check it out, it's Captain Fuegoleon! And that nice chubby dude who makes the cool doors!

Noelle: And my older brother!

Fuegoleon: Perfect, we're just in time.

Nozel: And their numbers have increased in alarming size.

They sweep the area and begin shouting towards the villagers down below.



She puts her grimoire in the air for all to see while the disgruntled cultists all look towards their small, feeble and otherwise miniscule grimoire respectively.




Devil Believer: FOR DAZU!

Devil Believer: FOR DAZU!

Devil Believer: FOR DAZU!


Soon everyone raise their grimoire in unison and in concert a bright light illuminates the border between Spade and Clover....

Fuegoleon: I had thought we could try to possibly break through to them.... but it now seems impossible.

Nozel: After all of the things they have been through, I cannot honestly place any blame onto them in their wariness of the Magic Knights. Hm?

The duo of Captains and Cob all then look to find the commoners running away in pure terror at something.

Noelle: What now?

Tyrus: I don't know but whatever it is, it sure got them spooked... AHHHHH.... WHAT THE FUCK?!

Everyone simply turn their heads and that's when they see it.... a massive ice laden dragon blacking out the full moon as it stalks the Magic Knights, Devil Believers and commoners alike.


Magna: What in the entire hell?

Fuegoleon: There's no doubt in my mind anymore... this Dazu, she's a user of Catalyst Magic. It probably has a surrounding effect on the mana in the area.

Nozel: It would make sense, we're close to a strong magic region after all. And gathering all of these commoners' combined mana must've attracted this regional predator over to Dazu.

Yami: Thanks for the briefing. Now what to do, what to do?

Dazu looks at the monster with both a mixture of fear and joy while she gauges the glowing of her grimoire.

Dazu: I can't believe I was able to summon such a monster over here with just my magic. If I could do that then maybe-

Bow: Dazu!

They make a break for it once they see the dragon drag its massive claws across the surface of the ice. The ice becomes shredded, turning into an avalanche behind the leaders of the Devil Believers and villagers alike, but Dazu stumbles on a wayward rock and they're both ready to accept death as Bow would not leave her lover behind.

Magna: Flame Magic, Exploding Fireball!

He destroys the avalanche rather easily, but several boulders come through in the aftermath on a trajectory but Noelle and Tyrus come through in their Valkyrie Armor and Spirit Dive respectively to take them out.



With her water lance and his Spirit of Desponia, the boulder are reduced to nothing but powdered dust!


He comes in full sprint, and believing he was aiming she and Bow as well his imprisoned Five-Leaf Grimoire, Dazu protects her pouch but they're both shocked to find Asta splintering a massive boulder with nothing more or less than his brute strength and head, immediately bleeding from the impact.

Asta: Dazu, Bow, are you two all right?!

Dazu: I- um. Yes!

Villager: Ow!

Secre: Sealing Magic, Closed Sorrow.

Villager: You healed me... thank you, Miss!

Dazu: They didn't rush towards Bow or I first chance they got to get the Grimoire... but rather to help all of the people and stop the rampaging monster? They're trying to save our lives!

The dragon turns its head over towards Fuegoleon, Salamander and Cob, the latter of the three who was rightfully fearing for his life.


Fuegoleon: Flame Magic, Ignis Columna!

Shielding himself, the fire spirit and Wizard King's aide while providing a distraction, Nozel swoops in for the second half of what was a pincer attack.

Nozel: Mercury Magic, Silver Bullets.

With Yami providing the final attack....

Yami: Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked, Lightless Slash!

Nozel: Mercury Magic, Silver Shining Regal Spear! Now Fall!

Fuegoleon: Flame Spirit Magic, SALAMANDER'S BREATH!

Yami: It's game over for you, Big Guy. Time to shatter. Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked, Black Blade!

Their overwhelming alliance of attacks, send the monster to an early grave prelude by a massive explosion and snowflakes.

Yami: Well, safe to say, he got his fill.

Villager: Oh my goodness, they're so powerful!

Villager: So this is what the Magic Knights are all about and can do?

Bow and Dazu take their masks off, revealing their beauty as the moonlight hits their faces while the intensity pours off of Nozel, Fuegoleon and Yami in droves.

Dazu: I don't believe it. After all of the magic power I just collected, they just absolutely destroyed it... as if it was some sort of appetizer!

Clouds begin to roll in, obscuring the full moon and the villagers now stare down the Magic Knights and three captains, horror and paranoia hitting their souls.

Villager: It's over....

Villager: We failed! We can't stand up to the Magic Knights!

Villager: All of this traveling for nothing!

Villager: How do you think they're going to punish us?!

Dazu warily pulls a cannister of emergency whatever the liquid was but before she could utilize it, she heard the gruffness of the foreigner captain's voice.

Yami: Listen! All of you. You idiots have seriously got the wrong impression here.

Nozel: He's right. It was never our intention to apprehend any of you or even take you into custody. We just want to talk with you.

Villager: T-Talk with us?

Fuegoleon: Sir Portaport?

Cob salutes the captain.

Cob: Roger-dodger, Sir, I'll get things started rolling, right away, easy peasy, lemon-squeezey!

He summons a giant door, and it immediately opens revealing William Vangeance, Captain of the Golden Dawn and Chairman Damnatio Kira who walk through the latter who stares blankly at the commoners who have had it rough in their journey.

Villager: Hey, hang on a second!

Villager: Yeah, I know that guy! I know that's not who I think it is!

Villager: It's Captain Vangeance of the mighty Golden Dawn!

Damnatio: Those who live their lives in the shadows....

Yami: There's our man of the hour. Thanks for fitting into your oh so busy schedule there, hotshot.

Vangeance smirks while acknowledging and shaking the hand of his once upon a time squad-mate.

William: I'll do anything I can to aid this kingdom, Yami. You of all people, should know that. After all, I still need to atone and I'm nowhere near finished.

Yami: I'm glad you're here, but did you really have to bring the Mood-Killer? Oh, I'm sorry, Honorable Judge-Stick-In-The-Mud?

William: You are one of our best, I'm glad to see you're safe, Nero of the Black Bulls.

She nods in solidarity as he does the same before he makes his way over to the Devil Believers who are ready for a fight. He senses the apprehension among the crowdgoers and obvious suspects but makes his intent known.

William: We have not come here to punish anyone, rest assured everyone. If I am correct, you are all heading toward the Spade Kingdom and believed yourselves to have already successfully crossed over the border of Spade and Clover, yes? Only, you haven't crossed the border yet. Which means, as of this very moment, you're still in the Clover Kingdom's jurisdiction. But at the same instance none of you haven't committed a single crime. That said..... if we asked any and all of you to turn around right now and go back home, it would not surprise me in the slightest if you refused. You may not all realize it, we Magic Knights do understand your plight and gripes. So please, if you are willing, will you allow us a bit of time to help you? We will do whatever we can to assuage your doubts, no matter how long it should take.

Villager: I-I don't know what to say.

Villager: How about don't trust them! Hell, two of the captains are royalty!

Villager: Hey, you're right, why the hell should we trust the Magic Knights?

Villager: Exactly, you're just a bunch a stuck up royalty and nobility!

Asta: But that's not-

Yami: Yeah you're actually right. You see the Magic Knights, we got plenty of high class, stuck up, highfalutin snobs in our squads but we're actually more of a mixed bag than you'd care to think. Just look at my Black Bulls. We've got an ex-con, a guy's whose folks all but disowned him, a creepy loner and going back to the House Silva rep, she's the family's Black Sheep. Someone who was lost for a really long time, a long lost noble who had to learn about hard times in the Clover Kingdom and build everything up from scratch. Some commoners... and you can't forget about me, the foreigner captain. When I crash landed onto the Kingdom, I couldn't even speak y'alls damn language. Totally cut off from what I was familiar with. The point is, I understand where you guys are comin' from.

Vangeance nods while never taking his gaze off Dazu and Bow.

William: You all have suffered great injustice, after great injustice. And that was the root of what pushed you over the edge.

Nozel and Fuegoleon step up next and express their deepest sympathies.

Nozel: We regret that we were able to help you all more in the past when things were truly hellish. It was not because we didn't care, but rather-

Noelle: Brother Nozel....

Fuegoleon: I swear to ALL of you... upon the Royal House of Vermillion. If I can rid the world of this pure imbalance, then I do not care how long it takes, I will do so with every fiber of my being until my dying day! Now please, return to your homes and await the day we have fulfilled this solemn oath we have given you. Mark my words, the Magic Knights will strive to shine the very light of hope into the darkness of despair!

The Devil Worshippers all look at with one another still uncertain with the Golden Dawn, Silver Eagle, Crimson Lion King and Black Bull captains words until Vangeance undoes his signature and ever inconic mask revealing his birthmark.

Tyrus: Whoa. I wasn't expecting that.

Villager: Captain Vangeance!

Villager: My goodness, look at his face!

William: My people, I am not so different from you all. I was treated horrifically because of the birthmark on my face. Then I met the man we know as the 28th Wizard King, Julius Novachrono. He was kind enough to take me back then when he was just the captain of the Aqua Deer and overlook my ghastly appearance. He accepted my authentic being just the way I truly was. Gave me a place I could truly call home.... and in turn, I was able to develop and cultivate my own Magic Knight Squad and build a home for a lot of promising young men and women. I owe all that I have to Lord Julius, I will continue to follow his example! We'll strive in creating a place you all can live happily, where you all can witness the sunlight in the morning and day times and moonlight when the sun sets. So please if you are able to just this once, listen to my fellow captains..... I want you to believe in your Magic Knights.

His words move the audience as some the Devil Worshippers actually begin to leave the Devil Believers groups, breaking.... shocking them all.

Villager: That doesn't... sound too bad.

Villager: If they're really going to help us, then we should be so hasty. Let's give them a chance to strive towards a better future!

Villager: Can't hurt to try.

Villager: Yeah, I say we listen to them.

Noelle and the others watch them leave as the former leans her head into her boyfriend, as he kisses the top of her silver hair and rubs her back....

Tyrus: You okay?

Noelle: Yeah... I'll be fine.

William: Now then... as for you all. Dazu Tayak, Bow Nocde, and all of the rest of the Devil Believers, I need you all to step forward to Chairman Damnatio Kira.

Fuegoleon: You all are a seperate matter from the commoners of the Clover Kingdom.... You not only abducted two people, one of whom was a member of a legitimate Magic Knight Squad in the Black Bulls.

The scales begin to flare with each crime the captains read off.


Yami: You then incited a riot in the Capital, not to mention attempted the public execution of an completely innocent little girl and my squad member.


Nozel: You then proceeded to callously murder three of the Magic Parliament Guards in Onoby Sinho, Siona Caverly and Kabwe Carillon.

William: We suspect that you may have a role in their murders, seeing as how the incidents not only took place minutes within each other but they all occured in the same origin, Bow Nocde's residence.

Yami: All right, now you can do the damn thing, buddy.

Damnatio: Indeed. Bow Nocde, Dazu Tayak, and to all the rest of the Devil Believers, for all these abhorrent and malicious transgressions, it is your time to be judged.

They all wait on pins and needles as Damnatio's scale weighs heavily to the left at first.

Damnatio: There's a heavy price for all of the atrocities you have committed-

Dazu: Very well.... if you wish to arrest us.... THEN I WILL BLOW YOU ALL AWAY- GAH!

She unveils the same cannister from her purse but Yami intercepts her, grabbing her wrist before she could unleash whatever concoction she and Bow may have whipped up. He looks at her with pitiful eyes but his stare is both intense and never foolish.

Yami: It's over Dazu. Save your breath, don't waste any more energy.

She yanks herself away falling on her ass as the snow immediately registers coldness with her body, tears threatening to escape.

Dazu: Damn it all, we were so close though!

Bow: Yes we did, but we were defeated. There's nothing more we can do, Dazu. Like the Black Bulls captain said, it's over.

Damnatio: I'm sorry but who said... anything about arresting you two? You think my intent was to simply throw you in jail, toss the key away and hope that you would learn your lesson in "x" amount of years down the road? Foolish girl, as my intention states before, my job is to judge you all. Arresting you, that is the Magic Knights job and they won't need to burn any needless energy on the likes of dogs such as you. Therefore by my divine, swift and righteous hand... I hereby exile you from this land!

Everyone stands shocked at Damnatio's proclamative sentence just handed down moments ago onto the Devil Believers. But he simply stares at Cob who does his Cob-speak bit and immediately summons a door for the Devil Believers.


Devil Believer: Dazu!

Devil Believer: You can't do this to them!

She simply nods, defiantly looking at the Magic Parliament Chairman.

Dazu: Where we go next.... is up to us. It is our path, and we will not cheat our way to get there. We're done letting other people decide our damn fates, we take our lives into our own hands.

Damnatio: I see.... then I will not stop you. So long as you leave the Clover Kingdom.

Asta: Does that mean-

He stops talking once he sees Dazu approach him with his grimoire in hand. While Bow and the others get a head start on her, she takes one last look at her scar, thinking back Noelle, Tyrus, Magna, Secre, Asta and the Captains helping the villagers out.

Dazu: Asta. I believe this belongs to you.

Asta: It's my grimoire.

She says nothing more, the leader of the Devil Believers following in line with the others before she stops again, having heard Asta call out to her.

Asta: Hey, wait up! One day, I'm going to beat Tyrus and my other friend Yuno... and I'm gonna be the next Wizard King! And then one day, I'm gonna create a new Clover Kingdom, where everyone is equal! Better than what we have right now. A place where everyone grow and come to understand one another. Laugh together, be happy and love one another! So if you're leaving Dazu, promise me this much. Whether you're near, or you're someplace far, far away, you'll be watching us! That way you'll know.

Snow begins to fall and Dazu says nothing for a few seconds.

Dazu: Goodbye, Asta.

She turns around and gives the Third Class Intermediate Magic Knight a soft and genuine smile.

Dazu: I wish I could've been more like you.

One of the Believers looks at Secre and profusely begins to apologize.

Devil Believer: We're truly sorry. Please tell Marie that, if you ever see her around.

Secre: I will.

Dazu steps to Bow and places a hand on her shoulder.

Dazu: So after all of that.... we're left with no grimoire and no hostages. All we have no is each other, Bow. If we're being honest, there's almost no guarantee we come out of this alive. But even so, despite all of that, I-

Bow grabs her hand and Dazu gains some self-confidence back....

Devil Believer: We should go... snow's starting to pick up heavily.

Devil Believer: Mm.

Bow: Yes. Let's continue our journey.

One of the Believers takes off her mask, an intense and determined scowl registered as she looks at all of the Magic Knights.

Devil Believer: We'll be joining Bow and Dazu. We're leaving this kingdom... but still. In the future-

She slams her mask down, horns first into the snow never taking her eyes off of them.

Devil Believer: If you all fail to create this real change you spoke of-

Devil Believer: This will happen again.

Devil Believer: Other groups like the Devil Banishers and Devil Believers will continue to rise from the shadows, over and over again.

Bow and Dazu follow in tossing their masks into the snow, and after a couple of seconds of staring at the mountain, they interlace hands.

Bow: Dazu.

Dazu: Bow.....

Everyone watches as the Devil Believers officially continue their suicide mission into the Spade Kingdom with Damnatio turning his back once they were over the border.

Damnatio: The scales that have tipped into the darkness, must be balanced back toward the light. Is that not what you said, Kabwe? Rest easy, my fool of a friend. I hope you have reunited with your nephew, in the very least. Justice should reign supreme in this kingdom, yes.

Secre joins Asta for a few seconds as the cold hits them, whipping their robes to the back.... he exhales, a cold trail leaving his mouth.

Asta: C'mon, Nero. Let's get out of here.

Secre: Right.

They join their captain, squad-mates and the other captains, and finally step through Cob's portaled door.

Dazu: I, Dazu Tayak, have committed a sin. Well, several in fact. That night, I failed to save my husband and his mother.... rather I killed them. They were awful people because in their hearts they always mocked me and looked down upon me for my low output of mana. But they would never say anything outwardly to where I could hear it. Nor would they let show on their faces for the most part. Truthfully, I could've lived my whole life and pretend I didn't notice their antics. But then...

The Eye of the Midnight Sun attacked

Dazu: Don't worry! I'll save you, Vide and Meshu!

But her words despite sounding courageous and valiant ultimately fall on deaf ears well into the night. Meshu, gravely wounded calls out to her.

Meshu: Please hurry, Dazu! You have to get us out, or we'll die!

Dazu desperately tries to rip a giant piece of rubble and concrete off of her spouse as she worridedly exchanges a look with Meshu. Trading back to her husband, she cries out when she witnesses Vide crying and hacking inordinate amounts of saliva and blood.


Vide: I-I-I know you won't let us die here, Dazu.... I believe in you.... you good for nothing wench!

Those last few words Vide uttered.... little did the idiot know this would be he or his mother's last time they would ever take advantage of Dazu's good nature... after being called a wench... she didn't do anything except stand up and walk away.

Meshu: Dazu!

Dazu: Don't "Dazu" me, Meshu! I have had enough! JUST DIE..

After confirming herself to be the murderer of Meshu and Vide, she practically burned her life away, becoming the woman we know her as today.

Dazu: I hadn't since felt an ounce of regret or remorse over what I had done or what had happened. I gave those two fuckers, exactly what was coming to them. I'm sure the burn mark I got from him will fade with time, however much goes by. But the scars on my heart from endless years of ridicule, those aren't so easy to get away from. I'll probably end up taking those to the grave with me. More than that, now that those fools are dead, the flames of vengeance that still engulf my soul will burn endlessly.. Which is why I... or rather we-

She tightened her grippage on Bow's hand daring not to let go as the stare at the menacing nature of the Spade Kingdom...

Dazu: WE must breach the Spade Kingdom at any cost. So that we can obtain the devil's powers.

They cross over the border, the story of Dazu Tayak, Bow Nocde and the Devil Banishers/Believers coming to an end with the lasting image of all their masks being covered in inches of snow.

F.W.C. 5,348 Words!

End of Chapter One Hundred Seventeen

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