Chapter 13- The truth

For the last couple of days, I've been treated like a queen. Mark had given me my own room. There was an attached bathroom, and even a walk in closet.

The closet was full of clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry. I was shocked. The room was beautiful. But did he have this all plan out from the start? I mean everything seemed too perfect in this room.

He had even gotten my bra, underwear, clothes, and shoes size right. It was very weird. I already had a small bump, but hardly noticeable if you weren't staring hard at my stomach. I had weird cravings, and my back was always aching.

Today, was honestly a normal day, which was surprising. Mark's attitude had did a 180, he was nice and always considered of my wants and needs. Yet, I was still completely locked in my room. I was only let out to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner in the dinning room.

We sometimes had movie nights on Fridays or Saturdays when he had free time. Another great thing that I loved was I wasn't forced into being his sex slave. We haven't had sex since we found out that I was pregnant. And I was fine with that, it was less work on my end.

My days were looking more brighter, but I knew I couldn't fall for this. He planned this. I knew he thought if I was pregnant, I wouldn't try to escape. But he was so wrong.

I saw my wrong when I had kidnapped him six years ago. I was delusional and obsessed. I knew it wasn't healthy. I really did want to make things right with him. But the tables turned on me. I wasn't the crazy one he was. It's been killing me all this time.

The constant headaches and the lost memories. What really happened that day was suppressed into the back of my mind. Now, finally having a clear head I was able to remember what really happened. The images come flooding in like a movie.


Walking out of my house, I walk towards my destination. Minhyuk, a close friend of mine invited me to his new club opening. He had told me GOT7, one of my favorite music groups was going to be there. Of course I was excited to see them.

Too bad at the last minute one of Minhyuk's employee called out. Me being me offered to help him out. He was like an older brother to me, so of course I was willing to help.

I had decided to wear a black fitted dress that hugged my every curve, with my red high heels. My makeup was done naturally, but I went with a smokey-eye look. I added some red lips, so my lips could pop. My jet black shoulder length hair was in curls. I looked okay tonight, but I was only there to help Minhyuk.

Once, I arrived at the club I was automatically let inside. The club was popping as the music boomed throughout the whole venue, the club was huge and filled with party goers. There were V.I.P areas and two bars on either side of the room.

Strolling around the club I look for Minhyuk. I walk into the large crowd trying to get to his office.

Suddenly, I hear a group of girls squealing, being curious I slowly walk towards their direction. I spot Mark, one of the members from GOT7 in the middle.

He was really handsome in person. Looking over at him, he's smiling shyly at the group of fangirls while signing his signature on pieces of paper.

"Omo!! Oppa your so handsome in person." A girl says caressing his arm.

He looks up at her awkwardly thanking her.

"What a slut" I mutter.

That girl was really trying too hard to get his attention. It was honestly sad. I continue walking around the club until I bump into someone.

"Oh. _____?" Moving slightly back, I look up to see that it's Minhyuk that I bumped into.

"Ah. Minhyuk oppa, the club is amazing. I've been looking all over for you." I smile hugging him.

"Thanks, beautiful." He smiles returning it.

We pull apart from the hug, he grabs my hand making me follow behind him.

"I want you to work the V.I.P area." He yells over the blaring music.

I nod my head, and continue following him. A tall buff guy blocks the V.I.P area, when Minhyuk nods his head he moves aside.

Once, let inside I notice familiar faces. My insides were tingling, before me sat GOT7. But of course one of them mainly caught my eye. Mark. No one knew about my weird obsession with him. Even I knew it was unhealthy, but I just couldn't stop myself. He just fascinated me to the point that all I ever thought about was him.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Minhyuk greets them bowing. I do the same behind him, and all eyes are on me.

"Who's this, hyung?" JB asks smiling at me.

"Ah, this is _____. She'll be your server today. One of my employees called out, so my friend here offered to fill in for me. I'll see you guys later. Anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask her." He smiles, and then turns towards me.

I nod my head, and he walks out of the V.I.P area. Putting on my best smile, I greet them again. After I greet them I ask them if they would like any drinks. They all say 'yes' expect for Mark.

"Are you sure, Oppa?" His eyes flicker towards mine, something in his eyes catches my attention. His eyes almost memorizing, and I get lost in them.

He stands up with half a smirk edging the corner of his lips. His members are too busy chatting amongst themselves to notice what's going on.

He stops in front of me, without breaking our eye-contact. His face moves closer towards mine, shutting my eyes my heart pounds hard. Stopping at the side of my face his breathe fans my ear.

"I think I'll like you instead. How about you meet me in the back later." My eyes widen in surprise, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He takes one step back, and winks at me. He turns back around going back to his seat like nothing happened.

I swallow the lump in my throat, and walk away to get their drinks. When I return with the tray of drinks, I hand them out to each member. A few minutes later, and the members are asking me random questions. Jackson and JB were trying to flirt with me, but I wasn't having it.

At the end of the night all the members were drunk, and being dragged out of the club. Their manager helped with two members, and some staff helped out. Mark insisted that he just needed to relax for a minute. Too my surprise he gripped my arm, and told me to bring him to my house.

Too make a long story short, Mark blackmailed me to kidnap him. But I was so caught up in the act I actually believed I was the one obsessed and delusional.

The whole situation had eased all of my memories that night. I truly believed in the act he forced onto me. I never did kidnap him, but I did become obsessed with him. The sex was good, and I never did force him. But he did insist that I drug him up, and tie him up. The guy was crazy.

I couldn't believe none of his fans saw his true colors. But in this situation I was the bad guy, and him the victim. Five years I could never get back. I never deserved that, but I did pay for the consequences of going along with it.

*End of Flashback*

Laying on the bed, I look absentmindedly at the white wall. My thoughts are suddenly put to a halt. The door cracks open, and in walks Mark. I quickly sit up on the bed, looking down. He closes the door behind him, and it clicks shut.

The bed dips in, and I look up to see him sitting in front of me.

"Good-afternoon babe." He tries to kiss my cheek, but I move away from him.

"What's wrong? Are you still having morning sickness? Do I need to call a doctor to come look at you?" My head was just throbing. I couldn't believe him. He had forced me into this situation.

I was free before I even met him. If I had never volunteered to help Minhyuk out, I wouldn't be in this predicament. I was still angry with Minhyuk, but that wasn't going to solve this problem. I didn't care if I was pregnant. I was still going to find a way out of here, and a way far far away from him.

He didn't deserve me or this baby growing inside of me. He needed to get help, and tell everyone the truth. No one deserved this punishment. I never did anything. This all felt like a dream, but this was the worst reality ever.

"I'm fine, Mark. Can I just be alone." I mutter not meeting his stare.

"No. Your eating. Your eating for two, and I will not have you starving my child. So please get up, and let's go to the dining room." I was annoyed with him.

He didn't own me, and I wasn't going to stand for this. I was going to find a way out of here and very soon.

"I'm not hungry. I just want to sleep, and be alone. Can't I just have that?" I glare at him irritated. Without warning he grips my arm, and pulls me up.

"You will not fucking harm my child. You are going to eat, and not fucking complain. If I have to repeat myself your not going to like the consequences." I tear my arm away from him, and step away from him.

"No! You wouldn't dare hurt me. I have your child growing inside of me" He turns around, and glares at me. If looks could kill, he would have killed me on the spot.

"Your right. But....Your forgetting one thing. I can cut back your freedom. Know what? Stay in here, but you'll be eating here for a long time. And those movienights are cancelled. Your just the mother of my child. I'm done trying to make a relationship with you." I couldn't believe him. He was seriously insane.

But I needed to keep this whole thing going. I needed to escape. And in order to do that I needed him to trust me. I needed him to think we were actually a couple, and happily pregnant. Taking a deep breath, I walk towards him. I engulf him in a hug, and lay my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little emotional, and my hormones are going crazy. Please don't hate me, Mark." To get him to really believe me, I start to sob. I grip the hem of his shirt, and hug him tighter.

Like on cue, he returns my hug and caresses my back. "I know babe. And I'm sorry too. I should have known. How about we have dinner in here, and watch a movie?" I nod my head looking up at him.

He leans down, and pecks my lips. I move my hands to cup his face. I smash my lips onto his, and kiss him hard. His eyes close shut, and I look up at him. I knew I had his trust again. And I knew in a few days I could escape out of here.

After our kiss, Mark brings a tray with two plates full of food, and two cups of water into my room. He sits on the bed, and puts the tray in between us. We sit beside each other eating our food, and watching TV.

When we're done with our food, he puts the tray on the nightstand. I knew in order to gain his trust, I had to do something that I've been trying to avoid. Sex. But I was willing to in order to escape this nightmare.

Mark was really into what was on TV, I knew he was not paying attention to me. I crawl over to him, and stop near his face. Moving my right hand I run it through his blonde silky strands.

My other hand runs over his shirt down towards the hem. I move close placing kisses along the nape of his neck. A soft moan escapes from his lips, he tilts his head sideways to give me better access.

"Fuckk. Babe, what are you doing?" He whispers huskily. Kissing his neck I work my way up towards his jawline.

"I want you, Mark.." Stopping my teasing, he pushes me down onto the bed. Hovering over me, he places his hands on either side of my head.

"You sure?" I nod my head 'yes', as much as I wanted to say 'no' I needed his trust. Then he wouldn't bother me ever again.

A part of me knew his members had to know about this. Because I know they questioned him about where he disappeared to late at night instead of their dorm. And I knew it was going to be hard to escape, but I was willing to risk it.

Breaking me from my thoughts, he molds his lips onto mine. The kiss is soft and gentle, I close my eyes kissing him back. I felt so disgusted with myself. My body always reacting to his touch.

Some point during our kissing, he switched our position. I was now on top of him, me straddling him. He breaks the kiss, both of us panting. I open my eyes looking down at him. He looks up at me smiling, and sits up with me still on his lap.

"Let's get these off." Stripping each others clothes off, we throw them around the room.

We skip the foreplay, and get down to the point. He grips his cock lining it up with my pussy. Pre-cum dripping from the tip of his cock. I brace myself placing my hands on his chest. I sink myself down onto his cock, throwing my head back we both moan at the feeling.

His cock stretching my walls, and my walls clenching onto his thick cock. Finally adjusted to his size, I start to move up and down slowly onto him. He works his hips meeting with me everytime I sink myself down onto him. His eyes close shut, and his mouth left agasp. I had to admit he looked so sexy. His grunts, and my moans echo around the room.

He speeds up his pace ramming upwards into me. I move forward wrapping my arms around his neck. He grips both my ass cheeks, and deepens his thrust. I whimper feeling the impact of his slaps across my left cheek.

"Ahh! S-Shit!" His thrust become brutal and sloppy. I cry out feeling my orgasm coming, my walls clench tight around his cock.

He momentarily stops squirting his seed into me. His body shakes, and a loud groan escapes his lips. Laying on his chest, I listen to his heart beating rapidly. When we get our breathing back to normal, there is just pure silence.

"That was long awaited. But it was worth it." He smirks smugly. I hit his chest getting up, but he stops me and pecks my lips.

"I love you." My eyes widen in complete shock. I then knew I had his trust. My plan was in motion.

Two weeks later, everything was going fine since Mark told me he loved me. I hardly slept in my room now. I was always in his room, and let's just say the sex wasn't as bad as I thought.

But my plan was working, and he was trusting me now. We had made it official, we were dating. It felt awkward, but sooner or later I would be gone and free.

Now, mid-night and I was in Mark's room. We were in the middle of having sex, the room dark and candles casting the only light.

"Uh!Markk!" I moan feeling his cock throbbing. Like on cue, he cums inside of me. I collapse on top of him panting.

He caresses my back drawing circles. Soon I only hear his soft breathing, and I knew he was sleeping. Looking up slowly, I see that he's passed out. Getting up cautiously I move out of bed, once out I grab his keys off the nightstand. I walk slowly towards the door, and unlock it.

Opening the door I walk out closing it back slowly. I walk down the hall and go into my room grabbing my duffle bag that I packed with clothes, shoes, and feminine products along with bathroom essentials. I had packed the bag a few days ago.

I was ready to leave, and I knew sooner or later Mark would let his guard down. I walk out of my room towards the living room. I pass the living room, and head towards the front door. I cautiously and slowly open the door to make sure Mark doesn't hear.

Finally, getting the door open, I walk out closing the door quietly. I place the keys on the flower pot in the front, and take my journey towards freedom.

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