Chapter 15 - Finally out of my life?

Finally, letting go of me he slowly moves off of me. His eyes seemed to be more darker than usual. But I knew he was serious about his threat.

I was scared for my babies. I knew what choice to make. I wanted Mark out of my life for good.

Breaking me from my thoughts, he tightly grabs my arm pulling me up from off of the bed. He pulls me towards him, and grips my chin.

"Try something. I dare you.."He harshly whispers, pushing me towards the bedroom door.

I stumble a little but catch my footing, and walk out the door. Taking one last look back, I see Mark's shadow standing in the doorway of my room.

I knew he wouldn't let me go without a fight. But I was willing to risk anything to get him out of my life and my babies'. I wasn't just going to let him win, and tell those officers it was a false alarm.

I was going to tell them the truth. I wanted him gone, and arrested. I was tortured enough mentally and physically. Walking towards the front door, I take a deep breath and think of a good plan.

I could do this I tell myself. I can get him out of my life for good. Finally, done consulting myself I unlock my door, and open it wide.

"Hello, officers.." I say trying to sound clam.

"Hi ma'am. We got a call that there has been a break in. Is the intruder still here?" Shaking my head 'yes' I point towards my bedroom.

"He threatened me and my babies. He wanted me to lie to you and say that it was a false alarm. I just want him arrested and out of my life." I whisper.

Tears start to stream down my face, and my body began to shake. I was so scared. I just didn't want to have to deal with him anymore. Since, the moment I met him. It has turned my life upside down. I just wanted a normal life where I could raise my kids, and be free of him.

He didn't deserve to be in their life's. What type of father was he? How would we even explain this to our kids how we met? Or how they were born?

I just wanted him to go away. Calming me down one of the officers pulls me out of my apartment. The other officer calls for backup.

"M-my kids are still in the safe room." I stutter through fallen tears.

"It's okay ma'am. They will be fine." The officer assures me. Nodding my head I follow him down the hall.

A few minutes later, more officers come into my apartment complex. They all file into my condo with guns in hand. I couldn't stop shaking. I was scared for my kids. I just wanted to go inside and get them. Waiting outside was only killing me inside.

It seemed like the time dragged on forever. Hearing a ruckus come out of my condo. I see two police officers walk out, too my surprise they have Mark too. He was struggling to get out of the handcuffs, the officers were struggling with him.

They had to drag him out of my condo. Hearing the commotion my neighbors start to peek their heads out from their doors. I didn't feel one bit embarrassed. I was more scared for my babies' safey than anything else.

Stopping in his tracks Mark eyes me. It was almost like he was staring into my soul. The police try holding him back, but he stands his ground in front of me. "You will never be safe. I'll find you _____. No matter where you go I'll find you. You belong to me and only me." He smirks.

"Let's go!" The officers pull him away from me, and walk him towards the police car. Once, they have him inside the car one of the officers come towards me.

"We will have you come into the station tomorrow morning. I know it's been a long night for you. Do you have somewhere safe to stay? if so officer Wilson will drive you and your kids there." nodding my head he guides me back into my building to pack, and get my babies.

Five months later, since that night I have moved from my apartment. I was now rooming with my friend Manila. She was a great friend and Co-worker.

When she heard about what happened she offered for me and the babies to live with her. She even called my aunt Eunha and she had gotten here the day after the incident.

She has been by my side and watching the babies while I went to work. She didn't trust that Mark would stay in custody for long. I had heard he was put in jail for breaking and entering, and assault. It was all over the Korean news.

His company and members were outraged by his actions. They had no clue what Mark was capable of doing. He was a scary and dark person.

Just thinking about him made my skin crawl. The things he did to me before I was pregnant were even painful to think about.

I was mental scarred for life, and the only thing that could heal me was being far away from him. I wanted to move out of the country again. But I was feeling rather down about it. I had wanted to build my life here, and I was going to miss the little friends I had made here.

That meant I would have to change my name again, and this time move somewhere he couldn't find me. I was scared, and the panic was starting to kick in. I wanted a normal life for me and my kids. I didn't want to keep running for the rest of my life.

I knew even if everyone knew about what Mark was doing. There still would be no way of ever stopping him. He would continue hunting me down until he had me.

Breaking me from my deep thoughts, Eunha taps me on my shoulder. Finally giving her my full attention, I look up at her.

"You okay child? You look so dazed." She frowns.

"I'm fine, aunt Eunha. What were you saying?" Turning my head I see a smiling Manila. Turning back towards Eunha I see a small smirk edging the corner of her lips.

"I have booked a spa day for you and Manila today." She smiles.

"What?! Bu-" I begin to say, but she cuts me off.

"Child. You need to relax. I can watch the babies. Trust me they will be in safe hands. I won't dare let anything happen to them." She proclaims. I sigh nodding my head, I knew I couldn't argue with her. Deciding to go I head to my room to get ready to go out.

Three hours later, surprisely I have been very calm. I was enjoying my spa treatment. We were currently doing our nails. We had went to multiple steam rooms and even had a deep tissue massage. Which I had to admit was amazing.

I couldn't lie I was feeling all the tension from my body slowly fade away. I was just reliefed that I could enjoy myself finally. My life was horrible when Mark was around.

I was constantly always looking behind me or paranoid, sometimes I felt like I was crazy. He had driven me to a dark place I thought I would never return from.

Finally free of his dark void hovering over me. I could now relax and enjoy a somewhat normal life.

After, we finish our nails we decide to go to the food court at the spa. We order our meals, and find a place to sit. When we are settled in our seats, we dig into our food.

"So, are you really thinking about moving?" She randomly questions.

Looking up from my food, I look at her with a frown. I had grown very close to Manila, but this was about mine and my children safey. I had to move, and very far away where I could stop running. So, I could start a normal life for my kids and me.

"I'm sorry. But I have too...its not safe for neither me or my kids. I have to choose what's best for us." Nodding her head she slightly smiles. She knew the situation, and she was the only one aside from aunt Eunha that I trusted.

"I understand. I'm going to miss you guys. Hopefully I can visit when you find that safe place." She finally smiles.

"I promise." I smile grabbing her hand from across the table.

When we're done with our food, we decide its time to go back home. She could tell I was a little on edge, and that I wanted to see my kids. I was a mother, and I couldn't help my motherly instincts to see if my babies were safe from harms way.

An half an hour later, we get off the elevator and head towards our apartment. Too my horror the front door is cracked open. Pushing me back she slowly walks towards the door. She pushes the door open as I follow behind her.

When we get fully in the house there are papers on the floor, furniture knocked over, pictures either knocked over or broken on the floor.

To add to that we find Eunha on the floor with a gash on her forehead. Manila and I quickly rush over towards her. Luckily she's still breathing, and just unconscious.

Realizing the current situation, I rush towards the babies' room. Swinging the door open I find two empty cribs. Collapsing on the floor I sob hysterically. They were gone.

I knew he wasn't going to ever stop. Breaking me from my heartbreak, my phone begins to ring.

Taking my phone out from my pocket, I look at the caller ID through blurry eyes. It was from an unknown number, I have never seen before. Picking up the call, I hear the voice that gives me chills.

"Well..hello there beautiful. I see you have seen my present I left for you." He sneers happily.

"M-Mark..where are the babies? P-please don't hurt them. I'm Sor-" I was afraid I didn't want my one fuck up to cause my babies' lifes.

"Oh babe. They are safe and sound with their father. All we are waiting for is you, sweetheart. But trust me if you involve the police again. I will certainly make your life a living hell. So, come quietly and let's be a family. See you at the airport my love." The line cuts and all I could hear was my rapid breathing.

I didn't want to be struck with him again. But I had no choice. I had to do this or I would pay the horrible consequences. Rushing out the room, I grab my bag with important papers and go into the living room where Manila and Eunha are at.

"I have to go. He has my babies. Please take care of her, and promise me not to call the cops. Just say there was a burglary." Nodding her head she engulfs me in a tight hug.

"Be careful." Is the last thing I hear from her before I jet out of the door.

Twenty minutes later, I make it through the Airport security. I walk towards my flight gate. My heart felt like it dropped. In front of me was Mark, and my kids. He had changed their clothes and they were safely locked in a expensive looking stroller.

"Hello, my lovely fiance." He walks in front of me, and slips a ring onto my ring finger.

"Your mine now." With that he grips my hand, and pushes the stroller towards the Airport gate.

There was no turning back from the horrible nightmare. I was now forever stuck with him in my life.

A month later, my life was not any better. He had me stuck in the house most of my days, and he had even made me dismiss all the charges against him. He was using my kids' life to hold against me. It was beginning to weigh on me.

He had also officially announced to the public that we were engaged to marry. And he had also told me on a couple of occasions that he was going to get me pregnant again. I had been denying him of sex. I wanted nothing to do with him.

I was disgusted with him. And didn't want him touching me in anyway. Sometimes when we sat down on the couch watching TV, he would try to kiss me. But of course I would turn away and deny him of any affection from me.

He didn't deserve anything from me. Especially, after the way he had treated me before. He still tried abusing me, but this time I fought him back.

I could honestly admit he tried his best not to show the kids what he did to their mommy. But I still hated him for everything he has put me through.

I was definitely not marrying him, and this time I was really going to find a way to escape from him. Even if it meant ending him.

I sat in our room watching TV, the babies were currently taking a nap. Mark had came in from practice a few minutes ago. He was currently in the shower. He had tried getting me to take one with him, but of course I refused too.

It made it even worst being locked up in this house, because it bought back unwanted memories from what I went through. He was such a psychopath, to think it was okay to continue to live here and raise our kids. He was just sick.

Breaking me from my thoughts, Mark walks into the room. He has a towel wrapped around his waist. Water is dripping down from his blonde hair, and tone abs. I thought something would start up inside me, just from seeing his half naked form. But nothing sparked.

I just didn't want to have to deal with him anymore. I wanted to just be as far away from him as possible. But I could tell that wasn't happening no time soon. Crawling into the bed, he pushes me down and hovers above me.

"How about we have some fun, while the kids are asleep." He whispers huskily against my ear. Pushing him off of me I sit up in bed, but to my dismay he pushes me back down.

"Don't you fucking push me. I am going to be your husband soon. You will listen to me!" He yells.

"In your delusional dreams!!" I scream.

With that he smacks me across the face. I hold my face, and push him off of me. He was crazy. He just wanted to control me, and my life. He was just plain obsessed. And it was beginning to scare me.

"I-I'm S-sorry, babe" He tries grabbing me, but I swat his hand away.

" I HATE YOUUUUU!" I run out of the room into the kids' room and lock the door. I sink to the ground, and cover my face. I sob quietly into my hands wishing this life of a nightmare would suddenly end.

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