|7| Attack of the Regina George Look-A-Like.

Warning: There is some coarse language in this chapter.

Thank you for those who pointed our my "bear" and "beer" mistake! It has been fixed!

|Story Start| 

|Rosalie Burns|

“59 bottles of beer on the wall, 59 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, 58 bottles of beer on the wall…” 

I was so bored lying here on the bed, as I stared at the boring white ceiling. I have been reverted to singing this song for fun. Asher hasn’t come upstairs yet and I have yet to go downstairs as well. My resolve was slowly becoming weaker and as each hour passed my will was starting to fail. This has never happened before! I usually had a strong will.

“58 bottles of beer on the wall, 58 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, 57 bottles of beer on the wall.” 

While I was in here I was able to assess the room carefully and I have come to the conclusion of it being beautiful. Asher’s room screamed masculinity and it was huge. I don’t think I’ve said this before but Asher lived in a freaking mansion. The king sized bed was in the middle of the room, the walls were a nice creamy peach colour, there was a big window with one of those window seats and a balcony on the far right of the wall. The dresser was by the door, which was on the wall across from the bed (double doors) and on top of the dresser placed on the wall was the T.V.

There were little dark coloured night tables that matched the dresser beside the bed and a mahogany fuzzy carpet on the floor. The left side of the wall was a walk in closet and bathroom. 

Big eh?

I sighed and sat up. Maybe I was acting stupidly, Asher has been nothing but nice to me (except when he gets mad for me not listening but I think that’s just an alpha thing.) I feel bit bad… maybe I should apologize? I knew he would never actually force me to do something I didn't want to do.

I stretched for a minute before walking over to the balcony; I went outside and let the cool air wash over my body. It was nearing sundown and the sky was turning a beautiful glowing orange, mixed with light pinks and purples. I gripped the edge and looked down towards the forest, I sighed. There was no chance of an escape, not that I really wanted to anyways. But I could see the wolves watching the perimeter and not to mention Asher was downstairs.

I gave a faint smile as one of the wolves nodded its head to me, I think I might have saved this one. It looked very familiar. I couldn’t really see well but it was a maroon colour and not very big, the average size of an ordinary wolf in any pack.

I closed my eyes for a moment and let the calmness of nature take over. I always did my best thinking outside and the balcony was helping me clear my thoughts and my emotions.

It was obvious that I had an attraction to Asher and he obviously wanted me too. I opened my eyes and continued to watch the sunset, it was such a beautiful sight. When the sun was finally gone I stayed outside for a few more moments before going back inside. I locked the balcony door and walked over to Asher’s closet.

I was pretty cold so I decided I would change into something else. I took off the shirt I was wearing and grabbed one of Asher’s hoodies. Seriously it was like a dress on me, it went just a few inches above my knees and I found that I loved it. I loved how small but safe I felt wearing his clothes.

Then I debated whether to take the boxers off or keep wearing them. I decided to leave them off and folded them before placing them on top of the shirt I was previously wearing. Then I grabbed a pair of socks and shoved them onto my feet before taking my hair elastic and placing my hair into a messy bun. Then without thinking too much about it I started making my way down the grand staircase quietly singing my song. 

“56 bottles of beer on the wall, 56 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, 55 bottles of beer on the wall.”

I reached the bottom and quietly padded over to the T.V room where I found Asher sleeping on the couch. I smiled softly; he looked so happy and calm. It was absolutely adorable and all I wanted to do was get on the couch with him and curl up in his arms. 

But I didn’t do that.

Instead I began to poke Asher’s cheek. I giggled when he let out a snore and moved, I assumed he was going to turn over but was pleasantly surprised when his arms shot out and spooning me between his body and the couch. I felt the hoodie ride up and I blushed when he wrapped his arms around my waist while burying his face in my hair. 

“What are you doing down here sweetheart? I thought you had a will of steel” he mumbled into my hair. I turned around so I was facing him and wrapped my arms around his neck, I was feeling bold and confident. I let my body be in charge of my actions and let my heart do all the talking.

“Asher, I’m… err… um…” I stuttered unable to get the words out. I was getting lost in his eyes and the fact that there was barely anything between our bodies was very, very, very distracting. I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in his masculine scent. It was driving me absolutely crazy. When I opened my eyes I saw Asher was giving me a smile and there was nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. 

It made me feel all warm and fuzzy and pushed me to do what I came here to do.

“I’m sorry Asher” I apologized quietly. “I’ve been nothing but childish when you’ve been good to me. I’m really sorry” I whispered nervously as my fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck. It was silky and soft as I ran my fingers through the ends. Asher’s golden orbs focused on my lips before flickering back to my blue eyes. He gave me a grin “Are you apologizing to me sweetheart? I thought I had to crack first?” he teased lightly. 

I rolled my eyes “I can always go back upstairs you know, I took the effort to come out here and apologize to you. The least you can do is not tease me about it” I huffed. Asher smiled and pulled me in for a hug “I know and you don’t know what you’re doing to me by doing that” he whispered in my ear. “And I’m sorry too” he said as an after thought. I rolled my eyes and gave him a small smile “It’s okay” I whispered.

I took a small breath before moving closer to Asher, our foreheads touching. Asher gave a curious look and I gave a small smile in return. 

“Can I try something?” I asked tentatively. Asher gulped and his gaze flickered to my lips for a moment and I saw the lust seep into his eyes, his grip around me tightened and I felt myself becoming aroused by out closeness. He looked back to my eyes and gave a short nod “Anything” he murmured.

Our gaze was intense as I slowly moved my face closer to his. 

Almost there…

A few more centimeters until the moment of truth… 

My eyes began to close…

And then… 

The door opened with a slam and I snapped my eyes open in surprise.

“ASH!! WE’VE GOT A PROBLEM!!!- Oh I’m sorry am I interrupting?” Lena’s amused voice said. I looked up and saw she was smirking at the two of us. I blushed and realized our position was a little too intimate for company. So lightly I pushed Asher away and began to sit up. Asher let out a growl and before I knew it we were sitting, but I was sitting in his lap while his hands stayed possessively around my waist. 

“Lena what the hell is so important that you had to interrupt us?” Asher spat out angrily. I turned and gave him a disapproving look. Asher sighed and cuddled closer to me but didn’t apologize for his behavior.

“Well I thought it would be nice to inform you that Melissa is on her way here right now and let me tell you she isn’t very happy” Lena informed him. I felt Asher go rigid from behind me and I turned to look at him with a questioning expression. He was giving a hard glare to Lena. “Um… who’s Melissa?” I asked. 

But before anyone could answer me the door slammed open and the clicking of heels was heard. The clicking was coming closer and closer indicating that the person was fast approaching the living room. I heard Lena groan “Well as fun as this has been I need to get going, Rosalie we’ll talk later! Bye!” then she flashed me a smile before quickly running out to the kitchen. I’m assuming she was going to make an escape through the back door. Asher groaned “This isn’t going to go well.” He mumbled, clutching me closer.

I was beyond confused. Who the hell was this Melissa person? 

Like she knew I was talking about her the girl with the clacking shoes entered the living room. And let me tell you she looked beyond furious and she was dressed like a whore.

I’m not kidding, she was like a carbon copy of Regina George from Mean Girl’s. She had straight shoulder length blonde hair, angry blue eyes and quite a lot of make up caked on. She was wearing a black leather miniskirt paired a white low cut tank top with a pink cardigan over top and of course black five inch pumps. 

She looked every bit as pretty and as bitchy as Rachel McAdams did in that movie.

“Who the hell do you think you are, you slut!” she yelled pointing an accusing finger at me. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, who the hell was she calling a slut? Okay so maybe I wasn’t wearing pants and only a hoodie but that wasn’t my fault! I had no clothes here.

“I could ask you the same question bitch” I replied with a glare. I don’t like when people talk down to me, it wasn’t something I tolerated. Treat me with respect and I’ll treat you the same way. Ever heard the saying “Treat other’s how you want to be treated”? That’s one of the rules I live by. 

She gave me a shocked look and her anger increased “I’m Melissa” she spat out “and you” she pointed at me with a glare “are currently cuddling with my boyfriend and mate!!” she practically snarled. My eyes widened in shock mate? Boyfriend? Did I hear her correctly? I pushed myself away from Asher and saw he was glaring at Melissa.

“Melissa, you are not my mate! We broke up ages ago!” Asher yelled, reaching out to take hold of me again but I moved away. “Asher baby don’t say that, you know we’re meant to be” she cooed walking over to Asher. When she reached me she shoved me off the couch and me not expecting this I promptly fell on my ass. I shivered and made a gagging noise, she didn’t sit down fast enough and I got an eyeful of what was under her skirt. 

Or rather what was lacking under her skirt.

I gave this Melissa chick a hard glare. The little green monster was coming out and he was coming out strong. I didn’t like the way she was touching Asher, some part of me was wondering what the hell I was doing caring but the other part wanted me to rip her head off. I felt comforted that Asher was doing all he could to keep her off of him but she was like a clingy little octopus! 

I placed my hands on my hips and my lips curled back in disgust. What the hell was this girl doing? She can’t push me around like I was nothing plus Asher was mine not hers!

Wait… what? 

I sighed let’s face it Rose. You are undeniably attracted to the alpha and you really want to punch this girl for even thinking about lusting after him.

“Excuse me?” I said overly sweetly. Giving Melissa an innocent look, she turned and gave me a disgusted glare “You’re still here? Get out you slut” Melissa sneered. Asher looked angry and he shoved Melissa off of him and came over to me. “Melissa…” he growled lowly. Asher took hold of me and pressed his face into my neck. I could feel him starting to calm down, just from touching me. 

I glared at Melissa “I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t touch Asher with your dirty hands. He’s mine you bitch” I spat venomously.  She gave me a shocked look “Prove it.” She said with a smirk. I don’t know what came over me but she was beginning to get on my nerves. So I gave her defiant look. “Fine you want me to prove it? Then I will” and with that I spun around and faced Asher.

Then without a second thought I pressed my lips to his.

Oh my skittles. 

I don’t even know how to describe how I’m feeling right now. But I shall do my best.

The minute my lips pressed against Asher’s it was like a spark went through me and I swear there were fireworks going off above our heads. It felt right, like this was where I was meant to be. In his arms.

How cliché...

Passion coursed through my body like electricity. What was supposed to be a short and simple kiss turned hot and heavy in a mere 2 minutes. Kissing Asher wasn’t like anything I’ve ever experienced before. At that moment I knew we were mates and I knew I believed everything he had told me.

I heard Melissa let out a strangled scream and vaguely heard her storm out of the house. But I didn’t stop kissing Asher. Our lips were moving in sync and it felt like I was on cloud nine. Without breaking the kiss my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms tightened there grip around his neck while his hands moved to cup my butt.

Asher started to move and suddenly I found myself against the wall. His hands caressed my bare thighs and I let out a small moan at the sensation. Asher took advantage of that and slipped his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance but Asher eventually won and took control of the kiss. I tugged on the ends of Asher’s hair and he groaned in pleasure.

Soon the need to breathe came too much to bare and we parted. 

Well… that escaladed quickly.

I was panting and Asher seemed a little bit breathless. But that didn’t stop him from peppering kisses along my neck. I let another moan slip when he pressed a kiss to the place I assumed he was going to mark me. He licked the spot before beginning to suck on it, I threw my head against the wall so he would have more access and I knew another hickey would be forming. 

When Asher pulled away he was looking at me with such love and adoration in his eyes that I couldn’t help but blush. “Um… erm… sorry for just jumping you like that” I murmured embarrassedly. I practically attacked the guy with my lips! Although I don’t think he really cared all that much…

Asher smirked “I knew you wanted me” he said cockily. I snorted “I was merely proving a point” I said, unwrapping my legs from his waist and hopping on the ground. Asher grinned “Well then you can prove that point anytime you like, I sure as hell don’t mind” he teased. I blushed “Shut up you loser” I replied. 

Yeah you sure showed him Rosalie! Great job!

Ahh sarcasm, how I love you. 

“So do you believe me now?” Asher asked. I nodded my head “Yup” was all I said. “So can I mark you?” he asked. I slapped his chest and frowned “Of course not! I am not ready for that! Besides I do know what comes after the marking” I said with a blush, moving past him and back towards the couch. Asher followed and sat next to me. I smiled and curled into his side while he wrapped an arm around me.

Asher grinned “Now that I seriously can’t wait for. The things I’m going to do to you…” he said going off into dreamland. I made a face and smacked the back of his head. “You pervert! I just accepted this! We need to take this slow… like snail paced slow” I informed him. Asher groaned “That’s not fair! You got me all hot and bothered!” he whined. 

I rolled my eyes “Well it looks like the shower and your hands are going to be your best friends for a while” I commented dryly. Asher frowned but then smirked “Can I just use your hands?” he whispered seductively. A shiver made its way down my spine and I had to push down the lust that wanted to be released. I gave Asher a look “You have such a dirty mind” I commented. Asher shrugged and didn’t comment.

I rolled my eyes, well at least he’s not as bad as Cole. 

“So… am I to be expecting anymore Melissa’s to come in here and ‘claim’ you?” I asked, examining my nails and trying to look nonchalant about the whole thing. Asher brought me close to his body “No, it’s just her. I’m sorry about that, she’s been crazy about me since high school. We dated briefly but she doesn’t know how to keep her legs closed and we broke up sophomore year” he told me. I nodded my head, glad that I wouldn’t have to go through that again.

I felt Asher move his head closer to my ear “By the way… you looked absolutely sexy when you were jealous” he whispered sensually. My eyes widened and I blushed turning my gaze to his face and saw he was giving me a smirk. 

“You- I- She- I was not jealous!” I sputtered. Lie.

I was so jealous. But Asher didn’t need to know that. I was a possessive little hunter, one time when I was little my cousin Emily took one of my Barbie’s and well… she still has the scar from where I bit her… 

Yeah… we don’t really talk about that anymore and let’s just say she never stole anything of mine again.

Asher laughed “It’s okay sweetheart, I don’t mind having a jealous mate. Makes me feel wanted, plus I would be 100 times worse of it was you” he said giving me a little wink. I blushed and didn’t respond. The image of a jealous Asher was seriously tempting me to do things I really shouldn’t be thinking about. 

Wait… I just thought of something…

“How old are you?” I asked, he looked older than me but not by much. 

“20, I’ll be 21 in August” he said casually. My mouth popped open “Really?” I asked. He nodded his head, I grinned “You’re three years older than me. You oldie” I teased. Asher gave me a mock hurt look “I’m 20 not 80” he stated. I laughed “Whatever you say old man” I said with a teasing grin. Asher rolled his eyes and grumbled something incoherent.

I reached up and pecked him once on the lips. 

“Just shut up and enjoy the moment”

So that’s what we did. 

* * * * * *


So I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter!

Yay! They Kissed!

So yeah… 

I’m really tired it’s like one in the morning and I really wanted to get this out because during the week I shall be busy with school and such. Argh stupid projects…


Don’t think that’s the last you’ve seen of Melissa! I think she might be someone important to remember *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

Well at least Rose has accepted the fact that they’re mates, but of course life is going to get in the way sooner or later! So keep an eye out for the next chapter!

Vote? Comment? Follow? Pwease?

Can we get 21 votes and 10 comments for the next chapter? Please and thank you?

First comment get’s next dedication!

Congrats to tatee99 for guessing the right song! It was in fact One Step at a Time by Jordin Sparks!

Stay Beautiful!

Xoxo- Shar

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