Chapter 3
It was early and Marinette was still buried underneath her plush covers. It was unusually too cold, even for November. Her phone buzzed, which was on her nightstand. In the cold. Marinette reached for her phone groaning at the chill. She was halfway of the bed when she grabbed it with a jerk and she slid off her toasty bed.
"This better be importan-"
"I CALLED AN HALF AN HOUR AGO, WHAT TOOK SO LONG!?" Marinette was definitely awake now.
"Chill Alya. Speaking of chill, its cold outside. What else would I be doing?" Alya scoffed.
"Look. I'm going to the club and you are coming with me. Just be ready by 7."
"And you wanted to tell me that at 6 in the morning?" Marinette raised her eyebrow even though Alya couldn't see her.
"Be ready." Alya hanged up the phone. Marinette scoffed and got off the floor. Marinette went into the kitchen and turned on the stove. She made herself 4 layer pancakes with butter and syrup. She put down her plate at the table and grabbed her a fork. She sat down.
"Good morning Mama. Papa." She kissed the picture of them and frowned. She ate her pancakes in silence.
Marinette stood outside her home, waiting on Alya. She wore a pastel colour crop-top sweater and some nice fitting leggings of a much darker shade. She also wore her combat boots to spice up the chic look with some boldness.
After a few minutes of waiting, Alya showed up in her Mercedes-Benz. Alya wore an open Back Plungle Bodycon Dress.
Marinette scoffed. "You couldn't be more explicit Alya."
"Hop in." Alya said, annoyed. They drove more into the bright city.
"So. Where are we going?"
"Just an awesome place. I know what you're going to say, but you need to cheer up. Just because your an only and lonely girl doesn't mean you can't smile and have fun."
"Smiling isn't really my thing. It takes a lot of work."
"It takes less muscle to smile than frowning, so what you are doing takes more effort." Alya pulled up into a big house with flashing lights and lots of teens. They all held beer bottles and were all shapes and sizes.
"Alya. Drive." Alya put the car on brake.
"This is our destinati-"
"TAKE ME AWAY!" Alya covered her ears.
"Don't sing or scream that ever again. And besides, what's wrong?"
"You took me to a frat house."
"Yeah, so?"
"I'M 21!"
"Look, Nino invited me. And he requested I bring a friend."
"And you brought me. Look, you know I don't like parties. The close cantact, the smothering bodies."
"I promise, we won't stay long, okay?" Marinette thought for a bit.
"You promise?" Marinette pouted.
"Yeah, yeah." Alya pulled the key out of the ignition and got out the car. Marinette unbuckled her seat belt and got out after her. The large blaring music found it's way to her ears.
"OoF. Should of brought ear plugs." Marinette walked into the house after Alya. The music was became louder.
"CUZ THIS IS LIFE!" Alya raised her arms and bobbed her head to the beat. Alya dragged Marinette to the kitchen where people were doing Jello Shots, beer bong, and whatnot.
"Kids.." Marinette shook her head.
Alya gave her a plastic cup of beer.
"Here! It's Budweiser!" Marinette grabbed the cup.
"Thanks.." She held it behind her back and poured it inside the sink.
As Alya got drunk, Marinette tried to find a place to hide until they can leave. As Marinette looked for a secluded place, she bumped into someone.
"Are you hurt?" Marinette looked up at the boy who knocked her down. He was a boy to be memorized,
Golden locks for hair and pale skin burnt crimson for skin. Electrifying green piercing eyes, and a concerned frown. Marinette brushed herself off.
"I-i'm fine." She said, struggling to keep her brave voice on. The boy held out his hand to pick her up and she obliged.
"I'm sorry, um miss."
"Miss Marinette." Marinette raised an eyebrow.
"See you later!" Adrien went pass her swiftly as Marinette felt lost for words for the first time in her life. She gripped her head in annoyance.
"I need to fing Alya." Marinette turned around and headed for the kitchen. She looked around for her and didn't find her. She poked the back of a jock.
"Kim, I recognized you from a mile away. Anyway, have you seen Alya?" Kim had a drunk smile on his face.
"She weNt with Nino insIde his cAr. GonNa drive HeR to his house, iF yOu get tHe DrifT." Marinette groaned.
"Bad time for a pun, but thanks. And ask Alix 'Why Kim?'" Alix came from behind Marinette.
"I don't know, dude." Marinette made her way out the door getting sick from all her personal space getting sucked up. Alya's car was still parked but no sign of Nino, Alya, nor his car.
"The one day you don't have the dang keys in the ignition Alya." Marinette huffed and walked her way down the road to the bakery. It was dark, and the fog was low. Marinette walked a farther away from the Frat party. She could barely hear the music now.
By now, the fog was real thick that she could barely see the street lights of Paris. She had a eerie feeling of being watched. She could've swore as she was half way to the city, a hand touched her back and made her flinch.
"Hello! Is somebody here?!?" Marinette wiped her head back to look inside the thick fog. She turned around and her face hit a cold chest.
Marinette looked up cautiously. The only thing she could see through the thick fog was electrifying green eyes.
"Hello... Marinette." The boy put a napkin with strong smelling drug over her mouth and nose. She gasped as he held it to her face and passed out.
"Sweet dreams."
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