*Flick “Hmmm.” *Tug “No, stap it.” You muttered swatting at the offending hand before turning over and curling in on yourself causing who ever was tugging on your ear to stop with a snicker, when they suddenly tugged on your tail making you snap wake and jolt up smacking your forehead into their nose by accident. Groaning you fell back holding your head as the other person cursed loudly. “Ow! Son of a fucking bitch, damn it kid you made my fucking nose bleed!” Arvid yelled tipping his head back so he wouldn't bleed all over his fur coat as he held it closed. Jumping at the unfamiliar man you scooted as far away from him as you could when the door across the room suddenly opened showing the redhead from before. “What the hell's going on? Arvid don't tell me you got a hard on from the brat, that's just sick man.” Kid said looking at his crews doctor who was still holding his bleeding nose when a flash of (H/C) ran into his legs nearly knocking him over. Catching his balance Kid looked down at you as you hid behind his legs looking warily at the man still in a rolly stool. “Fuck you! The damn twerp thumped me in the nose with her fucking forehead when she woke up!” Arvid yelled pointing at you while his other hand held his nose, flicking your ear you looked up at Kid when he looked down at you seeing the red spot on your forehead. “I see that. Come on kid I got questions I want you to answer.” Kid said crossing his arms before leaving, standing for a few seconds longer still looking at the fur coated man you mumbled an apology and ran after the redhead. Catching up to his fast pace and going up a few stairs you squinted as you were blinded by the sun as you both walked out on deck. “So kid-” “(Name)” You interrupted looking around curiously before looking up at the scared redhead with a small smile. Raising a brow Kid rolled his eyes and shook his head “(Name), why were you on that island again?” Kid asked going to the front of the ship for a little privacy as the other crew members on deck looked you over curiously. Ears flattening “I got into a fight with a neighboring boy. I don't remember what happened but momma seemed scared of me after and said that she couldn't handle me anymore. After that she said that she and I were going on a trip and we sailed to that island before she threw me off the cabin boat. It was scary, but I know how to swim! I'm a good swimmer!” You said excitedly with your ears flicking up before dropping back down again. “But when I got on the island people started screaming and chasing me. I got hurt a lot until they caught me and chained me in a cage.” You said looking down feeling your eyes starting to water. Humming in thought for a second. “Do you remember what happened after I left you to go fight the marines?” Kid asked tilting his head as he looked down at you. Sniffling “I...Went to the church… And when I got there...One of the scary people was standing at the vault…He had a gun, and shot at me...Um I, I don't remember...What happened next.” You said looking from side to side nervously trying to remember what happened. Holding your head you tried remembering more when Kid sighed making you look up at him confusedly as he lifted his scratched fake arm. “So you don't remember scratching up my arm or biting Killer at all?” Kid asked making your ears flatten more as you shook your head. Grabbing the bottom of your borrowed shirt “I don't remember doing that. I'm sorry I didn't mean to.” You whimpered feeling bad for unknowingly causing the redhead trouble. Frowning at the feeling you weren't lying Kid sighed pushing of the railing he was leaning against. “Com'on you've been asleep for the past two days so let's get you some food.” Kid said crossing his arms as you followed sadly as you looked at the ground. Going back down the stairs and down the hall past the room you stayed in as Kid turned through an open doorway. “Hey, Thorn (Name) finally woke up, make her something to eat.” Kid ordered making the cook turn his head. Just as he was about to ask who you were you peeked out from behind the counter curiously looking at the pleather wearing man [his outfit looks like Bon’s but his jacket good down past his belt] Looking at you before glancing up at his captain “I heard we picked up a stray, but this isn't what I was expecting.” Thorn said squatting down to your height making your ears perk up at the squeaking of his clothes surprising the raven haired man. “Oh shit man, she's a devil fruit user?” Thorn asked moving his hand to pet your ear and looked over your ears and tail as you touched his sleeve to feel the funny shiny clothes. Shaking his head “The kid says she was born with them. And she's also able to handle sea prism without her strength being taken from her.” Kid said unfolding his arms so he could lean on the counter when your stomach rumbled. Nodding “I see then, give me a few minutes and I'll make her something.” Thorn said standing up and walked over into the walk in freezer. As Thorn left you looked up at the redhead and stared at him. Feeling your eyes Kid glanced down at you “The fuck you want? I'm getting my cook to make you something, so stop staring at me.” Kid growled as you continued to stare at him for a couple seconds more. “I don't know your name.” You said making the redhead raised a brow “What?” He asked as you pointed to yourself “You know my name, but I don't know yours, what is it?” You asked pointing at the captain in front of you. Tsking “Its Eustass Kid. Now stop fucking staring at me.” Kid said as Thorn finally came out for the freezer. “Captain could you help the kitten onto one of the stools?” Thorn asked washing the salmon before getting to cooking it. Huffing Kid looked at you before walking out of the kitchen ignoring the request of his cook. Awkwardly standing for a bit you pulled out one of the high chairs tucked under the counter. Stepping on the metal bar you dug your nails into the cushion to help pull yourself up. With a grunt you were able to claw your way up onto the seat, smiling triumphantly you started to kick your feet and twist on the stool. Glancing over his shoulder at you “(Name) was it? Do you know who Soul King is?” Thorn asked with a mischievous smile as he opened a drawer pulling out a funny looking shell. Shaking your head “Na u, who's that?” You asked as the cook placed the shell on the counter before pushing a button. “Oh your gonna find out in a few seconds.” He said as music started playing from the shell.
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