Second - Shipment on site

TaeTae slowly regained consciousness. Although the sounds reached him like from behind the fog, he felt distinct shakes, just like sitting in a car which is riding on bumps, and he even sensed someone's presence next to, as well as a gentle touch of trembling fingers on his thigh. He grunted, wanting to move, but the body did not listen to him at all, as if cast from lead. He had no idea where he was with whom or why. He only remembered the temporary, unpleasant pain of his right hand just before his fainting. He lifted his heavy eyelids, and it cost him so much effort that he could barely catch his breath, on his forehead appeared sweat, which immediately spilled over his skin, and soaked in the collar of the shirt he was wearing. He looked at his right hand, but apart from the bright spot he saw nothing, and he was seeing triple. He closed his eyelids again, wanting that the strange dizziness would be gone, and the pain in his head was gone too. He could hear music playing softly all the time as if someone had thrown the receiver into the water right after him. He heard buzzing in his ears, his thoughts galloped, mingled with each other, and helplessness was unbearable. Through fuzzy memories, only one clear word was penetrating, which he hardly whispered, through a squeezed and dry throat:

"Hobi..." then his head lolled on his neck, then lean on the glass. He lost consciousness again. His breathing calmed down, and his body became inert.

Hearing the boy's grunt, the driver gave the idol a loving look, but when he heard the name of another man, he tightened his grip on the steering wheel and gritted his teeth.

"No Hobie, Wonder Boy," he hissed, giving him a quick glance when he took his eyes off the road for a moment. "From now on, my name will be your melody," he said cheerfully, completely changing his attitude, and smiled slightly, then began to humming under his breath "Even if I die, it's you" which he loved almost as much as Taehyung's. He decided that this will be their song. He chuckled, stopping the humming, then accelerated, pushing the gas pedal as much as he can, trying to get home as soon as possible to feel the perfect divine miracle in his arms, preferably under himself, without unnecessary clothes, in his bed, looking at Tae whose dressed only in a large shirt and walking indoor, as he writhed during the perverse caresses which the kidnapper intended to provide, whispering his name with these perfectly coral, full lips which begging for kissing, biting, sucking and caressing each kind. Stays his forever and looks at him with love, with these beautiful eyes, caresses him with long fingers, tastes lips and he demands more than he can stand. He got shivering at the thought, and he felt the tightness in his trousers. He hoped he would be his first lover who would teach him the difficult art of love. Bah! He was sure that his TaeTae is innocent in every respect. He did not believe it could be any different. Though not, he remembered Rookie King and what Jung had done - unforgivable! But calmly, he will wash away Hoseok's mark in a way, and Taehyung will forget about the past. With his help, of course. He could not help smiling at his thoughts.

When they reached the house of the kidnapper, he remotely opened the gate of the built-up garage, which slowly lifted up, then rode in, and when he extinguished the engine, he left his seat and went out into the driveway. He looked carefully at the surroundings. He did not think anyone would follow them, but it is known - better safe than sorry. When the inspection was successful, he returned to the garage, closed the gate from the inside to the hasp and solid chain with a padlock, then went to the passenger door, which he very slowly opened - after all the head of the kidnapped boy still rested on their window. The Wonderful Boy moved uneasily, making a lovely groan. A. got goosebumps when he raised his eyelids and looked at him unconsciously with his chocolate eyes, the most beautiful one, which he had the opportunity to admire at close quarters. His heart began to beat like crazy, and his lips parted in mute delight, while his hands were stretching out towards to the blond.

When the idol closed his eyes again, enchanted A., with his heart pounding against his ribs and with rushing breath, he unfastens his seatbelt with tenderness, and taken him in his arms, hugging him like the dearest treasure which he was in his sick mind. The fainted boy was in his hands like a rag doll, so his head leaned back and his hair followed, revealing a lovely face that the dark eyes of the kidnapper were watching. The man reached with one hand to a bright cheek and began touching the alabaster skin with an anointing, breathing hard. He moved his fingers through blond hair, and then - thirsty like a walker in the desert - he returned his fingers to his cheek, brushed his thumb with the stigma at the end of the nose and the boy's lower lip, then the chin, then stopped on the long neck. Under his fingertips, the aorta pulsed, saying that it was really happening, that his greatest treasure was with him and he would not leave him, that he would let himself be loved and that he would love him, that finally, A.'s dream had come true in all its glory. He could not hide the happiness that in his case was manifested in sweating hands and clearly felt desire. He wanted to extinguish his lust, but he could not do it with Tae. Not yet. He decided to call one of Mrs. Mimi's girls. The old bawd knew his tastes well because he always asked for the type of beauty he had chosen: a tiny Japanese girl with bleached or red hair, fond of hard sex with a variety of gadgets, necessarily with large, artificial breasts and long legs. He wondered just how to command her to dress. He shook his head as he remembered the minimal weight in his arms and shifted his gaze from the ceiling to the perfect features of the idol. The boy's face was a real feast for the eyes and a hoarse voice - for the ears. Involuntarily he smiled and, unable to resist, he put a wet kiss on his forehead. He grabbed the blond in his arms like a princess and hugged him into his large torso. Despite his height, long legs, and broad shoulders, V was completely disappeared in the hands of the kidnapper, who smiled when he compared them to David and Goliath. Well, dear king, in this fairy tale rightly and according to all signs on earth and sky, the strapper won. He smiled crookedly and closed the door with his foot, then walked home through the internal stairs through the passage connecting the outbuilding to the first floor. Finding himself in the oval living room, whose windows were covered by heavy burgundy curtains, creating a bar atmosphere at home, he quickly reached the crimson door leading to the basement. Usually, people had a garage there, but he, prepared for such an occasion as this one, added it to the side of the house, designing the cellar as the private room and bathroom of the great star. There was also a surprise place, which he was going to use very often, and on the memory of which he could not help feel the thrill of excitement and joyful anticipation. He took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of V, and closed his eyes with pleasure, trembling on his body. He loved this aroma before he met him, and now he felt totally addicted. He lifted his eyelids and looked at the Wonderful Boy. He wanted to bring him to his bedroom, but he was sure that the boy would try to escape, so he gave up the idea. He worked too hard to catch up the Birdie. He just opened the red door and descended into the basement, which was lit by the faint light of a lone bulb looming from the ceiling above the stairs. Of course, in the depths, behind the curtain separating the room from the stairs, on the walls there were sconces of dim, whitish light every now and then, but he knew the road well enough that he did not turn them on. Besides, Taehyung could wake up if he felt the rays of light on his eyelids, and that was the last thing which he desires. He wanted to watch V while sleeping, lying down on freshly laundered bedding.

When he laid him on the bed, he looked around him, pleased to see that nothing obscure the lenses of the numerous cameras he had acquired a few years ago. He went to each of the dozen devices and turned on each one, and his phone vibrated in his pocket - a sign that everything works fine. He looked at the sleeping idol once more and, with a gentle gesture, brushed bright strands from his face, then put his ear to his chest and smiled broadly at the regular heartbeat. He straightened up and, sending a kiss to the boy, returned to the top, then went to the bathroom, carefully turning the key in the cellar door. He could not let the birdie fly away, right?

When he came to the sink, he put the phone on the vending machine, glancing at the image from the cameras beforehand. The blond slept sweetly, looking like a little angel, which made the abductor become emotional. A. looked from the phone's screen to the mirror and smiled broadly, honestly, like never before. Finally! For such a miracle it worth to wait these two years and even all eternity. During this time his idol became more beautiful, he grew manly, he grew up and became so charming that tasting him will be pure pleasure. A. was amazed at the fact that he had not known about his existence before and had kicked himself, but he did his homework very well.

Once, a long time ago, he hardly ever listened to music. What flowed on the waves of the ether was completely indifferent to him, did not delight him, did not give food for thought, and sometimes it was unnecessary. By the time. When he was expelled from the army and returned to his hometown, the first thing that caught his eye was a large poster adorning one of the walls of the station building he visited. This picture showed seven young, elegant, smiling boys who make BTS. Each of them handsome and - according to the crowd standing in front of the wall - extremely talented. Between one and the other, he caught pseudonyms of musicians. J-Hope, Rap Monster, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, Suga and V. The young girls were squeaking, some of them even kissing the enormous silhouettes of the boys - what about the fact that they barely reached their feet? He looked at them with pity, but he did not say anything, especially when his attention was drawn to the owner of the blue, mesmerizing eyes, the bright, charming face and undulated blond hair. It took his breath away when his eyes met with Tae's eyes. His heart beat faster and the blood pressure jumped, but his mind turned off, letting one thought flow around him, "I need to find out who you are." And so, as soon as he was in the motel room, he turned on the computer and started digging the Internet. Ten minutes later he knew everything about V, including the names of the great-great-great-grandparents from both sides. Bah! He knew all the details of his life, even those from his childhood, he knew when he got the first tooth when he took the first step and what was his first word - of course, you do not have to be Einstein to figure it out.

From then on, Taehyung became his obsession, dream, purpose of his life and the only person he loved outside of himself. He was so hard infatuated that he almost immediately took a job in a security company, and half a year later he had the opportunity to see his beloved from close - he belonged to the team protecting the BTS at one of the Seoul concerts. Only he knew how his hands were shaking and how he did his best not to throw himself at the boy. It cost him so much effort that after finishing work he got drunk and when he sobered up, he emptied the account of one of the American politicians, then bought a house in a rough condition for cash and renovated it himself, adding on the occasion of the annex which he is using as the garage now. He thought about everything, planned every detail, just wait for the right opportunity. After the renovation, he even slowed down from the security company, which met with a very effusive farewell by the boss, who handed him the golden references, as well as handsome payoff. People of such good repute - after all, the army leaves all the secrets at home - no one would suspect murdering parents and planning the abduction of musician - and my word! - this talent is already in his basement, and all traces of rain washed away. You see, God quietly cheered on him, since he had poured a downpour and cleaned the asphalt. So Allelujah!

He looked at himself in the mirror, convincing himself that no one would remember him and connect him with the disappearance of the notorious V. He had a pale, undistinguished face against of Asians, dark, large, slightly slanted eyes, narrow lips without a specific color, and black like pitch, reaching to the shoulders, straight hair. It was true that his body was well built, but he owed it to the years spent in the professional army. When, one day, in a fit of madness, he beat up his superior, he was expelled from the service, of course without the possibility of return. It was indifferent to him, he knew that he would manage because apart from following orders, he learned to use the computer properly, thanks to which he could even hack but not sloppily. At the moment he was one of the three best but also the most wanted cybercriminals of the twenty-first century. The pseudonym „Agares" became well recognized among ordinary people, and in the media, it fell at least once a week and most often concerned the emptying of an account of some mendacious politician, or an attack on the system of one of the special services of some important country. No one was able to connect him with these attacks, because of course, he worked for his own maintenance like any self-respecting citizen, and he was involved for three, sometimes four days a week, as self-defense trainer in one of the lesser-known combat schools. It was enough to hide all criminal connections and according to the principle „do not lean out of the crowd", he lived in peace without worrying about tomorrow.

Every thug had to have a cover, and he, despite only graduating from junior high school, was not a fool. He knew how to set up in life. His parents, thirteen years ago, allegedly died at the hands of a robber who broke into their home and now was sitting on the death row waiting for the sentence to be enforced, but he was the real murderer who made sure that they would end their miserable lives that day. It was enough to shoot them straight into the hearts of the officer's father's police weapon. Of course, A. knew where the old man was holding the gat, he could load it and unlock it, and he was taught by none other than the commandant himself. He was left alone in the world, not counting his sister, who was five years older, who had left her family hell long ago and lived on her own, only contacting her brother once a month to ask how he was doing. They never talked about finances, because Hyuna knew that he did not lack funds, and her problems were indifferent to him. Not that he somehow hated her or something. He was just aware of her existence and knew that she would help him if necessary, but he did not love her with much love. Contrary to the boy locked in the basement. He smiled even wider. He was beautiful and a lot younger than he because Agares in less than two months will end the age of Christ, which is not fitting for the demon whose name he bears. He shook his head, interrupting these strange thoughts, though the unhappy past had visited him repeatedly during the sleepless nights. Even the army did not cure him of what his father had done, the commandant with a heavy hand, a stern look and a doubtful sense of justice, whose could beat children for any reason, using a cable from an iron, a poker from ash, or - in moments of madness - a whip ended sharp hooks. How much effort Agares put in to make the scars on his back almost invisible - only he knew. However, thanks to putting on a bit of muscle, his body presented itself admirably, as evidenced by numerous invitations to the dates of students from the school of self-defense, and often even random women who he passed on the street. Because who would suspect him of being in love with a man? Just! And he had been looking for the one and only one who had slept in his cellar now, prepared specially for the spectacle that awaited them.

He clapped his hands, enjoying himself like a child.

"Wonderful Boy" he whispered to his reflection. "Soon I will taste you and make you love me so much that you forget about everyone you loved so far." He fell silent, grinning like a madman. "We will only be in our house until death has us parted," he finished and laughed, then, whistling cheerfully, jumped out of the clothes which he had put in the laundry basket and went into the shower. Humming under the nose the same song as in the car, he let the steam, which created a milky fog, surround him, and her excess settled on bright tiles.

When he finished bathing, he dried his body, put on a white T-shirt on the naked torso, underpants on his ass and then dark shorts on an elastic band, reaching up to his knees. Despite the pale face, the rest of his body was heavily tanned, which he owed to renovation work outside the house - he repaired all the faults himself because he did not trust „professionals". In addition, he loved physical work and liked the most when everything was his way. His whole life did not depend on anyone and it was left like this anyway, and thanks to that his plan became real. After setting up the machine for a short program, he went to the kitchen to make something for himself and the guest. Whistling happily under his breath, he opened the refrigerator and dived his head into it.


Hello Everyone!

How are you today? I hope that all of you are healthy and safe :). As you can see I'm here with a new chapter. What do you think about it? You must know that there are 3263 words. So many, I know ;). And you should know that translating almost killed me! I ended it at 2 a.m. and I needed to get up before 7 a.m. so I was so tired for all day... But now I'm happy! Very happy! Because I finally added this part and I hope that you will like it, more or less :).

One day, I told you about the story based on "Hwarang". Well, the prologue isn't ready yet but I think that I have a good idea and I know what I want to add in it, however, I have no much free time so you'll wait as long as it needs - basically, you have no choice :D.

And, of course, I have one good (I think) news :D. Guess what! I started a new VHope story in Polish! It's about race driver and his manager and my polish readers told me that's a very unique story! Yay! I'm so happy! I hope that you'll write the same thing and that you'll write something anyway... Because it's sad when I see many votes without comments... :( Well, I'm sure that all of you'll do your best! I'll wait!

See you soon, I hope ;).

Yours, R ♥♥♥

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