STU played with Cynthia's blonde hair as Randy spoke. He was barely even paying attention to the movie, his focus on Cynthia. He'd passed his red robe off to her because she was cold and he couldn't help but think she looked amazing in his clothes. "Jaime Lee was always the virgin in horror movies. She never showed her tits till she went legits."
"Couldn't afford a decent pair," one of the girls on the soccer team, Stacey, said.
Randy turned, offended, "What'd you say? That's why she always outsmarted the killer in the big chase scene at the end. Only virgins can do that. Don't you know the rules?"
"What rules?" Stu and Cynthia muttered.
"You don't—" Randy cut himself off by placing his beer bottle down and pausing the movie, "Jesus Christ. You don't know the rules?"
"Have an aneurysm why don't ya," Stu muttered as he kissed Cynthia's temple. The girl giggled at his commentary, playing with the bracelet on his wrist.
"There are certain rules that one must abide by, in order to successfully survive a horror movie. For instance, number one: You can never have sex," the group booed, throwing popcorn at the lanky boy, "Big no-no! Big no-no!"
"Guess we'll be breaking the rules tonight," Stu whispered.
"Are you trying to imply something, Stuart?" Cynthia chuckled.
"Maybe," Stu responded.
"Sex equals death. Okay. Number two: You can never drink or do drugs." The party whooped as they all drank from their beer, "No, the sin factor. It's a sin. It's an extension of number one. And number three: Never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, say "I'll be right back," because you won't be back."
Stu shifted and Cynthia rose to allow him to get up. The boy went toward the kitchen and turned, "I'm getting another beer. You want one?"
"Yeah, sure," Randy replied dismissively.
"I'll be right back!" Stu joked, pretending to stumble into the kitchen. Cynthia laughed as the rest of the group faked a gasp.
"You see? You push the laws and you end up dead. Okay? I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife." Randy sat back down and a few people stood to leave. Cynthia moved to the sofa to get a better view and Jason took her place. As the movie continued, Randy made commentary throughout, "Look! Here comes the obligatory tit shot!"
Cynthia rolled her eyes as the boys in the room cheered. The last remaining girl beside her decided to leave before the phone rang. Randy crawled over to answer it, "Hello? Yeah?" He was silent for a moment before he stood to his full height, blocking the screen, "No— Ho—" He turned back to them, Cynthia giving him an unamused look, "Listen up. They found Principal Himbry and Jesse Duncan dead. They were gutted and hung from the goalpost on the football field."
Cynthia gasped.
"So what are we waiting for? Let's get over there before they pry them down," Jason stated. The girl groaned as the boys immediately got up and rushed out of the house.
"We were just getting to the good part," Randy muttered as he flopped back on the sofa.
"Boys," Cynthia shook her head. The movie continued, and the only two left were watching it in silence.
"No, Jaime. Uh, watch out. Watch out, Jaime. You know he's around. You know. Look there he his, I told you. I told you he was right around the corner. Jaime. Jaime. Jaime, look behind you. Look behind you. Turn around. Behind you."
"Why are you talking to it like she can hear you?" Cynthia scoffed.
"Oh God! Yeah," Randy sighed as Jaime Lee Curtis screamed.
Suddenly, Cynthia heard another scream, "Help me! Help!"
"Do you hear that?" she stated. Randy only shushed her. Almost five minutes later another one rang out, "Randy, I'm serious. I think I heard a scream."
"Fine," Randy groaned, "Let's check it out." He stood reluctantly causing the girl to follow. They walked into the empty foyer, looking around for any sign of a person.
Not a soul.
"See, no one's here," Randy raised his arms.
"I think it came from outside," Cynthia said, rubbing her arms as an eerie feeling overtook her body.
He sent her a look and she stared back at him with an expectant one. He sighed, opening the door and looking out.
"There's no one here."
"That's Gale's news van. See if she heard anything. I'm gonna go look around the house," Cynthia pointed to the van and Randy went toward it.
Cynthia retreated into the Macher home, ducking into each room. "Stu!" she shouted, "Billy! Sid?" The suspicious quietness was putting her on edge and she got the feeling that something was terribly wrong.
She walked upstairs to Stu's bedroom, finding it just as she left it earlier that night.
Cynthia heard screams coming from downstairs causing her to jump. She blinked rapidly trying to dispel the thoughts of someone getting murdered. She was sure it was just Halloween playing in the living room. Her heart was pounding in her chest and goosebumps had raised all along her arms.
She exited the room and walked toward where she knew Billy and Sidney were supposed to be. She knocked on the door, but when she received no answer she entered.
"Oh my God!" Cynthia exclaimed. She rushed forward, leaning over Billy's body. She rolled him onto his back, his shirt stained red. She tapped his face, "Billy? Billy, honey come on." She tapped him a few more times and sighed when he released a pained groan, "Hey."
"Cyn?" Billy's eyes opened fully and she gave him a weary smile.
"Hi. We're gonna go downstairs, okay? Then we can call someone to come," Cynthia stated. She helped him to stand, his weight dragging her down. They walked toward the landing, slowly and carefully. Cynthia was struggling to hold Billy's weight.
They heard a banging coming from the door as voices called to open it.
"Go away!" They heard a strangled cry. The banging stopped and they stepped further onto the landing.
Billy groaned.
"Sid, help me," Cynthia called. The girl tripped on the rug and Billy went tumbling down the stairs, "Holy shit! I'm so sorry." She hurried down the steps after him.
Sidney rushed over, "Billy! Billy, are you okay?"
"I'm okay," Billy groaned.
"I thought you were dead."
"No. Bleeding like a stuck pig, but I'm all right," he said deliriously.
"Get up," Cynthia said as she and Sidney pulled him to a stand. She turned to the girl, "What the hell is going on?"
"The killer's here. He killed Tatum and Gale Weathers' camera guy. Oh God," Sidney sobbed.
"We've got to get help," Billy groaned, stumbling toward the door.
"No, he's out there!" Sidney exclaimed.
Billy looked at her, "No, give me the gun. Give me the gun. It's okay." Just then, Cynthia realised the weapon the girl was holding. It made her a bit more on edge. The two stood behind Billy as he opened the door.
Randy immediately came in, "Please help me!"
"Whoa, whoa. Come here, come here," Billy said as he pushed him inside.
They shut the door as Randy explained, "Stu's flipped out! He's gone mad!"
Billy turned, a psychotic look in his eyes, as he whispered, "We all go a little mad sometimes."
"Oh fuck!" Randy swore as Billy lifted the gun and fired off a shot. The boy flew into the table, breaking it instantly. Sidney sobbed as she rushed over. Cynthia just stood there, open-mouthed and surprised.
Billy scratched his head with the gun, suddenly standing perfectly upright, "Anthony Perkins, Psycho."
Sidney stood as the two girls looked at the boy. He was licking his bloody fingers, "Corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pig's blood in Carrie."
Sidney shook her head and turned to run, only to smack into Stu's body, "Stu. Help me please."
The boy lifted his hand and spoke through a little white box, "Surprise, Sidney."
"Oh my God, I think I'm gonna be sick," Cynthia muttered.
Billy turned to look at her, a confused look in his eye, "Why, doll?"
"Don't call me that!" Cynthia snapped. The Archer girl shoved her way into the kitchen, going straight for the rack of knives. Sidney followed but attempted to go out the other direction. Billy stepped into the doorway, however, pointing the gun at her.
Stu threw him the voice box and he chuckled, "What's the matter, Sidney? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Cynthia pointed the knife in her hand at both of them as she backed up. "Why are you doing this?" Sidney questioned.
"It's all part of the game, Sidney," Stu replied in a sing-song way.
"It's called Guess How I'm Gonna Die," Billy shouted in that creepy voice.
"Fuck you!" Cynthia sneered, raising her weapon higher. The blonde's brown eyes flicked between the two boys on either side of them. They were practically caged in.
Billy dropped the gun handing it off to Stu, who in turn presented him with the familiar hunting knife, "Oh you sweet thing. You're scared. Don't worry, doll we're only playing a game.
"It's a fun game," Stu chuckled manically, "See, we ask you a question, and if you get it wrong, bookah! You die."
Billy twisted the knife dangerously close to Cynthia's neck, "And if you get it right, you die."
"You're crazy, both of you," Sidney shook her head.
Stu came up behind Billy, resting his head on the Loomis boy's shoulder, "Actually we prefer the term psychotic."
"You'll never get away with this," Sidney spoke.
Billy looked amused, "Oh no? Tell that to Cotton Weary. You wouldn't believe how easy he was to frame."
"And you wouldn't believe how easy it is to lie to you, right baby?"
The room was silent for a moment and Cynthia cracked a smile, "Too easy. Come on, Sid." Billy shifted the knife and the innocently scared at dropped. Sidney gulped. She was faced with three killers, "I mean it was all so easy. You're incredibly gullible. I was the one that made that call tonight. Gut you like you're mother, I thought it was pretty clever considering the circumstance," she blonde covered her mouth as a giggle escaped her, "Ah! I missed all this."
Cynthia's car sped through the roads of Woodsborough, her index tapping the wheel rhythmically to the beat of some song blasting through the speakers. Billy was sitting in the passenger seat, staring out the window whilst Stu had spread himself out int he back.
Cynthia slowed the car, bringing it to a stall on the side of the road. The two boys broke from their thoughts as they turned to her in confusion.
She looked at Stu. Then looked at Billy.
"Which one of you idiots threw a chair at me?"
The car was charged with silence.
"I told you she'd figure it out," Billy said, glancing back at Stu. The taller boy grumbled and pulled a ten-dollar bill from his jeans, "It was him by the way."
"I didn't mean to. It was just meant to break the glass," he grumbled.
"You could've killed me!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"So what now, you're gonna hand us off to Deputy Idiot?" Billy asked.
"God no. I have my own secrets I don't want spilt and it's probably my fault you've gotten into this anyway," Cynthia rolled her eyes.
"Of course not. What we're doing has nothing to do with what we did two years ago," Stu replied, sticking his head between the seats to look at her, "This was more for a laugh."
"Really?" Cynthia looked between him and Billy. The dark-haired boy had gone back to staring out the window but she could see the grimace on his face through the rearview mirror. This wasn't just a laugh for him. There was something more but she couldn't tell what. She wanted to ask, but if he hadn't told Stu, it meant he wanted to reveal it later, "So what do you want to do?"
"What do you mean?" Billy asked.
"Who's next?" Cynthia elaborated.
"Why don't you pick, doll?"
"I was so hoping you'd say that," Cynthia smirked, turning on the engine and swinging back onto the road, going the way they came.
"Watch a few movies, take a few notes. It was fun!" Stu laughed.
"No!" Sidney sobbed, attempting to escape, Cynthia stepped in her way, "Why? Why did you kill my mother?"
Billy's eyes clouded, "Why? Why?! You hear that Stu I think she wants a motive. I don't really believe in motive, Sid. I mean did Norman Bates have a motive?"
"No," the two blondes echoed. Cynthia stepped into Stu's arms and he leaned down to kiss her as Billy continued his rant. His tongue pushed against hers as they kissed like they had been starved of each other.
"Did they ever really decide why Hannibal Lecter liked to eat people? Don't think so. You see, it's a lot scarier when there's no motive, Sid. We did your mom a favour, Sid. That woman was a slut-bag whore who flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon Stone or something," Billy stated venemously.
Cynthia parted from Stu, who picked up the gun. "Yeah, we put her out of her misery, 'cause let's face it, Sidney, you're mother was no Sharon Stone," Stu said, holding the gun in his hand a smile crossing his face.
Billy put the tip of the knife to his lips, "Is that enough motive for you? How 'bout this? Your slut mother was fucking my father, and she's the reason my mom moved out and abandoned me. How's that for a motive?"
Cynthia and Stu shared a glance. They had no idea of this and clearly Billy wasn't willing to tell them until now.
"Maternal abandonment causes serious causes serious deviant behaviour," Billy muttered, "Certainly fucked you up, made you fall in love with a psychopath."
"Well, of course, she fell in love with you," Cynthia rounded the kitchen island.
Billy seemed amused, though the knife still pointed in Sidney's direction, "What do you mean? You think I'm attractive?"
"I mean who wouldn't," she flirted.
"You're a shameless flirt," he muttered, leaning toward her and pressing a kiss to her lips.
Sidney's eyes widened, "God, you really are psychopaths. My mom's a whore? Look at you,"
A shot went off next to Sidney causing the girl to jump in fright. The bullet shattered a vase behind them. Billy and Cynthia turned to Stu with raised eyebrows, "What I'm not just gonna stand here and let her insult us."
"I like how he takes initiative," Billy murmured to Cynthia, "You see Sid when three people are mentally unwell and in love, you tend to get weird relationships."
"You insulted my girlfriend. Now you gotta die," Stu pointed the gun at her head as Sidney tried to move.
Billy grabbed the girl, "Just pretend it's all a scary movie, Sid. How do you think it's all gonna end?"
Cynthia sat on the counter, sending a smile toward the bloodied girl. Stu began to get excited as he told Sidney they had a surprise for them. He walked toward the door leading to the cellar, "Yeah, you're going to love this one. It's a scream, baby! Hold on a sec! I'll be right back." He faked a scream.
Cynthia played around with the knife Stu had left. "You know what time it is, Sid? It's after midnight. It's your mom's anniversary. Congratulations. We killed her exactly one year ago today."
"Oh, the irony!" The blonde girl chuckled, piercing her finger with the tip of the knife, "I love irony." She licked the blood from the pad of her finger and gave Sidney a bright smile. Sidney shook her head. She couldn't believe it. Cynthia. A girl she had known for almost two decades was a killer.
"I know doll," Billy smiled. Cynthia sat on the counter and watched as Stu came back.
Neil Prescott was in his arms, bloody and bound with a tape to keep him from talking, "Attention! Oh! What do we have behind door number three, Sidney?"
"Daddy!" Sidney sprung forward but was held back by Billy.
"That's enough."
Using the voice box, Stu said, "Guess we won't be needing this anymore." He shoved the box into Neil's jacket pocket, pulled out the cell phone, and shoved it in his other pocket. "And, oh, look at this. Ring ring. We won't need this."
"Got the ending figured out, yet, Sid?" Billy asked.
"Come on Sidney. You think about it, now? Your daddy's the chief suspect. We cloned his cellular. The evidence is all right there, baby!" Stu pushed him over and walked toward Cynthia, settling in between her parted thighs.
"What if your father snapped? Your mother's anniversary set him off, and he went on a murder spree, killing everyone," Billy said.
"Except for Billy, Cyn and I. We were left for dead," Stu told her excitedly.
Billy pointed the knife toward her, pushing it toward her chest in an almost playful way, "Then he... kills you... and shoots himself in the head. Just like Thia's parents. Perfect ending."
"So sad," Cynthia mused.
"I thought of that," Stu glanced at her, looking for her validation.
"Watch this," Billy let go of the brunette and walked toward Stu, "Ready?"
"Yeah. Yeah! I'm ready, baby! Hit it!" Stu shouted, psyching himself up for what was to come. Cynthia didn't exactly like this bit but she guessed it was necessary. Billy quickly stabbed Stu through the side of the stomach. Sidney gasped, "That was a good one, man. Jesus. My turn."
"Don't forget. Stay to the side and don't go too deep," Billy reminded him.
"Okay, I'll remember," Stu replied before stabbing him.
Billy groaned loudly, "Ah! Fuck! Fuck! God, damn it, Stu!"
"I'm sorry, Billy. I guess I just got a little too zealous."
"Give me the knife."
"Give me the knife. Now!"
Stu handed it over and Billy walked toward Cynthia, "This is gonna hurt."
"No shit. Just get it over with," Cynthia hopped off the counter. She breathed heavily as Billy looked down at her with apprehension. She nodded and he did it quickly. Pain erupted from her side as the knife split open her skin. Cynthia groaned, clutching the wound in annoyance.
"You see, Sid, everybody dies, but us. Everybody dies but us. We gotta carry on and plan the sequel cause let's face it baby, these days, you gotta have a sequel!" Billy stabbed him again.
"You sick fucks. You've seen one too many movies," Sidney shook her head.
Cynthia pulled her hand away from her stomach, "You don't get to judge us. Your mother was a whore, slutting herself out to the whole town. Why do you think I killed my parents, Sidney? I killed them because your mother and my father were fucking and he took to knocking my mom around when he got angry. She was going to leave my sister and me with that monster and go frolicking off to New York. So I slit my father's throat in his sleep and shot my mother in the head when she came downstairs. And you know what? Billy and Stu saved a whole lot of other families from ruin by killing your mother. So fuck you."
"Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!" Billy shouted, stabbing Stu again. The taller boy groaned.
"Stop it, Billy, alright. I can't take anymore. I'm feeling a little woozy here!"
"All right, you get the gun. I'll untie Pops, okay? Now!"
Stu stumbled to the side table and tapped the wood, "Um. Uh... Houston, we... we have a problem here."
"What?" Cynthia and Billy asked.
"The gun, man. The gun. I put it right here and it's not there."
The two pushed forward and Cynthia stopped on Stu's right. "Where the fuck is it?" Billy swore.
"Right here, asshole." Cynthia looked up and rolled her eyes as she saw Gale Weathers holding the gun. Her hand was shaking as she pointed it at Billy.
"I thought you said she was dead," Billy looked at Stu.
"She looked dead, man. Still does."
"I've got an ending for you. The reporter left for dead in the news van comes to, stumbles on your three dipshits, finds the gun foils your plan and saves the day."
"I like that ending."
"No one gives a fuck about what you like," Cynthia snapped angrily.
"I know something you don't," Billy whispered. He walked toward her and she tried to fire only for the gun to click. He ripped it from her hand and kicked her back, causing her to hit her head against the column and collapse unconscious.
"Yeah, man," Stu smiled.
Billy walked outside, looking down at the woman and Dewey who were lying on each other, "Aww sweet. Works better without the safety on. This is Gale Weathers signing off."
"Baby, you're gonna love this," Stu turned and looked into the kitchen. He frowned and Cynthia whipped around to find the kitchen empty. She let out a groan as Stu swore.
"What?" Billy asked as they walked back into the room.
"Where are they? Where are they?" Billy asked frantically.
"I don't know, but I'm hurting man," Stu complained.
"Just sit down," Cynthia encouraged, pulling out the chair for him as the phone rang and Billy swore violently. The three paused.
"Should I let the machine ring?"
Billy picked up, "Hello?"
Cynthia moved closer and took it from him, placing it between them so they could hear, "Are you alone in the house?" the person asked in the voice Cynthia had come to know. She breathed deeply in rage.
"Bitch! You bitch! Where the fuck are you?" Billy asked, snatching the phone back.
"Not so fast. We're gonna play a little game. It's called 'guess who just called the police and reported your sorry motherfucking ass'," Sidney said.
Stu collapsed in the seat next to Cynthia as she tried to calm herself. Billy turned, pointing the gun at Stu, "Find her you dipshit. Get up."
"Billy, he's not doing so good," Cynthia said, kneeling beside the taller boy. He was bleeding profusely through his shit.
"I can't, Billy. You cut me too deep," Stu whined, "I think I'm dying here, man."
"Talk to her. Talk to her," Billy ordered, pushing the phone toward him as he walked off.
Cynthia put pressure on the large wound on Stu's torso and he winced as he picked up the phone, "Hello."
"Oh, Stu, Stu, Stu. What's your motive? Billy's got one. Cynthia's got one. The police are on their way. What are you gonna tell them?"
"Peer pressure. I'm far too sensitive," he slurred.
Billy grabbed the phone, "I'm gonna rip you up, you bitch, just like your fucking mother!"
Whatever she said in response had him pissed as he flung the phone, hitting Stu in the head with it. Cynthia would've laughed if the situation weren't so serious as Stu yelled, "Ow! You fucking hit me with the phone, dick!"
Billy went on a rampage, smashing glasses as he walked, "Fucker! Where are you?
"Did you really call the police?" Stu asked into the phone.
"You bet your sorry ass I did."
Stu began to cry, "My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me."
"That's the least of your problems," Cynthia grabbed the phone, "When I find you Sidney Prescott, I'm going to slit your fucking throat from ear to ear."
No one responded and the house went quiet for a moment, save for the screaming on the TV. Suddenly, there was a thud and a loud clatter. Cynthia made Stu be quiet as she heard Billy groan and his body thud as he fell to the ground.
Quiet enveloped them again and Stu stood, jumping out with a scream and going for Sidney. Cynthia heard the two fighting, making a racket as they went. She exited the kitchen and saw Billy lying on the ground, knife in hand. She checked his pulse to find him unconscious. She grabbed the knife and the gun beside him.
"Just fucking die, Sid," Stu yelled before letting out a scream. Something broke and Cynthia exited the kitchen just in time to see Sidney push the TV onto Stu's head, electrocuting him to death.
Cynthia's eyes widened, her body stilling as she looked from his non-moving body. Stu was dead. Sidney had killed him. Rage filled her gaze as she looked Sidney, who looked so proud of herself. Sidney then glanced up at her and Cynthia fired off a shot without hesitation. It hit her in the shoulder and Sidney screamed, "You fucking bitch," Cynthia chuckled manically. Sidney scrambled back as she approached, "I told you I was gonna slit your throat. I like to keep my promises."
The blonde crouched in front of her, twirling the knife. Sidney eyed it warily as well as the gun in hand, "Why don't you just shoot me?"
"Shooting you isn't nearly enough. If Billy and Stu had told me what they were doing last year, I would've taken immense pleasure from carving your mother up like a turkey. But I have you instead, so you'll have to do."
Cynthia plunged the knife into the brunette's thigh, causing her to scream loudly. She twisted it slowly, revelling in the screams Sidney let out. She pulled it out swiftly and chuckled, "Do you feel it? The call of death."
"You tell me."
A blow came to the back of her head and Cynthia collapsed, dropping the weapons she had in her hand. She groaned, lifting her hand painfully to touch the back of her head. Sidney hobbled to a stand and flipped her over. Cynthia stared up at her and Randy, whom she thought was dead.
"How does it feel? The call of death?" A shot rang out and Cynthia Archer's body fell still.
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