Narrator: The Clover Kingdom... In this place where the be all end all is magic, there is one boy who can't use it. His name is Asta. His strength, desire, guts and overwhelming determination to best his childhood friends and rivals helped him become a Magic Knight. And though his situation is practically unheard of, there are a few within the Clover Kingdom that share his plight in having tiny amounts of mana but can barely use any spells at all. These people make up a very small minority, forced to live their lives in the shadows.
We see a man walking with a cane before he cruelly falls down, the cause more than likely from exhaustion but he doesn't waver, picking up his walking aid and marching forward.
But like everyone else, they do their best to survive until the next day's approach.
The group of kidnappers led by Tiulyu natives Bow Nocde and Dazu Tayak, originally thought in wanting to exterminate the devil's power behind Asta's success and who had originally identified themselves as the Devil Banishers were really a more chaotic and sinister group calling themselves the Devil Believers. A cult who worships the Devil. After their true intentions were made known, they killed Damnatio Kira's top Parliament Guards in Kabwe Carillon, Onoby Sinho and Siona Caverly via various means, before absconding with Asta's five-leaf grimoire and Nero.
Yami: So what you're saying is you're thinking they might be tryna to offer Nero as some sort of sacrificial lamb? Huh. That actually reminds me they still do have the kid's grimoire as well.
Julius: And once they make their tribute... they'll fully defect over to the Spade Kingdom. Or rather the devil inside of it.
Tyrus: But why, Sir? That screams suicidal if I ever heard of a dumbass plan.
Julius: I wish I could provide you all with an answer, Tyrus, I really do. But we'd have to ask these people in person to even obtain their vision. But in any event, we can expect these cultists to start moving north. To even reach the border of Spade, they'd have to forge across the Forsaken Realm. Good luck Black Bulls.
Black Bulls: YES, SIR!
At the behest of Julius, Asta and the other Black Bulls set out after an intense chase of the Devil Believers intending to recoup his grimoire and rescue Nero by any means.
Magna: You're kiddin' me right? I'm tryin but this storm is fucking up how I see things and Noe-Noe can't exactly control her Sea Dragon's Cradle in a storm like this. Besides it'll be even more difficult to catch up with these bastards if they somehow managed to get past Breed Mountain in this weather.
Tyrus: Hang on.... down there!
Noelle: Yes, I see them! Tyrus, nice job!
Tyrus: These eyes don't lie, Baby Girl!
They finally managed to catch up but the sheer number of cult goers the Devil Believers managed to recruit shook the Black Bulls to their very core-
Asta: How are there so many?! This is-
Tyrus: Really insane?
Asta: Yeah.
Tyrus: The Devil Believers really are a fucking cult.....
Noelle: I'll pay you good money on that!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Dazu Tayak continues to the lead pack of saps who like them worshipped the power of the devil along with Bow and a couple unnamed Devil Believers as she tightly held onto Asta's grimoire and a burly Believer had a firm on Secre's limp and unconscious body. The ferocious storms on Breed Mountain only continue to intensify and the thunder, lightning combination flashes her back to simpler times.
In this particular vision, Dazu stands on a bridge looking at her reflection in the river.
Bow: How lovely it is, is it not? The sunset I mean.
Dazu: Oh yes, of course. I can't help but be entranced by its beauty every time it sets over the valleys and peaks. I honestly hadn't noticed it began to set so early now.
Bow: Yes. It only takes a few moments for the sun to go down but it always finds a way to shine ever so brilliantly before nightfall and in turn the moon come out. Such a peaceful thing to watch out at, wouldn't you say?
Dazu: Yes. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name, Miss. Aren't you Bow Nocde, you live in that house on the outskirts of town, correct?
Bow rubs her nose sarcastically.
Bow: I see I've gained quite the following.
Dazu: Yes... my mother-in-law's mentioned your name a couple of times any time we've had a chance to talk.
Bow: Let me take a wild swing... she told you to stay away from that looney doctor as far away as you possibly could, am I right? The same one who makes those questionable medicines.
Dazu: Oh, no! She hasn't said anything like that! In fact, Meshu actually kind of reveres you. Is that what the plant you have is for? To make a medicine.
Bow: Yes, actually.
Dazu: Wow. You're incredible, Miss Nocde.
Bow: I don't follow, how so?
Dazu simply smiles as she looks once again at their reflections.
Dazu: Well, you see, most people in this kingdom. They use magic for everything. But you actually make things for yourself, that's tough nowadays. Where did you have all the time to learn and create all of these medicines on your own?
Bow: Oh nowhere, really.
Dazu: Are you serious?
Bow: Very. I've learned all that I could about different herbs, plants, everything.. then I simply kept trying until something cooperated and worked for me.
Dazu: All alone, though?
Bow: I barely have any magic ability as it stands anyway. So I figured the one thing I could do was stick with what I had. I should be going. You take care now.
Dazu: Hold on before you go... my name! My name is Dazu Tayak! I hope this isn't too presumptous or forward of me, but could I maybe visit you sometime.
Bow considers her off and gives the young woman a warm smile.
Bow: Of course, it'd be nice to see you again, Ms. Tayak. How about I even make a batch of medicine for you, on the house? That is if you'd like to learn one day.
The lightning and thunder brings her back to reality as she steps on a wayward rock that upon her stepping onto it, falls.... falls and continues doing so until it is never seen again. She quickly regains her footing, looking back at all the followers of the Devil Believers cult, who like her and Bow wanted just a scosh of the devil's power to get over in the world.
Dazu: This is great! The bombs you made were super effective, Bow.
Bow: And it looks like we're making great time, we're clear to keep moving forward. We should hurry before it gets dark. We can reach the Spade Kingdom border before tomorrow afternoon. But first we'll need to pass through Breed Mountain and cross the border before the Magic Knights show up to stop us.
Devil Believer: Once we do that, we're out of the Clover Kingdom's jurisdiction. That way even if those clowns did manage to find us, they can't do anything. We'll be bulletproof.
Female Devil Believer: Yes. We'll be in Spade before long.
Secre: No you... won't. I can tell you all with certainty that even if you were to traverse out of the Clover Kingdom successfully. You'd still have to go through a strong magic region on the way to Spade. And those are the worst case scenarios for people of your make-up.
What Nero says is the truth..... The Spade Kingdom is all but mysterious land that is covered in snow and secrets.... between there and the Clover Kingdom lies a completely neutral zone belonging to no one nation. Most of this entire area Nero speaks of is classified as a strong magic region. The term "Strong Magic Region" refers to a place that possesses a powerful force field of mana, which causes various magical phenomena that keep outsiders at bay. These along with other arduous and harsh conditions make these places quite violent and treacherous.
Secre: Getting through an entire strong magic region's difficult even for the most experienced and battle-tested Magic Knight. So how do YOU all expect to do it so easily? And with little to no magic to speak of between all of you?
Dazu: I-
Bow: You raise a convincing arguement.
Secre: I will say it like this... do you have a death wish, do you want to die?
Dazu and Bow look at one another before looking back at the Black Bull.
Dazu: Die? I suppose that's a possibility.... but I'd rather die knowing I had a chance to make into the Spade Kingdom.
Secre gives them a grim, disapproving nod. She didn't want these two throwing their lives away let alone the many sheep they otherwise fooled into believing they could help drag out of their mundane lives but Bow and Dazu remained resolute.
Dazu: Let's go.
Bow: Right.
Magna: Yo! Captain Yami, Magna here! Holla through if you can hear me! Asta, Noelle, Tyrus and I have tracked down the Devil Believers but they've got us badly outnumbered here. So we're stickin' by and waiting for your orders bossman! Are you there?! COME IN CAPTAIN YAMI?!
Noelle: The mana... it seems a little messy here, don't you think?
Tyrus: Yes. And the storm isn't making things easier, not to mention we're closing on the border where that strong magic region is laying. Who knows what exactly we're going to be dealing with when we get up there.
Noelle: You think that's what's causing all of this interference?
Tyrus: Highly suspect it. Just stay is ready is all I'll say, you guys.
Magna: All right you three. I'll look for a spot with way better reception so I can reach Captain Yami and Finral and they can relay everything back to the Wizard King. Stay here so I know where to find you guys. I'll come back as soon as I can with reinforcements, and then we'll take the fight to the Devil Banishers and get Nero and Asta's grimoire back in one piece.
He grips the horns of Crazy Cyclone and departs in a blaze of glory.
They find themselves on the ground when they hear him screaming, as per usual with Asta and runs straight at the cliff and begins climbing.
Noelle slaps her Valkyrie Armor and pursues her friend and boyfriend who's ahead of her already in his Spirit Dive state.
Noelle: What is the matter with you two?! The second he tells us to stay put, you two go running off like idiots and barreling up the mountain!?
Tyrus: You do realize.... I outrank all of you guys? Yeah, I kinda thought so. Magna only has experience on me, Noelle.
Asta: Plus I'm worried about Nero!
Tyrus: Well climbing up a mountain without your grimoire isn't gonna help you faster. You could've asked either one of us for a ride, you know?
Noelle: And believe me, we both want to rescue Nero too, but we have to be smarter about this, Asta. Could we make these guys scatter somehow?
Tyrus: You mean like separate the followers from the ringleaders? It's not entirely impossible.
Noelle: And what do you suggest!?
Asta: Hmmm.... I'll just talk to them some more. Maybe we can understand each other better!
Tyrus: And how did that work out for us last time, Asta? Cause if I remember, we barely rescued Marie, and these clowns still made off with YOUR grimoire and Nero!
Noelle: And I highly doubt it's that simple. If it were, we wouldn't be near the Spade border right now!
They look at him and he continues lamenting at what the Devil Believers could be doing to their squad-mate right now.
Tyrus: Damn it.... I hate seeing him like this. I still want to beat the shit outta them but my desire in getting Nero back overrules all. Go on, Asta. Kami, fuse out for a second.
Kuraokami: Are you sure, Tyrus?
Tyrus: Yeah. I'm sure big guy!
The spirit dive voluntarily becomes undone as his horns and dragon arms begin dissipating.
Tyrus: I want you to give Asta a ride up there, Kuraokami.
Noelle: What?! Out of the question, what about you Tyrus?!
Tyrus gives her a devious smile.
Noelle: NO!
Tyrus: Oh come on! You still owe me for the volcano when I saved ya from the spider and lava!
Noelle: I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND, THAT'S COMMON COURTESY! Plus you're bigger than I am!
Tyrus: I hope you're not saying I'm fat, Noelle. Sure I eat a lot of Charmy's cooking but I equally burn it off! Asta, hop on Kami!
Asta: A-are you sure?
Kuraokami: It's all right, Asta. I AM an ancient deity after all.
He folds his arms and humphs as he silently thanks his Spirit for its cooperation.
Noelle: OH COME ON YOU IDIOT, I WAS NOT CALLING YOU FAT! Good gracious you are feisty and stubborn. Here, if you say anything, I will kill you. You can ride on my Valkyrie Armor, just this once though. You'd better say thank you.
She stands in front of him.
Tyrus: Well... you did say you were faster than me in my Spirit Dive. Let's see if you were just blowing hot air, Noelle. Thanks babe.
She blushes and quickly shakes her head.
Noelle: It's fine, don't mention it. You still owe me one!
Tyrus: I'll take you to favorite eatery in Kikka every other week for the next month?
Noelle: Mmmm... Every other four days.
Tyrus: GOOD LORD WOMAN, I HAVE YUL BUT I'M NOT LIKE THAT! The things we do for our squadmates, ugh fine. Let's go you two!
He grabs onto her legs as the dragon immediately bursts forward as Noelle quickly gives chase to the spirit and Asta.
Tyrus: Shit, hey Kami... I forgot to tell you, downsize yourself a bit! We don't want to alarm all of the innocents when we reach the peak!
Kuraokami: You've got it!
Noelle: Are you doing all right back there?!
Tyrus: Yeah, I'm fine! Just not used to flying this way Noelle!
Noelle: Well, hang on just... A LITTLE LONGER, TYRUS!
The four continue their pursuit of Nero and the Believers as we take a look at the strong magic region.... and the worshippers were firsthand feeling the effects of the whipping and biting snow. One such case had a man falling to his knees with another looking concerned for his fellow worshipper.
Villager: I can't stop shaking! It's so c-c-cold!
Villager: And it's even colder with the sun having just, isn't it?
He nods as he forms a little cup with his hands and breathes into them, hoping to draw heat but no such luck when fucking with a strong magic region.
Villager: We just have to press on! I know we can do it.
Villager: Yes, thinking back on everything I ever went through in life, this summit is child's play!
Dazu echoes that villager's statement from afar with Bow acknowledging her co-founder of the Devil Believers.
Bow: You're so very right, Dazu.
The doctor offers her a hand up which the widow all the quickly accepts. After much more perilous traversing, the two find themselves at a much more suitable temperature range and peak.... with a beautiful sunset.
Bow: It's beautiful.
Dazu: Just like then...
They hold hands... signifying that at some point, the duo had become more than just friends in all of this madness. Night had fallen once more and the progress was even further than before.
Dazu: Look... a full moon.
Bow: Yes. The mana hopefully should be weaker this go around in the strong magic region.
Dazu: The odds may still be against us, but there's still a slight chance we can do this. Thanks to chance, I was able to meet you Bow, and to make it this far... you've helped through so many trials and tribulations... and for that, I am eternally grateful.
Bow: So am I, Dazu. We have come such a long way in this journey together. But we can't stop now, the road is only going to get more difficult from here on out.
Dazu: Then let us keep working together.
They look at each through their masks meaningfully but have their moment broken when they and the cultists look out over the horizon...
Villager: Hang on... look up there!
Villager: Could it be?
They spot Tyrus now back to his Spirit Dive state, carrying Asta and Noelle still clad in her Valkyrie Armor.
Dazu: It's Asta!
Tyrus: Dropping you down, buddy! Let them have it!
He falls down to the bridgeway, landing on his hands and feets as he stares down the masked Bow and Dazu, determined snarl painted on his face.
Secre: Asta!
Asta: We finally tracked you bastards down! Give Nero and my grimoire back right now!
Tyrus and Noelle land not too far, phasing out of their special gears and immediately flank their fellow Black Bull with the sheer number of worshippers shocking the superstar trio.
Asta: N-NERO! Where are you?!
Noelle: Hey wait something isn't right here, you two. I'm sure you're too dumb to notice it Asta but surely you realize it don't you, Tyrus?
Tyrus: Yeah.... most of these people.... there's not much mana radiating off of them.
Noelle: It's just like the boy in that village who pushed his mother back away from him.... he only had that faint fleeting mana on him. Is it really that common for the people of our kingdom to want power that desperately. To have such weak magic power?
Tyrus: If this is just a shred of the people they've recruited..... how many more saps are willing to fall for their trap?
Asta: Guys... I found her! Nero, we're here to save you!
Noelle: Hey, be more careful!
Tyrus: Too late, I'm pretty sure they noticed Asta falling from the sky like a meteor.
Asta: Besides if they even thought about trying to hit us all with a sleeping potion, the wind's too strong so they more than likely would've missed.
Noelle: Still it's pretty risky, though.
They notice four individuals with pep in their steps approach them, with Noelle and Tyrus arming themselves.
Noelle: Listen, we're Magic Knights. We should be protecting the people, not trying to harm them. But Asta and Tyrus are squad-mates, I can't risk losing either one of them.
Tyrus: We don't want to hurt any of you, in fact we'd call that a win if we could avoid harming you guys... We're just here for our squad-mate that was kidnapped and our other squad-mate's grimoire. If you can give them both to us, we'll leave with no problem.
Asta takes a step, violently digging his heel into the ground.
Tyrus: We're fucking trapped. We may be powerful, but a number's game is still a number's game and right now, I don't like our odds. Not with as many innocents that could get caught in the cross hairs.
But instead of attacking the trio.... they get on their hands and knees.
Woman: That's him, the one chosen and blessed by the devil's power!
Tyrus: Noelle, are you seeing this?
Noelle: No... you're not seeing things, Tyrus.... it's like these people, they're revering Asta as some sort of deity!
Tyrus: Holy shit....
Noelle: They're praising Asta.... because they worship and praise the Devil!
Tyrus: Asta, where are you going?!
Asta: I'll be right back, don't worry.
He stomps his way towards Dazu and Bow who reveal their hair but still keep their masks on...
Asta: You're Dazu Tayak, and Bow Nocde, the leaders of the Devil Believers, right?
Dazu: Asta.
Asta: You can't have Nero! What's more you can't have my grimoire! Nero's really important to us and the Clover Kingdom, so we have to bring her back home.
Secre: Asta.....
Asta: My squad and I, we've figured out what you're up to. You think that if you give up both Nero and my grimoire to the devil in Spade Kingdom, they'll allow you to join forces with them. It's not a bad plan, I'd even double down and say it's a good plan but there's one thing... you don't have me.
Dazu: If you know all this Asta, then you should know one thing and this should be clear to you.
Bow: There's no way we can give you your friend back.
Asta: After crossing these mountains, you'll be on neutral ground meaning the strong magic region's not going to be as horrible tonight as it usually is. I would guess that because of the full moon, right? So then by all means, you'll try to push through. But with as many people as you've recruited, there's no way you'll make it into Spade Kingdom, alive at that.
Dazu: You don't think I realize that? Even so, I- we must continue to trudge forward. I barely have any mana so I can't use any spells, small ones are all I can manage. As you know, magic in the Clover Kingdom is the be all end all. So I was regarded as trash, no less than that, I was worthless in people's eyes. I might as well have never been born. Even my own damn parents would look down on me, seeing how disappointing their little girl was. Bullied, demeaned, deceived, taken advantage of. My teachers made fun of me and I could barely make friends. EVERYONE GAVE ME DIRTY LOOKS! You should understand how that feels, Asta!
He remembers the grimoire acceptance ceremony..... not getting one but Tyrus receiving the largest three-leaf clover for a commoner in recorded history with Yuno getting the ever fabled Four-Leaf grimoire that had been wielded by the likes of the first Wizard King Lumiere Silvamillion Clover, the elven leader Licht and other legendary fixtures of history.
Asta: Yeah. I know.
Dazu: That's why I worked so much harder than my peers, but no matter what I did, I was lacked magic ability always made me the target of ridicule and lack of praise.
Noelle bows her heads as she tries to fight back tears.....
Tyrus: But you weren't alone Dazu!
Noelle: Tyrus....
Asta: He's right, your husband accepted you didn't he?!
Tyrus: What about your mother-in-law!?
Dazu: Accepted me? ACCEPTED ME!?
Tyrus: Don't bullshit us, Dazu! When that nice old lady Maggie talked to us back in Tiulyu about you, she said Meshu was so elated that her son had married someone like you! Do you think they'd approve of what you're doing here?!
Asta: We know things were hard for you growing up, it was hard for us too.... but at least you had a family to begin with, one that loved for you who you were! So even if you didn't have much power, you were still happy about that little slice of life you had, weren't you?!
Dazu: DAMN IT, I WASN'T HAPPY AT ALL! I KNEW HOW MESHU AND VIDE REALLY FELT ABOUT ME! Vide knew he could've done so much better than me but he felt he had to settle for me! Maybe if they had- No, no all people are the same!
She looks at her scar before covering it with her robe again as through her mask she levels them and Noelle a hard, cold gaze.
Dazu: Every night and day I spent with those, it felt like a reoccuring nightmare. They would always smile at me, tell me my cooking was delicious and would compliment my hard work.
Tyrus: And that's a good thing, you got praised Dazu!
Dazu: You and my neighbors might've saw my husband and mother-in-law as kind and charitable people, but I saw the real versions of them. Behind closed doors, they would still mock me. They looked down on me, just like everyone else! Those two didn't accept me at all! THEY ONLY USED ME! Meshu and Vide, they enjoyed treating me like trash every day of my life! IT WAS THE ONE THING THAT MADE THEM FEEL BETTER ABOUT THEIR HORRIBLE LIVES! I AM... I AM- I'M SO HAPPY THEY'RE FUCKING DEAD! THEY DESERVED WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM WHEN THE EYE OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN ATTACKED MY HOME!
The words hit Bow, Asta, Noelle and Tyrus like uppercuts..... but the former helps her "lover" up while looking at the Magic Knights.
Bow: Dazu.
Dazu: I'm sorry, I just lost it.
Bow: The details of her situation may vary... from person to person at least. But everyone in our group has had a similar experience.
Tyrus: There's no fucking way you all feel like this!
Bow: We do, Sir Hail. I am able to create potions and medicines that are far more effective the average magic of your standard fare recovery mage. So my skills are quite valuable. Even so, I was still shunned for my lack of mana. Occassionally, I would get relied on for my expertise. But once my usefulness on a topic ran its course, I was never heard from again.
Devil Believer: It happened to me too, I spent countless mornings and nights pouring into my books while my peers were out having the time of their lives!
Female Devil Believer: I ALWAYS HAD TO WORK SO HARD!
Follower: So did I!
The displeasure and raucousness begins to grow at an all time high as the unified dissension was palpable.
Follower: Everyone made fun of us because we couldn't use magic!
Follower: Sometimes if felt like we didn't even exist!
Bow: Look at these poor souls.... we met them on our way to Spade Kingdom and realized they had suffered all of the same terrible misgivings that befell us. But they all lived in the shadows. So we really wouldn't had know about them. I had no idea this many residents of the Clover Kingdom were this upset or discontent with the society of their homeland.
Bow: We have had enough!
Devil Believer: You of all people should understand our plight, Asta!
Asta: Trust me, I get it in full.
Tyrus: I do too.
Noelle: Asta. Tyrus, darling.
Tyrus: TRUST US!
Noelle: What's so enticing about the Spade Kingdom, that makes you so desperate to want to fight alongside them?
Tyrus: We are about to go to war with the very devil you seek power from, how do you even know this... this thing will give you the power you seek?! It's a goddamn suicidal plan, and you driving these people to their deaths!
Dazu: It's exactly that. We want to gain the devil's power.
Tyrus: You're insane!
Noelle: You're kidding!
Asta: No way!
Dazu: Yes way. Kabwe of the Magic Parliament told us there a devil resided in the Spade Kingdom. We thought by traveling, that strength of such a being would shared to us. Simply put you three, I CRAVE power. All of our people.
Tyrus: No you're being driven mad by it! Stealing someone's grimoire because it has a devil inside of it, kidnapping a Magic Knight as a sacrifice? Not to mention you're DRAGGING and have essentially led ALL of these people for all intents and purposes on a fucking suicide mission.
Bow: Say what you want, you cannot persuade us any longer. After aligning with the Spade Kingdom and receiving its devil's overwhelming and ecstatic powers for our own....
Dazu grabs Bow's hand, stating their ambition.
Dazu: We'll return to Clover...
Asta: Come on Bow and Dazu! Please don't do this. You'll have the weight of the entire Clover Kingdom coming down on your heads.
The widow pulls Asta's grimoire out as she repeats her in the seconds leading up to the successful capturing of the magic book in the chaos of Lehart.
Dazu: "They say the three leaves of a clover often represent hope, integrity and love. Good luck is given over in the fourth leaf and the devil dwells in the fifth leaf." Isn't that how the saying goes?
Asta: You're not exactly wrong.
Dazu: Even though you have next to no mana and you can't use magic, you still gained the blessing of the devil anyway, and it was all thanks to this grimoire right here!
Bow: You went on to join the Black Bulls Magic Knights Squad with your brother in arms. And went on to accomplish so many things, you have no idea how much we admire you Asta.
Asta: Don't you dare admire me! Not for that!
Dazu: We want to become like you! Be strong like you!
Bow: Which is why we are going to the Spade Kingdom.
Devil Believer: Once we have the devil's power, we can reborn!
Devil Believer: And then our suffering will be avenged!
Tyrus: No! You guys are getting it all twisted, don't fall for those lies Dazu fed you! The devil is Spade is a goddamn menace to all of our lives!
Dazu: That is our only objective.
Dazu: Different how?
Asta: I'm different because I trained my ass off and to near death to make up for my not having any magic, I didn't take any shortcuts, I didn't cheat my way into the Magic Knights, none of that! And even then people still treated me like I was bottom of the barrel garbage! I spent my whole life being made fun of too, but I never hated anyone for it, NOT AT ALL! Yes it's true I was able to use the devil's Anti-magic to get into the Magic Knights and get this far ahead but do you honestly think it was easy? OF COURSE IT WASN'T! AND NEVER DID I EVER ONCE GET THE SICK THOUGHT OF USING THAT GRIMOIRE FOR REVENGE! NOT ON THE CLOVER KINGDOM, OR ON ANY OF THE PEOPLE WHO TREATED ME HORRIBLY OR SPOKE BADLY ON MY NAME! I ONLY WANTED TO USE IT TO HELP PEOPLE! Whether you're rich or poor, commoner or nobility or royalty like Noelle and Tyrus. I just want everybody to be happy!
Dazu and Bow considers and are genuinely touched by them, the inflection and tone of Asta's voice hitting them right in the Devil Believers souls but they still remained stubborn and steadfast in the convictions.
Dazu: If only we could see how happy we'd be if we saw the world through your lens, Asta.
Bow: Indeed.
Dazu: That being said, the flames of our hatred just cannot be quenched, they remain strong. WHICH IS WHY WE WON'T RELEASE YOUR FRIEND NERO OR YOUR GRIMOIRE!
Bow: We will continue our journey towards Spade, even if it should kill us.
Asta: You're free to go, I don't care. But Nero stays with Noelle, Tyrus and I.
Dazu: Did you not hear me clearly or are you going tone deaf?
The Black Bulls bug out when they hear his proclamation.
Secre: Oh, no!
Tyrus: Out of the goddamn question, Asta! What's to stop Bow and Dazu from killing you right here and now, STILL take Nero and your grimoire! I'm sorry you've said some hair-brained things but THIS EASILY TAKES THE CAKE MAN!
Asta ignores his rival while still gauging the interest of Bow and Dazu.
Asta: Wouldn't it make more sense to have me too, and not just my grimoire? You went after both of us the first time you kidnapped Nero, Marie and I, so obviously I was apart of your plan.
The Devil Believers leaders look at one another before looking back at Asta and they had devious smirks, though their masks harbor their intent, accepting his terms.
Dazu: Very well, but we'll have to restrain you, Asta.
Asta: Of course. You get me with no fight.
Dazu: .....And them too!
She and Bow throw fingers at his squad-mates, the only existing couple within the Black Bulls which causes Noelle to frighteningly sidle up onto her boyfriend.
Noelle: What do you mean us?!
Tyrus and Asta look at one another and they stay on the same wavelength before the couple do the same.
Tyrus: Fine. You've got a deal. No tricks, Bow and Dazu.
The whipping of the wind is heard as it continues to intensify and the desolate sound chains clanging together is heard with Asta, Tyrus and Noelle all voluntarily subjecting themselves to imprisonment. They all look at the leaders with Asta giving the order.
Asta: We held up our end of the bargain. Now free Nero as you promised, both of you!
Dazu: We'll be more than glad to do that....
Bow: That is.... after we safely deliver you all to the Spade Kingdom.
Secre: You just made a mistake, Asta.
Tyrus: And it's that... you're too damn trusting. All of us knew they were gonna snake us.
Asta: Don't worry you two, I still have faith in them.
Tyrus: You better fucking hope so. I don't plan on being Megicula's main course because you trust two looney fuck nuts.
Dazu: We will do whatever it takes to curry and win the devil's favor. And the more gifts we can off to it, the more power we more than likely can gain!
Bow: Indeed. Asta and his grimoire, the girl who used forbidden magic. And a royal daughter and noble son of the Clover Kingdom.
Dazu: I think the Spade Kingdom devil is going to be most pleased with what we have to offer.
Secre: That's if we get through the strong magic region... and the only ones conditioned for something like that are Noelle and Tyrus.
Dazu: Yes. Of course, we haven't forgotten. Now move out.
They continue their death march with time passing on and soon they reach the border between Spade and Clover.
Noelle: We're at the border between our kingdom and Spade.
Tyrus: Yeah... once we stop over this line.... we're on our own, no one can help us.
They all take a step and the harsh cold immediately whacks them like a tennis racket coming across the face. Breathing tightens and oxygen becomes labored.
Bow: Get ready, everyone.
Noelle: I can feel it. Full moon or not the mana's so strong, it's downright terrifying.
Tyrus: Yeah.... it's like Raquey when we went to the Underwater Temple the first time.
Secre: How do you plan on doing this? I've already told you, it's a suicide mission if you try it with as little magic power as you all have.
Dazu: As you know, our magic capabilities are practically non-existent.
Bow: But not entirely, we still have the deployment of a few spells we can use.
Tyrus: Come again?
Dazu: I'm sure that old woman Maggie told you. But since I am a Catalyst Magic user, I can gather the scraps of mana we all possess and then combine them into something truly magnificent.... just as even the tiniest drops of water can form an ocean and in turn an unstoppable riptide.
Bow: Dazu's Catalyst Magic will draw upon all of our strength together. And together we can use the power we pooled to survive the strong magic region!
Noelle: That's crazy!
Tyrus: Even if you managed to pool all of your guys' magic together into one unified spell, a strong magic region will devour it like child's play. They're nothing to play with!
Dazu: You two maybe right... but this is our only shot.
Secre and the others continue to desperately plead with them.
Secre: There is too much ground to cover between and the Spade Kingdom, you won't make it. There's no certain way to be sure that your mana is going to hold out like your hoping not against the violence and turbelence of a strong magic region!
Dazu: I understand it's a gamble, but at least one of us can make it and hopefully that person will obtain the devil's power! There is no turning back and we will see this plan to its end.
Bow: Or we won't get revenge on the Clover Kingdom.
Noelle: You can't.
Tyrus: That's what this is about huh? You want fucking revenge on the Kingdom, when its people are already suffering as bad as they are. And you wanna compound things worse a hundred goddamn fold because people made fun of you, Dazu? And you willingly chose to be a loner, Bow. You two are truly irredeemable.
Dazu: Let's proceed.
Bow: Yes.
They turn around but before they can step in line another roaring sound can be heard as what appears to be a shooting star is seen streaking across the sky.
Dazu: What's that?
Tyrus: That sounded like-
Magna: Sorry to keep ya sad sacks of dribbling shits waiting, the Man Amongst Men is here to crash your little party! I'm gonna give you all to the count of five to let go of my juniors or I'm gonna burn your asses alive!
Tyrus: Holy shit, Magna!
Asta: Captain Yami!
F.W.C. 6,455 Words!
End of Chapter One Hundred Sixteen
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