First - Prevent the tragedy
Without arousing suspicion, thanking the heavens for being prepared, he hid the empty syringe into his pants pocket, put faint boy's arm by the back of his neck, embracing him with one hand in his waist, and grabbing his shopping in the other hand. Leaned boy's body against his, then he moved in the direction from which he came. Less than fifty yards away was his car, which he parked in an underground car parking, deserted at this hour, because people were handling things by moving more cars - thereby causing an unmercious crowd on the roads - than on their feet. He did not think it was healthy, but today he thanked God that he had his own conveyance and virtually empty parking.
He went to the passenger's door and gently placed the idol in the armchair, then with pietism fastened his belt and stroked his cheek. Ah! He wanted to kiss him so bad! But no! Their first kiss must be unique and remembered by V in its entirety. He closed the door, walked around the car, then took a seat behind the wheel and slowly left the parking lot, enjoying the lack of a watchtower on it.
He got into the traffic crowd, moving at a snail's pace, which made him nervous, so as soon as he reached the city border, he pressed the gas pedal to the floor and raced ahead, leaving tumult behind them. Half an hour later he drove into the area pledged with charming single-family houses. One of them, far from their present position, about thirty kilometers and standing in the middle of nowhere, belonged to him. The basement of the house has long ago prepared for the reception of the main character, who sat next to him now.
He smiled crookedly, stroking the boy's thigh with one hand and operating the wheel with the other. A smile came down from his mouth when he heard the sound of the phone. Not his ... He threw a nervous glance at the passenger, took his hand from idol's thigh and reached into the left pocket of the designer boy's sweatshirt. He pulled out the camera and looked at the screen on which the inscription was displayed. "Hobi-chan" called. "Ah, how sweet." Without thinking he moved his finger to the right on the screen and put the phone to his ear, stopping beforehand on the side of the road. Before he spoke, from the loudspeaker flowed:
"V, where are you? The rehearsal will start in an hour." He was silent, enjoying the sense of power he possessed. "V? Are you there? TaeTae, say something!" Hobi became nervous in a moment, which was betrayed by his raised voice. But he liked it a lot! He smiled under his breath.
"Hello, J-Hope" he finally said, and there was silence on the other side, interrupted a moment later by the sound of the air drawn in by the interlocutor.
"Who are you?" the rapper whispered.
"The person with TaeTae is playing now," he said amusedly.
"Give him to the phone," Jung demanded. This did not please the hijacker, who frowned and tightened his fingers on the property of the abductee.
"Not that tone, kid" he growled, but he fast calmed down. He pushed the camera away from his ear and took a deep breath, then continued: "Hobi, your parents did not teach you that you need to share your toys? Now it's my turn, and your TaeTae will be so pampered that he will not want to come back to you" he finished and lifted the right corner of his mouth, looking towards the blond sitting next to him.
"A." the rapper guessed, and the hijacker's lips stretched in a wide smile, his face looks like a full of madness mask. "You sick basta..." he did not listen anymore. He hung up, then, using one hand, sent Jung's phone number to his own and quickly turned off the kidnapped boy's camera. He could not risk it. He knew that if the police would overhear them, they would have already tracked him, and besides, the last location would be recoverable. He put the iPhone in his trousers' free pocket and moved car rapidly, accelerating every second, and every now and then glancing at the Wonder Boy as he used to call him. A smile of complacency did not come from his lips.
Hoseok stood motionless with the camera close to his ear and listened to the sound of the broken connection. He even forgot how to breathe and wink. When he touched the red button, the beeping stopped, and he watched the black screen in disbelief. Millions of thoughts swirled in his head. How? Why? In spite of their efforts, was such a scenario unavoidable? Where was Tae? Go to hell! Regardless of everything, he had to act. Now! Immediately! He clenched his fingers on the device until his knuckles whitened, and the casing creaked under pressure.
"J-Hope, when will Taehyung come?" Rap Mon asked, stepping over to the boy and putting his hand on his left shoulder. They stayed in the dorm and were supposed to go to the studio together to practice new arrangements. Hearing the question, Hobi awoke from his trance and looked at the leader.
"He..." His mouth went dry, and tears curled in his eyes, then flowed down his full cheeks when he closed his eyelids. Namjoon was speechless, seeing the emotions playing on his friend's face.
"Speak quickly!" he urged him when he felt his nervousness.
"He was... kidnapped" he finally said, and dropped to his knees, crushed by the weight of the cruel truth. They did everything to ensure his safety! How the hell did that happen?!
He clenched his right hand into a fist and hit the floor with all his strength. When he felt a pain in his arm, he hissed, but thanks to that the clarity of thinking returned.
The other members of the band, sitting at the kitchen table, focused on two rappers, and their conversations fell silent. There was such tension in the air that the ax would successfully hang in it.
"Are you..." Namjoon was searching for the right words, rubbing his chin with his fingers and trying to remain calm, although the skin on his back was numb and his arms were covered with goose bumps, while the hair on his head stood on end. "How do you know?" he finally asked, then crouching in front of the boy and putting his hands on his shoulders.
"From here," he said, his voice trembling dangerously. He raised a hand in which he held the phone. Namjoon looked at the device and then at the boy's dark eyes which seemed to throw thundering. These eyes were full of determination and make the leader swallow hard, and when Jung spoke, he felt shivers all over his body. "I called to Tae, but someone else picked up. He. A. He said that I should learn to share the toys and now it is his turn to play" his voice broke with the last word, and the unwelcome sob left his throat. He did not protect his beloved, despite his assurances that he was safe with him, that he would be safe. Oh! He was so wrong! He lowered his arms along his body and humped, overwhelmed with guilt.
"Take it easy. We'll do something right now" the leader replied calmly, even though he was boiling with rage, and helped the kneeling man to get up, then led him near to a chair and pull him forcefully to sit on it. He stood behind the boy and put his hands on his shoulders, while he folded his fingers like a prayer and hid his eyes behind them, resting his elbows on the table. He thought intensely. Namjoon looked at the other five Scouts, and seeing the tension on their faces, he took a deep breath, trying to calm his mad thoughts. "Tae was kidnapped by A.," he said finally. First, there was a heavy silence in the room, during which the singers exchanged amazed and alarmed glances, but after a moment the rumpus rose. They shouted over one by another what they would do as they'll get kidnapper, some wanted to go to the police, and the others were ready to get in the car and chase the abductor.
The leader reached into the pants pocket for a small device, at the same time cooling down the boys' intentions, and looked at the screen for a while, then put it on the tabletop and grabbed the phone. He chose the manager's number, silencing the musicians. When he began to speak, his voice was so convincing that his friends knew that in the dorm two supervising men would appear. They'll have to wait for.
In the meantime, the rapper hung up and glanced over the Bulletproof's faces.
"I will kill him" Hoseok whispered, which drew the attention of his friends. Blond guy, hearing this, sat down next to him and forced the older man to look into his eyes.
"Later, J-Hope" his calm tone surprised everyone. They knew the attitude to each of them, and yet they could not see any emotion on his face. Well, maybe his face expression was a bit hardened, and the veins on the neck appeared in all its glory. Nothing else. "Now," he continued, reaching for the small device he'd put on the table a moment earlier, "we'll see where Tae is." He looked at the screen with a red dot that indicated V. The spot did not move or blink, which meant that the boy's phone was turned off and the program saved the last coordinates. Seventeen kilometers north-east of their current location. As if not much, but knowing life, the hijacker had a prepared hideout much further away, in a place that no one knew, and in addition the advantage of time and land knowledge.
Namjoon sighed, closing his eyelids and rubbing them with his fingers, still intensely thinking. He had no idea how much time had passed since his conversation with the manager because the clock at that moment did not interest him at all. It was a fact that the minutes lengthened mercilessly. When the bell rang, he flinched. He was about to get up, but he was anticipated by an extremely animated and silent Suga, as always. He went to the door and a moment later returned with a few men: Bang Si-Hyuk, their manager, two bodyguards, and four men in suits they did not know. The latter introduced themselves as detectives of the search and identification department of persons and the investigation department, from each department after two. After exchanging the courtesy, they went to the point. When they learned from the leader about the transmitter, they immediately sent several patrols to the place indicated by the device and started asking questions to the idols. They wrote something in the notebooks, they thought a little, then they asked again and then pondered for a moment.
"Damn it!" Hobi rumbled, getting up from his seat and slamming his fist on the table. Everyone, including officers, jumped in their places. "Will you start doing something in the end, besides sitting on your arses? Tae has been kidnapped! Get a move on! He needs help!" he screamed like a possessed person, the tears ran down his cheeks. Rap Mon struggled to put him back in his chair and apologize for his colleague's behavior, then moved the rapper out of the kitchen. When they reached the room that J-Hope shared with V, he sat down with him on the bed and put his arm around him, trying to calm him down.
"Hoseok" he began, rubbing the boy's back. "They know their duties, let them work" his voice was calm and matter-of-fact, and yet Hobi still felt as if he were like a cat on hot bricks.
"But they do nothing" he whispered, then sighed resignedly. His face was so painful that the blond guy heart was squeezed. How much would he give to go back time! "Tae needs help," he added as his sob stopped. Without a word, he grabbed the handkerchief given by the leader and wiped his cheeks and the end of his nose with it, but tears continued to flow, decorating the boy's trousers and the floor with wet marks.
"I know" he replied. "I can't stand it too, but we have to be careful." He sighed loudly. "You know how it all goes with idols" he finished sadly and looked out the window. When he saw the drops on the glass, he understood that it is raining. Even the sky cried over the misfortune of Tae, and this could hinder the search, erasing all possible traces of the road on which the hijacker's car moved - the officers assumed that either he had his own motorcar or rented some. The taxi was off for safety reasons - every driver could be interested in a faint idol in the company of a stranger. Maybe he would not react at once, but that could have given him some food for thought.
"Fans above all, eh?" Jung said bitterly, looking in the same direction as Kim. His face reflected such disbelief and glimmer of comprehension that Namjoon bit his lips and clenched his left hand so that his short nails dug into his skin, hurting her. He hoped that of the sight of the rain Hobi would not come to the same conclusions as him. He did not appreciate the elder.
"It hurts me too, J-Hope, but we have one's hands tied" he replied in a composed voice, getting rid of the rest of his emotions and turning his friend's attention away from the view behind the glass.
The redhead guy sighed loudly, combing his hair with the fingers of his right hand, then said:
"I know, you're right. I will not help him in this way" he added in a dim voice and tried to smile, but instead of the usual joy, an unspecified, depressing grimace appeared.
"Lie down and rest," the leader said, getting up, and patted the rapper's back. The expression on his friend's face was like a blow to his heart. He would give a lot that Hoseok not suffer, and Tae was safe. It is his fault. He knew perfectly well where V was, watched the screen like a haunted one, but today he decided that he was safe in the crowd of people. If he knew how wrong he was... Some wise man said, "The darkest place is under the candlestick" and Namjoon had to admit the right to him. "I'll let you know when we find out something" he added with a hand on the doorknob, and when Hoseok nodded and lay down, he left the room, quietly closing the door behind him.
He lay there for a moment, listening, and when he was sure that Rap Mon was not near the door, he jumped to his feet, put on a hoodie and sports shoes, then grabbed the car keys and slipped out of the house imperceptibly. He knew where the trace was breaking off and he hoped to get there when the police technicians and patrols would leave, and look around and ask the locals.
He got in behind the wheel, started the engine and left the driveway, dodging between the officers' and Big Hit representatives' cars. He stopped at the driveway and peeked into his wallet, where he kept a lot of photos of his beloved, and a smile fluttered on his lips. Tae made a lot of whimsical faces, and he loved to capture them and carry them around, to browse, touch, kiss - it was always improving his mood. He looked in the rearview mirror, and when he saw that the door of the house was slowly opening, he pressed the gas pedal, then to streak down the street, previously treated with klaxons, which sounded when he violent departure from the gate.
"I'll find you, Tae," he said forcefully, cuddling one of the photos into his heart, then covered the speed meter with it - the mandate was now of little importance. "I promise," he hoped that he could keep his words.
Hello everyone! \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/
I'm here with a new chapter and I wish that a few of you will write how you like it (・◇・) I really love reading comments so please, don't be shy (⌒_⌒;). I won't bite you ლ('ڡ'ლ. I guess so (☞゚∀゚)☞.
Well, I updated it because of fluffyhopie. She was really impatient so I fulfilled her request ;). In any case, you should thank her (◡‿◡✿). Hmm, it's almost midnight in Poland and I want to write more but writing with the very tired head it's really difficult... ( ̄。 ̄ ) But wait a minute, please.
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Oh! I know! I would like to tell you a secret ٩(●ᴗ●)۶. I have a few new stories with VHope and there are more or less ready \ (ツ) /. Sami-chan got the description about the next story which I'll update in polish first, then I'll translate it into English, and she said that she like it (^ω^ ). I hope that many of you know "Hwarang" because the new story will be base on this drama. I was so excited when I started writing it in September and I'm still thrilled, even if I didn't end it yet and I don't know how this tale will end! You should know that I have a beautiful - in my opinion - cover for "Hwarang" story \(^ω^\). Well, I hope that I'll be able to add this tale before New Year but I can't guarantee it.
Hmm... I think that's all that I wanted to write so I wish you a good night, a wonderful day or a lazy afternoon (≧∇≦)/. I hope you really enjoy a new chapter. If you will find any mistake, please, write about it! See you!
Love, R ♥
PS As I promised this part is much longer than prologue Ψ('▽`)Ψ
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